1 THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH, -fATURD AY ArnERNOONJANUABy ft PAGE FiVi - ... SET-. HIGH SCHOOL PREPARES COMMITTEE NEEDS 1 4 NEXT MONDAY FOR THRIFT CAMPAIGN .V.". ilG PROGRAM FOR LARCENY : BASES ViEETING FARM AGENTS : FOR IN ENTERTAINING MEN Program Will Be-So Arranged as to Be of General Interest to All " It. V. Freeman, Federal super visor or iariu ueujuusiranun agents for Eastern Nortn Carolina, was here yesterday afternoxto to Consult with local people in connection with the i - ... . V- . i approaching conyention her of theU'f .the court, and in default of bond farm agents of the Eastern coun- ml. " . A ' t11 V. 1 t J ties, ine conveuwuu wui ue ueiu oa January 22, 23, and 24 Mr. Freeman stated thati he hope&y to have a program for the meeting ompleted witnin xne next rew days, While the convention is primarily training school for the farm agents, intended to plan and lay out the work to be done during the present year, yet the effort is being made to so arrange the program hat it will have an appeal to tne interest of the people generally. The imper tive need of greater production of farm products -sis. realized for thi year, ana ail tne people must oein terested in the co-operation which is necessary if the required increased in production is brought about. To this end Mr. Freeman is en deavoring to arrange for the coming to this city of several of. the experts c.f the United States- Department jot Agriculture at' Washington to speak on different phases of the food sit uation. The complete program can be announced as soon as ' it is . de termined who can be here for the three days One of tne big things, that will be stressed at the convention will be fhe need of an increased, meat pro duction, especially that of pork. An increase of ten per .cent. is. what the government authorities state to be absolutely requisite for the entire country to supply actual needs, and the farm agents will endeavor to plan for this section to do its part in bringing about this increase. FARMERS' INSTITUTES. Gates Fixed for Meetings at Watha Scott's Hill and Wrightsboro. Farmers Institutes will be held at Watha, Scott's Hill and Wrightsboro during this month. The, Scott's Hil date is next Saturday, January 19, while Saturday, January 26, has been set for Watha. The institute at f Wrightsboro wiH convene ' on Mon day. January 28-' Mrs. Mittie 'M. Henley, - assistant State demonstration agent,vjwill give demonstrations in domestic science. Theft of PrppertFrom Body at Hospital Chargedin One Case In the Recorder's Court this morn ing isnmant Scaxborov -and waiter Smith,.both cplored, were iield In toe sum of .$200, bond each; fdfr.rthelr aj .pearance at( Monday morning's session tney were lodged In Jail; ( They are charged- with the larceny of . a watch and chainvand some street car tickets, xrom tne body of the late Robert ocnrieDeiy wno died at the June. waiKer Memorial-Hospital last Suncav night, f Smith is employed Jat the hos pital, while Scarboro has been an in mate of the county home, but was at the hospital for treatment. Scarboro claims Smith took the Articles while amitn aeciarea m court this . morning that he -as "really unguilty." t. a cnarge against R. B. Small. i cot- ored, for the larceny ? of somn nads fell fiat, and the defendant was. dis missed. , Henrietta Smith, colored, the prosecuting witness, appeared in court rana her mother declarea tnaT "Qq cbile Is mindless" and didn't, know What she was - doing. The' Recorder took m the situation at a glance and discharged the defendant. Seymour Vann. colored, was charsrea by Alex Williams,- also colored, as be ing one -of the gang of boys, that threw rocks at hint several days ago. Wil liams could not say positively that vann nad thrown any rocks, and the case was dismissed Prayer tor judgment was continued in the case of Willie Williams, colorec, charging him, with an assault with a deadly weapon, and the defendant was assessed with the costs. The cases against,M. C. Jones, white, alleging theft of several bicycles, was continued until Monday, as was also the case against W. O. Scott, charging receiving stolen, namely, the blcyfces, from Jones. 