J - i f - K i i . i 1 PAGETWOJ i .. - s " ' Since Lyman H. Howe's Travel Fes- tival is so Higmy esteemed here, it. seems hardly necessary to emphasize the pleasure that is in store for t'didly acted, a logical, consistent,, fast local lesion ol admiring patrons wnen ; moving wuih. ui j jochj itbiuu u & v iBr?nd of Satan" you are certain, to Mr. IIov,e will present his new P-j Uh these statements. And ductlon at the Academy oi Music, iyou win alg0 agree that Montagu Love laatinea and nigM, on next Friday. in the role of Jacques Cordet, the One of its big features takes specta-; public prosecutor of Paris wha is af-to-s aboard our steel-clad armada 'flicted with a dual personality, does ''Somewhere in the Atlantic" ami; some unforgetable acting in this pro- ehows it alert and aligned ior auy,uuvuUU v , -r- , jsiiuvyo it uitb u!,.o onrl Alhort Mart ivhn sun-I . po'ssible ccntiugency "ncy in these mouien- Superb views of the adventures oi Alt-liin.-i r-VinihPVSS in ascending Mt.; Bl.me; tense mome its during Droncnu bre-;! ire contest- in which both cow- girls an! cowboy.- of tap i al West vie with each in- ;he ncst sniritei ammaio, a. ' trick" film -hewing a thriliing i 'JJ'- i!r.r;a;i:i:'.i-y m ie ':I cili Lciiujn uetv?on a British airman and in the an over r. hu::- laiding Zeppelin vvhich ends inn5ng t0 en(jt including another elabor tlie rcme and wreck of the latter; jate set of specially beautiful scenery, and a ride over the Cascade Moun-!Virjth electrical light effects that add t.-.-is in' Northern V;v '.lig'.on via the ureati greatly to the charm ol the whole Rn 'hvay are only a few of 'show. .New songs, new dances, new the ni; ed m y oth'r notable scenes mcmu - m- J ' mv.eii whole. "fimo amusement is pro- vided by entirely new animated enr-too:i;.-, L.-e'iie.- a:id am? averting than- rny Mr. Howe's artists have creaied !ilhei-to. The matinee prices will be 1'") cer.rs and "r ctnt?;; child r, - 1." cents to a-iy seat. Night pric- .; wi:i be from 25 cents to 50 cents; ( .'a r Tax :-:t.v). Tickets will go on ttilc iomorrovv morning at Elvington's. YOU'RE IN LOVE." 1 '..ntif reiiifVi -;:i.''nt t ho same pplendid of "Katinka," "High "The Firefly" have crown-ti-TTf"" You're in Love." n.'usic:.! comedy by Otto :n -1 u'.'.Jolpli Frirnl, nuthor resrictivelv, who un- t rv th Hi' (i: I::: UP' -t wing ot Arthur i r uvtii rerica ! - to t C o o; pronounced sue who will Tiresent at the Academy of in:"' and night, on ne:-:t lived up to fr's con rid painstaking desires to vr H eking towards making .: ibietion cue of infinite PI ,Ko:n who r.nt'.emate a ;: .re-.T-r.s '-!e--. v 11 reasoned vuti! -ri:-;l v..-:r,iy. ?.nd above all else to in.cnre a pw.ir-r :;uerpr; -tation ci' ev erything v.-hic-'' si-ands for - musical com -dy wc:-tf ''v.-:iil?. The maiine pnef b; en4s 'tto S1.30. Cror.i cnts Xisht pr:rs will ran In ?2. ( Yar Tax (xtraV 1 Ticket? i " i: go on s; Elvington-?. niofning at i SOMETHING-- DIFFERENT. All the adjeetivr-s that have I ever J been used L: de.ei'bing the superla- SANTA CLAUS SAYS HE IS GOING TO MAKE HIS HOME WITH US AGAIN THIS CHRISTMAS. You know, last year Santa came and made our store his real headquarters, and he is going to do just the same thing this year, tod. We have gotten our third fioor all ready for him, 'and you just ought to see it now. . If you looked around you would see velocipedes wagons, ''game boards, roller coasters "that are the most fun, horses and wagons, horns, talking machines, tricycles, Won der Blocks, rattles for baby, and aimost everything that you would think Santa would want you to hav. There are baby dolls that are pretty, and baby dolls that :-ere the nice ugly-face kind every kind of aby doll you could wish for. i here are railroads that ..fun on tracks, and go into sidings and have crossings, and swishes, and that run fast. Erector sets, with real motors that work; Noah's Ark with animals, rabbits, cats; dogs that don't bite, although some of them look as though they want to but are too nice to do it; banks for saving up the pennies and nickels. Everything ou can possibly thifck of is here, and! the