ji-1 "S-r. "sk'&''-'K- 'is? 5 -iter '7i-':i" t. Page two. I - 111 1 4J4 St 414 ? T J b r X: raw-'- if MiiwrfC; 1 m if a - i. ! 1 s " '-' "in A Hurry," one of trio, lively, solo and chorus numbers .of ;)?Jatin ka," jrhich . Arthur Hmm'erstein- willj present at tile Academy, of , Music -pii Friday. Octozer 26. sets the?pace ea fly in the first act of the new mu3i-; Icai yiay, wnien so uiiiismh-j fyi on Broadway last winter, yandttie ' I . " 1 Him- IHii-Ttflfl PITV I uuurtie ui uiie. mice ayMtif'" . , I llihll 1 y inn I I hilarious finale. "KatlnkaVwhicK 7& LI iLU 111 I If III 01 1 I I the work of Otto Hauerbaeh. and ltu-, Uolf Friml, author of FireflW . TUIDTV UMt - iind 'iligh Jinks,", has eeupsea ia? i I Jlin I ' riUr two former compositions -of its prea- : ?;-f : ' ' ... torsln metropolitan. j popuiarjiyiiuiu I . nniiiiru i-a n n k n Ft i n n i : GU01II DI (5 RELATES Af OilERSf NTERESTISB STDHY ; FACTS il SUBS AT FORT ilSIII "VlfSnt1 ai Wife Feels It P.tv to jucularjy" rich in decisive Imusicai hits, j ' Liet ; rihHs: KnpW What Wcmd&rfvl Results Peplacj BRIGHTEN THE CORNERS ' " . Flood the room with mellow, usable Rayo light. Strong enough to illuminate a large room yet en tirely free from uncomfortable glare. RAYO LAMPS light like a gas jet. Just raise the gallery and touch a match. Simple and attract ive in design, they are an ornament in any roonu No cheap filigree work to keep you busy cleaning. If your dealer doesn't have them, write to our nearest station. ' ' : ." Aladdin Security. OH is a guarantee of most satisfactory results from lamps, stoves and heaters : D OIL COMPANY Ihopdod hv "Rackety L'oo, ;wca . I fnvfoc ita immdiatelv into the! heart and the brain of the listener '. WorKed tOr rlim. . and becomes thoroughly domiciled. It is one of those, tunes that keep waif.-1 "J nm 69 years old and have tling "Mrs. J. T. Kerr is But One, of Many Frominents to Endorse! F'eplac," Declares Col. William Dwyer. Pr5vaf- Frwfr TrL- D 1 and Claims He Gained Si2 rounds on it. Don't let your i r x i and humming afterwards. themselves for 4ti wiimintrtoi for thr. n?.st vpam. . "While we have hundreds of testimonials of high standin ! mcnts such as 'I have gained ten pounds in weight afcer taking "several Lof-j ived j ip5, n ppniop t fn.il to rornomher Jlnv ono Gndorsomnnt that ptppir fhfvnn.t .7 , 1 , i t a I am wejl known here and thmk it a "Rackety Coo" and "In ,A Hurry, At. , . there is the beautiful love -songJuut tu irKCl;'i LU . the richly humorous 'I Want;Tiiat Male Quartette and-js! A chorus of rfchly at- Thp i tired girls lends light and lifeuuT . tmka, l 10 iviany a '"Your Photo.' a wonderful medicine Peplac pnlw tn thpr.e n'.inhors. and thev are surrounded by three of the hand6m- Wnlnv.t St., direct?d to Col. I i est stage settings that have 'ever U o busy Bellamy Drug Store, come out of the art shop of Mr. Hani- -aw fit to offer his endorsement merstein. ,50 cents t.-v ?2. Tickets vw!il go on I foregoing is part of the talk D. J. Padr'ck, of No. 710 Dwyer nt when he o The pric:a wUl range from; rDlac the new pPpripSS Tonic. "I am here after another bottle of Poplae. Th first has done me raoe ! "THE WILLION DOLLAR DOLL.", j ood vhon all other medicines I have A decided improvement over tilo ' " -n in years put together. Before 'ordinary musical comedy" is "The --,kir- pnPac j was ba(j Qff w"jth indi j Million Dollar Doll,'' Harv D Orrj vn6 constipation. After meals ! production, which will be the attiac-j' :tion at the Academy of Music on called them meals, even though I ! Scturday, October 27. this nevrmuaj-; had to force food into my stomach i csl comedy has a well denned love ' - lump would form, which r.eemed to j ro-rance woven through thenar an4 lay ike a br5ck in my st0mach. Of ; tiie music was.wnuen especially ror md fitted to the play, rather than ; course I suffered great pain. dragged into it, as incidental nnusfcfas a1s0 affpcted .... - x 4; " rrTr T t i system beennio you need -pep' tako pnn mats th- popular savin? no recently given me by Mrs, J. T. Kerr, wife of County Commissioner J. T. ' ""'"" ,eu l,1,tlfl SOIls "f I n ir. Kerr, of Wilmington, said Col William Dwyer, the Peplac Expert. j bam stationed at Fort 'Caswell. Jtfo person in Wilmington enjoys the friendship of more men and women! "And these beys knew wr.