7. Every Room in the School 1 Hospitality Committee PrepaV Yesterday Organized, by Chairman Little ing to Car for Soldiers: From Fort A total -of 14 companies of "sol- Soldiers ftom Fort Caswell.. . while J fliers of tnrift" were ynized dur- spenaing ;tneir juriougns .nere, v wm ing the course of yesterday in the be - furnished free', sleeping quarters, high school through the personal if the efforts of the hospitality corn work of Chairman Jos. W. Little of uaittee of the, Chamber of Commerce the New Hanover War Savings are realiaed. . The committee has ap a I ' vi x v. nfiaJad to thd citizens ' for ; the loan day going from rom to room in the f beds and cots, and Y. M.C. A. and high schol building and speaking to w. u. i. wm proviae tne rooms. - the students. ' His efforU met with f iD wioumau ready responses' as is shown by ' an the, hospitality, committee of :thr organization being- Pfirjected in every Chamber of Commerce and he is be room of the school. inS assisted by Mr. Howard B. On MondaV. and Tuesdav . similar Branch, secretary, of that institution. work will be tlone in the other city They are doings everything possible schodls, and on J Wednesday after- to accommodate the next contingent noon a ioint. meetinr of all the Dresi- of boys from the fort, when they dents and, secretaries of these organ- come to spend the week-end. izations, together with respresenta- Steps will also be takenTto enter tixes of the NatOnal Special Aid ' So- tertain the boys at the homes of the ciety, will be held in the Hemen- citizens and also at public places, way auditorium, when the city will though no plans have yet been com be mapped out and definite districts Pleted. This is in line with action for work alloted to each of the soci- taken in other cities where camps ties formed. This, is the first step in cantonments are located. -oranizing for the campaign of thrift A11 those 4esiring to furnish ac in New Hanover ,through which it commodations will pleasef communi is nlanitgd to nlace $704,814 worth cate with Dr. Harriss and Secretary of the government War Savings Branch, who will direct . the sending Certificates. of the articles furnished. s. It is1 saia tnat tne soldiers nave 4We have received from the Treasiiry, Department our quota of 4 per cent Bonds of the Second Liberty LqarV and are prepared to make deliveries of bonds to those wha have paid hvfull for same. v Interim receipts issued by thbCompany;for bond payments must in all cases be surrendered when bbnds are received ' . - The Wilmington Sang$ & Tnist Conlpal i 110 PRINCESS STREET 1887 1918 METHODISTS 'Fifth Avenue. Rev. J. H. -McCraci j! i St. Andrew's, Fourth and Camp- . The following societies were or J , I. j1 T V. i T j .11 I ganized, with officers as shown: mvesiea mmeiiy uonas ana uwer beII streets. Rev. A. D. McClure, D A-l-President, Harry Tucker;' sec- government securities, ana tnat tney DJ, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. In. retary, Lila Koonce. have been hard hit in their efforts and s p m. Sabbath school at 3; 30 A-2President, Hardy Jacobi; sec- to 'serve the cduntry. They shauld p. m.. Junior Christian Endeavor at retary, Johanna Rehder. - v' De taken care oft and thafe s tne V' 3 p. m. Intermediate and eSaioi APresident, Elizabeth Nuttj Pse 01 ui itvuun c. E at 7:15 m Prayer meeting Wed- secretary, Bernice Bailey. ' Da' auiysses ana man- neSday at 8 p. m. Seats . free. All B-l President, Holt McCracken; Kets squia De aonatea in quantities, weiCome. ana tnose wno Know tne reputation pearsall Memorial, East Wilmirig- ? S6CllJl BPalityJ d n0t ton- -ev- H. W. . Koelling, , pastor, doubt that the bojawill