4 -1 V, ' "i ; . 2, ft -1 N." - - jnjEvWILMINGTOmDISP NOVEMBER!, 1 Ax V)VK - 9- PAGE TBr- I COTTON. W Umingtcn .. .r 2734 Savannah . . .. . . . . 2-1-4 i in rloston. . ... i ........ 27 3-4 Norfolk v, . .... ..28.3' NEW YORK COTTON. Xovv- York, Nov. 14. The cotton ,: arkct showed renewed nervousness ;,;:.! irrr rrularity. during" today's early .'.,i(!iijg. The unsettling character of luropcan political news appeared, to . r. I, .i dr.Tir VntVi Tla- KtiIHoI Vionana- -re not ,- on domestic mill consumption for ('), tuber and the beh'ef that the era- ;,!,.yint n; of neutral tonnage in cbast v. i am! South American trade-would iniove tlie export situation. The r: ,. ; oponed steady at an advance ,,i tlirc )oint3 to a decline of seven y.ulv.tr, hA boon sold 9 t6 13 points j , t hnvrr, with January touching 27.03 .March 2fi.51. There was StOuth , a:v,l Wall Street selling on the de (ii.ii bvJ ike market found support ;. M-a!'' down and there was scatter- ! cov. ring cn the consumption re- i '! ir.n closed firm. High. 28.25 27.56 27.29 27.06 2C.75 Low. Close, 27.88 28.22 1 1, ( . :i.v: ,l::(.it:;ry i;;v .. July r 27.03 27.47 26.51 27.21 26.26 27.01 25.98 26.72 NEW YORK SPOT COTTON. Nt Yoik, Nov. 14. Spot cotton Mill t. middling 29.70. NEW ORLEANS COTTON. N.-w Oiit-an", Nov. 14. The bullish; l.-.u-ir.p- nf '.he Canine! Tfuponii militnrv , . ... ' , 'A.,!t, rt tv,c ' .nsi. oti, ,! in.- opening of the cotton market !itm today, but-after a rise of 4 to 7 , ctt-rv-o-o, mtr, D(,!.!i (,.i nil- stiuiigtrr luuiuns mere LtritKi ip or licrooer causprl hnvinar uv i,:i -t i" u,,. Lw ix , uw. j-iud, ''-.)' -.nr. closed steady at an advance nf ! !o 8,", points. Htsh n.-r-nibf-r .. ..27.35 Jiniw.-y 26.62 Mi'-rh 26.40 May .26.26 JitIv 25.98 Low Clos Bid ; 27.11 26.25 25.68 25.28 25.10 27.24 26.5c 26.od 26.20 I 25.95 ; NEW ORLEANS SPOT COTTON. X w Orleans, Nov. 14. Spot cot-: f'T. sfpady and unchanged. Sales on' ti- -pot 1,220: to arrive 856. j l ow middlinrr 27.0-0: middling .27.SR: i rood middling 28.38, receipts 14,690, .-'tori' ,271. LIVERPOOL COTTON. r ivcpool, Nov. 14. Cotton: Spot, b't.--iness restricted, prices unchanged. ! rood middling 22.47; middling- 21.95; ! I'nv middling 2L42: good ordinary j -.-fj; nruinarv um&. aie; t b:iios, including H,360 American. No v.- v i ' heavy offerings which caused a'TT-rVT V 1 i k , , ,T , - ... to 1.16 1-2, were followed by material s b:ir-k. Much of the selling appear- furtner teak ,o rnnio from realizing longs. At ! Government " orders for the prompt "nwf, hlfi?t haif hUr; p"ce.s movement of more than 3,000 box cars r.Tfipts. Fiiiurrs closed quiet. New; COTTON SEED OIL MARKET. ror.mct: J?nuary 21.S9; March 21.88; J New York, Nov. 14 The cotton May 21.87. Old contracts, fixed prices ;sppd oi market closed quiet. Spot, Xov. 20.2.'; Dec-Jan. 19.70; Feb.-March . 13 50 (bid). November 18.75; ,Decem ir) ...1; April M?y 19.34; June-July 19.18. ' h9Y 1R 40. January 18.25 ; March 18.30; May 19.00 asked. 1U ill SET BlCe PRAISE Mend of French Aviation Ser- vice Lauds Yankee Fliers. P.y Knited Press.) Oct. 28 (Dy Mail) Major j ticf cf cabinet of the new j i.nrw.'.ter of aviation, is the former -'.!uti;and.