- i. - . 4 ' - . ' ., , ... , - , t , - . , , i ! A A V- y - v " - -V" ' ' !, "-v "w -V. :the:: WEATHER FORECAST s. f 1 1! a North and South Carolina:.: Part- i cloudy tonight , and ' Saturday; orobably showers . Interior.;-tonight.;,, EDITIOL' yjIIl.. -Njjg SEPTEMBER 21, 1917. , -; ' V; , V : J-;. : PRICE FrVE CENT3 id fi Vi ins III VtiJ ; r7 T7 o 4. 4 . . i 11 ii ii iy Ilii Ii I 1 IP II I I I HIIJI ON eOHSTANTS OF SELEGTER TO Another Astounding Dsclo sure of Germjan Intrigue. America. $50,000 WAS THE $UM BERNSTORHF WANTED LA FOLLET Sill R SPEECH Exposure Indicates That Other Money Had Been Used to )Say. Country Had no Grounds innuepce congressional ac- j. tion ' irTMatters Relating to Germany. ' For Making W ar on , Germany ' - (By Associated Press.1 . . St. Paul, Minn. Sept. 21.-Senator - . . Wa 0Rynss6ii P5iS3-c!nwat0i' LaPollette told a largfevaudiencer gath Washington: Sept. 21. Secretary ? Lansing today v madepubbc, as an T,foduCers arid consumers -conference astounding addition to the series' of ? t nivht that he was oDDosed to disclosus covering German trigue-1" SfyJ these technical, rights in traveling n ten aaa ' - i,,o-k ,,narnA s belligerent merchantmen laden, with through an ? unnamed organization,? v n TK apparently known to ' the Berlin au- munitions, was worth going , to war about. . '. , vL. : ifev:J's The delegates to the" conference. thorities. j,' - " w T0a-Ta nnorh hl mainly farmers, frequently interrupt- nis message that money had been . ,. . , ' ... .rr, thjo . .orott rt fnmr. n .i e 1 his si.eech with applause.. There casions to perform the same work. : The text of the message, made, pub lic without comment, follows: ' "I request authority . to pay up to 50,000 (fifty thousand) dollars, in. or der, as on former -occasions, to, influ ence Congress through the organiza tion you know of, which can, perhaps, prevent war. ' . "I am beginning in the meantime to act accordingly. . : , - ' "In the abovecircumstances, a pub lic official German declaration in fav- ui vi iiuianu is iiigmy uesirauie, m , ffie ,ft chance. oruer 10 gam me support 01 irisn in fluence here." - - Tlie text of the messages was giv en out without comment in the same manner as were the, messages ' of Count Luxburg, German minister ; to Argentina, which have disrupted re lations between -Argentina and ; Ger many, and the letter of German' Min ister von Eckhardt in Mexico City, recently made -public. ; V'T Whether the State Department "is in possession of other evidence indi cating the ambassador's activities has not bren revealed, but the extraordi nary disrtosuresalready 'made : hav fixed the belief that agents .of the United States government Jiave , col lected and compiled the entire' story of Germrm duplicity and intrigue and that additional chapters will be" ad ded. ; - :'::;:,";.V:i '-r- The reference to averting war, ' is taken as an indication that Ambassa dor Cernstorff had prior fcnewledge of his government's intention to' pro claim a, merciless widespread subma rine warfare, and that he, was equal- Jy confident that the United: States government could not be : easily pla cated by mere ' promises. "s The Ger man announcement 'of - Its intention to expand its submarine - activities as not made public until A January 31, when the world was 'Startled, not nly by the determination; to remove all lT'strictionn, but . by the statement that ir would become effective on the. Jollowinp: day. Three days later the United States government had. ' ex pressed its disapproval byV severing relation with Germany, v, .?: That the German ambassador : knew of his government's intention was: as suiiK d by, some officials, although at the time he denied prior ; knowledgeV and those in close touch" with the c-mbassy were given to -understand that h(, not approve the " course and worked to secure -.modification. If has not been 5 assumed that ' Xh6 jwbasisador " actually attempted to oribe or personally influence ' any member of Congress,, and doubt that! ""'-ii was were a few an the gathering, however.i who did nb,t approve all the senti ments .expressed by the speaker. When the Senator, in making his dec laration that the United States should never"- have ' entered : the war .sought to defend the sinking of the Lusi tania, there came cries of "you're yellow."