1 'f; . -i ..,.V-t-- -j" 1 t -r" j. - -. y V.5 THB 0 i WEATHER FORECAST North Carolina: Fair , and cool tonight; heavy frost In -exposed places: Sunday fair. South Carolina: , Fair and cool tcnig'it: heavy frost in northwest portion; Sunday, fair. . , - 7 FINAL EDITIOtl ' I i I I k" I I IULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE w 'Ming - ' rfc" i . ...... , VOL. XXIII. NO. 354. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SAT l!jRD AY AFTERNOON; OCTOBER 1 3 1917 V i NEW CHICAGO WEATHER TOD A I SUGGESTED CHRISTMASTIME By Ji JLLd i?ffa .Few Shivering Fans Gathered; i at Baseball Park Early This Morning. A CLEAR AND COLD DAY WAS PROMISED German Troops Landed On Two Islands in Gulf of Riga. RAIN HALTS FIGHTING ON FLANDERS FRONT Downpour, Which Stopped Yesterday's Offensive, Con tinued Today Germans Fail to Attack British, But Assault French Lines. PERSONS OF ALL NBiTIONS IE BUY Nb SONUS Men, Women and Children, Black, White and Foreign Born Subscribe. White Sox Fans' Enthusiasm: Has Dwindled Down to aj Mprf Hnnp. Ch an Advantage in Being at Home. THE RETIRE! QFDR. MIGHAELIS expect! SOON fRICE FIVE CENTS IR BRITISH ATTACKS E COSTLY 10 GERMAN FORCES Military Expert Discusses the Great Losses Sustained in Recent Battles. mm m vnno unite m mm uLUUIIL iuuii wuicu muuus : I PRINCE RUPPRECHT'S MEN HEAVY LOSERS (By Associated Press.) I Chicago, Oct. 13. The weather to-! day was less suggestive of a ball; ;No Voice Raised n Support of The German Chan- ; German Critic Pays Belated Tribute to Effectiveness of sic Examples. - All Candidates Now Realize T hey Must Woric For Subscript tions -Coupons Now Appearing Good For - Only Five -; Votes Each - Opportunity to Ride in Your . sVk, - . . Own Car. 4 THE PRIZES. ce iviaicing tne juisciosures m Reichstag Sflong Cen sorship Clapped on. -jr- -l (By Associate Pr88.) f!nnpnhflirpn Opt 13 The r.ormQti in btverj.i pidces , Reichstag adjourned leaving behind Wlr.lt the British offensive has fn a momentary pause with the ffexted vaster day everywhere situation latent with b; ' ssi- develoned on the Rus : Fhe landing cf German troops p;Ufxr Yar-OIrl Ta NcTro cn in (.hi. GERMAN WOULD HELP SPANK FATHERLAND on inlands of Oosel 3ncl Dago, at i ..Mjiit li of th? Gulf of Riga, is re-j , il ociay from Petrograd. From, shore's edge at Hapsal, opposite: Buys a 200 Bond Buy- Bonds For Babies is Popular. --o r-r island, a railroad line runs di-i lect to Roval, the Russian naval base! (P.v Associated Press.) Washington, Oct. 13. Persons of on ilu- Gulf of Finland and thence on jall raceS) classes and conditions are to IVtrogcad. i supporting the sale of second Liberty Tho islands in -aestion have them-;l oan bon(is, reports to the Treasury r-!vos been bases of no little impor-. Department from many parts of the tarn- to the Russians, especially r j country show. airplane activities. Then- seizure; If th6 Fatherland needs a spank would undoubtedly hamper Russian jjng( j am ready to help administer it, n ival scoutine work, effectually close .even thougn i do it wun teariui eyes p.nif nf v. to Russian use, anu "'" ne the"" Rev. Christian Hohn, a . German minister, of New Ulm. Minn.. annrentlv offer an-excellent starting nr.AUrarAnbw&. point for a land expedition foi Petro-j Greeks and Italians are among the trad, if one should be contemplated :most enthusiastic buyers in Chicago, by the German command. 