-r of the famous "Storks Es o; (inllf," which included the most fa mous F'vr.eii aces, notably Guynemer, oi aviation, is the rormervNu ,-r. ?a nf the surest wavs who brought dawn 54 German ma- - , j j: t ii , iui i 1 1 1 l ' iiiu .tv . . - --- . - . ' ore.:. Doi-m.', Heurtaux, Doullin. j oriors and I cannot speak too highly j coolness, and exceptional physical en-r'!:-n:if urn! de La Tour, wio among of them. As soon as they have had ; durance are the first requirements. : iuive accounted for close to a lne nfGessary training, American air-j ' The athletic training of your young !u::o!vd b.ostile aircraft. No man in'ir,0n in rnnTunction with the French ! men fits them quite exceptionally for i' t'i.IK-:- is better (lualified than the j'r lirocurd. "th.tt air bombardments i b i - : r n it. in all its forms, at the Despite all their efforts, they will not j airmen in America, I feel certain that Homme, on the Chemin des Dames I be able to keep pace -with the im-; it is in the air that the strength of i n: in Danders, where he was in j mense effort America is making. America's war power will be rrrst felt. oinm;ind or the "aviation de chasse."i "But the preparation must be The aerial campaign which is immi iioiti v after the recent French air j thorough, for air fighting is becoming nent will.be of immense importance over German towns, a United j daily more complicated. Apart from for the final victory, and during its IT".-- rn!TMnni.fimt cirri Mainr Ib of ard for his view on the question j manship is all importat. Pitched bat fT air bombardments and their effi-!tles between opposing air, fleets will w-y in a military sense and the co- become more and more frequent, and TRENCH ATTACK. IT IN nyrrT. niwnnmm.iiriTMrn i .'. .w. .''. 1 1 included bemb'a- "which" can b r r . ; '"U y'-"yyw':"t v v - r 3 J : .: -V V WHOLES A Better, p&t, IS.Country- r.SOc Sprkig chickens,: apiece ...VzeOc Grown chickens apiece ....... 6065c Puddle- Bucks,, apioco . .. .... 5056c uuineas,-, apiece. i '. ...35e Beef ... ... M .12 13c; Irish- Potatoes, Jersey Joint; .-IV-pK Dags . t . . . . . . .... -.$4.40 jv. u. nams, pound .......... 2627c Nu. snouicters aftdRib3, lb . .25 26c Cabbage, (100 lbs) Hides, Green v. ;. .... .. ....20c Wool, free of .feu? . . .65 Corn, bucirsi . ; . ........ . . . ; i-m . J2.7& Bee's Wax .. .. ..... .. ,...13c Salted Ufdes .lgc Tallow ....... ...... ,llc Woo4, clean . .,.E0c Wool, burr i. . ... . . .46S06 Spatnish Onions, the crate .$1.75 Onions 2 bu. bags," Sllrerskin ..$4;40 Onians 2 bu. "bags Red ......... .4.25 WILMINGTON NAVAL STORES Spirits. .N. D. f Rosin N. D. ( Tar $3.50 and 16 cMits. Crude $3.75, $3.75, $2.75. RECEIPTS!. Cotton . Spirits Rosin Tar . . 707 1 i Crude. CHICAGO GRAIN. Chicago, Nov. 14. Decided setbacks mauK.s today, took niftPP in tho nripo rvf pnrn r . ' " t-. owing chiefly to 'weakness in the New y st0ck market Onenintr nrices stocK mf arRe- 0uVe? inf P"ces' which ranged from 3-8 to 1 3-8c lower, ,;iu , - i oa i ii -t -t r r-D ;into the West to protect. Federal re quirements for feed had a bearish in fluence on oats. Provisions, although firm at the out- set, gave way later with grain. Ini tial strength was due to the upward tendency of the hog market. , Grain and provisions prices follow: N Open Close i Corn ! December j May . . . . : Oats- ..1.20 ..1.15 5-8 ...64 .. 64 1.19 3-4 1.14 1-2 ' 63 1-2 63 3-4 December i M ; ' I i'OIK s Januarv i 45.55 ' Lard November January Ribs January . 