AVILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, MO - NDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 3, 1 91 7 PAGE EIGHT ST f TAXftBLE VALUES NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS TO THE GOOD FiGHTING) BAPTISTS LOAN sum nmsE SECOND LIBERTY Cl( Hi it'i 7 - iv lit- M ffli s tc hi n - . 1. .4 While Valuation of Personal Caught By Onrushing ?Ger ProDeitv Falls, Real Estate Mans, lhey rougm YYitn er ,..' Effectiveness taxable property of Wilmington and Now Hanover county of more than fnnnno the increase having been Y-v"r-' . made entirely on real estate, for there was a falling off in the valuation of personal property listed on the tax books. The total valuation of taxable property for the year is shown at $22, 217,575, as; agrst a total for last year of $22,017,264. Valuations for the county show 98, 366 acre.iof.land at $1,958,155, as com pared with $1,S3.")795 for lasfcyear, and ' 5,550 Wn lots at $10,221439, is com pared with $10,055,380, the total this year being $12,179,585, as compared with ?11,991.175. The total number of polls this year was 5,663, as com pared with 5,526 for last year. The .total value of personal property this year is $2,732,860, as compared with $2,838,490 x Wtn Raises. The annual report of County Audi tor James A. Orrell to the North Car olina Tax Commission just ready fori submission shows an increase in thefeacourt joined the fighting ; ranks of ttteir Jtmusn aaies yesieraay, ana uei e ,them stem the onslaught. Mginy of the Americans were caught in me uerman turning movement (Rv Associated Press.) With the British ? Army ip- France, Saturday. Dec. 1. American' Army En-i gineers working in the region of Gouz- aboul Gouz,eacourt and only escaped deathor capture by lying concealed for hoVs in 'shell holes until the Brit ish pushed the invaders back. Hun dreds ofother men from overseas were subjected to tremendous shell. fire from enemy artillery and great quantities5 of gas shells were thrown in the territory where they, were working. The German attack was made with greatly superior numbers and every available man was 'noted on the Brit ish side . ta arrest its onward sweep. The Americans gave every ounce of their strength to this task, and the i important part which they played has drawn the highest praise from the British authorities. Many of thfe,, engineers seized rifles TF -SIT Durham Will Be Host to Ithe 67th Annual Convention A SUCCESSFUL YEAR SHOWN BY REPORTS Pastors' Conference Tonight and Tuesday There Are 2,200 Churches fitWx and fought sidexby side with the Tom mies throughout ; the bitter day and many scores of Americans last night were armed and sent .forward as vol- Of the Dronertv listed for taxation junteers to do patrol duty in tho zone this year. $7.305, ISO was by corpora- j before which a large army of Germans tions this amount being $100,000 in i was encamped. One British general excess of last vear. which showed a i in conversation with the correspond- total valuaiion of $7,1?7,599. Real estate listed by corporations this year to the State Tax Commission was valued at $2,4SG.704, as compar er! with S2. 456.164 far last year. Per sonal property listed by corporations, amounted to ?S!iO,701, as compared j with $812,219 for the preceding year.. Bank stock showed a slight decrease this vear, the valuation being $1,134, 451, as compared with $1,183,103 for last year. Building and loan stock is practically the same as ent tonight spoke in the most glow ing terms of the invaluable services rendered by the engineers. STATE RESTS ITS CASE IN TRIAL OF GASTON B. MEANS THIS . I TOOK A CIVIL .SERVICE rNP THE. uwi.' SERV ones , ri irncr (Continued From Page One). numerous documents, letters, receipts. last year, be- ' etc'-. which had been filed in court ing $485,970 for 191G and $467,1'1S tor j last week. Several letters from G. B. 1917. Corporation excess shows $2,- j Means to his wife, dated last summer. 