I WEATHER FORECAST North ; South Carolina: Fair tonight and Thursday, with slowly ring temperature; frost tonight in exposed places. MING FINAL 'MODS r FULL LEASEDW1RE SERVICE XXIII NO. 372. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBfc M 1Q1 7 J, '-Y 1 ' PRICE FIVE CENTS. mm case L SIMS - - 5 r J : 7 W 10V I ,r . m! v v . A '0I- is B iMk. ram im n n n n n : : : : T " K U L Ul-U C ilEMGAN PURSES CHUMS E y 3sH BIB in Hlli Cfl El I. H SWW ti acw Wiai KHIII IIUV I llUy TO HAUZf THAT WILIS ON Today Is the Last Day of Grace from New War Taxes. I LfilluU EVERY ONE WiU. FOB B0S1 PUZZLE PROSECUTION HOLD ElECTIOM NEXT TUESDAY Principal Wtiness Is Deaf and j Center of Interest Will Be in Dumb and Cannot Read or Write. FEEL THE EFFECT! ACCUSED MAN WAS SEEN BY NEGROES New York State and City. LOCAL POLITICS FEATURE CONTESTS I BALTIMORE FIRE CA used loss of OVER $3,600,000 IT Teutonic Forces Have Recon quered 800 Square Miles Territory in a Week. PETAIN PREPARING ! FOR AN OFFENSIVE! iWar Revenue Bill Comes Into The Ignorant Deaf Mute Saw : Suffrage and Prohibition t orce INovember I , I hough Defendant INight of Murder Amendments in New- York Negro Woman Saw j Doctor Digging. Some Items Are Not Af fected Until Later Dates. CO T GUARDS IIFTED TO SEA i and Ohio New York City's Fight Is Hot. (By The Associated Press) Washington. Oct. 31. This is (TJv Asssoci.itpd I'resy.) tlio Richmond. Va., Oct. 31. A baffln?' uisc uay oi grace irom many now war feature in the Chamberlain taxes. Guns Concentrate French Powerful Fire on German f Crews Along North Carolina Trenches "United States to ) Coast Looking for Two ? Italy Substantial Aid. M en. (..nt r; derma!! ;iiy. Th- i' Taiili;mfi dr!' i stream.- i plain nortM. in" 'lidorna's rear guards are lv work in their efforts to advance of the Austro- (By Associated Press.) Beaufort, N. C, Oct. 31.- With the exception o!' increased let ter rates and tobacco taxes which go into effect Friday, the special stamp ta::es on documents, legal instruments ;:nd iiarcel post package.; which go lTitn niiorntinn llpctiinhpv t mT cinoujl , , .. ! lKlVG sepn taxes bf'gm to apply at midnight to night. They include: drive to, th murder case devclc-.ed today when it was learned th?.t one of the chi.-f wilness- DR.JWTS SPRU CIS FOR CHURCH ST CHfiPEL HILL Wilmington Man Contributes $30,000 for New Presby terian Church. (iy i lie Associated i'ress) ( New York, Oct. 31. New YorkjnD p. u oni oTam uric State elections on Novembe- 6 will! UK" U' KULlUN WAS name an Attorney Ge neral, the Court j ELECTED MODERATOR of Appeals judges and a full member-1 . es lor tne prosecution is Alexander iniiJ or rur AssemDiy, me state s low-l CT J i c l er body. Two constitution:!! nmid-! J"UU1W uuuiiuiiiun veie Knox, a negro mule who cm neither read nor writ ' o is r. ported to Da Ash W. Chamberlain honi'1 of the physician'.! One cent on eacn dime paid for amusement inlmissions. Three per cent, on pavnzents for -Coast ! freight transportation. Guard crews along the North Caro- Eight per cent, on passenger i'arer,. Ten per cet. on payments for Pull- from Rome ,i i loward the line c ' o river is continuing "(ting shield. i: thickly thread the Friuli ;i the eminences further overing troops are mak us stands and compelling is to halt and fight, while cavalry continued to har- lino foet t-!-!- oil r J o-li fr-r W7 C tnnf itinn V ' of their comrades who drifted out to man and similar accommodations. ... ....l, u inuicaiions in todays , Knot cetHav after, i Fivp nor cpnt on nil ninp lir.p tmnc : noon, while a gale was raging. Three ! portation. ;le'boat loads of rescuers had returned to j One cent for each 20 cents or frac ' hoM. oto ;no tViio Wovnnnn ivUViniu tion naid for pxnress nackas'ps. . , l L(l I 1 1 1 .1 L 1.1.1 P1LC. .t 11.1WUL i . - M. ' . - - Aiong tne ij ments, one extending suffrage to wo- l men of the State, r.nd the other cor; cerned wirfi the method of determir.