jtfarfee Review ' 7 ,- " -JS ? ? V T S T T CCTTON . . -A- 4 flmtagtcn spot q,vannah spot . Charleston spot , 0rfc!K new votton, - 'rr - Jan. 11 The luin., - ., . o o norvnnR and liTflmilr mMvz today's early trading The raj n. 1 but generally 26 to 34 points ti r.hcv the expected rains, in" 5Je goufa-vreat a renewal of Liver- Lm rrade sources. This advance nt heavy realizing or liquidation,' was also fur- however. wuw "v.. southern selling and prices weakened after the opening with uorch selling off from 31.68 to 31.44 7r"back to within four points of last nieht close, wnne iviay aecnnea from 31.45 lower. o 31.VO or one point net fotton closed steady. High January 32.05 March ...31.73 Mav ,...31.45 July 31.10 October 29.95 Low Close 31.54 31.7f 31.18 3Q.78 30.51 29.30 31.4 31.09 30.82. 29.53 NEW YORK SPOT COTTON. Xew York, Jan. 11. Spot T cotton, quiet; middling 32.60, ; mfw rR leans cotton Vew Orleans, Jan. 11. Rain' ana n0w in Texas stimulated selling of cotton around the opening of the market here today and prices fell 17 to 23 points. Support was met at the lowest leyel and a quick re covery resulted, the market stand- close at hour. the end of the first half MEW ORLEANS SPOT COTTON Xew Orleans, Jan. 11. Spot cotton steady 25 points up. Sales on the spot 2,273; to arrive 1,010. Low -middling 30.75; middling 31.75; good middling 3 0 97 Receipts 6,774; stocks 381,516. LIVERPOOL COTTON. Liverpool, Jan. llL Cotton: spot, in limited demand; prices firm; good piddling, 24.06; middling, 23.53; low middling, 23.01; good ordinary, 22.07; sals, 3,000 bales including 2,000 Amer- ican; reecipts, 30,000 bales including 7.600 American; Futures closed steady. New contracts, January, 23. - 68: February, 23.55; March, 23.24; April, 23.10; May, 22.9-0; old con tracts fixed prices: January,. 22.48; January-February, 22.38;-; March April, 22.20; May-Juner-22.04 June July, 21.96. V ; i THE TIDE8 SATURDAY. High Water A. M. P. M. . 9:33 9:53 . 7:00 7:20 Low Water A. M. P. M. Wil. . S'port M'boro 3:30 12:57 12:48 4:03 1:30 1:21" 6:51 7:11 Refuses to Call Legislature. Hartford. Conn., Jan. ii Governor Marcus H. Holcombe has refused to ored woodyard man and merch&nt at call a special session of the General No. 114 South ,Tenth street, died las Assembly to consider the . prohibition night following a short ijlness. She amendment adopted by Congress, ; it was 48 years of age, and an estimable was announced today, or to recom-. member of her race. The funeral ser mend that the question be voted. bn'Tices will be conducted at SL Luke's at the special session of the Legis- j church no Sunday at 1 o'clock, lature in March. The Governor be-' , lisves legislative action on the pro-j Price of Copper Fixed hibition amendment should: be taken 1 New York. Jan. 11. A price of 23 only by a Legislature elected with the knowiede-e that ttm nnestinn isi to be voted on. Dr. Sutherland uead. Philadelphia, Jan. 11. The Rev. 1. John Ross Sutherland, associate secretary of the Presbyterian Board of Ministeral Relief and Sustenation a former newspaper editor died yesterday at his home in Landsowne, diier several months illness. ie was 72 years old. . Senator Brady Improves. Washington, " ' Jan. 11. Senator Brady, of Idaho, stricken with an acute' attack of heart trouble last night, was slightly improved today and hopes for his recovery were en- tertained by his physician. . BRINGING Marine and WeWlieWlMwS ." . ! ' . LOCAL "MARflfTa - TtTv ' ' . -r': 7 . . ... , 3-4 J - (Wholezale Prices.) . 36 3-4 SilS;v.; - M ' :Wi Spring chickenir.. ;4 . . ' ; 40 taeo - S - ;"'f;',! j vjuiuwtts inn. ni rj j v . . 