"r x I WEATHER FORECAST North Carolina and South Caro lina: Fair and somewhat cofder to night; Sunday partly cloudy; mod erate west winds. FULL LEASED; WIRE SERVICE VOL. XXIII, NO. 326. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA? SATURDAY AFTERNOON DECEMBER 1 19I 7 PRICE FIVE CENTS. V ' . h i r i i ' i , ,. Mi - 'v -.,v. . -s ..v ,j - ; 1 . f- r ".' r -- .- .('.... SGHOO URR Prince Ruppricht is Vainly; Trying to Push Back the British L CHILDREN ED TO BUY AT LU5TJM STAMP Great Drive to Have Every School Child Secure a Stamp ISTEiSyOEiE iPTIIOE I SAVINGS CAMPAIGN TO OPEN MONDAY EWHIBH RECORD Collections x for the Last Fiscal Year Amounted vto i809,393,000 WOUlJy REDUCE TAX ON OLEOMARGARINE Thrift Stamps to be Put On ! Suggestion Made By Col. O5J Foreign Secretary Says Ger- Sale at Convenient Places Expect to Raise $2,000,000,000 ARTILLERY ACTIVITY ON OTHER FRONTS Italian Zone Comparatively Ouiet Bolsheviki Win Election Siberian Flag is Raised Allied Conference Opens REVENUE BUREAU SUES .RULES FOR TAXES S (By Associated Press.) Washington, Dec. 1. A great drive , to make every school child in Araer lica buy at least one 25 cent thrift Stamp durin gthe first week of the War borne Both As a War Measure and As Actually Yielding More Revenue P DEMAND FOR PEACE f M - VXi Von Kuehlmann S Any Such Talk About Vs Is Absurd i-h ST A TE DELimMMMW FIN NCLALAjim OF GAS1 OmMEAMS FUEL Ai FOOD SPEECH DEVOTED lO RUSSIAN AFFAIRS many's Interest is Now Cen tered in Political De- - velopments in East iy, was announced today by the mended in. tfee annual roport of the in ml War Savings committee, ! ternal revenue Zairean, issued today .... . . .over the naine of W. H. Osborn, who R( I Today Elxpected to Raise i rr rrr r r - r v, rmrn troop3 are making a strong $ I VJ ,VJ) tJJV a Tear wire out tne salient which i Effective tb ni'ii-U drove through the Hmden hv.vf: lino towr.rd Cambrai. VI r'ont MANY TRANSACTIONS COME UNDER ACT By Associated Tress.) Washington, Dec. 1 Reduction of (he 10 cents a pound tax on colored oleomargarine, both a? a war measure to increase the production of food fats and as a means of actually yielding Savings Campaign, which opens next-, mora aggregate revenue, was recom- Monday ; Nation ! , . , , ... . . . over the natne of W. H. Osborn, who which made public a special appepal reconlly boea s;icceeded as com- (by Secretary McAdoo addressed to missioned by Daniel C. Roper. An- Young America." j other recommendation prompted by ! Saving stamps and certificates by war conditions was that the govern . , . , ., . . - , . . ..',, imeut should; assume control, manu : which it is planned to raise ?2,000,000,-.facture.a d feo of narcotic drugs need. 000 within the next year, will go onjcd so badly for. Red C3ross work. sale at every postoffice Monday morn-j The report, cited the $$09,393,000 in- ing and at banks, schools, stores and ! ternal revenue r receipts fo rthn fiscal j year enaing iasi ju ie ,iu as tne larg (By Associated Press). London, Dec. 1. The German for eign secretary, Dr. Von Kuehlmann, is quoted in a Central News dispatch from Amsterdam as saying it was ab surd to imagine Germany would en ter a peace conference with large claims. Von Kuehlmann's Speech. ' Amsterdam, Dec. 1. During yester day's sitting of thoi Reichstag main ebmmittee, Dr. Von Kuehlmann made a speech in which he said: , '"Our eyes at the present moment are turned toward the East. Russia has set the world ablaze. Th ADNIIIiTRATIONS Chicago Bankers Tell of Transi actions j Between vT'heirV Banks and Means 7 ' TWO LARGE LOAN'S FULLY DESCRIBED DESIRE PRIORITY War Board Trying to Settle ! Contest Between Two Departments TWO LARGE LOANS State Claims that Defendant -s Used Securities andFijndskl- of Mrs. King for His OwhV Purposes (By Associated Press), V, Concord, N. C, Dec. 1. Through the testimony of Chicago bankers;, j theS State today continued tracing before HAS RIGHT OF WAY; e jury in the trial of Gaston Bui Each Demands That Its Freight Have Priority, and each Says it Must Have It (By Associated Press.) Washington, Nov. 27. The contest of the Feed and Fuel Administrations ' lock Means the numerous and"some3? times spectacular financial transa'f' tions of the defendant within the "last I .3 4- : ,x t iwu jeaiH, us purpose -ueing I;-;; to show that the defendant, wilo ;?is charged with the murder of ;'"Mrs M"aude A. King near here, on August rfA 29, lat, was using the securities' and funds, of Mrs. King and her' mother & for his own purposes and benefit, thus - " x'" ' " " " 'est in the history of the bureau." The.' . rn wont A special pamphlet has been pre-; Brcateat V,ou?ce of taxation was dltcn. t0 the COr' 0errulinS the wcak papred suggesting boys and girls make . tilled liquors over nrinritv t-; o-li f c f. .