PAGE SIX ; I ' f i i f 0 .: r i 1 1 : , 3.- m 1 i - . . - ourrcntu .MnrrD rcr TUP INNO. ' Tbe KM UTOSS- UUll.ui ou nuuuo &LrtUwn;cNTS miSsioii will riieet-.tomorrow. aev- . f TtnSTi at ? o'clock. . All who 'are inter- , . eMo - 7 -cTf' ?cliboi 4 ti re-cordially . imrited.-io. ome4 My little boy beside .a ueslc at cncui, . 4 jf Reads tHn3 uoiaiioc u xww , r d.' Alderman.' pastor TI hn.v hours, and Ms 'of tSe First Baptist cinlfch, Spartan lit.; v-w1-" them good; " t " - ' f it WM mm 1 burg, Si C, accompanied by his son, Alfred G. Alderman, have, arm i v- ; - m ro t t 1 1 1 II iiiiii uiwtiwui, vw -rv - .. , . Anu -Ud in the city for a shore Visit to Ur Fa-t London and just such another Alderman's mother, Mrs. Alfred AV " school', ' dei man. Rev. Alfred G. Alderman With sunny curly heads bent over , will cpealt fc prayer mesting sery books, 'ices at : the First Baptist churcfr, ii And loving glances following teach-j lfM:y city tonight at 8 o'clock. "" ! er's locks, J J And thoughts of mother in the even- PATRIOTIC MUSIC. ing's cool. Fallowing th? suggestion of the The roof av-i open with a crasn . chairman of the Music Department of rent, (the General Federation of Women's. And little children screamed witn jcub lhe sic Department of the dreadful noiie, I North' Carolina Sorosis will give a And from their mangled bodies ( patrictic pro&ram 6f American music Diooa cubiieu .. at the socidl meeting of the club on the floor" a l.tue severeu . , . . . With Liver , ffouU 1 Wfitk ArtaasLaayrBeforelVy. , Which- Gave IRelief. cmiit-con rSHOHl Adj&imied liatfe ' Tuesday After iTwo Day's t Sessio n - Grand Jury Vrteport lUlEESIlPIilia S11E-F. Sjipterior.- Coilrt ' f of tlre-'tria . of crim inal cases .was In session just two -' " . ..: .- - ,u idaya ajid adjourned late yesterday aft-, , Hindaville, Ark. Mrs. Haley, Beck- 'ernopn - " '-; - r , er. of this place, in writing of her usb f ..- ,'l Jtl nn: of Thedford's Black-Draught, say: rl VZr?K L i tVtri ffA ,rQ uinj, Coleinafr failed' to -agree,1 a mistrial OUUoiVM .vi vi ill v ,f yuio TTitiA ? vi C&ptam Charles DHarrfs; ol Georgia Is "Only 20. Years of -Age.- - - ' ftBy George Martiif; UftltcdvPries Staff. Correspondent). - Washington NovkYhfe Gerinans ih"Ky h!6t be 'vry -MutTi;';trighten6d when they' looK 'sottt 'morning and. seeTa mild; phoJt; 'sIeader,T,boyfsh-fac- ii dn r hi 1 1 nil I ji uiii u .tin a i . i was ordered add the case wid go over, erls kfi rmnine; toward themt)Ver the top. ?'.But they'd better be1 .; ; He's - th e youngest ; captain in, American drnty Also the, v shortest. But oh! my! He iopka like a lamb and fights like? a eyjclone: THree-Fourths' - 6f f Students , Are; Taking the -Military " V : v Course.1 s , , , ? f (grteciai to Th DiSDatcliy .'1 .ChapelHill, N. C. Nov. 14. Near er-: and the first box helped mel l:hav "ii?effcmC ' ; ' ' .m," been using it for eight years. - l'f0 When I began taking, it wehea -So -was errtenced to 90 lbs., and now Iefeli,180 .IbLft "S 57 VQ tv hi ot,a w . .months: in jail, with recommendation i,;:r:r-'J ZZZlkfZL "l8 . that he eb at to the farm; . ' youf nmdicine to all suffering friends; -J!" ' . ; " ' f Jn7rtV th . v. tti West ' intiln 5 Septeber:v:3 ly; three-f oTirths"jof the'studqnts.of the University of : N5rth -Carolina are hoav taking- the new course v in - military training; ' Four companies drill - daily ''on" the -athletic field orNWork in con- StnSting mmtary ' trenches . , for tne treneh warfare, . Captaifl Stuart ?A1- len;c