. THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH, SATURD AY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 15, 191 7. PAGE FOUR ;-v-: 1 tar 5 1 i . 1" 1 ' 7 II : published " Wa t v x MTk CT TMr AY J r BY DISPATCH PUBLISHING CO. TIIFl'IIIMINCTnfllllfiPJlTC III. II ILIIIIIIU wii wiwi . w.. ; j TELEPHONES? v 1 General Manager's Office i v Advertising Department 44 ..176 k .176 . . 44 V205 I - Circulation Department . . j ( Managing Editor . Jt City Editor - FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE. t MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATEpPRKSS. I "The Associated Press Is exclusively enti- -V tn tht use for reDublication or all news K-VV credited to it or not otherwise credited to 1 ly- 1 this paper and also the local news publish I H, 1 li herein.. All rlsrhts of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. by mail: ;v-'V f nailv and Sundae ... . . ... , .$6.00 1 l Daily and Sunday, Six Months; . .$3.00 Daily and Sunday, 3 iviontns .. ..x.v Sunday Only, One Year . . . .... .$2.00 v DELIVERED BY, CARRIER: N i Daily and Sunday, per week . .... .3.5c Or When Paid in Advance at Office. Daily and Sunday, One Year . . $7.00 Daily and Sunday, Six Months... $3.50 j Daily and Sunday, 3 Months .,....$1.75 r ;: Sunday only,One Year . . . . . . . $2.00 Entered at the. Postoffico in WHmlnjh , ton, N. C; as Second-Class Matter. Foreign Representatives: Lorenzen. Green: & Kohn. 225 Fifth VAvenue, . 'New York; - Advertising ; Member Audit Bureau of Circulations. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1917: ;i Cant somebody advise how to put1 may-pops to use in the food conserva tion scheme? . We would like to hear from the suffragist, pickets on the Maine wo man suffrage election. Let no innocent man escape is Lux- burg's paraphrase ; of Grant's famous message. President ! '.' it wasn't very complimentary to the prised at their getting mad. Why- not require pro-German news papers to print all the letters they gei from United States Senatprs? -. . i Nobody has given housekeepers any advice "yet as to' how to practice "econ omy in use of goat meaL - " ' . Should Governor Fergurson, of Texas, be exonerated he mightget an other termT" If he is not he may get it anyhow. r: - I .Ourariend Luxburg, a while back Cfixnre&sp the onrxilon that wet of th ? United States were "very excitable." ; , Wonder what 1 he now vthinksT Df the It is said the Chinese can keep eggs i0 1 in edible condition for a hundred years, rri; If;they have much of a stock of such i , V on hand now is a good time to - make : shipments to this country. I v The Wheeling Register ; thinks that if the girls get. to wearing half-hose . - as a means of economizing they ought j c . to lengthen their skirts. The young ladies of his town ought to descipline - that editor. "Deliver me from my friends" was . the earnest and sensible cry of Lux- burg 'when he heard; of their assemb- lage at the Buenos Aires railway sta tion to greet him on his return-to the , "city ; following the disclosure of the ' Swedish code episode. 1 . "Maybe so, all right But " Russia should not have selected tnis time to go through her .. heart-rendering trans formation. She is needeJ down on the German frontier , at present more than, she is at home. She may 'not be ldst,but it is, mighty hard for her friends, the Allies, toy find just-now "where she is at:.w. '. ' ' h- Charity v. and Children urges Char- 'ti-Jotte to take warning; from thereputa'; tion Columbia has acquired from al- leged extortionate practices on the soldiers r at the contonments and ' to I treat those in her midst fairly. She I ought ; to do this for her own sake if o1rfbr, no other ; reason. We believe she -7 will do it. ; -v ' ' '"Those who profess to see only dia ; yj18 in tne Present conditions in Rus , . ; sia should remember what heart ren dng v tWrig the ( French were" 'forced y-: . : to undergo when they - were, throwing .