'- mE WILMItON DISPATCH '; ' uF NATIONAL SPECIAL AID THt SOCIETY. , . ... j, A. 4 A A I ,.'- - - - - - - . i, AUVtJUlUCl AO, LU laSL f- many new ones coming - - 7 . . - T . 1 ' ' - m II' C flv -?' ' ' ' T i - Warsaw i i m s '"A , :,f - a i .iirRffaflsa 5 u? w niurn i - - irie ;1 q;7 ---'fir r l ! IlW The First Christmas - Greeting ill;. in v. i; ki oom ov ,. biirii. financially, though rich - -on. -- to our earnest appeal i ? u t xr . war reuei worit. we were come tnese new workers ok for them to bring in others. Sickness hit the . :..:u anu left this week. ; i important womeri absent rman. vice chairman, insper-.-u.er , assistant treasurer to attend to their respec owt Mrs. Ben Jacobs, as: airector was m . O'Brien received the .nd Mrs. Elliott inspected all went .on about as that the bad luck ex hf pennies. There were i 'mUi, just one-half of our We know a great deal and the most conspi intormation that we pos he pennies are to be had 0 be had because every 1 People who never see come in daily contact coin, and we are trying might to educate people - that pennies are sacred to v. ork. If we could get them cvry copper coin a gift that iblo to make-to their country - all the available cur- tliis denomination. We en men, women, children, give v-nnies. If your Block Mes i, . not get yours, get them is human and gets tired i ou and finding you out, or without change, and it is ry. by the way, suppose you v sending her a big hand ,.'! coin every now and i on the other hand, Block do not be weary in well . . ti going around your blocks t v hat you can, do your part, ou who keep the ball moving. a play being played in New v this winter whose title has ! us very especially. It is call j.'.r.e Do It," we sympathize !. even here there are lots of ut as inougn jane is me ltd ,or. :-v: vrere tire ta si;tan! coi":'! tendeu only, ufua'i ; fl0il.- 01IP !' a v.iM tv.ir n"::,J to ' e v,ou; rem" ' tieai yoi tn h' " conanc your help l1'1 Oi' tiin. Vi-e: ioiiV i'J I l tor i: There York ( a;:r:.; : ei. ' with ' A: w ..It "Do It". But while not. son : r.-,in,-r i) : .-on to Jane nay be willing enough, she can- a;tn all cio more man uiib yei : w ;k. and if we are to succeed in bringing overwneimmg ueieiL upuu a nation, ihat so richly deserves it, e enbouy wdl have to make the same enon that "Jane" is making. Twelfth Shipment. .Monday. -1st,- we sent our twelfth shipment" to New York to the Surgical Dressing.-- Headquarters. There were 21 boxes, the express amounting to ill takes a lot of uennies to pay ar. express bill like that.) There were - articles in the shipment, and one of the boxes contained three hundred dressings of various kinds mad? by the Wrightsboro Unit. The articles were worthy ;n every respect of N Hanover beautifully made and carefully and exactly wrapped and packed, inspected by Mrs. Tinga wliose experience as a graduate nurse in Boston is invaluable to the work. Another item was-a great quantity of si ru- and body binders from Sea gat. These ladies though few in num ber, have accompplished a great deal. Th-.-y liave their Block Messengers and) coUec their pennies and manage rloth. dear as it is.ll Many cf the pillows were made by the Brooklyn T'mi and these ladies ar range their articles according to the ruies with so much care that we do no- need to add anything to it. They make t!m covers, card the cotton, stuff tin (;r.e;. make two cases for each, sump ihem with the official stamp, fciii in: a and tie with a white string to thp pii'ow. We hope all the units will follow their fine example in this re-peer i ney hrd slippers for ban dasps feet too, and the best part was, that thPv had made the money to buy the sno Is