I- i4 - PAGE FIVE KilNIS TERS ASKED LODGE OF SttflBDW OF EL1S WILL 8 10 1 IN FIGHT ; 01 TUBERCULOSIS cr WITH Sunday. December 9, Set Xs'i'dc as Tuberculosis Sunday in State. MINISTERS REQUESTED FOR SPECIAL SERMON HEf AT AGRDEMY . v EXPEDITIONARY " itS WRITES I B. P. O. E. and Their Friends From Somewhere Will Gather at? Three - , Thirty o'Clock. HON. J. W. RAGSDALE WILL BE EULOGIST i in 1 ranee FOUR DEFENDANTS HELD ON CHARGES OiRftfiilTOi Pari o jj-rou hout the. Nation in ffon to Eradicate This Dread Disease. Mr. W. H. Ford Tells Some Experiences. THINGS DIFFERENT V BEHIND FIRING LINE Sent On to Superior Court Byj Recorder For Committing j . Perjury. - i Work Being Done An Elaborate Program Has Begins' to Look Like Real Bus- tprs of the city have re- Been Arranged Which Con tains a Number of Excel lent Musical Numbers. as : 1 1 ;! pj.V.f '. on i' ' v:r.'' in all fry 2; tei V'.'.'' 0; I': ' Tinn. i' out :P1' 1 ! it era : a -0 in ' inn. - tmiei; at '-'' iness Among Men Sent v From United States Agairtst Germans. Wilmingtqn Lodge No. 532, B. P. O.' The following interesting letter has quest from the North Car-! -Rika will hold its annual "T.nHcro rf been received by The Dispatch from Hoard of Health to set 'sorrow" at the Acadpmv of Minlo-thf Mr- H' H" Ford' who 1S Somewhere m cn,iav tw q : borrow, at tne Academy of Music this ;Francet with the American Expedi- Minday. December 9, as ' afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, when Hon. J. tionary Force: ' Sunday, on which to willard -Radalo mom,o f r J "FVom PROLONGED TRIAL HELD YESTERDAY , iai sermons to aid in the (gress from the Florence, S. C., district, campaign being carried ,will make the principal address. Mr. prevention and cure of this -Raoai- ; rt v v,: v0wxv w uw o w liio lllll u LCI 111 h each year claims as its I dn the House of Representatives, and many thousands of peoDle a on cinnmnt mv rx i 1 p -J i v -aa t. ocaaci. lie la tx ittVYtl of life and of all ages. bv nrofession and at nnp tim livH in "H, H. Ford, Chief Clerk,. "Engineer Dept., General' Staff, , "Headquarters American Expe ditionary Force, France. "November 16, 1917. "If you know how much spare time I have had in the last three or more Whole Case Grew Out of Question As to Who Thew a Coca-Cola Bottle At a Small Boy. "I am not afraid of any living man," : shouted Hon. John p. Bellamy, just1 after he had completed an impassion ed plea , on behalf of three clients,. Mane mvSLns, Sarah Evans and Chas. i 1 " The Condensed Report to North . Carolina . Corporatio n Commission of the conditicc ot i' '" lumingto Sayings Jusilompa . J . v .. " 1 Resources. Cash and due from Banks . . . Loalis ... . . . . Real Estate. .. V.T Bank Building . . . . Stocks and Bonds . . . . .... 'Invested Trust Funds Liberty "Bond Account ', ' -Total . . . At the close of business, November 20th; 1917. .v. .? 527,922.80 2,869,737,65 2,300.00 50,000.00 . 166,236.23 v . 129,500.00., 214,475,14 r . -- - $3,9 60,171.82 j, i ' Uabilitles Capital . .' i'; ...... .. .. .. .. Surplus ,. j.. Undivided Profits . . ...... Discounts Unearned .... .... Accrued Interest due Depositors Building Reserve Fund . : , Dividends Unpaid . . . Deposits .... . . 100,000.00 .... 200,000.00 ; .. .. 111,131.18 " .. ... 36,000:00 -v 15,000.00 .1 .. . 49,000.00 -. . . . 250.45 . .. 3,454,790.19 Total ....$3,960,171.82 I, Chas. E Taylor, President of The Wilmington Savings and Trust Company, do solemnly swear that ' the1 above statement is true to the best of m know ledge and belief. ? CHAS. E. TAYLOR, President State of lrorth Carolina , 7 ,- s. ; . ; . ' ' County of New Hanover. ' ' , -i, J. v. GRAINGER, Correct-Attestt - , J.'D. BELLAMY, Jr. "Sworn to and subscribed before me this 26th y- LYMAN DELANO. " day of November, 1917. ' '"' 1 C . GRAINGER," .... " v . , Notary Public Deposits November 20, 1916 . . .. .. .. 