5 : TH& WILMINGTQNDISPATCHr FRIDAY: AFTERNOON,' NOVEMBER 2;497y.j PAGE TWO. I' 4 i (It 4 ! I m III! Mt lift , f-iVi J IP 7f .hi m V- J J1 r f.. Hi ill ;i,f Red Blocd and Courage ! (BY ds. w. c lccas. ) What drives the men right tip to the J Q thelmany features to be pre? trenches in this war is courage, ftttd it a nt d by J6h& W"Ygel feig Cttx red blood that puts the heart" m the MinsSels ihich tfritt appear at thS men Did any one ever see a mN- , o7 i?8& n&f Monday, b1" i November 5, is a'beatitiful nad Ufrto any chance of winning out ( vvwn,ricn, . y . su..Mi,i11H "Th tare blood you can- face any hardship, I capped in fhTrace of life wilhonT it. ceived.br Manager Vogel and arrang Every tissue, tone, muscle, should take ed by Barney Fagin. ; the world s mas, from the bood certain materials and j ter producer of intricate dancas and return to it certain others. When tbo ; terpsichorean movements. The scefio poisons accumulate in the blood, perhaps , is laid at the famous riheepshead Bay the" face breaks out in pimples, or boils, i race course, and the prancing appear on the neck, and we feel languid, j thoroughbreds are at the post await tired, cor vitalitv is at a low ebb, and l ing the signal for the start, they get we easily catch cold. ! the word "They're off," hoof-beats are It's time to take an alterative extract j heard in tbe distance and immediately and blood-pnrtiier, taken from iSature's' I after the finish tb? jockeys appear forests. Such a one !9 made up of 1 neatly attired in the regulations' coi GolUen Seal, Blood find Stone root, crs, representing the world's famous Oreson Grope and Queen's root ex- j uWners and stake winners. traded with ghcenno and made into ; . William Rowe, the famous and eugar-coated tablets or liquid, and this j worid-renowned sold clog dancer, has has been sold by druggists for the past j bcen pn?age(i to rehearse and pro fifty years as Doctor Pierce s golden , duCe the act jn the absence of Mr. Medical Discovery. Fagin, whose foreign engagements LE-rom. N. C "Dr. Pierce's Golden .' prevent his doing so. The prices are Med;cal Discovery is a great medicine for 50 cents, 75 cents and $1. Tickets me in baiiding roe up when I feel run-down Wjjl go on sale tomorrow morning at In health. It sives me strength and flesh. . Elvington's. I have t.eeniL"ii2g it at different times for : "V thirty years or more. I begail its use for catarrh, and it greatly relieved me. I can ! "YOU RE IN LOVE. heartily recommend the 'Discovery' as a I - "You're in love" had Us real bajj- blood medicine.17 Mbs. LtCY Beach. tism in critical Boston, where, at Loci-itt.e. Ky. " This is to certify ; three of m?st Prominent theatres that 1 "have been in bad health for a long it succeeded in a most convincing time, i.iiiVring from stomach trouble, i manner to make its Influence felt tb Had terrible spells of indigestion and j that extent which forboded its long sour stomach. A r friend told me about Dr. and triumphant career enjoyed at the Pierce s Uolden Medical Discovery. I had York Casino little faith at tirst hut she persuaded me : -N i orK oasino. U. try iL I have taken a little over four J ou re in love,' as was the case bottles of it and my stomach trouble has with "Katinka," "High Jhks ' and vanished. I can now eat everything and ( "The Firefly," owes its happv exist- feieep like a Iamb. I want to give ail ine ; creoii to tins great mwiicuie, wuicu j. consider the best on earth for stomaoh trouble." T. T. Laytoh, Koute 2, Box 28, Bwrry Boulevard. " ' . t 1 : : 1. 1 T THROUGH SLEEPERS TO ATLANTA Tbe old established tlirough sleepinf car llae between Wilmington and At lanta will be continued via Augusta, In connection with the Georgia Rail- road, upon the following schedules: LV WILMINGTON 3:45 P. M.