SMIECOIIIN'OF? CHARLOTTE WOEIAN Revealed : In Statement Made -; Public in That City - She Is Now Restored and, In a Burst Of Happiness- Tells ; Experience for the Bene . ; , fit of the Public : "mere is one of the quickest and most romarkable changes that has ever eoine to niy notice," said the Pepiac ; Iitpfcrt in speaking of a Charlotte lady Who had Just told him of her exper leace. T'ThW woman was so nervotw shaeonJd hardly hear the sound of a 5 human voice and nov,S far as souna ; ii'mnoerhad. 1 really believe she conic f Aldan in a toiler works. Here is what i sue. says:" C was so nervous that several peo t nlfe falikiEjt at once would drive me Cis j iracted," said Mis3 Marie Daggett, ni 'I2 NrTrroh St. i She had Just come in for her second f tattle, and was telling the Pepiac &x f pert of what this wonderful medicine j had dono for her. Miss Daggett has suffered from stomach trouble and ca- : tarrh for, more than a year and was Deednninc to believe it was chronic ? She began to loBe weight, couldn't I sleep at night and her skin was sallow I and blotchy. She was also extreme.. J Hertous and had-no ambition to do I anything but to be alone, . at wmcn i times she would brood over her condi tion.' i . She happened to read of the happy I ielperience of another lady with Pei lac. whosa trouble was the same a ! hers and she lost no time in getting ti bottle for herself. , ----Miss Daggett said: "I was convinc Id' she had spoken the truth almost I from the first dose. The pains after I eating left me soon after and I be- eaa to sleep soundly as I used to. A hardly finished the first bottle I trhett I was delighted to find I haer I gained two pounds in weight. The re- suits have been so marked that all my I friends say: 'Marie, what are you do rin that makes you look so well?' It , was a pleasure to hear them, for i knew: my skin was clear and had be I come healthy looking, and my face haa I filled out ic; "My. catarrh is gone and I am far J from listless now. I want to be oh the , go all the, time and as for noiBe, there i -cant be too mucn to please me. ! ;: ?! Am so thankful fpr what Pepiac ! has done for me that I am most anx 1 iuofl to let any one who is going i through what -I did, kn6w where to gen for help." v' Peplao ia now being sold at Bel iamVs drue store and all leading drug feist?: in ' Wilmington ancr neighboring twna.-adT BIG EATERS GEI Take Salts at first sign of 'v;- : der irritation or l.-r Backache .z The American men and women must guard constantly against Kidney trou ble, because we eat too much and an r our food is rich. Our blood is filled f wi,th uric acid which the kidneys strive to filter out, they weaken from over ' trdrk, become sluggish; tlie eliminative f ' tissues clog and the result is kidney . trouble, bladder weakness and a geu eraT decline in health. h' Wiien your kidneysfeel like lumps j 6t lead j your back hurts or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment or you arw ! Obliged to seek relief two or three I times during the night; if you suffer 1 with' sick headache or dizzy, nervous r spoils, add stomach, or you have rheu i inatism when the .weather is bad, get fromj y5ur pharmacist about fosr Vunoes of Jad Salts; take a tablespoou- ful in a glass of water before breakfast , tot a few days and your kidneys, win I than act fine. This famous salts is j made from the acid of . grapes and I lemon juice, combined with llthia, ana his been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neu : tralize - the acids in the unne so it : no longer is a source of irritation, thus I ending: bladder disorders. ; j Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in- ) iure makes ".a delightful effervescent r lithiawater beverage, and belongs m ! every home,, because nobody can made : a mistake by having a good kidney flushing any time. adv. FOR WIFE MOTHER SWEETHEART Before , going home tonight to mother orwJfe, or the visit you contemplate -J- tot tomorrow "drop" ?in anji slipf a "surprise " Joy"- in your'pocketii There will: be smiles : ffefchever and a treat for the recipient,? ' : Fresh 2 Shipment of Deliblous Ti .Whitman's CandiesIast in.." ill .rnoneft 211-212 Had FUTRELLE ilii mm 107 Process Street. sRJH-- jHBIUniE- GRL People Kind Where Fates Have Been Cruel--Stephen- son Caught