27.40 24.65 24.30 23.95 .24.75 24.47 .24.07 nay ! : Total sales 1,600. BSaze Pul Out. An alarm from Box 17 at 11 o'clock !thls morning called the fire depart ment tn 1018 North Fifth street. vh.-To fcey exLir.guished a. small blaze on the. roof, of a one-story dwelling,; jcauseu ny-Hiai - - 'Damage Was Slight. t j.- f , -.i iteration of American . a or. There can be no aouot," saw j jor-Brocard, "that aid bombardments .are destined to play an even bigger . ..v. . - i role in the futurev and there is also nn fln.,ht in niy i mfnd that the co- Gperation of American kir squadrons otbriag'ms the war home to Germany j end shaking her morale. 1 Know wnai wp rm exDeet from American air- t v-,, vori oowcroi htkIrt mv , ma-fwin ive a development to aerial war-; fnrP which will surprise the Germans, j tho nuetion of Diloting. that of mark-1 CLUDES BOMBS WHICH C THE BACKGROUND. aeeen fallins 4i fre )ackgTdundi - ; ? : , ' - CTOCKS. X V '. New York, Nov. i4. Foreign affairs again - accounted for ; the 4ieayiness-: of the stdck market .'at the opening of today's trading, 'tneiresignation of the French ministry inducing moderate sellings j Unitfed States Steel, , Bethle hem Steel, Canadian Pacific, Marine Preferred, Anaconda Copper, JJaldwin Locotnotiy efc Central Leather, and M ex- ican Petroleum, were included ' among almost two. points and Brooklyn: Trans-! on, which fosteTed the poultry exhib it . dropped two points to the ' new low j it at ; the Fair and o the efforts its bf level of 40 3-4. Motors also . were fleers and! memhers Wch credit' is due heavy and the general list yielded ma and, the 3-l-2s at .20, madefreshfWllfi0I(I a m mmimuras. American Beet Sugar .. American, Can . . . American Car & Foundry A mnnVan Lncrtmntiwo 70 1-2 , .. 32 5-8 613-8 . .. 48 2-4 American Smeltine: & Refining. . 71 1-4 . t, . t 4 r .iiiivi v w . i,. . v.. . . - v American sugar itennmg Anaconda Copper A. C. L. ... . . .. .. .96 A. T. & T. . . Baldwin Locomotive Baltimore & Ohio ". . 107 coio I Bethlehem Steel "B" 131 3-4 . 60 3 - . 1-2 Canadian Pacifific . . Central Leather . . . Chesapeake & Ohio . Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 361-2 fi i ;:; ' t T p. t t io f 57 Chino Copper -r , . - 37 7-8 iu . t;oioraao i" uei & iron . . Columbia Gas and Electric Corn Products Crucible Steel 52 i ' Cuba Cane Sugar .... 26 Jiri-e v 1 General Motors f NorthPrn Pfd ' ureat ortnern ria .. . .... 14 1-8 . 82 1-2 911-4 24 7-8 27 1-2 41 93 1-2 90 41 1-4 113 1-2 21 73 7-8 Great Northern Ore Cfts Gulf State Steel . . Inspiration Copper . . 111. Central Int. Mer. Marine pfd . . . Kennecott Copper . . Louisville & Nashville . . Maxwell Motor Co. (Bid) Mexican Petroleum . . Miami Copper Midvale Steel Missouri Pacific . . . . 27 41 7 q 21 l 16 1 '. 67 3 Nevada Copper New York Central Norfolk and Western .. .. .. 100 Northern Pacific 85 Ohio Cities Gas 35 PrTmsvlvnTiifl 48 PittoliiiT'tr Pool fhirn 29 N Ray Consolidated Copper . . . . 21 1-4 Reading 67 Republic Iron & Steel 691-2 S. A. L 81-2 Sinclair Oil 29 Southern Pacific 81 Southern Railway 24 Studebaker Co ' . . 38 Sloss-Shef. Steel and Iron . . 34 3-4 Tenn. Copper 1.13T5-S Texas Co 133 Tobacco Products 43 5-8 Union Pacific 112 5-8 United Cigar Stores 82 1-2 1 United Fruit . . .... U. S. Industrial Alcohol U. S. Rubber U. S. Steel . . 1(13 481-2 90 1-2 75 3-8 Utah Copper, Va. Car. Chem 27 3-4 Wabash Pfd. "A" . . . . 