PAGE TWO. '-"v. THE WILMINGTON DISPATCHFRID AY, AFTERNOON DECEMBER' 7, 1917 1 t - .; M Pexdtin.riratdP'Cvcle ioumevs4l wm MM I sjg a . a a X ft if f-H 1 . v. 'I. . .' II . ' l I A -it-j' ' - ; " - THEATRE SOUTHERN EXPENSES 1 'TXELSO is a deliciouslv irresistible drink with oceans of wgo"In it because it's alive vith the nourishment coming from p'oiden harvest fields and tonic hop-gardens. J he ne &mk4MM mm &m&Wm Mm I ' J. me you geta oaa ccar wnen your nanas are siow ana your Drain sicver, wrjcn'yuui c:yt:b cJit; uum onu iiiiovy and your r.ecves are all on edge -THINK OF end the-heStesc soft drink vender. Order a co!d bcltle of- "EXELSO and gee outside of it. Pay tne cleric and before you get back to" work youVe more, than "straightened outln Drink two more glassed during the day and by bedtime you vi!l be certain of a rood niches rest. Doni let the i. . , . r- sun set today without ordering a case for your home. HAMN3 EXELSO COMPANY ST. PAUL. MINN, WILMINGTON PEPSI COLA BOTTLING CO. DISTRIBUTORS WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA .Theret: isf weklth o origmal and surprising f ui. inI'Mary's AnJsie," th ingenious force comedy by May Tul ly, which A. H. Woods will present at j the Academy: of Music on 1 -Thursday, December with' the original New 'j York--- cast- and production. "Mary's I Ankle" wag ; the first - of the reason's j metropolitan- successes; and -' delighted jlarge audiences for three ; months - at i the ; Bijou- and Thirty-ninth Street j theatres, New York. The plot of the j piece deals with the farcial adven tures of " three desperately poor young ! men who pretend that one of them jhas been married and send out fake invitations in order to get the much needed wedding presents. The com ' plications result from the unexpected j appearance of a young iauy who is 'identified' with the name and address Jon the wedding announcements. Miss Tully's ' farce abounds in unusually ! amusing comedy situations, and crisp j comedy tines, and is splendidly act fed by the original New York Com pany, including Lillian uiaire, oeri Leigh, May Wallace, James Hester, Edward Butler, Louise Sanford, Don ald MacLeod, Gertrude Mann, -Frank A. Meehan and others. The prices ,will be from 50 cents to $L50. War ! Tax extra: Tickets will go on sale next Wednesday morning at Elving-ton's.v ' 0 j ' A FULL-VALUE PICTURE. ! Lockwood a)?ain! And ','Under Han jdican" is a real Lockwood picture, full ioi Dravery, ueiermmauuii ami icouun j with the love. of a fine girl to ilium j nate it all. , j "Uaier Handicap" is another book ,'play. , Its author, Jackson Gregory, 'has demonstrated that he know;? how j to hold the attention, and in the pho-jto-drama "made from the novel, Har jold Lockwood and Fred Balshofer, who ,has adapted it show their ability to ! take that story sand put it on the j screen in terms of good, red-blooded j action. ' ! "Under Handicap" is a story of New York and the desert, principally the 'desert. It shows the workings of a j gigantic reclamation project, the prob- jlem of wresting great gifts from na jture. Its greatest lesson is perhaps I to win from nature requires grit and j strength, both moral and physical. It lis partly because Lockwood plays are. jso clean that the public has learned I to trust them and Lockwood and to jwant more of them. f "Under Handicap" is in eight reels I i a ;ana is me oiggesi moneys wonu in ! pictures ever presented in Wilmington! ; At tne urana Monaay ana i uesaay at 'regular admission prices. Over $6,000,000 Paid Out in the Soutb (Special to - The ' Dispatch) - i WfiHT-iinp-tr-n T C. Upp 1 lishnrse. ments-' by the Southern Hallway Com pany, during the monthi . of October, 1917, for labor, material, supplies, and other purposes, amounted to $7,945,- 41 &, of .which $6,461,948,. or 81.35 per cent; was, paid to individuals and in dustries located in the South, this sum being" $64,2 "61 iii excess Of the total mettreyfc' contributed, by the South for transportation purposes according to fie;iTTvs announced by Comptroller A.1 H. Plant. . ! For improvements to its roadway and structures, the Southern spent $1,-, ,616,019.13 in October, 1917, as against $1,377,424.43 during October, 1916; diir-" ng the four months ended October 31,' $5,887,797.82, as against $4,737,227.3i. in 1916. Results of operation, exclusive of In terest, rentals, and other income charges were as follows: j Gross revenue, October, 1917, $9, 139,552, an increase as compared with 1916, of $1,891,483, or 26.10 per cent;i operating expenses, taxes and uncoi-! lectible railwav revenue, $6,035,365, an' increase of $1,220,582, or 25 35 per, com. . 