V WEATHER FORECAST North Carolina and South ..Caro linaFair Sunday and Monday? r not much changeTn temperature. FULL i LEASED WIRE SERVICE 0L. XXIII., NO. 327. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINAUND AY MO .2; 1917. . , ,,,,- MI if A BfillSl A II fc-S U V t S f 1 H W I I U l flJ 111 ca V t W M ' 1 fi II II I m - S I CHILEAN HEmESS i ft mm fifty Thousand Germans Hurl ed Against the British Lines. TWO GIGANTIC BLOWS VAINLY DELIVERED BRITISH POLITICS FREED OF MURDER CHA RGE B I JUR Y Mrs. Bianca De Saulles Plea of Outraged Mother Love Vindicated. JURY WAS OUT LESS THAN THREE HOURS 'Not Guilty" Was Verdict Re turnedDefendant Thank ed Each of 12 Men Who Gave Her Freedom. AM EBIGU PEOPLE SHOULD EAT ESS 'Thousands of Humans Dig Their Graves With Their Teeth." (By George Martin, United Press Staff Correspondent). Washington, Dec. 1. The United believes Thousands of Dead Germans Tell Story of Supreme Ef fort Regiment of Tanks Played Important Part. (By William Philip Simms, United Press Staff Correspondent). V. ii: ili-? British Armies in France, Dec 1 Crown Prince Rupprecht has tni'?!; !ri- hardest blow and toiled. Fifry ihou-anri of his soldiers iL twn a rr'M- blows have failed to brc'k i sa grip on taraDrai, tnougn npact they forced the Tom k two miles in several places. lie exhausted armies on both id to their fighting over al- IN LANSDOIE'S PEACE PROPOSAL a at tii n;i- -To:i:l inn-' the same line as that which niarkt-'d ;he farthermost advance of Byng'.- lorces a week ago. But the (Ini'.ans were still trying to gain. The German push came yesterday. One hi (iw was delivered over a front of abin'.t nine miles, southward from Cambiai. Five German divisions at least .'ii. oOO German troops were call ed upon to deliver Germany's supreme effort to break the British circle about the depot city. At the same time, oth er great force were massed for- an attack northward, .gaiosferjt&fe. griD on the ridge positions. This was nver a front nf five miles. - 'I Both efforts failed. With Spartan like courage, the British contested' ev ery inch of the wray after the Germans in their first rush had swept on to Latent! wood. Lavacquerie, Gonnelieu, VillHis-CLnila:n and Gouzeau Court. Pished luu '.: at some pUaces as much as two n'iirs by fighting that lasted from In o'clock in the morning until "V .-iffc in the afternoon, Byng's men were reformed for a counter blow. The a;;ie reat regiment of tanks that Some Profess to See in It Lick at Lloyd George. 6 SUGGESTION SCORNED IN ALLIED QUARTERS However, it Has Started a Dis , cussion That May Produce TV znk Statements Desired by America. (By Hugh Baillie, United Press Staff Correspondent). Sriif i S?m 1B!anCa De". States food administration Saulles heantlflll P.hilann Via rocc nro c freed tonight of the charge of murder-, erica's civilian population would be ing her divorced husband, John L. De L-aithier, happier, less given to sui- baulles. cide and not so apt to die if it ate A verdict of "not guilty" was an-'less nounced by Foreman Buckin, of the' Prefacing his statement with the jury, after deliberations lasting less! . . j " . . than three hours ' borrowed remark that thousands of Standing bravely erect but" white as!human beings dig their graves with death, the 23 year of Chilean girl al-i their teeth," a high food administra most fainted when she heard the ! tion official tonight cited German sta words that gave her liberty. jtistics for the second year of the war Her plea of outraged mother love, to prove his case, was completely vindicated. j "This," said he', "is one instance in There was no mention of insanity in I which Americans would do well to em the verdict, although this was the ulate the Teutons. The executive technical plea. The real heart plea head of one of the largest insurance boSS filiiliSi : tfiiffi -f F0R m m wm DQocinEMil I U I Hi. I IILUUL y 1 i ! .o. v:;.is ' , . . Trainmen and .Conductors Lead Way in Asking an Increase. RAILROADS TO REPLY WITHIN THIRTY DAYS Both Sides Have Agreed to Mediate the Case Plenty of Time to Take Necessarv Steps. (By United Press) Washington, Dec. 1. Formal de mand of the brotherhoods of Railway Train and Conductors for a 40 per cent wage increase were filed with the railroads today. The Southern Rail way headquarters hereVreceived the demand. It was this threatened increase which precipitated President Wilson's successful