f ' ... - JEPEiEiTS: SIGN PAPERS ELSE ;?i: 7 ' " ' THE .WILMINGTON , DISPATCH,: FRIDAY AFTfiRNO.QN; DECEMBER 28 191 7 r-r nn ri I niiiMiinri !JL I ! IIUUUCRMIIUL SupP rting Affidavit on Questionnaires Are ofVery Great Importance i FAILURE TO SIGN MAY MEAN HARDSHIP fact that Government is Mak no an Allowance for Wife and Children Puts Many In First Class lS tfl M U U 0 B ESTEPHEN SO K ABE PATRIflTiiiMi HERE FOR :i DISTRICT MEETING . , ... t , . . v V lights: of the' Grito r DoinVt l neir rart m the ing of Food vonserv-; From the very beginning of tbo ef! Appointed Organizer for War forts; of the Food A'dinistratl6nVin8 Stamps Campaign tt-.i j ' 4.4... iti4. i. lAT ; f Cl.L. 0'.' 4t:v n. ( 'IV exemption board today i;onnaires to registrants -1 ty i''-: rctri:-' f-oir, Tn a;i-v. tlif.-'- cn;i:!iv.i' the i'-Ccil The '"-a Villi .T( the '-'. Orton Hotel and the Wilmingtda r Ho tel have been obsitving "meatless Tuesday" and 'wheatless Wedaeaday" and notv they; are, adding on a uojk less day eachweek. ,Followln$ right behind them have been the restaurants and cafes of. the city: All have been trying to do what vfaV possible to.'aave food as suggested by the Food Admin istration. " ; ' "The public is making it feasy-for us to carry out the regular weekly pro to I .L'O inclusive, wmciu cram said one of the local hotel niftn uehinsr more than half 'today, in discussing the matter. At yen re? IS lorea Willi tn3 City,1181- ' wao ouiuc ni&ms, auu a v h r.e in their possession j tendency to demand the usual meats, r -noun eerier of questions The traveling public ,was stfcor? oa . A ,'Ncnninc just where thev!'roast beef, and fof;. a-while couM see M i reference to their liabilitv i -i suusuiuie ior u. anai was jusu-a (. -.rtivo service. The eoun-' r.hort .time,--however.'.;. Now. it is vVery i with its smaller number oJi.E-!l!om that an order is given tor the t- pni out nanrs to mm fo-bidden meats on Tuesdays and ot: ; ' ie j t4. inclusive. j Wednesdays the absence of vvhit :re of the fact that every en-.R-'caa no longer- is a matter to" ro i ; been mado to snnnlv ad-'m:,rk- " Instead, of receiving kicks, the j., ;: :,) all who may reed It in i hotels arc '-being congratulated upon r.the questions presented in 'Strictly adhering to the program each ii.Tiorf :mt naDers. a number! weK- to be returned to -a-. h clay !'u:ds improperly filleJ oiit. 's afrain ureo all registrants lie least in doubt to oal at ! 'niicp nrd nsk hplr frmn !ie As for the traveling salesmen of the State, they are rendering a unique and effective form of war service by co-op erating with the Food Administration even beyond the point asked of them. many rUorneys wlio are ' They were requested to patronise YHir; in morning, afternoon and iiiff.-: to assist and aid all in ".ieir r.eip !u : ning was pointed out byjfu,rther and are boycotting the places un J. Allan Taylor, of the city Kh'? "e JS V?1'10 now novii An C!:a:i bean!. ;!iis r.)orninff. Wives, or other ikTon".:-:it:- of. registrants, must sign th: a :p ')'.! ing affidavits on the jnos-rimia:1'.!'.'.-'. Failure to do this is cal cnh;; ! to . ork a two-fold hardship nr-on .!;'.:.- rant and dependent. fh ;i ' r-f ' !r(p. unless the supporting nffd ' if is sisrned the local board can n;i ":.e any vreisrht to the claim for de't'i. 'ii (hisif;carion on account of l r.;I-n?s. In the second class, n a i-egistcred man is called into scvi' t- whi' ''.a: dependents, those de ne: V :.t ; will be unable to claim the ben !'" rllowed by ihe government in cr here thry have failed to prop eri - out the questionnaires. In th'u-- connection it is stated that tin" srovi-r.aienr allows $15 mom My to : '!;i' ndent wife, with $.1 additional ei'ch month for each child. From the pay of the soldier $1 is set aside for thn siiDporr of thos: dependent uoon him. In This way it is being figured t! at a number of men who hav been eavninar but rrriail salaries will be able ' to support "tlfeir familfes'"' while in serv ice as well, if not better, thaii they have been able to do while engaged in civil life. The following questionnaires were reported returned to the city board thic morning on account of defective addresses : Henry Gilliard, Yeager"s Alley; Geo. Giaham Moore. 