of Princess. .Patricia's Canadian iUghtr InfantBi; ig 'ih cBag of the ln- fstrnction, iiia mucfi ; prbgress f hfeenshowii in the eight weeks of afe- PIPE FITTE ttlT t H OF I fFFIS IRE DIFFERENT 1 b ' ; , high hdnbrs. ' lie was graduated into the Engineer5; Corps, 'than which no West Pointer eouia asic morej And on hand So small it might have been my Billy boy's! Herod! Ocd may forgive you could not. ELEANOR PRESTON of The Vlgi lantos. Jt it. JT- 1U Thursdav afternoon at 4 o'clock the club rooms. . . The program has been arranged by I Mrs. Robert G. Grady, chairman Of the music department and Mrs.yHor ace Pearsall, and isas follows America By the Club. Hail Columbia Mrs. Edwards and nnie Mrfl. O. Fifth Avenuo. Tho hoard of dirrctors ot the Y. W. f choras C A vil meet tomorrow afternoon, Star Spanned Banner By the club nt 3 30 o'clock. Columbia (Jem of the Ocean By -the Club. t T.. Bol Knn nnu oaugncer, aic-u. Annie of Union. S. C, are visiting! Konn:e uiue v rag ivirs, ooyian una E. DuRant, jo. 405 soutn t uwjus. Tenting en the. Old Camp Ground i Miss Buliucb. The Everv Day Gladness Circle Yates , Miss Post : . will hold it. regular monthly meeting j Edwards, Miss Bulluck, Mrs-. Thurndav night a, 8 o'clock, at the Fo ' ... . homo of Miss Dovie Elackwcll, 403 ) battle Hymn of the Republic-Mrs. ' - t . Bcylan and chorus. dock street. Battle Cry of . Freedom By the " i Edwards, The story of each song, the circum stances under which it was written and in brief sme information in re; Tcnigt at s" o'clock, the members ' ?lT!ss Gibson. As the program is of of the Bladen Street Methodist "nusual interest, it is- hoped that a church invite their friends to be pre- uumuci ui tc luucia rent to- witness a unique entertain ment Tonight, at 8 o'clock win be pre-, Va ChairMrs rented the illustrated lecture ot tne Reformation, St. Matthews Lutheran church. It promises to be well worth seeing by every one. inatism and he besan to take tt, and Charlie George,; charged with ia nQwe,is.weU.tfLthink l.tis thbest fe w ac3tted- ": ti'Z liver medieine' to rt&M-,r- report or tne gran a jury, wmcu Dn von .miffor from aneh trnnhioA is siuied by I. W; Solomon, fofeniaa, as biliousness; indigestion,, diziinbss, and F- w- Gerken, secretary, follows: j He told his superiors hat" he was etc? Is your tongue coated? Do you " . "To Hon. W. A. DevinT judge pre-frj A hurry to get to Franeetithat he have a bitter taste: in. your mouth? If sidingr " ' had Urgent b&sihess' there With a man so, very likely your liver is responsir "We. the grand jury for this term of named ! Fi-itz. So they -put him in the We. :; .-je -Superior Court, : beg to submit the ffi regiment bound frontward. - Thedford's Bteck-Drauht, which has iouowmg report: , .Ho,g on his W; and meantime; tgtru'dting, all kinds of military .treheh- been in successful use for so many We have passed on seven bills, flnrtJ.. , Q , i,,,, fhr ob. r. fUi,,i Years in a medinine sneHnllv adnt. six true, and bold one in suspense , . , "i..,,: : ..i.