attempt to obtain from rail road labor heads guarantees that there would be no suspension ofi transportation during the war. . The railroads must file reply in 33 days. As both sides have already RAILROADS ASKED TO PAY l OF FORTfiEBGENT The New Demands by Broth erhoods Will Affect About 250,000 Men. was mother love. She killed the man , companies in the United States has j agreed to mediate the case before the TERMS SUBMITTED Conciliation, the demands are expect- out here during sn prise h Tiit'v One i- r tie. I- The administration beiieves' that the suggestion, however, will stir Um nations to a more thoughtful consid eration of the American idea of a frank statement of war aims strip pd of territorial aggrandizement and national selfishness. From this standpoint, Lansdownv'b letter is taken here as beneficial. Oth erwise it is scorned. The United Press gathered this in- 'i 1 a way to victory in the sur- J formation today from authoritative who refused to surrender her child, received a report from its actuaries in i ,T.. , OJ. r - n- , ' t, t": n jm5a .United States Boara of Mediation and.. unto jau& odUllcb, agcu llvtJ. IN O W ucuuauj ouuhiu& i.iia,i. utoiic i cuul- she faces another hard court fight to ed food rations the number of deaths get the boy. from De Saulles rela- among its policy holders was reduced ,' ed to be threshed tives. ;13 per cent." January. The jurors smiling broadly filed ; The insurance officials, among rea-; Arbitration under resident Wil from the box after freeing the little sons for this reduction, gave "fewer; , ,. ..... , . Chilean girl and each" one paused by! losses from suicide," and "the general son s understanding with the labor her chair to shake her hand. In her j improvement in health of non-combat- chiefs will follow, if necessary. Mean soft drawl, now choked with emotion, j ants as a result of their more ration-1 while should legislation be required to she murmured "thank you, thank al way of living." These records are preVent a transportation tie-up during yuu uver anu over again to eacn or iui iue penuu niui aususi j., uiu, iu the 12. iJuly 29, 1916. "That," said the food When it was announced at 9:15 that official, "was after the Germans had a verdict had been reached word was been put on reduced rations and be sent to the Mineola jail where the j fore they suffered physically for want girl was waiting. jof sufficient fats. They're not doing In less than a minute she entered: so well now. court. Her fists were, tightly clenched "It is a lesson we hundred million her mouth drawn down at the corners' American individuals might well take in tense lines. The jurors were aHto heart. Not only would the reduc-. ready in their seats.a as the Chilean! tion release tons upon tons of food to heiress sank wearilv into her seat she hehi wis JM. warak&grjewj3!HldJ TO THE RAILROADS Ready For Beginning the Sec ond War Session Which , Opens Monday. LITTLE TO BE DONE BEFORE CHRISTMAS; War Revenues Will Hold CeSfg ter cf Interest Prohibitionf and Woman Suffrage to Come Up. (By Carl D. Groat, United Press Staff Correspondent). Washington, Dec. 1 British .politic? lie behind the Marquis of Lansdowne's war aims and peace suggestions, offi cials here feel. Some believe there is a definite attempt to wreck Lloyd George's regime through the propos als; and some feel that those opposing the Premier are prepared to go to any lengths. Others openly hint that a timid glance. cides, fewer dyspeptics, fewer deaths "If there is any applause or any and a general enhancement of cheer demonstration whatever the guilty! fulness among this nation's people." Demand Leaves No Doubt . as ot What is Wanted by the Employ es Outcome . is Uncertain. (By United Press.) Cleveland, O., " Dec. 1. Wage m- the war, ample time remains for Its ; creases amounting to approximately ittle was called on again, lumbered from their retreats. :a;n they trundled to the bat these monsters that clear ed ti.'iuieau Court. The enemy could nn; u.uis'and them. They crushed human walls of enemy soldiers. In their wake came the infantry. The fight:;'.,;- was furious. Wlu-ii it was over and the British! sources, as representing wh?t may strictly be called the "officii atti tude." In embassy quarters there was a division of opinion, though the ma jority of diplomats shared the general allied view in opposition to Lans downe. Lansdowne's proposals, while not acceptable as they stand, sow the seeds of a discussion that will lead were (,:.; p again firmly established in to more openess as to war aims and I'Oiiz Court, the streets were pav ed wjfj; German dead; the ruins were festour.H,', with their corpses bodies pith ; "'lino; aside by the tanks, or vic 'itiis r,i the British machine guns or sahres. The British made horrible havoc hf,r" or ihep dupes sacrificed in an att"ni; : n -.