frmn which the things were made The Delgado children contrib uted many pillows made themselves and with great care as well as eighty pennies to our weekly gifts. Total number of articles shipped.; Smre June we have shippepd 30,000 artirlps am! that sounds very well, but thar may have to be sent out every day from the distirbuting bureau in Paris to the field hospitals under normal circumstances and not includ ing Mippli-; for Pershing's men. In orrr v ords, it takes six months work for u to make enough for one day's outrur ,m ,,r. front. How necessary tliF-n rh?r ut do that day's work. The heel and Elbow Table. We annoance with great regret the illness os of the lie absence t ' ;is though she were there in 1 u f iee-toyalty of the work er standards. Mrs. James D. ' porary charge of the de- Warsaw, Dec. 1 .Mrs; D. G . Reams was hostess to -the Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church at her home on last JYiday afternoon. Fol lowing the new rule; no refreshments vere served, but the money was giv en to the society to be applied to its ' needs. Plans were formulated to de fray the expenses f outfitting an orphan. The Ladies'. Aid Society of , the Bap tist church met at the Parsonage on Monday afternoon. Many articles to be sold at a bazaar early in Decem ber were turned in. I Mrs. W. M. Harker, president of the j Auxiliary of the Wilmington Presby-i terial, of Wilmington, addressed the ! members of the Wornan's. Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church at an interesting meeting held at the church on Monday afternoon. The Sunbeam Society gave a very creditable performance of the "Magic Mirror," supplemented with musical selections and recitations, at the school auditorium on last Friday ev ening. A fair sized audience was in attendance, and a good sum realized. The exercises were under the direc tion of Miss Reba Meador, and . the numbers of program were announc ed by Master Tommie Gresham. The Juniors had charge of the exer cises at the Christian Endeavor meet ing on last Thursday evening, and' rendered a very interesting Y. M. C. A program, in which Misses Julia Ricks, Martha Best, Annie Lee Ad kins, and other meinbers took part. The Red Cross chapter continues steadily in with its work. On Tues-! day, the regular day of meeting, the time was occupied in making band ages. About 520.00 worth of material was purchased. A rummage sale in the chapter room intthe Hill building was planned for Saturday. The chap ter is exceedingly grateful to Mr. W. N. Norris of the county for a donation of $25 and to Mr. I. F. Blackmore for a donation of money, and to Mr. I. L. Brock of the Singer Sewing Ma chine Company for the use of a ma chine. A new heater has been installed, which renders the room comfortable even in severely cold weather, and it is hoped that none of the workers will remain away on account of bad weather. A Christmas Membership Campaign will be launched shortly, when it is hoped to secure a hundred new members. Miss Lenora Womack left Tuesday for Winston-Salem, where she has ac- The First Christmas - Greeting From the Shop of Fine Wares. Sprightly and brightly bedecking the trays ere a galaxy of suggestions beautiful, which speak the Holiday Spirit, with a voice of lasting charm. Rings, Brooches, Cameos, Watches, Lavaliers, Vanities, Bureau, Sewing and Traveling Sets, and Parasols, for the Lady. Strap Watches, Military Brushes Mirrors, Knives, Leath er Cases, Note Books, Umbrellas, Seal Rings, Guff Links Waldemars, and Lockets, for the Gentlemen. These are but entries here and there in passing, from an elaborate yet reasonable display awaiting your call. 24 Onty, 2a.uage Double Guns Priced at . . . .