13 tn 14v Irish potatoes (bag) . . . 35 to 40cV .. .. 1. 35c. N. Ci shoulders andribs . . . $4.s0 .. 18c. . . ."'. 55o. ....'-12.00 30 to ,?2c . v I . l&c. Hides, rreen . Wobl, Tree of burr, . . Beea wax V. . Salted hides Tallolr V. 10 to lie. . . . . . $4.25 $1.80 to jl.85 . . . $6.75 . . 1 ". $4.5 . unions, (? bushels) .. -Peanuts . . . . Apples, Winesap,- bbl., Oranges, box : -. : : " WILMINGTON Spirits 42 1-2. NAVAL STORES. Rosin $5.55 and $5.45. Tar $3.50 and 16c. Crude $4, $4,, $3. Receipts: Cotton . . jgg Tar (casks) .. '.. ... .. 23 " . , ' -V . CHICAGO GRAIN.' Chicago, Jan. 11. Stormy weather and N forecasts of severe cold, tended today to harden prices, m the corn '.market. Opening quotations, which ranged. from 1-8 to 1-8 l-4c higher! wun January a. d-s ana May 1.25 1-8, were followed by a slight fur ther advance in some cases, .Oats developed strength chiefly ow ing to the failure of peace talk, to be confirmed. Liberal receipts of hogs eased pro visions. Selling, though, was only of a scattered sort. Open. 1.27 3-8 1.25 1-8 .76 5-8 Close. 1.27 1-4 January May OATS January May . . PORK January 1.25 1-8 :79 3-4 .76 3-4 46.40. 45.7g 24.30 24.77 , 24.09 24.42 .4 May LARD January May . RIBS January . May ; 24.25 24.60 23.80 24.30 Corn, No. 2, yellow, nominal; No. 3, yellow, nominal; No. 4, yellow, 1.65 1.75; oats, No. 3, white, 80 1-4 81; standard, 80 1-2 811-2. Rye, No. , 2, nominal ; barley, 1.38 . 1.58; timothy, 5.00 7.50; clover, 21.00. 27.00; pork, nominal; lardj 24.37; ribs, 23.75 g 4.377 - COTTON SEED OIL New York, Jan. 11. The cotton seed oil closed quieL Spot 19.70; January J9.75; March 19.95; May 19.90. Total sales 100. Death of Colored Woman The "wife of R. D. Bethel, the col 1-2 cents a pound for copper for the next f our months was fixed today at a conference here between Federal au thorities and copper producers ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.'. Havine this day Qualified as admin- itrator of the estate of Joseph L, Best.' deceased, this is to notify alj parties havine claims against the said estate to present the same to the Am- erican Bank and Trust Company on (or before the 24th day of December, 1 118, or this notice will be plead in Jbar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make prompt' payment. AMERICAN BANK & TRUST CO., Administrator of the estate of Joseph L. Best. l-ll-l-a-w-4-w Fri UP FATHER ... ' - : : . ' i ' - ' -. -. : f TO D1NTXVHAN.R.OE SETTERS WTffi. KJn HAVING, l LADIES. - yup,, sfMlM s, . i LI. -J -J ! "' ' 'in' STOCKS. ' 4 4 4 4 ! Ne w York, Jan. 11. Industrials in cluding the popular war issues yield ing 1 to 1-2 points in the early deal ings on the stock" exchange today. Shipping, , coppers and oils also react ted to a like extent. Steeles were sub- .... . ;j;t. loss of 1 1-2 points in American was attributed to the company's new t fin ancing. - .- Rails were irregular on nominal offerings. Liberty bonds showed slight improyement. American Beet Sugar (ex. div.) American Can . . .... American Car & Foundry . . American Locomotive .. American Smelting & Refining. American Sugar Refining (bid) Anaconda Copper . . .... Atchison . . . . Baldwin Locomotive Ealtimore & Ohio Bethlehem Steel "B" Canadian Pacific .......... 73 1-2 36 5-8 69 1-2 551-2 781-2 99 62 . . 59 ' '.. 52 .. 75 5-8 .. 1381-4 .. 631-4 Central Leather .. .. .. J C m t 1 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul j Chicago, R. I. & Pac. Ry. .. .. m i ... 52 1-8 451-8 .. 19 7-S v-iiixno copper .. 42 Ccl- & Irtm J Columbia Gas and Electric Corn Products .. .. .. .. .. 35 3-8 .. 32 313-4 Crucible Steel . . Cuba Cane Sugar . 53 ... 30 i Erie ... 