203 Red Cross; Ed ward Haynes, Kings street; John How ard. 705 Xixon; Peter Carolina, 503 Nixon; Louis Oldrich LeGrat, 304 Wooster; Ephriam Monroe, 705 Camp bell; Marion-Alford, 513 North Third; Fm-ney Leo Bell, 43 Broker street, Phoebus Ya.; Robert John Maddaford, City; Finley, Edward Smith, 12 South Front street; Carl Henderson Voncar. non, Camp Beauregard, Alexandria. I.a.; William Gus Mogine, 612 North E'cvemh street; .William Gr'ahamj 1112 riiepfpiit: Solomon Gray, Sixth' and Cwtle; rot Williams. 1012 North Fifth; Prince Fred Kidder Harper Si'ith. 1018 South Sixth; Willie Back us. 42t' MacRae street. The following men were sent, thei-nviav-. uh:;y by the county board: Thus. s. Young, Wm. W. Pearsall, Jnn w. ij(;(?n, Jas. H. Pigford, Jdhn -Voal, Ja. D. Maidos, Jr., Jas. H. Moore. Lee Mack, Haywood 'Green, Sandy McN'air, Herbert Dixon, Cha.. E. Pin.-,. Sabry Hamilton, J. ft. Regime:-. V. A. Wright, Harry Webb: W. J. Leister. .las. D. Orrell, Wm. M. those hotels and cafes which followed the rules of the administration. They are not only doing this, but are going of the Food Administration According to a well known and wide ly traveled salesman, the jolly drum mers are grimly and determinedly not only boycotting hotels and restaurants that are disregarding food economies and substitutions, but are passmp the i word along, enlightening the entire traveling public. This concerted ac tic n was started only recently, but al ready a few eating places are begin ning to feel the pinch. The traveling men are not stopping at action against the hotels and res taurants, but any salesman, who makes a habit of kicking on -substituted for wheat and beef and pork products, or such economies as will reduce the consumption of sugar and fata here for i ho benefit of our Allies and the t.it v inar nations of Europe, is promptly la beled. The salesman who knocks food conservation, has a sneer for Lib erty bonds, is out of sympathy with the Red Cious, and thinks he could vastly improve upon the tactics cr gov ernment leaders is beginnning io flnd that his customers are a little cold and his. sales are beginning to dwindle. He has been labeled by ' patriots "on the road who have been ahead of him FUNERAL OF MRS. SWINSON. She !::k' :'!. Ciwrlie -Cause, Chas. WhH f'.ol.'t. Lorry. 1" Japan, cord serves every pur pose of fastening, so the. people have use for buttons, or for buckles, -'!' hooks and eyes. JMVJV -A. V Conducted by Rev A. D. McClure Yesterday Afternoon. The funeral of. Mrs. Fannie ii. Swinson, whose death occurred at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Ed ward A. Orrell, last Wednesday morn ing, was held yesterday afternoon -at 3 o'clock from the residence, and the services were conducted by Rev. A. D. McClure, pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church. . Intment was made in Oakdals ceirtr-;v and the following served as D-!lbTrers: Messrs. J. O. Powers, Elijah Orrell, J. A. Orrell. Addison Hewlett, Geo. B. Applewhite and Thos. Applewhite. FUNERAL OF MR. CHADWKJK. Held at Yopp's Parlors Yesterday Interment at Lanvaie. Funeral services over the remains of Robert. Chadwick, who died in Ral eigh Wednesday, were held by Rev. W. H. Koelling, at Yopp's Parlors yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The remains were taken to Lanvaie, Bruns wick county," where interment was made. Mr. Chadwick was 79 years old and leaves one son, Mr. Geo. F. Chadwick, of East Wilmington, and two daugn ters: Mrs. Mamie Ransom, of 7sTew Brn,- and Mrs. Jennie Capps, of NTor-J folk.- In State (ADJACENT COUNTIES i f ; WILL JOIN WITH US Campadgh in This Section ot .State .to Be Given Added Jmpettis by Meeting to .-v Be Held Jan. 8 "On Tuesday, January 8, Judge Gil bert T.