- K ing the debt limit of c'ties, will also be submitted fcr rcit'.fication. J Locally intere.--t rentr-r . i the r v- oralty contest, admittedly one . " 3 ! most unusual in tho c'tv's (Special to Tlio Dispatchi Fayetteville, N. C, Oct. 31.-The ; the chief gunner of the British naval j must unusu;u n uio civs n.., jry. , teature ot tfte morning sessions of crew aboard. me name oi jonn rav.oy .uitcnet, tn3 the second day of the annual meet- Vice President J. M. Davis, of the present incumbent, will appear on thr' : . l . . . r j -. . , in utiifis ui uic luisiuu unu cuy pa' ties against that of John F. Hylan, the Five cents on each telegraph, tele- The two men, surf men attached to pnone or radio message costing Id the station at Pea Island, and Oregon cents or more. T-r been to their homes to visit; E'Sht cents on each $100 of new their families and were returning: to and that on post-cards including their station when their motor became dollar of premiums paid on fire, ma rficahiori Thp tidp was at pbh and a rine, casualty and other insurance stiff northwest gale was blowing. Al- Plces the thouerh their boat was in the mouth' A ... nm.rnpn ii. ncintr rinv innaH in ; . , . A! . ., . , i -tviLiiuugn uie (ouhcco taxes uo noi ca.tu.i.gn oeing dev.oped in ac- Qf the mlet at the time of the mishap 1 b nnerative until Fridnv mqnv (n; li;!iKc with the Austro-German in-'pnd they could be seen plainly from I Jec? e Peratlve until nda many W'Tum i cuuiu jc seen pid.iin 11 , dealers have already advanced retail William M. Bennett, of the Republi can, and Morris Hillquit, of the So cialist party. In conection with the strong So advancing columns. s announcement, savs Gt-rman ine SLi'jre, meir cumiaues iveie puw-.. Q3 OTl(:n;rioHnr, tv,o t,v i,r ana Austro-Hunsarian erless to aid them. Every effort to inv.,c. e n, u,,, tin. ps are driving through the plains .launch a surfboat ended in failure in ' , udin thoc.P on hard and soft drinks ot Venetia toward the Tasrliamentn tthe heavv sea and the two surf men 5 i iaL SBCU UIW hoon ; fFort crinno tl,r, law iivjv, 1 1 i ii ii v- t ouivv i ut id ii river, while another army is endeav-: drifted far out. nring to break through the Italian de-was busy bailing the boat, a 21 provetj October "H-s in ine ariiic Alps in an at-oot skiu, ana tne otner was waviuH,form u::.;h to ou , nk tne laeliamento for heln. lir.f. Udinc, i.bcndoned some days j Every life saving crew along the ag"o by General Cadorna, has been oc- coast went in search of the men as but in was ap-indirect On December 1, the new, stamp tax es, including those on parcel post . V nnrUnp-pc, will hp navnn p nnfrinp tno cupied by e mva.eraj8Sfe advan.ee : sqoas. jt was jpossiWetoJaunch ..8,4 -conirt oDeration r,, , ,,1 nr-o. Kin v. o tt.o coori K,7rtof i enmo AT tfiom Ktro tint i.'fTdmre"' fw n irvaitHtH. oiyoraiAB, hLiu.u.! 1.1 u ii ins tiai laou j j i lui- , uual a CLLIVI nuuic jl iuvui uu t u i w u j u I ;an cavalry between Udine and tne i returned. The wind olew nara ail; ., , , T..i 1 .i i . .1 i - 1 i 1 ii...... 1 1 ij . .... .1 ( t'liuy uas succeeaeo in saving iu uuiK.jini.ie nope ifc neiu oui :.yi mu ixii&sms of hi? forces which occupied positions ; men. ?i)i:ti'. of Tolrnino, as during the resti two cays. Berlin has made no; fit tiif liUA of additional captures of large! r,, T T(ONI r.unbr is of prisoners and guns. Udine !lVtK I YVKJ fVllLLlUIN 1? I- 1 nan li miles trom tne iagiia-j nvn'o ond if the Italian commander) to make a stand there, heavy fight in aler. tint line should take place w.'hir. a day or two at the latest. Tl r (I rinans' threatening move- ra n: in t'ip Carnic rrcion Mas not de-l v-,, rrf-atly and seemingly is notin the cause of food conservation, ac-y-: ricus "menace to the Taglia- i cording to tabulations compiled at . , . 