4.- PAGE EIGHT It" ;- f 1 V 11 i a r 11 - I !- i1 lli. COVERIOH BICKETT VISITED SOLDIERS Governor Delighted With Conditions at Camps Jack son and Sevier. -tf " . I I .V. SERVICE FLAG WITH 6,861 STARS. (Special to the Dispatch"! Raleigh, Nov. 14. Governor Bickett, returning from Camps Jackson and Sevier where he reviewed with Gov ernor Manning, of South Carolina, the troops largely made of of North Caro linians, is happy over the moral and sanitary conditions that he finds. "My judgment is that these con ditions are infinitely better than in the average city," he said, "and I, should not feel uneasy if my son j were there. The health and moral , conditions surroundings are better, than you will find in any town in North Carolia. I just don't see how a follow goes astray. It is the clean est place I ever saw except the State .penitentiary." This might have been taken as 3 Bickett joke but for the record of the State prison here in Raleigh. When the State's housekeeper, Mrs. Nellie Price goes off and reports on all the buildings, ne can iis3 the prison os perfection, as 100 ner cent, and grade from it. And nono ever equaled it. That's the home place here in Ral eigh, superintendended by Warden j Busbee and Superintendent Collie, aid-1 ed and abetted by a lot of fine women. J "We Governors were permitted to ; review tha troops for the first time," i Governor Bickett continued, "by i Major General John Bailey of New j York. I spoke at a banquet down j there and exchanged all the felicita- ! tions with the Governor of South ; Carolina permissable under the ' statutes in such cases made and pro- vided. The camps are idesil. There , are 18,000 men at Camp Jackson ana , 27,000 at Camp Sevier. General Bail-,! el could not have said more about the troops had he been the most ard ent Southerner. He declared that they are the best timber in the world Henry Faison, of Duplin county, and for soldiers. We saw General Mclver, i a North Carolinian. He told me that commander of one of the brigades and j he did not intend that these boys General S. L. Faison, commander of should be sent into any slaughter the brigade in which are most of the j house. They will know when they are North Carolina troops. j ordered to advance, whether there is "'General Faison is a brother of 'any trap for them or not." " BUSINESS SPECIALS MESSENGER SERVICE. .... Fop this service we use the Pos tal Telegraph Cable Company's messengers. They will call .for your "ads." in the same manner and quick time as they now cover the city for telegrams, night letter grams, cables, etc. ( , For further Information a to "ads." call 176, but for telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph." , THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN . By GENE BYRNES " The largest service flag flying from the top cf the Bell Telephone system building, 195 Broadway, New York City. The Woohvcrth Tower looms up in the background behind the flag, which contains 6,861 stars. NOTICE TO HUNTERS WE HAVE - a complete line of shot guns, all makes. Such as Remington, Lt. C. Smith, Fox, Ithaca & Parker and a full line of ammunition. Call at Chas. Mnkelstein, 6 S. Fror: St. Phone 642 10-19-tf SALESMEN WANTED FIRST class men in every locality to rep resent nursery, financially strong and operating on high plane. Pecan specialists, producing quality trees, which give satisfaction and sell easily. Liberal proposition to A-l salesmen who have the ability to make good. For ful particulars, ad dress Harlan Farms Nursery, Lock hart, Alabama. LOST LARGE MALE AIRDALE. Name plate on spiked collar. Re ward if returned or for information leading to recovery. S. L,. Boyd, 1603 Grace St. Nov. 14-2t WANTEDPOSITION AS NIGHT watchman good references. J. A. Holleman, 117 So. Water St. Nov. 14-3tj V5 I ALWAYS STAMD OUT HeftC: ) ! BECAUSE rAT X 1 5ARTGNDC.R V5 A , THE. PAS. J f THE 'YT.':. ) LATEST ' Z 5 W h ; NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS TO THE SECOND LIBERTY LOAN Ail those having subscribed through this bank for the Second Liberty Loan and have not already done are respeciruuy requcstcu iu can emu maKe tneir rangements for payment. ar- THE PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK Corner Front and Princess Streets CHORTHAND, TOUCH TYPEWRIT- , FORD TOURING CAR IN .FIB8T ing and all commercial branches of I Class condition, 1917 Model, for sale study taught most thoroughly and , at a reasonable price. Apply to ni.otnoiiv tv Untta Tin sin am i Queen City Cycle Co, 209 MarKet in.9n.tr st. iv-wui.. UNI TED STATES Liberty Four Percent Bonds These bonds will be issued under date of November 15th; interest yill have to be added after that date. Subscribrs will please call and arrange. The Murchison National Bank Wilmington, N. C. College, Inc. 1 irc, 3 NSfa. . f SCALE OP MILE. -X- -55- - -X- -X- ECHOES OF THE RED CROSS K 4f -5f -2fr -5f X -X- ) -Jf The financial reports of the recent street pageant, dance and military drill, and the booth at the Corn Show, were announced at the work rooms at the Muchison Bulldinig Tuesday morning to the earnest crowd assem bled despite the overtime put in last week on account of these events, and were received with enthusiastic ap plause. Nothing rewards a worker like success which crowns his efforts, so with the unselfish unitiring workers of the Red Cross, credit for the work is not thought of and the majority prefer to remain in the background i end are, content to be privates in the ! rear rank. Yet there is a certain . gratification unmistakkable when ' hard work results in an enlarged bank j account, to meet financial obligations. The total amount cleared from the : two events was $325.33, which is a J vrry substantial sum and will further I the work of the Red Cross Military P.elief. The committees in charge deserve ; rr;at credit for the success of their ' undertakings and they wisn ro return ! thanln to all who in any way added 1 to the success of the occasion and for the magnificent support of their co I workers. WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of Issue when so requested Phone you nrder to 745. Gordon's News Stand. I WHY PAY MORE WHEN YOU CAN get from us the best creamery but ter 50c. lb. and sliced bacon, 45c lb. Morning Joy Coffee 35c lb., French market coffee 30 cents pound, lemon and orange peel 30c lb. Bear Brand asparagus 15c can, good jelly 10c glass, Purity Oatmeal 10c pack age. Dates 15c. Potato Salad made fresh daily the same old 20c lb. May's Delicatessen, Phone 1322. 2,000 POUNDS FRUIT CAKE. MAIL one to your son, husband or sweet heart, in camp. Phone 626. Farris Bakery. 11-13-2L CABBAGE PLANTS EArtLY JER- sey and Charleston Wakefieid, Suc cession, Flat Dutch, from peaigreed seed,, jknmfcdiate shipment. . By ex press 500 for $1.00; 1,000, $1.50; 5j000 atS1.25; 10.000 and up at $1.60 f. o. b. Young's Island, S. C. Delivered by par-el poet,, 100 25 cents; 1,000, $1.75. Enterprise Company, Inc., Sumter, S. C. 10-3 we fri sun tf WANTED FIFTY LABORERS, white or colored, to clean land. Guaranteed three years work. Ap- tfly M. Lance, Carolina Beach. 8-31 tf ; WHEN YpUH BOY GOES INTO THE j Trenches, see that he takes with mm your portrait. He . will treasvre lt above all the gold on earth. Folta fir Kendrick. 83-tf WANTED OLD FALSE TEETH Don't matter if broken. I pay $2.00 to $15.00 per set. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mail. L. Mazer, 2007 S. Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ll-2-30tj CITY ELECTRIC CO., 206 t RINCESS street. Phone 99S. Pythian Bldg. Everything electrical. 11-4-tf WANTED SECOND-HAND, or 35 horsepower motor; BAGS WANTED SECOND-HAND Bags, burlap, scrap bagging ard twintf. Write for prices. Richmond Bag Company. Department, Rich mond, Va. 10-21-10 Wed-Sun iut ijai jji.uou Liuve iu ra.eii ne canes lUeir rr irco the? latitude cf Jerusalem, but abcut 5 miles west, - as they are stlck'n clcf,ely to the shore, where thoy can ret tho su;px- t cf their warships. The front now extends from Haruameh (1), near the coasi north of Gaza (3), which has been the British hzzc tor some time, to Arak-el-Manr-heyeh (4). Askalon (2), on the cooct, was captured yeste rday. The arrow shows the direction of the next British thrust. The inte rior British column, moving north fro mBeersheb?., hr.z been comparati vely quiet recently and if it is ad vancing at all is moving isiowly. ; A Virginian Wounded. (By Associated Press) Ottawa, Nov. 14. C. H. Blackburn, of Fredericksburg, Va., is reported among the wounded in today's Cana dian casualty list. Recorder's Docket Light. Charles Walker, colorea, was the enly offender to face the Recorder at today's session. He was charged with disorderly conduct and praye- i for judgment was continued upon payment of the costs. PUPPY WANTED FOR MASCOT IN army. Will you donate. Soldier, phone 807. Nov. 14-lt SMITH MOTOR WHEEL IN FIRST class condition for sale cheap. Queen City Cycle Co., 209 Market St. 11-14-tf TEUTONS EFFORTS TO CAPTURE THE ASIAGO PLOCEAU IS CHECKED. 