-:i-L ; . ' -rr". Lia -urlllTItZ Ift coasiuer jjeuumg. ma al. Young Harris Was cheer leader fifli'v.niversily;:. competed for,' Company v A winning them for the : first time. , After ffiix, weeks .they will be competed - for! again. On Friday ; of last -weeK - t companies held an exhibition drill if or the Orange' County Rally Day visitors. iThe .students have. heen busy con After Taking One Bottle rf ,jd of Ruber Tr0ub!e Made Happy Agan. ' There are so manv of n1P . able. Peplac tales that J ,P..roit these days by the-lar ,",inft l!3 ing such marvelous b-nr't f 1 use. that aieP". n.: '" would' be required to five -,,irTiS1,apep i it. lll bo i.. uiuuaiais. iney are all -)f.i IJ3 good coming from peoiJiP'"v ,. and So city that they are mzkvJ u ly the Peplac ExDert fw.i I)wyor. lini iis iwuKug a, wonueriu world. iniS'iion lp 's per. in the1 ed to the treatment of many live? till other witnesses are found. We troubles. : . - u .have visited and inspected the county It is purely vegetable, and acts as a institutions, and desire o report as gentle liver tonic helping to restore the follows: t Uncle Sam's officer factory, thus being branded the most popular man ar6:.,now near ins completion;? and trench -warfare will be taught at -anj early date. :': Two deep dugouts -are also -being constfucted ' and barbed No-Medicine HaS Ever Earned -3 Praise. 1 Read what Mr r. r Castre street, pipe fitter Wr P p-,10" Wilmington, who ha, ih,.;, '!r Q fifteen years, and a po,,uln ! ,or man, of the city, has to , v J.nK experience with Peplac : 'T, T ! s years i have suffered w Hi, t trouble, causing a cener-.i l ,un-J condition of my syJm ?" eMrenielv nnnr nr.,i ; " llt? as ... - t "'u i( tTlJlt'WflB hovmi.l w, . ... JJ(. ,1 , "a i old I . . . . 1 . . - HC1U-U'7 nrnn-10v IMO .!-a .mAa.'wVa4m - mill V. mw mm- fkin aait'fLEI ) I II '1 T nil ' normal healthy action of the liver, -so We found the utreet from Fifth and I in nis-ciass. .". V " ; "'fT- . - - : to bnv : V hntn, i i. ' ('la's iv,-i ji .-i x i ' w ts . ,,.u.n in ,iwt swimmer, the best horse back r week. .- The trJumne is makme use of. u uy a oojjjg. i h?Ve nr. v. tiiat, ji pL-uuiuis usiupuriaui worn - Dl"iuis "xtr. r ... xv, iw",.. " . finished, mv first !,nm 'i'i! o I JUVV' V 611 J lilV. lUUO 0.0 C- AU. AJ 1 - - j , t, ill i - . v . , r-iM-.c I() )0 a lr ent man. Kidney tronblo 'ion'. w hfelofGl instruction through Ms lec-i " . t -A-- 1 UV " is i,r of safeguarding the system? from self- bad Condition and recommend that poisoning. some steps be taken, to have this Try Black-Draught. At all druggists, street, improved as soon as possible, Adv. owing' to the 'great amount of traffic J over it daily. FRIZF WINNFR IN . "We also note ' that seventeenth commission. rrm sxreex irom MarKei w Aim uas ohchi cnairman warns, oy xne way, a rUULlKl HAMlDll partially improved and believe that'ii rAnresented in this war; 1 Two of (Continued from Page Three). -Norfolk, Va., first Dark Cornisa, o- inection call attention to those in au cash. Ithority to the horse stables, large (Each of the above winnings carry in Carolina avenue and pond connected with them championship ribbons.) .with ' Greatest number of entries of one' "We have visited tne eoerai romt varietv. Mrs. R -Wi Rtt "Rotto-, roaa ana we areiau w report indi entries Plymouth Rocks, $50 cash. this work should be continued through fhis brothers, Major Scale Harris of arouna avenue iu couueui witujg Medical Corps and Major Hunter Wrightsville avenue, and in this con- j H . CaE,p Gordon, Ga., infantry the main county road is now undergo- Best parti-olored bird in show,' John G. Helvin, Norfolk, Va., first Cornish Beach boulevard ing repairs from the seven mile nost to the intersection of the Carolina will be present. .v... 1 v.