1 HE WILMINGTON DISPATCH Published DAILY AND SUNDAY BY DISPATCH PUBLISHING CO. TELEPHONES: 'Advertising Department. . Circulation Department... Managing Editor... .'City Editor . 44 .176 .176 . 44 .205 GIVE CHEERFULLY; Says The Winston Sentinel: "'We FOOD SUBSTITUTES. All these food experiments such, as hould make up our minds while this' with shark, menhaden and the like re war is in progress that we must give to 'mind us of what we have heard told of Monsieur Achille Murat, son of the eel- xiDerauy oi uur lu.uS ailuuo ebrated French marshal. He settled causes in connection with it. We in Florida after the restoration of the should give until it hurts and con--Bourbons and there he earned on ex- tinue to give until it stops hurting periments of all kinds. . One of his FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE. &P5MBER OF THK ASSOCIATED, PRESS. The Associated Press 1 exc'Dsivel enti tled to 4 he use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. All rights of re publication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. BY MAIL: .Daily and Sunday..- $6.00 'Daily and Sunday. Sis Months. . .$3.00 Daily and Sunday, 3 Months $1.30 Sundav Only. One Year $2.00 DELIVERED BY CARRIER: Dailv and Sunday, per week 15c Or When Paid in Advance at Office. Daily and Sunday, One Year. .. .$7.00 jjauy ana su.iuay, ou iuwuiup,..u. Daily and Sundayfi 3 Months $1.75 Sunday Only, Gie Year $2.00 Entered at the Postoffice in Wilming ton, N. C, as Second Class Matter. Foreign Representatives: Frost, Green & Kohn, Inc., 225 Fifth Avenue, New York; Advertising Bwilding, Chicago. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations. "That idea, asexpressed by a speak- favorite - subjects for experimentation ,was food.- He was always inventing er in. a recent address on the war, is new disnes. He told an acquaintance exactly right, in our opinion. People one day that he had tried buzzard, but may just as well make up their minds it was no go. He said he "tried hefem that there will be numerous requests boiled, tried heem baked, tried heem . , fricasee, but heem buzzar still." Our for funds for various purposes until. . , I dea is that you can cook shark or he war ends, and that it is the duty ' menliaden any way, but it will be of those who are in a position to help 'shark Dr menhaden still, to subscribe just as liberally as pos-j It is well enough to practice econ- sible. It is not particularly pleasant omyand to use substitutes for certain military observers of the United States army with the allied forces and with General Pershing's units in France and others who have returned from several months' experience on the western front, are convinced that the "march to Berlin" will never be accomplished until the present system ortiVioo nf fn'nA fnr the anlris nf miit. 'of trench warfarp on thfi western bat- for the workers in these various cam- . tf subgUtutes Ue front in France is abandoned and a naitmn tn i around and solicit funds.1 J ,..,- direct, tremendous and insistent front- x j -- o ' OPEN ATTA C K IDEA GAINING GROUND Nature Needs! Assistance : In Keeping You Well 5 ' j THE NEW tlLMEL HIE A Kftl likln t Innn wavs fef all impurities. V This old remedy Is , uw f a; wonderful -purifier Military Observers " Believe That Frohtar Drive Should -Soon Be' Made If you would keep your body vln , a Tiealthy aid robust , condition, . throb bing withthat ; Splehd vitality that indicates freedom from all ailments, first of all see that jour blood is kept pure. Any . slight impurity that creeps into your blood will soon effect the well-being of your whole system. A few bottles of S. S. S. will gie (By George Manning). Washington, D.' C, Nov. 13. Offi cials of the War Department who havs : just the assistance that nature heeds carefully examined the. reports of the in keeping the blood absolutely free and tonic, and has no equ?l for iceeping the blooa rich and' 'nnev It builds up the ap petite and tones up the entire system'. S. S. S. 4ssold by druggists every where. it" has been successfully used for more than fiTty years, and people m practical"-, every state testify to its great worth. Write for booklets and ' free medicinal advice to Swift Specific Co., Dept.