His Train ( Scecial to the Dispatch.) ' New: Berfi,5Ah il.At least : half doxen people in and near New $terh have offered to adopt and give a home to little Sara Elizabeth Dau gherty, the little sx-months-old - girl now receiving , treatment for an at tack of pneumonia in St. Luke s hos pltal and whose mother went insane after worrying ror weess over tne disappearance of her husband, Sim mon Daugherty and Wha is now in the asylum for the insane, - -Che little girl, brown-eyea and brown-haired, will recover from the I attack of pneumonia from which she' The Atlantic Coast Line Tuesday is now suffering says' Dr. N. MV tight increased, its passenger service ciitxha nrhrt io nttmidinir hpr and as 'by the addition of trains No. S7 and soon as she is able to leave the hospital she - will be adopted by some family who can give her- a good home cud whom she will doubt less make very happy. But for the fact that he was de termined to get to New Bern in-order to fill an appoint, Mr. Gilbert T. Stephenson, who Wednesday night addressed the members of the local Chamber of Commerce on the war savings plan, would doubtless have spent the. night in Wilmington where he had been stopping. Mr. Stephenson, who is State or ganizer for the War Savings Com mittee, went down to the passenger station In what he thought was am ple time to get a ticket for New Bern. However, here was a long line of men and women ahead of him and finally when he saw that he would not be able to get a ticket and the train at the same time, he decided to get on the train and pay his fare. Going out of the station he found that the train was fully a quarter of a mile up the track. He was dis mayed ' but decided to get an auto mobile and try to catch it at a point ten mile up the road. The mar chine was secured and that 10 miles was covered In about 10 tnlnutes and he boarded the train at that point and caine on to this city and deliver ed the address. The New Bern graded schools, af ter having been closed since prior to the Christmas holidays, Wednes day started ?"-i the last lap of the 191718 tern and, regardless of the fact that a number of the pupils were kept out of scLobl or account of. sickness, the number m Attend ance was large and beyond the ex pectations of Prof. H. B. Smith; the superintendent. The delay in the beginning of the second part Of the term was due n the main to the fact that ' durtftg the recent cold weather the heating and sewerage system was put out of business and it was necessary to re pair these before the schools could be- opened. Owing to the fact that many of the water and steam pipes in local mills froze during the recent cold weather when the Operators had not a suf ficient supply of fuel on hand to keep up steam, these have been forc ed to completely or partially sus pend operations for the time being and, in addition, it has cost them hundreds of dollars to have the dam age repaired. One local mill man stated to a rep resentative of this paper that It would probably, cost him four 'or five hundred dollars to have, the pipes in his mill which had frozen and burst repaired and that several days wo14 probably elapse before the work be completed. The mill men are also having trouble in securing labor, the weatb er having been so inclement that many of the laborers, especially the colored men, decided not to work for any price and this has hampered op erations where the plans could have been operated. i s PROMINENT DUPLIN CITIZEN IS DEAD (Special to The Dispatch.) . Warsaw, Jan. 11. In the death of Mr. Claude Daniel, which occurred at Ma home near Turkey Tuesday night, of pneumonia, the community has lost a valuable and useful citizen and the church a -prized member and indefat igable worker.. Mr. Daniel was about 60 years of age and aside from being one of the most prominent planters aud business men in this section, was identified wjth the public life of hte county for a number of years, having represented . it'. in the Legislature for several i sessions and had also servif as County Commissioner. Fora long Period of vears at each consecutive meeting of ! the eastern Baptist Asso elation. - he was elect6d Moderator, which office he creditably filled. The foneral serviees, conducted by Rev. Lee Car!eton,were held at New Hope church, of which the deceased was a member,: and 'interment was made in tb familyi plor.Ihithe cemetery there. Mr. DanleLhad-no- children, but acted as' a: father to a ,number of nieces and nephews, f wlio, .with -a sorrowing wid pw, survive -hlm -v -:; 'r l NeW Ydfk io Near- New Opera. New . 