- j The Woman s Auxiliary or Winter i SLAYER UNKNOWN. In Park Presbyterian church wilhold its ' Coroner's Jury Returned Verdict regular monthly meeting tomorrow ai-( Melvin Cass, ternoon at 4 o'clock in the Chadbourn j Thp coroner.s jur investigaUng the Building. All the women of the con-; death Qf Will:e Melvin, 'colored, whm gregation are cordially invited to at- j died at the James Walker Memorial .i I Hospital yesterday, rendered a verdict ToTiisht. at 8 o'clock, the Girls Glee' "ir-a the deceased came to his deati club, of the .Y..W. C. A. willmeet atjfrom-a gun shot wound in the hands tire building for important .practice a party whoso name is unknown and study of rew sonss. Any raus'c to ,tIle' i'jr-" taken at "pnsc meetings is'aslnd to be AftGr beng impaneled yesterday, returned. " f ' j the jury adjourned . until 10 o'clock -;f . j this morning when the verdict was ar- The Ministering Circle of King'3 1 ved at as stated. The following Daup-hters will licve a sale and social j e'rved on the jury: George S. Nevins, tea on the- 6th day of December tor the benefit of the Visiting Distr'ct Nurse. Announcement of the place will be made later. x J& if. .M foreman, H. K. Nash,, secretary; and Messrs. L. O. Ellis, C. H. White, H. R. Gardner and A. L. Dosher. The members of Bladen Street To a Methodist ciiiirch wish to remind their friends of the interesting program and delightful social meeting this evening at 8 o'clock, vhen all-members of the church are requested to be present to enjoy the exercises of the evening. vr There will be an illustrated Refqr raation lecture this evening- at 8 o'clock at St. Matthews Lutheran church. Some -CO slides will be used France In Arms. few invited quests at the Ccck, $5 cash. Best solid color bird in Show, E. R. Oettinger, Wilson, first Single Comb Minorca hen, $5 cash. Silver Cups Offered. Progress cup, given by Honnet, I86t William H. Clum, Rahway, N. J., on Black Java Ccckere. Huggins cjp, given by Geo. W. iiug gins, jeweler Best pen Paftridge 'Co chins in show, won by Mrs. R. San derson, Burgaw. . MoEachern cup, given by JohnS. McEacliern -Sons Best pen white Plymouth Rocks, won by Mrs. R. W. Scott; Bolton. A. O. Schuster cup, g;ven by A.f Schuster, Jeweler Be;-:t perr Single Comb Elack MInorcas, won by E. Oetfi'nger, Wilson. . ; Five hundred noteheads and enve: lopes, given by- Wilmington Printing Co.--jBo3t pen Barred P'j'inovfth. Rocks, won by R. R. Hickson, Cheraw, S. C. Best display, won by J. Y. Abb?t, Port Norfolk, Va., $10. Best display water fowl, won by. Tl. W. Montgomery, Wilson, $5. X J VA Vl B CI. 11 1. Wi.V w v - i - . ' . - ' --. I . , . . Hp is the fourth of his line to serve possible to do so, and Captain AJlen's J,uv:" r'' o hr tlie colors. He is a so of Col. P. C kong expeiicaco at the front in Flan- Harris, arid a nephew of Wm. J. Har-1 ders has:. enabled him to give- most I ri? r rhairman of the Federal Trade j hfelpfGl instruction 'through his lec-j , ..... ..!.... iJtlfr, X BMftM) KH .1 1v-? f -. i ' tuj-oo on modern methods or hgntmg. -j --j- tr'oil , ! 1 nn's"lf Two field maneuvers - have .already g lJ I been: held; and night maneuvers, are eym of olherf. ho', 17 planed at an early date. ' ed in like manner." ' ffp';t' The whole spirit of the campus has ; Learn more about Por -r fro-,, assumed -a "more military, air, andthe ; neighbor, or interview' thr. pPDl' :"'"r khaki clad students give an atmOs-i pert at the. Bellaxriy Bn'-- Rt0n pherfe. of camp life.. T- Target practice a si about it nt aH'fjrst'Vhss d-"' will soon begin, " and instruction in; scores in Wilmington or 1 Adv. branch. But his favorite amonsr his relatives in uniform is "Shorty." Diet