320.C56 for this year and $2,270,143 for, were re?d jisdosing that he was laie, w! endeavoring, to keep Mrs. King in the .;fiUC U1 r v, """""" w1 dark as to certain matters. The white citizens not including that own- Means ha(J faeen traTOferred ed by corporation. ; this year was $13 - frQm Chica to Asneviiie and Means 917,18o and $995,260 for colored cit-jhad gQno tQ New Yor whr lzeFs- 'wrote: "I am convinced I should dic- Perscnal property for 1917 for citi- tate my letters to jn order tQ Zl,? ,-ed at lo7n J-n S'lkeeP carbn copies, so I will know HA S: fo7,fyfes' $?-7,S: 5o cVlowsJ exactly "what I have, said in case $1S,2oO; 2,318 hogs. $.660; 42 sheep, MaH sho,tW v tho " ft-V wagons and vehicles of various kinds, Another letter quoted a telegram spnt hv Aftnn Mpfinc tn ATrs Kintr ,140; office furniture 51,385; tools ; telling her that G R Meang as Qn mechanics, $-,-o0; household and Rv ..,, that v kitchen furniture. $475,243; libraries welL The defendant laughed heartily , : . "T , i wnen this was read. Under no circumstances let any Of money on hand. $4,920: solvent cred porations. $56,145; automobiles and pleasure boats, $166,510; jewelry, etc., 51,302,807. 35,54'.12; poor purposes (38 cents $35,874.71 go :ox special school dis tricts on special levies. For the $129, 539.70 levied for county purposes, are the fololwing items: General purposes, $35,5 '3.12; poor purpopscs (38 cents one know where Mazie, Mrs. Robin son' and Maude are' said a letter signed by G. B. Mean ; and addressed lo his brother, Afton, advising him of the departure of Mrs. Kng, Mrs. Rob inson, Mrs. Mary C. Melvin rnd oth ers from Chicago for Asheville last July. The letter said Means and oth ers of his party would leave Chicago, within the following week. The let- on 5,663 polls). ?2,151.90; bridges and j ter was written July 15. The brother, iuus, o.o.w, . ubpiicib, j in another letter signed G. B. Means, sinking fund for workhouse. $4,628,-; was cautioned to communicate mat 60; health department, $7,776.15; spe-!ters direct, to the writer and not al cial school bond sinking fund, $13,- lnw Mr KiT1 nTlH Mrs Rnhij1snn tn 320.55; special linking fund for roads, lkn0w nf thp mttorR linHp.r discussinn. $19,440.38. The remaining $51,779.58 goes to the State. An interesting item in the report thi3 year is the increase in income taxes, all of v hicli goe:; to the State. This year the income tax for New Hanover, amounts to $9,842.25, while last year it amounted to $5,785.03. The following h!o shows the total taxes for all purposes for this year as compared with th" preceding year: 1916. Staie . . Schools County Total .. 1917. -? ."1.779.58 -5,811.36 l.'.9,5 S9.70 $270,130.64 $274,698.25 MONEY ASKED FOR CHEROKEE INDIANS NORTH CAROLINA'S APPROPRIATION IS GREATLY REDUCED (By Georne H. Manning). Vv'ashington, D. C, Dec. 3. Secre tary McAdoo today asked Congress (or $57,600 for the support and educa tion of 250 Indian pupils at the Chero kee Indian Sclooi in Western North ( ar; 'ina. Siy thc.nsand dollars is for $ 47,4 4 f.14 ( general repair:; and improvements at 8(,8u.niile school and the remainder for the 139,3o0.01 1 general maintenance. - ; Kleven thousand, one hundred dol lars is also asked for maintenance cf the Guilford Court House National Military Park. INJURED WHEN CAR WAS HIT BY TRAIN (Special to The Dispatch.) New Bern, Lec. 3.