wlTxxiv, NO. 4. GIG BRITISH T Part of Campaign to Secure Enlistments of British Sub jects BRITISH VICE CONSUL GETTING RESULTS Seven Men in Process of En listment Through Office in 4 Addition to One Recently, jects Capt. Donald MacRae, British Vice Consul, yesterday received the fol lowing letter from the officer in charge of the British and Canadian recruiting mission, stationed at New York, with regard to the enlistment of Colin J. McCall, who recently signed up for service through the of fice of Capt. MacRae, here. The let ter reads: , v 'I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of -the 2nd inst., with reference to the marginally earned recruit. 'Mr. McCall reported at our New York depot on the 4th inst. and pass ed a satisfactory medical examina tion, and was dispatched to Toronto, Canada, for enlistment in the Cana dian Expeditionary force." x The British Vice Consul has now in process of enlistment, besides the above mentioned, five men from out of town and two men from Wllming-; ton. The enlistment of British sub jects are being reported from all sec tions of tao country, and the numbers tre expected to terial in case as the spring advances.- Re emits tHH nefi it. SrAre lvtfv"!nf ; c R at -h is - office in the MuTc&F son Building. ; ,i; A nationwide campaign islto: bd made during the coming , few; months to secure such enlistments, and ttfe campaign will have a unique feature, one of the big tanks which has been used in the service "over there" is to be used, and it is expected to be a center of interest wherever it. makes its appearance in the United States. Not only will it make a popular ap peal in the securing of recruits, but it will also demonstrate to the folks here at home how the machine works, and the tanks are playing a very important part in winning the war. The British tank Britannia, which starts on a recruitine tour of the United State's about January 25 for the British and Canadian Recruit' Mission, was sent to the- United States by the Britishwar office and the tank and its crew of wounded vet- erags, under command of Captain Richard Haigh, twice wounded him self, reached New York on October 23, 1917. It played" a" conspicuous part in the Second Liberty loan cam paign, in New York, and was cheer ed by vast crowds as it lumbered up Fifth Avenue flashing the barrels of its machine gunn fro mone side of the street to the other. Te ' was next taken to Canada to . help the victory Loan and created a sensation in loTonto and Montreal which was duplicated later when it returned to Xew York and was the principal at traction at the Hero Land Bazaar. On December 19, at Camp Upton, iaphank, N. Y., 10,000 United States soldiers, in Brig.-Gen. Evan M. John son's division, watched the Britannia c.imb over trenches, push over big "ees and ascend steep banks at "at seemed a well-nigh impossible angle. While moving at a speed of acout four miles an hour she can ;:Ped up to six the tank peppered acnine gun targets with its six T eWlS riMfllina a-tiv rsA J,,1 vuiuc e, lllxo ciuu was iiocii "Jed upon from a distance by ma ne gunners, whose hail of bullets merely flattened against her steel ar mor. Recently the tank was turned over Bng..Gen. w. A. White, of the Jtfitish and Canadian Recruiting Mis sion, and but for the zero weather nen prevailing would have started 2 J" recruiting tour of the country Z JanuaiT 4. As tanks are built to operate in ,,a j x v ami are not at tueii "CSt On f m7n crvm-i-r, A V. T34.ito Will b'uuuu, uic juiivauuia hit move Soutb-. visiting all the rge centers of population and.turn north in March to Chicag, head s'18 of Co1- J- S. Dennis, corn ending the Western Division of the ussion. The tank participated in e battle of Arras and has been hull r top" several times. The Enti Jthe tank received repairs in aanv n but BtiU bears -the marks of Shr erman machine gun bullets, tain ' however, according to Cap camaSaigb' makes no dents. The ?ni T a veteran of tank warfare The jf. been under ftp many times. tank Maiinia lO lrnnnrn n em - n famnla and tips the scale at about 38 tons. I HI MAKE A TOUR OF UNITED STATES Accused of Shooting W. L. Princev Then Assaulting Mrs. Prince in Their Home CRIME COMMITTED EARLY SATURDAY Charged That Negro Entere3 Home of Prince's Between 1 and 2 O'clock Saturday Morning Raleigh, Jan. 12. LeRoy Smith, ne gro, is held in prison tonight follow ing his identification as "the assailant of Mrs. W."L. Prince, after he had shot Mr. Prince in the head with a .32 calibre pistol. - The negro was captured, by Sheriff Sears deputies and Chief Barbour of the police force. They made Smith dress and in his Sunday . togs, Mrs. Prince said, only his features looked familiar. He was made' to change his clothes again and Mr. and Mrs. Prince identified the prisoner. The negro is alleged to have enter ed the Prince home between 1 and 2 o'clock this morning, where he shot Prince, criminally assaulted Mrs. Prince, then leisurely stole six pounds of beef, five pounds of sugar, a watch and some small change. He was cap tured by county and city officers in the afternoon. The Princes say the negro ordered them to cover their heads, when they detected him, then he shot the: hus band, ordering himt.to give up his money. , After getting, about a dollar the negro made;Prince cpyrhiavhead and then assaulted MTs.jftwG$tJFbic& grown sons in the house were not atoused, : THREE GERMAN RAIDS REPULSED BY BRITISH London, Jan. 3.2. Three raids in the neighborhood of Lens were repulsed early today, the afternoon statement jr - i . . irom . Jieia. xviarsnau naig siaiea. There was hostile artillery action in the neighborhood of Lense, Cambrai land Messines. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE E E Conference Will Be Held Mon day Morning to Study Local Situation President M. W. Jacobi, of fie Chamber of Commerce on yesterday appointed the following committee to co-operate with the fuel administra tion and other organizations, looking i to a solution of the fuel, problem for this community: Mr. W. H. Sprunt, chairman; Messrs. William Gilchrist, Hugh MacRae, J. A. Taylor, L. Blue thenthal, L. E. Hall and Roger Moore. Thp committee will meet tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock at the room oi the Associated Charities in the cour: house. They will at that time con-3r with Mr. Martin S. Willard, fuel ah ministrator for New Hanover county and the other members of the fuel administration. Members of City Coun cil, who have been active recently in theNendeavor to solve the fuel prob lem, will also attend. Archdeacon Thomas P. Noe, whose efforts in the past several week3 toward the allevia tion of distress caused by the fuel shortage, have been the subject or much favorable comment and praise, will also be present. Chairman W. A. McGirt, of the county commission ers, will co-operate in every way pos sible to relieve what is considered a most trying situation. It is not known what plans, if any, the. cnmmittpp of the Chamber ov Commerce will present to the meeting. It is known, however, that fuel situa: tion in this community has been.any thine but satisfactory during the past several weeks, much suffering having Jreen occasioned oy tne low tempera tures, through lack of fuel.' The city authorities in co-operation fwith Archdeacon Thomas P. Noe, have been untiring in their efforts to relieve those really in need. The city has furnished transportation for the deliv ery of fuel in those cases where neea was most urgent, and distress was in Lsome measure alleviated. The supply of fuel is still very mea ger and any steps that may be taae as a result of the Chamber's action Avill; be watched with Intense intereet by the public generally. - ; NAM S FUEL COMMUTE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUAY MORNiNG, WHISTLER An Officer at Camp Funston Became His Own Execu tioner Yesterday ACCUSED OF MURDER AND BANK ROBBERY Whistler Alleged to Have Rob bed Camp Bank, Killing ' Threje of Four Men in the Institution Camp Funston, Kans., Jan. 12. Capt Lewis Whistler, of the 354th In fantry, became his own executioner today after suspicion had been di rected at him as the possible mur derer of four men in the bank at the National Artny Camp, here, who were hacked to death with a hatchet Fri day night. Whistler shot and -killed himself with an army revolver after he had writen a note in which he said: "I ave been thinking of com mitting suicide for a long time, but I have never had a good reason. Yes terday I went out and made myself a reason." The note ws ddressed to a woman whose name army officials re fuse to make public. Tonight, Major Lee, chief of staff of the 89th Division, in an interview, said: "Every indication points to Captain Whistler as the murderer. The circumstances and evidence are so conclusive as to practically elimi nate any possibility of a doubt." j . The murders in the bank were ! committed some time after 8:30 o'clock. Woraall, who had been ter 'hbly battered and cut by the mur-i 'derer. stumbled from' the bank, com rcL -"witto Stood an feU'atttfo ftet of flcassmgentry-He declared that a man in a captain's uniform had killed Tour men in the bank and hd fled. Within 10 minutes the military police and provost officer, Cajt. J. C. j Smallwood, had taken charge of the' situation. Guards were thrown about ! tho nnmn and oil rltiaa tHIi1t a tq. I dius of 100 miles were notified. Dogs were placed on the tril of the mur derer. Finger prints of the murderer were found in the bank. . Because of Woman's declaration that a man in captain's un!formhad done the killing, all captains in the post were , ordered to report. - It was soon after this that Whistler's body was found in his room in the officers barracsk. Bloody towels were found in the room, and there were splotches of blood on the washstand. Whistler was lying, on the opposite side of the room from the bloody exhibits. It was then learned he had sought two hatchets from the supply division the previous day. The men who were killed were C. ' Fuller Winters, of Kansas City, Mo.; Carl Ohlqson, Kansas City, Mo.; John W. Jewell, Springfield, Mo., and O. M. Hill, a clerk. j W'qrnall, who is seriously injured, probably will recover. Capt. Whistler was a veteran of the Spanish-American