-.': off the yoke of a despot and take heart "Russia ; is by nd means lost' yet, and , "V. -,C the chances -are; that it will come out r :;with; flying colors. High Point Enter- ' prise. ' I .'' , ?If ,wha is said about the feeling of :.T"LAilstxia.ior'"'Germany.' beitrue t may be ; ' -V said .she has changed the ; phrase: in-' 7- :C this -country ; of ; ''our friends the : eh- emy' into Vthe enemy our Allies' It is,saidi,that "while it rwill be five or ten years - atteV close . of the ; war be- fore vany German.; will , be able : to setcen.8es are issued.' Knowing that, the foot ,with any comfort in England and 7v lifteeh or itw'enty years before he' may ;;;,;comfortably:yIsitV;Fi v , : twenty rfive yearg Jat least before any i; v Gefmanvisltor will findnything re ''' : ' sembling"a: welcome Jri AUstria;'' This ; ; ; " statement,;: It 'is ;fsaid,H coraesrom Vienna! ixf&. Z&AfxKf M ''I -J ' I " v -' V' ' A.: "- - ' .'-, ilk-; A- A- '. V' "TRADING WITH THE ENEMY i J ; v i--yyX''-yfi : i; , ! The bill to prohibit, trading, with the enemy, ': wmcn passeu iueii"UUOD, ,Ui Representatives J last i Julyipas vjust been passCdr.by; ,he sJato- : Tlat tjodyl amended, the Uillv in .many re- nprf . That'inearis the bill , has to aip-eed bjr become ailaw; ; V-: : '; V ' This agreement" may come 'quickly r there may haVe to be seVeral efforts" T :y.. ! gress -.tOgetner ' . Jonsequeuujf , ; wwu t.'-:--"7. T:'var . vy-iv:'; may be still further delay in the" final The whole .of joyal America: should enactment this '0:S$'s?m f man and demand of; the It is- to bedped ihewill ':notbe,.adminI6trattqnXthat it. is cy Mvvtru. ..,. r r-'-.'Z- w .rx-i such postponement -pfputting vthiS:,P very important '-law There has' been ,too much ready. ; '; i Sr-y-r- ji; This, should have been one of the 4 ; first 'laws DiBsedlly-CongreW?attWi; its f declaration last April .that ; a state j i ' Ever since : the war i began Germany has been ; drawing' money ifromT the United .'States, and; she'r fs ;stUl doing so. "BuslnfeliaVinnh'itetateB'ls paying large . sums 'of . money to the 6 n y , nation with which "she is 'at actual waravtremarkabletatfof affairs and one hard' to believe. - : -' Had Congress, promptly onr the de claration; ot ; war.y passed the bill that is now gotten so far as' the conference committees, thousands - upon thou sands of dollars would have remained in this country, which, 'through; lack of such legislation, have gone into the coffers of our enemy to be used in conducting the war against the United States and her allies. J ." - . '; Congress . has been entirely too lax in this matter. - Through that laxity niuch damage has been done. . The country fhopes ' to see the rem edy applied, ; and applied effectually, by the executive "department of ' the government "as soon as the legisla tive department gives ' it- power .' and authority'; to do so. We wantrto see the President 1 enforce the law; ; vi gorously: against those pro-Germans in this, country, who in the past have taken advantage of the leniency jot the government to: give all aid in their power to the enemy. Under this law he will -have the power to take action against, all such persons, and it will be expected of him that he do so. In Central' and 'South America there are many Germans, some of them still German subjects ancL others who inave pecome" citizens or tne countries fetl theirkdORUQ whether Ger- man subjects , or American K citizens, they are all loyal to the mother" coun try and most of them are acting in