- ,i i , H-nnr; , uu WAl establishing, in part, the State- claims tiansportation was taken up today atia mntirta " " -;v 0 xxxw.xx UCtv,CCn reptBStJUlilUVeS 5 of bmcaucrats and sycophants, rot-, of the Railroad War Board. thefCom-L, " ' " v 1W 1U -e-ac' Ul. l T ri r I T" r 1 I Si 9- I Awt m . B I Til! .. . I ' a , - . I lJ.J.ti VUCUL1 dl A. L U&L V Uill Ulf V. 111?- Ill 1 ' and misguided, though probably well af k l.nvo boen hurled against ; ; ' u tin ii me '"'i LrariS. kneCKS. Leeas. rarcels monev bv beatius carnets. waxing; floors, sitfting ashes, helpipng parents, p,orc' . pounos oL uncoiorea brou?ht about the mobilization of that I During the , year covered by the re-! raeaninj autocrat, surreptitiously Post, Stock Transactipns, Customs House Entries, (and Others Affected (By Associated Press). Washington, Dec. 1 The war and waiting on tables. TATIANA'S VISIT SERIOUSLY DOUBTED frcru Mf '-uvi e? to Gonneheu, a front j of ;lnm is miles, but except near! non-1 ! ' the Germans have been re-; pui 'l with heavy losses. j ( rc.vT; Prince Rupprecht evidently, pun o-jii to make amends for his de-i ft;; t lv crushing the new salient with! at;-M ks an aiong tne ironi ana wnn , stamp taxes, counted upon by Treas-1 zines, wooing in stores em and Southern ends with the appar-j offlcials to Produce $100,000,000 ent i i in of driving north and south I annually as part of the great revenue and rutting off the British east of a i measure enacted by Congress last Oc-lin.- ro)i Moeuvres to Gonnelieu. On ; tober, became effective today the X.ithern flank and west of Cam-; p h beginning of tbday's busi brai the German attack was crushed; . J hy nrtiiiery and machine gun fire and ; ness hours ever broken, exchange, he .vy lo ses inflicted. clearing house and peraon engaged in Tiie stroke on the Southern flank stock, produce or merchandise trans- brought initial gains, tnft tsmisn De-; actions miist keep -strict account of j port-PUbUheJIojning Post mz driven baclc mtet Vatfquerie and -;axable Ay.. , ' " thatv tfrtraria Duchess TatianaK sec- tu ( .otizencourt. aoout one ana tnree-. quarter miks northwest and. west-j The internal revenue bureau has is southwest of Gonnelieu, respectively. ; sued comprehensive regulations to In count. . attacks, the British re-; govern the collections. The taxes do gain,,! La. Vacquerie and Gouzeacourt nQt bQnd Qr anl ihovp enemy from the ridge past of Go;;--Mt-ourt. At other points ; struments issued by the -United bef.vt-n :! nieres and Villers-Guis-; States, by any foreign government or Iain, the t or.g German attempt made j any State or similar governmental r.o imnrr -u.-i on the British defenses, j subivision or to st0cks and bonds of l)ur:r;z .ovomoer, tne tsriusn iorces on all fronts lost more than 120,000; n.ri. including 94,600 wounded and.ations operated exclusively for their mlssin;. These totals are the high-j members and loaning principally to est rear hod in five months and include ! tneir shareholders or to mutual ditch the c usualties in bitter fighting in the cleaning cellars, washing windows, a! cne-fourth.of a cent a pound. andcountry xvhich , was the actual and im" cleaning silver, cutting wood, varnish- j 8,000. OOOYpopunds of colored material, ing chairs, tearing down old chicken taxed at 10 cents coops and cutting up for firewood, car-i To conserve the drug supply, it was I ing for neighbor s baby, acting as mes- j suggested that Congress amend the senger for drug stored, selling maga- Harrison narcotic law io as to impose Saturdays a stamp tax on .alt narcotic drugs and .place the maSiufacture or sale under sa heaerai license system. mediate cause of the gigantic catastro phe which befell the world. "Now, however, she has swept aside the culprits and she is laboring to find through an armistice and peace an opportunity for her internal recon- ail uciiuii. i lietiu iiut Hiiuyieiucui iuc mittee on Priority and the two admin istrations cocnerned, to decide wheth er foodstuffs or coal and coke' shall move first on the railroads. nois, and