find a warm SabDatl school at 10:0 a. m- Preach. LUTHERAN. St. Paul's, Market and Sixth streets. Rev. F. B. Clausen. Dastor, en, pastor. Preaching H a. . m. Suli 1 ject: "Opportunity and . Responsibir f ity." 7;30 p. m. preaching. Sunda ;, school 9:45 a. m. A church' s rcej j : tion Tuesday 8 p. m. Strangers an '! the public are cordially Invited to ay, 1 tend all the services . ; Bladen -street Methodist ehurcK , Fifth and Bladen streets, Rev. JS.' C I ; Sell, pastor. Preachine at 11 iL inrrsi : and 7;30 p. m. Sunday school at 8: 3 J,1 , 4 CIVIL CASES NONDAY UNITED STATES COURT V LooJeTLike the Term Will Be Elnded By Lack of Business Earl in Week Judge Connor at noon today ad P. Pretldw, county demonstration agent. ' - ' . V. ". , Various subjectsv.iirtainmg to . the farm and farm life will be discuss ed at the institutes, which will be conducted by the county agents." " CEMETERY MEETING 4tiiTno? fha 'TTniaff CtorAa rsfi1 She wi be assisted by Mrs, Anniecourt until jo o'clock 'Monday morn Ing, the nd of the first -week oC the term finding all criminal matters com pleted and" aJ number of icivll argu ments heard. When the court, re conyeneispn, Monday several civil cases will be taken up, though it is expected that all matters before the Cbiirt will'De disposed of very quickly. the court will probably take final ad journment for the term by Tuesday afternoon. N This morning several matters on the motion docket were argued, judge ments- submited and orders signed. The interest that had drawn quito a crowd in attendance upon the days when criminal cases were being tried had abated, and only the attorneys and a few directly affected were pre sent in court today. Yesterday afternoon Judge Connor changed the sentences 'in the cases against T. Irwin Check and R. B. Bat son, relieving them of the prison sen tence of 60 days in Jail and fines of $10, and imposing instead fines ot $250 each,.together with the costs. Annual Meeting of Lot Owners Call ed Foh Next Monday Evening Secretary W. H. Howell has issued a call for. the 65th, annual meeting of the lot owners of. Oakdale ceme tery to be held at & o'clock on Mon day evening next. - . - The meeting will le held in room's. Odd Fellows Ruilding. All who are interested are urged to be present- ARTILLERY FIGHTING ON VERDUN FRONT Paris, Jafl. 12.-3Violent artillery fighting on the Verdun front is re port gy the war office.. The an nouncement follows: . "The night was marked by violent activity-of the artillery in the sec tor between Beaumont and BeznvaUx (Verdun front). Southeast ofBezon vaux, the French made a raid and grought back prisoners. " "Everywfiere else the night was calm.V V ' . The Calmness "of Balmnesa , The resident of Amreica who can feel calm right now with regard to the war is crazy. Farm Life. NOTICE CHANGE IN SCHEDULES. Effective Sunday January 13 follow ing changes will be made In schedules of A. C. L. trainsat Wilmington., No. 48 for the north will leave at 7:45 a. m. insteam of 8:00 a. m. No. 51 for the south will leave at 5:45 a. m. instead of 5:30 a. m. . No. 41 from the north will arrrve .10:15 a. mi instead of 9:50 a. m No. 60 from the south will arrive 12:40 mid-night, instead of 12:20. l-12-3t Smith Fornv-A-TruGk And Saxon a ttt 7 n ROBERT G. 110 Dock St. y BARK -i -- Phone 546 9 secretary, Elizabeth McClure. B-2 President, Nellie McEachern; secretarv. Edwin Sternbereer w i . . . B-3 President, Mary Harriss; seo- welcome m wiimmgton. retary, Mary Hatch. C-l President, Elizabeth Richard son; secretary, ueiavo jjove. C-2 President, Charles 'Kennedy; secretary, Oran Hinton. C-3 President, Frank McGlaugh on ; secretary, caronn Barnes. D-l President, Clark HJuggins; secretary, Gladys Love. D-2 President, Evelyn Harriss; secretary, Marian Orreii. ' I j . ..... 4A ' J; a -. in t n a orrarnnAfi a i i thA mv-v . ' th. AZJ o;'' Tf T -urged to attend. Strangers . ariU I -. mon: The Good Samaritan an Ei-L.i J:-n i .