15 3-S . General Motors Great Northern pfd. (bid) Great Northern Ore Ctfs. 115 ... 891-4 .. 26 7-8 Inspiration Copper (ex. div.) div.) . . 45 Int. Mer. Marine pfd Kennecott Copper . . 88 5-8 32 5-8 li2 1-2 25 5-8 L. & N. (bid) .... M .. Maxwell Motor Co. .. ..; .. Mexican Petroleum . . . . Miami Copper .. . . ... . Mid vale Steel .... .. .. Mo. Pacific ...... Nevada Copper .... ...- New York Central . . . . . . Norfolk and Western .. 84 1-4 31 1-4 46 1-4 22 1-8 18 1-4 70 1031-4 S5 38 1-2 461-4 Northern Pacific .... . . Ohio Cities Gas ...... I Pennsylvania .. ..... . .. Pittsburg Coal (bid) .... . 441-2 Ray Consolidated Copper . 22 7-8 Reading .. 731-2 Republic Iron & Steel 771-8 Sinclair Oil . Southern Pacific .. . 31 83 231-8 501-4 13 7-8 140 1-2 52 14 113 931-2 Southern Railway Studebaker Co. .. Tenn. Copper .. . Texas Co , . im . Tobacco Products .. . Lnion Pacific . ... ... Ucited Cigar Stores itj. S. Industrial Alcohol (bid) 117 u. S. Rubber 531-2 u. S. Steel Utah Copper Wabash Pfd. 93 1-2' 80 41 39 3-4 17 5-8 103 3-4 (ex. div.) iWestinghpuse Electric, I rr .... rf-v f J vvuiys-wverjiiiiiu .. A. T. & T. . . Ills. Central . i mi it 94 90 90 71-2 A. C. L. (bid) . . . . .. Gulf State Steel (bid) S. A. L. (bid) Sloss-Shef. Steel and Iron (bid) 41 United Fruit 1191-2 Va. Gar. Chem. .. . .... .. 371-2 Gen. Electric .. 132 7-8 Bolo Pasha's Trial in February Paris. Jan. 11. Bolo Pasha, who is charged with having conducted Ger man propaganda m France, will be tried by court martial beginning Feb ruary 4. Machine Shops Burned Fitzgerald, Ga., Jan. 11. One hun dred mechanics and their helpers are out of work here today as a result of the machineshops of the Atlanta, Bir mingham and Atlantic railroad burn ing down last night. Four engines were destroyed. Winston - Salem - Morehead City-Beau fort Pullman Sleeping Car Line Be comes Wlneton-Salem-Goldsboro Sleeping Car Lln Southern Railway System announ ces effective with last cars into and out of Beaufort Sunday, Aug. 12th, the WtoBton-SaVenMOneG City-Beat fort Sleeping Car Line will be shorten ed to Winston-Salem-Goldsboro Line Car will continue to be handled on trains Nob. 382-112 and 111&37. II For further details ask Southern Railway System Agents, or address J O. Jonea, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. UUULUNRHUIS Blood Got So Bad WasVUmost Paralyzed On One Side, ; Legs Swelled Up. LAYED OFF FROM WORK FOR NEARLY FiYE YEARS "After suffering ;for? years; and -being unable, to work I am glad t.o! say that once more I feel like my old '' self and am back on the job," declares another of those many, men who had , to give up worK tnrougn poor neaitn.vy Miners, trainmen, mechanis and men of all kinds who jape.nd most- of their time out of doors) often lay off and , can't , even Ahold down their Jodb because of blbodv of indigestion trouble .that gradually, and like thief in the night, steala tneir strength and health away. Read, what this well-known Princeton, W. Va, mechanic says about it. ' -rr "I suffered from blood poisoning on my leg and partial paralysis ot one side of my body and hai stomach trouble bad. I would wake up with a numbness on my whole left side. My leg 'swelled up and turned purple and it got so bad I was unable to work for nearly-five years. Then a friend of mine advised me to get some Acid Iron Mineral and in three days after those long years of suffering my leg healed except a tiny spot and that was gone, soon afterwards. The numbness ana paralysis left me and I feel better than I have felt in many, years. It,curea: me of all my troubles and "boosted nie up so good I am back at work for tne first time in many years," writes -W. H. Richards, Sr., Princeton, W. .Va. . If a man lets his blood go until it is sluggish and full of acids and pois ons until he can hardly walk, mucu less keep up with the times. Many a man is plugging along hardly mak ing both ends meet because baa health holds him back. The fellow who gets "over the top" of these high cost of living days is the fellow with speed, real health, red blood, good di gestion, and appetite, and for this?