- i.ound from Norfolk to New Bern and traveling at a speed of 30 miles or more an hour, it is said, the Norfolk Southern pas penirer train. Fnginer Jackson at the throttle. Satuulay afLcrnoon between "r'-'O pud 5 o'clock struck an automo- (Continued From Page One). past four i'earn hnve nroventad auuior ization for any new public bnilding construction. Less Than $30,000,000. Washington, l;ce. 3. TVie cost, of im provement and maintenance' of har bors and waterways utilized in the i bile r.t a crossing about three miles handling of the ccuintryV, wai r-borne I eaiit of Bridgeton, in which -Messrs. commerce was esiitv.atcd to Congress I G A- Whitford and son Arthur. Of As today at $29,51.",C?7 fo.- tho m eal vear j kins: Mr- Alford Willis, of Ermil and 1919. i BertJackson, the latter beingr a color- That is a reduction of more than ! ed ?dif & The automobile $5,000,000 from the amount appropri-, molished almost beyond repair ated for the current year. Th la- a"d 1??; hltf0Vi an(1 Wllhs werft ot ott, Qctim,r.fi ,.,a ihr, (riut,!t. so badly injured taiit they were sippi river, a total or $12.1I2,0)0. Por !brouht t0 Fair iew hospital for treat the Ohio river, $5,006,000 was propos ed and for the harbor of New York, where the largest portion of th coun try's foreign commerce is handled, $3, 010,000. Estimates for Norfolk harbor, in -eluding Thimble Shoal improvements, r $1,540,000. ' Harbor estimates include: -Charleston, $110,000; Savannah, $100,000; VTampa, $320,000. ; Other items are: ',' -' Virginia coast waterway, $1,000. North Carolina rivers and creek3, v $19,200: habors at Beaufort and More- -head City and watervays southward! to Jacksonville, $13,000. Cape Fear - .river, at and below. Wilmington. $30, ! 000, and above Wilmington, $52,000 in ent. Munitions For the Army. .Vss-ciatcil I'lss.) Washington, Dec. 3. To insure a steady stream of munitions to the American army, the Fuel Administra tion today gave direct orders to all the mines supplying the Dii Pont pow plants to deliver demands in full. The operators were reminded that the oruer is obligate - priu 'hiust be ab solutely be complied with. 'i JSpecial to The hispntcli j " ' "Tmrrmm, . , Djee.. 3. fhe Bap tist churches of Durham will "SeTSSsTSr this week tp the representatives of. 2,' 200 Baptist churches, located within the bounds of North Carolina, reach ing from the mountains of the West. to the flat country along the coast. These churches, large and small, located in city, town, village and in the coun try, with a total membership of riear ly 300,000, will look forward to the annual reports of work done Jn.lthe past, year and to the plans for the work to be done next year. The annual meeting of the North Carolina Baptist State Convention convenes with the Baptist churches of Durham tomorrow night. The an nual conference of Baptist pastors will be held tonight and tomorrow. Rev. Bruce Benton, pastor of the Baptist church at Rockingham, or his alternate, Rev. R. A. McFarland, pas tor of the Baptist church at. Scotland Nack,. will preach the introductory sermon. This sermon is the opening event of the convention and ordinarily proclaims thp spirit of the .sessions that sire to follow. Immediately after the sermon the convention will or ganize and elect officers. John A. Gates, of Fayetteville, who has pre sided over the convention for two ses sions, will call the body to-order and unless al siens fail will be re-elected. Rev. Waited M. Gilmore. recording secretary; Rev. Walter N. Johnson, corresponding secretary, and Walters Durham, treasurer, will very probably succeed themselves. The reports of the boards always attract intense interest. Correspond ing Secretary W. N. Johnson for the Board of State Missions and Sunday Schools will report a deficit this year, and yet the work of the year has done by the board h:s been remarkably successful. , D. Jornson in his final message to tho cfiu'fches-ef 41ia..State says: " "In the last four days of the year there was a drop of S5.430 in