FULL XEASED WIRE SERVICE VOL. XXIII. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER-30 1 9f f PRICE FIVE CENTS. burMeister sa s FATAL SHOlt FOHffi fflAKIEM ' MRS, DID V -i 'm-JW II H B Hllflfl fi U II M H n H II H r if U II H II ' '-. . ' : y. I w 1 i H 1st ff 1 VST : U . ':.mvri K-: FIRE FROM tUL L JLa JPk aJk&L NOW A A GTT3 Americans Aided British In Last Week's Drive To ward Cambrai. DEPaRTM ROADS FOR ADVANCE BUILT BY AMERICANS Engineers Have Been With British Four Months Van guard of Aero Fleet Arrives. No Heavy Fighting. American engineers played a large par; in the preparations leading up to ihf"1 successful British blow toward Cnmhrai last week. Tin so are the first American troops to t.'ko part in operations on the iA front, and a delayed Associaled Pre---, dispatch Pays that they have boon building railroads in the Somme dis rict for nearly four months and f,v a long time have been working virhin rano of the German artillery. Not content with building ana running the vliil communication lines, the An -.erican engineers entered the firing line rluring General Byn's push to act a-; volunteer stretcher bearers. National Guardsmen from every State in the Union and the vanguard of the American aero ' fleet have ar rived behind the front inFrance. .Many of th former guardsmen al ready are undergoing trajning,wfthin sound of the guns at. the front. Meanwhile American aviators are training actively with the American troops. Germany is ready to discuss peace with Russia envoys with full powers arc sent to Berlin. Count von Kertling, the new Irr.yc-ial Chancellor, declared yesterday before the Reichstag. He expre: :-ed the wish that the present efforts of the Bolsheviki would bring peace. In a review of the military sit uation, the Chancellor said that the armies of the Central powers have bem generally successful and that the submarine warfare was successful and that the Allies were unable; tocmake progress against u. . ... t The Chancellor declared that the f'enual Powers still stood by their answer to the peace note of the Pope. He :. that the Central Powers were not rv::cnsiblc- for the prolongation of r!- war and held out as a .warn-in-- tn cibers "the glorious advance" into Italy. Apparently the Chancel lor did not state Germany's peace torni- -yiifioally, nor did he mention the Keicbs'ag resolution in favor of peace without annexations and indem nities 'or.tl !t ions in Russia apparently re mvln neatly unsettled. It is report ed thai Lenine's government has giv- MUCH EST PLEASED AT iilCEIUERT News of the Safe Arrival of Guardsmen Causes Much Gratification. THOUSANDS OF MEN HAVE BEEN MOVED Despite Handicaps and Dan gers, Not a Single Guafds man Was Lost on the Way Over. (By Associated Press Washington, Nov. 30. Announce ment of the arrival in France of the All GUMMEI TTB SEN FRANC E SAFELY UEHieilS MED IPllT PART BYNG'S DRIVE Engineers Built Roads As the Physical Impossibility to Have Shot Herself, Says ; . Expert. ; CASE WILL CONSUME OST OF NEXT WEEK Progress of Trial is Slo,w Chi cago Coroner Gives Dam . aging Testimony. Against the Defendant. Troops Moved Toward Cambrai. Concord, N. C, Nov. 30 Dr. W. H. Burmeister. coroner's physician of Cook county, Illinois, testifying for V o Qf ato 'mi rrtca aTaminoh'rtn in tho 'trial of Gaston B. Meais, charged with DURING THE FIGHT murder of Mrs- Maude A. King, this .morning swore that the pistol that in- t-. . xr ' , flicted the wound causing Mrs. King's j tingmeers Volunteered to Go. death was not in contact with the STRETCHER BEARERS Former National Guardsmen Are Now Training Be- . hind the Lines. HAVE BEEN ARRIVING FOR SOME WEEKS They Are Quartered Over a Wide Area at a Place Prepared For Them By Regulars. With the American Army in France, Thursday, Nov. 29. Every State in the American Union has representat- EL - -.TA i - ., urbi iNaiionai uuara units gives the i ives behind the fighting lines in first official notice that an extensive France. For weeks units composed troop movement has been accomplish- j of former National Guardsmen have ed, despite hostile submarines, short- j been arriving in France until now age of troop and supply ships, and j they occupy a wide scope of the train- other obstacles but without the loss of a man. Thousands of men have been moved to the. seaboard irom all .parts, of, Ibe I. country, loaded on transports ana" safely landed in France without any ing territory