- El, Atlanta, Ga. Adv. are wholesome and nutritious, even but in doing so they are performing though they are not as palatable as a patriotic duty. Those who are ap- the dishes for which they are substi- proached for subscriptions should view tuted. There is such a thing, though, al attack. made and continued against the German lines, , With all due regard and apprecia tion for the great task the French and the matter in the same light and will-' ingly do their part." s carrying the idea of war-time sub-(British armies have accomplished in stitutes too far. Then they not only j stemming the sweep of the German; become a foolish fad, but may cause arm!es in France and. their success In The people who are applied to tor - t hpalth I subscriptions to the Y. M. C. A. warj ," fund should remember that those ask- j MR. ROOT ON THE ISSUE. ing for such donations are not doing so for pleasure; that there is nothing At the meeting of the American Bar aereeable in it to them; that they have Association in September a dinner GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER Hase been used for all ailments that are caused by a disordered: stomach inactive liver, such as sick headache, constipation, sour stomach, nervous in digestion, fermentation of food, palpi tation of the heart caused by gases in the stomach. August Flower Is a gentle laxative, regulates digestion both in' stomach and intestines, cleans and ' sweetens the stomach and ali mentary canal, stimulates the liver to secrfete' the bile and impurities from the blood. 25 and 75. cent bottles. I Sold by Green's Drug Store. DO YOUR SHOPPING AND PrfJG EARLY. SH IP- More of "Our Boys" will be away from Home and Family this year at Christmas time:than ever before in our history. .On account of the enormous volume of War Materials and supplies, in- ad dition to the usual large movement of Holiday shipments, it will require from now oh every available baggage, mail and express car that can be put into service. ' ' -. j To help the situation and to insure Christmas packages reaching their destination on time and thus avbid di3- FOR COLDS UD GfiR Calotabs, the New NauseaW Calomel, Breaks Up a S vere Cold Overnight. Physicians and drueeie remedy for colds iasl luuiiu a QUICK anH . and UdVP nt id fal'rttah nn V, i with a swallow of waterthat- e Next morning your cold has va? ?l and your liver and entire sy.te 'Shed purified and refreshed 2 !u6 slightest unpleasantness or re ence with appetite, diet or work ' "V "avc ""ways contends calomel is the hP.st moi,C:"ueu that bronchitis and la grippe and tJe'S medicine to be snven uienrst -- - ' 44 HI and acute fevers. DnPllTnn:. fmeb ?TS,TT -7 I ! A -barrel 6f German fed dye, hidden annofnTrne th dnvmar thpm hn.pt tn their own tern- . appointment tne Jrublic is earnestlv o QTiroir in o arrrtr- Yrry-r fit o nnnA rnw i " tory foot hy footthe strategists of the pnV in Lincoln Nli sincfe its dut- reo!jieste" ship their Christmas ! a j ' pany m uncoin, in. n., since its pur-. nkaer s whAthr hv TnQn n-n nr-aaa vuaac Liii cc jcais a&J iui poc, Willie i American army are of the opinion that iu.tnu w ee iu V " i t i war conditibhs boosted its value, has ten into a "rut" and that the only . ort enl tn a. Vnr nc,v fo. chance of a big success is to storm 55000 the German lines with millions of men '. . . .. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1917. undertaken the onerous and disagree-'was given in honor of Hon. Elihu Root. able work purely from a sense of du- In response to a toast he said as to ity. They do not expect to gain any the issue involved in the war: f "Is clear and distinct between the That nnsr. of Germans wno are to De.rewaiu iui wuai uicj could in aid of their country in time ... nA a.; !. ..... . . . . maintonanro of tht Ainprirfln renub renuired to register ought to be tag-.feeling tnat tney nave aone wnai mey a ged al?o for better identification. For a m m born and raised at the engaged in a direct frontal attack. j Such a "big push" will cost thous ands and thousands of lives, they ad mit, but the price in human blood will in the end be no more costly than the present method of driving the Ger mans back inch by inch at"n rate that justice to the rich and poor alike: Am-- 11 B J J 1 t n . , X. , J lU. LaIV a, CWJ 01 peeu, auu uac ycnuimcu a aciviv-c encan opponumiy lor me uuy auu tut! Kaiser a fnrros nan ho to the boys in camp and at the front, girl; and being so craven that we 'across the Rhine. leave our cniidren to De suujeciea. 