'Tork.; Jan. , ll.Mascagni's opera ''IxidOletta,". is tobe heard at the' Metronolltan Otiera House tomor. row; afternoon .forthelZflrst.time, in this couhtryi . Enrico Caruso - and Geraidine;; Fafrrarvwi1! head the cast The opera is in . three acts, with text by ..Foraaho, t based, oh Ouida's f am- ous ; romande ; of ;"T , fl Little 4 STATE NEWS. MUtjUHiHI Ul LIUHIHU f When Superior court w as aejburn&i yesterday afternoon for the day's -session, the trial of the case in which H.-Wi Wilson, a local negro attorney, is charged with an assault with a deadly weapon,- was in progress, V. is alleged that the defendant attempt ed an assault on Ruffia Scott,-colored, with an axe. New Bernian. Following a conference Tuesday be tween R. D. Graver and Eugene Ldu dette, manager of . the . theatrical at tractions playing the city auditorium; It was determined to cut out a number of present bookings .and hold only to some of the best of the attractions that are booked -for Charlotte during the present season A few of the one night road attractions ' have already t,cett cancenQd. Shortage of fuel and an inadequate heating plant for the building, is given as the reason for discontinuing the regular run of theat rical attradtiohs. Charlotte Observer. fc 8S to the schedule. These trains run between Miami, Florida, and Wash ington, D. C. It is understood th?t this year there will be no stops to take on or put off passengers bei tween the national capital and Char leston, S. C, the South Carolina city being the first atop after the train go ing South leaves Washington. The came is the case with the train going North. No. 87 going South passes through Rocky Mount in the vicinity bf 2:10 a. m., and train No. 88 gofng North is scheduled to paes through here about 2; 50 a. m. The only ntops to be made between Washington and Charleston Will be to change engines and to fill the water tank. These trains are mostly for tourist purposos and are known as "through trains." The New Bern Sun-Journal has re cently started something in that city when a dollar bill labeled on ono side was put into circulation has been made a matter of daily report and kept traok of through each of its own ers calling the newspaper office, and incidentally it is rather Interesting to note the. travels since in one day the bill was three times a visitor to the drug stores. In fact it looked as though it couldn't be kept away from them and it didn't matter as to which of the drug stores. The idea is to keep Bill in New Bern and it has been done for two or three days at ay rate. Rocky Mount Telegram. A glance over the statement of the conditions of the banks of New Bern will convince even the most skeptical ly inclined thai thlfS. . setfori tL enjoy ing prosperity sucTTa haT- never be fore been evidenced. Thb' paBt year was a record. breaker , with the banks of New Bern and the surrounding ter ritory but the ' prospects for the pres ent year are even brighter. Thy Sun journal. FOR STATE' CONTROL. Venereal Diseases Bigoest Problem Confrohtlng Health Authorities. Special to Ttte Dispatch.) Raleigh, , Jan. 11. A telegram to Dr. W. S. Rankin, secretary of the State Board of Health; from Sjur- geon General Rupert Blue reads "Control veneral infections in con nection with further prosecution of the war constitutes most impor tant problem now confronting public health authorities of United States Plan of control mailed you today. Request your co-operation in force ful enforcement Of sAhie. Venerea1 infections should be made reportable and quarantinable. Means of dlag nosis and cure should be provided Campaign wisely conducted. Publi city should be launched. Please in form me your action in premises." Dr. Rankin is now in correspond ence with Dr. 3Iue regarding the estimated cost of the State and coun ty plan proposed for the control of venereal diseases. - As soon as the plan can be made to conform to State and - county conditions, the State- Board of Health will take suit able action. Tne action of the United States Public Health Service and the Coun cil of National Defense in undertafc !hg to control the venereal disease problem in connection with the sec ond draft, "which was not done In the first - draft 'is' bused on Surgeon General Gbrgas report to the Coun cil of National Defense. The follow ing isrbased. on the report: "During the twelve weeks ending December. 