39 3-4 Westinghonse Electric Willys-Overland . . 37 17 1-4 Militants Sentenced to Jail. ,Vashin 'militants of the woman's party were Itrwlr.v contotifod tr, aorvo inil terms ranging- from six dajrs to six months J.iifi"ft j jin default of fines for picketing the wa-lml. rln caf.ninv Qr,ri vtnv Mra Mary A Nolan the 73 year old jmilitant 0f Jacksonville, Fla., was sen- vvnirri nnnp.o war lru v an vpsLeruav tenced to three days for each of- fense. Miss Lucy Burns, vice chairman of the woman's party, was sentenced to serve three months for each offense. the demands made on the combatants are severe in the extreme. Couraee. the strain of air fighting., and as there is immense reserve ol such emnryo- critical phases ot Americas air neex will line the air with ours. That is why we airmen of France knot that victory is assured." AN BE SEEN FALLING IN n rr- 4 c - r'0-:-X' ' ';-.t:::::V POULTRY FXfliBT ChoiceLppwls Toiig tHesSOiJ Shown at the Recent -Fair.: 1 Th Poultry jExhibit at the recent Southeastern Fair held here was both extensive an8.)i. Sdme 500 birdi wtere shown. ' :Tri;iUt-idw'(n.: - !or the suCcesa of that department, htnsr Q a! - I" IS! ?,lT,raf Pottth period 1,636,723 bales of lint - ocj-ki,. . ... ,T wul: - :3:Ukrr"lV. mempersmp.-anu ine mieresc oi tne;yearr inv- consuming establishments: members has grown faster even thah : the membership roll Quite a number ' . . . Dtooaea rowib uaye- Deen purcnasea hv vvi lirnnffton ianciprs ann thf tipvt . , . iiouuBvuw Bfia.y ii nTiiri nTYi ci iirur f Minn . ii v. imnin tv - r :k ""r and Princess streets, these being the 511-2 awards given for the following exhib nr, ,its of poultry: Loving cup, by Geo. Hnnet foir the display coming from 4tthe1msest distance to Wm. H Clum, f nay - sver cup. given by. ,vv- "ur"' , ,U,?B' pc" Ul - , triage uoenms, 10 ivirs. anaers, ( H-lUgtJ sraw: silver cun. by Jno. S. McEach - .. 311-2 Soif' I oeStwPon PIyfot?:ters. compared with 796,588 bales in .. 281-4 otktoJr' Y- S.?0tt' of iOctober a year ago and including 7, .. 25 3-8 ton: the -A- Sehuster sllv cup, for 420 bateg of linters, and 1,761,613 bales 3-4'DesL single oiauH. iwmmcas.f to Ei R. .Oettinger, of Wilson Barred Plymouth Rocks. First cock, R. R. Hickson, Cheraw, S. C; 2nd cock, J. L. Parrott, Kin- ston; 3rd Cock, R. R. Hickson, Che rawr S. C. First hen, J. L. Parrott, Kinston; 2nd hen, J. L. Parrott, Kinston;. 3rd hen, J. L. Parrott, Kinston; 4th hen, J. L. Parrott, Kinston First cockerel, R. R. Hickson, Che- i raw; L'nd cockerel, n. K. Mickson, I Cheraw, S. C; 3rd cockerel, R. R. j Hickson, Cheraw; 4th cockerel, J. L. - fi ' arrou. K-insion. - - 2 1 First Pullet, C. M. Byrd, Keller, - 4'Va.; 2nd pullet, C. M. Byrd, Ketler, Va.; 3rd pullet, C. M. Byrd, Keller, Va.; 4 th pullet, J. L Parrott, Kin ston. First pen, R. R. Hickson, Cheraw, S. C. Pullet Mating First pullet; C. M. Byrd, Keller, Va.; 2nd pullet, C M. Byrd, Keller; 3rd pullet, C. M. Byrd; 4th pullet, C. M. Byrd. White Plymouth Rocks. First cock, Mrs. R. W. Scott, Bol ton; 2nd cock, W. H. Peirce, Lumber, S. C. ... First hen, Mrs. "R. W. Scott, Bolton; 2nd hen, Mrs. R. W. Scott; 3rd hen, Mrs. R. W. Scott; 4th hen, Mrs. R. W. Scott. First cockerel, W. H. Pierce, Lum- her R P. - 9,-nA onrkerel Mrs Tt W. W. Scott, Bolton; 2nd pen, Mrs. R. W. Scott. First pen, Mrs. R. W. Scott, Bolton; , 2nd pen, Mrs. R. W. Scott. Silver Laced Wyandotte. First hen," Mrs. Henry Middieton, Warsaw; 2nd hen, Mrs. Henry Mid dieton, Warsaw. White Wyandotte. First, cock, Marion B. Helvin, Cary; 2nd cock, Nevin Poultry Yards, Char lotte. r il m, lieu. Hi. Hi. ftouens, viiiiiiub- W on ' w t a, Mrinn. S. ' . ' ocV - c.; 3rd hen, rsievm poultry Yarns, Charlotte; 4th hen, Nevin Poultry Yards.