1 i -THE WILMINGTON DISPAfcrFRIDAY ; : AFT ERNdONNOVEMBERijo 1 91 7a 5 MINES IH TflEGBUNTIES PAGE SEVEN, I lloa II V reai sted- tobaccdtke Burley cigarette ivy Free SysterxL Better tri :5ome, Salary More Suitable -? i For Others ; , 1" (Special .o The Dispatch) Chapel Hill, N. Nov. h- -Prof. E. C. Braaaon tioad of Kurai Econoul ics ahd Sociology in the University spoke before the North Carolina Glut Monday rnight; on Cpuaty Fees, F ouu in taxes. v v - - -' i. -.-aire salary wannvitai rcs'sruaran- M teed salaries removes I a rertai& ' in-r jcentive to diligence and faithfulness. ; Ta-ffier -are -teoatetl co neglect collection of legal fees which, now; not to them, tmt -into the county. , treasury.: , . ! i 6.." Uncustomary fe and comra's- sions, arq faithfully ieoVct6d andjhon-t estly-turned over to the: fee fcunGs ofj thro county treasuries, the total is- large- enough: to pay all salaries" in at least 58 -counties of ths. State, and to leave balances. for schools,; roads,, jail expenses, interest, and. sinking funds. These surpluses are being1 wasted Mai most of the salary counties, -r ' . 7 Under the salary, plan the inceiv tiye to 'collect, customary fees.; and urn over. to the. country .treasuries is; emoved; the tea tunas steadily tend; 3 quisite and AIlowauGes. His address-. was ,based niainlp''on , arr extensive - to row smaller; and the salai-y plan ! correspondence carried -on with lead- as it operates at present m most coun ties adds to the burdens of the gener al taxpayer. 8. Forty-three counties have inade quate auditing arrangements, or none r oil nrul Vi q foo funrlc aro nftoflir neglected .-or are, ridiculously -. small, i The salaries must jope eitherr out of j the fee funds or the;,pockets of the taxpayers; wherefore the interest that taxpayers have or ought to have in auditing of county . accounts and in fee and. salary funds. I J9. Competent county auditors per- j manently employed, or certified pub- He accountant employed at stated in- tervals, are necessary to instruct, ad- j i vise, and counsel court nouse omcers ing men of affairs m 90 countiea of North Carolina. ..This is the fi est tiriv anybody iiaa ever assembled in a. re liable, wholesale . .manner the'' data j about county feeand allowances - in tms state; .the counties on a salary ba,3is, those on .a fee basis, the coun? ties that haye abolished the office of treasurer, the counties with autCitors or auditing arrangements, and s crfi. Only the brief summary and ; conclus ions of information revealed by Mr. Branson can be given here. - , .j 1. The fee system of compensating i county,, officers was m vogue in frO j counties of the. State in 1?15, and 50 counties were on a salary oasis. "Sorters roasters ... rrS -1 if ' r V THROUGH SLEEPERS TO ATfcANTA' ?.vl iud staWishea int ougnVfciwepini " ii 4ltiti between 'AVilmingtonAnd At tit sr ll 1 yVvcoij tin uhI VV j a.' August ; ii :WnjDclhn ? with thttoofeiii Rail road u6nlhe follow tig fiche'iuks : v iLV.WlLMINGTON The Lttzialone Guarantee : If, tfter using the contents of k can, 'you are not metiaGed in every respect, your gro cer. Will refund your moneys You don't have to be ji magician to make two pots of coffee exactly, alike - wHen. you ruse Luaianne Fcir , l.U2ianhe Js unvarying in character, ever and always the same good-drinic-lig coffee. ! But-r-the Only way you" can really knor Luziahne is to drink j. . And that suggests your buying a can today. ; Bear injtnind, ypu take no , chances witlj Luzianne. The guaran tee protects you to the very penny. So, get right to it and buy Luzianne now. Every sip will confirm your good judgment and our good faith. Ask for profit-sharing catalog. iW &iiiii&t ; T .9:30 P.M.;: ;' A. JAtigUBti (East "time) , afS5 tgLi X All ATLANTA Cen, ttuel . io A.' Mi -i . ; v Heturhiag i Leave: Atlanta S : S5; P.M. s . lflrrIv&rVininngton lino P. M.' v ;. r Passengers' say remain" In. this cftrt: ,' lb lhe tliiioA p?