v ,4." WEATHER FORECAST North Carolina-Partly,cloudy to night; cooler extreme' west portion, Thursday, fair. South Carolina Partly cloudy tonight; Thursday partly cloudy. ' WlilMlil Ilttl ffl : FINAL EDITION FULL UEASEd WIRE SERVICE VOL. XIII WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDM ESD AY AFTERNOONS NOVEMBER 14, 1917. - OP ACT Jfiira PfliiLimr limrRiiri? ! i i sac T CCOROli 101 LATESTREPORT Ruth Teachey Wins Ford Ot&er Prize Winners Are Mrs. 'Todays Dispatches Say thej - 1 1 U - y - mm mm U MM MU M M KM MM W Bl i ! U If IB H j-" i mmw J WBilk . .,. ,J 1 I . - M i ER i ON ?RICE FIVE CENTS, - i Howard, Mrs. Sessoms, Beriha AlIsbrock,jEUa McCar- ley, Mrs. Conerly, Elcise Daniel, Mildred Scott and Saili e Garrell, Premier Is in Control of Petrograd. Married Men, as a Class, Not; n . . - n k Exempt from Military j II 1 1 1 Ii Jfl fl fl KL uuiunun ni inuiLi Service. BY VILLA FORGES QUESTIONNAIRE SENT 9,000,000 REGISTRANTS All Registrants Are Divided , 0 , P , T, . Into Five Classes Which F,?ht .Paag Thl ning ouiieis ra American Side. ay 11 n TU n.J f T ;a lyiornmg ouiieis ran on W ill LJC I lien wiui-i vx iit-j bility for Service. I I (By Associated Press) ir.y Associated Press.) i Ojinaga, Mex., Nov. 14. After two Wa-irneton, Nov. 14, The five hours of fighting early today, Francis-f'.a-. - :. o which 9,000,000 men reg- co Villa's troops were driven away ish rei! for military duty and those from this town by the Mexican govern wim ar ( gist ered hereafter are di- ment forces under General Juan Es vitUa aivl i he order in which tuev will piriosa Cordovas. This was officially W all i i'li- service, were officii '. " an- announced at the military headquar noi Me .; roday in the Provost Mart"! ters here. (;.;-,. ra!V questionnaire which every ?'t ( r ' ' man must fill out and file. f REPORTS TWO TO ONE FOR KERENSKY AWARDS BY THEMDGES 5? Attacked Early Today. Presidio, Texas, Nov. 14. Fighting Th. (M-(icr shows some change from between Villa forces and Mexican gov- hr t'.Miraiive draft published some P- troops began at Ojinaga at imp ii:o. a. m. (Central time). The attack C;in:rary to some published reports, started from the southwest and grew ' dos i-!o! exempt married men as a gradually with the approach of day- clas. but does place married men with iigt into a constant fire of rifle shots. !ein'l nr wives and children far nq artillery, machine guns or hand lown on the list of liables. tombs were used in the first attack. In fact the questionnaire indicates American patrols are guarding the that only men of the first class will ford opposite Ojinaga. It is said bul- bf oallod to colors, except in the grav- lets are faliing on tiie American side est emergency. of. the Rio Grande. The five official classifications of ReIugees from Ojinaga-started corn registrants follow: ing across to the United States and re Class One. ported the fighting was outside of i a) Single men without dependent town. The attack, apparently was relatives. aganist the main camp of General Es-i - : . . . ib) MarrW aian with or without pirLC y Cordovas, one- and .one half, i - Above are- Ihenanies of the wimyjrS j benefited i.0am'B;jjm. children, or father of motherless chil' tiupg ' Southwest of Ojinaga. ; in " The Dispatch contest, as ofncua1lV jhapThemlni dren who has habitually failed to sup- rescued 'announced after the ballots had all iong after the battle of ballots will 'been counted and re-checked by the have been forgotten the battle of MR. W. E. LAWSON, Gen. Mgr., The Dispatch Publishing Co. Dear Sir: We, the judges selected to canvass the finfial vte in your Prize Voting Contest, after verifying the spscial balloti with the office records and counting the votes, award the prizes as follows: First Prizo Briscoe Autcmile. Miss Pauline Underwood j. -8,225, votes Second Prize Ford Touring Car.' - Miss Rmh Teachey - -J- 8,S03,611 votes Third Prize $200 in Gold. Mrs. Beulah Howard , I. .3,999,315 votes Fourtn Prize $100 in Gold. Mrs. A. C. Sessoms 3,945,373 votes Fifth Prize $93 Furniture Suite". Miss Bertha Allsbrook - -3,862,201 votes Sixth Prize $75 Columbia Grafonolaf Miss Ella McCarley - .. 