Reverses fftself. CBy Associated Tress) Helsingfors, Monday, Nov. 12. The Finnish Diet by a vote of 104 to 81 decided today to annul the recent se lection of three State directors for Finland. This means the Bourgeois majority will have t'oabandon its ef fort to establish an oligarchy in Fin land. The repeal was demanded by telegrams and resolutions received from industrial centers throughout the provinces declaring the country was on the verge of civil war. K "This boulevard is in a deplorable condition- and inasmuch as a countv school i"? being maintained at the end of this boulevard we suggest that the proner authorities see, to it that this road is improved at once, in order that the school children will not be endangered coming and going to school. "We examined the jail throughout and found everything in as good a condition as could be expected, the prisoners carvt for s well as cir cumstance' will permit, and provided with 'necessities' 'needed. 1 ed to be allright except the heating sv8tem. This is - thadequnte. and rVm'd be replaced "vith a lancer one t alC9rm, Fllr.-nntr ifT.i4 wov iTnor tn nurs-Woc nno t of vircinia Ham PeoDie and nVe find condition of the juven (Jse Anti-CKoIeric Hog defnounts most deplorable. We : . congratulate Recorder George Harriss rvemeay. and Probation Officers Odis B. Hin nant and -.T. E. Johnson on the re markable manner in which they ar handling and controlling the 50 odd Vimrc n nn nrol-atfrm. and nn?flr f Tioir siioervision. hut believe that our com- When a hog looks drcamy-eyedr hatr modern meth6ds of bayonet fighting have already been begun. -The hew plan of the extension work which the University" proposes to do this;year has just come from tho pre and an outlino of thq jivork is clearly; set forth. An attractive bulletin has been" prepared, describing; the. scope rk 2 Women Prepare! r j e f M If Grand today a noon, wis shown the omJng great five reel piece, "Frai Tn Aims." This piece, a PatheT 'is from the French view point, and i3 more than realistic ih its presenta tion of the war, from the manufacture of the munitions, airplanes, prvipa: tion of food sUpv.Hoa, tne training cf men, to tho bewildering showing of cannon, the trench Warfare. aerial cordially invited to attend. r- ' -V in producing the pictures. There will . destrtlctioil sna a1 triat gaes tdt raake be no charge for admission, but an n Vl f. ,f, ofFoHn h tVM, Th,!,!!, 1 up the . fnghtfulness of war. France . r, .. I'uui.i. i T . . . . i 1 ... . in niuih luijii fvury yne who tees it, and at tho same time brin? REFORMATION CANTATA. ncme tic vividness ot tne confhet Last night's practice of "The City' now rajfing in France. t fir.!'' l...Minl.l U rt ii 1 . x ! to performance pitch, and the interest evinced by the members of the- chorus CARD OF THANKS. I desira to extend my, thanks to tho inisures a production that will be quite j many f?iend3 and J acquaintances NO CHANGE IN STRIKE PREVENTS CHOLERA AND PLAGUE But There Is HopeThat Jsprne- useful citizens, -it-- -Hv.n r ". -.V f "We found eve tnmg will 3e Uone Shortly. We found everything in the county ptockade in good sanitary condition. The prisoners stated they were worthy of the occasion. It was decid ed last night to have a practice on both next Monday and Tuesday nights, who through their subscriptions to The Wilmington Dispacth fin my ttame, made it possible for me to wm tho lQth QTIfl 9fit O C V nnninin i iU . T,J - ' ' X . .i .j iuc Luaiaitt is i (jie Diiatoe hulo as urst-. prize -in tne going to be given on Monday night, i ecent Bkpateh Cifcurattori Cdritest the 26th instant. ' . ) - PAULINE UNDERWOOD. if! 1 I f and the clerks' union, though t it ' . is not known what was accomplished at any of the meetings. 