, ' v ' - -' ' - - PAGETWO : , .;V ' -v: . 1 v . -. ft--- iTOr)WOUlD .IKE PAY: ;g(gjgg OF ARMY OFFICERS ; ' . , . ;.. . . ,, - , I ; far that my "philosophy -. :....' : la not the proper kind, -The proper sort of sophistry : '. ' ' To feed the youthful mind.. ; While other officers will advise Is T labor night land day -VI ain Inclined to think it -wise - To have a little play. .- v When other authors say to do' V : Two dollars' r worth of toil :; For ey'ry dollar paid to you, -w - That 'sentiment I spoil. -Do -all the work to do. I say, " - But ask for more than praise; 7 Just do the work .the proper way S ) i And strike jt&Ta for a. raise. X Some .other authors, say that we H -Should, never aste a jit . tf? But' save ; our money f aithfully - Axd bank it, ev'ry bit, 5o -when we're sixty anyhow V ' We'll hav a million yen. trather hire a taxi now '? Than own a Packard then. vThe;re;,are a lot of fallacies That pags for good advice, " And ntost of those who fell for these Are still aa poor as mice. "Hit know some fellows who are gray -'.t ? Wlxo otherwise have done ' And they are just as poor but they Have had a lot of fun. Selected. A. 'Mrs. J. S. Eubanks and children have returned from Kinston, where l -. -'tm- '. " " .... ... tney nave neen visiting relatives. & v-Thei regular Saturday night dance fof;:the Cantwell Dancing school will take place "this evening at Hibernian . tTalt it 8:5 o'clock. ; H Mrs. B. F: Keith, after spending a ' ? ;few days here with Mr, Keith, who 1 ix t ' thft JamftX "Wallrer Memnrinl v : nospitai, returned to ner nome ys tl terday. . Cape Fear Council TJ. C. T. meets this "evening at 8 o'clock. Matters :: of . importance will be taken yp and Mall "members are urged to attend . BlNGHAM-MElBANE Tmm BASKETBALL GAMES 'iMebane, N. C, Jan. 12. "Bing ham'8 Basketball Squad is in good eahpe we will win,", says Major reech, coach, in speaking of the fast ' aubroachins: battles. ' i The tentative schedule follows: I I December 13, Bingham vs. Univer- ;;;iS:ity of N. C. . . December 14. Bingham vs. Durham. f t January 12, Bingham vs. Greecs i; boro. v " - r- January ,17 Bingham vs.- N North I ' "2-- 4-t - January 18, Bingham vs. .Wake Forest College. ; f January 29, Bingham vs. Winston. ' i January 80, Bingham vs. Hickory. : V, January 31, Bingham vs. Weaver 'College. - . ! , r. February 1, Bingham vs. Spencer. - February 2f Bingham vs, Randolph- . : JUacon. " j February 4, Bingham vs. Danville ;sMCFebruary 5, Bingham vs. Fishj '; x fcourne. ;, February 8, Bingham vs. Staunton fV February 13, Bingham vs. Univer- slty of N. C. . ,.: Date pending, Bingham vs. bavid- ;: on College. j ' Amsterdam, Jan. 12. The ravages , of the new hunger disease, called in Germany "famine-dropsy," are de , '-it. scribed . in the Budapest newspaper Nepssava, Men are attacked by it , chiefly between the ages of 40 and; aih- J i iv. n . -.lAUIW oy. anu un,eSa we pftuen can oe ' 6cuiW " uuuum WB uiB Fcod Administrator Hoover, setting -ease -is very likely to prove fataL In!fcrth that the Allies are in need of i-- euiau wwn oi abcu uu cases fhave been reported, 3 per cent, of :which have already proved fatal. r;:;-', .! - . Household .Expenses in Milan. ."r;MJlan Jan. 12. Househould ex ' penses Itiave increased 105 per cent, here; since 1912 and clothing 140 per "'cent., according to figures published by. the municipal authorities. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiMiitnifiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuni BROWN'S CLOSED NEXT WEEK 3: 5 .( TV V y INVENTORY A D. BROWN vv v m - 9 WHERE WE LEAD WITH . : corn., -..i.;': , & In the Big War Oame we are bid ding on corn. W - want the lead so we must make the. bid higb enough. Corn and- corn products are trumps and cornnieU, wed say is the joker. We must watch: to it - that : we play our hand well. ' . ' . Corn. For Breakfast. Corn, flakes with sliced bananas and ' milk Cornmeal Griddle Cakes Small Sausages Corn Syrup Coffee Corn '-f or Lunch v EscaollOped Potatoes Cprnmeal Bread Cottage Cheese Salad Date Cornstarch Custard -Pudding Corn for Dinner Stuffff ed : Bee! Heart Dried Corn Baked in' Milk V Mashed Potatoes CornmeaXYfiast