- Instantly thero was confusion, but above the' uproar, the Senator shouted in an himself.- I'll take care of any man who interrupts; me if you will, give me -n rhanp.R." Fully 6,000 More Men Expect ' ed From The Three V . States. OVER 4;soo HAVE : 3 Railroads Handling the Move ment Expeditiously and No K . -" Accident Reported A Cot For Each Man. (By Associated Press.) ' v - , Columbia, S. C., Sept. . 21. The movement , of selected men fori the" .national army from North Carolina, South ' Carolina and Florida to Camp Jack3on continued today with indica tions that the largest increments yet I KICOUN l (By' Associated Press). . -4 - Petrograd, I' Sept. " 21.-irGeneral ; Alexieff ..has resigned his post, as 4 i chief ; Of ther eeneral staff, under 'I .mander-in-thief . of the 4 Russian s armies, according t ."newspaper 'repOTtstoday.v iie . resignation" is : said . to "1 be ;due -, to differences with the premier, the latter insist- n&. on ihe removal- from" , head- 4' Armed Men : Attempted to . picioh ' of complicity with .General Korniloff. . , ii Lynch' Negro in Raleigh LastNight MiBiiiiii OF HEART TROUBLE NEGRO CHARGED WITH ; ; ATROCIOUS CRIME Myo-Garditis is Said to Have Been Cause of . Her; ; ; -,rm-k Death. Special Term of Court tol Try ? the Accused Called Today. Prisoner ; Charged With : ' Assaulting White Lady ; m p 55-1 1-7 n Ii if-. 1 r ti V I V I 1 1 (Special to The Dispatch.) 5 received would arrive during tie day L. 7 " V V i" ' Z o en1 , -; 4, Bingham.1 returned -'at noon from the and night. Over 4,500 have already . ' been mustered in nnrt it ic O,toto;, I ' refused ; to ; say anything. there are fully 6,000 yet to come. TheK 1 1,4. v - . they will! send -.a representative rto last; trains bringing this 'increment; Wilmington to see what ls being: done axe not expected to arrive before 1 and ,r insist on Judge Bingham being Sunday. , : ' ' ' ;. I represented in any stens.. They.' also 1; The railroads have been handling I ne 0?c?,f. Dr. 31. L,. - Ravitch, and no accident has yet occurred to uwr ... uic. uucaaiun; qi ue inea on lueir and . immediately . assigned to -, quar ters. -All have been given comfort able'- cots i on . which to - sleep. They 1 nessed-of the, $5,000,000) -codicil; was broken' into .Wednesday nghUand pa pers stolen! -l'i-r'Sl V - .- .--, 1 1 x j il... 4 .... ..! Louisville, :Ky.;: Sept. 21.'rMrs.cRob- ert . Worth Bingham, : formerly ' Mrs. Ileniry M. Flagler, who; died in this city, July. 27, had : been unconscious. i hours before her demise ' Her death, wiu not , oe : assigned unirorms ; and according to the v certificate" of the? ati other equipment until they have pass- tending physician, , was due . to myo ed ; the examination of the army sur-, carditis.: Prior; to that time, it. was gens. 1 It is stated enough uniforms 'stated today in' a quarter close tO the . . . , . , , , (Bingham family, she frequently felt are on hand to amply provide for all, out appayr'ently having a special the , troops included in the present malady. ; Dr. - R. ( M. Tavitch a ; close movement v 'personal friend of Mn Bingham, fre- r First "H ike " - ' quently attended ; her. ..When she he- A"ti . o o-i t " u V o aaa' came acutely ill f of heart trouble, - Dr. Atlanta. Sept. 21.