1 ' m t-o 1 cm hnoHniiarrorc hPI'P tnn n V !nv V lpnna reporis tne cap- 1 '"'"s" nrttuMucVi . v 4 i.v j SIGN FOOD PLEDGE (By Associated Press.) Washington, Oct. 31. The third day ( of the food pledge week campaign; opened with 2,719,218 families enlisted Inreases m rtrst class uiaii .;ies probably will be most generally felt by the people. The law pro lues that the postage on letters, except "drop" 'or local letters, shall.be three cents; (Continued on Page Three). brother, Judge Albert P. Chmaberlain, Monday night of last wek, when the killing occurred. The fact that Knox cannot hear, talk, read or write, is puzzling the prcsecu'ion to ascertain how to ob tain his testimony in the case. He is reported to haw seen Dr. Chamberlain about 15 minutes before the quarrel abov.t a debt, the physician owed his brother, ended fatally in Judge Cham- ciaiist campaign in this city, interest berlain's home. attaches to party efforts to elect 10 wo- , men to various public offices, four for Knox, the negro mute, communicat j the State Assembly, two of the Board ed bv signs to Magistrate A. J. Houch-U'f Aldermen, two for justice of the ins the position of Judge Chamber .Municipal Court and two for county ' clerkships. lain and himself in the home at the j Qnly One New England State, time -Dr. Chamberlain drove up. He j Boston, Mass., Oct. 31. Massachu indicated by use of his hands Lowi"tts. the only New England State he went to a window and recognized j cl!n-in- annual elections, thereby 1 will monopolize political attention in the physician. After seeing Dr.T this section of the country on election Chamberlain, the mute T."alKCd over to j day, November 6. Governor Samuel the judge and tonched hiru on thej'W. McCall, re-nominated by the Re- puoiicans tor a tnira term, win be brated and Memorial Ser vices Held at Today's Ses sion of Synod. Last Night's Fire Believed to Have Been of Incendiary ' Origin. i SEVEN PERSONS ARE ALSO MISSING 1 ; Fine Piers Destroyed and a British Steamship Is Lost Fire Broke Out Last Night at Five Places. , - (K.v The Associated Press) Baltimore, Oct. 31. A disastrous' fire which wrecked two of the finest of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad terminal piers at Locust Point nd spread to a British s! , -nshUi that had just docked at one o' trio piers' for loading, broke out last iiieht j causing the probable loss ,of seven j lives and a financial loss estimated fat between $3,000,000 and $4,000,000 (before it was subdued. Five of the (missing men were members of the .' crew of the steamship. Among them ( were two of the ship's officers and - i r .ii: i yi ? i j it.. of the North Carolina Presbvte- ?u?l0ie nu .Yaiol sa. " Ta5. Ye 0 , . oener or tne rauroaa oniciais mat me v,& m uuu.,'.eni UJ ', fire was of incendiary origin, as cred- candidate of the Democratic party; j'Dr. R. Murphy Williams of ,..e gift of i ible witnesses stated they .saw flames ',' William M. Bennett, of the Reoubl "$30,000 by Dr. James Sprunt, mington, for the erection of c: Pres byterian church at Chapel Hill. The announcement was made during an address by Dr. Williams on the sub ject of religious work done in the ed ucational institutions controlled by the State. , Wil-1 leap from pier 9, and 8 at five points, almost simultaneously. Already the. police in their investigation hare ar-" rested one man. The piers represent ed a value of $1,500,000; the mer chandise stored in them $1,000,900, and the steamer and cargo $500,000. The steamer will be towed into shallow water and scuttled in order shoulder, pointing in the. direction of i opposed again by Frederick W. Mans- tne wagon, ivnox tnen quietly leu tne fieldj Democrat, whom Jhe defeated nome, apparently uuuuserjeu uy iasi year. viisier rt. uavyreuce, labl placed before the Synod by Rev. J. doctor. Judge J. 11 1 11!. ' l..""V ai ix ociuck mis morning oynoa.