'V ... . $2,943,881.84 iovemDer zo, 1817 .- ... . . . ... ..$3,454,790:1 CorrectAttest jDirectors.;, ; V H-ftiC: Resourpis. $3,133,296,44 $3,960,i7f.82 r 1 . . I . .ill L -J .1 '. of the local chapter of nriiw,s u 1. ' t. .months, you would not criticise me for , have been nZTe lit ' Wllmmgton' wnere he 18 rememberde v,riting a ircular letter. I am get have been meeting with w manv frionHa L.- .m, ' i success ,n the sale of the; An elaDorate program has been pre . liristmasseals. which pro-'(ped by the Elks lodge and raany carry on tne work of ,beautiful musical numbers are includ. to uul cure. The ministers " generally will join in the; :-t Sunday by giving one1 tho cause of lightening the lii li flows from this source, iiini-ters of every denomina ii white and colored, through sue have been asked to ob- - day this year. Letters and !;ave been sent already to '"i ureachers in North Caro- pd. The program follows: Entrance March. "Faint Not, Fear Not," (Smart) Mrs. Spooner and Mrs. Woody. Remarks by Exalted R uler W. S. Register. Roll call of departed brothers, Sec retary J. O. Reilly. Lodge Ceremonies. Opening Ode: "Great Ruler of the ting a little .more time now, and later on may do better. "When I tell people that I have been ; here almost four months, they say that I am an 'old stager; and it hardly seems like that long. I was the sec ond clerk in the Engineer Department to put foot on French soil, so1 I was almost the 'first, anyhow. "There is not much news to tell you that you don't get in the newspapers You know, in France, the size of news was an outrage that a prosecution ' stated; tnat the Evanses . and a Mr. should have been instituted . on the Twiddy, a .witness in the case, had mere testimony of a; colored girl, who gotten her to say that she had thrown was, he saidplainly half-witted. The the bottle, and, that they would stand remark was occasioned by County So- by her -in any trial in which she licitor Burton taking exception to the might' become involved. words of Mr. Bellamy, which the so-1 Upon, this change of testimony, So licitor thought reflected upon his in- licitor Burtohdrew three warrants tegrity. Mr. Burton asked if it was against ? Marie Evans, Sarah Evans intended as a reflection, and Mr. Bel-land C. F. Twiddy, charging them with lamy answered mat ne would reflect perjury and subordination of perjury, been closed and the argument of counsel was in full swing that Mr. Bellamy, m a strong speech, stated that , he thought it '!'an'; outrage for the prosecution to have instituted the, pro ceedings. Atx this- point Mr. Burton asked about the' reflection and the cdlloquy resulted as stated above. Considerable heat was" manifested and it looked as if blows might' be dealt, out quiet prevailed7 a few moments la Wednesday. '. : John Robinson, colored, -' charged with assault and battery with a deadly weapon and carrying a concealed wea pon, was discharged on the first case and fined $50 and costs in the Second, from which he appealed to the Supe rior court. Bond was fixed at $100. A charge of vagrancy against Fred Smith, colored, was dismissed. Jim Johnson, colored, was tried on a larceny charge and acquitted. John Wheeler, colored, was afterwards con- that they present this Universe. ibject to their congregations , Prayer by the Chaplain, Very Rev. C. Dennen. Anthem: all he pleased. He thought the pros-- Thev were nlaced under hrmd