- Stephenson, of Winston-Sa-lenC State Organizer, will be in Wil- Js , - m ing ton to assist in the work oE or ganization for the War Savings Stamp': campaign in New Hanover and adjacent counties. Judge Steph enson isa forceful speaker, and his coming .? here is "expected to ..add in creased . momentum to the campaign COMMENT!! FIX BflEAfl PRICE 11 . . "' RAGE FIVE' Locals, Elakers Receive Notice to- Attend Conference at Charlotte Thursday , Managers of the-local bakeries to day Received - notices from the State Food Administrator of a conference of the bakers of North and .South Caro lina and Vifginfajto ' t)e held !n t;havr lotte on next Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock; .'The meeting will be held in the Selwyn Hotel, and repre sentatives will attend ? from th'.s city. At this conference Dr. B. R. Jacobs representing the. Commercial Baking Division of the Food Administration at Washington will, explain and inter pret for the bakers, present the rules and regulations that, have been ro- i mulgated, for the control - of the bak-1 ing industry. This conference will bef of great value talike to tjie-bakers and ' to the consumers, because not onlv whl ! ingredients, processes and weights bo determined, but prices, also. There is evidence that, bread is be ing retailed in , mosti North Carolina cities at prices higher than those pre vailing in Northern . cities. For in- mrrZ i l0?' ,rati. and Dayton, Ohio, Minneapolis, vThc following counties have beenjIhmX) Charlottesville, Va., and a num requested to join in the meeting: of other places, "Cash and Car Columbus -county, J. A. Brown, Chair-;rv. .stores are retailing standard man c-iecuuve v,umimLie, uiaaen broad at 7 cents for a pound loaf. In county, j eayaru LiarK, unairman Executive Committee; Sampson coun ty, h. A. Bethune, Chairman Execu tive Committee; Pender county, J. T. 1 i 1 1 fit- NOTICE The annual meeting tif stockholders in The Wilmington Sv- . ingsand Trpsts Conhyirbe 'feld at 1 0 o'clock A.vM., 5 Wednesday, JanuaQth, at the offices of the Company, No; 1-10 Princess StreeC Wilrhington, N. C ; ' 1 ;;Y'"V J. L) WILLIAMS, Cashier! ? 5 J, 'T'St .'-"-. most other cities the retail price of the pound loaf is 8 to 9 cents. The Food Administration has not yet fixed a maximum price, but. it is intimated t'fvit'l" near future. GAVE DINNER PARTY. Yoke Fellows Band of Y. M. C. A. Fur nished Good Things at County Home. According to their annual custom, SERVICE TONIGHT. , Children of Grace Methodist Church Will Have Christmas Exercises. The children of 'the Grace Metho- h m jr a ri a i n (T rt T f i'f . . v . . , -MAKE TRIPS THAT IT NOW TAKES YOU THREE Hcurs to cover with, horse, in one hour with Smith-Form-? Truck. . . GET Til D OF EXCESS EOUIPWENT YOU MUST OWN if you are using horses, and keep jour haulingf and deliveries at maximum efficiency with minimum over head charges. Bland; :Jr.v Chairman Execunve Com-j that unless competition and the spirit raittee; iDuplm county, E. L. Gaither, 1 0f fairness result in lowering the price, Chairman Executive Committee. j that a maximum will be fixed in the The. members of the executive com mittees for ; the counties named are also invited to be present at the con ference and all others interested in the movement will be welcomed al- The task-of selling an amount of War " Savings Stamps and ar Sav ings Certificates equal to $20 per cap ita i, by'ko!means a small undertak ing, hd 'the forces having the mat ter j charge" in North Carolina in tend ttosed that no effort is spared to bring, about the fullest co-opera-ticir '.;eTOr..ahl;energy m order to ensur 'success. The approaching meeting to be ad dressed by Judge Stephenson will no doubt add much zest to the local campaign. The urge to get in on this cam paign, which is something arrferent rrom all other lines of endeavor that have been attempted in this country, Is making an impression upon people of all classes, the rich and the poor, ihe intelligent and the illiterate. It 's something different. As one of the big men of the State recently said, something is happening. rte was talking about the War Savings tampSj and