-lfo tinwxu th0 firo whtnh wiifl bHH cummumuii was ceieuiaieu, ana a burning in her hold at H a. m. memorial service was neia lor tnose ministers of the Synod who have died during the past year. Part of the me morial service was in charge of Dr. A. D. McClure, of Wilmington. Immediately upon the re-assembling cf the Syno for the afternoon ses sion at 2:30 yesterday, Dr. D. II. Rol .'ton, pastor of the First Presbyte rian church, of Charlotte, was elected moderator. Dr. Rolston's name was ChambIain rcrreu ? yruuiumuu uoumie, aiso is Leonar GiU,v of the Mecklenburg potatoes on Sat-1. ' ,anu ooudiibi-uduui ticneis iix me 5econded by Dr. W. J. Marti-n, presi- in lia dktr -to- helped him gather urday, two days before the murder. I Magistrate Houchins, who arrested Dr. Chamberlain, gave out a state ment today which contains the infor-i field The only congressional election will be in the Sixth district for a succes sor to Congressman Augustus P. mation obtained from Knox, who does j Gardner, who resigned to enter the t,; n, i,oro Kj n finny. The candidates are Wilfr'd W. . . IT.nfl.-in Rprnihlifan Mr (larntipr spr- himself understood to those i . ' r '1T o, . 7',; V ow him well. retary- and George II. Schofield, Dem- make who know t i.' im:! the Italians of positions at This is an increase of 117,855 over the P.nt:'f ! nr-i-r the Ploecken pass and' official figures given out last night by on st p;-1 These positions are on ! the United State food administration. th A; :,tm-Italian border and it is ! The figures are based on meagre re l.roh.hlv nor unlikely that General I turns from about 30 States and : rep- ; nrenaring to draw in his 'resent only one or two uisincis m o better protect the line each State. lliamento in the Ampezzo ur me atates mat nave y".1; : (.7z, regions. Berlin reports ! turns, Virginia leads the field witn - tv.-anl the upper course, over 107,000 pledge cards Maine is r -li-r r-nto but does not ?av second with about 90,000, Indian;: l , '.h-.n-.tnto, out does not sav . . , th . tnii a W illi a,uuw aim ninauoao iuuj -.ii with over 82.000. Arkansas made the Cade Ijn,. Of 111. ;ind an : (if !(,, .(!! I . I cTiumur1 nr nuniniTrc i iHinuutiD ui umtiuiuniLU i ; ! ocrat Prohibition Question in Ohio. dent of Davidson College. The elee tion of Dr. Rolston was unanimous. Rev. E. L. Siler was nominated bj Dr. D. I. Craig, of .Heidsville, for the DRIVE ON ITALY II POLITICAL MOVE Believed That .General Gar oma Will BeAble' to Extricate Armies.. (By The Associated Press) London. Oct. 31. Confidence that position of temporary clerk, and hi; General Cadorna will be able to hold election was also unanimous. j his own is felt in Italian military quar The report from the Union Theolog- ,ters- . The capture of Udine caused no ical Seminary was read by Dr. Waltev surprise, as it is ponuea out me nai- ians evacuatea uaine some uays so. The Austro German drive, according to news dispatches received in Lon-' ' don from Italy, is as much political as military. It is pointed out that lor-1 t!i! German forces are Winners of All Prizes Are M ere Than Ever in Doubt as Gompetition Nears End Ten More Days of Contest Miss Ella McCarley, Wilmington, in Lead Today. Iha Sa.i n.-i F. . ll!.: h. C V Sr.j mii h ; uf t a rii tiop (,. ip.:r ;i Wednesday the Austro-- iV" reconquered more than 'uiics of ien;tory formerly w Italians. The greatest ill" advance has been from- :;iKheastvard to Udine, a : I'.boui 25 miles. -1 States will give Italy i; can in ihe form of money j : '-arc tonnnge to transport! i.onn, food and fuel.! .! P.ri'ish troops and gun.i i .