big opening is set for Thursday morning' ; Santa Claus Headquarter Opem Thursday Morning. E4 THE T tive ia motion pictures can be truth fully used in 'describing "The , Brand .jiof Satan," tne new vyiiriu-riuiuie -Brady-Made, which will be seen. at the arand theatre on -: tomorrowi This Grand diff erent ' vastly interesting an aini superbly staged, splen-; ua. ijuiiii,co ..www ry, i inort i m. p. so are seen 10 snienuiu v&iiifeC v STILL DRAWING CAPACITY CROWDS. Again ytsieiutt7 uctrt-vitj tiunuo witnessed tne secona aay s penorm :ancc OI tne rcojili nawaiiau ocit-u- , ,.. wovino- era. nuu uitfi a-wiu un,nmb( J- U ,n,1 n 1-1 ifr (new show for today and tomorrow. Everything- will be new from begin- musical selections, soios, auets, trios, , ,3 ..rt-.ri-ftf 1 1 -T f 11 V5d Kill f A today and tomorrow. vhen both Wilmington newspapers voluntarily tell their readers that a show is good and should be seen by everyone, it must be some show. PELLAGRA DECREASED. More Inteliiseut Cooking and Eating Best Cure and Prevention. (Sper-inl to The Dispatch) Raleigh, N. C, Nov. VS. That pel- lagra in North Carolina has decreased almost half within the last year, de spite the fact that foody conservation has been faithfully preached and as faithfully practiced, it is hoped, is considered one of the State's great est victories in public health work. In 1914, there were 551 deaths in the dtaie ironi pellagra, m lyio, .there 'Oi. 41 white aeaths ana zzk, colored. This rate of decrease is in keeping with that of other Southern States whare pellagra has been prevalent, and is thought in a measure to bej due to a more general industrial and agricultural prosperity in the South. "Whatever brings about a more varied and sufficient dietary is considered the enemy of pellagra. Pellagra is now known to be one of the so-called deficiency diseases induced by insufficient, poorly ba!-: anced nations. It is not infectious. J What one eats has all to do with its I cure as well as its prevention. Foods rich in protein as beef, beans, milk, eggs and fresh vegetables are espe- cially recommended for the peiia- grin's bill of fare. Wheat raw and yeast risen bread might be included, as modern milling, baking powders and excessive cooking of all foods except cereals, have been suggested as some of the indirect ceases of this WILfvliNGfON-.DlSPATCH.- s- SEVERAL Oi .HE BEAUTIES VITH THE MUSICAL COM-UY knuui, "Yuu i iin luvl; DEMY OF MUSIC; MATINEE AND NiGHT, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17. - disease. ' '''.' ) More intelligent cooking and eating may be said to be the real cure an1. prevention of pellagra, but not of pellagra only. Numerous diseases and bad health conditions are knovh to be the direct result of improper cook ing and eating. Whatever brings i about a more intelligent preparation j and serving of foods will be the re- ' form that Hoover as well as health, workers are seeking. This one' r form, it is said, will win the war. NEW YO P. K DAY-BY-DAY. 4. (O. O. Mclntyre.) (Special Correspondent of Dispatch). New York, Nov. 14 I know it's wrong. And I shouldn't do it. And the editor'll be peevedi When he finds. That I've used this space. For my own affairs. But I can't help it. The thrill that comes. I Once in a life time. j Has come to me. H. T. Webster, cartoonist. Who shakes a wicked pen. Has dedicated. His new book. "Boys and Folks" to me. And on the front page. Is a caricature. Of how 1 look. All flossed- up. In evening clothes. And in printed words is: "To my friend." "Oscar Odd Mclntyre." "Because now that he owns." "A dress suit." "Wears shirts that don't." "Have to be pulled on." "Over the head." "And even underwear." "In the summer time." "He has not forgotten." WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON,,NQVEMBER;1.4,':1917.: J4 s.r,it- : 4 V" 5?S f "His humble origin." "And still believes." "It was a privilege," "To be a boy." "In a small town." Gosh ! After I Tead that. I valked right out. And snubbed my creditors. I was so all puffed up. Then I read' it again. And a lump in my throat. Bobbed up and down. As a sinker