N. M. Garrettson of Ihe rj Illinois Trust Company, both'' of -Chi-S ; I j cago, today testified to transactiona l;; The Fuel Administration's request j the defendant had with their ba"ri-v that ccal be given right. of way-has with both of which he had acconn&V drawn objections from the Food Ad-1 t u . -v. L ! ministration. If coal gees ahead of." WaS shown by these witnesses that v J food, the Food Administration ' de-' Means secured loans from . the - twot.j clares, the country will be broueht to banks aggregating: $45,0'U3 in Decern-" f ''V , the point of actual hunger.. Meanwhile ; ber, 1916, using as collateral :apart''vi tne eastern railroads, acting on the mi ; .lTnni.:n i. I iUU ":rrl -UU"CU1UU! m;,L eai clear words in which the Chancellor were as ioiiowb:-;; . Distilled -spirits. $187,285,000 : fer mented liquors 1$j91.094.000; individual income tax 180,108,000; corporation (By Associated Press.) London, Dec. 1. Inquiries of mem- income tax 175559.000; manufactur bers of the Russian colony in London ed tobacco $10323.000 munition man- show that nothing is ktfown of the r.e- , ufacturersvtartnoj? discontmued,$2 $23,371,000. i ' co-operative building and loan associ- Ypre 'ent and in Palestine as well! or irrigation companies. The taxes ! 1 3 - - as b!Vre Cambrai. !muue' There has been little except artil-j Indemnity and surety bonds; 50 lery ac:vity on the other fronts. The f cents except where premium is charg vioien: fighting on the Northern Ital-1 execution of the bond tax will lan lrcii' h:i? stopped for the moment, j Ti Austro-Germans are reported ac-;be one per cent, on each dollar of the ond daughter of the deposed Emperer of Russia, has come to' England. The story is generall discredited. The story is generally discredited. The ess had escaped from Siberia and gone to the United States is doubted by Madame Olga NovikOff, Russian polit ical writer, who says in The Post that the public should beware of canards now coming from Russia. In refer ence to the alleged sham marriage of the grand duchess. Madame Novikofff says the only son of Count Fredericks was killed in the war a few months ago, and consequently the marriage could not have taken place. CONGRESS SHOULD DEAL -OUT WITH WAR LESISLSTI i SEASONABLE WEATHER FOR THE NEXT WEEK (By Associated Press) Washington, Dec. 1. Fair weather tive i;; i ind the lines and are said to premium and re-insurance policies are; with seasonable temperature during the first half of the week beginning tomorrow is forecast by the Weather Bureau for the South Atlantic and East Gulf States. Local rains are prob able Wednesday and Thursday. Capital stock issue, five cents on each $100 of face value; sales or transfers, 2 cents per $100; produce i be building defenses on the Eastern j exempt. bank of the Tagliamento river, n.iU.-s cast ci." the Piave. Tin- allied supreme war council be gin, !-; -irtings today at Versailles. In ; tendance will be Premiers j sales or exchange, or agreement, "for I.bvd Gf-oree. Clemenceau, Orlando j flltlirft rifiiiVftrv" two cents ner $100 ,-,i, i ii , i i , "vr;i ai. 'l I ' ' I u. ' i ! JOHlSfc. ailU UKUCIHIO YY ii-; SO'), i" otl:- : hi con; m:ui Hi or fraction over $100. i:i'!( ii :i i'i; nii.-- , for 1 - i ' : , tin- V ;.'.; , r.i- -. ! : an. :. t-a- tlov Cf IT' 1). , . - -t- t rr1 i. v. auorna ana, enss. me, Drafts or checks "payable otherwise .-allied conference delegates than at gight or on demand pr0mis iaoir conferences in Paris, nv nnxp PTppnt iianb nntfis issufirl hoir work through committee for Circuiation and for each renewal," :. in secret sessions, M. Mak-1 ,,pr( nfir tmn- dp.Rds and -convev- Russian ambassador to. ances, 50 cents per $100-500 and 50 y UK; Bolsheviki government ;irt in the meetings, ltu n for the British govern- io sits in the conference as i cents each addition $500, with all debt observer, nas Deeii uis-, naners exemDt Custom house entries, 25 cents per $100 to $lper $500; withdrawals 50 cents: steamshiD tickets $1 to $5; (hat the letter written b? i eiqCtion proxies 10 cehts; power of of Lansdovne expressed j attorney 25 cents, if members of the British! playing cards, 5 cents per pack in rd Lansdowne says that j addition to present 2 cents tax; par ;is entirely his won. Heipic nnSf nackafires. one cent for each f " mr u 25 cents charged. CHADBOURN MAN DIES IN FRANCE President Will Urge That Wai' Measures Be Handled Entirely