State missions below the figures of last year. Things looked dark for a while. "The continental drive of the Army Y. M. C. A. for millions struck us ' the mind-up of cur year. A crushing debt seemed inevitable. "But when we got our bearings again, the skv brightened somewhat. The one-mission effort last spring puts us ahead in State missions as well as in home and foreign missions, and the churches which sent in their res ular offerings promptly have held us over $4,0w ahead till the last four days of the year. So that our figures for State missions this year are $45, 273.43. "Our work was laid out by the board this year by instruction of the conven tion on a basiy of $47,500, not includ ing associat.ional or Sunday school missions. We missed it $2,226.57." Because of tho fact that there were some appropriations not called for which had been made by2 the board there will be funds enough in hand to pay all indebtednesses up to Janu ary 1. 1918. In other words, the. defi cit will not moan a debt. For home missions the Baptist churches of North Carolina gave this year $35,554.27, a gain of $1,854.66 ov- i or last vear. For foreign missions. the Baptist church of North Carolina gavei ;57,7l .89, wbteh is $,302.33 more than they gave in one year be fore to the 'current fund of foreign nijss.rs. This i.' to br the 67th annual ses sion of the North Carolina Baptist Com ent inn. wh'ch was organized at Grffnvilif in 18:'. From a convention representing what was at that time only ;i hr.ndfui of churches, the pass ion year:; have sen ihe Baptist hosts of Nouh Carolina "develop :nto a great body oi earnest working people. Lis-, your the iihu x'.:. : of the convention rop'-itf-d total conir'butiens for all pivpo&es. including home church ex-cei"-cs. W4 262.98, an amount ' Tiffht jy than '$1.00 per capita. The church es cf the convention reported last year 2,1 - Sunday school with an -enrollment, of 221,148 and possibly quite a r.mnbfcr of, schools were not report ed. The Baptists of North Carolina, as a denomination, control 18 educational institutions with property valued at $1,499,935. These instittuions employ 192 "teachers and reported 3,634 enroll ed. In addition to this work, the Thomasville Baptist Orphanage, .with property valued at $342,128," cared for nearly 500 children. J - "B P, ff. I 1 T. - - All those haying subscribed through this bank f0 the Second Liberty Loan and have not already don are respectruiy requestea to can and make their rangements for payment. ar- THE PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK rV Corner Front and Princess Streets Statement Condition THE MURCHISON NATIONAL BANK of Wilmington, N. C. s At the Close of Business, November 20th, 1917. RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts ..$ 7,59o,091.Si U. S. Bonds (at par) Bank Building Bonds and other Se-.. curities Customers' Liability Acceptances Cash and Due by Banks 1,426,850.00 494 900.00 468,400.00 1,050,000.00 4,598,665.15 $15,633,906.99 INABILITIES: Capital Stock .. .5 l.ooii Surplus and Net Profits -j'M-op Circulation 30.'itoo' Special Deposit Bonds. .sOOO0Q Acceptances 1 .u50.'ooo'oo posits 1-.14S.M1.73 November 20.tn, 1!15 November 20, 1916 . November 20th, 1917 DEPOSITS. f ' "'ffa.noc.aj -.242.311 5.