$ot; which r fa, .in r thd . hear ot AUiiila. until 1:00 A. il ihpy tb desire. na on account of tbe earlier arfivKl of Ibis train, aiid. Me J, ise of . tbe, rJnion"- Depot convenient ? connections may ba maile'iUi throlgh V j. - Uiriing, Sleeping Car Coach, trains V wlch. itave from pation for cwnoi Cincinnati, St. llom; tic. ;v For fare, tlckeu, etc., apply t T. C. WHITE. xaen. Pad8.v. w t: j 2. Tbe line of division between ! in the bus'ness details of their offices. fee and salary counties seems to be County officers are usually honest, but $75,000 of aggregate taxes of all sorts ( also they are usually untrained in bus- The Reilyl&ylor Company, Wew Orleans C " .v v u-uaranteed by coUnty purposes. All but two of the salary, counties are above this level. Thirty-six of the fee counties are be low; 11 are above it, and probably ought to change to the salary plan. 3. The fee plan of compensation is best , under primitive conditions that is, where the populations are sparse, wealth small, and court house busi ness meagre and occasional.. 4. The salary jlan is best -in coun ties where fees and commissions rise into totals that make excessive com pensation for services rendered say, in. counties colJeetiner much as. $75 - 10. In addition there 13 needed-(1) i a State-wide plan of uniform county accounting, and (2) a State auditing officer with a staff of competent field agents' busy the year around advising, counseling, and checking county-officers in the handling otpublic funds. The experience of other"1States dem onstrates that State-wide auditing of county accounts saves instead of wastes money. The system could be modeled on our State, bank examiner plan. In 18 years such a plan restor ed $830,0p0' to the county treasuries of Ohio. " standard ttallrcaa of The Bo. Arrival and Departure of Trains at Wilmington, Effective 21, 117. Arrivals, schedules and tmd connections given as" tion, but not guaranteed. . - . Oct. informa- DEPARTUBE81 No. Bl l:S A. 12. No. . 8 ; W A BCa No. 81 l:4 A. X. No. Ki. :03 P. M. No. 5ft. 3:30 P. M. No. 42. I:45 P. M. TO AND FBOM AKRHTAt? Floren.-e, Columbia. Pullman Sloepert, WI1- pj. n m'.nvton and Colombia pen to rwlv ltt M. passengers alter 10KX) P. M. - . Goldaboro, Richmond, Norfolk anfl North. No,JWV pM-tor Cars Wilmington nd Norfolk. t:Oo F. M. KaretteTllla, Banfotd and Mt lry. ?M"l!u JactsonTllIe an4 New Bern. j0 gg ' m tatao'p. x. Florence, CoJarobia. Aagaeia, AtlaniC and the Weat. Charlepton, Savanna b aaJ. M F'lorlda points. Pullman Cars WHrains;- No- ton o Atlanta Via. Angast and between 1:00 P. M. Florence an-1 Columbia. - - -- fllohraond, Norfolk. Washlnffton and New 1 YorK, Pullman cars to Washington and No. 41. Nrrfolk. 1 t:M hu ML SUBURBAN SCHEDULE ' IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 19,4017 WINTER PARK, WRIGHTS nLLF, BEACH EAST BO UN 11. WESTBOUND. for Folder ResorvationB, r tes of fares, etc., call 'Phone 160. W. J. CRAIG, T. C. WHITE, Pasienper Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent Wilmington, n. C i I ? Requires M3sdar - U -less lard Tf? , 1 -j j Leare Leave Leave Leave Leave i Leave ' "Elecerfc "Electric "Eleetric Beacb Wrigbtsv'le jWlnter P'rk Center Centre" Centre" . " . . tot ... for for ff for ! TTinter P'rk Wrlghtsv'le Bexicli Wilmington Wilmington , Wilmington ! P-.SO A. M !6:50 A. M. 