PREPARING ADDRESS FOR NEXT TUESDAY (By Associated Press.) Washington, Dec. 1. General Per shing reported yesterday the deaths of five members of the American ex peditionary force in France. They in clude Private Clinton J. Hardwick, en gineers, November 26, cerebro spinal meningitis, emergency address, D. W. Monroe, Chadbourn, N. C; and Cor poral Frank J. Mecon, infantry, No vember 26, pneumonia; emergency ad dress, unidentified. " 'Mscuss its opportuneness, na ;; nothing to add or rent,-, t the .subject is too con Tho Unionist party has il Hie letter. u in -Pclrograd of delegates 'iiucnt assembly resulted 'o the Bolsheviki who gain 1 -i than the Constitutional Siberia is reported to be I'c-laro its independence. " meeting at Omsk and a has been raised. DECLARES SOMEBODY MUST PAY GERMANY! AMiSSiOR IT FURTHER DETAILS (By Associated Press). London, Dec. 1 The Saxon Finance Minister during the budget debate in the Saxon diet, according to a dis patch to The Times from Amsterdam, said that Germany must demand a i large indemnity without bothering ! which of her adversaries should pay jit, adding OF ALLEGED TREATIES! "Let them only think of America." SERMONS DEALING WITH TUBERCULOSIS 'II :.,n t- 'It: lil-it. G i'-ir, 'y As-snriatefl Press.l e. l -Details of a se i - ;:::;ents published by the! l-'-' government relating to f ; '-.cessions offered to 'I Hie purpose of inducing Serbia are sent by the i correspondent of The '' v included an offer of " ' I ;ini;i. excepting Avlona; 'h' t 'i i'it ory in Asia Minor " r offers at the expenae of 'i iuve nil came to nothing Oil; IT'iSOnS. i ;i.-r.!, it is added, deals i"';, 'sal to hand over Kavala ' i if Bulgaria.. joined the En ' ' ; Another concerns Great ":?'. of the island of Cyprus " 'hich lapsed, owing to the t i (.rocce to help Serbia. PARIS DISUSED Russia's Representative Dis missed for Attending Al lied Conference All Arrangements Made for Hearing the President Be fore Congress at 12:30 . Next Tuesday (By Associated 'Press) Washington, Dec. 1. President Wilson believes Congress should con fine itself almost entirely at the com ing session to legislation for the vig orous prosecution of the war. He is expected to tell Congress so in his opening address which will be deliv ered in the hall of the House at 12:30 o'clock Tuesday. All arrangements we're made today by the White House with Speaker Clark and Vice Presi dent Marshall for the joint session at that hour. The President continued at work on his address today transcribing his notes into finished form, but the ad dress still will be kept open until the last minute. lie has asked all the cabinet members to present memoran da on possible legislation which they consider vitally necessary for the J successful . prosecution of the war and it is expected the President will out lin." their recommendations with his own in his address, rather fully. (Bv Associated Press). New York, Dec. 1. War sermons on -the tuberculosis problem are to be preached in churches throughout - the country tomorrow and on December 8. it was announced here today by the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. Tomorrow marks the eighth annu al observance of "Tuberculosis Sun day," and December 8 comes at the ino of "tuberculosis week," during which 1,500 State and local antituber- (By Associated Press Petrograd, Dec. 1. M. Maklakoff, Russian ambassador to France, has been declared dismissed by Leon 'otzky, Bolsheviki commissioner of foreign affairs, because Maklakoff par ticipated in inter-allied ' conference wh'-h is considered state offense, en tailing heavy penalty. . A Tissadori Maklakoff, Who was appointed by the Kerensky govern ment, i.rrived in Paris on November 7 but up to this time has not presented his letter to the French government as he has been waiting to see what happens in Russia. He sitsv in the inter-allied conferenc by special invita tion and as an unofficial observer. ,M.. Maklakoff in interviews during culosis associations wlil conduct an tne past r ry . emfure will be distributed. I the .Maximalists within a short time. yesterday stated the attitude of the German government toward these aims. Here again our, policy- will ad here to the principle of firm- but mod erate statesmanship based upon facts. The principles hitherto announced to Petrograd appear to te entirely ac ceptable as a basis for reorganization of affairs in the East