'Many of them originally bought bonds The lateness of the season nasmnder the impression that they were ?eemed to preclude any attempt by .contributing money to the govern the Teutons to make a drive tward:ment, with no chance of return. One Petrograd this year. It has been Lithuanian bought $10,000 worth. The pointed out, however, that such a, total foreign born sales force in Chi move could r-rob-bly be carried out ;cagf) ig estimated at 2,000 men, women with comparative oase at present, and children- with the Russian armies m their ad-, An 80 year old Texas negro hobbled mittedly disor-pniztd state, whereas iintQ a Liberty Loan committee and nfxi spring there is governmental bought from nis sriiall store of money promise of a Russian military regen-;a ?200 bond eration. afLe-r a wmiei s u.fedui.auun Buvine bonds for babies is becom- rain vhich drive ling popular. Some persons are buy ing them with the intention of giving woik aions the new lines Tn T.-lr.nrlers the havy stopped field Marsn:u hs " Itheir sons starts in business a quar- yesterday. before a I nr.; o oje.uve& ; ter of a century hence, and others were attained. wa. continuing 1?' are laying the bonds away to help increasing tho d-!t!' of the s'TCkT !educate their babies when they grow mud through which the British haveiu been sfugglmg in their advances. " ; The mud evidently was hampering tne Germ-im, pfinal'v, for they failed to de,i liver a counter attack during tne nigh-i. On t French front the chief activity.- have been in the Aisne region. rvr.wn Prinr.p made sev- finl attacks last night on French po-, itions on this front. He was met! with eff'-enve resistanca by General! Ft tain's forces, however, and all the; assaults were repulsed. Petrograd in Danger. London. Oct. 13. The Germans, , t-rv-j rsr-, the islands oi i Ots' ;'t:ji (i'U iii rial iiityv i 1 ENERGY IN THE LOAN DRIVE game than of starting the Christmas MADE A BLUNDER IN shopping early. Although the New' All VC FH WltTA I Pf HT York Nationals and the Chicago Am-' lJY iL I ericans were to meet here for the fifth ! r;-i;- - game of thfe world's series this after- i Was Strongly Advised Asrainst uuuu, uie line in ironc oi ine iickbc ; window at Comiskey Park did not start to form until 4 o'clock this morning. Three hundred fans were shivering in the line at daybreak. A vender of camp stools beat a retreat about this time as everybody was too cold to sit down i-1- i : i l a: r , ixire wuie ntue camp mes, anu a it a latent crisis which political ob- U11EI.1 uuaiucsa in nut tuuee ctnu steamingfrankfurters was done. The weather man promised clear skies and a slightly warmer air by after noon. Although the, series stands 2 and 2 and the utmost importance attached to today's conflict, scalpers tickets wei'e far below the prices demanded for the first two games a week ago. reserved in the grand stand at $10. This was in part due to the increas ed supply of pastboards from patrons who having seen the first two games disposed of the third coupon of their Chicago tickets. There was no indi cation of changes in the line up of players of either team from that made familiar during the first fourj games. .The experts figure on Saiiee or Pol Perritt for the visitors, and Cicottee or Reb Russell for the lo cals. The cold was thought to pomt (By Associated Press.) ' 4, Copenhagen, Oct. 13. An unmis- I takable intimation of great losses sus-! tamed by the Germans in their at tempts to stein the British attacks is contained in the latest comment of Lieutenant General von Ardenne, mili tary critic of the Tagebjiatt of Ber lin, on'the Flanders campaign. He $775 Briscoe Automobile. Ford Touring Car. $200 in Gold. $100 in Gold. $93 Furniture Suite. $75 Columbia Grafonola, $50 Merchandise Order At J. W H. Fuchs Department Sfore. $25 Wrist Watch. Two $60 Diamond Rings. 