-j L.Y. Florence . . 7:55 P. M. i Lv Sumter 9:30 P. M. At. Orangebure 10:53P A. Augusta (East time) AR. ATLANTA (Cen. tme) 1:35 thgLt I tf:ioA.Mii. Returning: Leave Atlanta 3:35 P. M. arrive Wilmington 12:50 noon. mi may remain in this car, Depot, wnich is in the nta. until 7:00 A. M., if in the Union hearf of Atla they so desire una on account of the earlier arrival of this train, and theiv'eie i"UL "rbl "uuiK 01 Trial." a production of infinite beauty use of the Union Depot, convenient he comPleted Picture in Goldwyn's and wortn thc most noteworthy pro connectioHs may be made with through !New ork Projection rooms. As the duction eVer nut on the film market Dining, Sleepins Car Coach trains lcamera fwed Polly through her witnout a great fuss, which leave from same station for Chi- i vicissitudes to the final triumph 01 ..0n Trial" could be presented as cago, Chrcrnnati, St. Louis? etc. l!ove and faith, . the combined spell of one of the Grand's Euper-productions j?or rares, tickets, etc., apply ti T. C. WHITE, Gen. Pass. . vt. Phone i0. Wilmington. M. C SEABOARD AIR LIHf: RAILWAY The ProjrrMslTe Batlway of the Sonth. Kffectir Not. 134h. 191. DEFAUTl'KE OF TBAINS FROM WILMINGTON. No. 133:55 P. m. Train for Charlotte and lntenupliate Ppinfs PULLMAN PAIt L.OK UAlti WILMINGTON TO CHAK- Xo. v.tri :00 A. M. Train for Charlotte md Intermediate Points. SLEEPING CAR BBTWIiEN .WILMINGTON ANE CHAR. LOT CE. OiVen at 10:00 P. M. for Passen gers. ARRIVAL OF TRAINS AT WILMINGTON l1-'i!0 P. M. Truin from Ca,irWtt ,.rl?,ter;T'f',iL,t'? Points. PULLMAN WhL?SiZSE CHARLOTTB nf2;10 Train from Charlotte ?..Jr, ,n.r.me1te Points. SLEEPING CAR BETWEEN CIIAKLOTTJS ANn WILMINGTON. PASSfWGEM M4T REMAIN IN SLEEPBH T lStIL For flclalled lnforaatfon and rearra- u7uiUlCity Tlcket 0rtoD 'Phone (S. R. S. KOONCE, 1. P. A, Wilmington. N. C. JOHN T. WEST. D. P, A., Raleigh, N. C. FOR WIFE MOTHER SWEETHEART Before going home tonight to mother or wife, or the visit you contemplate for tomorrow "drop'- in and slip a "surprise Joy" in your pocket. There will be smiles for the giver and a treat for the recipient. Fresli Shipment of Delicious Whitman's Candies just in. & FUTflELLE Phones: 211-212 107 Princess Street. i FOltECL'OSURE SALE. By virt--.' of the power of sale contained iu a certiiiu norta:nr made hv 'rhm.,D Payne and wife and Charles Payne to the i Wilmington Homestead and Loan Assocla- ' tion ana duly registered in Book S9 uae ! xi, oi me records ox iianorer County, 'default having: been made in the pay ment of the debt secured by said mortgage, the undersigned -will sell, to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at the Court House door in the City of Wilming ton, on Monday, the 19th day of Novem ber, 1017, at twelve o'clock. M.. the follow ing described prptrty: Cesinnins at a point in the Eastern line; of Sisth street 83 feet South from the Ronthem line of Bidden- Htreet: runs tbenee. Southwardly with 8aid line of Sixth street 33 feet : then.-e East and parallel with Bladen street 7S feet : thence North and parallel with Rixtli utreet 33 feet: thence West and parallel with Bladen street 7G feet to the Begln niHr. , ; " This 19th of October, WILMINGTON ilOMEStfiAD tb LOAN ASSOCIATION. , By John D. Bellamy & Son, Attorneys. 