-More than 8,000 w;- F. Bogge4s was caUed into consul men - some Of Whom less ' than two ta tion and attended her constantly Attorneys in Louisville interested days ago were occupied in Ncivil pur- d: "Any man who says that! smts at tneir respective Homes, in audience ' like ; this,' is yellow j Tehessee, Georgia and Alabama,Tvefe tu uc wiuaicu miu lucii mat. iuniiur "nike " todayas soldiers of the 82nd division of the national army 'What-about the LusitaniaY" some body shouted and Governor Frazier. of North Dakota, the chairman, nr.d much difficulty in quelling the disor der that ensued. , ' "A passenger on a foreign ship car rying munitions is technically , in . for eign territory," said Senator LaFol- lette. - when - he ; could make . himself heard. ."The citizen who enters such a ship takes his life in "his own hands, I believe that tne American muniuon makers encouraged Americans to ride, on such, ships to give ihem. semblance of protection., I was not in favor of beginning this war. We had no griev--ance. The t German government had interfered: wfth 'our rights to travel. on th6 high seas as passengers ,on" mu nition, ships of Great Britain.v .On these j grievances, which ' were insig nificant, considering ; the qghts and consequences V involved, we went .to war. '- . , " . - . " "We are now in' the war ' and we have got .to finance it". ; ' -The . Senator criticised " the tax bill recently passed by Congress. ..Vx 0 E STRIKE BRIGHTER Beliefd a Settlement Will " ."'Effec'teU af an-Early, Only those of the new soldiers who had .arrived - at Camp Gordon Jast night iwere to be excused -from the practice march, which army officers said wnnld ho nTinnt five miloa - Tlf o-lrm i General Eben Swift, commander at Camp Gordon, was to ride at the head of the columny' The practice march today was the third since the arrival of the first increment of drafted men. L Select men from jenany parts of Georgia began .arriving at the "Atlan ta cantonment this morningj.and by tonight it was estimated . more than 2,000. will have registered -at-the, re ceiving station. ' . . . i Virtually all of the 40 per cent, quotas from Tennessee and Alabama have reported .:. to i camp, mustering officers announced.? r in?the reported litigation in connec tion 'with Mrs.. Bingham's will profess igsorance . over ; the developments I in (Continued on Page Eight). , , THURSUAY ; - - (By "Associated Press.) T"fe,:--vs: Bicketty:oday ordered special . term of Wake icounty court for ; October 8, tne ' earliest date possible under the laws ot North ; Carolina, to : try i Earl Neville,: a negro who is alleged to have criminally . assaulted , the-wif ei of a .t street car conductor at her home here, on Wednesday - night, -ind ; who was sought at; an early h6ur f this morning, by a; mobof .heavny armed masked men that" battered.j at , the doors of the Wake bounty court -house, on the fourth floor of which is located thejaili' in" an attempt to secure " the prisoner with the : avowed purpose of J-AAn. -extra; guard of deputies is being Maintained f at -'the jail today, ' hut ipunty. authorities .:sayf:aiey Jdo yjnot a tak- thai ttmnr'trOtti Nbt imtir Governd dressed : and assured Utemf that: t el ZJJ V61.";6?? would today order a special; term of j " Successf ully Dealt With hy . Walfp . rnnntv Sunerior . cmirt to " t rv it . i -V'-.n . 1 -i ' rrr th: did a n,nhfnf 7K or ioo - . Dntisn unswrren- masked men - leave the jail where J : sive Tactics CintinUed they" demanded - that the negro 5be lHaig's Big " Off ensive of Yes . ; 'i terday Reached Its ; J, COMPLETE SUCCESS i v ANNOUNCED TODAY ii:. Prisoners in Excess : of 2,000 ! Captured in Menin : rJattle.v : MANYSTRTEGICAEl Germans Mowed Down lin p Counter AttacksAirmen i- : AgainDominated vi. Effec ; tive Artillery Wort. ' ' " (By Associated- Press.) turned; oyer to them. - The; mob made .Kwfa attempts :to batter down, the doors of the court house, which Jexds to Ahe jail, but both -attempts failed.H -British Headquarters?' In France; ;'. .. Sept 20.-(pelayfid)7-The British-of-fsivewhich dawli- over a- wide ' fronMstof the-(Yprei 'salient, C ipnnaanOTckmgrccs'.iaxe loday . ; holding , many?) positions of . Tltar-: imo r; ance and" continuing the fight in German territory. ; along? a'.iine, .whlcn, ; : , in, 'many ; places Represented an aver age gain of a mile.