$10.00 (Regular Value $15.00) L. C. SMITH. New Featherweight Guns FULTON. FULTON SPECIAL. REMINGTON AUTO. REMINGTON REPEATING. STEVENS REPEATING. COLUMBIA SINGLE GUNS, r 1 S t 1 V". R I S Hoimet "Conservative Progress." REMINGTON, MARLIN, SAVAGE, STEVENS, w& HAMILTON RIFLES,, STERLING AIRMFliES Rfevol veins Receiving at the door v was Mrs. D. H. Wallace, while Mrs. W. F. Hol lingsworth introduced the guests to the receiving line, which consisted of I Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Jarratt. Mrs. W. ij sj : mu-u vc"' M. Carter, of Wilson, Miss Crabtree . ui - '-j .and Miss Castex, of Goldsboro. Miss Hospital. Mrs. James F. Woodward, Miss Jeddie, and Mr. Harry Woodward left this week for a motor trip to Atlanta, Ja.. where they will visit Mrs. Wood ward's daughter, Mrs. Joe Johnson. On their return trip, they will stop at Columbia, S. C, to see her son, Lieut. Snyder Woodward and wife. Sugg, of Wilson, conducted the guests to the dining room where Mrs. Robert King received, ard Miss-as Totten, of Louisville. Ky., and Lucy Southerland, served an1ce course ln yellow and white. A large number of guests call ed during the afternoon. The honoree, Mrs. James Jarrett, resided in Wis consin, until a few weeks ago. when irlhood home, will also be visited be-1 7 p;,"-78 A! and C. Railroad. ore their return. Miss Margaret Pierce, who was here to attend the funeral of her little nephew, J. D. Pierce, Jr., has return ed to Washington, D. C. Miss Katie Bissett, of Winston salem. was a guest last week of her aunt, Mrs. C. A. Womack. Rev. J. A. Pate, of Kenansville, fill ad his last appointment before Con ference here last Sunday. Mr. Pate FOR lytEN ONLY- 35fc 5 oz. size Shaving Lotion ROSfe VIOLET LILAC. ' Nothing better after shaving. ...... AYNE DRUG CO. Phcfne 520 5th and Ret2 Cross Streets 4 MARION. V 2 4 Marion, S. C, Dec. 1. It is with de light;,1 that the various congregations Of the. Methodist Episcopal Churches 1 has completed a very successful year's j here find that the Conference recent-i .vcrk on the Kenansville ' circuit, re- carefu! 01'iJp;- ; ?rs to N'un j, par::n. Irs. E. Y. Davis in charge 1 and elbow work. In her f rings are being made as s j. H Mi, Ushr.,1 A' t! : f,loili ,, ai'P ment... (lii'fici, jo;; sirp;j , hpr c The La : .UIJ(. (if.-,-,! nng wiii er pr-oj,;, -. h,v,. niad I.,, a r; i - to b i .. .. Uor.'inu.i "Mfn '.up w; tf iiri,, fervor lieartfi fo'- h- v Sav- tj,,. fr,rt kis- "IS r,f , if, . 1 . f:ollf.(.1o.. "DUl"', tin 15x22's. o Murchison has estab- u-.ule called the "I5x22's. iii" pieces of clean old white 1 :v tor the pansements. We iy o it of sheets and old gar--1 f-r work is exceedingly i" f-ause little pieces have to i together to obtain the de I'lease remember her and lu n you discard anything, igh School Girls and Boys, liiay, 43 High School girls ' ! 1 u the workroom and made The girls made the hall n "i ry laushter and the old- ' ' "i c delighted to have them. ' '". f ; had so many tampons " vj. one time. Their was " ' i many foreign languages aid. but French was the pre- i"'!f. and "Tres bien" and 'ould be heard with great We ttfoueht we caught ive la France." from time ; perhaps that gave the il!f,h is necessary for whol4 'rk. These high school peo 1 lot of the older folks to The boys are making $530.00 V- C A.; the whole school 1 ross recently 30 com "e girls snip about 2 bush- fT;iis tor Peter Cooper pillows many are knitting eye ban- " every Wednesday the block '"iiies around in her Libertv cup and cow bell and !i -Vi porting( every church in the circuit . ...y ill ll.ll. One of the most elaborate and en joyable social events of the season was