10 24 30 dayfc.f:.? - r' ' .. candy JAHMA "r1 .7. encp to that intr.nifl nrodneer. Arthirr Hammerstein. while Otto Hauerbach and Rudolf Friml , belong the credii respectively, for the smartly written book and delightful music, Edward Clark s lyric contributions materially assisting, these same authors an3 composer having been associated with Mr. Hammerstein ever since his first ventur? in the field of musical comedy. It is not often one finds such an har monious blend of genius inspired tb continue their combined endeavors for the benefit of the most popular form of entertainment. i BOTH LAUGHTER AND TEARS. ' i .Tii1 cori hv it aft ant nn Man t o toVi a , ai -v. .i thnr rjnMwvn'a firct nrnHnrtinn "Pni. ' : . f :: r"". . rr tU . , , ,. !?ra? a,d I"!8-da? j! to win both laughter and, A . r , . . , . Anc tear,s1 from aud,ences throughout the.reel d; u again '1lc iu1411 i miss .viarsns wonaenui acting, tne I truly remarkable photography and j lighting and the sympathetically in- lerwoven suD-uues.iqia on miss -iayo, abIe to hold tnenl But it stands o as. it did in greater-or less degree on be sern whether or not thev will rec overy person in the room. She cried opnizo the WOrth of the production a little bit. wben prpSontGd at regular admission Miss Marsh who has never seen prices. We tried to get this picture many of the scenes in the production; a month ago and would not pJ- the in which she had no part, laughed price LatPr thov a;;ked us to make " ' t "'an offer on it and we offei-ed them a 4 ACADEMY of MUSIC I 5IH JOHN W. V 0 GELS MINSTRELS All New! ' Air White! 40 Company oi--40 Well Known FcotHght Favorites Featuring Tommy Donnelly and Nick Glynn. The Best Minstrel Traveling Today The Pick -of America's Most Noted Fun Makers. Band and Orchestra Parade Monday 1 O'clock Secure Seats Early SEATS ASpELVING MY NOVEMBER 7 1 0 M. TUB 111 "Some folks are o used to fejeling bad that, they seem to think that it is natural. for them to suffer, it-Is hard for them to believe they can get re- lief," 'said Col. William Dwyer Intone of his recent talki?. at therBeilamy Drug StorV. "Many of them see their friends full of confidence and, energy and getting along fine and wonder tiow they do it. Why don't these half aick, run-down men and women wild are only half of what they should e, get back their strength and confidence, too?" Col Dwyer asked. Can't Auord to Ee III... "Now days," as Dwyer says, "life is a harder struggle than ever 'before. The average man or woman can't af ford to ba -weak, sluggish,, tired and without confidence and energy neces sary to win success. A stout bbdy and a clear active mind is needed ev ery day. - . 'If you wake up dull atid achy after sleep that didn't rest you and you have no appetite for breakfast,' you can't make up that lost strength dur ing the day," he explains. "Your sys tem will get weaker and weakef: "The way to a man's health, like his heart, is through his stomach. Tha trouble with most run-down and dis couraged people lies in their stomachs. Hew Can He Be Strong? "How can a mdn or woman 'have strength and ambitiOnovhen his appe tite is poor or finicky and what he aloud at the fine humor of the situa tions. She shouted with delight when Lit le Jimmie fell from the rainpipe Onto he head of his chum 'when they were stealing away to' see the circus; It isn't every photo-play that can make its author weep and its star laugh. Sometimes authors weep and stars laugh, but the Causes are usuaHy 'verv different than those that have been noted in this case ANOTHER SEVEN REEL FEATURE. And right after today's big seven scoop, the Grand comes back tomorrow with another mam- moth seven reel super-production "Un at ihcreased prices and Wilmington peopie woud flock to see it. and tnr 5eron(i day the theatre would not be 'price max wouiu anow us iu prest-ni. it at regular price? and it was "accept ed. That's the reason and the only reason whv Grand patrons will ert i ns big Saturday attraction at the reg ular admission prices. In Washing ton. D. C. it playp'i a solid week at prices as high as cents for the best