-estore the Crown Prince's pre-t l-a v;k fiuorie and Gauche wood, west f)t i i 1 i fhieslain, have likewise been recaptured. As ihi--. js cpnt V.rnvjn Prinrf Rim- prec, i L'.r,lhi y his ii,,. The , nians i vnr... ish h. : West. f;tctl)r'. a n-1 i!;. assa:;; hi a , etu-. .. nt.n.:--! toiii I!.. ha,! ,. in itii!i-.,- "i:. (' i in:; . i tittii. . said in and V.e;., , " -Sr - - i '(in Of Ot!- "(! , fj'pt and ! i nnliniaa nffi ri t 1 a here hfillftVft. The government view was that Lansdowne stressed too much the possibility of negotiating- w:-:h a Ger many that invented the terms "scraps of paper" and "sink without a trace." His suggestions could be altered, however, it was admitted, so as to meet the American position, namely, be fought to the full Allied strength be fought to the full allied strength, but that world justice and freedom of democracy are the real aims. Fur ther, America would say that there is not advanced more than! no spirit of crushing the German peo ple if the world could assuredly rid of Hohenzollernism. Bar For Second Lieutenants. fRv United Press.) Washington, Dec. 1. A single gold hnr on the shoulder straps will here- second lieutenant todav. A brown braid on tne sieeves will be worn instead of the black which a first lieutenant wears. ids from his kick-off despite powerful mass drives, ''"pest point to which the Ger uet rated was around Bourlon Hard pressed there, the Brit ' Mhe a stonewall. To the i" enemy reached the sugar n the Baumme-Cambrai road i' were thrown back again. Haig's Report. Hec. 1. Violent German ( most of the great Cam " i. where masses of the en ' i :;fs by sheer weight of their pushed the British linco back ' ' by Pield Marshal Haig i!;e British counter attacks :'d n.od of the groimd lost :i:i:d force cf the German y succeeded in forcing c-nnsulerable front, tak-J of prisoners .and I some-j r med fTrom -, our gvins, lie aascitcu. i.'erncc.n." Haig's statement; h' eneniv reoeated his attack; 'ieiL'iti,,ihocd of Masnies Mar '"!!';. ine Xotre Dame, Bourlon ' " :v '. at present reports they tupletolv repulsed. of Crevecoeur the enemy ' in forcing our lines on '"ie front, taking a number parties will be jailed," warned Su preme Court Justice Manning. He arose, solemnly clad in his som ber black robe. The Justice motioned to Mrs. De Saulles. Nervously clutching the edge of the table, she stood up. Her law yer, Henry A. Uterhart, offered to as sist her, but she stiffened, chin held high, and looked straight at Fore man Buckin. "What is your verdict?" asked Jus tice Manning. There was an instant of absolute silence, a dramatic hush. Mrs. De Saulles was breathing in deep gasps. "Not guilty." said Buckin. Mrs. De Saulles went limp. Her head drooped. Then she rallied again. She smiled and extended her hand to the first of the men who had set her free. Her sister, her brother and her maid, Susanne Monteau, hurried to her side. As the last of the jurors departed she turned her back on the room in which she had made her fight for life and stepped into the court house corridor. Half a dozen flash lights boomed. Mrs. De Saulles uttered a little scream and started back, hands pressed to her oyes. . Many pressed about to congratulate her, but bailiffs forced them aside. The jury retired at 5:55 and an nounced it had a verdict at 9:15, much of this time was taken up at dinner.) Betting on Racers. (By United Press.) v New York, Dec. 1. The Kramer Egg and Goullet-Magin teams ruled favorites tonight in the sixth day bi cycle races which starts in Madison Square Garden at midnight Sunday. The big prize is $3,000. preparation The trainmen and conductors are firmly supported in their demands by the other two national brotherhoods the Locomotive Engineers and the Firemen, wro are expected shortly to frame similar demands. The railroads already have declared their financial inability to meet this pected 4 to Jignt- the increases to the last ditch, despite the