1. .2,684,508 vot?s Seventh Prize $50 Merchandise Order.. Mrs. W. J. Conerly - ... v. .2,526,393 votes Eighth Prize $25 Wrist Watch. 'I Miss Eloise Daniel ,;. 2,403,544 votes We also find, that of the contestants who did not' win one of the first six prizes, Miss Mildred Scott turned in the largest amount of money for new subscriptions between Monday, September 24, and Saturday, October 6, and is awarded the first $60.00 diamond ring offered as a special prize. We also find, that of the contestants who did not win one of the fiVst six prizes, or the first special prize, Miss Sallie Garrell turned in the largest amount of money for new subscriptions between Monday, October 15, and Saturday, October 27, and is awarded the second $60 diamond ring offered as a special prizze. Respectfully submitted, J. A. ORRELL, H. W.:WELLS, MARSHALL SHRIER, sBoard of Judge:?. FRENCH MINISTRY DOWN 10 OUT i - t Three Accounts of Battle at Tsarskoe-Selo, One Credit ing Bolsheviki With Victory. London, Nov. 14. The Finnish Tele gram Bureaus says the whole of Rus sia excspt a small part of Petrograd is now in the hands of the provisional government. Premier Kerensky is now in Petro gram Bureau says the whole of Rus- tire city, the announcement of the ! Finnish Telogram Bureau says. According to these advices which' were received 'in a cablegram filed at I Stockholm at 4 o'clock yesterday, j Premier Kerensky defeated the Bol-; : nVlnrrjlr,' nU m 7 f-f mi m I ,v me uos- painieve ministry was defeated by a sacks are reported to, have destroyed ,K-.ar, jtne Red Guard. The telegraph lines d,'ect VOte m the Chamber of Depu ore now in M. Kerensky's hands, the ' ties tQday and later resigned. This I Telegram Bureau reports. i is the first time such action has been ' The Finnish Telegram Bureal says 1 taken by the Chamber since the be Moscow is the headquarters of the . . iL Provisional government, and that . ginmng 01 the war as UP to tne Pr Premier Kerensky has issued orders ! sent, it has been a point of honor num muuw wmcii nave appeared in . with many deputies not to vo ti,q on:.pni0i,it;' -r,-x- against the government, but to ex grad as well as the Helsingford news-1 Press criticism by abstaining from l?7 has-not yet been dislodg- naners. hv holrl ne i ett completely. ' : -..v. iiuw, uuuuuuumg i etui uing Lueir vuies. that the Bolsheviki is not nearing its . downfall. i Strong dissatisfaction with tV Following Its Defeat in the Chamber Painleve's Cabi net Resigns. (By Associated Press) Paris, Nov. 13. (Tuesday) The Hard Fighting Becoming Gen eral With the Outcome -Still Doubtful. v - i AMERICAN AIRMEN . ACTIVE IN FRANCE Take Part in Bombing Expe ditions France Has An-1 other1 Ministerial Crisis . Conflicting Reports. i I A FURTHER WITHDRAWAL. (By Associated Press); Rome, Nov. 14.-iA withdrawal of the Italian forces In the north, v in me region east of Asiago, Is ' announced by the war office. On the lower Piave river, the attack continues on the Germans whn te yesterday effected a crossing near" dependent on port his family ic) Married man wife for support. (d) Carried man, with or without children, or father of motherless chil dren; man not usefully engaged, fam ilv sunnort .". by income independent of bis labor. iei Cnskilled farm laborer. tf T'nskilled industrial laborer. Registrant by or "n respect of whom no df '"erred classification is claimed or made. Registrant who fails to submit ques tionnaire and in respect of whom no Ik-furred classification is claimed or made. All registrants not included in any riiher division in this schedule. Class Two. (ai Married man with children or father of motherless children where such wife or p-feildren or such mother less children are not mainly depend ent unon hi:- labor for support