4 Ten per cent, commission to ail non-winners, who remain rpfprs tr the (JprmaTi lneoro at Mqto. La-Tour afld Gravelotte in the Franco- ,-act!ve.' on money new sub- Prussian war flv-nraenfr fivosivth nf" ot-iipuoih. servers Deiieve wiii..eaa, sooner or later, to the retirement of Dr. Mi chaelis, the Chancellor, without a following. Although bther parties are less actively in opositlon to Dr. Mi jehaolis than the Sp4iaiists, not a voice has been raisexi against the Vorwaerts' slogan, VStfichaelis Must Go." ! Recent arrivals from Berlin report that the current gossip there is. that j Michaelis can scarcely,;Jast a month. The Chancellor's blunder in springing the disclosures of the alleged naval plot against which. According to the National Zeitung, he - was strongly advised, and his failure to make head way against the Reichstag majority appear to have lost him, the Conserva tive and Pan German; Support. -Other parties, including even, the National ists, are united In ' open condemna tion "of his actions concerning the naval plot. It is- charged that the RusTell. Tto lattermalned on toe I n?!or JhM SS? bench during the first four games able lack of V Dollticalv acumen but his from the confidence which followed erle S', , t, the winning of the first two games by Th hindsight of the government the White Stockings. At that time regarding the effect-af the naval plbt they considered the series as good as! disclpeares is shown by the Vorwaerts wor. but when New York blanked in an interesting revelation that the the" team for eighteen consecutive, censorship was applied to the chan inning on the Polo grounds that feel- cellorship and that the telegraph was ing disappeared knee-deep in oblivion ' Jarred to newspaper dispatches while and was re-placed by mere hope. The . the authorities were considering in -feeling was that the break of the what form the speeches of Michaelis ame would decide the series. j Admiral von Capelle could be Only one game will be played in j telegraphed abroad Chicago this trip. The sixth game . Th speeches at the concluding ses--ill be played in New York and the ?ion of the Reichstag must be read seventh, if there is one, in which ever m a light that the days of Micnaelis city the toss of a coin determines. J are numbered. Hie speech of tne Playine on the home grounds vas ; Radical Depnty Haussmann contained counted on by Chicagoans as a fao- Passages intended to launch the can tor in their favor. Each team hasjacy of Prmce von Buelow, which won its victories at home. Thejs still being pressed as vigorously Giants, helpless here, simply took on as possible their own when they got on their! - home grounds. The partisans of the Sox hope this would drive similar in spiration here with the support of their friends in the stands. The bat--ting order: New York: Chicago: Burns, If J. Collins, rf. j Herzog, 2b McMullin, 3b. J Kauff, cf E. Collins, 2b. Zimmerman, 3b Jackson, it the officers and one-third of the m.en of the Guard and Brandonburg regi ments engaged, as classic examples in German military history of extra ordinary casualties suffered without affecting the morale of the troops. The general then, says these losses often are far exceeded in the present war and that in the third Flanders battle they have been so great as to induce the military authorities to abandon the usual -rule of not refer ring to them, feeling that the sacri fices of Prince Rupprecht's men have been such as to entitled them to ex traordinary thanks of the fatherland. General Ardenne pays a grudging and belated tribute to the achieve ments of the British tanks, which, ac cording to his verdict, though quick' victims to the German field artillery under good visibility, are able to de liver a most -effective enfilading from their machine guns whenever they are able to approach the infantry lines under cover of a curtain of smoke or gas waves, are not to be taken lightly. I & $ "4. As each day passes in the greatest voting contest that Wilmington and surrounding territory has ever seen the candidates themselves, as well as the entire public, are beginning to realize that it is subscriptions that count the most, votes after all. There are sdme of the candidates who assumed leading positions at the start simply by clipping the ten-vote Some of you have been hoarding your' money because you hated to pay 'out so: much for a car." But, in the mean" I time, you have been - letting - your 1 friends entertain you with their ' car, ' I then you have to figure how"-, to" the 'world you are going to entertain them H J. I J lit a . 