- on i heir way into north :" best showing . for one day, having signed up about 70,000 new cards. BANKS LIBERALLY RESPOND TO GALL i itn i; ! conditions in Italy j jjew Record for Absorption 'o irivo brought togeth I'clHic.inns and the of Pr;--mier Orlando has . Italy's foreign poli ro no change as Daron of Treasury Certificates? . "- ! TODAY'S LEADERS. i4p ' Ella McCarley 97,960 I .Mattie Powell 97,280 ' Eloise Daniel 96,920 'b Mollie Gordon 96,150 Sallie Garrell 96,070 Mrs. W. J. Conerly .. .. 95,825 Nettie Lewis 95,310 Mrs. A. C. Sessoms . . . . 95,265 4 ' , . ! 4 i I. The result of the count of votes I v.tDi'fl v nnot tii- nnfl frii- rnntpstnnts u..j v.. l.oi. j tiit. .v. ...... . . . . shows Miss Ella McCarley, of Wil- I mington, ahead by a slight advantage. nv The Associated lVrss I 1 llls ae vantage was giai uuu.u 1 .: .. . i a I u ..r.r,. t. 1..1 Alice- MpforiDV nn OCt. 31. ine tOtai Jl nuwt-vci, it. """f r .... e . lV, i n n rn r y ri tlm adfPr Wltn a ( am tre poriiunu ui. fi,p Treasury s latest onering oi -i mr i".-. - affairs. tifirntes of indebtedness of indefinite total 01 fntu voies. mis ia m in rasp! tndav to Soso.-i nrst time .MISS :ucaiiey s usiiim ucto ' - I Washington, lore-'ju aiiairs. tificates oi rap tvriusn navi- vwu ; amnni1 was ! in minor onerations north- fs. Canadian troops car- ot ;tie ngn.ing in "Igregating I'asehendaeio ana '-- is still open ' : -hp object oi straigiuen-i . i - i I -.l i. f K.i Hrvn H rV 1 -ho her I I OT 572 000 the highest recoraea Dy suo- aypfaitu at m- na,u u. i.o. scrintions'trom banks and others ag-1 friends had become discouraged be- ki Fi'AX uiiii. i ne onenns cause nn uamf "I'l"-"1 - Y -- - 1 7-- r.niong the leaders for several days, and they will no aouK be glad to see 'i 1 -i , I'peE cent, interest payable December j an(J Misj Collie Gordon, of Mullins, ;15 and convertible ir.to Liberty bondfi.lg c retrain positions on the "honor V.-'! 1 T 11, ! . , li British line. Passchen- This nuge sum waa .Ll'it mere once more, anu in uie iiucm i n f.:ivs was cnteerd by ! feanks in five days upon short time tion of honor. i who were driven out certificates of indebtedness bearing 4( Migs Eloise Daniel, of Southport i-,"ggv terrain, rainfall and i . . i : 17.1 .-I. i ii. -ii . . . . . - , .... . . . ( hed their objectives, ' Tne subscriptions to this issue nave roll Miss Paniel is in third place K'. d further sections of the! carried the total o outstanding certif- oday, an(i Miss Gordcn occupied ade ridge. ,'icates, to be retired from the proceec- rurth r William has placed at the! of the second Liberty loan up to The other ieaders for today are the !''; government Count von ; 219,997,000. With Liberty loan re-1 -L:ne as yesterday, although there has Premier of Bavaria andrCeipts totalling $23,064,154 for tne a general shifting of positions, id of the Catholic centre, ; day, it has svrollen the net balance in Mis , Mattie pcweu, R. F. D. Acme, is - 1 onnt of parliamentary: the Treasury to $950,169,795. thir-1 ; Miss Sallie Garrell, Tabor, is reforms. Whether he nins of certificates' fifth Mrs. W. J. Conerly Nichols, . table to all the Reichstag i i" If?"DA. "7 for thP first time S. C is sixth; Miss Nettie lewis. is seventh, and Mrs. A. C. of Lumberton, is eighth. hv will hardlv be wei- amnm - days after today, and tne aeveiop Moore, president of the institution. He reported that there were five dis- Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 31. At the tinct courses now open for students, election on November 6 the voters of land that the enrollment