especially prepared for them, and are entering upon their pe riod of preparation for active fighting with remarkable enthusiasm. heyjare showing" asplrit" th keep ing with the purpose to make the Am erican expeditionary force a homo- After Wpunded Combat ants Have Been on Somme Front. British Army Headquarters thead when fired. E. T. Cansler, of j counsel for the defense, brought from ! the witness repeated and emphatic ' j declarations of his opinion that' it : would have beeiva physical impossi i bility for a woman of Mrs. King's in stoutness to have held a pistol in the . tv tueiayeaj The Am- position necessary to have caused the encan engineer corps, the first Am-wound he found in her head, erican troops to arrive in France play-' Cross examination, re-direct examin ed an important part in successful ation and cross examination of Dr. breaking of the Hindenburg line last Kurmelster delayed the expected in-; raZ week. As the British troops would $roion by the State of Mrs. Anna U FIFTEEN THOUSAND advance the engineers fnnirt o w- .'"", xui-uci ui mia iyui6, MEDICAL EXPERTS ED TODAY'S DE SAULIES TRIAL UT .!;;'; ? I."'-" ; Count von Hertling Reviews War Situation Before the Keichstag. ' sH-'i FULL OF OPTIMISM it was stated by a member of coun sel for the defense that she would not alons the front W Wn that t &o on the stana until tne arternoon w viiu it ui mc in the rear building .roads. une ot the most striking siehts engineers laboring coollv at their session. She spent the forenoon at tracks while e-roAt chcii ,.,x ner notei m ner room wnere sne spent mg one hundred yards away. ,tne nignt. At one time the Germans cut loose Prof;e?sf th.e trial.has been so vith their guns on a section of the : slow that tbere 1S rowm& apprehen tracks and tore up three miles of ' S1n among the court officials that the rails but they, scarcely had finished caie T!H Cinle mst.Tof nt week. this bombardment when the twin lines ' r" Schultze, of New York, was of steel began to, creep forward once called t0 thq- stand shortly before more. After the engineers had reach-,non' 0 v . . . , y. ed a point where they were exposed? Dr - Schujtze testified m reply to on the sky line it was necessary to hy.p(?the .ical tions, that in his work at. ni?ht or nn tno-trv rtv .opinion it would have been impossible -tv. u v . for Mrs- King to have fired the fatal) would not be given to the jury before aJSS have three forces of . snot? . his 0 inldn bei based upon I Wednesday Americans employed Jn this region the descriDtion of the wound in the' ;l since- about Amrnst i Tw rst ti,0rr,!ine ascription or. tne wouna. n.tne Tn testimonv of aliensts anfl oth. Declared Submarine Campaign Would be Successful, Prais- f ed Army and Navy and Dis j counts Allied Successesllp? j (By Associated Press.)1 : Berlin, Nov. 28. (Via London, Nove;;! 30.) British Admirality via Wireless).';! The war situation was reviewed "be- ?r ' fore the Reichstag today by Count;;f J iGeorerevF. Von TTertHns' th tiw . Tm- . ' ' I it i 7 !, A . Iperial German Chancellor. ; He .7:delfi Long Hypothetical Question glared that Germany was ready to en-"'"..f Jury Not Expected to Get the Case Before Next Wednesday. WORD QUESTION ASKED; George f. Read at Opening of CourU Try to Establish Irrespon sibility of Defendant. (By Associated -Press.-'-Mineola, N. Y.y Nov. 30 The trial of Mrs. Bianca De Saulles for the murder of her divorced husband, John Longer De Saulles, was resumed to day with indications that the case War Department officials general knowledge of the facts having j geneous American army in which each been disclosed to the country at large, division, whether regufar, national guard or national army, cannot De dis tinguished in efficiency from the oth- are cision to announce the arrival of the j billeted over a wide area and are pro National Guard forces but permission ! nounced excellent soldiers. , tn mihush tho HPciatinnR nf the I The guardsmen have been arriving weie: eiauiieu at general rersning s ue- firs Thp former State troons ter into peace negotiations as coon ag :. the Russians sent representatives" har I ing full powers to Berlin. The. Chan- V ;! cellor said he hoped and wished i that i the present efforts would take definito ; J shape and "bring us peacel" German arms, the Chancellor said, ; have beep uniformly successful and the submarine warfare will reach the . j aim intended for it. He said that the " s ships sunk will exceed that of those newly constructed. He praised the . - army and navy and eulogized ,the home . population for its patience and 1 en- ' durance under great "privations." Po-1 - litical reforms - would- be ' carried out " 1 but the fundamental principles of the since about August 1 ?ave befn occupied , with the opera- the description by Dr. Burmeister-. 