1 imym - --W-vm iff 1ic TOMORROW TRIANf.I.V: I'lCTI -RES , I'rosent v The Fascir.atins: Screen Reality DOROTHY DALTON T III W TSJ 'I il li! L' -.: 6s 1 In a Masniliopnt Siv Reel Super Drama "TEN OF dONDS" iW -v. Xi -t-y'-.:--.Vif t MM Thi Story of a Srcprr-Vi' and a Super-Man BRIGHTEN THE CORNERS Flood the room with mellow, usable Rayo liht Strong enohgh to illuminate a lare room yet en tirely free from uncomfortable glare. RAYO T AMPS i r . n jas jet. just raise the gallery and touch a match. Simple and t!raet ie m resign, they are an ornament in am- room. No cheap filigree work to keep you busy cicanin-.' If your dealer doesn't have them, write to our nearest station. Aladdin Security Oil is a guarantee of most satisfactory results from lamps, stoves and heaters. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington, D. C. (New Jersey) Charleston. W. Va. INorlcIk.Va, BALTIMORE, MD. Charlotte, N.C SWmSW Hew, a Cabaret IJaneer, Is Pieked iy a Millionaire (o Wreak Revens On lhe Man Who Stole His Love EgBBETOagBBBEl Bin I I CiHd: -48 t act 4 msswtsrm 'isn't tij w.i ... V A TRIANGLE. j It s been quite -a while since Wil jmington audiences had the pleasure jof witnessing a Triangle picture, and jthey will be surprised at how these al ' ways great productions have grown Un the past 12 months. The Grand has signed a contract for one every Sat urday. bginn?ng tomorrow, and were ex.. c::'v'.y iuelrr n securing - opening attraction, the biggest Tri angle attraction of the year, "The Ten of Diamonds," starring that superb Triangle star, Dorothy Dalton in the leading role, supported by .1. Barney j Sherry, Jack Livingston and Billy jShaw. ! ' The Ten of Diamonds" is a mam 'moth six-reel Triangle super-picture, ! the story of a super-man a and super- i woman. It tells how a cabaret girl is f . piciieu uy a . millionaire 10 w reaK re j venge on the man who stole his love. Lieautitui Dorothy Dalton as Neva Blaine, th cabaret dancer, has one of the most fascinating roles in her Entire career, and patrons should most certainly not miss this Ihe big gest attraction of the entire week. NEW HltX TODAY ALL XKW SCENJIRY NEW CHORIS Ni:.MBERS NEW SOXCS AM) NEW DANCES Presenting TAMES ARNOLD Vi NORTHLAND BEAUTIES N OTIC Spe i c oai Dale Guns Will continue Public Sale all next week. Wilmington Shoe Conmnnv kadv. i In I'p-to-the-Mlnute .Miniature Musical Comedy Plays Scene from H. Wood's new comedy, "Mary's Ankle," Academy of Music, ; Thursday; December : 13. 'SHOE OF THE HOUR" 1 fie cavalier, a dress walking model combining style and comfort. ' Note that sensible heel. In all the new colors, 8 and 9 inch tops. ' A to E widths. P ETER SON aptfJRtJIFS Wilmington's Largea t apd- Best Shoe Store. i 4 24 Only, 28 Guags Double Guns Priced at . . . .$10.00 (R egmar Value $15.00) L. C. SMITH. New Featherweight Guns k FULTON. FULTON SPECIAL. REMINGTON AUTO. remington repeating, stevens repeating. Columbia Single guns. ACADEMYOFMUSIC THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13th, A. H. WOODS OFFERS. The Clean Who:csome Comedy : ... REMINGTON,' MARUN, SAVAGE, STEVENS, and HAMILTON RIFLES,, STERLING AIR RIFLES volvers v With Metropolitan ast ,aM Production 3 Months Rijou . x ,; A Laugh a Minute ; Theatre N. Y. "City : - and Sometimes -Two' Better Than Fair and Warmer ' New York Globe . Prices 50cv 75c, $l,and $1.50.. Tickets go on Sale at Elvmgton Wednesday Morning. in - .. i ' pecials,.: Shop For Christmas Collar?; Middy aridJWindsbr Tie& cmi 5? and Men's Handkerchiefs, in Cotton, Linen, bilk, and Crepe De Chene. ' HOSE : All Qualities and Colors. NEW MILLINERY; MIS S ALMA BROWN ROYAL THEATRE BUILDING 1 1 i B SMITH & WESSON. i IVER JOHNSON. U. SI HAMMER and HAMMERLESS ALL AT LOWEST PRICES 10 and 12 South Front St. i I i i , V

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