- First cockerel, E. E. Roberts, Wil mington; 2nd cockerel, Marion B. Melvin, Cary; 3rd cockerel, Marion B. Melvin; 4th cockerel, R. J. Gregg, Marion, S. C. First pullet, E. E. Roberts; Wil: mington; 2nd pullet, Nevins Poultry Yards, Charlotte; 3rd pullet, Nevins Poultry Yards; 4th pullet, R. J. Gregg, Marion, S. C. Black Javas First cockerel, Wil liam H. Clum, Rahway, N. J. Rose Comb Reds. First cock, D. T. Perkins, Wilson. First cockerel, DVT. Perkins, Wil son; 2nd cockerel, D. T, Perkins, Wil son. First pullet, D. T. Perkins, Wilson; 2nd pullet, D. T. Perkins; 3rd pullet, D. T. Perkins. ' Single Comb Reds. First cock, G. T. Fulghum, WilsOn; ; 2nd cock, G. A. Bishop, Wilmington. First coraterel, G. T. Fulhum, Wil son; 2nd cockerei, W. J. Clemens, Wilmington; 3rd cockerel, ' W. J. Clemens, Wilmington. First pullet, G. T. Fulgfium, Wil son; 2nd pullet, Gr. T. Fulghuffl; 3rd pullet, G. A. Bishop, Wilmington ; 4lh pullet, G. T. Fulhum, Wilson. Light Brahmas. First cock, Nevins Poultry Yards Charlotte. First hen, Nevins Poultry Yards: 2nd hen, Nevins Poultry Yards; 3f3 hen,, Nevins Poultry Yards; 4th hen Nevins Poultry Yards.' ' First pullet, G. T. Fulghtrnt, Wilson :" 2nd pullet, G. TV Fulghum; 3rd Pullet G. T. Fulghum. Dark Brahmas. First hen, Nevins Poultry Ya'"3 Charlotte; 2nd hen, Nevins Poultry Yards. .' , '' First pullet, Nevins Poultry Yarn Charlotte; 2nd piiilet; Nevin9 Ponl try Yards; 3rd pullet, Nevins Poultry Yards. Black Langshans. I First cock, Nevins Poultry 'Yards, Charlotte. I First Tin Nevitisr Prmlt.rv Yd.rda Charlotte, 2nd hen, NeTins Poultry Yards; 3rd - hen, Nevins Poultry Yards; 4th hen r NeVtoa ' Poulfiry Yards - vFirst -purtet, John G. -Helvin, 'NbrJ ' Fjrst ;Kefl,LNeviri;Ptm Tard I dlk; Va. 2nd puRetrJdhir G; Helvin ffJbarlotleinfen;-. lrh-Fdulfryf '3rd bullet; John G,HeMn; "4th pullet, Yardsf, 3rd hen, Nevins, poultry HOWS IfJCRt E ; Year ; Than .October : 1 sumed during October Was 595,332 run-. ' campaigB.' with ft xleterrni t,o. iaa ioc k. Tyin n4. vhtion, and- it is expected that most v,x v iu& . ureau announce ; Consumption for the three months edrto canvass the people, of their dis ezine ''October 21' was i.667.418 rn- triCt, but it'is urged upon them to en- nlng bales and 268,19a bales of lin. ters. Last year, in Octc-jer 550,655 ? cjf lint and 67,228 of llnters were ana.zoiss of;Bnters. - Cotton ,on .haad : October .31. this .flm-hifTlfi(l tn insert t,. Koia and 69,887 bales of linters, compared i uv. . uiuyai w vith 1-721,990 of lint and 67,435 of i , . ... '"I - i ed with 3,667,840 of . lint and 77,207 or linters a year agov . : Cotton spindles active during Octo- oer numnerea 33,57t,yJ52, compared imports were 3,682 bales and for the three months 29,475 bales. Exports ?during-October were 535,- witn 35&7,7i7 a year ago. 565 bales, including 31,322 bales of 1 a a n ota .z. including 75,098 of linters for the three month period a year ago. Statistics