0nier- medical, experts, some to refute igaI raii"cross examination? Dr.-Schult2e; s'teid4fin4--oUitt8. & euh?tatiate the clim j imperial constitution cannot and. shall-" - pendent has isitea at -entaLlapse at the time and lOdays these engineers sincethe x arrival before death. ' immediately following the shooting of and ;has found them fit and eager for -On request of Mr Cansle Dr her former husband, was expected to worTj- . ., I Schultze took a .25 calibre automatic 'sume all of today and probably to- The correspondent was talking with jpigtbl and demonstrated to the jurylmrw- ' t three officers today and tne omy whv hp POnsidpred it imno??ihT for ai Mrs. De Saulles was tho hostess yes- anxiety they expressed about the fu-;person to gif-inflict such a wound as'terday to the other prisoners in the ture was the fear that they might mg jjrs King "Now that is the Mineola 3ail- The turkey dinner pro later be compelled to work far back vided by her brought a note of, aDDre- i no. y uii iiu ii.- uui. i.tiuiii ii i. niiiiiriiiiii v w ! in the American zone for many weeks. ! They are scattered somewhat but as guard units now at the training cen ters m France still is witnneia. un-ifar as possible, the units from the less General Pershing sees fit to re- j same State have been keptclose to lease information, there is no present I gether. They found the regular army j naa maae preparations ior mem, ana while many are billeted in houses in prospect of its publication. way in v!:!c CM. Or. :'- lllH'M I; IjlHill!: -' o a Socialist coalition cabinet, tho Bolsheviki are represent- It can be stated, however, that tho brief dispatch of today covers a large movement that- has been in progress for several weeks. The next stage will be actual occupation' of front line trenches. Guard, units to be sent later will be more sectional in chapter, the French towns, others have been quar terred in low wooden barracks special ly erected. - The troops frem the various States have been recognized by the French population and have been welcomed enthusiastically. Many of the units wore the French red. white and blue cockade pinned to their campaign hats. After a sufficient time to rest grouping of the old divisional organ-1 frQm tha journey) the troops have closely as possible. The entire coun- j been set to work training for actual ization having been adhered to as j service at the front. In all quarters try, however, shares in the honor of I they are declared to be most enthus y' ' i iastic and their soldierly qualities having its representative units now thave drawn high praise from the French instructors. 14. During the last few days one unit has been working witn grenades ana has the front in the world war. Secretary Baker has announced that oc -foot do mun nnrl shins are readv. - , i automatic rifles, while another they will be combined ana aaaiuonai 1 been working out military problems forces sent to join General Pershing, j jn maneuvers. Another unit has neen By this means guard divisions first to j the instruction trenches which bring them as near as possiDie to ac tual fighting conditions. The guardsmen are all in good health. The reason why it is not per mitted to . mention units by name is various war fronts there has .grouping of national army divisions-ux " "hiT nThH which change. The British aremade D08sible by the use of the draft- IZZ: Hanfi,Hnn ed men to fill up depleted national berg and otheV information which guard divisions, will determine the .or- . f imDOrtance to the enemy. of the lines out of the fighting zone. The engineers love to hear the guns and to get as close to the firing line as military orders permit. Some of them had an unusual ex perience, much to their liking, on the first day of the offensive. The Brit ish called . forv volunteer stretcher else do it differently?" asked Mr. Cans-1 Nation from the diners Mrs. De ler Saulles enjoyed a., visit from her young "I presume a contortionist might be son and her sister with whom she 'din able to put his head under his left ed in tne