one way or another as agents of that country. . v.Throughj.vthem. , immense sums of money ( are being transport ed from the "United States vto Ger many. TheausinlBSB-mn, mostly financial leader in theclass of busi ness engaged fin, and .industrious in their , ef f ortslo aid their country at the expense of; this- one They are imen. or meanshave' business connec- tions. in thisiiCountry; through' which they buy and'seiland haveg6od,credit here. TheseVbeing facts it.can readi ly be seen what ; injury such men can do as -' long: as they are fallowed to carry on their ' bperationstp :i; V" ; As an example of such proceedings take :: the- cdf f ee t ttade The ' coffee interests of some of the. South Ameri can countries are mostly in German hands, and the business is financed i in the ; United "Stetes?Thesemen draw upon this country ilof gold .'or its equiv alent against the -coffee, and our ' gov- emmentrcando nothing" to prevent ii although . knowihgthatVthis i money goes to our enemy . for war purposes. More thari thls;fe very ' one knows that our country is' full of alien "ene mies men . who i are ? day. and nigh; at workln the; interest' of Germany, scheming all the time to do material injury : to; the; America, cause .1 They wiu stop at :notnlng in their nefarious work, u Crime 'j, does not deter "them" and even the tear pf detection does "vxu lucm, uw, &u lenieni nas our government been with them. They have no regard for life- If they scheme to blow .up a factory making war munitions, or to sink a .vessel carrying supplies I to our soldiers in France, it. is of no consequence . to them ; that men; women and children are at work in the factory at the time the bomb is touched off, or that the 'ship carries human freight as well as war; munitions. Their - one .Idea arid property, let : theN ! consequences be what they ;may.--v "A. if;-"'? ' There is a law which ; prohibits alienv enemies f rom f approaching navy yards, arsenals - arid 'other go venimnt works ; but the law! . provides xi- that licenses may ber issued to such persons to remain within th prescribed, boun- aaries. Entirely; too -many such li- country is full bf German . spies and German, sympathizers ready at : all times to damage government proper ty, there . should- be nb-;. exceptions made to- thf general, provisions of the lawl- xj;Z v-.::.:A I The explosionat Mare .Island navy yaraana rd ana the two burglaries, in the fice in.? the vCapJtolof ;rthe xAaiman 'of the Senate :Firiance : Committee, :-to cite Vno other, instances,; show that -the yuuMj.i ucuau ogems, aiatt- r i j v t . 4 n : , ; . ing at ' nothing and "doing: anything ftd 'W-M V'S "i?f tta.n the.r,P?rpo?d. . , . . ; rlil 7 auis aiate yi. atiairs r snoma :: oe .brought to an end,: Examples shpuld? of their adoption They are more. Wes- Picable than ; the regular -spies mein- hers of theGermah Secret service, Who ar sent hr to' t intnrmaHnJ intbr ? operation." enforced, and the country ; rid ot this hrdeiaycla?siO V-vVi;-----,'::Hit Xhe Durham, clerkfe have refused to enter1 the strike onthe Seaboard Air Line; .at Richmond ! the ranks of the rikers are being filled v and It looks j JeW e Psent attempt .to secure ! hieher waces bv the strike ront is going to be listed ; among the failures. -r-Charlotte Observer.. , t K'&yil A credit bureau tor the mutual co operation of all the merchants of .. the city.was adopted at a meeting of :the retail 1 merchants, department of the Chamber of Commerce held -Tuesday afternoon, and the scheme w:n put into operation here immediately. The merchants also decided to observe as National Pay-Up Week the week of October 29-November 3. Henderson Dispatch. ' r ' ' ; : y-A special automobile session of mu nicipal court