-in depth. ;' j : ; y Such f redoubtable ; strongholds ias l ; Today found the British in Flanderfe iNun's wo,d, Giencdrse wood, i lnyer-: holding all the valuable ground they jness cOpse ardi Shrewsbury-; forest, ;' Eained in . their x attack . of yesterday, which have withstood numerous fierce when - they : surged forward a: on an 'assaults recently. : were ) entirely over-. Hundreds or snots -were, Jired ana i eight-mile front on ,both sides of rthe run by the British X 'who , reached i -many window lights of the -court' Tpres-MehlrfV road, t penetrating - the,' points well - beyond ; 'them. - Heavy" house were broken. J! : " I German lines more than -"-a - mile inlfightine: was oontinuine. at close raniee 1 The men in 'the mob arrived at the ; places and- capturing prisoners in ex- at ; various points and the Germans I ia;4D luis murumg auu-uiyiueu uuu squads and hammered at. "they four doors of the court house. - After beat- cess of ' 2,000. All the " reports em-1 were massing Irbops with the evident t phasize -the completeness of ; the sue- intention .of delivering a counter ' at-3 cess the British : v troops V achieved. They hold Veldhoek, Zezenkotej and -lag at the doors - for- about; 15 mm-Numerous 'strategically important utes the would-be lynchers flred hun- (Continued on Page Eight.) RPPRRTIIIIIITV TIBflF UI I UN I Ulul I I JIUIL IIU DlSPATGH BIG CONTEST I - - '-V i t . - 1 . . . ' r. -. 1 J, ' . : ... . ' . : V ... r ... '. ' -. WOMEN TROOPS IN SERIOUS RlOT , , - .-. Additional Effort This Period May Mean Your Success better to Have Tried and Lost That Not to Have Tried at All" Contestants Shb uld Not be Discouraged if V , an Opponent Casts a Large Yote. farms and - wooded tract3 'which had tack. It has been a day, of great sue cess for the. British; arms, for "the possession;- of th;e wooded '.heights " which -they; cantured east "of Vhrp n- been heavily fortified by the Ger- questionably ;is of crucial AImportance, mans, out wnicn were -captured in the resistless British . sweep. : ?: . Late yesterday, the ,; Germans be gan to counter y attack but :v every thrust was . effectively dealt "with by since these dominating positions form the keystone of the German structure of defense in this sector The great est gains have been made between St. Julien and Hollebeke. as had :hfn , the British guns, which' Wiped out the fplannedf, for ' within " this ' stretch i of " advancing lines of : German ; Infantry, j country lie ?the' important, defenses ' The ; heavy, casualties sustained " -n ' jnlst mentioned; ,". ' -i 1 tv'-'.n $ ' these fruitless-"attacks; 'evidently im-1 -.The' troops that w$nt out. to, the' at 4" lav;. - repiesenieu bo me or -ine," nnesi, . men 'in the British army.'rTheyven tered the conflict; in,. hlgh spirits and ; eager, for -the vfray, Their advance was preceded by one of the' most per feet and' heaviest -barrage. flres , yet: ftt tempted. The men went, over the top stripped light and as a . resultVof ' this; coupled with the fine artillery' support, tney - were enabled to, negotiate . the (pelled the German' -commaadeTi to jbr5 der their" cessation; for t there were no repetitions, ;pf 4 them during . the night,; and the; British; were able to consolidate : their newly won ground without .disturbance.; ; "?': s".f'"' -; In r some sectors, ; the British coh: ' the evening " : Local attacks, notably northeast of Langemarck,' resulting in .3. ''." ':. -.'?-: 4 1 THE PRIZES.. 4. The ' Women's Battalion in ? Training at Moscow At- ; .tack Their Leader,- ; - - - . - . " (By Associated Press.) : ' Petrograd, Thursday, Sept. 21. A small ; riot occurred today - in the ranks of the women's battalion drill- Iri nr n . nonrvnr onil 1 -rocillttvfl in Q r i attack bv the girls upon Vera Butch- sPtions kareff, the twice wounded girl officer,' WUU uuuaicu lue w vuiuu-uiii ago out $775 Briscoe Automobile. - Ford Touring Car - - v $200 n gold.) $100 m gold.