was 107,- Ohio will decide whether or not they'Thprp has hr.p.n an increase of $20,000 desire prohibition of the sale and i in thP nprmanpnt funds. Dr. Moore 'weeks the Austrians have been inun- nmnufacture of intoxicating liquors! aiso announced that a friend had of-'datig the Italian lines with bombs.'' for beverage purposes and also wheth-fered the sum of $100,000 for the erec-,filled witn leaflets. Numbers of .pam-. er Ihey will permit the women of the f tion, equiping and maintenance of a phlets and all sorts of literature, were v Stptp to vote for presidential electors. ; building for training students in Sun- dropped from airplanes as well as This will be the third time that an'-rlay school work, this offer being -con- quantities of pictures showing Italy . effort has been made to nave a nro-! Hneent unon the raising of an equal 'under the power of Great Britain And - amount by the Synods of North Caro-1 France. The soldiers were urged to .-ur.o viro-iQ onri that $c,r noo of 1 follow the Russian example and re; hibition amendment added to the State constitution. At both the pre vious elections prohibition was defeat ed bjr majorities exceeding 50.000 votes this is available. Dr. Moore reported that the Semi- treat and then a separate peace might 4 be made. ments of the past few days have plac ed tile winners, mure than ever in Joubt. So far, 'the contest is one 'he most even races that the contes manager has e.vpr seen. There are the people several of the candidates who have in even opportunity of winning the! Briscoe automobile, and the Ford tour ng car and several others who have Uie same equal opportunity of win ning one of the other prizes. These last few days will go a long way toward settling :he question" Little interest has been shown gen-inary's endowment now stood at, $670, erally in the suffrage amendment, ex-l -000; that the value of the buildings ( cept for an effort by the suffragists and grounds is $29b,000, and mat to have the referendum on the pres-r there are 27,340 volumes in the li idential suffrage bill declared un'con-brary. si itutional by the various Ohio courts. ttt t ,Ti: ... . Thp onrfo liowpfpr rlkmissprt thpi ur. VV . J. iviaiuu, pifsciu ui of pleas and decided that the Vefernedum i'idson College, followed Dr Moore, and ' st was legal and should be submitted to 'reported the condition of affairs at Riiiu i nirn r - IWI LIVtbLSbl f lai sit -tp. i ri nnn 111 (1 rL rLuUU tance of enlarging the support' of Dav- Hard Fight in Kentucky. Louisville. Kv.. Oct. 31. Kentucky ' maintain its high standiri will elect an entire new House of ' Southern.' institutions, but that it: 'Represpntatives, 19 members of the f might develop into a still greater j State Senate, an Attorney General! usefulness. t nnd county and municipal officers- . ,n next Tuesday. ! jf Last night's ssior, was devoted to ( T ,...c V.Q nlootinn ic pontovor trie Cause Ul 1U1 eic,7i muismuo lsi. tij whether you will own the Briscoe au- almoat whollv on the contest fpr con-'killy, of Winston-Salem, presiding. tomobile or let someone else own it. fT., nf tVlQ acnprai APmhlv Rnth 1 Keports rrom tne worn uuue m tint, L .vx. v..i . -' , . ., , -arties stand pledged to submit a'.neia snowea uie numuw u -..:.,. ,: i to be 5.256. an increase of 25 over any H rn. tu ona'the 'iSwe Previous report. The endowment fad!a.H o which wideBPreaa:-deStrction t,nv , iveH hn,it tlic do. I has increased to 522.Jtii. ana receipts j-iP l--vVi no vtioc t-i writo flip tO S59fa.544 SUt- tl uvuii i ai m..' i ..v- a Tor ; JNortn uaronna oynuu was ih,ioj. This period will show whether you are going to justify yourself in the opinion of your friends whether their judgment was good, bad, or indiffer ent, when they selected you. Remem