- thousands of people right here in West Virginia endorse Acid Iron Mineral. Get a dollar bottle of nearest drug store. See interesting folder wrapped around each bottle. adv. SEVERAL INJURED IN E Four Ladies in Machine Which Collided -With Street Car this Afternoon An automobile belonging to Mr. J. W. Brooks collided with a trolley car at the corner of Fifth and Red Cross, streets at 12:30 o'clock today, knock ing the street car completely off the; tracKs ana injuring tne occupants or; the automobile. Mr. William H, Gates, of Philadel phia, who is visiting the Brooks fam-i AUTuMOBL ACCIDENT ily, was driving ie automobile. Hej Columbia, S. C, Jn. 11. The plant escaped unhurt.. Miss Thelma Brooks of the Carolina Vender Company here suffered a sprained ankle and was as totally destroyed by fire ely to cut about the hands. Mrs. Norwood day. The loss is estimated at $100,000, Orrell was injured about the fao I partially covered by insurance. The and hands. Miss Annn Hi9ttrv ,nt company manufactured cabinets for New .Tersev, also miff arftrt a anraln. ed ankle, while Miss . Jenrette, of Brunswick county, had her hands cut. All of the injured persons were taken to the James-Walker Memorial hospital, where they had their Injur ies attended to, and were later taken to the Brooks home. No. 1710 Mar ket street, wheer they are resting romfnrta.hlv - Mrs. Norwood Orrell and Miss Thelma Brooks are daughters qf Mr. J Pain Killer and Antiseptic Combined J. W, Brooks, ft prominent wholesale For rheumatism; neuralgia, lumbegw, grocer of this city. Tile other oc- stiff and swollen joints, corns, bunion&, (cupants of the automobile ' are visl- or whatever the pain may be it is saxx tors at the Brooks home. , to be without an equal. For ouri r' . . ) . burns, bruises, sore throat, croup, diph theria and tonsllitis it has been f ounu Republlo of the Don. most effective. Acoept no substitute. Petrograd, Thursday, Jan. 10 Re- This great oil is gbjWen red color only, ports from Rostov today say that th. There is nothing like -it. Every bot Republic of the Don has been feeler- tie guaranteed. 25c 50c and $1 or ed existent th General Kaledines money refunded, by Robert R. Bellamy aj President and Prime -Miiiister. Drug Co. dv. A Even Lower Temperatures Than Recently Experienced May Be Expected With : the city " hardly - recovered from the damaging effects of the recent cold; weather it1 was announced this morning that an even .more se vere cold : wave Js traveling this way, ajid .may be expected to- materialize here by tomorrow afternoon. Storm warnings" were ordered hoisted this morning from Southport' all the way up the North Carolina coast and the further warning given to prepare for zero temperatures. The approach of the second cold wave finds the city, still short of fuel supplies, coal , and wood having been exhausted during last . week and on ly small amounts of eitber having been received during Vhe present week. Plumbers have not yet been able to answer all the calls that came for mending burst - pipes, -and the people generally in nowise pre pared for another siege of extreme cold. The weather . bureau announced a zero