1 Officials of the Coast Line; when seen toc&y stated that the conditions on the lme were entirely satisfactory and that' the strike really did not af fect their business. That the conges tion on,;their line was entirely dA6 Zp failure of their' connections and to scarcity ' of labor other than clerks. ' V$ce president- Lyman Delano and f Vice President A. Brand left on their private' car for Washington Iasti night, and it is Understbod that they; .are ctinferrmg ith x government ot' tficials with refeicnce . to the strike f situation. v.',1-.' :' r "' ";i " The transfer clerks at Rocky' Woutft arid FlofeAce ar out and the ship- 5 porsnt thbse. points 'have wired :-. tB? govornmdiSt cofflplainirig of ' tiieisifoa- tion: mnmtv should tnTr'p stens to nrovidefis turned the wrong way, Won't eat, an institution for the care of thesfor snows othcr slns of cholera or youthful violators of the law. and j swine plague he needs medicine, much train them to some useful vocation in fa a human being. Unless steps are ta manner (hat will make them good i taken to relieve tne nog osmose syinpioDis mere wiii: ue a 101 w. niuii ey lost in. dead hogs. In Virginia hog cholera is practic ally unknown in the famous Virginia Ham section due to the almost uni versal use of Anti-Choleric Hog Rem edy. For relieving the hog of consti pation, driving out intestinal worms; increasing appetite, and aiding tlti hog's digestion Anti-Choleric has met with phenomenal success, according o the testimony of thousands of the breeders in that section, Anti-Choleric Hog Remedy is not a food. It. is a medicine prepared after years of scientific study and research h v two of the brightest brains that money could hfre.; That it is ef8cierrf j is proven by the experiences of tJie Virginia' Ham people and a gf?at per centage of the breeders - here in North Carolina. : v - In using AntjCholeric Hog Remedy there s "no operations, serums, injec-' tions. etc.. to ba administered. Simply mix it in the hogs' food nd watch re sults. It can bejattendedVtO ; by any of the children.- '-; ' .-.-'.-; ': Anti-Choleric Hog Remedy can be Obtained here: at Elvington's drusr sfbro. A large sized trial package' for $1 Adv. ' "' So far as surface condition indl- - cate there is absolutely nothiffg i do- ment. Mr; Mac Godwin called our at ;ng in the strike of the railway tention to a. leak in one cell in the clerks, ' but there is an Insistent un- basement, and stated that in wet dcrcurrent of rumor that something weather the water stood in the base Is "going to Happen in the next 'tew mGnt as high as three inches and that days, that will lead to a settlement this matter had been taken np with of the controversy between the sfrffc: county commissioners and that . , . u n ' t , nothing as yet had 'been done. We ing clerks of the Coast Line and the gugge tte,. commissioners in- company. . jvestigate and correct this evil. We While-there has been no meeting also wish to compliment Mr. Godwin between "the company officials and u upon the sanitary, coudition in which committee of the clerks, it is knWH re found everything." that the representative of tb 0.eja;-1 "At the county home, we found ev meht of; Labor has been in conference erything in a