1- - r . Virl iu leturu, wiiHuui mnng a car , qt 1 working another friend. V - - Now here is your opportunity-. to ' -1 get that car you have been wishing JV for, ; and still keep all your money;-' -and let it work for you while you are sleeping or making more. rvj- Don't it make you feel just a little ' 1 bit envious to see a friend or acquaint -'J. tance who has a car ride . past with all her friends, when you might be having the same good time with the same people if you only had t , ' car. . 1 The Dispatch is going to give away, ' u a $775 Briscoe Automobile November 12, 1917. You can win It without penny of expense, if you would Just7. , spend a little of the spare time secur- V ing votes, that you usually .fooI-atrayJ"., ' Never mind who you are business woman, professional woman, wife-or t daughter of a farmer or Just folks-j you can use the car all right. . So use s your head that nature gave you for. -4 coupons appearing in the paper each nt7' VJ d? we. reduced to,8Uch purposeg and drfyjin yp OWJV' five votes, beginning with Friday, andcar after November 12. il, . . -i - -i , ... tuetie same canaiaates win De at a loss to know just how to keep up in the list unless they get out and hus tle for subscriptions. Some of you candidates have been wanting an automobile all these years and have been wondering how on earth you would ever be able to save up. enough money to -buy one. There are nine other, prizes in addic tion to the automobile, and each can didate who remains active untiL.the '. close and does win a prize will receive r ten per cent, commission on all new subscription money that she turns la during . the contest. There will be no .; losers.' ' - '; ' ' lucnunued cn Pae. Two) LUXeiJFiG'S ACTION AGAIN fl h mm n h w w w-m mm-- - w m mm mm m v t 'n mm m m m- r PIS fcli-BllWIIIPlillffi IIIU llll Mil I IUI lllllli ? r-V ;- . I . i i , , mm m a m wm m Neville Convicted and jSen tenced to Death Accused of Another Crime. if nf Riea. ! to a ncuiyr uispaitu n-. South and the Far West Are at Last Becoming Aroused. Fletcher, ss elsch, ct. f-rmanv Snds Rearets to Ht ct the (I!v Associated Press.) Washington, 'Oct, 23. The Liberty Loan drive was going on today with Robertson, rf Gandil, lb. Hclke, lb. Weaver, ss. Rariden, c Schalk, c. . d . P- Sweden and Promises to be Good. (By Associated Press.) Stockholm, Oct. 13. The Swedish prov (A i' a-" ir.f' f ana Dago - ir.,loilWrt T,prffV and to th Gulf or officials ex- 'that highly en- y ti. v-oo ' i . ill informed In.se isianua. iucj icouragmg results win ue suuwu x C-,p coast oi -lit; ivui" . i week wnen tne smooiu-ruumus oaico lsiana is : (By Associated Press.) Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 31. Earl Ne ville, a negro, who was declared guil ty late yesterday by a Wake county jury of the charge of having crimin 'ally assaulted the wife of a street car conductor at her home here on the night of September 19, was sentenced this morning by Judge Connor to be electrocuted at the State penitentiary on October 30. . Accused of Another Crime. Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 13. Judge Connor this morning sentenced Ne ville, convicted yesterday of assault ing the wife of a street car conductor, to- die in the electric chair, Friday, No vember 13.