said : ''Something is happening In Ameri ca. It is happening surely and splend idly; -and when it is finished, it will stay with us forever. We are becom ing savers instead of spenders. The dollars which once were carelessly spent are now being put to wiser use, and every day brings our people to a clearer understanding of -the fact that unless we save more and more of our earnings and use our savings wisely, we will have a heavy price to pay in the future. "Everyone knows that for years America has been called the money- mad nation among the great powers. Just as the Germans used to call England a nation of shop-keepers, so they called us a nation of dollar chasers. 'And they are right. It is a fact that a great part of America's brain and energy has been given to the making of money. Not until recent years has America turned its wealth into paths which have been followed by European countries for genera tions past, such as government aid in improving farm lands and farm ing methods, conservation of forests, development of water power for the direct benefit of the people, and the betterment of rural conditions of liv ing, and travel. Many of these plans nave been so recently developed that the country has not yet realized the full benefit therefrom. A vast amount of national wealth has been created, but only a small part of it has gone to those ends which make living com ditions finer and better. "Extravagance has come hand in hand with money making. Quickly made money has been as freely spent for non?essentials as for the neces sary things of life. This is particu larly true of . the cities, but it holds good for rural communities as well. During the year now closing the peo ple, as a class, have made and spen more money tharn in any recen years. Wliat have they done with it? They know best whether It has gone for essentials, whether it has been wisely invested, and whether it has been used for the benefit of the country at large. . , . "The' new thing which is happen ing in America is this: the country, as a whole, is awaking to the fact that no man can use his property for himself alone,. The, possession o money creates an - obligation, on the ; partl-pf its possessor, to aid his fel low man and his country 'through', its TREBLE CI.EF TO GIVE CONCERT Program Largely Coniposed of Old Folk Songs With Wide Popular Appeal mrtted. . " '''l.'Bi' Applicants pnust reside within the; l j; ' l ! -2l v . i . I iur wmcu , me examination is an inounced.' -1 The examination is -open , to , all cit i izens of the United States who can comply with the reauirements. The musical event oi the holidays wtli be the recital to be given on next TtT J ' ! 1 1 j.1 TT I weunesuay evening at me neinen- Way school auditorium by the Trebia Clef Club, with Miss Augustine Haugn ton as soloist. The program to be rendered has been so arranged as to have a wide popular, appeal. j Every one, even those not musical- the Yoke Fellows' Band of thf Y Yf J iWirv "6--, C 4 slppiie -;ml)le bodies that have been suns c. a. ouppnea me necessary o for centuries by the people of di2 hings for a big Christmas dinner to ferenl nations. W program arran ge inmates cu the New Hanover-coun-1 pd wiU c6ntain a number of these ola ty home. There are 42 people there T1 wil be b a club at this time, and they had all that any, made up of some of thp lpadlnK voict.s one could have asked tor the day, Su-. of the city who under the direction penntendent Dempsey co-operating ,of Miss Graham Harris, have been with the Yoke Fellows' Band in the j practicing faithfully all fall. Thrs preparation and serving of the din- j should mean that the melodies will be ner- 1 presented in a finished and an ar- " i .tistic manner which jvill enhance their natiral beauty. Miss Augustine Haughton ,the so prano soloist from Philadelphia, who will assist in the recital, has an es tablished reputation in the North for Application blanks, Form 1753, and full information concerning the re quirements of the examination can be "'"iJHi.Vi't Will Limber You Up A New Creation. Pain Killer .'and' Antiseptic, Comblnedv! ' ' : ' " -;. ;,"".v.v::1.,''v t " ''. , ( f r$ "-A. For Rheumatisa; Neuralgia, Lunlba- go, Stiff and Swollen JointSi.CuUjBan-'HjA ions or whatever the pain may ba it ift - . . ' 1 J X . 