- -'he wii page seven ' iiiiiMiitii i iiiii ii ' 111 ii ; -' TODAY'S 8CH EbULE. V ' ; RATIONAL LEAGUt" 'T uuimi2iri'- nr st 'v.i : : -. r " BJooklya at New York (8j;'W S PtiladeJphia at Bostoa;. V? ,n All clear r AMERICAN LEAGUE . Oiicgo At Clerbx-eiody.; St. ' Lnnlc ai rwtw( srot Boston at Philadelphia, 'fclear. - wr' Cfl : - ' Sr& H 7" S sisr oul,T! it,..; The Corbfett Co., Whplesale Ditrjlrtjtom WiUninstoo . -- i ' ' 1 i j-r- t - i It's an awful; 4hinjt -'Ibifr yoiir haiiI One of the first signs of unEipalthy hair is dandruff. You must get rid Jit or your hair will suffer; - ED. PINAUD'S HAIR TONIC hs 'been used for 100 .yeprs hy men and women everywhere for dandruff, itching scalp and falhng hair. UsVit: faithfully and prevent haldness and at the same time make your hair beautiful, lustrous and Sronf? Try on-, bottle. Ask your, druggist You can test .EDw' PINAUD'S by ending 10c. to our America .Office -tot fa? little bottle. 1 Xote how pure and fragrant it is. . - - i Parfumerie ED. PINAUD, Dept M ED. PINAUD BLDCL, New York Atlantis fctiiattffe ftocit, fair1. " New Ortean, at iebjattaliooga, cloud Birmingham" at WempTfls, cloudy. Mobile at NashTille. cloudy. 4 I! KT t r j, A1! Detroit St;LobrOi " At Cleveland 3, GhieftgO;' 4; . Stand Ina of the CI u bi Won; Lost. Pet. Chicago' ; r- ; . . . - 68 42 Boston ' j .-v .-. . 64- 41 Cleteland . '.6fr"' S3 Detrolt ' ' i . Vi . 4 . ,M $2 New York A $5- 45$ Washington:, .. . . .. .48 ' x-58 PhiUadelphfa .. .,-49' '3 St. Louia . . : . . . . , : k . 40 70 .618 .610 .536 -453 .388 .S64 National ieagtie. V S ALL KINDS MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN. . V.-" '- There is com fort and style in every, pair. , Big lot just receiv ed at .- PETERSON & RULFS Wilmington's Largest and Best Shoe Store. , Results Yesterday. ' r At Chicago S; Pittsburgh 2. ? At Sti. Louts 0-6 Cincinnati 7-7. Only, two-scheduled. hv . . ?::rr; rVxJn.' Lost; Pt& New York ... .. ..V;66 32 .673 Philadelphia .; ....52 ,44 .54 St. -Louis.!. .... . ;6 53 ,5H wneinnatfc a . . 4 v5SrM54 ;522 Chicago v,. .. .. ....14 : 55? Brooktyrt lm 52 .435 Bostottir. 43 55 .139 Pittsburgh . . : .33 '69 .$24 AMONG THE MINORS. - ' American Association: At Louisville 4; Columbia 5. . At Minneapolis 1 ; Kansas City 0. a- : At Indianapolis 5-4; 'Toledo 4-3. 4 At St. Paul-Mil waukeeV rain. 3 Southern Association , ai iwwf urrerasii; MODiie;-x. At Nashville 9; Little Rock 4. At Chattanooga 5; Atlanta 4. At Memphis 2; , Birmingham 3. International 'League; ,.! At Newark 3-2 ; . Toronto- 5-7.' - ' -At : PrQvidence 3;- Montreal 3. No others' scheduled: ' -2 ' ik if deolerorfrom us. Outfit consist of one Uarhjun Duplex Domino Jtazor vith white Altieri. (an Ivory handle afty Wrd, itropDins attach, nent and 6 Durham Du- P' oiadea. packed in a eaiunaredlatheICit Every reader of this paper may secure