10 thrown back NEOLIN SOLES Makes Walkln a Pleasure Attached by - SULLIVAN, Kin? of Shoemakers 17 Jf. Front Street. Phone 8SS. il n OAnti ttt tf War RnVpr sppms TVar Tj-t-i-ctt it io a thsmlrleas wrtrlr thpv .u, . . .. nt J . . . . . x. the power of evil that ravished Bel-i The opinion which has been grow- - to have very little understanding of lave undertaken and no doubt there . m Q, Qorvia WhPthr falsehood Q w nanowmot dn,c ntiillUIIllUlillUniHlinilin!::iM!tin::ilIIUI!!f!tH!llIIIIIIl!m the race question in this section. are times wnen tney reel iiKe giving it ana- faithlessness and cynical con- up because of some of the unkind tempt for morals, and cold-blooded dis- the United States entered the war r R MrfARF Am s makes it quite likely that when Am- E J :1 vTT . Don't vou know those University t!t fn (hprn at, ai. regard of humanity, and utter absence lerica gets ready to make her force felt CertineG rUbllC ACCOUll- ttto nr nrnni tn havp one of the1 i. of mercy and compassion and denial along the western battle line the fighv tanf toys ar, proud to have one or tnejWaya the case when peopIe enter up- Qf human f. h ghaU be the tion be American tradh E Room , MSn B.nir Birfn S Fnncess Pats officers as thei. .. 1I1- n guch missions. But we do not be- of our chiidren, or whether the liberty tional lines-a direct, pell-mell attack D?J MS?.h,liK.BSB' S -.7 IT!.') , I r 1 flT V ..... -1 . . 1 1 ; l AT n Vrtll V.. ... i 1 . w . J 1 . ZIZ 1 "VII6 W. Jf 111. ' liv LV... . ant instances in Wilmington. Thirty-one more White House pick ets arrested. We wonder if those women know what they are trying to. gain by their fool'.sh conduct. j .neve mere win iuan, cuu u.- wxxu Ux ituCxo '" " i;uare ui ripens men ai IM,,,II1,1,ml,,lh,II1,11I..,m i rinwn trk thom hv tho manhOOfl Of noHvchnr onrl rtthoT- fomnno Vinro-oa """"iilUM'lHIilllUUIillUIIIIIHHMIIIUiUIUIIUJHIiniUIIIIIII rtiii fat Yi7a9 enn Q t ho InVP Of HUT in itril DnAamrAlr'a oV o crr 11 n there are very few if any of our peo- children,s fatherS." lSan Juan hill, and similar staggering pie who do not unaerstana me mo-( Mr Root had not long returned fromjattacks that enliven the pages of Am tives which actuate those patriotic and Russia, where he had gone to study 'erlcan history. good-hearted people who are giving conditions at close quarters, sent there That New York judge has set him-jtheir time to raisinS of tMs funJ by President Wilson for that purpose ... ...w 2 bv the house to house canvass. If; sen a Qimcuu iusk m u.vmg iu yic-i - vent a sensational tional murder, in trial of a r sensa- About ndw "Ys a good time there are any who are rude or discour-1 teous to them it will be through thoughtlessness and not unkindness. 4. fnr .1 To those engaged in the good work Sam, we would urge that they let such in- 4.' WITH THE EDITORS. The "digging in" system is admir able for deefnse, but an open charge with infantry and cavalry is the only thine that will crack the German de- fense even though it takes a heavy toll of lives to make a hole from which a I swiftly moving attack can be launch- ;erf it is held American officers who have rcenv Federal vagr'Aft'cy law. Uncle could employ a lot of loafers on his, stances pass without taking offense,' Fayetteville Observer The latest returned from ttip western front and various works. 'rather with a feeling of pity for the news is that Dr. H. Q. Alexander will! tp now attached to the General Staff ' I ones so devoid of those feelings which resign from the State Agricultural iin an advisory capacity are all said to If General-Sherman thought the'should actuate all at suoh a time as "d- As Gorarncnr Bitt in hi j entertn th,is. view. It is therefore . ... "v u v recent very censorious letter to thefst jfkelv that the plans for placing kind of war he waged against the.this and in such a cause. doctor, as good as asked him to re- General Pershine's forces in action South was hell, we wonder how hej Furthermore, we may all make up sign, we do not see any other course De drawn with the idea of putting would classifv that of the Germans. our minds that we. have cot to con- left- levery ounce of Amricnn manhood that can be assembled on the western front into one Mg avalanche-like, old fashioned frontal charge. Amorjrin armv officers are not ni' wim-no- f0 cnat the' on'nion of to at least ten (10) days or two weeks before Christmas. This action will not only be ap preciated -by the Government, but by the -Railroads, whose already heavy burdens, they are trying to carry with promptness and dispatch. ' NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD, J. F. DALTON, G. P. A. 11-12 to 12-10. ' NORTH CAROLINA. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having ' nnalified as administrator of ihe estate of Rachel Freeman, deceased, late of New Hanover County, North Carolina, ,1,1 4 ,1..1 ; . 1 uccu w uuiy IKKISlprp in nnl- tn IS, default having been made in ' , ment of the indebtedness tureuv secZJ the undersigned will on Fri.iav'. the day of November. 1017. at l-'oo J' Noon at the Court House rtn'o'r offrr W this is to notify all persons having claims I losing derri asrainat they Mtotn oa-.A ' ln. HTflT1 ?ea real estate Sltliatp inn. I'irv Al" W m ntrtnn rt 1 - Calotabs, is purified and refined t' all of the Sickening and effects and with the medicinal Zl vastly improved. lUes Calotabs are sold only in 0riRi3n, sealed packages, price 35c. y0, druggist recommends and guaram! them and will refund yourm De you are not delighted. Adv. Simultaneous! v eitv ti, the wnr th. Trn? X T u.UL?rWk of .. c special train was adapted to war-time traveling. Anc wis aae an armored, and the w ,-,u,0 .UCBlfiuea ro withstand even bomb and shell attacks. STATE OF NORTH CARomT COUNTY OF NEW HANOVEK. "''FORECLOSURE SLP Under and bv virtnrp f ?.Lfc- sale contained in and bv the nrovk 11 " 1 certain mortgage deed made and ITX 4 February 21st. 1910. bv Henrv V r " ' an(Lwife' Hannah Gantt. to Ame'rim w & Trust Company, which Ra fl ,-k me against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at his office, 116 Princess street, Wilmington, N. C, cm or before the 18th day of October, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tuio will nlease make immediate payment. This 17th day of October, 1917. B. G. EMPIE, Administrator of Rachel Freeman. 10-17-lawl6w-wed ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Having this day qualified as Administratrix- of the estate of Esther Robinson, deceased, this is to notify all parties hav ing claims against the said estate to pre sent tue same to me on or before the 30th day of October, 1918 or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons in debted to the said estate will please make prompt payment. This ne 29th da-y of October, 1917. MILLIE ADAMS. . v Administratrix 10-20 O A W 6 Weeks r."a,,llv anu parallel ?r street 75 feet: thence nor' parallel with Eighth street ;L' ?astwardly ami parallel with "'"""s western line of Af rae street at a point 33 feet nortbwardlv from the northern line of Hanover s W running thence westwanllv and iwAa i with TTannro. tnt rr: ,i'. '"'U Parallel v" -&uu v TV omrt i f let: I , warcwy and ft : thence eas Hanover street 7o ft. to the Western 1 of McRae ptrppt: thence Routhwardlv alZ said line of McRae street, 33 feet to 7 beginning. Being part of the Kastera end of Lot 5. Block 20S. ncf-ording to rh official plan of the City of Wilmington This solo will ,v.l . s. "' ..... muiir nuujeci to II mortgage to the Co-operative Buildine k Loan Association made and executed iVh ruarj -:it, iyxo, ana auiy registered in ii .v. . w. tin. KL LJH'IIS 01 -iff uauuver VUUillj. neiercilCP to SillT.f. iii urreuj uau ior 11111 recitals of the condi- lions mereoi. Hated this October 22-1037 W. B. CAMPBELL. Attv. AMERICAN BANK & TRUST fYlMPivv . .MORTGAGEE.' iu--'ti once weeu i weeics against the Belgians? 7 (tribute freely to the expense of this -777T- iwaT. It is KOing to cost an immense Winston Sentinel A little ealcula- Tt is a pjeare ;o read The Char- of money and a great part of it tion be sufficient to show that "a saic auu sane iuau&3Bnmg vvuuiu lotte Oh.erver editorial comments on t v s s the gougingof-soldiers at training the way of donations and taxes. What Amount of foodstuffs that arc rsorely, British and French experts that it is camps m other cities. It seems to do people haVe to give it is better t0 needed now for our ahnies and our-7'b; to flkPf SXTwlS? en" it so much good to tell about it. give cheerfully, especially when to allies If the food consumed unnec- tanglements and other obstacles. , . . . ... . , essarny on mac one uay imouguouu , f We suppose those Russians who will f T , the country should be saved this year mg rmseu iur i. m. . a. wuib. auiuuS it WOuJd be sufficient to feed thousands One of the striking opinions form ed by American army observers is not fight except among each other and "T ,7- u u V , ,l,wu.'