1 til a . .. ' - - t ' securea rrom tne postmaster at the Baiu lu e wimoui an equal. or wuie, , place of vacancy or from the United j Burns, Bruises, Sore Throat, Crbupyi-?::'? States Civil Service Commission, Tonsilitis it has been found moBtTef-! Washington, D. C. , I fective. Accept no substituteTUS--f Applications should be properly ex- great oil is golden red - color only , ecuted and filed with the Commission; There is nothing like it: Every bottle , , ' at Washington; D. C, at the earliest garanteed. 25c, 50c and $1 at Robert V:;f 'V practicable date. R. Bellamy Drug Co. adv. . uist cr.urcli Sunday school will linve i her folk sons: concerts, and her ao their Christmas exercises at the j pearance in Wilmington"' is being un church tonight at 7: 3 o'clock. An ' ticioated with much pleasure, interesting program has been arrang-'; Tiie Philadelphia Public Ledger re ed, and gifts will be distributed among; centby commented as follows: the younger children. Gifts will be j "A song recital yesterday by Augurv receivedrflm IhpchiWre.i .fbr distri-ltine Haughton in New Century Hall bution among" the children of-, the -was one. of the most interesting mu "Methodist Orphanafee7 'Tho fofTowihg ,sical events "6fr:'thV season.- 'Silas is the program for the evening: r ' jKa ugh ton's artistic rendition, of the Opening H'ymn 120. by the school. program was witness to her skill and Scripture lesson, Matt. 2:1-11 ver- f sympathetic understanding. She is the ses. ! possessor of a beautiful voice which Presentation of gifts for Orphans, has been trained more with a view to by classes and departments, led by conserving a certain haunting timbre rather than developing strength to the limit Of which it is capable." the Beginners Department Prayer by pastor. Hymn 110. Recitation Dorothy Boone. Solo The Undimmed Star of Beth- ieuuT,68 xwu rora. . Physical Culture Classes at Y. M. C. Distribution of gifts to he primary f Ar. r..t. m,,.u VOLLEY BALL TODAY. Closing hymn 107. -G cT AWAY FROM THE LOADING STATION AND maintain an average soeed of 12 to 1b miles an hour. This Is Smith-Form-a-Truck measured ability -THIS !S A STANDARD ESTABLISHED -BY SMITH Foim-a-ruck i over SOG lines of business. a; proper use. - - rL., "Thi obligation takes, two iorms, JGL- ' eAm " ertntradictbrV. yet are the same in effect: j r "One: To keep money in circula tion. " "Two: To save money wisely. Keeping money in circulation is the Despite the fact that the Young Men's Christian Association has suf- U II. . . . 1 War Aims and Peace Policies. lrea Me loss OI KS regular pnysicai London, Dec. 28. A conference of director, the classes in the gymnasi various sections ot, tha. British labor nm are manifesting a great deal of in movement me.ti in London today to dis- lFest in all lines of work, and all cuss a program of war alms and peace tbose who are so fortunate as to be policies. The program will be suIh lined up in-one of the several clashes uitted to ae'facbhvention of the:af? receiving real benefits, physically Labor party which is to be held next ad mentally, from the work. Skin month, ner's new idea, (see a recent issue of : r - , ..." : The Saturday Evening Post), is bejng ed thing you can do for humanity. Put into practice every day, and men "Do you believe in the brotherhood are proving that they can come back of man? Do you want to see suffer- in great shape4 Muscles grown flaw ing and bloodshed como an end? 1y and weak irom disuse are becoiu Do you want to hasten the splendid inS healthy and strong. Lungs, the day when all the people will stand corners of which have not felt the in shoulder to shoulder, equal, happy vigorating effect of good fresh air for peaceful and free? If you do, lend years, are beginning to demand their your money to the greatest, govern- share