7, 1917i there were report ed from 31 cantonments, 21,742 new cases of venereal diseases. The in capacitation of tlfese men involves not only loss of time; in addition, it has cost the Government to keep them during the period of hospital confinement (which varies from one to eight weeks) more money than is required to maintain the entire com mand at Camp Dix (the cantonment in New Jersey with 20,859 men) plus an additional sum for medical treat ment. "This is not all. Inevitably the disease will relapse in irssdreds o these oases, after the men have been transported to -France and presumab ly put into condition , for service at the front, at a cost to the nation of probably ' $1,500' for each man. . "The important .fact in : this con nection .is that a large nroDortion o venereal disease ; cases.' originate,, no in - the. camp or in- communities. sur-J rounding the camp, . but In cities and come and through which they pas$ on the way to i eamp; Reports- from 'the Surgeon General's pffice'Shbw this. . .The enor mous cost;, to the. government on &o count pt yeiiereM . disease is due large it tnererore, - to : condUions in civi life. A -study .of :the above facts shows an 'urgent need for an organ- izea attack simultaneously bv al States on the problem of venereal rn'niiiiTn:.nn nnrnfiTi&fft INFj)0D:H0N ropd Administration . Highly Gratified Over the Response Made to Appeal ' . (By6ebrfle H. Manning.) -Washington,- Jan il. The Peder- al Food Administration- - is highly ! gratified over the saving that has ' been maae in consumption or rooa- stuffs in the American homes since the food conservation campaign was - begun about five months ago. Although no .. figures" are available showing -the actual . saying . and the Food Administration - realizes it would be an impossible task to even approximate the saving - . that has been effected in edibles, yet the fact that every mouth In the United Stat es has been - amply filled and that we have been able from our surplus to supply every demand made by bur European Allies, satisfies the Food1 Administration officials that the sav- ing would - reach millions and mil - lions of pounds of food. The facts most pleasing to the Food Administration as expressed by a high official of the bureau today are: 1 That over J.2,000,000 house Trivp.! RiP-nprt inaH hv the Food Administration' pledging them- much as possible, especially in wheat and meat, the articles of food of whih our Ali'es have the great est shortage. 2 Reports from every "city show that the amounts of fats In garbage has been steadily on the decrease In dicating that less food is being wast ed each day. 3 Such large savings have been made in consumption of foods, espec ially in wheat and meat that we have been able to supply' everything in the way of food for which the Allies have asked for the past three months. Enough wheat has been saved from the American crop to supply the Alliesfor the next three months, by which time the Argentine wheat crop will be ready for con sumption. 4 More canning of vegetables and fruit was done in the United States last summer than in any other year and the Food Administration believ- Ves that such a -.proportion of these food supplies are now held by the housewives as to reduce the demand on the merchants for food foriiihe next few months very considerably below that of previous years. 6 The fifteen southern States can ned 4,300,000 cans of garden products Of which the Food Adsmiiistration has record last summer am.1 a large portion of this is still on Uaod. e Keports- made to tne Food Ad ministration by the hotels and meat piickers indicate- that the "meat- luess day" and every day food con servation has resulted in material- COMMISSIONER' AXE By virtue of a deoree of the Rntmrinr Court, made on tbe 27th day of December, 1917, made in the case therein pending of "Alice Larklns and huaband John Lark tns rerstii Thomas Harriss, et al," the un dersigned Will sell, to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cah, at the Court House door in the City of Wilming-ton, on jwonuay, tne u aay or irebruary. 