- ' " . . $93 furniture suite. ' ; ' v S $75 Columbia ;Grafpno a. ' ' $50 merchandise prder at J. . W. H. Fuchs Department Store. r: v $25-! wrist-.watch,. " Wo : $69 rdiimond' rings. . ' - , : t . ' ' - -Ten per cent -1' commission -to ; all ; non-winners " who remain i magic effect. Your dash of enthusiasm ' i, will-win votes against the pessimism a. of-rthe'less active. -The racevis so close mat it uau ue.u uluiuhj vancu anybody's race. Do. not 'lose a moment between now and the close of ; the first period. -A.t- 9 p. m.; October 6,: the great- opportunity - for securing a big reserve vote .will be a" matter,, of hisT tory. , -'- ? -They, say' tfiat "It is better; to, have loved and lost " than to ha,ve . never loved at all." It is the; same way' in the-contest-It is better to have tried and lost than not to "have,' tried to win such fine prizes as The Dispatch is giving-away. . : ' - - 1 Some contestants become discour- 4 active; on . money for, new, sub- p1 whpn an -0DDonentr casts - a big - - tBy Associated Press.) : San Francisco, Sept; 21.- Hope, that ;the;differences over .which 25,000 met al; workers here, who are . on strike fof a 50 percent wage increase might ,be settled so speedily asto make'un tiePHRarv the comine to San Francis- bn nf a special commission appointed. his purpose Is supported; to? by -President Wrlsort yesterday, to in- Romp oytnnt Kr ,o nrr,o,tivw,.vestlcate;labor conditions on t&e. CJI1Q COtt8l vWtt CAJJ1.COOCU , fcuucj Wt Tr ; Boyce, assistant commissioner "jnali amount of money he asked for. t'y thousand dollars, it '"was point a out, would go but a. short way i to wards buying the " influence of any J-ngrpssinen. Judiciously expended, nowoypr, it might Q muGh ; jn , com pensating paid agents, such as are known- to have belonged to the Elaborate machine rBernL-torff had f so caref',r v,,?it ; vn for, the 'oroduction X:. ; .(Continuedpn Page Eighty r ; Of ; immigration, who has; been acting "The feeling now existing between the ' strikers and - the employers should i lead to .a speed adjustments .the-controversy," said Mr. Boyce. w Representatives of botn tne. strikers nd employers were Inclined , to share Mr. Boyce's. views. .W,' dier organizations. n According tov the bourse Gazette, , an infantryman; res Cued Commander 7 Butclikareff , -Rafter 6t me rough handling from .the' infur iated girls v who resented . some, acts of; their leader, vnot ' clearly defined. As n result of the affdir,: many of the girls will be sent home and only, 250 will b permitted to go to the front. A' second riot' of: more -serious "conse quences : is : reported to have; followed an attempt by a crowd of : women ' to take away from one woman a small Quantity of. cloth .which she .bad pur chased at the market place. ' Miltia men tried : to defend the woman and they. Ixt. turn, were assailed."."- Mount ed militiamen rv Cossacks dispers ed the rioter, but not until - they wrecked' the militia headpuarters apd had beaten ito death at government agent-who -had -shot dnto the crowd. ) l Tomorrow ;-' is "Twin-Subscription Day'' 4 in - The Dispatch's t Great ; Prize Campaign, and each candidate that turn V in'H; jtwo - subscriptions ; -v for one - year,- each- to .The Daily Dispatch will receive a Bonus Certincate good for. 50,000. Extra Votes.' Only one of the Bonus; Certificates 'Will be i allow ed -each candidate Several candi dates" hve already : received these cert'ficatest; and? others-1 are hustling to get them. ' :', -r -T This -is, opportunity time in the Contest,-, and - all; activev contestants should make the .most of it. After this" period the extra votes , On each fifteen - dollar club .will be- reduced; - There is no needjot you. failing to win the,; prize that t you .desire, . if you vntP with the object in view.,. -The candidate will then stop by . the -,way-ciAa - a-nri hPTTirwn hen