for cotton growing Statesrj Consumed, "834,929 bales, compared with 312,888 a year ago, and for the three months, 965,124 compared with U35.773 a year ago. On fcand October 31, in consuming establishments 538,480 bales, compar ed with 1,024,0.29 a year ago, and in public storage and at compresses, 2, 867,365 bales compared with 3,469,542 a year. ago. Cotton spindles active 14,162,179, compared- with 13,440,937 a year ago. John G. Helvin. Partridge Cochin. First pen, R. Sanderson, Burgaw. Brown Leghorn. First cock, Nevins Poultry Yards, Charlotte First hen, Nevins Poultry Yards, Charlotte; 2nd hen, Nevins Poultry Yards; 3rd hen, Nevins Poultry Yard; 4th hen, Nevins Poultry yard. White Leghorns. First cock, A. G. Aherns, Wilming ton. - First hen A. O. McEachern, Wil mington; 2nd hen, A. O. McEachern; 3rd hen, R. J.'-Greggr Marion, S. C; 4th hen, A, G. Ahrens, Wilmington. First cockerel, A. O. McEachern, Wilmington- 2nd cockerel, Mrs. Addie H ttiick, Elizabeth nty; 3rd cock erel, A; O; -McEachern, Wilmmgton; 4th cockerel, Mrs. Addie Hettrick, Elizabeth ; City. First pullet, f. V. Dew, Sea Gate; 2nd pullet, Mrs. Addie Hettrick, Eliza beth City; 3rd pullet, A. O. McEach em, Wilmington; 4th pullet, Mrs. Ad die Hettrick, Elizabeth City. Black Leghorn. First hen, John .-Br' LeGwin, Wil mington; 2nd xhen, John H. LeGwin; 3rd hen John H. LeGwin; 4th hen, John H. LeGwin. . Black Minorcas. First cock, E. R. Oettinger, Wil son. First hen. E. R. Oettinger, Wil son'; 2nd hen, E. R. Oettinger. First cockerel. E. R. Oettinger, Wil on; 2nd cockerel, la. R. Oettinger. B'iTSt pullet, J.W. Abbit, Port Nor md pullet, E. R. Oettinger. ' First pen, E. R. Oettinger, Wilson. Rose Comb Minorcas. First cock, J. W. Abbitt, Port Nor folk, Va. First hen, J.' W. Abbit, Port Nor folk, Va.; 2nd hen, J. W. Abbitr iTirst cockerel, J. W. Abbitt, Port Norfolk, Va. ' zFirst pullet, J. W. Abbit, Port Nor folk, Va.; 2nd hen, J. W. Abbit. First pen, J. W. Abbitt, Port Nor folk, Va.; 2nd pen, J. W. Abbit Dark Cornish. : First cock, John G: Helvifl, Norfolk, Va;; 2nd cock, J. 3. Bardett, Burgaw. First pen, J.' J. Barden, Burgaw; 2nd pen, J. J. Barden; 3rd pen, J. J. Barden; -4th pen, J. J. Barden. ' First cockerel, J. G. Helvin, Nor folk, Va.; 2nd cockerel, J. G. Helvin; 3rd cockerel, J. G. Helvin'; 4th cock erel, J. J. Barden, Bttrgaw. First puUet, J. ' G. Helvin, Norfolk, Va.; 2nd pullet J. G. Helvin; 3rd puV Let, J. G. Helvin; 4th pulleL J. J. Bar Je3. White Orpington. First cock, R. J. Gregg, Marion, S. C,; 2nd cock, Buena Vista Farm, Wilmington- ' ' , "". First hen, BUeha Vista Farm, Wil mington; 2nd heii,' Buena' Vista Farm; 3rd Ken, Baena Vista Farm. First cockerel, R. J. Gregg, Marion, 3. e. - r ' " Ros Conib Orpirrtfton, First hen; R. J. Gregg; Marion S. C IBirst pullet, Buena Vista Farm, Vilinington; 2nd pullet, ' R. '3. Gregg, Marion. jS. C. . ' . Hotfdans. First cock, Nevins Pcraltry Yards. Charlotte. ' First hen, Ne'vifis "Poultry Yards, harlotts; 2nd hen, Nevins Poultry Yards; 3rd hen, ' Nevins Pcraltry Vards; 4th ben, Neyins POulti-y Yards." -C ;" ( :. 