was held this . morning and . one of the cases tried, was that charging the judge, J. Allen Austin, with . driving his machine up . Main street at a gait in excess of that pre scribed by! the statutes. " The judge handed down a blanket decision, as it were,- ii the several cases charging the fracture of the automobile' la ivs and: in each instance the speeder s was taxed with the costs-7-High; Point En terprise, f ;-JdT" ::'- ----r':- vr'-. ' Mr. Joseph L.. Kirchner, superin tendent of the Harris . Granite-Quarries . Company's . . plant at Granite Quarry, was . seriously injured .Tues day afternoon by the explosion of a blast very unexpectedly. He was di rectly over the charge,, when it went eff 'and his face, hands and " chest were badly lacerated ; and., his body bruised. It has not yet been' dete mined whether his eyes are perma nent! injured. Salisbury Post . : ; "' Many Lumberton people , went : to the , Edmund mill pondi near ML EHamf yesterday on account" o fthe fishing at the pond. The water was drawn off and tickets were r sold for fishing. It is said that around .2,000 people were at the pond ; and more than, 400 went into the pond fishing, paying $1.50 each to go in. While a Dumber of fish was cougtit there were so many people 1 there that it wras not an easy matter to get a "mess," even 11 you naa plenty or money along. Lumberton Robesonian. There may be some significance in the : fact that work - of remodeling; buildings in regiment reservation No. 1, near the Dowd house, was under taken with great speed several days ago, to provide . for heavy artillery units, instead of .the - ammunition train, which previously had been as signed to this section and for - which the buildings were constructed. -Reports that heavy artillery outfits arcs coming have developed some com ment regarding the possibilityjof an artillery range being esiueuoned' near Charlotte. Charlotte Observer.- Doc. Payne, while ! examining the men called. to, the colors, came across, one guy who refused to hear anything at all. After wasting about- a hun dred pounds of. air on the man try ing to make him understand, Doc! got disgusted, and turned him over " to Doc. Stevens. V Motioning the dummy over,, into a nearby corner, the latter. Doc, in ' sugar-coated words like the sir ens of od used, said to him in a low, ; undertone: '. "I , suppose ; you want your exemption papersv now ?M "Yes, suh," responded the man, quick as : a flash, forgetting for the moment that: he was playing off deaf. ."'To the : war you go," was ' .Doc's Z only re sponse. Monroe Journal." ; " . v j WHERE WILMINGTON MAY COM.E tt-v-r-. --...-. . v' irti;, . ..(Charlotte Observer).! : . All the foodstuffs which will be, per mitted 1 to gov to Europe by., theship ping board will be sent out of ports In the South. : This ; is by reason-of the congestion at Northern ports and in the interest of 7 expedition , in the ; dispatch of exports. It is likely that Norfolk wil get a large share of this shiping business' Charleston ought: to. come in on this opportunity, and Wil. mington - should have 11 the business it' could atend to. To The -Observer's mind, Wilmington-would be. found one 1 pf the . most desirable shipping, points , on tne Atlantic coast, lit-nas excellent harborj v facilities, an' abundance -. of wharfage, and from.; all directions its j railroads ? could brine in the freight i by train -loads." ; The railroads "serving the ;port - of Wilmington ramify ;. the interior; in.1 all directions. , Wilming ton's harbor dould be: filled With ships awaiting pbrt Cargoes and the rail road . facilities.! would Che found ample for Sthe; progressiveIoading of these vessels; Wheat would be a laree item : .'n this, export business and