good sanitary condition, with the' officials of hnvn th railroad H the inmates stated that they are . . I ' . . . V lit. A A X wen treat ea, getting pienty w est, and nice comfortable beds, Mr. Demp rev was very courteous, showing us around everywhere,' and we congrat ulate Mm- upon the'igood condition in which.we ftund' everything. -"We desire ttr tlfahk your ' honor for yoftr able -'and instructive charge, which was such a hefp to us in the disofeargw of our duties. We alsb wish to- thanlt the -solfcitor and shefi for Thnn -."vusMuua VJi UfLUL-U 111 uie iscutnljavB and purpose, of the LaFayette Assbci-; overcome their sufferings, ana have been ation. Through this association the, cured of woman's ills Dr irce'a University will co-operate with th vxa Tra... public schools in relating community; "y. . D "uu" Ji:-ie-waaoe endeavors to problems of national life j medicine, though ctrniel csarly half a ana the special prooiems or war. i ne j century ago, sells most v,-ide!y to-day. University News Letter has also made jit can now be had in trbH fora as plans to set forth; for; its 15t000 read-' o11 ,. ,., , the present war and the reasons why America must now exert her full strength. Thei best that is being thoifinf '"AISfT rlcrcWcrnlti-natWttrsl pTobleniB at the present time wiil be slveh publicity by The News Letter. Town, 'Uirtversity'and Chapel Hill narcotic. It's not a secret pn. -xription community; came ogetlier last : week ; lor its ingredients are printed on vra Jto observe thefifth annual rally day per. gend 10c. for trial package to I . iaSC ivlvi tUIUiifevru Hit O.HX i X t, , campus. Exhibits of products of the j v nxt nuauo, i. i . farm and the home were held in Me ! . ; .moriat Hall, entertainments were pro - Ipfiv ,tf- vided by the students and Jan exhi-p - 1srv it would do what bition drill was given by the military organization. Prof: M. C. S. Noble .was in charge of the exercises of the day. . , ' rt J . , . euners irom Dackacr-e, headacljc, ncr?- ousness, should take this " Prescription of Dr. Pierce's. It is prepaid from nature's roots and herbs cud does r.ot contain a particle of alcohol or any . Taljf is heard in pugilistic circles of a possible clash between BHly Miske and ' Fred Fulton. . Miske took 'the measure of Carl Morris and Js now anxious td tackle the Minnesota giant: iitmsiaAinnM their abf:-9Sistattt;e. .nil , y it thftMANUEL.ENDEAVORERS. "And AJ1 Thedr Daylmepi ' Sin'tePraispll Black. CatiMoi-ll Sized up to II 25c-and -55c; .. Thursday Wili Be a Big Day At Im iwaffuelt Prefebytertan yChrUrch. -In the series of eenferences on va-'. ritius detiartments of churoh- work be ing hejd tMs we?k; at the Immanuel Presbyterian chui-ch. Thdrsday after noon and night Will be given principal- y o Christian Endeavor work; TThnTsdayj afternoon at 3 o'clock It is notlkrrowrt 'what steps the ; there ;is to be a Junior playlet.: "The goverifnerit wifl taKe, if any'aifd tM ' Cmiiiiren's Claim," . presented by the j reUtivps r.veius di iie Bvst - iew uays waii oe juuwibkvi we; :;HOk iicouicuou of all absorbing 'ihterestl .' tlurch.' The playlet will be followed i:- , r Bji:coiKerence. on junto-worn, ana a . 