- The Judge's first judg ment was that the defendant die Oc tober 10, and the crowd immediately dispersed. Ten minutes later the negro was brought down 'from jail and 30 days added to his life. The Judge had inadvertently mixed dates. While Nevill was down second time, O. W. Howard, the State Hispital employee who figured in July in a mysterious assault case, in which he and Miss Wilkie testified that an un- Deputyf Mueller Scores Cen sorship in Recent Reichstag Debate. (By Associated Press.) Amsterdam, Oct. 13. During the debate on the censorship in the Reich stag on Thursday, says a Berlin dis patch, Deputy Heinrich Mueller, of Meiningen, said: Submarine, WarfaVe;is;&pect- ea rinallfttd firing Eng-yi , land to Terms. ' '"'f V':. Esthonia. Dago lsiduu , win oneratine for the OiLnv'es from Petrograci. us," " - - (U.!iv; additional importance jlast two weeks of the campaign. ir-,'M ! h fart that it is almost at the: "Results in the South and West of (,f the Gulf or u-inianu, " Chicago now are giving cneer f v.-hich is Kronstaut, whicn , , statement issued by : ri'trograii. island Js nearly 100 mile3 ,r Rirra. which the Germans 1 recently. landing ipessimism reigned at times this week ZTlC3,use of the slowness of sales. To ino outflaiiK.ng ct iiu, xva, ...m,,-, ; MiM- ;nd probablv. compel a re-1 day, however, iiiua6o v:,; Vn n'Vifio r-pcUon cf the front, jhpadauarterSt particularly in the in . it did not open the vayf to i Mincapolis- and Atlanta districts, bore money iiii S'a., rTe s.Sns of increasing con- b Umpires: Rigler, Evans, O'Lough iin and Klem. C. T. Page, who lays claim to being foreign office has received the German the "oldest baseball player in the reply to its inquiry regarding the.ac--.rorld," is in Chicago today from At- tion of Count Karl Von Luxburg while lanta, Ga., to see the fifth game of he was German minister to Argentina the WOriClS series. rasu paj in aonHine- mpttsacps through the l- , 50 years ago before the formation Swedish legation regarding the "sink-: criminally and beat him into insensi- tne proiessionm id5uC3. w L11 mg wltnout trace" of Argentinian bility, came in and declared that Ne Spaulding, he formed the Kocktora vesseis. Germany expressed regrets Ville is the negro who committed the "Forest Citys" and played first base lagt month and promised a fuller state- crime on that team. He afterward pe-;ment later- The answer now for- came part owner ot the Chicago in a- Warded confirms the arrival in Ber- jlin of the Luxburg cablegrams as pub- ', hshed, although one ot them was 1 (By Associated Press.) Amsterdam, Oct. 13. Admiral von Tirpitz, former minister of the. Ger man imperial navy, interviewed' by The Brunswick Landes Zeitimcr: JnuntPfl aa oavino" c- '..rxj "The Chancellor wants to lead but, tI7 N. , we are reminded of the worst times ( We can continue confidentiy tQ et of the old Roman empire of Ger-f Dect a final triumph oyer England as many. We are suffocated under a long as we continue to sink vessels neap or oniciai paper prescriptions of faster than phe can construct thW. A submarine war success cannot "be V 'Si p.fir' l!ir. the Treasurery Department. In cer tain district of these sections deep tional League team Betting on Giants. , x-v , t n mi r - New orK, uct. io. i lm b wvi uxai. mutulated at an essential point, toriov ia thP 13th had no effect on the, . , .1. usual superstitious baseball fans in tJpw York and they were offering The German government states it is unable to make a declaration re- edds of 5 to 4 this morning that the patcheg ag nQ confirmatory COrrespon Giants would defeat the Sox at Lhi- nlace with Von Lux- tvii oftemoon) A numDer oi , , , . , , , , FAMOUS OZTEC CLUB WILL BANQUET TONIGHT mock justice, injustice and arbitrari ness. People sigh, 'who will free us from this deluge of evil paper?' Con fidence is ruined by the manner in which the state of siege is exercised. "Homogeneity is lacking in the im perial leadership and the higher mili tary 'leadership. "The relations "between the general command and the trade unions is be coming worse and worse. It is a scandal how the pacifist leaders are deprived of all their rights at a timo when great concessions are being made to the government's