1018, at twelve o'clock M., the following described lot of land in said City of Wilmington: Beginning at a point in the Northern Hh of Queen street 80 feet Bast from North east intersection of Queen and Seonmi streets; runs thence Eaatwardly along the Northern' line of Queen street 42 feet thence Northwardly and parallel with Second street 66 feet: thence "Westwawriv and parallel with Queen stret 42 feet; thence Southwardly and parallel with Sec ond atreet 6G feet to the beginning, ana Deing part or ui e, bioc,74, according to the official plan of the said City of Wil mington. This 3rd day of January, 1018. WILLIAM M. BELLAMY, 1.3-S0d . Commissioner. SUBURBAN IN EFFECT NOYBrtBElB 18, Utl. WINTER PARK, WR1GHTSVILLF, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH EAST BOUND. . jLeTe "Eteeftrto Center" for Leave BItrle Centre' for Leave "Electric Centre" for Beach Winter P'rk Writfhtsv'le ! 6:80 A. M .8100 !Sl00 " :00 - " 10 tOO " 11 :W " tl :00 " !0:W A. M. 8:50 " 8:00 M !S!00 ' 0:00 " 10:00 " 11:80 ' !8:00 A. M. ' ioioA "' 11:30 " !1:00 P. M-J 11:00 P. M. x'lilO " oli55 :80 ' 8:00 " 01:65 i ,3'80 8:00 3:80 04:10 ..4:80 o4:50 5:89 X6:10 0:40 7:15 8:15 :1S .10:15 11:15 M .8:00 P. M.I m 4:80 4:80 P, MJ 5i8& x6;10 6:40 7:15 8 115 4 9;15 " 10:15 M 11:15 44 ! - SPEClAli FOB SUNDAYS Leave Front and Princess streets every, half boot -from 2 to 6 P. AL Leave Beach every hal$ hoar frobj 2:45 j. M, . Daily except EQaday 1 . -, (Sunday only. xBeach transfer car coonecfW wifi thta . uoujunveueo Dj nan-oour scactmie FHEIOHT SCHEDULE (DATJtY EXCEPT SUNDAY.) Leave Ninth and Orange Str et Freight Depot open ttvm 2 .-00 to 8:00 SPECIAL NOTICE This table r1aw :S5?-ftiS?Mrt ftomh ly reducing-th -amount of meat eat en v compared i with f ormer years. ' ",The United States i today' for ahead " of its usual exportation , of food stuffs" and; there are ? still cons siderabl quantities - of food vjaitljxg for shipment to our European Al lies, proving to the satisfaction of Food Administration officials that the supply yet von hand represents almost wholly the amount- of food saved through the food conservation campaign. - Mclnnis Goes to Boston. Philadelphia. Jan. 11. John ("Stuf fy") Mclnnis, first baseman and the ,. ja8t cf Connie Mack's famous world' champions) goes to the Boston Amer- leans in a straight trade tor players. The names of the players and how ninny will come to Philadelphia In the trade was not announced. ! War With Yourself 1 HELP NATURE TO DEFEAT TKE DISEASE l?J YOUR BODY. Keep up the flehfc: do not give up. Nature Is trylnfif to serve you in conquer , ing the wrongs that may exist. Bed blood, vim, courage, vitality, all seem lacking. No wonder you are nerv ous and discouraged. - Why not call to your aid a strong, dependable ally? Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has for. nearly fifty years proven its merits as a most power- J? toni blood builder to the many goed health by Its use. Clear the coated tongue, got rid ot unsightly skin trouble. Let this remark able remedy rid your body of the im purities of the blood, let it tone and strengthen you. It of ten cures the limrer- rr3nlc cough. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is absolutely herbal, free from alcohol or dangerous habit -forming drugs. All druggists. Liquid or tablets. WooDPOBD,TEWJf.Thig is to certify that x have used Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for my two little boys. One had night sweats, poor appe tite, sallow com plexion, and had Ctttlt roWine. hut, after giving him part of a bottle of the ' Discovery ' he commenced to gain and grow.. He doesn't have the night sweats and looks much better. My other little boy had scrofula and this medicine cured him after the doctor's medicine had failed. 