the delightful reception given by Mrs. Fitzhugh Wallace, at her home on last Friday afternoon, to Mrs. James Jarjrat, a recent bride. The spacious home was attractive ly decorated with a color scheme of yellow and white, this being effected large yellow and 'white Chrysan themums, while the patriotic note was struck by decorations of numbers of American flags. gathers up the coppers. This week she got 268 of which 5 had been col lected and hidden by a few little, freshmen (Evelyn' prdbably in the bunch) and produced with great pride to help swell the sum. Miss Aline Brown surprised the Senior class by. her unusual effort. She brought a $5 bank in dime pieces, full of dimes 'Instead of snipping scraps," she ex plained. "But where did you get it?" asked the girls breathlessly. . "Just asked for it," she said, "and everybody vras willing to help me fill my bank." This made nearly $8 from . the High School this week, and was about one fifth of the whole collection. Fine for the High School, we make our best bow but mighty, mighty, poor for the town. You older people will have to make more sacrifices and deny your selves a whole lot if vou want to keep' in the High School Class- ' The Register. Is your name in it? The Block Mes sengers are handing in lists of every penny contributor will yours , be there? We want to know who gives, not only for our own inforamtion, but beeause the lists are to be made up for a permanent record to be filed in Raleigh. I The Food Conserved. 1 We. have not yet heard from all the blocks about the food conserved. Some have responded nicely, others won't give the. information. Perhaps they will later. Knitting. , We have about 20 knitted suits on hand and the Chairman, Mrs. W. N. 1 Harries, announces that they will be sent to the destroyer of which Louis Davis, son of the late Junius Davis, Esq., is the commander. We are im mensely pleased to have our work go there, and bx,meahs of the generosity of one who-wishes to be unknown in the transaction, we now have on hand a sum 'of $50 to buy . the necessary ma- terials to outfit the rest or me sea men inmmanderaTis'ship.- , - ly insession at Bennettsville, has ref 1 turned . Dr. J. W. Daniel. Presiding Elder . Hook, and Mr. Caldwell to i tneir iamous cnarges. Dr. Hale, of the Louisville Theolo gical Seminary, was here with Dr. Rufus Ford, on Thursday. Mrs. W. K. Davis was hostess; for the benefit of the Red Cross chapter. Bridg was the feature of entertain ment arid Mrs. P. W. Johnson and Miss Alma Foxworth and Dr. if. W. Hamilton, proved to be the most ex pert players. The affair netted a aeat little sum for the chapter, Mrs . Rebeca Lee and Mrs . Weldon Rose, of California are spending 10 days here with relatives, before going West for the winter. Misses Grace Hunter, of Camden and Mary Hunter, of Coke College,! are here for the holidays. Mrs. Albright and childrenbf Or angeburg, are guests of Mrs. Wm. Gregg. Lieutenant Clarence Monroe, of Camp Jackson, is hereor a few days. William lilonroe leaves early in De- j cenber; for Shanghai' China, where he win worK 14 the toDacco nusmess. Misses Bessie'Johnson and Nina Carmiehiael,are guests of Mrs. Fer mo'n Lockhart, of Monroe, N. C. SMITH & WESSON. IVER JOHNSON. U. S. HAMMER and HAMMERLESS ALL ATrLOWEST RRICEJSu. Id " ' : : : H " 'ySs ';ir 10 and 1 2 Sotfth Front St. I: it 1 mi I OTl WIFE. ,' 'SWEETHEART Before going home tonight to mother or wife, or the visit yon contemplate for tomorrow "drop- in andslip a "surprise Joy" in your pocket. There will be smiles for the giver and a treat for the recipient. Fresh Shipment of Delicious Whitman's Candies Just in. J & FUTREIAE . Phones: 211-212 . 