fnrthMr'ter. The argument really grew out ecution malicious, and trumped up, ! appearance at this morning's session! of tIle fact tbat the satute gives the j victed on the same charge and sent to anu ixireaxenea to nave a warrant is-, or the. recorders court. In the trial BU11t;iLur me rrgnt io issue warrants, c ou uaya uu mo iuoua. sued against one of the State's wit-1 on "'Fridajr ;they were represented by Mr. Bellamy doubts' the validity of the i Rether Thompson,, colored, pleaded nesses, a Mrs. Phillips, for malicious Hon. B. G. Empie, while Representa- legislation. r , guilty to the larceny of a. bicycle and ... Blander. When asked later at what ; tive L. ' Clayton Grant, with Solicitor Mr- Grant ajsor argied the matter' will serve three. months onthe roads, time the warrant would be issued, ; Burton, appeared for the State. briefly, after;.th0tinpon recess. After Arthur Walker, colored, accused of 1 Mr. Bellamy replied the witnesses At this morning's session of the ' completion of the argument, Recorder, assaulting a woman, was let off with would have to be gotten together fori court. Hon.. John D Bellamv and son j'-Hamss announced that he would hold the costs. - i i i i i i i .1 7 i V. jjr j ii . a p papers is reguiatea oy aw, ana our j a conference, but that the warrant William M. Bellamy, appeared for the little papers (we have two or three , would surely issue defendants in the perjury charge. The or two sheets The whole matter ffrew out of a There are a number i eharee of assault and hatterv ae-ninat of French papers, and I try my hand j Marie Evans, tried Friday in Record at reading them. I can read French ers court. for throwing a hnt.t.i at n a great deal easier than I can speak ' P stuckey, Jr., and Cutting him with ! it, though, mere are a numDer oi it. At that time Mary Bell DaviSi a words that are spelled exactly like the j colored girl working at the Evans defendants again took the stand and swore substantially to the same thing as' on the day before and reiterated the defendants for the next; term of Superior court, .because he thought there was probable cause against the defendants. : . 1 At this juncture. Mr. Bellamy said SERVICES FOR JUNIORS. the same to be . the truth. The col-!he wanted a warrant for Mrs. Phillip English or Latin words, but the pro nunciation is entirely different. The i iiv.e mentioned. This marks !i 'i annual observance of the dn an i is expeciea mat more man, : y ?"a" wipe ji: i n hurches and other religious Away All Fear," (Coombs) Quartette. ora:i . a ions throughout the United introduction or Eulogist, George P. State- ' ill join in the movement. Fif- j vaivm. teen inn; fired State and local anti-tu-j - Address, Hon. J. Willard Ragsdale. ; :i :cr.':.-- associations are planning. vvnicnman, wnat or tne iNignt.'" prosnu.;- that vrill bring the subject (Thompson) Quartette. tuberculosis to the greatest num- Closing Ceremonies. br c. peopie on this day. . Closing Ude. Thi r quest is made of the church-' Benediction, Rev. R. E.- Gribbin. ; -:.! '!i.-ir pastors," says the State The following quartette will render Bop.r! 1 i Health, "for the main reason -the musical number: Mrs. M. A. that l u re part of the human misery snooner. Mrs. E. J. Woody, Mr. J. M. to which the churches minister and Newbold, Mr. R. R. Christy. Mr. E. ! which are different from ours. There oxcv on'1 :( venth of all the funerals at H. Munson will be aMnmnankt i is no breakfast in France, and was not which ih-ir clergymen officiate, are . Past Exaletd Rulers of the lodge are before the war. They have, on ris- ibest wishes. causeri i y mis great piague. Anoin- h. j. Gerkn