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. T T t T 4 PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Kenneth Mann, of Camp Sevier is at home here for afew days' visit. v Lieut. W. R. Dosher, Company C, is 'spending a few ddys at his-home in this .city. .,!';'! -:" " " Mr. J. E. . Burfiss, a; mexnber of the medical unit, N. A., at Camp Sevi er, is passing a few days here with I'llU io Rtd and Uold lnalHcr bax, .seal;si. vlA Blue Rilbon. VX ' Take no othar. :Sny if ir,ap V - years Jtoonrjk as Best, Safest Ahuavs RJ!abl' ; MailY DRMSTS EVERYHHERE Tiii fnii-naurg CHEON TEA. 50c Ih. i on Eafth KENNY'S GmHe Coffee 25c It 4 v. 4. Sergeant P. B. Pittman, and Cor'pV 'ral Jacob Pittmah vho ' have been visiting here a few :days with their mother, ;MrsV;,.;ijyan, have re turned to Camp Sevier. ! 'i'V - First 4 Lieut. . FA JP.Trfcrrghti-oft tire S"' ii 4 tatp: the Junior f tjWrt TOriC; 4f,rilkbfea song -serviee. Then there (ii--k 2. fWiftN&eran iddress, "How, the Chris- BSfe Mr0; : e ? States -Mshingtorv W s, ' JIL 1" , -Cf ? r' ' C was !a-visitor here today, at wru iuyrmoryomrawvmoostcr." bv Mr Fred Renneker and' aftefjpoS i-Vt to aril, ;pV A. Gambler Jr., and conference direcbohof Cap. U., A.rMeitff. AlIriU m Christian ndeaverv, methods; led r - ' 'u,'wra itiss. Isabel i MeiJOWgias. ,Mia&-uar s 'Vx 1 1 " ' 'V -!CU.-'rie Newklrk. MrT T CL Findlay, Mr. rhoneC79.: IS So. Front SbuveriJf!: Saturdays If) i MBa IfBMM 3SE3 t. ii rr'(" ii'i tO tio. It (1W !T8 more, gond tl!:l the dociui':; ; I liad several and none of them did ma any pood. Doctor Pi'('iC:-d Favorite A."fe-- 11 1 r 1 .'1 in it frf venk, brolcen-doti vc,;:ien. I l'oei like it now woman after t: ';'r i;. 1 weiah 155 IDS. and never felt. hm.: " Mes. Agnes Tatum, 17 h. G StlacAuq,, At.a. hav.T taken Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Pellet? for constipation, sick headache, dizziness, ends v'id Grip and received groat benefit. also bavpiwod the "Favorite Prescription' and '(JMea Medical Discovery' in tL fauii!; vith great rqauita and fee! sjafo iu r.-eom-mending these remedies to auyoue." Mns. A. M. Cami 111 lTT Mi".. Ill ii- ' Why Loo Th IXii It K not becoming nor safe for your health. Add flesh to your bones and roses tc your cheeks. by drinking a glass of U 'delicious digestJiRt with each rnca- Shivar Ale v ?W DIGESTIVE AFiOHATICS W:TB , . ;,VW HIHERAL WEH AHfi GliiCJ 'Phone your grocer or drust fo a dozen bottles. Satisfaction i antecd( or your money refunded d first dozen used. Bottled and guaranteed hy bratad Sh'vsr Mineral pr. torn, S. Z li' ycur t-a rannnf s-irmlv V.'j'J te:CpiH; CRESCENT CANiC0 Wiokstlft Ci$lrilr.tor8 for Ftt has appointed; fileas.4JeQ. W.-bleJr ' - ' rrah amt -fl C! in5frrtTi r ttiia mr. . ' . . . . . . ..v . i today, 'at Jvfs bister's : 6mMU M." Tl jiftr man. " Lieut: Birkris beeir trans ferred to; AtlantSahd fWfcbpped ovdr "c"' uay un ,ms .- way xo nis new assignment,; Tf - I Early season football games of tbfe f vry X-. -VC 'f.--'i 'A. IrliAb.1:ia' ytrnnr people will attend:, year will have to, tako rteriri hrfr :': . nii A rir rtffnirrf i i i ''1-. ' ' ' " - -. - B . Wsaington;- D. wi if I "endorse Peftma.'-its.-,d'p3feiidid inedidne, for. catarrh; and tomac trouble, frpmr which-. I suffered Bev : eralyoarsv - Ti fooTc ft far several . months,; found-: my healthy Was i re stored and have; felt splendidly ever InJU M! 1 neAJeqav: trcfe.a.coRL and it eoonorida tha ItsMv Standby A .. V, i ifcV ' ' - ' " iAini,, Other younrrwle'wranisations in, to emal the' fino record Of theltti "TTTi L. " v - ! ',-rT;"""1!,ll,,fc; Pv Tr? V- .C-' - ember; 10-13. T tjte xltj 'tfm (Wehrpmed; ? ,"N" .eleVen. r.i . " 1 " m - . " , 1.. .-s-.-v -v --v. :- tern anyjtarrh dnes can procure . Peruna aD v..

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