'r.:15 A. M. C:26 A. M. x:5 x:50 " TK:15 " llitQ " .S:00 " 8:00 " x7:20 " M !S:0 " r:00 ' j !8:00 A. M ' 7:80 " : '01 " ,eo " " I 'te ! " 10;60 " iflHW " I 10s0 " !9:15 A. M.! r:rtd " j '.9:30 " 11:88 ' - 11:30 " ! 11:30 ' : !9:25 " i fl:41 - !1:00 H:6 P. M.! Slreo-P. M : !9:36 " 110:31 " s'ltie m xl:10 " -1 16i45 j !1:20 " ! 11:00 " oluio " ol:55 12:13 " I 12:25 P. M. 12:30 P. M. ..2'30 M 2:30 " xl:50 " , 2:01 " 3:00 " 3:00 " ; .3:80 P. M. !1 :45 " !l:V " !2:08 " 8:30 M 2:25 " 2:S6 " o4:10, " .. o3:00 o8:ll " ..4:80 " 4:30 44 ! 4:30 P. o3:60 " " 4;50 - ..j.... 8:43 " i 3:55 " 4:00 ' 5:30 " 5:30 " ! o4:S0 " x6:10 - x:10 i 5:10 " 8:40 " 0:40 " ' 5:15 " 5:25 " 45:S 7:15 " 7:15 " 6:00 " 0:llr " 8:13 " 8:15 " x6:45 " :5 " 4 9:1 " :15 " 7:10 " 7:21 " .1115 " 10:1 " .. 7:4 - 7:51 " IMS 44 ' - . 11:15 i :45 " 8:56 ' . i ....... .' ....... ............... ........ .....t 10: 45 44 10: 5fl i. . . .-... ............. ......,... 11: 43 . It .50 MORVGACE ALE. -By rirtiie of tne power of sale contained In a certain mortgage deed made by Delld. i.v Merrick and bosband. Join! Merrick, to tbe N6rth, Carolina Home Bullciltig. Asso- elation, bearhiffidate November 23rd, 1915, and dnly registered on tbe rfcord9 of New ; Ilanowr Comity in Book 88, page 313, tbe" undersigned will sell, at public auction, to ! -, ' v."': tbe hijrliest bidder, for cash, -'at tbe Court '-,.i-"-vV ' lloune door In tln City of Wilmington vn vs. Tbursday, tbe 18th day of December, 1911, f;Y. v,: ,' at twelve o'clock M., the following describe, - iY ed-property situated in the Cityof W1W intngton. to-wit: cjtiii,fiivjf ni iub hi y tpf.neotinn of the Western line of Sixth . Street with tie Northern line of Marstel -bit Street, runs tbence Westwardly along ' - tfie northern line of Marstellar street 13d ' ' , . j -feet; -tbence Nortnwardly parallel 'witji''..-; ; Sixth street 32 feet; thence Eastwards -tmrallel with Marstellar street 150 feet . to .. ': Western line of Sixth street; .tbence Southwardly along Western line of Sixth Street 32 feet to the Beginning, being pflft or Lot u, uiock 7, according to tne oriiciai I plan of said City of Wilmington. rrta l4h nt Vnvsmhui. 1017 :1 NOUTH CAROLINA HOME BUILDING ASSOCIATION, Uy John D. Bellamy & Son, Attorneys.' 30 DAYS 11-13. i A : SEABOARD AIR LtNL RAILWAY SPECIAL FOR SUNDAYS Leave Front and Princess streets evry half hour fvom 2 to 5 Pf M Leave Beach every half hour from 2 : 15 P." M. Daily except Sunday. v ' 5 "" ' , ' ; ll, , !Snnday only. - "' . ..SiSS 1 xBeach transfer car connects, with th's train - at -Wrlgblsville. oSHperceded by half-hour schedule Sunday afternoons. ' TIIEIGHT SCHEDULE (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY.) . i Leave Beach every half hour from 2:l5 P. M. to 5:45 P. M. Freight Depot open from 2:00 to 3:00 P. M. SPKCIAli NOTICE TA is table shows the time at wlrfch train may ..be x Ieed.to arrive at and depart from the several stations, but the arrivals .and de partures are not guaranteed. WILSON HOT BLAST HEATERS Let the Wilson Heater keep you comfortable. They keep the fire over night and taLs 1-3 less Fuel. Let Us Ssrve You CAPE FEAR HARDWARE CO. Phone 612 I09N. Front St ir The Co-Het Co.. Wholesale Dirtributors, Wilmington FOR MEN ONLY- ' 35c 5 oz. size Shaving Lotion ROSE VIOLET LILAC. Nothing better after shaving. PAYNE DRUG CO. Phone 520 5th and Ret Gross Streets HEMENWAY AUDITORIUM Concerts by : JULES FALK Violinist GERTRUDE ARNOLD Contralto 1917 at 8:15 P. M. First Cycl5, Friday, Nov. 30, Second Cycle Saturday, Dec. 1, 1917, at 8:15 P. Single Admission $1.00. Sorosis Club. National Society for Broader Education. M. FREE PANTS The" An extra, pair of Pants- free with every suit or overcoat. second greatest offer of the season. Don't fail to take advantage of this great offer. Come early so you can get your Suit or Overcoat for Christmas. .. Offer begins November 23, and will end DecembeM5. I. LOWENTHAL Sole Representative of the Kahn Tailoring Co., of Indianapolis. 