Dr c. T Mnmor w t ins. served in tne Deo room, a cup oi pi iasr,n is the church is always look- Bellamv. T W Sninmnn n w ti. home, stated on two separate occa sions that she had thrown the bottle question. After the trial she changed her testimony, when she was locked up on' a charge of assault and jL word 'different', for example, is the , m same; but it is pronounced 'des-f ay rant and the final 't' is silent. Anoth er thing that makes it difficult at first, is that they speak very rapidly, andjtnere are more than ten times six, and furthermore, there are many abbrevia-j the office has spread out into several tions. For example: You say, 'Howomces And wo do things in a hurry, are you?' 'Comment allez-vouz?' It t00- There is not time to dilly-dally: is pronounced 'Comanalevu.' The re-'when the time comes to hitthe ball, ply is 'tres bien, et vous,' but it means we hit it. , - . 1 'I am very well; and how are you?' j "This is about all the news I cart There are many customs, of course, I ten you just now. Let me hear from you, and send me some of the papers and magazines, and believe me, with (End). 1 j ore iri, however, turned face abput and swore in direct contradiction to her former statement, saying that she had- bem prevailed upon by the Evanses- and Twiddy to say what she for slander, but later he thought he would wait as stated above. Record er Harriss discharged the colored girl in the case of assault arid battery with a deadly weapon, and had her detain- did on the former occasion. A Mrs. i ed on a cnarge or perjury. PhilliDs also came to the stand in be-'.'-- Other cases i disposed of this morn half , of the State and testified . that Marie Evans had told her that-she had thrown the bottle at Che Stuckey boy.. '. - 1 . Mr. William M. Bellamy also took the' stand and stated he had visited the jail: the afternoon before and had talked to the colored girl, and she had told him that one Coleman had asked her to change her testimony. It was here sought to bring out the fact that ing .were as follows: . William Henry Howard, colored, charged with the murder of Will Mel vin, colored, recently, in a crap game, was brought in and plead guilty. When informed of his constitutional rights he said he would retain a lawyer and the court postponed the matter until Monday, when the defendant may change his plea if hsd desire's.' ; 'A matter against George Miller, col- coffee, about three times the size of Thanksgiving Sermon at First Baptlct ; Church .This Evening. . Dr. John Jeter Hurt will preach the v sermon to the' Junior Order of United T American Mechanics, of this city, this evening at 7:30 o'clock Thanksgiving services to ,be held at the First Bap tist church.- Both the Jeff Davis Coun cil and George Washington Council will attend the services. ' The councils will meet at their , hall V at 7 o'clock and march to the church in a body. In French towns whicHmay be shelled or bombed almbst'every win dow has two strips of paper pasted from corner to corner diagonally; on the inside. This minimizes ' the risk of breakage through concussion and Coleman was hostile to the defend-1 ored, charging. Jxim with operating an . J . T - . nfn.. oil Vi factimnnv han ants, as a result or a rormer contro versy., many thousands of panes of glass It was after all the testimony had' have been saved by this Simple pre- illicit distillery; was 'continued until caution. .yv pd tn as a lieht bearer. It is expected vne-t rr t r Pan..n w t m our cuds, with some bread. Then at1 t n embrace those causmakinr lifht-prjr; j; Iitnr, Louis Goodman ' 00 0r U-Wt&X bave a 'dejeune, r tlic bunlens of the "affflcted, ant