of 'oxygen. Brains, fagged De ment in the world, your own. Help cause of lack of relaxation and piay America to bring final and lasting life- are finding real pleasure in hard peace to the world. vvork because of the rest and change "Your county chairman for the Na- that they are subjected to in tho tional War Savings Committee is Mr. mes th&t 3re ful1 of life aud fun. Jos. W. Little. Give him all the aid Tlie weather is forgotten, and even you can. Believe yourself in this thc war has no place in the thoughts new thing that, is happening, the 01 tnse actively engaged. in following birth of true thrift, and tell the good tbe various exercises that are upbuild news to your neighbor , in both min(i and body- "Save your money, and buy War n this afternoon at 5 o'clock the Savinss Stamps a aunorco dollars Bslnes.s Men's Class has arranged a -r,-rh Qt a timp ' t'pn rir,nnr ' wnrth .irat.ch. . volley'. ball game . to which .the! fivo dollars, and twenty-five cents. Vubhd is cordially invited. Already "On January 1, 1923 each $4.12 W-eh interest has been manifested in Stamp can be redeemed for $5.00, he free exhibition that these expon which is good interest on yofir money ens of normal-physical life .will gie, paid you by the strongest government aml a, larSe crowd . lely to be iu . . , . - : ' V . , , , - -V-A 4 i lli 'Sir "I The CprbctC Co.. Wholesale Distributors, Wilmington $1.25 Silk Hose for Saturday and Monday $1.0'Q SATIN HATS, COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS t:" 'j-X'-l 'Xri MISS ALMA BROWN1 ROYAL THEATRE BUILDING. y... on earth. attendance. '''"f'f, A Merry Christmas to Our Friends a ad Customer si; - c At this holiday season of gladness and fellowshio, we extend to you our Cordial Greettl ings and thank you for thegood will you have snown us. - i CITIZENS BANK .- v" -J .V:: 1 '. - . ' FOR POSTMASTER. Examination to Be- Held for Post master's Job at Hampstead. t The .-United. States , Civil Service ; Commission has announced an exam- ' vJnation to. be held at Wilmington, t North Carolina on January 25, 1918, I jras a resuii or wnicn-it is expectea td make certification to fill a con templated vacancy in the position of fourth-class postmaster at ' . Hamn- COStS stea( C.,- and other vacancies as , uiey may occur at tnai onice, unless fc. jitj shall be decided in the interest . i of the service' to fiill the vacancy by1 No matter how efficient a man may .reinstatement. 'The compensation of ft be, if he has an ugly skin-eruption, the postmaster at this office was II ! We thank -you for your patronage ahu wish for : you a prosperous Next Year. ' ' v..:" '. . : ' -. J .- : - Skin trouble many a man HENRY E PAYNE his job J ERT G. B AR VT irw X nurtine theie are positions in which he cannot ;r$220 for the last fiscal; year. ,, VTQMs'JrmI fLT0 LPeSl be tolerated. He may know that it is -Applicants must have reached their ductivew ; . notin the least contagious, but other j twenty-first birthday on - the date of. ""What better way is there to use people are afraid, 'they avoid him, and he fthe examination, with the exception j vour money than to lend it to your! must make way for a man wW a clear, that in a State where women are de-I em nminfrv at interest? Today America neaiuiy jwu. iuujmis uaa, wmui .ciaregtpy siaiuie id oe pi iuu,age iori 1 0 Dock St. UUC17 ItO rwjv-i-w - X I m ity to help the nation, - help the sol- j uiers. to ueiy meiuooico, ni , tCSLj, to lessen- the suffering' of - Weeding ; E3F1 Euroner Each man, woman ' and Fvi": ; ';: purposes at eighteen years, wo-1 f men- eighteen years of age on the date of. the examination wfll be ad- uia imoWKji chnniH fnrneverv' . - r l f?Th nicturesatie?' coionei SleUlStt. fsfcDiiuEyisinEfiSflfi All P: - l lie ivuiu il uojro iu jliu vrn -r- . mi i nuci.: H trMf Wfsi. l-r ltf aItt fTiivtmfMl : " V--' "j- -; i- j --. V-1 J ' I-'ci nuouiuibiy viuaiaiiictu, . ''itJ :'-- UT1 1 1 ilmington N;CM .North; Fourth St? r.-;S5.iI;;,q;-.''r5i.!P.,.

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