If -Wil mington-is not alfeadv orovided with elevator f. facilities the .lack of thesf , time An ODDortunitiv is awaitin v I the government afc this North Carolina I port that tsould be scarcely -.overlook- sa, ana une o Dserver is confidently ; expecting Wilmington to : share of the vast store the , shipping 'f'W aavetrits disposal v for:; r:.'f: g 9 .;, .. -. " : WIT TE EDITOR W. J. Bryan already haying returned ni3 first PlpiM the qld i journalistic -A. man, will "not j fiye cent cake - of soap. , say ass roc ? a 'thank still (a you" and walk out. There are w, however, who will walk naPe C( into , a copy of Oharitv:y arid !hifdrfii. -i Honor of i their f not iha Vft.'nolrtn flfrn.nl nniT "quor; to' do C what the ;hatiohs of the earth failed f to accomplish ,and died in the . gutter,' Besdea man would be a fool to " copy .the vices rather than the virtues of." a great man., M Greenville ; Refleictor There is hardly a. doubt that thefariners are rushing their tobacco ; ;lcrop to' the market too - fast. True . they want to get the benefit of the prevailing high prices,v but , if , they , continue to . over crowd the j market,; as ? has-been the ease-" since., the ; opening three s; weeks ago,' there is danger . of breaking down the prices. It will be. wisdom for them, not to market so last ; from now- on, and they, should be very careful to keep ? their tobacco dry.; 1$ Salisbury Post.-From' all Teports District 4 Attorney -Hammer warmed v the jacket- of the- Santly county farmer ' who was arrested and held for" Federal court for seditious talk fand acts. ' No doubt' the: attorney was right, but the same - sort of - talk ought to be handed' to some higher up than" the man from 'the backwoods of Stanly. It is all right to make the folks face the' issuennd benave like real Americans', but the rule ought to work in all directions; and for all of- J tenders, v high and low? 1 and every where. There .has been too much dela? in ' getting t ftfter the 'fools and treasonable ones and the country is suffering from . the leniency, shown in such cases v But now, that the rule seems to be more vigorous maybe we will , see an early end of all this Kaiser talk-and acts on the part of folks who are supposed to be Ameri cans. ' - -,. l ; Cardinal Farley's Anniversary.; New York.' Sept 15. Cardinal; Far- Jey today rounded 'out fifteen years aa archbishop of New Yo'rk. There was no celebration of the anniversary. The Cardinal is seventy-five years old. He, Vas born in Ireland in 1842 and was or- dained in Rome in 1870. He was chosen. Archbishop ' of Icw York on September 15; 1902,' and created a car dinal on November. 27, 1911. :iV:;; LAST STAGES OF RIGGS DISEASE : NEW YORK, N. Y.The following distinctive features are observable in the treatment of riggs disease, by pa-:l tients using pyorigg: The, disease is 1 Dromptly arresteu. The color of .the j gums is restored to a healthy pink con dition in the course of a few days. Undue, redness of gums disappears. In flammation, soreness v and . sensitive ness disappear.: Gums build up and fill out, receding stops. Teeth lose their yellow; color. ! Separated : teeth come together. . Loose 'teeth' tighen up and bleeding of gums beases. - Shrunken gums are inyigora ted and healthified. These are the . results in most cases of using pyorigg,- a new prescription specially; for riggs . disease, which comes in the f brm ot a medicated; mes sagc ointment, and iss dispensed t in original packages, price one dollar, at best drug' stores, in eluding Jarman & Futrell, in ' Wilmington. Advt. - ? 1 ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF eisea West Twenty-third SU at Seventh Af. NEW YORK CITY tjyf7 European Plan . , 500 ROOMS 400 BATHS Boom with' adjoining bath : y ri $1.00 and $1.50. V'-;-Suites, parlor, Ved room 'and bath $8.00 r: v a-.. shd ' upward. ,v -:i :.:v":: ?'t Clnb Breakfast. 