Bread ' - Cabbage Salad - Pumpkin Pie in Cornmeal Crust RECIPES. , -Cprnmeal Griddle Cakes 1 cup cornmeal k -1 cup boilin milk 1 tablespoon' drippings I- 2teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon molasses ' 1 teaspoon bakingpowder Put eornmeal in bowl, cover with boiling milk. Add the salt, fat and molasses, and when cold the baking powder and eggs which have been beaten until light. Mix all well to gether and bake on a hot griddle. ' - Cornmeal Bread 3 cups milk 1 teaspoon salt I I- 2 cups cornmeal Mix the ingredients and spread in shallow greased pans to about 1-4 inch in depth. Bake in a moderate oven until criBp. vCornmeal Crust for Pumpkin Pie.. Grease a pie plate well. Cover with raw cornmeal, giving the plate a ro tating motion so that an even layer of the meal will stick to the plate about 1-16 of an inch in thickness. Pill the plate With pumpkin pie mix ture." Bake in a hot oven. Cornmeal : Yeast Bread. 11-4 cups liquid 11- 2 teaspoons salt , 12-, cup corn meal 1-4 yeast cake, day or compressed, in 1-4 cup lukewarm water. (If dry yeast is used, a sponge should be made at night with' the liquid ,the yeast, and a part of the White flour.) 2 1-2 Cups Flour. - Pour the - liquid oyer the "cornmeal and salt, and heat to the. boilin point. Cook 20" minutes m the dou ble boiler, or over hot water. Cool, add yeast and flourj, kneed, let rise till 'double in hulk. V Knead again, shape into , loaf, and ,let Arise in the pan until the bulk has again doubled. Bake 50 minutes.' AMERICA TO TIGHTEN i UP ON USING FOOD wasnmgion, Jan. - iz. umicrce food conservation in restaurants and extension of anti-boarding regulations to make them apply (to the house hold are included in the plans of the food administration for creating a 'arger export supplus of food io: tne ( This is revealed in a statement by an. additional 75,000,000 to 90,000 000 bushels of wheat and that they navo asked America to double meat exports. Only by further saving. Mr rioover, aeciarea can tne rooa &e shipped. There is no need for rationing in America, in Mr. Hoover's opinion and with the supplementary regulations there will be no shortages. ' . 'V . '3 "Wheat King' Leiter Issues an " Appeal for Commanders v ,: of Troops . 1 V (By Geo. H. Manning). Washington, Jan. 12. -An appeal for an increase in pay for bflieers of the United States army, .whose salaries are scarcely enough "o live on and have stood still while the; pay of the enlisted men have been donbled in the last year, is made by Joseph Leit er, 'president of the ; Army League, in a statement just issued. The former Chicago "Wheat King," who has taken a deep Interest in ar my matters, says that while the pay o fthe enlisted men has been doubled and the wages of all other workers in creased, the pay of army officers has actually been reduced through the failure of the government to furnish quarters or allowances for, them. This matter has been the subject of . mufeh adverse criticism' in recent months. It has -been charged that men who have entered the Officers' Reserve - Corps have been led to be lieve' they would receive an allowance for uniforms and equipment and for quarters, 'but later ha ve discovered they--would receive none of these al lowances. ' ' . Many well-educated, capable and successful young business men have gone through the officers' training camps and won commissions as cap tains and lieutenants and only to find that after they pay for their food, uniforms and equipment which they h.ad believed the government would pay for, they are much worse off than the corporals and sergeants. The rates of pay of the non-coranus- sioned officers and the lieutenants and captains are such that many sergeants and' corporals qualified for ' commis sions preferred to stay in the ranks because they cannot stand the finan cial sacrifice. t "Very justly, the pay of enlisted men has been increased 100 per cent. for the duration of the war, but the pay of officers should not be( reduced, says Mr. Leiter. "Taking into con sideration what is required to qualify a man to command troops in the field, army officers are the poorest paid em ployes of the government," he