DURHAM DUPfctA HAtUK WT JER5EYtlTX,nJ.V I Hotels arid -Resorts lintel at tK;V safest and . fa-f-f-rhrfive resort on the South Atlantic Coast 1 he WIUGOTSVIIXE BEACH, N. C nilti y dneW for ''the Seasbrr Over 20:.0ab ielnpent on rojeiA Free hmBMV!'' TT'lTZ Soancl and 'Ocean fishing, sailing lanauu Tdectric trains connect Beach vithVJimngfon. N. C. Write today 'lor new wu-- booklet giving srecreau graphs or ixotei amuo-.i , - ' E. L. HINTON, Manager yt OCEANIC 'Hell righfsvilteBeaehrNyC: :r. r' - - " '""j - -V MUSIC- BY LUMINA ORCHESTRA BOATS FOR CHANNEL and OCEAN FISHING p AkSaUCAN CHICLE COMPANY js&S&ffl&ffi ? -:'v-.: ts: t , it- it tffsJlZlj:--' ' '' " - ' "' i .-. , '3-iv-A - " '' -:- - ' :'- - - - '' - j - (. . ,...- ,.. . . i..:..' ' CORT. one rof America managers, says: most theatrical .1.- .. ,- s - champioaship, at. Oakland,'- Cal.t i'.t asidl . brain cllew, it regularly a inni it qMeteiTo I iid-:;deiirive CALENOAR OF SPORTS , FOR .THE WEEK. - & 4f 4f . Monday. , -' U Opening r of Grand Circuit tap etk Orieninff of Great 'WBti'n.,r!h?trt4 meeting;at ButlingtoiCvJa! J National 'dotfbles v fiwlL, tenfils tour nament; ppens &t Longwodd;lMassf " v-VernJohl 'State- p,atrlptlel lawn . fcen .tWinwimMl!' ivriTiii'ri " i. t j4TTt. t T - iln , Maine- -State atrifttits,' lawn1 tehais tnnrnrtirnt rmetia' nf.'Tlim Wvlirt- .: . Wisconsin State jriodf ItWa'. tW' nis tournament 4 6ehs! at Milaiitek Iowa State patridtfe , . lawfe ' teaij tournament opens ax . lies vOjrnes;f Montana Stat 'pairtotit . iawn teri nis tournament 3pena atuniers' pi Springs. - v .'' - -!; " ih '? Midsummer ; touxawent tif 'Newt York State 'Chessv Association r- opena Annual - tournament; of- Wstjfef iRnn AsaoirftJon bnntt at' Ghidae-ck? Oregon. Statf- championship goU'j tournament opens, atromaaa. ; i Annual tournament of Iirinois-Wis.-' consin .1 Golf Association :v jopens at Jabe White vs. , Abe Friedman,"' if tournament at. Bedford f Springs' Pa;V . ' - Wednesday.- ; -j - of Indianapolis Golf AsSOclatidn op4 . Thunriav. Joe Welling -ts: Irish Pafsy -Kline? XV 1UUUU3.' ill,-ilB.n VJ ,. -.7. Vlj Rrfatol county n patriotic lawn tenH: nis tournameniopen8, ai iew c te- ' Southern -A.. A.' U.' swfmmittg cham ' Wail - V-i . - lund; finish WfestlTnt nfatcnVltt Cari roll, la. . . " ' , r ' , . .t Saturday ' -'-v' trlrttlr .. lawn tennis tournament onens at filaiit' Oitf .7 lai ftouthera A. A.U. snrifflralr-cham4 ntiinshin at .Atlanta: Ga 1'' ' f nis tournamefcV ;at Squirtel Island . inontnir ' nf race Ittcetinff at dhy ehhe (Wyo.) .Thoroughbred Breeders"! . Rrf- Cross rowihg rega.Ua t 'J)n46 mak iaSt. months' tour of inspeol u ttip -,,-1 is'acted upon convention of their international union iuth'Boaf Club, Pttltb;Mlari ; JiloWlper stments in Japan, favota6iyf as there.is every indication- which opened; today The pipben . 