for the rea-on tlr.'t there are other reasonably certain sources of adequate support (excluding earnings or possible earn- ADMIRAL BENSON judges. . life. D AV IM I rwnrWiIt was a' grand finish to the big cir-. All active contestants, who did not dACJTv 1IN LIJINLJLFM cuiation campaign which had been, win one of the prizes, will receive ten conducted for the past ten weeks. At j per cent, of all money they turned in (By Associated Press) .qq 0'ci0ck Messrs J A Orrell, Mar-'for new subscriptions. These checks London. Tuesday, Nov. 13. Admiral j d j4 w Wells, ar-!will be mailed to the contestants with- wiiiiaui " . rived at The Dispatch office, bringing .in tne next day or two American mission iu nic mici-amua conference which is to meet in Paris, with them the ballot box with all its ;ii,'stnn nt vntoa Th o inde'pc! nroved .- i a a x .1 : to me umisn granu ". ting and by 9:45 the count had been which he conferred with Vice Admiral L1"s Beattie, the British commander. completed. I l ne winners oi nie iwu auwniuunto !are the contestants who worked the NAMES OF CONTESANTR. most efficient with their task of count- j Final official standing of all con testants : R. F. D. 1, Acrr.e, N. C. Mattie Powell 1,022,613 General Kaledines. the Cossack ; government's handling of the Eolo leader, is said to be dictator of South- j Pasha affair is believed to be the mo ern Russia. The orders of the Pro-L. , . . . . . ' visional government are signed by -M. ! tlVe whlch chattSed thc Passive dls" Kecensky. General Kaledines and content to active opposition. Two General Korniloff, -. other things thought to have had a part in the downfall of the Paitileve For the, last three days reports have ; cabinet .were the Premiers statTnent is AniattcmDt of the cwmr-fft cross the Piave between Quero and Fenere was Suppressed,1 The enemy suffered severely. i: hi If ! f n v r Two Towns-Captured. . BerlinV Nov. 14(Via London). The-: capture by j 5 Austro-German. forces of the towns 6f Primolano," in the Sugana valley, and Peltry " west. 9t the upper Piave river, 'Is J been coming in from Scandanavian , exonerating M. Malvy, . the. former i ahn.ouacea toaay Dy army fcead- ' but they have been contradicted by ' ti; . re t:aa ' " ' ', " SS i th?rSSS Petr-grad; 1 Francaise, edited by Leon Daudet, thfi' This is the third time that an account Maivv ' f Itali.an troPs V strong-cbunter at. ueeu receivea or a Dattle at . The ministerial crisis comes on the eve of the inter-allied conference here and every effort will be made to Edison's Burgalized. "7 i"- reu ts. I Allsbrook, S. C. (By Associated Press) luuur'n1IU,u 1U" ' " tZat w, veKna AllSDrooli 3,862,201 West Orange, N. J., Nov. 14.-The It can be truthfully said that both Biadenboro, N. C. home. of Thomas Edison was entered prizes were won by work and 1 work ; 1,137,591 by an intruder last night, through a alone. Miss Pauline -Underwood, who Boardman. W. C. third story window, which he reached won the Briscoe autorn WaIter by climbing to the roof of an extension faithfully ana persistently, and ov ei-1 Bot to the house. The man was frightened came obstacles that would have away by te screams of a maid. The almost impossible to many contest-1 Burgaw, N. C. police who are investigating say they ants She is employed m the office , MabeJ Bqw r d do not think the many had any mo- of Dr. J G Murphy m Wilmington, CJ. r Q five other than robbery. and with the ex ceptn of tte last, Fanniq Holmeg week of the contest, the only time she had to devote to the contest was dur- Bertha fi " i-isn rinnr QTln Q fTPT Cha WAS ' I illg tilt: iiuuu iiwu u"u k- m. -juv Tsarskoe-Selo, a Kerensky victory having been reported twice and t Bolsheviki success on the other oc- sion. settIe it quickly. The Finnish Telegram' Bureau aa President Poincare will begin con vices sc .closely parallel the dispatches sulfations with political leaders to lltfZZ tw SSnd Ut Monday as- morr0w morning. . serting that Premier Kerensky haa overthrown the Bolsheviki as to sug-- ,,r gest that there may be a delayed ver-1 NEW LOW RECORDS ' sion of the same reports which were FOR LIBERTY BONDS contradicted by the announcement re- ceived yesterday from Petrograd that (By Associated Press) the Kerensky forces had been de-' New York. Nov. 14. Libertv bonds. r -- i i i. il . m. : Awnv? .ioni rne moor ui iu wii;. tai.