-x.j r?. ample of Missionary-Activity." Even ing service at 8. The pastor will be gin a series of sermons on the Ten Commandments. Subject of Ihis ser- Service' In Lecture Room -"'. To eoonomize in fuel and because ri i REGULATION FOR ALL PRIVATE SECURITIES vice: "The. Introduction to the Com,! T.llyl ZFm mandments." Sunday chool 3:2Ct ,7;; a.vLwW i ins at 11 : 15 a. m:, Christian En-! P- m. Visitors are always welcome ro cf nr will tvo rY o 4- , , - -JT . -4. -11 !- mi.- i i- t--" aeavor at i.6v p. m.s irayer .meet- v aeiViteb- 4U tumcu rauncu The morning sermon will beaboi Ing Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. All wiu meet mesaay a p. m . welcome to these services. I - Hjwneft Street Mission, Eighth St. Matthew's. iEvangelical. corner j?xurtn ana iarnett streets, Rev. c. W. McClanahan, pastor. Services 11 a. m., subject, "Jesus, Our Pattern." Evening services at 7:30, subject. and Harnett streets. Rev. W. M. Baker, evangelist in charge . Sab bath school at ' 9 ; 30 a. m. Preach ing each second and fourth Sabbaths at 7:30 p. m. r3 President, William King; sec- Plans Have Already Been Out re tary, Jennie Grimes. . 1.110 c -r r4 President, Leona Coiweii; f iinea Dy oecreiary or 1 reas- j. n T -ja I D-5 President, Margaret Toon: ry ivic-vaqo secretary, Frank Montgomery. NEUTRALS TO GET OUL Of MILITARY SERVICE Winter Park, Rev. Andrew J. How ell, pastor. Services Sunday evening at 7:45, with celebration of. the Lord's Suppej. Sunday school, at 3 p. m. ana Christian Endeavor Society, at 7. Mid-week service Wednesday events at 7:45. A cordial invitation ia given Washington, Jan. 12. Regulation of! te puDiic to attena tne services. the issue of practically all private se- Betnany, services aunaay morning curities soon will be proposed! by the at 11 o'clock. Sunday school a 3 p. m. government. : Legislation isl being Residents of the neighborhood cordial drafted by administration officials m ly invited to attend. AifrDnra vitK mmhr!i nf r!Anms. pelgado, services Sabbath evening authorizing ie Treasury to license p Sundy sc?o1 eacn lnoiviauai security ihslhj, . aau- to i - "Out of the Cd into the New." Sun- oay scnooi bju p. m. Keguiar montn ly meeting of the Ladies Aid Society on Wednesady at 3.30 p.m. Luther League. Wednesday ajt 8 p. m. A cod dial Invitation to all to attend these services. I. I' : Must-File Application for Re lease With Their Diplomatic Representatives, refuse approval to Enterprises regard ed as not essentialto the conduct ot BAPTIST. Calvary, Rev. J. A. Sullivan, pastoj. Sunday worship 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. DrB. W. Spillman will preach at the morning hour, the pastor at night Junior B. Y. P..U. at 6:45 p. m. Sunbeams, ..Monday 30 p. m. rrayer meetmg weanesaay nignt. Senior B. Y. P. TJ. Thursday night A cordial welcome to all these services. DelgSdo, Rev. A. L. Goodrich, pas tor. Sunday school, L. W. Moore', su perintendent, 11:15 a. m- B. Y. P A. Church of the Covenant, Fifteenth and Market streets. Services Sun- A nreliminarv aten. now being' con-jdsy at 11 a. m. Sunday school at sidered at the White House is issuance 3:30 p. m. of a proclamation calling on Govern- Night Service, if any, will be an- ora and Legislatures of all States and nounced at Sunday morning service. IT., W. E. -Walden, president 6:30 county, city or other local officials to 1 Strangers and visitors cordially in-1 p. n.; program in charge, of Alma cease making expenditures for public vited. Hester, reader;- preaching services, whincrfnr, ttiM9! ritfitens improvements not absolutely neces- - 7:30 p.m. ,,MPotK nf Wrnnfta'n nmtnii rmintriM aary and to refuse building or other Corner South Third and Oraneei. , - " f I .. 