-;-, n olf, or is held in higher estoem than Mrs. Kerr, continued Col; Dwyer, "and any speak," exclaimed Col. Dv. v( ; ... ritv. af, is Wilminrrton would be nroud to have this crand ladv as one nf it Tti . " ll9 1, ," j i. u.iujf wi us oiore auer pa vine native daughters. . ... tn attxnnvt a the few pleasure of talking to quite a sammies. To verify h'r; story ,,- lllf sentiment of the Fort Caswell soldier - "I must, say that Peplac has helped me wonderfully," explained Mrs. Kerr. "I have taken two bottles and whilj I was not what you would crl real sick, have been troubled with indigestion, my appetite was poor, could no sleep welL.nnd felt tired and worn-out all the time. "But new it is different, I really do feel much improved, my appetite is J as regards to Peplac, the Colon. 1 off ..... Tood, my ncrvr.", rtronger, sleep better th?.n I have hi a long time, in fact, j 'd tho"signed statement of iiiii;r,r- I am doing a little sewing nov, somethirig I could not do before taking Pep- j Fovvler, Pivate in 6th Company, c. A lac and fo.l myself getting stiongei evgry day. I am glad to recommend j c. which reads as follows: epiuc iu uiiui;ii puuijiy iuiu. cniy cope uiai my story reaencs tnem as 5 I know they will appreciate the relief that Peplac will bring them. NOQ MIMe MAILS CONVEY MESSAGES OF . PRAISE 10 PEPLAC FOR t Wh ich is so common in the general "This Peplac, howover, I I! t- Washington, D. C. (New Jersey) Bariettoa. w-T' if I y Ridunoad.Va. Charleston. S. CLv w 1 make-up of musical comedies. "The -worked wonders for me. My present Million DoUar Doll" takes you through r!cop and appGtite could not be bet many beautiful and novel scett Jle ; f or For famous cabaret at the home of Col.. frieEdg them n Bamngton m New ork City, the -trip this statement just ftow good Peplac Liii u i. u lilt r auauut tdum uuaiu My sleep V sure has I. One Well Known Man Writes 800 II! ies : "I Wish I Could Personally1 QinSh?1 no1nPtof th?w: 1ic1p d -V-i; Teli Every Sufferer Just Whal I Think cf Peerless Tonic" then V'-C i had 'those aw:ui riir.? He Gained Two Pounds cn a Single Bottle. "upre gained exactly c::; po'.jr.;;:-. j;.. ' , .j . i , i Biecp couiu not dp pe.ier man it ;s s'ree I started on this Peplac. Also I have a h?arty appetite nov.-. An have been relieved of kidr.c-y troublr. "Before taking" 'PYH''n, hov.ovpr, mine was a differert' rtcry.' Frr .-; -p trouble. I tried lots and lots of ni-di- nv. My ia A Hint to the HOUSEWIFE Now that you have finished your fall "House Clean ing" have you properly cleaned and polished your floors? Ir not use NO DUST FLOOR OIL. Phone us 520. Delivered all over Wilmington. 15c PAYNE DRUG CQ- 5th and Red Cross Streets. . i the big ocean liner, the now famous ! "Joy Zone" at th Panama Expqsi ! tion and the illumination of the tdw I er of jewels all make scenes- of un j paralleled splendor. A company of 40 I people in clever dances, tuneful songs, rousing ensembles and witty ; dialogue, make you forget all your i troubles and think that life is worth ; living again. All $7.98$8.50 Velour Hats at NEW SHIPMENT. BLACK VELVET AND EcAVER SAUCER SAILORS $3.93. OSTRICH FANCIES. MISS ALMA BROWN ROYAL THEATRE BUILDING. "MARVELOUS MACISTE." i "Marvelous Maciste ', the spectacu