- An AgreeTTient Near. an o n'l.'l Mint tho r&rnnxAl nf t.hft ree- . . . , , , - " w - - - - j if ir A DOAnla fori KfDOB I . v . i i dVe SUCh d6Pend ! Washington; Nov Urinal agree-' wJJ her wotk wnawijue V :Sma, without children,! IZlnTe wholV's she certainly used to good ad- v;!,,. wife although the registrant is ! Europe neutrals on the whole qaes vantag6f as her large vote will show, en-a-ed -n'r useful occupation, is notion of exports was forecast today Tie last week of the contest Dr. Mur mainlv dependent upon his labor for' when the Swedish and Norwegian phy kindiy excused Miss Underwood fuppo; ; . for the reason that the wife Commercial missions had conferences fr0m her office duties that she might is skMl- 1 in some special class of work' with State Department officials px- devote all of her time to the contest, v.iiich she is physically able to per- i ranging final details. .This popular young lady certainly put form rnd in which she is employed, or :up a wonderful hgnt, ana ner many friends who assisted ner, win ue giau to see her the winner of the first in which there is an immediate open ing: for her under conditions that will enable lier 'o support herself decently and wiihoi-.t suffering any hardship. " Accessary skilled farm laborer in necessary agricultural enterprise. Xeessary skilled industrial la in necessary industrial enter- i ii i borer prise. Class Three. with dependent children feated in a battle near Tsarko-Selo. Stockholm's Report. Stockholm, Nov. 144. Premier both issues, dropped to new low rec ords on the stock exchange today on enlarged offerings. The 4s fell to Kerensky has entered Petrograd. ac-'99.60 and the 3 l-2s, which were more cording to a dispatch -received from active, touched 99.10. the correspondent of the Swedish news 1 Selling of the bonds was attributed agency at Haparanda on the Russian to the greater necessities of holders border. j resulting from losses in stocks and The majority, or Maximalist troops other securities, have joined the Premier, tne corres-' -: pondent says. j DDATUrDUnnn r'UIITFC ! Canove, west of Asiago, an Italian luiiuiiiiivwvw viilij . . , . TO SEE PRESIDENT i tacks aided by artillery have checked - AustrcKGerman efforts to capture the Asiago plateau and(ftreaten the line of the river Piave. Near Zenson, on ' the river Piave, about 20 miles north;-; cast ofj Venice the invaders have sue" ceeded in crossing'the river in boats but were repulsed in an attempt to ", debouch from the bridgehead they had constructed. t '. TllP fichHnfr in tVio ro crinrt ohnnt Asiago and between there and Monte v, I I Cimone is very bitter. The Austro Germans attacked in force and gained some defenses only to be thrown 1 back by the force of Italian counter attacks. Berlin says Mont Longara v has been captured, but Rome reports ; officially that the position 'here has been held against Teuton efforts. At i . i' 1 SMALL SAVINGS FOR WAR PURPOSES I (Bv Associated ITpss.) Washington; Nov. 14. Arangements have been made for the chiefs of the 'no! ' stapih III! Lloyd-George Questioned. T.rmdntv Nov. 14. Premier Lloyd- grand prize. hfl qoVo in thp Mouse of Miss Ruth Teachej', Wallace, who Commons today by Former Premier won the Ford touring car, worked hard w 1 a i-tinpTit in reeard to and faithfully, and overcame obstacles Asquith for a statement in regard to .f nQt the his Pans speech in which he spoke of which confronted Mis Underwood the new inter-allied committee, and The conteBt had not been many days blunders which, he said, had been old before viiss Teachey had