fact that "they j son, of the conductors, and . was sent to' general managers" bf all railroads have announced they "will rest their j asks that ihe .following scale be put case" with President Wilson. into effect: x : ' ' " Rates to be paid employes on steani A ITT I ADAD l trains on runs of 155 miles per day or INU UK At I LAdUK I iegS: . Conductors, not less than 3.5 FOR SHIP BUILDING I Per mile $5-43 Der day, or $162 per , J month; ticket collectors not less than fRv TmUefi Press I three cents per mile, $4.65 per day, or (By United Press.) . . Washington, Dec. 1 Awaiting, its cue from President Wilson, the 65th Congress tonight was ready for its" second war session which opens -Mon- day. , : , Leaders are ' depending wholly .on, the President's message, scheduled for 12:30 Tuesday afternoon, as the basis for the session's program.- To ' an '' even greater extent tnan last ternv' the plan is to follow his advice. 4 There' appears a general agreement that he will: : Give America's answer to the Bol sheviki and Lansdowne's peace . pro posals. " -: ; Ask no immediate -war "on Germany's if allies. ' Urge Congress to restrict Itself to ;' war legislation, chiefly problems, of taxation, transportation; further con 40 per cent were asked tonight of all railronds in the United States by the brothei hoods pi Railroad Trj'naien and Conductors. The hew wae scale affect about 250,000 men. Rail;-iads are given until December 31, 1917, reply in writing. ' The communication, which was signed by President' W, G. Lee, of the trainmen, nnrt Prsi1nt A i H fi'arref. I . . ?"- i'-'U American Aviator Honored. (By United Press.) American Field Headquarters, in France, Dec. 1. An American avia tion officer was awarded the French war cross, today as a reward for valu able observations made during a re cent French infantry attack. 1 HI SOLDIERS KILLED Fatal Collision Between Train and Motor Truck Near Spartanburg. (By United Press.) Spartanburg, S. C, Dec. 1. Two Brooklyn. N. Y.. soldiers were .killed That the jurors had their minds made i an,j f our others injured when the mo- Washington, Dec. 1. The shipping board considers it "inadvisable" to draft labor to push the emergency fleet program. Chairman Hurley to day made this statement to Senator Hitchcock, of Nebraska, although though admitting that shortage of la bor had seriously delayed work bh steel vessels in private yards. .' admitting that- shortage of la quest for information covering prac tically every phase of the shipping sit- $139.50 per month: baggage men not less than two and one-half ents per mile, $3.88 per day, or $116.40 per month; flagmen and brakemen not less than two and one-third cents por mile, $3.61 per day, or $108.30 per month. ' Lee refused to make any statement regarding the demands. Asked regarding the possibility of a strike, in dase the men's demands are refused, or if he had any assur ance the men's demands would be uation . to be used in Congress. Hur ley stated the United States now has 'granted, Lee said: available a total of 582 ships of 3,-( "I have nothing to say." 721,809 dead weight tons in the trans-,' The present .scale gives conduc- Atlantic service. This includes tank- tors $4 for 100 miles if they make the ers and ex-German-Austrian shiDs. ! mileage in eight hours. Local freight the Hurley again expressed confidence in his ability to produce 6,000,000 tons of shinning in 1919. Three new gov ernment yards under construction i be preserved in all services either as Hog Island, Pa., Port Newark, and 'to service conditions or compensation conductors get $1 a day moTe. General rules - accompanying water power along conservation lines; On all sides, the belief Is that ,Pres ident Wilson will answer . peace ,; sug gestions with the statement that . Am erica will lay down terms when dem- ocracy is safe and not before. Taxation of excess profits once more i looms as the outstanding fight of -the session. Abandoning tHeir former po- sition that such levies cripple Indus-; try, opponents of heavy taxes are pre pared to urge raising of nroney by, further bond issues. Chairman Fitzgerald, of the House Appropriations Committee, said to-, night: ; ; , "We must have "both taxes and bonds. This is not a matter of policy -but of necessity. -Neither means of -: itself will raise enough money. 