5r To) 3 i - 1 .V .it" IP , ;. . it :: 4-' " ""is. THE BTQraUSmiS-M&NS .GUM j d-Vo-l i -ntg .rPfe-pi p .r-'m i nrloV;' -in '' . . .' -;" . - m . t? . .... T,, ' . ..1 1 ' 1 ftsts&stpsessa&ss "r JS::- , - UHMi.viMiihPlumberB 'at Toledo!' ! 1 i V' r- ' T V- ifeAA. 1 SAttImnts. . . .-To Ueveiop i-orx ot monV. . f - - -:.! P TV f vtt BAuJt 13 -W M. " Mobile Ala., Aug. ;18. -At a apedal t Toledo, O. Aug.; j . VM. l " i iSSe .lection.in this cl' today the voters' plumbers frJm evsrye Li vV f T.aMAT-a :hatt.ww1r(i nasaase topsail. 00. t haUo oro in iwsa imon a nroDosal United States and canaaa,. neany x,r , tj. &n h VJ LJ -ij theteamshlp.'.EmpresS of Asia today j . $600000.bond issue for pDrt ter- 000 strong, are -here 'for the annual j, Onegirlana6nalBwimmiil itwYn he, an important step will ,will ba.Tiert for the -greater part . or . r 4 , . , I ... - ' anMm'nd nn ih trin hv.Ms f lUAl iL . ,v puosnrp will hA nlentlfullv Wlif W suWnianied on the trip by. his One hundred-mile autdbneMyiC 4l4ttghtrTbere are twen.ty ntflies rice.-at sheepsheiwi Bay, w.,i.:;taoas.m tne couBures io.e " South Jersey patriotic ikwtf Uehftls. Where? fopem are treated. .The Mission tournament opens at -Ocean City, N, JT. !fri- Lepers; which has its headquarters 'Minnesota Christian -Endeavor .-Uterent lepMWloirfeS where 11,000, n t nira Minn ': a nar. .is An army iieiers ana emiurw rtr suppvueu, c uaoD; jHM.v'fl -.tf . - -.- . . t,v ,! r- r-;.' : -.--- . ... .. ...-: of enthusiastic yoftnT ChriMiate-Bnlleved wt evangenzea. fof - the .annual convenuv" f State orgajilzatlon. 4 The sesstaas 'wflj - ,amV iva ATinv Will Dft 'ftU': dressed'hy 'a: number of notfedreflgtous MobS?ne of the leading ports of tho interspersed with the business sej Gulf The War Department has ap sionsat which the affairs of the DicWihe plans submitted by thi ; ganization and yariousmatterof im- pitrvvi LJie iJiaiio ow . , ,4- , 4 i,'ft will hp dlSCUSS- municipality for tne terminal -pnijrvv v jiui tanuc w - , ' " f" , - i ' , . Vfl linip crow T7T feoaaVAaaoclaJtipa tit Custodian vEav pJoyes of 'Federal Buildings met in thi tnty toda wth memherB f ln atenoV 'IMP J.4 An Trwannv"estors fcurry comb-con-J' -1 flisq , nf flexible locrfts 01 corrugutcu r P body. SAFE- Larcre bottle. SI. 'CSlilll 1 i.in-fi rrh . dirt nasses VJ-X booklet free. . , . '4 l.MT" t1 V.v,f; , liTrrtVw.'r-- vnrH. fires ai f"H"TTr"""T f r 1'l.H tUfcllUUB - iuu.; ,v --- ---. I joeibtn-ii Fere co hiottitor hose noziena3 uuvn uwibu v ??lf1. fed to be mountedn lumber' stacking t!lcnl faeopkj cfen have xii&fsf It la ahaff fcrwer,r?fiiyea sndruff and KtoyS f kJliag balr at c5t.e rry psclcas Kafibk'etli 'Accept fco fake preparation. , ,S6& lo Eselento. s Prc STSo oh fecrlplt of 'Btarupa or coin ""J - '1-5 AUCNTS WAA2TED CVERYWHERC ' 4 Write For ParHeotM-a KJCCUEKTQ MEDICINE COMPANY r - ' v , , Atlanta. 6s. f f f