thor- made bj the Allies m the past m tne oughly covered all of the territory in Chadbourn, N. C. Nettie Lewis 1,749,509 Clarendon, N. C. Beatrice Rrnwn fi42 231 (By Associated Press.) Conwjv, S. C. Washingtin, Nov. 14. Directors of four railway brotherhoods to see Pres- Mattie Britt ' 1,045,610 the campaign to gather for war pur-(ident Wilson on Monday, November Council, N. C. ' ' i poses two -billion dollars of small sav-; 26, in connection with the workers' Lizzie Council 474,367 ings within a year beginning Decern-j Proposals .for wage increases for con Maude Vaughn 8,710 ber 3, through a system of selling ductors and brakemen on all the 'rail- Folkstone. N. C. 1 thrift stamns war savin? stnrrmc and rodab ot me country, Mildred Duff. .. .. 42,055 Gurley, S. C. in relation of parent. -Man with dependent aged or own), but toward whom he coduct of the war. The premier is and about Wallace, ana u Decame nee- expected to be sent to reply but williessary for her to go elsewhere to se defe a full statement until later, ; cure the coveted subscriptions and , , when an opportunity will be given to votes. Before the contest naa enaea helpless !ln a,b it 'she had traveled many miles and vis- uie nuu .ited many towns in Duplin, Pender, graoergNz shrdlu Sampson, and" Columbus counties. There were never, a more congenial j set of candidates working in a contest, infirm parents. ,f i .Man with dependent nrotiicrs or sisters. id i County or municipal officer. 'e Highly trained fireman or J'ohcen an. at least three years in -f'l'viec of municipality. it i Xeresrary custom house clerk. -N' c . sary employe of United s,at. ; in transmission of the mails. (hi Xecessarv artificer or work- n!;m in United States armory or arse rial. ii) .eee ;.-a rv employe in service of the Fnited States. '.i' Xere,,sary assistant, associate, or lured lnr.Hager of necessary agricul tural enterprise. Five Burned to Death (By Associated i'ress; ixU unaa wnrtinp fnr The Tlisnatch Shreveport. La., Nov. 14. Five men- - were burned to death, two others sen . U j wiv w . - ously injured, a number of others sus tained minor injuries and property - loss estimated at $8,000 was caused ! regret we have is that all could not win one ot the big prizes. The can- Mo ees-ary highly specialized a hotel of Many, La. lateu i ' who won one of the valuable when fire destroyed the Phillips House ' ; " " " riailv to he conSratulati l.9 ' -w-- r 1 upon their success and the excel lent work which they did. They may wfll feel nroud of their achievements, for they won a worthy and fair battle, j Dutch Trawler Torpedoed. (By Associated Press.) London, Nov. 14. An Amsterdam disnatch to thc Daily Mail says a Ger- .iman submarine on Monday torpedoed Rose Prince 41,460 Hallsboro, N. C. Lula I. Doors : 36,850 Hampstead, N. C. Mrs. Beulah Howard 3,999,316 Mary Mallard 40,445 Jacksonville, N. C. Virginia Koonce 36,005 Lumberton, N. C. Mrs. A. C. Sessoms .. r. ..3,945,373 Loris, S. C. Thelma Blackburn 75,903 - Marion, S. C. Bernice Martin .703,635 Multins, 3. C were an- ! i fi $ '.$.' $ PRESIDENT AROUSED. counter thrust repelled the invaders and resulted in the liberation of Ital- ian prisoners. Between Mont Cimone and the Piave Berlin claims the capture of -Fronzaso which probably was given', up by the Italians in a retirement to straighten out their line. The Italians1: have occupied their new positions In this region and the Austro-Germans are in contact with them. . ... . The crossing of Piava near Zenson 1 1 may prove a more serious menace to j V (By Associated Press). the ' Piave line than the attempts In the Asiago region. The invaders war saving certificates, uuuiiucu iwiajr. Otto Marx, a. Birmingham business man was named general director for 4. the fourth district which includes the 4 Southeastern States. North Carolina is F, H. Fries, Winston-Salem; South by the plans of the railway. men's to . the . river bank by the Italians. Carolina, R. G. Rhett, Charleston. orotnernooos