said. "As indicated in the cables, General Pershing is demanding the highest physical and mental standard for of ficers in his 'command. Hundreds of efficient officers with long terms of service in the regular army are being relieved from the army in France be cause they are physically unfit to meet the exacting and rigorous re qiirements of service in the trenches, Tne highest type of physical and In tellectual manhood wil be, required for" officers in the European conflict." "There appears to be a popular mis-; apprehension as to. pay for officers in the army. From the discussion of pilitary legislation members of Con gress seem to assume that the gov ernment furnishes officers with Uni forms and equipment, as it does the enlisted men. But such is not tho care." WOULD PRESERVE PERRY'S FLAGSHIP I (By Geo. H. Manning.) .Vashington, D. C, Jan. 11 As a means of preserving the historic na val brig "Niagara", Commodore Perry's flagship at the battle of Lake Erie, as a perpetual memorial, Con gressman Henry A. Clark of Penna., has introduced a bill in the House to appropriate $15,000 for her 'repair preservation, care and maintenance, Mr. Clark's bill provides that the Niagara shall be turned over to the city pf Erie which shall thereafter keep her in repair, in running water so that the old sea warrier will be to all appearance in the same condi tion-as when she went into batle un der Commodore Terry. - Plans similar' to this have been discussed for several years and it is auogetner iiKeiy tnat in tne near future Congress will restore the old vessel and turn her over; to ten-del-, care of Erie. It is probable, however, that "war economy' will prevent the. carrying out of th plan until after peace is declared. ' Textile Plants Stopped., . Stockholm, Jan. 12. Sweden's lex tiie factories, facing partial or com plete stoppage as, a result of the im possibility of securing wool', cotton and Jute,..-, are turning their attentibn to the manufacturing of textiles from woodpulp. Other branches of the tex tile industry are also hopeful of sav ing the .situation by manufacturing paper substitutes as Germany has done. The Krupp workmen ia Ger manywear overalls of paper, anl one of the largest machine-shops in Dus seldorf uses, oply paper made from woodpulp in Germany and a mixture of as mucb.-as 40 or even 50 per cent can be used in" making fabrics for outer clothing. More Tay for Tommies. London, Jan. 12. British flghtins men are to get an increase h pay which will amount to 65,000,000 pounds In the first year and S9.000 000 pounds in the second. The, "shill ing a day" soldier is no more. The new scale of pay provides minimum rates of pay -for the soldiers as fol lows: ---Privates, 1 shilling 6 pence a day,; Lance Coorpodals, 1 shilling 9 pence, a day, Corporals, 2 shillings a day. The new regulations provide for an extra penny a day for each years service. ,. . - : Truly Modest He Let's see, ywhat is the slang name for illicit liquor peddling? She (blushing) Boot-limbing, I be Heve. Fftrxo Life- ) OF Yaiqui Uprisings Are Spreac- ing ; and Giving .Officials " Uneasv Hours Hermoslllo, Son. Mex., Jan. 12. The Yaqui Indians -as been trouble maker of North western Mexico for generations, and h(s recent outbreak is but one of a . large number which have occured during the admlnistra- tionsc of l3iaz, Madero and other leac ers. . . ,; ... - ' Starting with the Bronco ' Yaquis along the Rio Y-aqui in Southwestern Sonora early: in September, the revolt has spread s,to- many of the allied tribes, including the Mansos Yaquis who have been peaceful in the past and who derived their names irom the fact they worked wfth their hands, v In the rich-Yaqui river valley of Southwestern S6norat the Indian up rising has had its Center. The Indian towns of Potam, Vacum, Bacmn, La Cclorada and Suaqui Grande haye been scenes of various Indian raids and Mexican Federal troops have been unable to make any greai head way in conquering these warring tribesmen. The revolt reached Its height after the fall harvests of corn, boans and garbanzo hd been harves ted and the Vlndiansf extended ther field of operations far into the north toward Hermoslllo'; the