lar and wierd offering at the Grand jnext Monday and Tuesday, called for I the following praise from the New .York Morning Telegraph: "Dominating a six-reel feature film, as not even a Pickford might hope to 'do, 'Maciste', the giant of 'Cabiria,' ! scored miehtilv in the latest drama J from the pen of D'Annunz'io and the wa studios of the Itala Motion Picture II Corporation, the melodramatic come- Idy built upon the prowess of the great Italian held crowded aowiencas spell bound. The laughs were plentiful b'lt not too plentiful to ' lose the serious ;side of Maciste's talent. I "Sampson is re-incarnated in the 'scenes D'Annunzid and the Itala com jpany have built about the huge per sonality of Maciste. And the big hero :has forestalled the possibility of meet ing a Delilah by having his locks shorn to . the scalp. Thus armed j against the disaster that befell his I Biblical predecessor the mighty man iof the motion camera held sway (against the villainies of a mythical Duke Alexia and the villainous cohorts with which he surrounds his iil in tentions to possess the estate of his niece-heroine. "It is like taking the unexpectedness out of a surprise party to divulge the story of 'Maciste.' Seeing it, the theatre-goer is unprepared for develop ments and is doubly delighted for that very reason. A tense arama, nercu- lean exploits and spectacle go into the making of the success scored before thousands who viewed the picture in thi3 city. 'Cabiria' is very apt to find the new Maciste divested of negroid characteristics, supplanting it in favor au the finished art of the Itala company." really is," ended Mr. Padrick. Commenting on the foregoing story, Col. William Dwyer. the Peplac . ex pert, said: "A tired, overworked r.tomach, produced by too much hastily oaten food and other faulty methods of living, can cause manyand innum erable ailments among them being dyspepsia, nervohs breakdown, blood troubles, and even rheumatism. Peo ple so affected and there are hun dreds of them in cities like Wilming fon are loggy an"! nervous and fenl tired. They feel worn out after a little exertion, are moody nd depressed. They are also: apt to suffer from sleep- i need cleaning and e"unding. Give Peplac a chance It is the all powerful . i.z a r j. . . i , ii i recunstrucuve ionic luai aoes an uifu i i3 claimed for it. i Hardly a day pa?s;s now but wha: the mail brings one or more letters to the Peplac MedicineCompany in this city telling how the Feerless Tonic i has brought health and happine-s back to a man or woman, as the case may be. One of the more recent echoes' of Peplac praise to reach here comes from Florence, S. C. It reads as follows: i "I suffered from indigestion. My appetite was such that I did not care about eating. When I got up in the mornings I had a bad taste in my mouth and my tongue was heavily coated. I was losing flesh right along and fell off ten pounds in two tenths. In fact, I was in a tired out,, rundown con dition. "I had heard of the good work Peplac was doing for others, but put off getting it until one day I met an old friend of mine. He tola me that he was taking Peplac. Knowing him to be a highly honest man I lost no time in getting Peplac for he told me just what Peplac would do. "It may seem strange, but I actually gained two pounds on my first bct- lessness, and as a general rule, lose tie of Peplac and in a short time was feeling like a new than. I did not have weight rapidly. These are symptoms j that old taste in my nxjuth every morning and woke iy hungry. It was not Of OVCWO-kcd- Vital OrTCnS. Which i lnnf hoforn T h, jis "fin! -r!nrli' w.