a reorganiza tion which, while fuly taking into ac-1 count the right of nations to deter mine their own destinies, is calculated permanently to r-afeguard the essen tial interests of the great neighboring nations, Germany and Russia. "I am profoundly satisfied that we shall be able to pursue this course in full agreement with our allies and I take it, also, with the almost unani mous moral support of the represen tatives of the German people here assembled a ract which will ive our action necessary weight." . GERMANY "DEPLORES" ART DESTRUCTION . (T!y Associated Press.) Amsterdam, Dec. 1. A dispatch from Berlin to The Rhenische West falische Zeitung, of Essen, deplores the "destruction, by the Italians'' of Italian art works during thje recent retreat and adds: "As many art treasures as was hu manly possible have been stored in places of safety by art experts, ac companying the German army." i suggestion of Fuel Administrator Gar field has, without a formal- govern ment order, issued instructions giving preference to coal movement in order to clear congested, terminals. The Committee on Priority has, in specific cases, been giving prefe'rencej to shipments in the following order First, livestock and perishables; seeds; third, railway supplies and materials; fourth, coaj and coke; fifth, government supplies, and sixth, general freight. NO GERMAN ATTACKS ON CAMBAI FRONT ; ,. ; BRAZILIAN AIRMEN GO TO THE FRONT (By Associated Press). , ,Rio Janeiro. Oec. 1. Brazil is soon (By Associated Press.) London, Dec. 1. The Germans last night made no further large' attacks on the Cambrai front where they con ducted a violent offensive yesterday in an effort to regain the grourld cap tured by the British last week. The following announcement was given out here today: "On the Cambrai front, the Ger mans during the ight made no effort to renew their principal attacks." The statement follows: "Attempts of the enemy to raid our positions in the region of Loivre, northwest of Rheims, and in the Ar gonne, near Courtes Chausses, were repulsed by our fire. We made a successful incursion in the Germnn line near St. Marie-A-Py in the re gion of the heights of the Meuse and brought back prisoners "On the right bank of the Meuse (Verdun front) , the artillery fighting became intense in the sector between Beaumont and Chaume food, and was followed by. a violent attack of the enemy against our positions north of Fosses wood! The assailants made two efforts and in both instances were driven back to their trenches. - " "V l.v..J TT XXXVXi UUU XUX XXXLjVX ' . . the $125,000 jtrust held' oy rne Mervrv chants Loan and Trust Company for ;'. . ' the benefit of Mrs. Anna L. Robinsbnrl l mother of Mrs. King, who created the V trust, which was revoked last Decern;' vvj. ber, whean Means" presented- applica-,-: i.j tion for its revocation signed with tng ' ; nied the genuineness of the signature ft purporting to be hers. , ' John R. Todd of a Chicago broker-. . age house, went on the stand and told f of transactions in cotton between Means and his house in January, 1917. when the defendant opened an ac- . count, which later ws changed to the , name of W. R. Patterson, father-in- i law of the defendant, at the latter'a; ,; request "for business reasons." '.The' -:-house understood that it was Mean's ( ; account though it was in Patterson's name. . ;ic The witness said Means claimed I -some sort of Inside information from; J Germany that would be valuable la-1 : connection with the cotton trading y and had a book in which he had what 1 : purported to be the private telephone numbers of Captain Boy-Ed, the Ger U man agent, and others not named. r Mr. Todd was followed by Edward i-' L. Roche, margin man of another. Chi-; cago brokerage house, who told - of , transactions Means and Patterson had with his concern. , : , ! . Prospects at the opening of the sixth day of the trial of Gaston B. Means ' . ..j :-t. were that the introduction of evidence i ; might last for another week, particu- ,- larly should the defense decide to putj? ;!; the defendant on the stand to explain his version of the death of Mrs. Maudet";j A. King. The woman met death' -.near'-'"'.". '4 fGERMANS MADE AN ATTACK AT VERDUN (By Associated Press). Paris, Dec. l.