capital. Am munition and rifles were smuggled across the Sonora border for them and a number of engagements fought be tween the Yaquis and the Federal re sulted in the routing of the govern ment trctops,- The basic cause of the unrest among these Southwestern Mexico Indians is the land problem. At one time these Indians owned and tilled thousands of acres of the most fer tile land in the republic which was watered by the Yaqui river. These! lands were gradually confiscated by the various governments and parceled oal to favorites 6f the ruling powers. The Indians claim they were given in ferior lands in place of their original holdings and in&ist upon the restora tion of these tribal holdings. Ono American company now controls 300, 000 acres of land in the Yaqui country, much of which is claimed by tho Indians. . . The Yaqui tribes were 'orginally agricultural people with a bent for hunting in the -mountains during the winter. They are stocky, strud- ar d possess many or the traits of the Am erican Indian. Fighting has lately been one of J;heir chief occupations as they havebeen on the warpath either in their' own interest or for the various de facto governments for 15 years. During the days of President Diaz the Yaquis "Were dispossessed of much! of their fertile tIley lands by Gen eral Torries, the Federal government Sonora. Large numbers were deport; ed from the state by boat to the hoc lands of Yucatan and to Tres Marias Island, off the coast of Topic. This v-as one of the chief grievances which caused the. Yaqui war. This war con tjnued until the outbreak of the Madero revolution when the Indians joined with Madero against their sworn enemies of the old federal re gime. They did mueh of the hard fighting during the Madero and -subsequent re volutions, especially at Celaya whee they were General Obregon's cheit mainstay when" Villa and his power ful .army attacked the entrenched posi tions of Obregon's Carranza forces. Che Yaquis were given much of the credit for this victory which shattered Villa's 'dream of political power and d-ove him back to the border. At NDIANS MEXICO ARE CAUSING ROUBLE Auga Prieta, Sonora, the Yaquis ngaiive rms t ther We alwayR m defeating Villa end causing mm to ok n guch countieS.. ne Bays, "as included the Santa Ysabel and Coluni but, N. M. massacres. General Plutarco Elias Callea has undertaken a "mailed fist" campaign against the Yaqui Indians in Sonoru tq suppress the present uprising. He has interned the peaceful Yaquis in reconcentration camps and ,ha3 or dered all others' hunted down and kil led. Wholesale deportations to the fcot lands of Mexico have also been """eatened. tne aquis are divided mtT two classes. One is the "bronco Yaqui" which incudes the fiercest of thb fighters and the sturdiest of the tribesmen. The other class includes the "manses" of peaceful Indians. Numbers of. attempts " have been made" to convert these iln(lianft to peaceful ways. President Madero had nr commission of Indians visit, him in Mexico City. Later he sent a commission . to treat with the tribal leaders. But the Indians claimed they were not given back their prom ised lands and were soon on the war path. The present uprising is said hy officials of the government to be the most threatening since the lays of Diaz. ' BUILD BIG POWDER PLANT AT NASHVILLE Washington, Jan. 12. A, govern ment powder plant to cost $60,000,000 and to Employ about 15,000 men is to be established by-the "War department near Nashville, Tenn. Major General Crozier chief of the ordance bureau announces the selection of a, site at Hadley's . Bend oh' the Cumberland river, about twelve miles from Nastr yille. Construction will 'e started ini mediately. v ' Secretary Baker announced last month that the war department had decided on the establishment of a rrWQber of powder plants to supple ment tne output of private manufac- turerji.vr,.