'We ' are facing a period of unexampled tax-' ation. Nothing will escape' , ; Compilation of unofficial estimates of probable "appropriations for the fls cal year ending June 30, -1919 gave -rise to the belief tonight that they will total from $3,000,000,000 to $5,000,- i;,rV t;'" . AAA AAA 1 nn o. tdnn llin 01O AAA AAA AAA ' new . demands provide L all mmimums f Qr the .end June V 1M'g Tnia belief is based largely on the'premis- Bristol Point will begin launching standardized ships in May. I' PITTSBURG CONSERVES ELECTRIC POWER up was indicated by the fact that they returned from their hotel carrying their baggage, ready to go home. Justice Manning met Mrs. De Saul les in the court chambers- after the verdict. "T hone vou'll be happy now," he in HAD jlN AGILE IGCOil eyes voice shook as she thanked him. Mrs. De Saulles refused to see any persons other than her own relatives. She was near exhaustion, but seemed rapidly recuperating. Through her at torney, Henry A. Uterhart, she sam she was very happy, that she would return to her home at the Crocsways, Roslyn, immediately and would prob- jably return to Chile. Escorted by her physician and her lawyers she took her last walk tor truck in which they were riding was struck by a Charleston and West ern. Carolina passenger train near here today. The dead are: Privates Martin and Joseph Curti. The injured are: Corporal Hoyt, arm and leg broken; Private Otto Keeh ner, cut and bruised; Corporal J. T. O'Neil, slightly injured. The negro fireman jumped from the train and was seriously hurt. A sec ond military truck narrowly escaped the same fate at the crossing. All of the soldiers were of the 47th infantry, 27th division, stationed at Camp Wadsworth. nr. Nothing $105,000 and Back to $47 in 60 Days. '(By United Press.) Not iMuch Noticeable. (By United Press.) Stamford, Conn., Dec. 1. After tell- ! through the tunnel of sighs to Mineola ; ing his father and mother how he had Mail and said goodbye to Sheriff bca-; suffered a broken rib, a wrenched to j man. There were shouts in the jail back, bad bitten through his tongue, when word spread from ceil to ceji.anu rowed-50 miles in an open boat that the little Chilean woman waojWith other survivors Staurt Sandreu treated all the prisoners to "Th?.n?: 'v , ter, radio operator of the torpedoed - v'ng dinner" had been freed. i patrol boat Alcedo, hastened to as- Jurymen hinted tnat oniy one Danoi;SUre them that though a piece of a They said tney naaifront tooth was broken off "you can't i ivt r ror i liasron a. nan oeen La.is.eii nTii'iin, v. i , . . j ' w v . . nnrwl incirlinEr ot iunus no.aglfcci uvl iu ui.um aj .liULice ii mucu. . ClU-O1-" ., o - . . . . . ... , their aeimerauons. L1" ii ict Attorney Weeks bowed ana and 'is said' to have obtained from his ben- ri. lZ': .int in testimony of smil. 1 when he bad his last limpe i I K k7)i4.l ox'-'"' ' " sometimes reaenmgr bankers at the murder trial of U.anca . . Tt,a. hankers testified that Relatives of De sauiies were not m counter attacking, re-! V, 1'-, -itimnprl within 60 court. Uterhart declared he the ground --T";-.,,.-. t' under 105.000. and stood there might be no ngnt ove; m .kpp Gonnelieu village on tA"$47 This 547, they said, was tie,, De Saulles' - attorney. Monday. it in r,:ir nrisnners sever- DaCK to ' nnnfQrorrn wftb (lonrza Gordon ii-xt (:r many Eachme gen? J.,. Rlar.k- tl,v.rjf Saiillfts. attorney., Mon'Ia. REMEMBER!! TTTf nnm. L'J u ati . . -t -r,. t-v-- qn-fn wli-Ie with Means. Mrs. M"u r hpcK'.i" a .u mi-, u r-.x ,v9nh- W -,:LP' cVn adlra. cm- early ' Gone-. " R-nllon. who have ctu.-eri 13 rrun. f. , - . . . t n Vgai their , attitude en the fight .or ; r .Tndee ' .CA tr.oncn mo" V'rtihent in New york atthepo Jiiiantities of ammuniiiuu .'"-" . o :. 19 (Continued on Page Eight). LEFT TO in every form and that . none of the rates of pay or conditions requested are to operate as a reduction in pay or a less favorable condition. All classes of service not mentioned and all special allowances made to men named in individual-schemes must car- (By United Press.) n, ;iry the same percentage of , increase in Pittsburg, Pa. Dec. 1. Shutting off compensation as. that given in through of all electric power up to 22,000 volts ; freight service. . between 7 a. m. and 5 p. m. each Wed-1 Substitute workmen will also bene nesday was announced by the Duques-jfit under, the demands.. It provides ne Light Company, as a fuel conserva-, that when filling in