to demand wage in- . Further Teuton attempts to, debouch' creases, president Wilson nas may be expected and unless the It&h t set the machinery of the Federal ian def continues strong, the government in motion to avert, if 0. . mn. , -T'r;' iiaic yvoiuuu uiajr ucwutc du weak j tried to advance from the bridgehead Washington, Noy. 14. Aroused ; they established but were driven .hack PRISON AND FINE FOR ALBERT ORTH ' possible, the threat of a paralysis of the country's , transportation 4 (By Associated Press.) i systems so vital to the war. Columbia, S. C, Nov. 14. Accumu- At a conference with the heads 4J lated sentences amounting to 14 of., the "Big Four" brotherhoods " iinifa! or mechanical expert of nec maustrial ontemriRft. . t - 1 - 1 iiirnn iiiiv manager of nccessarv industrial Dutcn todbv "f nf tir friends and have been .years was juik-u. xcu uiiiiu - ... Mrs. W. J. Conerly . . , 2,526,393 Parkton, N. C. Nola Everette . . 35.550 Rocky Point, N. C. Mrs. P. H. Duncan .. .. .. ..193,212 Ro Hitr. n. C. Mildred, Scott ' . .1,418,906 Southpbrt, N. C. Eloise Daniel . .2,403,544 Supnr, N. f Myrtle Galloway 216,125 Tabor. N. C. Those who did not win a prize may j ame barren . . . vineiand, N. c. Bertha Pierce Vallace, N. C. Ruth '"-r.chey ened it will have to be given up. Contradictory assertions on the' situation in and around Petrograd have .not been cleared up. It - is ; ap parent, however, that the Bolsheviki I sua uiaiutaiu meir cunurui m jreiro- Moll-e Cnrdnn ' " 944 7d ! montns in the Federal penitentiary at 4- at the White House on November 1 Atlanta, Ga., and fines aggregating Jlr 22, President Wilson will appeal 1 v"u"l V"' OAft rri-.rT, A1V.t rkr-V. nnklich J. . 1 V, 1 J i J, nnn .. .' . . ., iuu wcie giicu iiiuu i unu, puunou- -j- me lcujui Baucis w ucici aujr -w- grad ' ? contiTmation of oOisueviki re er of : a German language - newspaper struggle until after the country j portg ; that Premier Kerensky and C11'- hLPl1 h ??eh? the-p-!" l 3eneral Korniloff were defeated by also peel proud of their efforts, for T , 5.,.J.i..'j o nraU fmiirht hft.tt.lG. EVftll i ... Af ; t-. n -i i 111 Tf n rrawtprmev ( ukul c " v., . .- wunoui ;s.,ro r " VC: thPir names are not among the 1 Xecessarv assistant, or associ- Suibertje at a point? r41". ' 1,0 ined the best . , x a nh i-krtv fr in w iiuei. lllj Continued on Page Eight) .1,900,057 .1,110,877 Federal Court here late yesterday, fol lowing indictments for assisting Lieut. Robert Fay, and William Knobloch in v wnere 115 trausporiaiiuu sysitius Tf , , - . - - nro n vital tn thp fnndnrt rtf-thp i 4, war 41 to fleet, is still lacking.' The same escaping from the Atlanta Federal! With the announcement of this j1.s true or reports trom Scandinavia ! prison on August 29, 1916, and harbor-1 conference, it was disclosed ".that. that Kerensky and Korniloff defeated ing them in Charleston. Orth gave , President wrJson, while enter- extremists and entered Petros:rad. i; taining every hope for a complete ; American army aviators have join- J J. J J. X J JL 1 - ' - . notice of appeal and his bond was set at $6,000. Three other indictments charging Orth with accessory after the fact in a conspiracy to blow up ships-; of ac cessory after Vtie Tact in the fraudu lent use of the mails and in landing Inn niton in the United States in viola- 8,803,611 tion of Act of Congress, were continu- 1 Con t on rage Eight.) ed. agreement, does not intend to per-';-'ed "the British " and French airmen in t m 'the country's transportation -J their activities on the front in France. t !8.?f ?I tr21e ,WricanV haye. participated in bornb tioa's history,. even" if it becomes inS raids On German , positions and necessary ior tne government to t - .v. .. operate" the roads. . a rtnere nas. Deen no. aerial lighting 4?jContilued on Page Eight), f f I -,, ' , f, - -1 , i - w - 1 4 I- f 1 f TOP. IW . ' - r v l'-v' ' SOLB Mi TO ( ji iv:-' -'P . . .r ... J .