pacifism." After a strong criticism of the meth ods of the press bureau, the speaker continued : "It was not lack of men, but of equipment that was responsible for the outcome of the battle of the Marne. "It looks as if there were elements in Germany workings for an open con flict between the government and par liament." - pint Dili in burg. (By Associated Pi ess.) New York, Oct. 13. The Aztec Club of 1847, a famous organization founded by the officers of General Winfield Scott's army of occupation in Th0 toiotrrama nro coin tn hovo Mexico City, October 13, 1S47, will - i i i ? a r had no effect on the submarine war. celebrate its 70th aniversary with a """!ThP. trnvprnmpnt denlorps thp faot oanquet nere tonignt. ui tne original Dago inland, to Petro- jfidence San Francisco reported an unofficial . MI7X7 r ARIMFT Jir- land. the larger of the two e3tlmate Df $139,000,000 in subscrip- vi- ; Ion? and ha3 an wl!tions or two fifths oi tne uisuiu mare miles and a population !maxilKUin allotment. A Liberty Loan ; : Gi .OC J. It has a difficult , luncheon in Kansas City added $4o4,- :: .i- In the form ot. precipituua M th totaL NebrasKa anu w y- i v v :if cliffs. rnarn tets of 10 to 9 were made that, the Giants would win th,e series. Gianc which was scarce up to tne , f--K,8!!0H ain thnt- membership of 162, two members of before the opening game, is now, T ,'W(r OTntnw iha faitit aa I the club U. S. Grant and Franklin much in evidence here. 'extended by the Swedish authorities Pierce became Presidents of. the Mt, a m,nnr wh,h mitrht h, Kr. f United States, and 63 reached the (construed as abuse of them. , f grade of general in the Union and GRAIN ELEVATOR Damage Before Noon Estimat ed at $1 ,200,000; and Fire Still Burning. New York, Oct. 13. Fire today destroyed 16-0,000 bushels of grain in expected immediately, h6weverbpt if. we pursue our aim firmly, we shall find, after some months, that our posi tion for negotiations, with England will be quite different.' ' - '. "England desires negotiation - now while her position is comparatively ' favorable. The decisive factors rare the shipping losses, suffered by the Entente and by neutrals who expose,, themselves to our U-boat war. ' ir.' ,' "No definite time can be , fixed for"! our success. Economical! and' , aa regards war materials, our position to day is stronger than that of 'France-: or Italy. How far England will te ' able to make supplies last cannot he predicted. . . J ' "But the decisive factor- Is that while we supply four-fifth of our eco nomic neeIs from our own produ tions, England has td fetch four-fifths of her's from overseas.: . --s jt' "We are now at the fateful hour ofr our existence, Germany , cannot: main- -' tain her position as a world power against England unless her position is founded on might." ; - ' " ' Fltfni ANH Tn QTAPT REPRISAL AIR RAIDS 1 " '.- - (By Associated Press.) . f London, Oct., 13. -The -morning pav pers suggest that the government la ready to begin carrying out reprisal! ; air raids on Germany; -This belief is based on the assignment of Lieut, j , Gen. Henderson director general- of military aeronautics, to special, work &nd the sending of Major. General .W.3 S . Brancker, director of air . organiza-. an elevator owned by the New York tlon for 4he army, to a LANDSLIDE OF BANKS .ti.- A new will not occur again. oming reported numerous sales. Sales-' caV,.-net has been formed to succeed- men and speakers are making an in- that headed by Israel Tocornal which V v- a in rrlorarln St. LOUIS vnotrrnail Tniv 9. Kduardn Suarez innciv vt in i rzai u v ui j . , l u o" i ii. I l 1 1 1 1 in i i r . 4-Fn rtiir m m l Eipr ill i f i tJ i , i - - lOLttl Ul 1," ' i,"" 1V1 U . 