2S p. - P' - . V Special t Laneheon, 50 . up. ',. . "i Table d'Ifote Dinner $1.00 op. - :,,a-:a Cafe attached. - . . ;5: ; -" , To Reach Hotel Chelnet. From Pennsylvania Station, 7th Avenue car south to-23rdStreet ; . ; r E. Grand Central., 1th Avenue car, south to -a 23rd -Street :.-v?---i-Lackawanna, Erie,' Reading,' Baltimore ' 4? Ohio,' Jersey Central and Lehigh Valley., R.. ,11., Stations, take rd . : Street . crosstown car east to Hotel ' -Chelsea.' r- -. ; ; - -I a,.:-. Principal Steamship PiersPoot. Wes v; 23rd Street, take, 23 Street cross town car. , - ' ': .: v i WHITE t FOB COLORED MAp" OF V Wilmington, f. iWilmingtoh's Best Holel, Amerl- ' : ian Plan ore Wock from Wrignts- . vuie r ueaenscar unej. -v r'A : TV- .'. - FW. ARMSTRONG J Prnri I y:yH"'"U I ; vM I . . : ' v..- -..-r - f : liT. CL,: . .tut " , - II 1 . - - TLX i i r i liotei mn V:-.-.v.s-' . t-1 ParisSrept 14. Paul, Painleve :.:.'..x.M.XX- dent Poincare that he has accepted; the . task; of form mg a . mmistry to re place that headed by Alexandre Ribot .' : M. Painleve said. the. new ministry. ' should not be : representative oXp.plrti cal ) parties butaV go vernment: pf nai getic conduct of the "war. "Photo show M: -Paihleve (at right) with General IN L -9 fHATStlif: ,t -V, are My Prices: y f Royal TheatersBuilding.) 7 Season's latest in .Taupe, Gold,. Black:ani White Velotir TRENCH WASH INGTON DlCi OPPOSITE CAPITOL .. AiwiiiiiUf Renowned - for its High ... j '- ; i UMNUUft m -. m m mm m - n -v. KB It. iT!79'Ill HI ' - The tandar Railroad of Tht v SoMth,.;. , Arrival and Departure of Trains Cat Wilmington, tEffectlve July . 8th,u 1.917. Arrivals, schedules, and connections .given as information, -,v nut. not taranteea. ' : v, - vVi-ili-:.-';: DEPARTURKS: , -: :'::-'v'vTO 1 AND IBOM- MtfC . AXUTlVALSi ...- - I " 'i. - ; 1 .1 Noi 61 - Florence, Colombia. Pullman Sleeper. Wtr- -; jn m S:80 A. M. mlngton and Cmumbla open vto rwlw t fc' - imasengers after 10:OQ P;-M.v.f ., & .S?8W - ; Goldeboro, Klchmond, Nortolk nd North. - No. 49. i.wi . tn. , Parlor Cw Wilmington nd Norfolk. i 6:05 P. M." v- - ' m.HJ ' t ayettevill,' Sanford and Mt Aliy. . : No. 62. ' o. 63. jackiionTllIe and: New Bern, p :'; ,..7 - j,,w V " j.- 1 T t ,18:80 P. M. . ; . .'- . ., J Florence, Columbia, ' Augusta, Atlante and " , tbe West." Charleston, Savannah and ? ' ' -.7 . . . No. 65. : . Florida points. Pullman Cam Wllmlnt- No 64. ; 8J45 P. M. ton to Atlanta Via. Augusta and to Ashe- tt50 P M. ;-;: ;.-; -.: - .-? . ville Via Columbia. ; . : . ,..,- ; . -. a:,-:- . v !-':'i:!;:;:;cf.RIeimorid,cNorfdlR-; .-Washington 'and New 'A--f-" tri2;' YorK' Pullman Cars to Washington and v ! :No. 41 H s45 : . J ' Norfolk. -t r;.. .,. ;;.;,, r,,;-i U t: A. M.- For Folder Reservations, ra tes Passenger Traffic Manager.' ; Wilmington, yy il ;.;'.. A'y-AAAyyyyAy'yyy'yAyr-yAr-i 1 ' . . . - mmwsmyy A'-; can 7v. ym-iX'ri Pv'tA KA-A-h ;v fv5 ;;nir':MHi k f n rJAmrv : . i ! V I M inisfer' of War,: has informed ' Presi IBB and UNION STATION uu wumwuy Service and Low Rates, ? EUROPEAN ' PLAN RoOEl per dy $ 1.50 Cr? Without ;lMltli 0' j aad upr Roan per ij v $2.0O with' bath : V '-'i i np '- ; All Rooms Outside BooUet for . the asking .' ! : C ' of fares, etc., call 'Phone 160. . : ; V General Passenger Agent,", N. C t'- C v-c., " t 1 ill 1 lifrf is 1 - II Si Suburban ScW ksve " Leave Wilmington, x 6:25 A.M. v'6:55 x 7:25 " ' X 8;00 I ' ; 8 :30 " 10:00 ;"' !i 4 ..r- 7:i0 . 7:40 x 8:15 - 8:45 . 9:15 10:15 ! 1:10 P.M. i 2 :00 " . -2:30 " i : 3 :00 rv3:30vf 4:00; " , 4:30 . " ' 5:00 " ; 5:30 " . 