ber what they had in mind when they j amendment to be submitted. did it. The rest of this period will help I Far Wes ue- 4. n n,7,rvi oil thot thaw ,ir T San Francisco. Oct. 31. Elections the right thing alter pao-prlv wntph vfin did misDlace their confidence when! In- New Mexico an election will be they nominated you, they will wanted November 6 on constitutional fr. n,io, Q fovioT-r. h0 'amendments for State-wide prohibi- l . . -I 11 A. i X Hin4- nvm1Tr ! :ason in oraer mat n may uuu umy D , . nrvn m ,. among oeiievea ( l nai i,uuv nauvc Indians Were Drowned at Durban. - (By Thp Associated Press) London, Oct. 31. Four months of abnormal rain in Natal, South rAfri-' ca, culminated Saturday and Sunday in a storm in which more than eight inches of rain fell in 24 hours, as a re-- tnat tnev aid do i octu nauviow, - '" all. They will!'are notably absent in the far WTest If they actually ard Pacific coast States this fall. s reported, says a Reuter dispatch - . The contribution of the' 'from Durban, Natal, today. t n The Umgeni river, deeply swollen by the storm, swept suddenly down upon Durban, submerging the thickly 'populated district on the Springfield ' "Jats. Many persons were swept5 away ' and drowned, Reuters correspondent adds, the mortality being believed i great among the Indian population (Bv The Associated Press) i while much damage was done to rail- support some worth-while candidate. Mage yourself worth while. COLD WAVE REACHED CREST THIS MORNING (Bv The Associated Press) Washington, Oct. 31. The cold wave I roads by many washouts. .J.- J. A3 T I rx.. ... i ii i.-j i.tmn nmPTin laxaLiuii meiuuus. anu . iney win De sorry uiai tuey uiu noi . - . ,,;. J5c. nart of thp ennntrv A,mrHinr to a f.Pntrl NTw tricts. Otherwise there is no State- reached its crest this morning with patch from Johannesburg the number wide election in the western one-third temperatures equal to lower than the,0f British Indian natives drowned. is Here is the greatest optortunity you: of the nation. j previous October cold weather record. . helievcd to have reached 1,000. ilt will continue com tomgni, out mere jwill be a general rise in temperature ' Thursday east of the Mississippi nv- have ever had. Put yourself in the' winning class. It may be this period j or never with you. If you don't do something this period; if you don't work your hardest; if you don't make yourself worth-while this period, then you are not what your friends thought, after all. You are not up to their standard of energy; you do not hold their confidence, and hereafter you will I ".ve to step back and make "-.l for real energy. Don't have to step back and out just don't do it. AAn-IM I tIam if il bv Tbe'XsocatrrressT" ! er, although it will grow only slightly Chicago, Oct. 31. The mysterious warmer, Weather Bureau officials said veiled woman witness in the case of today. Count James Minotto, vdefendant in The cold wave had reached the At deportation proceedings on suspicion lantic coast districts today, extending of pro-German sympathies, was idon- as far south as Northern Florida. It titled today as Mrs. Chauncey Eld- made records for October cold in ridge, wife of a wireless expert, re- many places. Frost was forecast a3 siding at No. 1 Lexington avenue, New probable tonight in South and East York City. , Gulf States. ABANDONS ATTEMPT 3 TO FORM CABINET (By The Associated Pres) " 1 Madrid, Oct. 31. Joaquin Sanchez -Toca, former president of the Serials,'," tonight abandoped his attempt to form a new Spanish cabinet. He -was , charged with the task early in the day jby King Alphonso. - , s ' 1 I 'A ! - f lltiliiK.fl Tin 7; p-f Three). I b&OjVVv. rmvtTJ 1 t , ' , ' . - ...." r

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