bobs. On a fishing line. For after all. Only a friend. Would do a thing like that TOMORROW William A. LJraili- Presents MONTAGU LOVE GEKDA HOLMES AND EVELYN GREELEY in A Truly HemarUahle Story of a Man Who Han Two Distinct Natures TODAY in "'"TIIflK FIFTV-TILHE" "THE BATTLE OK THE SOMME" J? I. -? Hi pTHt BRAND OF SATAN" m,,.JL- i.iiMwm. !!!! T ' .,. . -Zl...., Thursday morning, we place our huge stock of toys on sale. We are prepared for a very heavy business, witn American Made Toys, but we want to emphasize the vital importance of buying early. We did it ourselves, else we should never have been able to present this complete line "of joy-bringers for your selection. ' These toys are going to be sold very rapidly, we are sure, and while the. selection. is a really splendid one, some of the articles are naturally better than others, and, of course, you would hot want to disappoint that young family of yours for anything. Can't you think back far enough to remember some childish disappointment that lingers in your mined even Our Gtock is right, our prices Do Your Xmas Shoooiner .EMlv.. attd "EaterliMank Us Foi 1 fmWm '-f f Mmf l Hi? 1 ? ACA And I hope everybody. Buys that book. For if you've ever lived ENTIRE CHANGE MY! .NEW SCENERY, NEW DANCES, NEW NEW SONGS, SOLOS, DIETS, TRIOS AND COMBINA TIONS. f ROYAL HAWAIIAN SEREWADERS PLAYERS, SINGERS AND " DANCERS Greatest Attraction Ever Present c:1 on the American Stage at Pop ular Priees. ALL HAWAIIAN S wai: Ukeleie Steel Guitar Solos pi Duels Trios. ' flawaiian Sextette See the Gemiin? Hula Dance Hear the Deantiful "A4chr On" From the-Bird of Paradise. Matinee at 3 15-20C Nishts, T:30 end 0 20-30c are right, and your opportunity i It To gmg r' - U I III II W 1 1 . -I M iW I II J' s MWWWMH m , , i , .ACADEMY- Friday Nov. 16th - MAT4NEE AND NIGHT. ' Q yn . 1 g-.---dt i tops Dandruff! am I riai wild Mm 1 kp 1 Matinee, Children Adtalts. . .. 'Sight . . Tickets at Eivington'p. NOTK: The Patriotic 'War Tax of 1c each 10c or fraction thereof will be ciiargreii in addition to above prices ACADEMY OF MUS?C 3IOST IMPORTANT MUSICAL, EVENT MATINEE ANI NIGHT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17. BIGGEST WINNER A HUSiCLglKEDY CYCL0N& 533 BOOK and LYRICS BY . OTTO MAR BACH and EDWARD" CLABK MUSIC BY: RUDOLPH FRINJU AUTHORS OF "KHMfOTBiai MK&Sftl FIREFLY" F-QtSH FROM A RECORD RUN AT THE N EV YORK CASINO CAST, OIORIISakd PRODUCTION a supreme! delight CLEVER ARTISTS 50 Comiiany Orchestra, Original Production PRICES, NIGHT: 75C to $3.00 MATINEE: 'A)C to 1.50 Seats et Eiving'ton's Friday.' NOTE: The Patriotic Var Tax of lc on each 10 or fraction thereof will be charged in addition to above prices. to get the right present or presents is right now. Your Attention d. ill . ...5c and 35c Twesc"z.r:.-i ' . P I I ?.c. 35c, ami 50c aSMSmsiMl I I :on Pompeian HAIR Massac will stop your Dandruff and keep ,ypur hair beautiful. Daily, letters of thanks arc received frommenandvonicn all,over the country. One day it is a Connecticut man -,vho writes us, then an Ore.';' on woman, then a Michigan mar, almost youthfully cmlm siastic about Pompeian HAIR Massage removing their im "sightly and dangerous Daml. ruff. j Pompeian HAIR Massage is a liquid (not a cream). S 0t oily.'' Not sticky. Net over perfumed, but just as delight ful to use as it is effec'-ive. LADIES Your druprzist can supply you with Pomptiau liAiR Massage. Start today and beautify your hair. f MEN-Get bottle today at your druggist's or have your barber Vive you a Pompeian HAIR Mas?acft treatment and learn fiowre!re;hr;I your scalp will feel after cr.e uppii cation. Bottles with econorr.icr.1 shaker top3 50 & $l.;o Pompeian HAIR M;issafe J is made by the makers of the reliable Pompeian MASSAGE Crcmn end Pompeian NIGHT Cream. Iht Pompeian Mfg. Co. Cievrlam Ohio :;Altlfough' ' there wi! FEarvard : and , Yale cross-comHry rac;? i this seasqn, both of the varsity hiil- land-dale teams arc in training. nniw:i ml-, v. jtm-m - jf 'Saves Hairll i ui f ji m m ''im nrnriM i i n i i i n I I li 11 T ni ,m i,,..,- , ' j : ; ; ; 1' - - - "' " i ' 1 - V r -