-? T.441.24-;os 1 -.148,901.73 H. C. VlcQlJEEN, President J. V. GRAINGER, Vice-Prsi.' -nt J. W. YATES. Vive-President C. S. GRAINGER, Cashier M. F. ALLEN, Assistant Cashier W. S. JOHNSON, Assistant Cashier J. V. Grainger, Jr., Assistant Cashitr. BUSINESS SPECIALS MESSENGER SERVICE. For this service we use the Pos tal Telegraph Cable Company's messengers. They will call for your ads." in the same manner and quick time as they now' cover the city for telegrams, night letter jrams, cables, etc. For further information as to 'ads."call 176, but for telegraph jervice call "Postal Telegraph." WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of issue when so (requested Phone yout rder to 745. Gordon's News Stand. lO-'t-U ,$3,000.00 WANT TO BORROW, $3,- i000.00;;-security residential real estate, (centrally located, worth at least $6, 000.00. Address A, Gare Dispatch Of fice. 12-3-3L SEE CHAS. FINKELSTEIN FOR i your Diamnods, Watches, Cameo I Broaches, Wrist Watches and a full! line of Solid gold and Gold filled jew-j elry. Buy early and save money at1 Chas. Finkelstein's. No. 6 So. Front St. Phone 642 11-30-tf SMITH MOTOR WHEEL IN FIRST class condition for sale cheap. Queen City Cycle Co., 209 Market St 11-14-tf ROOMS VERY REASONABLE BY the day, week or month. One block - fpom Postoffice, at 119 Chestnut St. PhonTlT2!-J.- 12-2-ltj. SHORTHAND, TOUCH TYPEWRIT- ing and all commercial branches of study taught most thoroughly and practically in The Motto Business College, Inc. 10-20-tf. WANTED FIFTY LABORERS; CTTY ELE.CTRIC CO., 206 PRINCESS white or colored, to clean land Guaranteed three years work. Ap ply M. Lance, Carolina Beach. 8-31 tf Everything electrical. 1-4-tt . New Interest Quarter - December 1st is the beginning of a new Interest Quarter. Deposits made now and through Saturday night draw interest from the first. Your success begins to take form when you begin to save. Open your account at this bank and get your plan working. The Home Sayings Bank Corner Front aisd Chesnut Streets. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS! HAVE your worn-out tires double treaded, it makes them better than new. See the Fair 2-in-l Auto Tire, corner 4th and Bladen, phone 738. ll-24-30tjj STEOGRAPHER WANTED STEADY position good salary for lady sten ographer who has had some experi ence must be willing worker posi tion now open apply to The Caro- lina Metal Products Co. 12-2-3L WANTED AN ACTIVE MAN WITH Some money not less than $1,000. We leave money in your bank and help finance; permanent position. Marine Iron & Steel Co., Norflok, Va. ll-27tf. LOST POCKETBOOK WITH SMALL sum of money and couple of receipts. Return to Richard Walker, care Dis patch Office. 12-2-ltj." j FOR RENT - TWO FURNISHED WHEN YOUR BOY GOES INTO THE SHELL CASE GIVEN TO THE PRESIDENT (By Associated ?ress. w-hinjrtoTi rec. 3. The shell case. ' Completing Winyah bay and main-, which held the first shot firede by Am- rooms for light housekeeping, lights, gas, water and use of phone. quiV reasonable. Phone 591-.I, or call 505 S. 4th. Dec 1. St. j FLORIDA ORANGES A CAR OF that Famous John S. Taylor Dia mond Brand just received. Also winesap and York Imperial applet. Grape fruit, primes, all sizes. Peach es, cocoannts, butter nutn, almond, London layer raisins, onions, peas and beans. Complete line of can-j dies and gum. Bear Produce and Mdse. Co. Phone 452453. No. Market St. 12-2-tf FOR RENT FURNISHED APART- ment on first floor; all modern con veniences; also furnished room for gentlemen on second floor. 119 Orange St. Phone 1767-J. Dec.-3-ltj. j COOK WANTED SiViALL FAMILY, j Call between 9 and 11 Tuesday morn-j ins. 412 Nun St. 12-3-lt. ! Trenches. see that he takes with him your portrait. He will treasvre It above all the gold on earth. Foltz & Kendrick. 83-tf STENOGRAPHERS ATTENTION! Unusual demand for experienced stenographers Experts enrolled free, and positions guaranteed. Give experience and references, En close stamp. Southern Commercial Bureau, Columbia, S. C. 1129-lOtj 1 1 -ll P)T fRJAO I 3 1 i j ; j 10 GERMANS UNABLE TO BREAK THROUGH THE BRITISHil4NES Continued from Page Ono.) WANTED SOME GOOD WORK FOR three boys, ages 12, 14 18 years. Out side of school hours. Address Rv. J. T. Johnson, No. 425 So. 4th St. 12-3-ltj CRAPR MYRTLE TREE WILL look well in your yard. We have a fine stock of these trees. Phone 258 1 or 28. Audubon Nursery. 