-- That (dArl ,t fTno- r,.. w - - 1 - ' I am so grateful for the good Peplac has done me tJut I wish t could per scnally tell every sufferer just how much I think of it (Signed) I It. C. SMITH, J Traveling salesman, "Tfcw "Tbrk City. i '- The Peplac, the Peerless Tonic, is being especially introduced in Wilmington at the Bellamy Drug Store Ly the Peplac Expert, There he explains the merits of this highly endorsed medicine or learn at first hand how it should be taken and the results that may be expected through its use from any of the following drug stores: my back. "This I'eplac sur. has heirr-ci no j and I expected to continue takin i . I ! recommended Peplac for wV,t it hns done for me and hone it will find it? wov to suffering people." "As to Private Fowler's sfon- Ol. Dwyer said: "The saying, don't I t your system become a 'slacker.' if you need 'pep,' take Peplac. also ap plies to citizenry of this section. I ! cn talk at length on what Peclac will do, but my advice to men an women in search of relief in stomacn, liver and kidney ills, nervousness, blood impurities and indigestion, also Lose wanting better appetite, in creased strength and energy, more weight and sound and restful sleep, is to visit the Bellamy Drug Store and bear the stories ahput Peplac's woi'c that are told me every day by those who bac put Peplac to the test." A dollar iv time saves nin ami fe ! inT fine is great. It's your opportunity; take advantage of it now. Call and talk. with the Peplac-. expert.: Elvington's, Front street. Green's, Market street Atkinson, Curtis Drug Go. Ilurgaw, Dee's Drug Store. Burgaw, C. Harreil & Son. Eladenboro, Bladenboro Drug Co. Boardman, T. F. Harv. Benson, Peacock Drug Co. Clinton, Rebt. W. Holliday. Clinton, L. E. Cox. Clinton, Herring & Chestnut. Clinton, Lee Drug Store. Clarkton, G. S. & L. Clark. Council, Squires-Hobbs-Ghimsley. Chadbourn, Chadbourn'orug Co. Dunn, Hood & Grantham. Dunn, Wilson & Lee. Southside, Front and Castle streets. j Bunting Drug Co., 2nd and Princess. Hardin's, 126 South Front street. j Jcrman & Futrcile, Princess street- Hall's, Fifth and Castle streotsr OUT OF TOWN PEPLAC AGENTS Duke, E. It. Thomas. Emerson, W. T. Porter. Faison, Faison Drug Store. FaycUoville, II. R. Hornc & Son. Fairmont, Fairmont Drug Co. Goldsboro, Hood & Grantham. Garland, Carter & Carter. Garland, J. L. Carter. Hamlet, Royo' Pharmacy Hallsboro. J. T. Carroll. Kenansvillc, N. B. Southerland. Laurinburg, Blue's Drug Store Laurinji:rg, E crir glen's. Laurel Hill, L?.r.re! Kill Drug Co. Luinbrrton, Grpr.tbnm Bros. Iumbf rt-onr McMillan Drue: Co. Magnoli?., F. P. Seoti f: Son. Magnolia. J. Ii. Grove-. Fz Son. Mount Olive, Guy it. iv r. Drug Co. Mount Oiiv. Aa-on's. Pharmacy. MaysviU". Mav;vi!e R-iPniy. Co. Reeky Point. A. M. Rhcioi Co. Hanover, Seventh, and Castle streets. Fentress, 621 North Fourth street. ese Hill, Rose Hill Drug Co. Rowland, Rowland Drug Co. oseboro, D. W. Tart, -r.-iithpcrt. Watson's Pharmacy. K-uthpori, P. O. Leggctt. Supply, P. S. Hawes. ncad's Terry. J- S. Harper. Vineland. J. H. Gurganus. Whiteville, Maxwell Drug Storo. Watha, Jns. G. Blake. 1 V allr.ce, Robinson Drug Co. Wr.rsaw, Brown Drug Co. ! Y?rfaw. Wa' nnw Drug Co. ! Win -evilie, Whiteville Drug Co. : Wananish, J. K. Council. 1 1 Prices decided ly reasonable Every pair has given nearly twice the wear, thus- keep ing the youngsters well shod at half the usual expense. SOLD BY PETERSON & RULFS Wilmington's Largest and Best Shoe Store. as . SHOE "fcfiL . l ARMY HOC TOMBOY OF THE SCREEN. Jackie Saunders, the "tomboy of the screen," who knows how to climb a fence, a tree, a rope, or an antagonist with equal facility and grace, has bet ter than her usual chance la fascjr natein "A Bit of Kindling", ..new Mii-tual-Horkheimer production,, thai dis plays Miss Jackie in some of her moat appealing moods, tomorrow's exquisite attracti6n at the Grand. As 'Sticks," the newsgirl, holding