0:10 6:40 " 7:15 " A ,i8:15 ' - 9:15 " ;i0:15 " ,05 1:50 i 2: . 3:13 , 3:45 4:45 5:15 o:45 6:20 0:05 I 8:00 11:15 " . 10:oo . 12:10 A.M. 11:00 . ?n T r" oni 8:00 A. M., and Worn 2:00 rV. Leave -j Ninth and Orange stron A. M. Leave Beaoh io-ak ,?eets Freight Office open 'sund"flv , Ai M. to 11:00 A. M. amaW from ij, O R . Vpoth Powder, Tooth Past. Brushes, Combs, Shaving Sticks Safety-Razors, Talcum Powders' .Cold Cream, Cifcars, Cigarettes! Smoking Tobacco. REMEMBER OUR SOLDIER BOYS! Phones: 211,212. 107 Princess Street FORECLOSURE. By virtue of the power of sale contiiJ In a certain . mortgage made by Tho fayne ana wue ana cnaries Payne to !M Wilmington Homestead & Loan Asm tion and duly registered in Book 89, ptf 11 of the records of New Hanover Comw default having been made in the paymrt of the debt secured by said mortgage, tij undersigned will sell, to the highest bUi der, at public auction, for cash, it k Court House door in the City of Wllnh: ton, on , Wednesday, the 19th day of Stp tem ber, 1917, at 12 o'clock M., the following described property : Beelnnlng at a pots in the Eastern line of Sixth street SI fei South from 1 the 1 Southern ilne of Mt street: runs thence Southwardly ivlllist Una rr tJWtli nfrnaf 1 f not tlianxk Avardly parallel with Bladen street mm thence Northwardly parallel with Slit! aui. ' 1,1, .V., ' " ,,,, u.av street; 33 feet; thence Westwardly pmM with Bladen street " 165 feet to the begii- ning. ' ' This 20th day of Ausrust. mi WILMINGTON HOMESTEAD & LOil ASSOCIATION, By Johh D. Bellamy & Son, Attorney 18-20-30 days. MORTGAGE SALE. Bv virtue of the nower of sale conteW fn a certain mortgage made by Joba Ft Mosiey and wife to tue wnmingion a stead and Loan Association, bearing J the 25th of April. 1914, and duly regi nn thn rpcnrrla nt New Hanover County l Book 82. page 96, the undersigned wi'M for cash, at the Court House door in 4 City of Wilmington, N. C, on Monday, 8th day of October, 1917, at twelve ocM m., the following described propenj h nto In the Pltv nt WllminErton ! Beginning in western line of Sixth tm 99 feet south of southern line of BUM afraat" vnna i-lianna annfhWSirdlV WKD ""1 tern line of Sixth street 33 feet; th westwardly and parallel with u street '165 feet; thence northwardly" parallel with Sixth street 33 feet; tba eastwardly and parallel with Bladen sw 165 feet to the Beginning, and Deuig m of Lot 2, Block 2S0. . mt.:. c-v. inn n Cnnfamhor i!)l7. ' WILMINGTON HOMESTEAD AD LWi issnriATrdff. By John D. Bellamy & Son, Attonw 9-6-30dys . SEABOARD AIR LINE The Progressive Railway of the Sou v Effective Nov. 12th. i918-R0)f DEPARTURE OF TRAINS f WILMINGTON. .,ir No. 133 :55 P. m.-Train f or "a i ' Intermediate Points PULLM J fJ ' LOR CAR, WILMINGTON TO LOTTE. , , rth.rlnttel"' No. 19-5:00 A. M.-Train for ',ttCi - , Intermediate Points. SLLElii w BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND W - LOTTE. Open at 10:00 T, M-forl ARRIVAL OF TRAINS AT Vffjffi No.. 14-12:30 P. M.-Tra in from k and n Intermediate P"1,?; rHARW1! r ' PARLOR CAR BETWEEN CHAt"1" 1 AND WILMINGTON. . ' No. 20-12:10 A. M. Train from tv and Intermediate , Points. 81 CAR BETWEEN . CHARLOT 1 '' WILMINGTON. PASSBNGBBS , ' REMAIN' IN SLEEPER 1 .For detailed Inforination nni 0 lions. -can on l-ujt Hotel Building. , .. t. ,: . , 'Phone 18. ' . - -r s KOONCE, T. ; ; ;7 I" Wilmington. N. C. y A JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A., Raidg - I r.-.c for " Pleaseure Drivlnf, DancJ Wedding anJ Commercial Co. Phones 15 and 345. ; COAST LINE HOTEL CAFJ Rooms by the oay. J month at reasonable rate ;fi at any. hour. Fresh Oyflte , and, Shrimps. 208 North street. . pnone -1 F HIM JARMAN PI AUTOS FORJS

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