107 Princess Street -i.. The Nation's Needs Come First Any patriotic American would glady stand aside and give his place anywhere to an officer on government duty. The placing of the Bell telephone system at the disposal of the government, as was done wherjr' war broke put, involved the same patriotic obliga tion;1 During the months of military preparedness, the War anderNavy Departments had the- service . of the most comprehensive and efficient telephone system in the world. And it must be kept so. In the face of the unprecedented demand from pri-' vate sources, every government need niust and will be met. The government comes first but we; are do- . J ing everything that science can suggest; and that money can accomplish to maintain Mr general Service at the usual standard of efficiency. A loyal organization is working contim&usly to meet the increased demands and your patient co-operation will prove helpful and inspiring. Telephone users can help b avoiding useless conversation and by encouraging their employes and associates to use the telephone only when necessary during the busy fyours of the day, and to make thir conversations brief. With this patriotic attitude of the public to-, ward us we can serve the government first and render a service that will jtieet the requirements of the commercial and social world. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY . ;;; -;. - A New Collars, Middy and Windsor Ties. Ladies' and Men's Handkerchiefs, in Cotton, Linen, Silk, and Crepe De Chene, . " i v HOSE: All Qualities aiiH Colors. NEW MILLINERY. AS 1 MISS ALMA BROWN ROYAL THEATRE BUILDING. Iv -;r fl. 7 HEATERS WILSON HOT BLAST Let the Wilson Heater keep you comfortable. They keep the fire over night and taLs 1-3 leis FueL - k Let Us Serve You - CAPE FER HARDWARE CO. Phone 612 : 109 N. Front St Winston-Saie.TS-Morer'ead City-Beau- fort Pullman Sleeping Car Line Be-. cqmes Wihston-SalerrhGoldaboro !, ? v?. SIelnjiCar .t-ine. i I ' Southern Railway System announ ced effective with last cars Into and 1 out of Beaufort Sunday, Aug. 12th, the ; Winston tdn-SaIa?5-Morehead ,. pity-Beau- a itaeign. ; xv. fort Sleeping Car line will be shorten ed to Winston-Salem-Goldsboro Line. Car will continue to be handled on trains Noa. 232-112 and 111-237. For further details ask Southern Railway System Agents, or address, J. O. Jones, ;Trayeling Passenger Agent, Raleigh. N. C . Arrival and Departure of Train sf ' Wilmington, 1 Bffectiye : Oct.' 21. 1917. Arriyals. schedules and lahd connections 'giTen: as informa-i tioD, but not guaranteed ; ;; -r;: 0PABTUKg No. il fit A. IL No. 48. 4 S:W A. M, 9:4 A. K. no. fay"r- S:0S P. M. No. 68. 3:30 P. M. No.:42.': :45 P. M. TO AND FROM Florence; Columbia, Pullman Sleepers, ; WU ' mlngtoh axi4 Coiambia' onea to recelye passengers. after 10 ,-00 P. M. fVr. Goldsboro, Richmond; Noxlolk and Krth. Parlor Vmr WQadatten Md 'yrflk. - Faretterillft, 8anf ord'tnd Mt: Alry. jjl Jacksonrllle and JXew Bern, j .C-:-r.?r Florence, Colombia.' Angasta, Atlanle and the Weat. Cbarlenton, Savannah and, , Florida points. PnUman Car Wilrama f ton Atlanta Via. Angnat and between Florence an Colombia. f .-i r . Blbmond- Norfolk, Wasblnrton and New Yorit, Pullman cars to Waablnston and litf A.M.':, i No. 40. tes P. n ' No. 63. : 8:M P. M . No. 68 1S:M P. M. ' No. 64.' ; 1:00 P. M. Nov 41. S:M A. M. For Folder eserratlonjrA teg of fares, etc cail Phcno I60L; W. J. CRAIG," j t t , Pastenper Traffic - Manager.. - . . ;Kv t; - WHmlnfltftn, H, V , T. C. WHITE. General Passenger Agent 1 V . " 'Mi'".':: y:: km a! '- . 1 T' : 6 -1: f--A-.'.J; t ? J'yyi:y ty-s 7 , 1 -,i V

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