25, 30 current 220 volts; two phase; 60 cycles; al so controller and starting box for same. Must be cheap. Address "J," care Dispatch. 11-6-7U WANTED MY CUSTOMERS TO know that on and after Nov. 10th my business formerly conducted at 606 South 7th will be moved to 72 L Castle St.", in store formerly occu pied by E. E. Russ. C. W. Uraig. ll-li-3tj CANADIAN RUTABAGA TURNIPS, Spanish onions, red onions, navy beans, limas, fancy apples, dried fruits, sweet potatoes, Irish pota toes, oranges; complete line of can dies. Bear Produce and Merchan dise Co., 14 Market St. (Wholesale only.) 11-11-tr OYSTER ROAST SERVED AT Greenfield Park day or night. L. C. Gore, prop. Phone 815-W. ll-7-7tj You Love Your Wife and Children Are they protected If you are taken seriously ill. Disease plays no favorites. It is your duty to protect them. An accident and health policy is a safeguard and a protec tion to you and your family. Consider the matter. Consult C. L. DICKINSON. Phone 656 Princess Building WANTED TEN MEN TO CUT wood by the cord. Will pay $1.25 per cord. Apply to M. Lance, No. 309 Walnut street. 11-9-17 DRAFT MEN OFFI CIALLY CLASSIFIED. vOontinue. From Page 0s.) If Your Blood Happens to Be in Bad Condition, S. S. S. Will Correct It Now. The peculiar effect on the blood caused by the rapid changes of win ter the chilly blasts and dampness long continued wil undoubtedly have a disastrous effsct upon your system if your blood happens to be in bad condition. You should not allow your self to run the risk of suffering wi'.h boils and carbuncles, you should not willingly walk into the snare of pain pnd suffering cf rheumatism or ca- enterprise. Class Four. fa) Man whose wife or mainly dependent on his labor for sup port. (b) Mariner actually employed in sea service of citizen or merchant in the United States. (c) Necessary sole managing, con trolling or directing head of necessary agricultural enterprise. (d) Necessary sole managing, con- upon the blood for nourishment and v trolling, or directing head of necessary trength. and when for any cause this muustnai euLeipnae. (Continued from Page One.) have suffered no casualties. I ' The German artillery is active in ! the Ypres salient in Flanders and it has shelled heavily the new British positions around Passchendaele. This may mean either preparation for ' a ' strong German attack to re-gain this I impoftant position or an effort to fore- 1 stall further British advances. I The Painleve cabinet which took j ing the body full of health and vigor vnai stream becomes run, down, it m vites disease to enter. The liver and kidneys, failing to receive1 the proper nourishment from the blood,"grow in active and dull, and the waste' and bodily impurities that should pass off through these channels of nature are left in the systemf lof encourage some Mood disorder. When the blood Is fn Class Five. (a) Officers, legislrtive, executive, j or judicial of the United States or of State, territory, or District of Colum bia. (b) Regular or duly ordained min ister of religion. (c) Student who on May 18, 1917, nized school. . (d) Persons in military or naval was preparing for ministry in recog .... 1 off ice but two months ago has resign children I- , . . . eu uiiu r ranee again nas u race a ministerial crisis. The resignation of the ministry was caused by its defeat in the chamber of deputies, after a debate on the new allied war counc'l which Premier Painleve had defend ed. Tito Socialists had not support ed the ministry which also has had to contend with, the dissensions caus ed by the Bolo; Pasha affair and other i internal matters. Its fall probably was nastened somewnat Dy tne with drawal of Foreign Minister llifcot on October 23, when the entire cabinet resigned, but was prevailed upon to retain office by- President Poincare. 