seats, down to 15 cents for the very poorer seats at matinaes. "On Trial" stars that infinitely beau tiful and talented star of the stage and screen. Barbara Castletbn. You'll j like her work as well as any star onj .the screen and she is supported by a I i noteworthy cast, including Sidney! ! Ainsworth and the most wonderful little kid-girlie ever seen on the screen ' Little Mary McAllister. The Writer of this article had the pleasure of meeting Little Mary at the Chicago ex position last summer and she is un doubtedly the most wonderfully ac complished little Miss on the screen. j Now the management is sincere in 'expressing the expectation that this will be the biggest sensation of the week bigger than "The Girl-Phfljip-pa" in some respects. And they have i frankly told you why you are not go ing to have to pay as big prices tb see it. You should take this tip if you i want to be in on all the best., things offered. 45- w 4f -Sf- 4f X NEW MILITARY ATTACHE 35- .se. m. .;i .jf. s.'. -v. .v. Mi jg. Ji js. Brigadier General James DrLach an, the new military attaTdMbrthe British embassy,. vrhd liaa feceiiHv ar rived In Washington and beenreciv-i wis. . ME N6 BADLY STlTlii "does eat dbes hot digest but; Instead, sours and ferments and causes gas, bloating and pains nd slowly clogs his intestines with wasts matter filled with poisonous toxins that the biood carries thrbugh the system. "If a weak man Or woman could just Jook into his stomacii and see what a time it is having trying to digest his food and build him strength he would understand what is needed. Waste -Clogs the System. "When food begins to sour and lie like a lump fn the stomach and gas rises so badly it sometimes causes a feeling of suffocation, the system heeds a cleansing Of this waste that will help the organs to start over again and start right to build him up and put strength, .confidence and 'pep' back in him. That is what Peplae, the new tonic, is designed to do." Practices Own Theories. Col. William Dwyer is 65 years old, but with his ruddy cheeks and straight, well knit and full proportion: ed body he does not look past fifty despite hfs silvery hair. He is as vig orous as a boy. He has practiced his own theories. Col. Dwyer Is meeting the public daily at the Bellamy Drug Store; there he exxplains the merit of Peplac and the results that may expected from its use. Penlac may also be obtained at al Hther leading drug stores in Wilming ton and nearby towns. Adv. JOHN W. VCGEL'S BIG MWSTRELS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, ONE NIGHT ONLY, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5. n -XKW BILL TODAY Fourth Annual Tonr of BERT JACKSON I'renfntinic HIn 'GIRLS OF TODAY In a Repertoire of Hih Class Mn siral Comelie8 ' Feat u rl nit JAME J. ( PINKIE) KICE N"ot John Bunr..r. Hut Juttt Funny" as GEORGE BROADHCRST The Dancing y Wonder ECLIPSE TRIO Harmonists "THAT" PONV BALLET One Best Bet of the Year MatineeH 1st fl.o. -0.-; Balcony 15c Nicht: jt.t floor, 50c; Balcony 20c t These prices inc'.uoc the War Tax. which jroea to feed and cloth' Our Bo.tK wli, aie Kolnif "Over the Top" to win the war. is TOMORROW SEVEN REELS -OF- DRAMATIC THUN DERBOLTS Presenting the Beautiful Staxrc Star BAflBARA GASTLETON With Kidney Ainsworth and Won derful Little Mary McAllister, In I A Seven Keel t'ersion of the Tensest Dramatic Show Ever Keen on Broadway. The Manaireinent Sincerely Be lieves This' "to be the Stronsrest, Of. fering of the Week, RegardleHS of Price. - REGCtAlt kmiirfsiox PRICES FEE n III! BTantis i iRCi LIU BAIIO UO 1 . iJ economy -consider how good" not c?liow cheap huy clothes worse for wear; clothes that will not compel additional purchases hefore the season" .1 . - - tna t is economy, iuiue v o in sen everything you To attain this Ml Made the logical choice. We show them in ctyl build. every J. M. SOLKY & CO! One Price Clothiers and WHAT AIRMEN HAVE LEARNED FROM WAR ! fast movements they could not al- j . ;ways keep their faces behind their i Washington, D. C, Nov. 2 In the scretns. The wind got under the eye ; opinion of practical airmen and other, jids and puffed them up like little hai-. I , , ,i . -loons, blinding them.. nliaprvprs wnr nnvo nppn :ir tnpi x x. , , ! front, the progress and development m military aviation during the three years of the war have probably been more marked than in any other branch of the service. Many of tne pet theo rip? hpld hv thp nvia.tnrs hpfnrp nnil! . ... during the early stages of the v.ave been knocked into a cockt ages oi lae war v.ave been knocked into a cocked hat by actual experience on the battle- front. Many of the things which it once seemed a flying man ought tb ao nave Deen discovered to he the very things that he ought not to do. Under shrapnel fire, for. example, it seemed to be the proper thing to i limb out of range. But the flying j :neh have learrred by deadly experi- J way shrapnel is to drop instead of climb, j because climbing lessens the speed anrl o rr rwrl o n el n.-m f aro-ot tt-1i i 1 o ' v . , tends to spoil the enemy's range. j fort Sle-pin? '"a. Y" " :') ' s: ,. ..,, To get above an enemy flyer and in j ed to 'W5r'"n-S ieei fi"''oj,o n Lin-, front of him was the early idea Oijr3r vh" r,,.,. ,,. i,nr,-n,: plane-to plane fighting in the air, but i trains No. 2:12-11" ni iii-r experience proved that the best way j For furtlrer d''iil- "V ?onr to bring down a foe was to get below j Rail and behind him. jo. Jone, Trnv-liri? Pwsnjfpr Lft.t. Aviators who tried to fly without liRieiKh. N C ' Built solely for comfort and wear. Suitable for Soldier, Citizen, Farmer and all men who walk or stand on their feet a great deal. At PETERSON arid RULFi EGON PARS! purcnase COllfll that will last and not . a i f: buy. end. men find AOIHhAiRjCi! si STROUSE . BROTHERS, I.-.c, L u, :.2u. Furnishers. ! goggles, on the theory thftt they inter- ; fprrrl v.-itli siff'ht riisrnvprorl that in And the biggest discovery of all war, that if VQU t into ti.ouble in the sky . bv an 'eneras hlt tIle best thing u do is to do' nothing If vou-re hit just leavp VQUr controls alone," i?. the extreme niotto'of men who have had r, . A me experience, i r.P argye iivjli a fnp machine hns not anvihine lefr. and i, - far ononTh fro--! tho p-mMnri qhp'ii right herself. If she doesn't, there'. nothing the to r. ner Winson-STJ-Mo' fa' City Eea foi't Pu'lrnn S'e-Tc Car Lin Br- ' rnn,t. nit f p, f, - Winston-S.MreTi or.-1!. WILMINGTON'S LARGEST AND BESi;SHOE STORE. vs. MONY This Fall make your evei I true. D not ise "DarsiHioiiY vvh e i accordingly 9 North Frcnt Street. 110 ULUL TAKE A COT Wonderful How Fine You Feel After Taking the New Nausealess Calomel. If you have not cried Caio; ?.!)?. you hare a delightful surprise nwaiiin; yon. The wonderful livor-c-ir-r.nsin: end Eyctem-puri'i"3"in pioivrti'.s oi calomel, tb? doctor's favoriio anion; ail medicines, may now br cjiyi l v; il'.:oi!t the dirrhVvsi unpl?.?an rs. One Calotab at beuilrae, .vifn a srai-lov.- of water, that's all. X :iau-a, ror the siiehst un;)l.--a.ar.t off ?;;. -you Trnke tin in tho morn in a 'Vf-lia; l-.i.. ov.r liver cioan -:, T urlfied. ana with a -:or br---; : kiast. w'ivj i;o whi-rc you pr.-o. no : abit o.- die:. Calo'.ibs arc -o'.i on;v sr-r.Icd ren;s. pp.ckagc.". You Is dr;;gj ih'r:v-ftv r-i;iii N. I m-! grjaiT.JVtiorc !M;: I r. r: liflitod with tl:cm. (j'-.S.x ) Vi J! vlPAMY err. rp D r IL LU -if -' 21 v r. A'