1, LllU UCV ui.uiu - Chilean amDas States. T Dock Company, on the Brooklyn wa- aterfront. At 10:30 a. m.. the flames were not i ij j:...v j ji ine ciuu now iiuuiuers uu mem- , . . tcaiuuKiLei tu ui&tuiu me ineuuij' ie- . - . . ., , unaer control ana uuuaings m tne TO rrnrD A! PFQFRVF reported a total of $1,071,400 in tne Mu.ca, the new mm JO FEDERAL KfcokKViV yesterday. Five banks in Atlanta aflatrt. is the former (subscribed $3,100,000 and 'a Nashville safior to the United S ir.y Associated Pr i ihonlr $2,500,000. . i ca Allows: mm ajt -0 EXTRA! The Despatch will issue a base- sons or nearest blood relatives of of ficers of the army, navy or maripe corps, who served in some part of Mexico during the war and prior to the treaty of Gaadalupe-Hidalgo. The' president of the club is Brig". I Gen. Horatio Gates Gibson, U. S. A, abroad . command it was thought the loss might reach"$500,000.i Superintendent Tomlins in charge of the elevator, known as "No. 2," told Fire Marshal Thomas Brophy ho believed the fire was caused by the Oct. 13. Tneex: mpn of Columbus. O., vtiMi drill r n;niiitJJ - explosion of a bomb inside the build he new hall extra this afternoon, giving M,W4H whn 00fv in th TJfnl inS- He said an explosion occurred a de - iled account of the fifth -1 " L oVhhI vr Jo Ju m I aviators from u. l.nks to- the officially 4n ell J2.500.000 l.in the last three weeks so manv i " t:TiQ oaw to hp lead i awuui sv FnL T today Dayton Aviation School to be announced today, the w t week have WW tu ui ' 1!' companies and State banks j bonds - i v j. - mirlonH irr sales "fi tbst thp resources or tnaums iC'" k within the f applications is pouring into -irtMwuu ... . j.1 TXT 1 J I - 1 1 " O-A "V--''-'-"-- Minister of the Interior, Kleoaoro y me worm b series De--y-; in his 91st yean A'-nnPT- -ween xew xorK vjiants ana uni- v - . Minisr of Foreign Affairs, Eduar- cago White Sox. The game will do Suarez Mujica; iT U&JI1. 1U U15" n uuwn, Minister of Finance, Ricardo daias our time, ana snouia ne over Edwards; Minister cT Justice, Arturo ist before the flames' were discover ed. A portion of one side of the truc- SOUTHERN STATES , ;.:7 EXPOSITION OPENS , " " . " . '1 1 - . (By Associated Press.) , New York, Oct. 13. The Southern States Exposition - of - ' the 1 Southern Commercial Congress will open here' tonight w-ith exhibits showing .What the Southern has been doing since ' the United States declared ' war : on : Germany. Products of the South's gar- ture was blown, out by the shock, he I dens will he displayed, results off Army Meets V P I said. . the mobilized Industries will be shown (jir Associated f'ress.) Three hours after discovery of the 'and it will; be explained ;how -the West, Point, Oct. 13. The Army j fire, four alarms .were sounded, as South proposes to aid the government 4 a.hniit S oVIofk Thn rvinntrh -rryatc Virwinio Miiitarv TnatitntA n.t the flames were not vet under con- In the -conduct of -th war. ' - Alem- extra will be on the streets in a 4 football here today. As several of the trol, and firemen Y;:were fearful they 1 Six : bureaus of the Department, of ie resources or inaums -- - ii MHmtprt rnrtf v lew minutes aiter me last piayersv caaet stars- aro on tne mjureu iihi uie wvuw bvicwi. iu-j uwci ic vwei voiuuji-v.i .? wasuiugiuu - wm buuw 1 . . ; Vtt vTlr'c nresent total, e5U.uiiit.eu yai i . ., . : . -i:. u - :.i - ' ... . ..'. 4. nu '-; ritulions within the systemi . iow r. - - to the ' Master of War. Oscar Viei; v nas oeen reurea. :s. Army present a paicnup ime isu wm iu wukuu. 6iuu.v. .,, tnuw iney nave oeen co-operating wnu ... - "i T . , . irinntiua thn irit-itnt-n 'i-wq nrot raai rminaii i . 1 up i;irri:i iro vv:'.m inpn psiimnip ai snntnorn rmara intrna cnnaorvnnnn douWecJ. .A stedy,unc.flo.afc was( . ?325. Mi :ster of Indusirie3, Malaquta3 serve Board every day. 000,000. . Concha, ,4' 4 ! 4 weather prevails today. 51,200,000. . i- j , -1 of .food and the elimination of waste. i

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