12-2-2t. W. B. Cooper & Co. COTTONE Merchants Wilaiintou, N.JC Condensed statement of condition of the American Bank & Trust Company of Wilmington, N. C. At' the close of business November 20th, 1917. RESOURCES. Loan and Discounts. $2,166,114.83 Overdrafts 8,049.53 Real Estate 45,770.28 Furniture and Fix tures 16,231.76 Bonds and Securities 317,279.27 Domestic Accep tances 98,400.0 Cash and due from banks 773,413.20 Total .$3,425,258.87 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $ 200,000.00 Undivided Profits . . 39,277.48 Dividends Unpaid . . 258.87 Deposits 3,185,480.M Total .$3,425,25S.S7 OFFICERS: Thos. E. Cooper, President. Milton Calder, Vice President. C- E. Bethea, Cashier. E. Fred Banck, Asst. Cashier. R: L. Henley, Asst. Cashier. r ! LOST P.ROWN FUR NECK PIECE Sunday, Dec. 2, on the beach, between Carolina and Wilmington." Finder please return to 402 Southern Build ing. .l2-lt. tenanco of South Carolina rivers, $100,- V 000. Waterways between Charleston and Alligator creek, $5,000. . " " Georfia harbors and St. Mary's riv-i - er, $4,(ioo. ninfwick harbor. ? 20,000 Georgia. rivers, $40,000 erican artillery mea on the western battle front' was presented to Presi dent Wilsbn today by the party Con gressmen who recently made an un official visit to the battlefields. them to intereCere in the internal af fairs of Russ'a. The demobilization ! of the Russian army by. the sjBolsfceviki is reiiuneu 10 nave Degua. i ne jvus sian provis'onil government ,. has re appeared ?nT issued a manifesto as serting it is the onlV legal authority. It urges th people to disobey the de crees of the Bolsheviki. r '' -i ' Advance in Cotton Mills. Boston, Mass.,'' Deer3Tuaan4s of operatives employed in tfie textile mills of Massachusetts, New Hamp shire, Maine and Rhdde : Island began work under a new wage schedule to- Inquiry Postponed. Washington'. Dec. 3. Re-openine of jjiHRt rionaa waterways and Miami 'trie general innuiry into the ailro"'! and lev west namors, 2u,ooo. situation, set for tomorrow by the day. which will aver nn : Florida rivers and bays, ?4,000. I joint congressional committee, has "-K,r: Removing water hyacinths, Florida,. n.poJponed;-.nntn next Monday or the second wage increase put Into ef- t ,, - ... iect since the first nf th-vaar ' 1 NEOUN SOLES Wakes Walkin Pleasure f Attached by T SULLIVAN, Klntr f Shoemakere 81? N. Front Street. : Phone SSS. I' $8,000: SALE A full stock 'of the folio wins; Items: Wire Nails. . ..Wlre Fencing:. " Floor, all grrades. Gore's fine ground Corn Meal. Gore's. Fancy Cera Syrup. Gore's Extra Fancy Molasses. -Genuine Seed Wheat. - , 1 Please writer for prices and samples. D. 1a. goris company. Wholesale Grocers, Wilmington, N. C. 2Ji;il!!IIilllllill!!!:ill!IIIIIIIIIiI!!IIIIIII!l!lllllll!lllll!!!!l!l!US i y w ni I Builders 1 Supplies S3 j W. Br THORPE & CO I 1 Water and Ann streets 1 Phone 789. " iiiuHUiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiuli Christmas Games European War Game United States Puzzle Map Comical Ani mal Ten Pins Tintograph Sets Ring Toss Battle Ship Puzzle Box Heart Dice Rook, Parcheese, Etc., also Alarge line of Children's Picture Books and books for Juvenile Readers. C. W. YATES COMP Books and Stationery. 117 Market Street You Love Your Wife and Children - - - Are they protected if you are taken seriously 111. Disease Jrta'ys no favorites. It Is your duty to protect them. An accident and health policy As a safeguard and a protec tion to you and your family, r Consider the matter. Ccn- C. L. DICKINSON. Phone 656 Princess Building - v ' vi READ RUSIN ES . v If i Sip-" I' .-

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