sheriff's quarters, knee," said Dr. Schultze, which re- Reading of the 15,000 word hypothet mark brought hearty laughter from the lcal Question by attorneys for the de crowd in the court house, and Judge I fense was hegun at the opening of court. It begins: 'Assume, doctor, that A Leonard Johnson, secretarv of i Continuing it tells of the fall sus the Merchant's Loan and Trust Com-1 tamed when a child m which sheisjthat geveral dIvlsiong had tak.; The Reichstags was packed. , Tha -new state secretaries, the new Prus sian' minister, the new Bavarian "pre- : mier, the members of the reigning German houses, the Austrian, Turk-' ish and Bulgarian ambassadors and all the neutral ministers were present, "' The Imperial Chancellor opened his 1 speech by asking the loyal co-ODera"i tion of the Reichstag. He continued: ' "We are approaching the end of the W year that has been full of far-reach? : 5 ; ing and decisive events in many-the-vQ atres of the war. I am proud and thankful to say that, the arms of Ger- : f many and her allies have been sue-"y ! cessful on almost every occasion and. VVV I everywhere." , ; :-, ,y.:"- He recalled that the Flanders battle 4' l had continued almost "Without ; inter- II ruption since July and that the Brit- y - f iau aimy was superior in uumuer ana :, show themselves fitted for transporta tion to the training camps in France, will be first to go. Tt annears Dossible that the re- t;rv.:inl toward Cambrai and :!' r. plight advance west of vi.od. Heavy artillery activ uo. in the Ypres sector. No nc-Moiis of importance are re--ora tho Italian front, but the : c-'innon are very busy. Ber- Ton. liii I'Dfd-fj dip rpmilsfi of Ttalinn at tark - j'vp.int positions west of the !!r'!!-. ! an,i west of the PiaYe. . Much discussion has been provoked in Kr-l; nd by the publication of a let-?ci- Cro..-. f!.0 Marquis of Lansdowne, a veteran political leader. He pleads J or r: i m, iHd'oro tho war leads to the ruin of 'iviHzod vorld. The letter has der of the first national army units to be sent over. In that re-groupmg two national army divisions were re-formed, one representing the whole east ern section of the country and one equally representative of all Middle Western States. All of the far West is already in the national army divis ion at Camp Lewis, American LakeK Washington. .. .. If the same policy is followed .with I ClinA rnnnpr? fnr nrrter TTnrJpr n hnt bearers to go forward to the battle-'fire of Questions from Mr. Cansler. the field and bring in wounded British -witness adhered to his main declara-1 Bianca Errazuriz Dfi Saulles was born and Germans. A.large number of the tion i near Santiago, Chile, April 29, 1894 " engineers offered their services wmcn were accepted. They just had finish ed a hard day's work on the railway, Dany Chicago, followed Dr. Schultze ! said to have received severe injuries. iha fi .f Knim,tltat".jh:. Vnf tliov o-larllv iinOT-tnnlr tho T1PW. , , A , - . - tn har hrt- V,o thr.a unora cnont ?r r" vvmiouuius v on tne stana ana torn or a trust agree-i " " ; the loss of some villages and farms, ment made by Mrs. King and hisjan English convent; her meeting the tne German frontier remained unshak- ; bank in 1911 by which the institution De Saulles on her return to Chile; of n and the enem wag ag far as ever. was to hold in trust stocks and bonds! their marriage; their marital difficul- from hg object reachmg the Flem- amounting to $125,000, market value, ties; the automobile accident m Chile igh coagt tQ degtro German U-boat -from the proceeds of which $600 a a few years ago in which Mrs. De bases He added- : v'r month was to be paid to Mrs. Robin- Saulles alleges she received further in-1 ReCognizing the failure of their-at-W son, mother of Mrs. King, during her - juries to her head the divorce and fln-;tacks n Fianders, the British are ndw life and the remainder of the income ally, a resuue of the defense version kin Cambrai a de.Hdvft te. ;. . . should go to Mrs. Kingv of the tragedy. sult The hope which Great Britain I Gaston Means called at the bank in " concludes m tnese words: niaM nnnn tho whniAaTo na r tonVa. Si ; 1915, as Mrs. King's Dusmess agent! "Assuming the foregoing facts and,has not been fulfilled. They lie de- ; but they gladly undertook the new, arduous and dangerous task and labor ed through the night getting injured soldiers back to the dressing stations. They were highly complimented by the British for their efficiency in this line. RUSSIAN SITUATION. v (By Associated Press). London, Nov. 30. The Russian tn rhec.k over her trust. affairs. Laterinaving in mmu your persuuai jjiamm- strnvP(1 nT1 th hottlofioii - 1 . j , . . 