-: . . f Dartmouth's basketball squad got away, to a bad start, losing four games in a row. .; - . - ,-. t ' i - - c tiimmninmuiiimiiiiiinn! ' TheVdather man has promised us khc coldest days is to becolder than several we 'havelready had it surely s - , ' : . " v t" you ready for such weather ? Have you a supply of warm wrrify uhderwea'r that will make you feel like spring time during zero weather? If, you havenVthen phone, us your orders or better come down and look them Wer. - Ladies' fme ribbed, fleeced back vest aii& pants 83c Ladies bleeched vest and pants, idediurgt'f' 59c Ladies' ribbed union suits 98c, $1.48 and up to $2.50 Ladies silk and wool ribbed unions . .$2.50 to$4.00 Ladies' silk and wool vest and pants . .$1.50 to $3.00 Children's fine ribbed, fleeced back all sizes v Children's light weight ribbed all sizes Misses' fine rlbbedjnedium weight, vest, all J sizes. 0 , . , . . .!. BELK--WILL1AMS COMPANY C0TAGI0U8 DISEASES Central and Western Counties Suf fering More than Eastern (Special to the Despatch.) Raleigh, Jan. 42. Over 1,400 cases of communicable diseases ' exist in North Carolina this month, according to the epidemiology map kept in Jtha office of the State epidemiologist. Dr. A. Mc It. Crouch. vThese dlesases are whooping cough .650 cases, nreasie3 550, scarlet fever 82, diptheria 57, typhoid 63, smallpox 21xand cerebro spinal meningitis 6. From . the color of the map, counties in the central and western part of "the State are suffering more from these diseases than eastern counties. The counties in which 'whooping cough is shown to be more or lei epidemic Xre Edgecombe, Wilson, Nash, Wayne . Johnston, Dupljn scotiaua, a.nson, union, M..ecKienourg, Carbarrus, Davidson Forsyth, Cleve land, Rutherford, Lincoln, , Wilkes, Caldwell, Burke, Henderson, Swain, Clay and Crerokee. These in which measles Nare prevalent are Forsyth, Davidson, Guilford, " Mecklenburg, Gaston, Lincoln, Yancey, Maecn and Chowan. Those in which scarlet fev er exists in more than singular eases are Forsyth, Guilford, Dffvidsoii. Caldwell, Catawab, Cagarrus, Meck lenburg and Lincoln. Typhoid fever exists in three or more cases m 'Mar tin, Wayne, Robeson, Bladen, Cum berland, Alamance, Davie, Buncoraba and Graham. Smallpox in Pitt, Edge combe, Johnston, and. Gaston. Counties reporting many cases 6 communicable diseases are not look ed upon as being more afflicted or unhealthy than other counties, ex plains Dr. Crouch, but rather as do- inr- ennri rnnrtrnir and r.srrvinsr out. having wide-awake officers who sup port the law and by so doing save in the end their people much sickness and death they otherwise wquld suf fer. Practices His Preaching. London, Jan. 12. Lord Rhondda, the British Food Controller, is not only living on rations but insists o.n his guests dining in very plain fashion. At his estate at Lianwern Park the other day, a number of Hereford, iflSic breeders, after in speqting someji.af J famous cittle, sat down to a lunch, consisting of bread, cold beef, pickles j and apples. , ... s ; NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALS OT I adjLi a Jii STATE OF NORTH. CAROLINA. COUNTY OF NEW HANOVKR. Under and by virtue of tbe ndwtn and ithe provisions of a certain ro'orteace i deed3 made and executed by. Dave Rowden ' and wife, Mary Bowden. to Geo. O. Gay lord, dated October 11. 1011. and retrrserwrt in Book fitf. at Paije 278. recorda otsNeTv Hanover Cpuiity, defaiHt haying been maun n the payuient of the Indebtedness thereby secured, the undersigned "wjll on Wednes day, the 8th day of Fjeb., 1918, it 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door for New Haii oyer county, offer for sale for caab to the highest bidder at public . auction a. tract or pkreel of land lyinir and brlna: ml the Cityf Wllmingrton, and deacribed sci follows, to-wit: Beininn at a point in the Westerti line of "Wood street 6C feet aad 6 IncheB from the corner of Wood and Green street. 