2 1 1 i J t TV. 1( IITmI 1 m T- 1-k regardless of whether they have tax- permns su iai as pussiuic, iu pnvace buboib.! jcvcv juuu m. y eue, u. u., en out first papers for American cit- construction not contributing direct- Pastor. ' ' , Izenship will be freed from liability to -7 prosecution of the war. There will be service at this chuich military service in the United States Secretary McAdoo has already dis- Sunday morninf: at eleven o'clock. If they appeal through their diplomat- cussed the whole question with trea. Sunday school 9:45 a.' m. Junto representatives Iiere nuusma nuu ouuic ucumic av.i.iuii xii isuuu xiiuca vur o . ou y. lu. iiitisr- Minister Sulzer of Switzerland has is xpefcted within a Week. - mediate and Senior Christian Endea- raonkt on aSrrftTYi0nt with the stato The result of the .government's un- vor 7:15 p. m. Mid-weWc prayer meet- Department bv which Swiss already dertaking would be far reaching. Not ing Wednesday 8:00 p. m. drafted and in some instances actual- ""Y. T ' Du""" iu are turmatijr .iuiHieu 10 u lof big corporations would be anecteo, these seervices. o "" I t...iiji I 1 be discharged-if they desire upon uut uu"a.mK uiiwuuub 7 nroof of their Swiss citizenshin. scare pivuttoy wuuiu icb - cti christian. Similar arrangements may be made of the tightening of capital. The gov- church, Dock street, Rev. J. by other neutral representatives and ernrntent would have a tight grip on E Reynolds, pastor. Preaching at the War Department has signified its I lu wunu - c n a, m and 730 p m Sunday school Christian Endeavor 6:45 p. m. junior lanaeavor 3: so p. m. "FVio 1 .tfA nilT RtiTiTifir " oml tis. avb. ing sermon win be about 'rrne cit; r r of Gofl," Jerusalem in prflphcy hifl j tory and present conditions. i.T3 4 Christian Endeavor wilL nold consecr l ! tion services passed from last -San bath. f . :.1 ! Union Prayer . Service v jwlj 4 . The next union prayer meeting wl . be held in the lecture room of th. ; ' First Baptist church, Rev. John 'vJete ij Hurt, D.D., pastor. The leader:' is 1 ,pected to be the Rev. J. H. MoQraclL (, i en pastor of the Fifth Avenue MethO dist church. The public Is invited tr i j these services. All are urged ty?ta0 i part. .-Svi-iJ! 1 1 The Newest Theonooy. b A- boy at a recent examination 11 Scripture was .asked where Cain Wert alter he killf, Ible. He replied th--he . went to brfd. The teacher wantej f to know how he made than out: said "It's in the chapter sir, that Cair after he had khled Able, went-to thy land of Nod." Christian Herald. t - , . " Harry ("Tex") Tate, who won o? f ' a foul from Fred Fulton recently i J being confusd with Bill Tate, the J ; heavy and former sparring partner ( willingness to co-operate fn securing indicate into which ventures capital 9:45" & m the quicK discharge of drafted aliens ouW Wplace4 and from which ii m Ju entitled to release. uc """ """ Missionary lecture with stereoptican The report of the Provost Marshal ena- nat..v nf All-f.- t-m 8lides on Wednesday night at 8 General shows there are 4.929, Swiss JSSTSU. o'clock. All are cordially invited to citizens registered unaer tne arait iaw-j ".attend these services. Ol whom 1,758 nave Deen canea ror j : v , " j ..j lothr pnvernment officials since the examination, ana cepteu lor nui- ; . sef..retrv Advent ChrisUan. -oomer SOttth SSLIan neutrals ai- declared that the government Fourth and Church streets, Rev. J. 1J; Ma, must be prepared to absorb the sup. T. Johnson, pastpr. Residence 425 -r ooV. """ tDf x r' ' w' ply of new capital available for in- South Fourth street. Sunday school . ' . I trnafmAnf Wiwfnty thA tit V 4.,951; accepted, 249 MBLUE BONNETS" Jl Nt Fabric with New Ftatam. ' . wBWBansAinetoDe(ofwoaMtivKovrMbkeaatul tbt weart wkfaout wticldict, wpeU dmt od Uonden pcfecdy. AnunUy acUptedfec tMkr-fMdearewcs. portcotBftd tlnto. cbildmu gamenb, petbcot,tc Awdnp criei lurnitwo oeTsriajs etc. Guaratted dyfe (ait nd donbie. Wide Vaxiety l u- If ywxt dekWdoan'tcany "BIm Bonnets" m! m Am J with mm rf ilmkt J $ i ' wt will ead torn Minptc udnottr turn yournquMt. LESHER WHITMAN A CO. Ic SSI Brodwy. Nw York ' IIIItlMllIIIKIlIlfininilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ffftffVfll.' UUMtMlllki.. 