area extending this morning from Saschatchewan to Texas, with particularly severe weather today in the States of the lower Mississippi valley. The Canadian province re ported 42 degrees . below zero at points today, this being, varied all the way down to the Gulf States in slightly higherf temperatuf eS. Raging over entire pOuntry storms are reported, and late this afternoon u was reported that all wires were down between ,Pensacola and Jack sonville and Pensacola and New Or leans. A' severe storm was reported raging in Atlanta, with slighter dis turbances in sections further North. Heavy clouds and falling tempera ture locally this afternoon gives promise of the fulfilment of the warn ing .issued by the weather bureau. The people of the city are urged to prepare all that is possible for even lower temperatures than those re cently experienced, when all records for 20 years were broken. SOUTHWEST IN GRASP OF SEVERE BUZZARD f Kansas City, Jan. 11. One of the I most severe blizzards in years swept lover the ..Southwest last .night and j early ..toylrth' a"J slxo' north wind piling , up the unusually heavy snow into deep "drifts and caused demoraliz ation to. transportation and wire com munications "generally throughout Mis souri, Kansas Oklahoma and Arkan sas. TemjperatOare: ranged from 12 above zero at Little Rock to 18 "below zero at Concordia. Kans. Eight inches of snow fell in Little Rock and the fall in Missouri and Kansas ranged from 5 to 12 inches. A onpf '- ovnaWa caw 4l . anAiir kX 1VIU KIU v . fAVX Ml Day J OUU TV will be of untold value tot the winter wheat crop. 7CKTI7I7D PI ANT AT COLUMBIA BURNED one oi e large pnonograpa com panies. Miller's Antiseptic Oil, Known as Seafee Oil W1U L,rrtbeP NfW.Creat.en, ' . . . . . . : Officers Today Brought in Member of Rose Hill " Mer cantile Firm ' Officers. Leon George and Joe Lane returned to the city this morning from Rose Hill, where they went last night to arrest W. O.- Scott on a war rant charging1 him with receiving stolen . property, towit, two bicycles, of which one M.' C. Jones is charged with the theft fand is now in jail awaiting trial. - Scott was released on a bond of -$100. V The officers made the trip to Rose Hill in an automobile. While there they found , another bicycle, which they brought ta the city and it was later ascertained that the wheel was the property of Mr. R. A. Montgom ery, who keeps a stora on Eighth and Princess streets. It is said that the wheel was missed several days ago from in front of the store. M. C. Jones, who is . in jail, is charged . with"? the theft -.of two bi cycles belonging to Schutte Bros.' and and William Edwards. - These wheels were stolen about two weeks ago. Jones says that he bought them of two negro boys and sold them to Scott Bros., of Rose Hill. The Re corder will hear all of the matters tomorrow morning. PRELIMINARY HEARING 'S E Middlesex . Dentist Charge ith the Murder of His v Young Wife Richmond, Va., Jan. 11. Dr. Lem uel J. Johnson, 23 years old, a den tist, of Middlesex, N. C, charged with murdering his pretty bride, Mrs. Alice Knight Johnson, 19 years, was taken to Justice Crutchfield's court today for a preliminary hearing. It is charged that he caused his wife's death by poison. Argument was being heard at o'olock this afternoon as to the ad missibility of the testimony of Miss Mildred Taylor, who was present in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Stutz on' the. night of December 15 when the bride took the fatal dose there. The bride said her husband had' given her the medicine and told her when to take it. It is expetted Jhe case : will be