re- E. LonVley. B.' P. Strickland T E ar Iun6n!' and ainner or 'dinet' at f runt; i u y 1 i lii; yucicyci 11 is iuuiiu o'clock, or 'sixheures.' There are cer- .wailC S. M . Kine- C n T nn-h. The various organizations of the jjn. A. J. Mitchell .tain meatless days here, one or two rfnrciies through tneir vorK or mer-, r(ma t v. i j ,A , a weeK. and so on. 1 understand me u e Kule w- s- Register: Esteemed Lead- Tt ,, Q nnt nf : aivl eh iiavi tnnity ro spread the gospel of the pre- .'n Knjht. E. H. Brown; Esteemed now. It is wonderful the amount of j patriotism they have, and what they vontmn and cure or tuberculosis v . vv V' i rv ul ciivjuftu. iiiiyui" 4. j t 1 r . says the o, " ' t U mV j " uoscnpr: little, they can live on. It is a lesson Bcanl hut since war so intensifies ' T'V' ireasurer, bJ.WOrth while for all of us. to see that cure ui luueruuiusis. j otnrintr VnlirVit t t yituxiULisiu tiicj nave, auu hb.u uicj a work of enough impor- t tJIi v - ll V ' ?7 1 . Es" . bave gone up against, and! also, what tame in normal times,' this, diseasev come to everv agency that is able to D Rinrlr- inaniiii.n n t-v . - .... . ' . . vxicftuiy jhvis; lWe can do without, and yet De corn- Inner fortable. They all think that we Am- rpatpr rpsnrmRihilitip.es : ui naniain. Pev. C. Dennen- fight asainst it. The phvsical exam- ":'r"' ' Holmes: Tiler. H. A. ericans are spendthrifts and million ination incident to the selective draft ' !;ebbr.r:-Trustees' L- stein Dr. T. B. aires. inirovere, tuberculosis in the lives of ,T . Solomon. j "The standard of money here is the tlou i.m'.s of men who never suspect-' Memoria1 Service Committee: H. E. franc, which, in peace times, is about , -x j A, 1 1-- nnlpv Chairman- c TXT T)1 hi nn i xt : .ii, tliev iiad it: it is continuouslv be- in? discovered at the cantonments, ami yet another stream will be .those retmryi! from France who broke flown v.-;f;i the disease under the stren uouness of war. War increases tu hrc:i!fjis nnd increases our respon sibility 10 keep it down." on -lev. chairman: C. W. Polvht. 90 psnts Now. it is worth about 18 F. O. Banck, P. W. Wells, Will Reh-' cents. Their 5-franc silver piece is der; about the size of our United States V'-: Carl Fick. chairman: Geo. silver dollar, and worth about the rt -,i.--.-tr, j H Honnet Adolnh same. A dollar is worth 5.7 francs. r- ri nan. C. S. Southerland. P. F. R But the counting is peculiar: The I numeration: Une, doux, trois, quat, FUNERAL OF MR. THIGPEN. Price. CJ; 7890$. 7890$.. 7890$.. 7890$. TO HONOR SOLDIERS. nea'li nf Mr. Oscar Thie-nen in Den ver, Cr,(, Thursday night. Mr. Thig ppn wa- the son of Mr. W. W. Thig Ppn. of Hi is citv. iw cincq, etc. "The architecture of the cathedrals here is wonderful. I was in one re cently, for service, which was built Former Rdnt nf Wiiminntnn will Special Services Will B hm Thi, in the 15th century; and it must have Ee Buried in Denver, Colo. - Evening, at Grace Church. .cost thousands and thousands of dol- Many friends in this city and else-' More than 20 members of Grace lars. The carving was superb. whp.P .vr i P crieved to learn of the ' Methodist church are new servine in ! "Unlike in the United States, we . . m . ! .1 .11 tne armed forces of the United States, 'are an in unirorm nere, ana are an uu In honor of these patriotic men sne- der military. law, so far as .it goes, and cial services will be conducted this we have to toe the mark pretty close, evening by the pastor, Rev. M. T. Ply- We are all getting to be accustomed I lf- v.a a well known operator and ler. The list of the men constituting to it, though, and if we had to put on for