3 V (Norway: Registered, 16,678; called, A Day-Coach Musing 5,089 accepted; 1,004 Denmark: Registered, 8,063; called, 2,$98; accepted 516. INDUSTRIAL AFFAIRS , NOT SO SATISFACTORY -Dun's today - (Unless I have ttr travel far, . won't. at 10 a.' m. Preaching at 11 o'clock following the Sunday school. Night at 7:30 Evangelist John M." Kelley, m . 1 . TTf.M f J 1 A oi mame, who was in wummgwn xv years ago, will speak both morning -Farm Life. New York, Jan. 11 says: v Indications of reviving acticity have appeared in certain quarters where, a decided halt had resultedfrom annual adjustments or other causes and the improved sentiment manifest in many directions at tne opening or tne jiew year .lias continued in evidence.. But while transactions have in some in stances perceptibly enlarged there re mjains considerable hesitation nearly everywhere because of existing doubts as to the -future economic changes ana severe storms in the West have seve rely, hampered business. From an oper ating standpoint, the general industrial Situation is far from satisfactory and curtailment of production has unfortu- T 1.-1 v . a. i: the pressure of war needs calls fori capacity, running at many establish-j raents. 'With outputs further reducea It has "become increasingly difficult ana In' some cases impracticable to meet all civilian requirements and. not p. few; profitable v contracts have of ne cessity been rejected. Weekly banit clarjngs, $5,360,619,989. . i Jesse Guilford, Massachusetts ama.i teiir i golf chanpion, has passed tie physical and 'mental tests for the-avia.j Snmp fnlh-R ahouia ride m a cattle car. I avAr;no- imnn iiva tnnfne m. ' w " - n ' ' ' I OUU OTUAUfc J t.WLAVO. Al&l uv uu . Keiiev sneaks or tne "Krowtn of tne city as something marvelous." Pray er meeting Wednesday night at 7:30. The public is cordially invited to all these services. 7 3 Railroad Men TktaGtQsn, know from experience that Sloan's Liniment will take the stiffness out of joints and the sore ness out of muscles And it's so convenient! No rubbing required. It quickly penetrates and brings re lief. Easy to apply and cleaner than mussy piasters or ointments. Always have a bottle in the House for rheumatic aches; lame back, vsprainsand strains. Generous steed bottles at all drug gists, 2c.. 50c. SI. CO. U ii hli RK7YSXfl f I M MANUEL. Corner Front, and Queen streets Rev. T. P. Allen, pastor. Services at i 11 a. m night 7:30. Sabbath school in the evening at 3 p. mn S. A. Mat thews, ; superintendent. Mid-weel prayer v service Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. - Ladies Auxiliary follow ing. All .members urged to come. Friends will .be welcome. EPISCOPAL. St. John's, Third and Red Cross streets. Morning - service 11 o'clock, Sunday, January 13th. Sunday school 4 p. m. Evening prayer 8 o'clock; Both services conducted by Rev. A. M. Seabrease. Visitors cordially in vited. ." v N V' St. Paul's, Sixteenth ' and Market streets,-the Rev. D. L. Gwathmey rector, first . Sunday after 'Epiphany, r. Holy Communion 7:30; Sunday t a!iaa1 Ci AK. mnmiTio" nravAr nTrl cat. mon atJ4 a. m.; evening prayer and address - at 8 p.m. Intercessary prayers on Friday at 5 p. m.. Visi tors always welcome. Every seat ANNUAL MEETING The 65th Arinuar Meeting of the Lot Owners or H Oakdale Cemetery will be held Monday evening, ; Jan g uary 14th, 1918, at 8 o'clock at the Company's oifice- i No. 3 Odd Fellows' Building. ' : 5 m m s W. H. HOWELL, Secretary r. !IimilU!!IiniItIllllII!IUI!IIIlllI!llUIIIIIlIIIIIUIII!IIIIIIIII!BlJllllJl!ntl!I!II Pig Poiilt Ordnance Depc . .'..,A FEB- For Long Job Come Ready for Work Apply Room 403 Commerce Binkfing, 322 High Street, AMES STEWART AND COMPANY- INCORPORATE!! ? V""' tion corps- . - free. ; . . ... . X ::V v

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