remanded- . torwio grand jury. ( Eat wisely and keep the wolf from the door of the world. like Being Hit By Rattle Snake I r Says that every time you -cut " or pick at -a. corn you invite lockjaw You reckless men and women who are pestered with corns and o have at least once a week invited awful death fropi lockjaw or bloo poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a drug called freezone, whicn the moment a few drops are applied to any corn, the soreness is relieved ana soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts right out with the fingers, without one particle of pain. This freefone Is a sticky substance which dries the moment it is applidq and Just loosens the corn without in flaming of even irritating' the surround ing tissue or skin. He says a quarter of an ounce will cost very little at any of the drug stores, but this is sufficient to rfd one's feet of every hard or .soft corn or callus. You are positively warned that cut ting or picking at a corn is a suicidal habit. adv. BY IN JOHNSON AS & RIVFs THAN mm1 aaw ill Read T.Vv Parker s Experience -i ' -.: if 3 -i In an Interesting interview" Cr. T. V. Parker a wheelwright by1 l ! ' trade. Mving in Ridgeway, SN C . hd Ji Q said: "Indigestion and stomach. trou- . ' bles had - me for fair. I could ' notl 'ff ' eat without pain an arter distress j 'H' mv liver Decame siusnnBn ana i hi almost a physical wreck. Could not - . K ao my wuxjs. ana Decame very oes- m . pondent. My attention was drawu v5 j to your Ironized Paw-Paw. by asr'; neignoor wno naa oeen DenentetLi " Began to take your remedy regular- ? ,' ly and derived so much relief that! i & am VUUUUUAU5 CO UAC A UCgUl "'i U feel lik myself once more, can do t h my work regularly and strength rap--? I r idly returning, l am gaining Tiesn, . every day and really feel like a. new man. v v 1 You have my hearty thanks. , " r Have told all my friends about th w-t t' jgreat healing properties of your ton; j i ic ana it win give me great pleasure j r to recommjend it wherever I go. pu uoui nine wilu yum uetuuu, it you need some remedy take a tried one, which for nearly a quarter of. fav century has stood the test of time. No man or woman ' is equipped! i for noble deeds who is a dysneptiora V, or who is suffering from any, form j 5 ' tions of the bloodc t-, -t Indigestion, stomach troubles an3 i impure blood weaken our minds,? dwarf our capabilities and limit pur j , ' possibilitfes. , v ?f, Ironized Paw-Paw Remedy will do rriiore to brighten the world, to disi'i pel gloom, to make happy .homeaJ H' f and strong iron bodies, than all' the medicines that have ever, been com-i pounded. The evidence we ae pub- "1 ' lishing every day should be con! elusive, proof . --j in' A system that is overworked1- or: i ' run down requires a harnJess stimu; lant.. Ironized Paw-Paw Tonlo lifts' I; and holds you. Your druggist, prob-j- m ably keeps it; but if he doesn't, it is; sold in Wilmington az Elvington'a deU. r i Ironized Paw - Paw, price $1.00,' j Fdrmula on every bottle. Majl or., t: ders promptly attended to. : . lnter-r'" f state Drug Co., Inc., New York.7-adr, Use substitutes for wheat afld help; win the war. ' iniiiiiiiiiiiii'iniiiiiiiiimrmiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH s S s s S 3 H Builders Supplies C3 W, B. THORPE & CO. Water and Ann streets : .... '!. 3. Phone 789. v a-. EiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinuniffliniiiiinnuiffiiiiimiiiBtiinina j j We Specialize in the Manufacture of Rubber LeGwin Printing Co. ; 3race St. Wilmington, N. C. - - . .-' McMANUS .1 .- S; . A' .. t : IS '1 if H.tl H I i5 m i , I. I-