- UU1C"L l" 1CC" wutu 4UUts that the barrage firei used invariably ,. , the soldiers. He who gives cheerful- of soldiers for a few meals at least. , lv ,,. i f L fl "tfv are too ousy pouuemg ro go to wor find fer ,f he This ig a very gimple way to aid in u. will expect the United States to keep mem aiiu iiifii itiiuinfo injiu next winter. starving by the allied armies before an attack. All that is . necessary is for each!of f fits. Thrown a serins of housekeener to resolve that while she i" non hs r.f all attacks nousekeeper to resoive tnat, wnue jfie hprape the mn have will have a special Thanksgiving din- . ' , r . v.ot .... , , . irpcoTTiQ wnnllv denndent on tnat m- aeant renast and that waste in con- Pf"r f- protection and have form The House of Bishops of the Epis- SStonJtt it will t eZlmlt K i.-itv rnju n 1 1 " "uit Hi wu!uu gives begrudgingly. the Church in the war. HOE 0 F Ifl HOU R It was well enough for President Wilson in-a public speech to denounce the conduct of those loyal men in copal Church in this country at a re- far as possible v,eir artillery is aimed, even though the terrain in front of them is open for Tulsa, Okla., but their treatment of cent special session adopted a pastor-; the I. W. W.'s will have a more whole-.al letter to the clergy and laity on the, charlotte Observer The first draft attack pnd occupation some effect than any thing the Fed-1 subject of the war to be read in all system was admittedly fair and of sat-j The bir smash which the American ,ra, ccr,, ve d..e that section, the churches . the present Zt Tt rX'XZSJ month. Following is the opening par- ter tem could be devise(i Theick in enormous force, the aim be lt those suffragets in Ocoquan don't agraph of the letter: entire 9000,000 registrants now on the?ng to "go on through" and keep go want to eat-prison food, they should our nation is at war in behalf of draft list will he called upon for class- 2 uritjl some sort of open country be allowed to go without it. They justice, liberty and humanity. When incation. time being allowed for the(is reached from where air open battls nrpfpr to eo to nrion to hein fined La t o r-w,,' f full consideration of the claims of each , can be fought There will likely be prefer to go to prison to hem fined these are in danger, the Church s sta- be tafeen withtno warning of the impending attack by for their misconduct. Then why the tion is at the front. When the nation an eye to tne weifare of the communi- barrage fire used usually by the Brit row over their heinsr treated as prison-'has with solemn deliberation entered ty and sevice to the country. Those before an attack is made. The ers? !war voices which have snoken for most needed at home will be permitted Germans through three years of con- BMb,m- nrocin,. nr. namfiam to remain until necessity arises for tinuai trencn fighting may be expected , neutrality, non-resistance or pacifism . . them t th , No ma to excel the American forces at it, but, are silenced. We hate war, and wno niient to eo will ?et a chancp to B n the open that American of- 'The Cavalier,' a dress walking model combining style and comfort. Note that sensible heel. In all the new colors, 8 and 9 inch tops. A to E widths. PETERSON and RULFS Wilmington's Largest and Best Shoe Store. Because of local rumors as to waste ful feeding Of the interned German 1 u.-1, 1 . v j iu. i ficers helievo the Sammies ran hfst isuiiun. iiuui uuiiuia, uui n c nuu suirii, ctuu uii lu uoiittary, tuuse uiuoi, sailors at Hot Springs, The Asheville ljoy the privileges of civii liberty needed at home will be given the ad-tae Huns, and start a lively retreat to- ' imos cent a rpnroqontatiTo in that ....... . .. vnnta era of a furloiiP'ri on 1 tori to thPiri"01"0 uc' r - ,won by the blood of our fathers must. r when they are endangered, them at the cost of our blood. overthrow of injustice and inhumanity 1 camp to get the facts, and inspect conditions. In another column will be found extracts from his report bear ing upon the rumors. defend wijj be in accord on the admirable In the characteristics of the new draft law. Asheville Times Men who have is the only hope of permanent peace Loyalty demands of every citizen un- gone before, in the days when this na conditional consecration to the serv- tion had to face what appared to be a ice of the nation - crisis pf eternal moment, recognized . , . m . . . the . nation's need of God. Washing- This solemn and official declaration t th immortal. when he stood be- letter written to him by the Governor.' 