1 . : t: 111 W, B. Cooper & Co. COTTON Merchants Wilmington, N. C. To Subscribers to Second Liberty Loan- Those having subscribed through this bank for the Second Liberty Loan are requested to call and advise how they wish payments made. The Home Savings Bank Corner Front and Chesnut Streets. 1 i;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiii The Cash Results of Economy You are responding loyally to the Nation's call for the saving of food and for eliminating every kind of waste. Your economies are resulting in actual cash saving. You can easily measure this saving, if you bank the cash results and watch j out account grow. This plan will enable ou to get together funds to buy Government Bonds. Economize, save money and build a tidy fortune in War Bonds. Bank Your Savings. American Bank & Trust Company Wilmington, N. C. At Front and Market Streets. (e) (f) Alien enemy. Resident alien (not enemy),i Ws weakpnpd condition, it should be .IVJT:??7 service of the United States. '--" "in. inufj in its action. , S. S. S.. a purely vegetable remedv. ' tarrh when you can put your blood ia;wTl.q J lsJust who claims exemption. the simple Uw hlU0, .nt "'r -"nses (g) Person totally and permanent- a short I -nf, rLu' "' uncn' physically or mentally unfit for mil- . -'""O.lL IMH KHI1CJV n 1 D9 .'4 tir 1-io . ' naiv -.. ...... r,,L,, VRTom nv Ita-finri tnrytn uj , II' . I V J i i 1 j j PAULINE UNDERWOOD AVARDED BRISCOE AUJO. for shane to prevent it by method of taking S. S. S period during the fall. Bo'ls anl narbunclfir, are evidence of disordered blood. They do not necos- sirily mean an inheritor! taint, out thev toll you that, your blood is pois oned that the life-giving stream that should flow throtfgh your veiris pure, vigorous and healthy has become up pt mnbp bv over-eating and drink ing, nossibiy by "constipation, stomach trouhiP or uric acid. Whatever the pflnso vmir blood has become 'poison nnri vmi fl rp not coing to know what it ia tn fppt nntfrelv well until Che polon and impurities hve bne wash- p& from vour svstom. i ao dioou, , fied and intigorated . perform its normal service. (h) Person morally unfit to be narf of t Jk f,mvf orate? J every "Soldier of the United States. V h blood La f !?n- and V10,r W Licensed pilot, actually employ HffX ZL ni afe- il es, tQ the the pursuit of his vocation. - , -u.tin.o. iman.il ana ( Continued rrom Page One"). Watha, N, C. Mrs. J. G. Blake .. .. .. 17.600 Whiteville. N. C. Lillie Cook . ; 452,395 Wlflard, N. C. Elizabeth Page . . . 39,471 Wilniington. N. C. Myrtle Bessellieu ; J . Olive Brown ! Mi .,'- Builders Mfimher nf wpII rprn?hiAd rrlipnmic "Zauetn Bullard ect or organization, organized and ??nni Gurganious ante , , .j-v-u vn ui6aiuiauuu, uigauucu a,uu ., Tt VL??i- yv,an? give3 listing on May 18, 1917. whose then ij3 ;. ulouu Power existing creed or principles forbid; its i luia J. Prank Jarman Sol. Jones s. s. s. good results. une out boils, sores anH i f: catarrn, members to participate in war in any5 rs- He"y Jone: and other hlnnH J m diseases form, and whose religious convictions ( Ella McCariey . vour druggist's flnH V i at are aaInst wa or participation there Meanwhiie e jt now. in. ' . - , vico. onr! ?. yu need ad- even days are. allowed registrants. - uuBBi- ia ttuer receioi oi tne Questionnaire tn .. 42,851 . .506,769 1,284,092 . . 37,220 1,313,865 . . 8.571 2.684.50S Malpass 15.270 t Mrs. Betty Jones Sara Love . . Lee Meares ... Annie Phelps ready to tell vt JClT aviser is after ment is. AddrJ i , ,Dest treat" m At out and return it to the local i Mrs. Thomas Fiver by the boards will be a Katie Swann.- . pfocesa requiring little time- . - Pauline ; Underwood m. Thp blood, pun- ment is. Addrd iLrlP , .BJ: treat vn n out ai :ed; will once . more mnt. Brwer ' S?fqJft? qCHI ,Df part' b"ard- 0fflC: al- function t feep- Atlanta, GaAdv sP9clflc .Co.," classification -r-c ' T ;- ' t'j, t routine pfocc - f-Hh . -:v--r"; ' -:; - ' . .. 40.555 . .. 38,960 . . . 37,225 . ..185.478 . ..252,855 . '. .',11,800 .8,225,353 Supplies Edison Diamond Pointed Phono graphs and Disk Records Full stock of the latest Records. Place Jur ox& NOW for Christmas as cur supply is limited. C. W. YATES COUP Books and Stationerv. 117 Market Stree W. B. THORPE & CO S : Water and Ann streets 1 Phone 789. ; 1 READ BUSINESS ITflDl ! Hi if .i ft - 1

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