-r-The Germans made a violent attack last night on the Ver dun front, the war office reports. Two efforts were defeated by the French, who after a sever engagement, held thei rline intact. REMEMBER!! MORE DAYS . tCP T TO I to make her first contribution to the a spirited combat, our line was main- ntrnLine iorces or me Allies, in re- kmuou wiaj.imi.ij . After nere last August, wmie on a visit to - relatives' of Means, her former busi- sponse to an invitation from the Brit ish government, that Brazilian avia tors complete their course of instruc tion in England, 12 naval aviators will leave here shortly for Europe. REGISTRANTS 10 BE PROTECTED No Embarrassing Information to Be Given to the . Public (By Associated Press.) Washington, Dec. 1.- Provost Mar shal General Crowder anhbunced to day that all records kept by local and district boards, adjutants general, and other persons in connection with the registration examination, selection and mobilization of registrants under the selective service law, will be open to public inspection during usual bus iness hours, except answers to ques tions concerning physical or mental condition and dependency. ' General Crowder stated draft offi cials have no inclination to canse in justice or embarrassment to regis trants, and the rules and regulations make it a misdemeanor to divulge in formation regarding physical fitness or dependency 6T a registrant to per sons i other than those directly con nected with the administration of the law, and a one. year imprisonment pen alty will be imposed for. violation. "-'-'..'' - ' ' '---. . . SHIP PACKAGES Tl SOLDIERS AT ONCE Public Again Warned As to Sending Christmas Packages to Camps (By Associated Press). Norfolk, Va., Dec. X. Christmas packages for. soldiers in training 1 i f ness agent. - The State, in seeking to prove that Means shot and killed the wealthy f widow, presumably for her money has ' . relied on circumstantial evidence, 5' seeking to show 'that 'it would; have: v; been physically impossible for the vo- man to have shot herself as Means as- ; ' ; ; serted at the coroner's V inquest f; j Through New York and ' Chicago rwit-f nesses, Means alleged machinations;, f ; of his employer's financial affairs, have 1 ' een divulged. -r - At the convening of court the State. , : . , introduced Edward F.'Mack, vice pres- : ' ident of the Central Trust Company, . ' ' of Illinois, who testified' that on : camps in the Southeastern States ; c6mber 13, 1916, Gaston B. eans: ap-'.; ::" ; should be sent at once to make cer- plied to him for 'a loan of $30,000, ; of tain they will "reach their' destinations fering $38,000 .of ' seonrities . as. ;riat';;-'":-: in time, W. J. Harahan, chairman of eral. The loan was negotiated and ; -a -the Southeastern Department of the check for $30,000,. less-interest,. ?w3v-'; Railway War Board,. announced today.! given to Means, the check being iden-. After pointing out the tremendous Jtified by the witness.: - -' : .. task confronting the railroads in meet.-) The securities ' put up as collateral . ing transportation problems resulting j for the loan were part: of . tbse.'.wliich ff . from the war, Mr. Harahan warned the (Means had taken a few days earlier ;T5;; i public of thfe approach of the holiday. from the Merchants Loan and Trust c season and added; , , ' Company, when, according to previous p:, : i "Let me again urge upon those evidence, the trust of,$ 125,000 created' v; who have friends and relatives in the by Mrs. King; In favor of MrsRpbIn-?p I camps to whom they expect to send j ton, had been revoked. '; vi.i''Vc i Christmas -packages, the importance i At maturity of th note, in ' June, - ; of preparing and shipping them at once 1917, Means asked for a renewal which . if they, have not already done so. It .was declined.-' Means..asked tne bank is better that these good things be in the hands of the recipients before De cember "25 marked 'Do not; open until Christmas' than to wait any' longer in starting the shipments and suffer the disappointments of finding they have not reached their; destinations until after the holiday to sell the collateral securities; and Am pay the note, which the bank did,- pay- -":; ing Means -the surplus, according o'f ' , Mr. Mack'stestimbny'-:,v-?.'irv . MfxMacktestified :that 'atUhe-tlaua;.-.-the loan was secured by I Means, the -latter offered him his chbire out of a - idays are over.", 4 i- , (Continued on Pago.Eight).. ' ; ;.' v - , t ; T .T Z . . v fZ&Vf:&irh -4- 1

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