for a regular, they tion measure today. j shall receive the same pay as the man This will force a suspension of op:jthey are "subbing" for. erations for o'ne day each week of the ' Further provisions in the new scale score or more of munitions plants in are: the-Monogahelia Valley. In all, near ly twice that, many industrial plants employing more than 15,000 men will : be affected. Most of these are mak- J ing war materials of some kind. Res-J idences will be without electricity on ! the "lightless days." . " i Passenger trainmen on short ; turn- ( Continued' on Page Eight). CABARET DANCERS . MUST PAY TAX (By United, Press.) Washington, Dec. 1: Music i unuuLu n s nmu meals Isn't "ckbaret", the internatidn-! Several Soldiers Injured Last the Christmas adjournment ThSena'; , ' ..- a i - . , - ' si i- . . ' ate-will adjourn from Thursdays, over. . - es that it is. unlikely another 7,000, 000,000 allied loan bond bill will . be ' presented this session. . v. The War and Navy Department's will $ ask for approximately the same appro- , priations as last year. Aviation will show a tremendous boost. The ship ping board is not expected to ask for much additional this session. Increas-t? ed administrative expenses, in the new government war branches and' ex-'J. panded departments are considerable. Representative Webb, House prohi- bition leader, said tonight the prohibit tion amendment will be given the "drys" as a Christmas present. The Senate has approved this measure and ;; even its House opponents admit its success is inevitable. Prohibition and suffrage each will get one day for both debate and vote. ' iy 'u X Only a declaration from President v Wilson unexpected can carry r na-, tional suffrage, leaders say. ..V :X 1 Monday's session probably will last ' no more , than five minutes in each t house. Adoption of a joint resolution inviting President Wilson to address" ' i Congress Tuesday is the onl, pending business. . . 'J-. j '' Little business is expected before .Av al, revenue bureau ruled tonight, in fixing tax rates on amusement places, j If there's dancing though, it is a j cabaret and the one . cent on ten centj admission applies. Just because there isn't any admission to a cabaret won't Nierht on a ' Charlotte Trolley Car. (By United Press.) Charlotte. N. C. Dec 1. A. Camp SHOP work either, because the bureau rul-!0reene trolley car with 70;rsoldiers, ed 20 per cent of the money one burst into flames and dashed wildly spends there shal be considered the down , a sharp grade at .; 91 45 tonight, taxable admission. causing a mad rush of menr to escape , , v while many jumped through windows, nrk rr rx rtnrixm'' receiving severe cuts. Burning but of IN PRODUCE BPS1NESS - (By United Press) Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 1. The city r Cleveland tod n prepared to )so into t nroducelftrsiness. Six carloads of Wisconsin potatoes fctandine oil tho tracks here a wee ate will adjourn from Thursdays,' over the week ends,' and the House will fin- ' ish minor matters while its commit tees frame important , bills. s If favorable word comes from the State Department, ' both houses . will pass legislation putting- "alien slack- ! " ers" in tHe army." The Senate may pass the Webbexport bill; over which" no great fight is expected. The civil y. rights bill, . which would exempt sol- ' diers and Sailors from suits for debt; , the insulation in the controller at the; etc., is an outside pre-Christmas pos- front of the car caused the accident. isibility. .; ' '; v! 'U''' The most seriouslyi injured were: I' Plans for disciplining Senator iLa yy Private. Nickerson,v back, severely ' Follette are still in the air. La Pol-: sprained and .Private Reshak, cut letted himself will insist on action. f'y about headland legs. ', ' h . : 'There is some Sentiment that ;ignor-y Half a dozen other men who sm-'lng him may, be the best course." nrd burro rntl cuts had their 'Jtirccrsrn?jr.and apur-or-tne-moment Tourdi dressed at a local hospital. and action : will :b: Congress', chief work' ;vre taken over" by city officials and -were able to return to the base .hoa- said Speaker Champ Clark yv tonight-. ' vilKbe sold to customers at 95 cent pital at the camp m army ambulances, "wnat. we. wui do must aepena on ine- 'n bushel ' . - ! coon arter tne acciaent. - , , turn wmca jDuuury ,eeuw wm. and u ;i' material." V . .' : v Xf, i M