down a metropolitan corner and.flght ing for her rights against a lot of very tough lads, whom she terrorizes into subjection, "Jackie"' seems at first a virago with a sharp tongue and sharp er fist. - This impression is dispelled under the softening influence of a love that assails Miss "Sticks" in1 the person of James Morgan,, a wealthy young fel low of good parentage, who has" heeii "hitting the high spots," and has just eome to realization of his folly when the pretty little newsgirl rescues him from a gang of alley thugs, bent on robbing him. - ' - ' The story carries "Sticks" and her hero through a variety of adventures and ultimately marries them, but the force of the little drama is in its pro vision of opportunity for the display of Jackie Saunders' versatility; ? She goes from grave to gay, from anger to love making, and from alleys - to draw ing rooms, with extraordinary igrace. In shbrt.A .Bit of -Kindliness: just the sort of play Miss Jaekkre Yrieiid iuve 10 see ner ra. h - Southeastern Jobbing Distributor, R. R. Bellamy AGENTS WANTtD Ghcr-c'-orn Jobbina Dlctributors, Ahrcns Erothcrsi The demand for Peplac is increasing in leaps and hounds as merits become fcno-.vn. Live druggists and dealers in every city and town, village and hamlet, will do well by writing new for agency information to PEPLAC MEDICINE COMPANY, WiimihgtonfN. C. raecl TOMOBBOW The Tomboy of the Screen. JACKIE " SAUNDERS-1 In anothef EQufsite Production of Smiles, TcarH, Laughter and L,ove. "A BIT OF KINDLING" See this Waif Route the Newsboy Gang and -Battle Tb- Ally Toah8 with Her Plsts TODAY Flprence Labadl ill "The Woman ia White." . On account ofHfoops coming from Fort. Caswell steamer Wilmington fill leave Wilmington Saturday morji icg at 8; 00 o'clock, instead of 9:30J--Advt." ' ' : NEW BILL, TODAY. TIIE SHOW YOU ALL KNOW HERMAN LEWIS and His VIRGINIA BEAUTIES The Biff Show That Made Such a Hit Last Season Strengthened This Season, Featuring Old Dominion Quartet Master Harmonists SEABOARD AIS UK!: The Progressive Balltrar of the South. Effective Nov. 12th. 101C. DEPARTURE OF TRAINS FROM WILMINGTON. No. 13 1:5- P. ui. Train fr C'mrlottf and Intermediate T'olnts PULLMAN I'All- LOR CAR, WILMINGTON TO CHAU- ! LOTTE. i No. 105 :00 A. M. Train for Charlotte ind Intermediate 'Point. tLKri-iNi j BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND CHAR LOTTE. Open at 10 :U0 T. M. for Pasn Every Liberty Bond is a 'Shot at a U-Bcat Fire Your Shot Today at : the German Submarine that Torpedoed our Patrcl Boat. M A BO ARRIVAL OF TRAINS AT WILMINGTON No. 14 .liiiJU P. H. i'ruxu xiuiii iiitiv and IntermedL-.te Points. PULLMAN PARLOR CAR BETWEEN CHARLOTTE ! AND. WILMINGTON. HAROLD PATE Tremier Bass Soloist ' GivaThis Show a Try-Out It Will Please You. s:: No. 2012:10 A.-M. Train from Charlotte and Intermediate Points. SLEEPING CAR BETWEEN CHARLOTTE ANTt WILMINGTON. PASSENGERS MAY REMAIN IN SLEEPER UNTIL 7:30 4L. M. For detailed Information and reaorva tions, call on City Ticket Agent. Ortou Hotel Building. r . 'Phone 1V8. ' .R. S. KOONCE, T.'i?. A Wilmington. N; C. JOHN T. WEST. D. P. A., Raleigh, N. C H :B!;inilll!!III!l!lll!!!IllllM!l!:iiJi!!!i:!!!Iinilll!llli;Jllni!lQ s CertifiecJ PIidIic Actbun :' i : fa ef ectlve la treatinc , unnatural discharges ; auniees. noa-potaonos nd will not strietare. RelieTes In 1 Jo 6 days. Stamps Made to order4 on Short r'ctfev. '" J We make Rubber Stamps that gives, the maximum of sarvlco and Satisfaction. Promptness with very order. Sndus your order. LeGVUVN PRINTING CX :? 8 Grar? ?ei. Phone 220. CHEON TEA 50c Lb. n The Best Tea on Earth KENNY'S High Grade Coffee 25c lb G. Cenii Co. PliohetSm 16 So. Front Souvenirs Saturdays .iiuuiHuiiuiuuuiuinniuuiiiniiitauiuiiiniiiiuiuuuiniiD " yssssy yyxt L Ir' - r