1 61w v,Ul w"u U1U.IU1 Vrt , nit vnr. Lot v , iing only to their duty as represents the opening of the struggle at Mon You can bet your last dollar he is go-l t 'a , - month -a hattle that nroved to be in- uvea ot, me cnurcn uoay. declares 10 ; ; , 77 , , ,. v . , . , , . . decisive, called his men to prayer, the people of; that church that this 0ne chapIain, standing before a bri- At this writing it is impossible to 13 a 'Just war, undertaken m behalf of gade. offered his petition in these say what Is the true state of affairs in justice and humanity. It was an un- words: "O Lord of Hosts, lead forth Russia. The dispatches are as contra-1 -ua, thing for such a hod, to do. hut aS dictory as it is possible for them toj1 snowed of what great importance to or if thig be not according to thy sov be. ' Of one thing there is certainty: jtne .welfare ; of mankind those men con- ereign will, then we pray Thee, stand Civil war is on in all its horrors Con- sdered the overthrow of Prussianism. neutral and let flesh and blood decide . luc issue xuis was a, uainc yi aj ci , Some of the newspapers are print ing a report-that Dr. H. Q. Alexander! is going to resign from the State Board of Agriculture because of the ing to do nafhing of the sort. sequently that country may be count-! ed out as a factor in the war. If it! ! Rasping CouOhs eased tv tits. B a m m m v T - tun 5 ' S3 SPECIAL GUN SALE SMALL BORE GUNS ii but it is far better vfor the nation that It is a pity those peripatetic liars we may be able to so live, so labor and be true that Jhe Maximalists have 'who are traveling the country over so battle that we may know that it overwhelmed, the Kerensky forces wearying to create discontent ainpng the SJ5e,S?trel.gn ?.f- mav innv fn. nnmnif r.v, j, ' . : ; r OrOd , that the issue in which the Am- may look for complete German con, I people; cannot be caught up witb; and erican arm is bared is just and right, trol. or the semblance of government given, what they;-deserve: Some time Loyalty to God in everyday service that mav he estnhlforiorl If v-m " ,i2i'J. , .urlll ltntm. n 1 .. . me ivct- iigu Limy were;; leuing , 1111 yeopie in 11 1U& i.u yaoo uanuuai uuiijujc ensky faction succeeds in securing con- the rural districts thajt the government and, tional " ambition, in accordance trol the country will be so torn with1 was urging the canjiing of vegetables ,W1 His eternal purpose, strife among' the contending, parties andwfruit so o. 'have' a large', Cutey Snears; who succeeded- Frank that the government will be onable to stock to drawjfcom'in the way of. con- Cavenaugh as coach of , the Dartmouth j aasiL loe.uieH. ine pany opposea nscation.' Now rtnose same manufac ouuau, us ueyeiupu quite a to Keren5kV,"rth the latter in power, turers of'ltaleVatements 'are telling ff mbIt !5rtT Gre?' ., . 1 . '.. . . -"5 , .. J. ; Humor has .it-that the Indiananolis wur-aiww nave tne t-ncouragement e ramexs.in Louisville clubs are dissatisfied for Commits e Colds That , wretching, i torturous tearing at the throat and lungs give away to case and comfort through the prompt' use of Dr.' New Discovery the standard counh and cold repiedy for 50 years. Keep it on hand and use freely. 1 It goes 'right to the root of a cold brings up the phlegm and eases the raw, feverish membranes. Containing balsams, it cools and soothe3 th" sore parts. Just the thing for baby's crop. The kiddie likes it. Your drug gist sells it. 0 'i ttua-assisiawe ui vjRruiaiiy, . so iivwiii wiiy u laxeu'Mcaviiy on every, load, of w"1 tneir berths in, the America as- ue ituieviai aeep' up pouticai , PisiurD-'.wooa xnev iaitq vu town. Tnis latterf iuu res r.eaay . join m a ances. j K ; ; e iS;moreNinfamous;than the"ther: r SiTSSSi ' niZation;bf a Dizzy? BUioas? Constipated? Dr. King's new Life Tills cause a healthy . flow of Bile -and. rids your Stomach and Bowels of waste and fermenting body i poisons. , -They arsta (Tpnic to your Stomach and Liver and tone the general system, v-. Firsfc dose relieves. Gbt a bottle today 25c. all druggists. 28 guage, American Machine Gun, interchangeable, lock parts, bar locks, matted extension ribs, checkered pistol grip and fore end. 0ctqs; 26 1-2 weight A 3-4 lbs. x Price $13.50. ' Thismall bore gun is quite effective for general field shooting. 28 gaugle ngk guns $7.50. - 28 guage loaded shells regularly in stock here with us. Catalogue on application.' ; '':-j-::---y.'''7i.,: , . N. JAGdBI HfewARE CO. 10andl2buthFrontSt;Agsfi. - r 1. Wilmington, N.V I' 7

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