1 ',' .4 Blafck .Breasted Game " 4fihst cock7 Kevins Poultry Yard Charlotte. . " ' - t: First; Kefl;iN6yiri-Ptmltry Tara? flUMLtDiSTjIB sliiiii Nev?HarVef County Doing k "-'Its "BitVforrrxrylrl. J ; The people of -ie -rural districts in New Hanover county 'have entered tW otthe school districts will exceed their allotments. Some few have not -start- 'Z, toSLXS ,ier into tne-worK without further de-J their district. The farmers, the farm era wives; sons and .daughters are in -the rural section and the teachers iare doing their "bit", and it is expect- ed that hundreds of dollars will be rolling in from the country to aid the of t,o v t n a t v, camps of the world. : There will be a L" n wi 1 VI . Jl UCIC Will. tJXS meeting at Castle Haynes and also ai i. . .... ... 1 importance of the Y. M. C. A. war .work in the army camps of the world. j x ne people of the districts mentioned are urged to attend the meetings, LIQUOR CASES. Southport Parties Charged With Sell ing Liquor fo Sotdiers. United States Commissioner A. S. hearing in the cases of violation of . juuuuicu ti. the law, prohibiting the sale of liquor to persons In army uniform, arrests having'heen made by Special : Agent Dorsey E. Philiips and Deputy Mar- shal Kelly yesterday, at Southport, when a large quantity of so-called monkey dan was also "arrested." The first case . called was that against Mrs. W. O. Lewis. She plead ed not guilty and waived examina: tioned and was bound over to the Jan uary term of the Federal Court. Her husband stood her bond in the sum of $200. Private W. P. West pleaded not guilty, Special Agent Phillips asked for a continuance of this case until 11 olclock Friday and bond was fixed at '$200. Private C. W. Lowe and Mrs. Lowe were also placed under $200 bond each to appear Saturday at 11 o'clock a. nnir Yard's. . Silkies. First hen, George Price, Sunset Park; 2nd hen, George Price; 3rd hen, George Price. Seabright Bantams. First cock, Nevins Poultry Yards, Charlotte; 2nd cock, 'Mts. R. Sander son, Burgaw. : First hen, Nevins Poultry Yards, Charlotte; 2nd hens, Nevins Poultry Yards; 3rd hen, Nevins Poultry Yards; 4th hen, Mrs. R. Sanderson, Burgaw. White Cochin Bantams. First cock, Nevins Poultry Yards. Charlotte. First hen, Nevins Poultry Yards, Charlotte; 2nd hen, Nevins Poultry Yards; 3rd hen, . Nevins Poultry Yards; 4th hen, Nevins Poultry Yards. Buff Cochin Bantams. First cock, G. T. Fulghum, Wilson; 2nd cock, Nevins Poultry Yards, Charlotte; 3rd cock;, J. P. Bunting, Wilmington; 4th cock, Cassadra Lord, ttt: i ; i- vviiuimgLuu. , v ....... jrirst nen, xvevins poultry arcs Charlotte; 2nd hen, J. E. -Bunting, Wilmington; 3rd hen, G. T. Fulghum, wirson; iourm nen, uassanara Lord, Wilmington. y I Black Cochin Bantams. - ; First cockerel,' R. R. Hictfsoh, Che- j raw, a. c; zna cockerel, . k. nicii- son;- 3ru- cocKerei, u. ti ueumger, Wilsbn;r4th cockerel, R. -R. Hickson, Cheraw. . - First hen, E.R. Oettinger, Wilson. First pullet, R. R. Hickson, Cheraw, S. C. White Crested Polish. First cock, Nevins Poultry Yards, Charlotte. First bent, Nevins Poulty Yards, Charlotte; 2nd hen, Nevins; , Poultry Yards; 3rd ben, Nevins Poultry Yard3 First pullet, Nevins Poultry Yards, Charlotte. - - Bronze Turkeys., .... - First gobler, Mrs. -R. W. Scott, Bot ; The Ccrte: WhsUttl ' ' . ! ' ." SK iSiilili: i III I I H I 1 1 H B IMUII , Report of i Workers at I H. - i - i a jt . . oi .i This , Afternoon ; Showed, About ; $5,000 Subscribed V RENEWED EFFORT V TO BE PtTlV FORTH Tlis C&Ss Quota oflKeBig Army Y. M. G. A. Fund is $1 5,000 First pays Work Disappointing.j:V;4 At the meeting, of the committee- V canvassing for funds , for the ArmyK ' Y . C. A., held at the. Y...MAi Building this afternoon at l:i5 . ... iifai approximately $5 uw, or onaS i ' .... . .. third of. the sum needed, had."be?i ; -subscribed.