fate."A.Ye8. her fate "is defeat. Do" not pay any ; atten- rrHience Congress through;tne; organt tion to any of the 'Other, contestants, the clearing out of a number, of strong . first stages, of the difficult round;rap-'.1. points toA which some German forces idly, They had swept through Glen-were- clinging. , ! Correspondents' dis-J corse wood, . Inverness copse .and' the ; patches today - report; the continuance eastern part of Shrewsbury; forest by ui. siiiiiiaiiitutiuo iiusuujvucu-. wiwjs .o ciocK; : two ' nours- and jwenty min- -new; line" was 'considerably improved oUtes after the attack 'began;, and "other in .strength. Today's advices further advanced positions' were reached with r ; advance the resumption of , British at- equal (rapidity, wtiich vis ay remarkabTe . tacks during Hhe vmorning? southwest fachievementvlri ;-view of the marshy of Gheluvelt, where a position, - de- nature 6f ithe ground due to t heavy' sired "tty". the ;; British was - stilling irain ' '''i ' -- -:: i :" v being teld th;e' Germans. This 0 the, lef t - ot ' was ssaultby. British fshicnji; rfighting defelopedon - the; high V' advanced to the attack-at y:50 o clock. jgr0und on either side of the Zonnbeke- From :none KOf ; ;he, other . fighting Lanemarck . , rpa(J ( ,A ,; nmnber . f fronts .werethero. mdioatipns . m the strongly f ortified'f 'arms 'were encoun- i. morningjs despatches ope fnSS8 tKJS5''S? K:of St::Julien-Schuyerfarn;held;out from ; County (Von Bernonr sent, in, ,on against attacks ,and continued to SSfeeffltS oiie ioSZto ! in ! thepres-Roulers railway; west of ; m'--.rtn-..uin-u r ro. Zonnbeke. :,ThIs redoubt is. amasslva Train Held Up. white; flag.' Similar . tactics resulted will exert a- ; little - additional effort get these extra votes. v' Y6ur" personal appeal. often has- j a 2ation-you;ndwf,iwi ; .Tub. Su rr wr- TfcitnmA nnbTiftrminst-It.TOCBrtUSB-advanced- oa WZUZ - Uin t mmnt " 7; i two - sides and Mormed : the place with ' -1U - 4 - " r-v : v- -rv -bombs until its-occupants raised ; the . Art toot - will- r.oTtfpr.fl. ereat! i- ..w.-. r? . - . . - - . - 1 ... ..- .. .... UCl 0, - bauuiuw.i'U . ... . ,j I - ' favor on, the circuiauon ano . womesi Department by writing names and ad dresses with i extreme . care,' and f in dicate" whether the subscription is old or new. , ' - y i It .was announced in -the begining of the contest" that .the first ' subscrip tion ' turp-ed in by or roi candidate would j give 25,000 extra .votes, and this . Offer is still in effect ; although iome"' of the. candidates : seem ' to have the idea that it has closed. Such is not the case.1 .If you have not. sent in your first subscription do so now and (Continued on -Page Seven) TflrVsn r Tenn.. Rpnt 21-Rebortsiih the; fall of another great stronghold today from' Finger, Tenn:, near where! northwest of Westhoek, . . ; v a northbound Mobile & Ohio passen-1 The British, casualties so; far report- eer train was held up: last" mgnt oy.- C' tcjjnouiuj ruguti iue majur. three masked men,: state; they 'were unable to g&In iChtrancer to the ex press safe, i although: several charges of dynamite were used.-' The: robbers did not secure- anything Cot value. . A sheriff rs posse is "in pursuit ' of the ity being r- due to .machine gun ; fire. British 'airplanes again; dominated the air. They were, thick over the line of the," British advance and carried on a vigorous warfare back :of the German positions," where tons of high explos- bandits:.-.who,- alter ; they ' had : uncoup-J ives were dropped,4: German machine? led : the lengine; and: express fear:, and ,were far less ;active. .:A large numW r inkin Itiim n 'n Bti 'miloo fpnm 'Yit Tr4onora' . nlroailv r ' IiaTA of the total. taken them : to a point ten miles - from !of v". prisoners' already V, have been - -'"ler ,,of the train, mada brought in but ' It ii 'mpossible to "give renj :; thelTiiescapei: j;Uf; f:;-? 1 1 vllti n;'an accte estimau ot - (V