402 NORTrt FRONT STREET WILMINGTON, N. C. New Shipment of Satin and Metallic Hats- j f All grades Handkerchiefs, pure Linen . . ... : 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c See the Crepe De Chene Hdkfs. Hose in wanted shade, , such as Gold, Loud Beet Red, Green in fact all colors. Satin and Bengaline Collars. MISS Read the Dispatch Business Special BRINGING UP r FMTSI&B? ihh' CLOTHES OUT I'LL COKE DOVN- THP Wii-E VCNT THINK I'M r.AlM ure this: ALMA BROWN ROYAL THEATRE BUILDING. W.L DOUGLAS AOfMERSDN SHOES . ,;nl i;i ii. ?.i .ll, i.t I' .. ' .- . The kind it pays to Buy. All Sizes All Prices. Every pair Absolutely Guaranteed. I. and M. L. HU&WITZ 1 Wilmington; N. C. 603; North Fourth St. Che froratdv Ttfttlwa? of the Booth. fcffo-tlte Nt. ilth. 1910. DEPAKTUKK )!' TKA1N8 FROM.. .. -AVILMlNGTOy. ; , , Vo. I.-? 3 :5S V. m. Train for Charlotte and Intermediate Points FiJLLMAN VAV r LOH liAIt, WILMINGTON TO CDAtt . LOJ'TE. - . ---ii No. 1 6KK) A. M.Traln for Chnrlottfe itm littermodlate PoiHls. SLKKl'lNG OAU BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND CUAli LOT'TM. Ouen at 10 :00 P. M. for Taasen gers., i ' Kit! VAT. OF TBAIN AT TVtT.nnNQTONf No, 14 J2;40. P.J.M7 Train from Charlotte nt lnterlnd1;ite roluts. PULLMAN PAttLtlR CAlt MET WEEN CHAULOITU AND WILMINGTON. , V-' Vo 20 12:10 A. M.--Train from Chdrlottii knd intermediate Point. SLEEPING OAK BET WHEN CHAHLOTTE AND WILMINGTON. PASSENGERS MAJt REMAIN IN SLEEP Ell UNTIL T '.30 A. M. - For detailed Information and retirva dona, call on City Ticket Agent. Ortoil kotej Building. t,. . .. WllTuinptoii. N. f V 1 . fOHN T, WEST. D. P. A.. Ralelsrh. r v E Wiriidh-Salerr;-rVlorfej-ead City-Bead- fori Pullman Sleeping Car Line Be- ? v somes Wlnslon Salem-Goldsboro v , ' t Slt"lng Car Line. . Southern Hallway System annojifl ' " ces effective with-; last cars into, thd v" out of Beaufort Sunday, Aug. 12th, tto ' Winst.tn-Si6-Morehead Cltv-Beaii. ff fori Sloping Oai line will be .shorten- '' ! -d . .o Wln8ton-SaJem-Gol d shorn LiU e -.. A j Car will contlntie tw be handled nil trains Nos. 232-112 and 111-237. 0,V, 'U-j -:V For further deVails fiik Sotttheril. Railway System Agents, or address, i. ''' - O. JoneR, Traveling Passenger A.ent ! RaTeiKh. N. C. . ::.HiVf ' : k i DO YOUR SHOPPING AND SHll. PING EARLY. ; v . More of "Our Boys will be away fr6m Home and Family this year 'at' . Christmas time than ever before In our history. Oh account of the enormous volum v of War Materials and supplies, in ad- : dition to, the -usual large movement.At ;,; r Eloliday shipments, it will require front now oh. every available baggage, mail and express car that can be put into service. . ' To Jbelp the situation and to insure Christmas packages reaching their destination on time and thus avoid dis appointment the Public is earnestly requested to ship 'their Christmas packages (whether by mail or express) at least: ten (10) days or two weeks before Christmas. v -This , action will not only be ftp predated by the . GoVernment; but by the Railroads, whose already heavy burdens they are trying tc carry with promptness and dispatch. NORFOLK! SOUTHERN RAILROAD, he i I mm MV I - - i - - I m ' ' I 9 I! , ii, i , ; i : ; i 1 ia t P nAI.TflM n . 7 A . s . : .. . V . ' ' . - -':-'-v "-Y':iS : . 1 n r-r ? T-7 ' ' TrTTT T i A IPiCII I - - ; WELL. WHERE'S SJbOs lOOK" j ? TX& ' :MW' this: , 1 te 1 po ;-,-i vesfcx 1 - 'Ui (. .

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