- ''iiix-lj While the campaign committee -. -was somewhat disappointed .by ; the v reports, the members were not dis- couraged, but on the other hand.'went ,' back to the task with a renewed de- : termination to reach the goal' set-. for Wilmington. ' jr. .. Returns from ilie ll-st day's cam . jpaiorn. announced last night, totaled ;Tu"'Jf trnt was much 6; a o rn . .... . . It is thought that there VexfitB some misapprehension on 1 he part of -would be contributors in tha; ah nouncement that every man andw6- man give one dollar to the ; fuhd v This led, it seems, to a limit of , the T dollar, where more might be C given, and other cases where the N household! was unable" to give the dollar in -fv ma.king no donation. - t , - i The dollar per head was merely a suggestion in the hope that it. might t'H be developed into apopular , movement, ? through which quick securing ot the $15,000 called for could be reached. '' As the first day's showing is not up ; . to the mark, it is urged that those.who can, contribute not on the dollar plan, but' to the full extent of their ability, V while every one give some amount ' , This morning the workers started forth again full of courage, ancl there ; is- the reasonable expectation that , to- -day's returns will make a showing to encourage all. J; r u The following speakers are booked , ' for the theatres herie i tonight: Roy al. Lieutehant W. R. Dosher; Grand, :v W. P. M. Turner,,, Esq.; Bijou, H; a Rogers. ., - - . ton. . ' , ',;:,C''.'v; First ben, Mrs. R. W. Scott, Bolton. S ; .... - Muscovy, .Ducks, .... , '- v'vi.Vj: First drake. J. W. Bunting. ;Wil--ff mington; 2nd drake, J. E. Bunting;' 3rd drake, J. E. Bunting. , Toulouse Geese Firt gander, J..F. Mann, Wilming-' ton; 2nd gander, Mrs. R. Saiiderson, Burgaw; 3rd gandeTTllrs. R. ' Sander-V'J'V.t, seon. . ' ;f:?.':;: First goose, J. F. Mann, Wilmin? . ton; ; 2nd goose, Mrs. R. SandeJrs.btt,-';. Burgfw,. . " . 1 - . y 1 . Pigeons Carneaux First pair,' W. ' . D. Thomas, Warsaw. , U; CJ ; White Mondains First pair,y,T:lj.; Huggins, Wilmington; 2nd pair; 'T L. Huggins; 3rd pair, T. L. Hugglns. Guinea Pigs. 'V:'-1 Best pen, H. V. Hblmes, Castle - Hayhe. . Firstbest male, H. V. Ilolmes, Cas-" tie Hn vile 2nd best male, lVt- ' - Holmes - -CU'S : best female, H. V. Holmes Cagtle Hayne; 2n(Kbest female, IL V. Hftlrnps. ord hfifit ffimaiP. u V. Hoi hips ' . - ' - ' English rabbits 1st, G. F. Maiiri, Wilmington; 2nd, Malcolm Owens, Wilmington. - : , .-'; Eggs Best dozen brown eggs, MnS. ' R. W Scott, Bolton; 2nd, MiS3 Bid- die, R. D. 2, Wilmington Best dozen .white eggs, Mrs. J." B, Piner, R. D. Wilmington. Eest pullet in show, G. T. Fulghum, Wilson; first light Brahme, ,?5 cash Special Sweepstakes. V Best cockerel in show, J. W, Abbiti Port Norfolk, Va., first Rose Comb; Black, Minorca, $5 cash. - f v- Best hen In show, Mrs.-Henry! Mid-' dleton, Warsaw, first Silver Laced , Yahdotte, $5 caEfh. - -Best cock Jin. show, J. Helvin,." (Continued on Page Six) Diitrn?utcrfc Vur.:- " I .La, . . " . fc I. .V" f -1

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