it, . ;,:,sr several years had been this Roll of Honor of the church will civilian clothes again, we would feel frap:y,.,i at different points in the be read, and the pastor will deliver a lost. We all -feel like we have been West. I patriotic sermon on the subject, soldiers all of our lives, and we mix FiUK i ;,! services will be held from j "'When Heroism Dies." The public is up with the French officers and sol fhf ho;,;. ,,r his uncle in Denver on' cordially invited to be present and diers as though we had been at it .Mop.!ay. December 3. join in honoring these men. since, the year one. j "So far, the weather has been fair ly good. At the beginning of uctooer, T . thoro was a cotmpr of r.nlri" rains but 1 ""-' .C " , after this it improved somewhat, and ire are eetting acclimated now. It is about like the temperature of some of the Northern cities or tne unueo States, and some of us Southerners don't .feel it so much after all. "Some, of the boys are beginning to send home some Christmas things as they must send them before the mid dle of November to teach the United States in time for Christmas. I have a number of souvenirs, but certain : things can't be sent, on acocunt of "censor regulations. I have two ham mered vases, which would sell for a smal fortune in the United States small fortune in the United States 75 C m.' shells; but they are 'interdit' by le censeur. I hope to take them back with me, however. I have been trying to get a German helmet, but i they have been grabbed un so quick 1 ly by the boys, that it is hard to get a good looking one for a souvenir. 1 have the promise of one, however. Thoe worn: by the German officers of high rank are . covered with gold eagles, etc., and are works of art. "I got a bundle of magazines the other day, the first I had seen since 1 leaving the U. S. There .is a book 1 store in Paris, which sells them, but JP I the mails are very- slow to and from or5" the-U.-S., and to all other points in 1 Tiam?A. so it is aiwavs aoout iwu months late in getting them. v-f iq rortainly beginning to bn Ki -n;i!i-' 1t""v r,--' -t rru' ' Christmas of 1917 Will Be Notable for Giving Practi cal Gifts and as There Are Only MysrrJeft for Yoa to Do Your Shopping We Wish to Encourage EARL Y B UYIN&tif Offering Exceptional Values, in . All Our Departments. 35 V . rv -t -ur 't. 5tver cae I ce .Hour ,re uEAS hor8. awS het? vor haunr, and at Ti.ir,.' ?fr"tnif l :i-;'kmu ever -CT i.WAr FROlVi in-; w. .mo mJMI maintain an avsraje spwtf of U r' r ". Th's is Srnith-F2rm-& Truck SWn i ' ' ' ' - -THIS IS A STANDARD ETAStK - 3 'orm-a-Truck in over 600 Une? (A 9jii WILMINGTON MOTOR Ct m. i'WN K ROBERT G. BAy'h W 9X- 1 "-, , 1 how bft a force we have here. In tho oiTicfc I started, v:th only G c.crlcs, M. Jh..O;iiC, If acl'es .J V. 3 aineeiibaiuim s av ion; rice Keductions.ip. In all desirable shades,. $8.98 to $27.50 ; CHILDREN'S COATS $1.98 to $12.50 LADIES' SUITS A new lot arriving at very low prices. i LADIES' DRESSES Exceptional Values in Serge or Satin. $4.98 ta $14,98 , Woblcni Sweaters f For women and children 'in large " Wariety-'.-' 'v'."-'" . $2.56!to $5.98. ; v.'-'..; aojiday Blouses .' Of Georgette Crepe De Chine or Voile, 59c to $5.98. ;' Bath Robes ' Extr; Special, $3.00 -Value, at 1 At $1.98 Better Ones $338 to $4.98 -ChHcWs Batli Robes f ' Sizes two to fourteen, $1125 to $2.50 CORDUROY KIMONOS ; Popular . Shades. 1 ' : $3.50 to $4.50 SILK PETTICOATS Of fine Taffeta or Jersey, . $4.98 to $538 ICOTTON PETTICOATS :29c to $1.25, -i, in ii: ! 1, fWrinrffie. I-- . , i I, A t 4 ',S"-. 'j : I $' '- f r r- 1, j

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