1 -' j vui.vviivivi v j juvvvo- v. r ho oamfl QnH ronnrtofl that Mrss Kiner ation ot. the aetenaant, in your ppm- fi. riatmioti nminrt. ti.nnni..nn flltj. '. , -, . "t- 01 - - 1 xui ubtuiau uicasuico, X uo . l envoys sent to treat wmi me T!H.oirP(1 1r.QT1 nn h0r roverslonarv in-non. was tne aeienaant mentauy rouna infHfli ocCT u " mans, according to a Reuter dis- lterest in the trust. This was declin-;at the time of the shooting on August tbe entrance of our reserves -s r- SS: patch from Petrograd, have tele- j ed and in December, 1916, Means call-.3, 1917? The French also have had local vw i eraphed the Bolsheviki leaders of u0 v..i, .h .atatAA .that Mrs: -."Assumine all the foregoing facts' tv,. o- AS-Si V 4-Trt Diiccrt-nnrmaTl nlaninn. ! . . . . , t . j -- 1 ni.iv r-v i ininH tai.0 I .1.. i i King desirea; to revoke tne trust, mt)j"iU uavm6 m ii iai perore Verdun, but .'every - strategical v:--; witness testified. . samination of the defendant, m yourexpioitatlon o. these has been .pre' ' i Court adjourned for dinner before ( opinion, did the defendant know the ; vented by the German army command: - I Mr. Johnson's direct examination was. nature ad quality of the act she was Every one remembers the events In s finished. ; committing? .' the east which led to the conquest of . ' I "Assuming all the foregoing facts Riga and Jac0bStadt. y - v ; --- TROOPS ENJOYED ':an . na7mg !,ntmm" . pers?nai ex;l "The glorious advance of the1 armies Rut for the information or tae . relatives and families of the men, ev ery one who sailed from the United States has arrived. safely in France. that, the Russo-German plenipo- tentiaries will meet Sunday noon, S at the crossing on the Dvinsk- Vilna railroad west of the village 4' 8 of Kukharishky, between the op- & posing military lines. "'; . Thence they will travel by spe, S S cial train to German headquart er ters at Brest-Litovsk AFRICAN CAMPAIGN NEARING AN END (Bv Associated Press) London. Nov. 29. The end of the relation to the national army that has East African campaign before Christ- vision of the wr aims of thejheen followed in connection with the rnas is predicted by the Reuter corre- national guard it seems likely that spondent at Ndara. tie declares tnat these three divisions, other things such ) by that time the German commander training and equipment being i in-chief vnll either be a prisoner or in f""!Sf-d surdi a sensation that it is un- equal, would be the first of the nation-; exile. 'f'!stOO(l it will ho tho snhippt nf riA-'i vmir tn trn nvor ns nvprv State in nato in the British House of Com- thp. Union would then have ' national mon.s probably early next week. Good News in Germany. ) Londont Nov. 30. The newspapers m Opimany today publish the Lord army men at the front as it now has national guardsmen letter on their, front Patrol Boat Floated. ; (By Associated Press). An American Port, Nov. 30. An Am- Par;ps. telegrinhs the Amsterdam cor- erican patroi wu,du i ' ! 'i-nt of the FyphaneP Tele- a leae on me A nr ot the exchange ieie weeks ago, was floated to- .ml) ( ompanv. The German news- coabL vccfvo tt& n. r- u-r.; , consider if winnin of Ene- day ana lasen ui tow 1W ret.ting reasonable" 1-nd R"-sinn Army Peaceful. fBy Associated Press). , Nov. 30. No statement Berlin Has Little to Say. (By Associated Press). 'flvnn...H nt on t rv,QT,t ' Berlin. INOV. 4U-1 "Riuiau 6u- !-od nt the Russian army headveral 1 staff in its today, according to an of-garding the tUe fronts n Russia '"'l annouueoment made at the war Macedonia and Northern oiiir- t i "There was no important operations. ORMER SECRETARY OF THE NAVY DEAD 4 Austria Willing. - Amsterdam, Nov. 30. The Aus; (By Associated Press) With the American Army in France, TUAMircr ITiNr nAV-atifhe dfTdlnV iD U1,"of the -Central Powers in Italy holds;, THAISKSUIVINU DiY iopimon, did the defendant know thatjthej world in suspense even today. the act was wrongT ,: ! OverVhelmingly difficult tasks have-' : It was learned by District Attorney been accomplished there by the flght-V Weeks that because of radical differ- ing strength of the German and Aus- ; tro-Hungarian government, ac- Nov. 29. Every American ' soldier in; ences Which he Says exist in the de- trn-Miine-arfan trnnn irt thofi "nrnriR ' cording to a dispatch from Vien- 5 France spent a real American Thanks-1 fense's question as compared with the ingly rapid attack and 'penetration of " --4 na, has sent an official reply ac- giving day. He dined on turkey and testimony, an entirely new hypothet- j r0ugh mountain territory, v Italy's ar cepting the Russian government's j an that goes with it until he could eat jical question may be put to the ex-jmy has lost considerable part of its no more. The feature of the day was a foot 's' wireless proposal to enter into 4 negotiations for an armistice and a general peace. 