1 do not hesitate to recommend the 'Discovery' at all times," MBS Rosa Lib Kooak, Route 1. - THERE WAS A DAY T LONG iGO When Few Women Used Face Pow- ders, Creams or Cosmetics Now, almost every woman uses them and without concealment. It is coh oeded that she haa the right to retara her youthful look as long as she cafe For this reason, many women of un questioned refinement now use Q-han Hair Color Restorer to retain tne youthful beauty of their, hair. If your hair is gray, streaked with gray or faded, you, too, can bring back all its natural color with this simple, harm less preparation. , Q-ban is not a dye. You can prove this by trying it on your combings. Dyes will color them but Q-ban leaves them unchanged. It is a wonderful and delightful toilet requisite which keeps the hair glossy and youthrm. Does not stain the scalp, or wash or rub off, and does not interfere with washing or waving the hair. Removes dandruff and keeps the scalp healthy. Easily applied. Sold by all good druggists every where on Money - Back Guarantee. Price 75c adv. SCHEDULE WESTBOUND. Leare Beach for, Wilmington Leave Wrightav'le for Wilmington Leave Winter P'rk for Wilmington 6:15 A. M. J7:15 M x7:0 7:50 8:20 A. It lH:t x7:31 44 801 8i4l " !9:S0 " 9?4i " 110:81 " 11:00 18:30 r. M. 2:01 " !8:06 44 8:88 " Sill o3:50 4 106 4:80 " o5:10 5:S . 6:U " 6t5 - til 7:51 " SHW 0SS6 10156 11-6 " 8:S0 !0:25 !9:36 '.10:20 19:15 A WE. M 10:45 " 12:15 " 'ri':45'" 18:35 F. St. xH50 " !1:55 8:25 o3:00 - ''8:45"","" "SSS5 5:15 5:85 44 6:00 ' x6:45 " 7:10. ' 7:45, " 8:48 " :4 " 10;45 . ... train : at Wrlghtsvllte. onaoay . axternooos. 3: 00 P. M. P, M. stations, but tbe arrivals and a 0' I'M II i 111" I 81 f I A t D i mm Practice the gospel of the clean .plate. . , SEABOARD AIR Ll!l: RAILWAY The Progressive Kailvray of the South. Effect I Not. 13th, 1916. - DEPASTURE OF TKAZNS FBOM WTLMtXTON No. la 855 P. M Train for -Charlotte and Intermediate PolntB PULLMAN tati. LOR GAB, WILMINGTON TO CHAR, j LOTTH, No.19 500 A. RL Train for Charlotte and intermediate, Folnts. SIjEEPINQ CAIt between Wilmington and char- LOTTE. Open at 10 :S0 P. M. for Passen gers. : ABBIVAL OF TRAINS AT WILMINGTON No. fi 12 40 P. M. Train from Charlotte and Intermediate Points. PULLMAN PARLOR CAR BETWEEN CHARLOTTE AND WILMINGTON. No. 20, 1110 A. M Train from Charlotte and Intermejdiate Points. SLEEPING CAB BETWEEN CHARLOTTE AND WILMINGTON. PASSENGERS MAY REMAIN IN SLEEPER UNTIL 7 "30 A.M. I"or detailed Information and reserva tions, call on City Ticket Agent, Orton Hotel Builfllng. 'Phone ITS R. S. KOONCE, T. P. A. Wilmington, N. C. JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A., Raleigh N1 mkwmMtim remov eitber 7 or shade to Smtl dler does not crry them te kg BEB(9 to our newest station. I iwl The use of Aladdin SecuntyOii M Wll BIl guarantees best results from lamps, S'Sil Sllll stoves and heaters. . if llillf - STANDARD OIL COMPANY M i Wfili BALTIMORE. MD. Vml fmrZSSW, WMhiotton.D.C. fchriotte.N.C SPECIAL Pattern HaU from $10.98 to $18.50 Five Dollars Saturday. Vetvet Hats at Cost -NEW SPRING HATS - MISS ALMA BROWN ADYOS FOR HIRE for Pleasure Driving, Dances Wedding and Commercial " City Livefy Co. Phonea 15 and 315. liiiiiiiinninmiirjiiiniiiniiiKijnnniinfjHiranwiminii I J. B. McCABE and CO. I Certified PuWic Accoun- g 1 , tants. 1 i Room 810 Murchison Bank Bldg. S Phone 996. "WILMINGTON, N. iiininiiiumiaiuiuimuwisiBiiiiHiriiiiiiinmwiiunS - -v r We thank yon and wish for you Year. . . PAYNE DRUG CO. 2eFamilyLarrip A Rayo lamp floods the room ? with cheerful radiance ; gives brightness without glare; rarely flickers or flares. RAYO LAMPS : re easy to take care of no bother some filigree decorations to cach dirt and make them hard to keep clean. Artistic design makes them an ornament to any room. They are easy to rewick. You don't remove either chimney or shade to light them. 1 arecasy to re-wick. iou don't lMl ilTPTOl GLASSES XHE. INVISIBLE BIFOCALS Afford a comfort which is appreciated by those "who want near or far vision in one pair of glasses. They keep your eyes yonng in looks as well as in usefulness. No line; seam or lump to blur tne vision. EYES TESTED FREE Dr Vineberg Masonic Temple NEOLJN SOLS? Makes Walkfn a Pleasure Attached by SULLIVAN, King of Shoemakers N. Front Street Phone 523. FOR SALE 200 Barrelr Gore's Fancy Syrup, 50 Barrels Gore's Fancy Molasses, 500 Baffs Gore's Fine Ground Meal, Different Varieties Seed Oats, Wheat ana Bye. Please write us for samples and prices. D. L GORE COMPANY Strictly Wholesale. for your ; patronage a prosperous "Next 'v . il JUL 1 disease." HENRY E. PAYNE

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