57 feet and 9 Inches to a corner in fence: thence running-North 6 feet and 4 Incliea: tfcence running Westwnrdly parallel -tvlth Green street 17 feet-'and !) Icrches to th back fence ; thence running North parallel i wnn hooo sireec -reet: tnence runniivr North parallel wttb Wtjod street 24 feet; thence running JTast parallel with. Green street 74 feet and fi inches to the Western line of Wood street: thence-South parallel with Wood street 30 feet and 3 inchs to the begin nltig point whih is OG feet' ana 6 inches from the-'Vdrner. .Being a portiuu 6fIiQt 4 in Block .271, according to the of ficial plan of the City of WilminRton be lnsrhe game premises conveyed to vn said Dave Bowden and his wife, Mry Bowden, by the said Geo. O. Gay lord ana his wife, Martha ' A. Gaylord. by deed bearing even date with these presents, whieh are given to secure the paymn of the purchase money-of said premises. Dated, this January 4, 1918. GEO. O. GAYLORD, Wm. B. eSMPBELL. Mortgapetv . .Aitorjiey. ' ' 1 " - .. . -1 - . - union suits, S Boys' fine ribbed . . . 75c S suits, g H Men's heavy union suits, .75c H x Men?s fine ribbed drawers, 48c S Men's union suit aiiiiimiiiiHiniiiiiummnir COXMISSIONB' AB By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court, made on tbe 27th day of December, 1917, made ia the case therein penling of "Alice Larkins and husband John Lark ins veraus Thomas Harrias, et al," the un- ilMtlffnul sell tn tho hivhval'. hilrir-vi at nubUc anetlon. fort caah. at the Court House door in the City of Wilmington, on Monday, the 4th day of February. 1918, at twelve o'clock M., the following described lot of land in Bald City . of Wilmington: Beginning, at a point in the Northern line of Queen street 80 feet East from North east intersection of Queen and Seconu streets; runs thence Eastwardly along tbe Northern line of Queen street 42 feet; thence . Northwardly and parallel witn Second treet 66 feet ; thence Westward and parallel with Queen stret 42 feet ; thence Southwardly and parallel with Sec ond street 66 feet to the beginning, -ana being part, of Lot 6, Block.74, according' to the official plaff of the said City of Wil mington. ' This 3rd day of January, 1918. WI,LIAM M. BELLAMY, .1.3-303 ' . ?- 1 Commissioner. ,'T1T"l..'i '7'i1' ' ' V . '. ' ' "''.,, '-- - 111 " " ' I. ' " 1 1 1 " ' " '- . ". 111 ' Buy Jiiting, att Wilmington Printing Company Masters-in the delectable art of y&iL&rig , Buy War Savings Stamps Everywhere LA CREOLE DARKENS ALL YOUR GRAY Makes All Your Hair Soft, Fluffy Evenly, Dark, Thick, Long Also Stops Dandruff The La Creole Girlt Look for Qood-bye Gray Hair, streaked with Yea. after rmivinr t. r"rtio v tvi iivr atri,va W the silver streaks change to the even, lustrous dark color your hair used, to be. Although. rthA nranArstlnng Viowo disappointed you they were dyes, toowic uamrai coior la ureoie rc vlves tbe color glands of nature ana makeS your scalp and hair healthy, it stops dandruff and falling hair at once. Morrow oi the winter so far and if it will be "some cold." Are v- J2' mfedftrm weight, eealon 75 to 98c fleeced shirts and drawers ..75c spring needle shirts and .98c 9Sc, $-h4S nd up to $5.00 How's This? We offer one hundred erollars reward any case of Catarrh that cannot be cuJ by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hall's) Catarrh Medicine has bm. D by catarrh suffCfers for the past thirl 1 years, and has become known as most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Ha Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood the Mucous surfaces, expelling the PoiJ from ythe Blood and healing the dlseaa portions. After you have token Han OataH Medicine for a short time yon will a great improvement in your gent- health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Md cine at once and get rid of catarrh, Sl for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY and CO., ToteSo. Sold by all Druggists, 75e. Adr. V In These Aeroplane Day ,rWhich lady is Mrs. DeJiggs?" "The one over there by the with the large fnselaffe." Farm L! them tfh the package of La Creole. be bothered with.. Apply La Creole an 11 vouf D!eray hair.-turning erenly dark and trous, so entire head of hair becoif j beautiful,. natural, even, dark color, : soft, radiant fluffy anT thick without everr aMniPft rst trrav chnwinsr. StP Dandruff and falling Hair. Sold w Jarmen.and Futrelle Drug Store, en' - direct in mail orders.. Be sure to a- for Prsnltt h1t rifocoiTic' Get bottle today and try it. RemeobJ VOUr niOTiPV ha.or If vnn nrp not lJS4s:-Sat.4l8o any itching: of the scalp you may fled-by its use adv. r

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