4 LENINE OUSTED, London, Nov. 3 The govern- thousands of American troops and a perts in support of the prosecution's. forces and at least half x)f Its total war iball game in which a team from the engineers defeated a team from the v infantrv. The same was watched by case. material: It also has lost stretches . After reading of the hypothetical land which nrovided i with rich question had continued 30- minutes,1 supplies. It has not yet ,beeD pos- -"Juror. No. 4" fell asleep. He was' gjbie to collect all the booty, calculat-' awakened by the juror seated on his i G,i in monev value kt theusanda of mil- ment of Nikolai Lenine has fall-thousand French soldiers. The shouts left. . v 'lions of marks, which has fallen into"" 4 en, according to a Petrograd dis-from the respective rooters were heard; "Mrs. Bianca De Saulles was not our hands. , y. patch to ;.. The - Daily. Chronicle, 1 f ar -afield and towards the end of the 'mentally sound, did not know the na:t "Further, the success of our victor- dated Wednesday. It has been ,game the French soldiers, getting theiture or quality of the act" and did not.ies from the Isonzo ,to the Piave is an , succeeded by a coalition cabinet hang of it, became just as enthusias-jknowJ'that it was wrong" when she effective relief tocour own 'Western : of advanced Socialists, in which, jtf as the Americans. Virtually all in- shot her former husband. John L. De front. Tn the same wv this . tir tnr 'f: 4 however, the Bolsheviki are rep-' structioit work, and drilling was sus-; Saulles, at his Long Island home, ac- also makes:, itself, felt in Macedonia,'. - - (Bv Associated Press.) Ccord, N. H., Noy. 30. William ) ' EaU" Chandler, who as secretary oi the KTvy in President Arthur's cab net, ws largely responsible for tue beT'nning of the modern United Stotes navy, died at his home here today. . ' ' 4' resented 4 nended for the day, v, . Youna Hoover Ooerated On. (By Associated -Press.) Baltimore. Nov. 30 Allen Hoover, the lQ-vc r ' T" of , Herbert C. Hoover, Federal Food Administratdr, underwent a successful operation for appendicitis here today. m THAT WT JS CI4PISTMAV ONLY jm. ... a jiT mm. w- i TURJCgr 15 CRmJL ' , BRITISH CASUALTIES. cording to experts who testified today as the enemy now appears to be giv- in her behalf. j -' . ing , up voluntary the "slight success ; This opinion was given in response which he obtained west of Lake Och- ' , to a 15,000 word hypothetical question rida. '.' , ' -,: !put by, attorneys for the defense. It,j ';From the Sinai peninsula,; the Brit' iin brief, summed up the evidence iSh are operating against the Turkish. (By Associated Press). v given during the. trial, by witnesses of troops in Palestine and have been able; London, Nov. JW. British cas-"jthe defendant. 1 to achieve .certain initial successes ' . -u.alties reported during the 4' To brain, pressure resulting from a there. These however, have no influ- ; 'y month totalled 120,089, divided as j skull fracture received; in childhood ence on the general war situation from " ; follows: s- and to hypothyreosis, a disease of the a military point 'of view. .In the the-;, Officers killed or died of wounds, i thyroid gland which affects the brain 'atre of war in Asia iMnor and in Irak1- s 1,152; men, 24,292 . ;.y ,: and nerve centers, was ascribed Mrs. the situation is unchanged.'! -" ., ,i Officers wounded or Vmissing, ;De Saulles' .lleged - lapse ' of 'accoun-j After declaring .that the German f-Rfa7: men Q 1.108. m 'tabriity. It was during" .the "blank war fleet had thorouzhlv fulfilled the " ' space" that the defendant claims she. hopes and- expectations .'placed oi,it, v i - hred the revolver shots. r -s. (Continued onJPage Eight). - - "A.

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