war. At th9 time of the last .Mexican trouble he offered to recruit a regiment for bor der service. He was commissioned captain recently at the Officers' Training Camp, at Fort Riley, Kan--jftftivt For five years previous to that he liad been employed as a railway 'mair clerk. .His home was at Salena, Kansas. Wornall, in periods of conscious ness in the hospital today, told a dis connected story of the murder. The employes were kept after regulars by the large volume of business yester day, he said. With the employes was Jewel, editor of the Post's daily pa per. There was an insistent knock at the door about 8:30. They admit ted a man who covered them with a revolver. He forced Wornall to tie the hands of the other four men. Then he tied Wornall, stuffed all the currency in the vault in his pockets and turned toward the "door. "You recognize him, don't you?" Winters asked Wornall. Wornall replied in the affrmative. "You know me do youY cnea tne roDDer. "i sure ap, you scoundrel," replied Winters. The robber stopped short, hesitated, and that moment became a murderer. Springing at the helpless men, he swung his hatchet; Wornall ,the last one struck, was forced to see his companions battered and hacked to death without any chance of resist ance. Jewell worked in the adver. sing department of the New York Times at one time, and his lather is editor and publisher f the Springfield, Missouri, Leader. Winters resided in. Kansas City prior to th9 opening of the Post bank when ne removed to Manhattan, a short distance from the Post. He was vice president of the National Reserve Bank , at Kansas City, and was cashier o . f tho A rray Bank. Ohlesoh was 19 years 61d and ((Continued on page five.) UNDER SUSPICION COMMITS SUICIDE 1 11 t r 1 . . . "' - 1 Great Damage Throughout the South Friday and Friday TERRIFIC S0RM LS FOLLOflEl) BY COLD Severe Cold JWave Followed on Heels ofeTerrific Rain and Wind Storm Causing Additional Damage Washington, Jan. 12. At least 16 are dead; many injured and thousands of dollars worth t property destroy ed followmg the terrific wind and rain that swept the ipSouth last night. Freezing temperatures predicted fftr tonight threatened additional damage, and may develop into the coldest wea ther on record. , . Communication was almost totally paralyzed many hours. Incomplete reports over wires inter rupted throughout the day indicate the following dead: Cowars, Ala. slat. killed; many in jured. 5 Doathan, Ala., seven dead. Troy, Ala., one dead. Macon, Ga., two dead. Camp Sheridan, 1 Ala., and Camp Wheeler, Ga., suffered heavy damage from wind and rain. V Loss of cattle? w,as heavy around Durham, N. OV, jpne school building was wrecked, and roofs and signs were razed by the wind. , Velocities of 46 miles an hour were reported in some sections, which up rooted, trees, snapped telephone poles and crashed. , do'1 bars aid ' Arm coc, near .'Angusiaroa.i were mown tdth.e, :grt4C--Miiin Harril, ot the 122nd' infantry, was crushed when the corral at Cam j Wheiler was wrecked. An old negro was reported frozen lo death. Vicksburg, Miss. reported four de grees above zero, while New Orleans shivered at 201 degrees. Sleet weigh ed down wires' throughout the South. Newport News reported four ships driven aground near there: Fruit farms in Florida, it was fear ed, would suffer from the freeze. Coal shortages in many places will cause intense suffering and heavy loss of livestock may result from the al most unprecedented cold. t Columbia Suffering. . Columbia, S. C, Jan. 12. Columbia is tonight experiencing the coldest weather since 1899 when the Canal froze over. Local Weather Forecast er Sullivan perdlcted that the ther mometer would drop to zero or below before morning. The cold wave fol lowed a severe wind storm last night when wire communication was great ly demoralized and considerable property damage done. This city was cut off from the outside world, but communication was restored about noon today. The bitterly cold weath er finds the city ill-prepared for it, the coal shortage still being very acute. No Casualties at Augusta Augusta, Ga., Jan. 12. Reports from this section indicate that no casual ties resulted from the 46-mile an. hour igale which swept this locality Friday night, althoup;h thousands of large trees were uprooted or blown down and hundreds of small huoses depriv ed of their roofs. Telegraph and tele phone wires were put out of commis sion at many points, and tonight Au gusta was partly isolated from this standpoint. The damage to the build r'ngs will amount into the thousands. At Camp Hancock, about 500 tents were blown down, two theatre tents completely demolished, and an army ,Y. M. C. A. building which was under 'Construction, and which would havu been occupied within a few days, was ormoletely wrecked. Uittle Damage in Portsmouth. Portsmouth, Va., Jan. 12. Rain and a temperature , reaching 62 degrees have cleared Hampton Roads, Lower Chesapeake Bay and Portsmouth Har bor of ice. The Upper Bay, however, is still packed with "floes. The gale which struck here last night passed out to sea early this morning without doing material .damage, beyond shat tering numerous! windows, and show cases in the business districts. The thermometer has been dropping stead ily since noon, and registered 32 at S p. m with the" fringe of the cold wave in Fight. TWELVE INDIAN STUDENTS BURNED Marble City, Okla,, Jan. 12. The death toll of fire which destroyed the Boys' Dormintory at the D wight In dian Mission school, near here, early today, was fixed at 12 tonight. All were Indian boys from nine to 17 years , of age. . Three others i were in jured in jumping -from window. '::3 'M JANUARY 1 3, 1918 "Appointment of Mr. Walter Smallbones as Distributor is Confirmed GOVERNMENT WILL MAKE DISTRIBUTION Wilmington Will Receive the Third Shipment of Needed Fertilizer Being Imported From Chile The announcement of the appoint ment of Mr. Walter Smallbones, or this city, as government representa tive for the distribution of the nitrates to be imported by the government from Chile for the benefit of the farm ers of this section . was confirmed yes terday by the receipt of ,the official appointment from Secretary Houston, of the Department of Agriculture. However, it is stated that Mr. Smali bones, so far as is known at present, will have nothing whatever to do with the sale or the collection end of this matter, but will only act as distribu tor from stocks in storage, 1st from vessels, as directed by the - Depart ment of Agriculture at Washington. While no information has been giv en out on the matter of sales, yet It is said to be probable ti;at this will be handled through some ether chan nel by the Department of Agricul ture. Information was also -received in the 3ity yelerdayf totnei? e(Bcf$!foe;. .first iparp-of nitrates sailed from U Chilean port, on Thursday of the -fast eelkT'rTfieT'fii' car sol it is under- stood wUl be .unloaded at. Savannah, the .second at Charleston and the thtrrt at Wilntfngton. It is probable that the .nitrates will be handled through the farm demon stration agents of the different cuon tles who will- receive tne amount needed, on a pro rata basis, from the port where it Is delivered, and will dispose of it direct to the farmers. There has been no announcement with regard to what price will be charged, as this will depend upon the cost of handling, freight, storage and other necessary charges. It Is estimated: that the price should be In the nelgn borhood of $75 to $80 to the farmers. Local fertilizer manufacturers say that the demand for fertilizers is mncn ahead of last year, and last year was one of the best among recent years in the history of the business in this section. The year 1914 was a ban ner year, with a bad falling off in the following year, which "was to some extent increased in 1916. Last year showed an increase in all the South Atlantic territory, with the Wilming ton section showing the best record of all. This year is starting out with a rush, the indications being that the demand for the present year will run around 33 1-3 to 50 per cent greater than last. But there Is little chance that the production will reach mucn more than it did for 1917. Scarcity of materials is the chief reason why the factories will not be able to turn out sufficient product to meet the de mand, and lack of labor also enters as a material factor in the situation. DAN DELEGATES TO FORCE A Declare Their Intention of Showing the World Teuton ic Peace Aims Petrograd, Jan. 12. Russian dele gates to the Brest-Litovsk peace com ference-reported formally today their intention of continuing : the negotia tions 'So as not to leave a single pos sibility in the battle of peace." The break in the negotiations over a technical point, the dispatch said, after referring to the German's de termination because of their disinclin ation to transfer the deliberations to Stockholm, would have made worse the position of the democracies of Ger many and of other Central Powers to understand the cause of the conflict. It would have aided the annexationists to mislead the people. "Therefore, we remain at Brest Litovsk in order not to leave untouched a single possibility in the battle of peace for the people, declaring before all our readiness to try again to discover whatever peace between Russia and the four Central Powers is possible without outraging the Poles, the Letts, the Lithunians, the Armenians and others to whom the revolution guarantees full and un limited development without ulterior. motives. . ' DECISION 1 It is "Dig or Freeze, Shovel or Starve" Among the People ' RICH AND POOR JOIN HANDS IN THE FIGHT Many Deaths and Hundreds of Hospital Cases Already Re . ported Ministers Call Off Services to Shovel Chicago, Jan. 12. The stormbound Middle West was was fighting for its life tonight the most jlevatating. bliz-' zardof a generation b.ad welded all classes in Chicago young and old -in- ton one gigantic community that was battling snow and , cold to prevent death by starvation or freezing, and according to reports to the weather bureau . this condition prevailed throughout the West. .Officials frank ly admitted it was the most critical situation this region had ever faced and issued the edict: "Dig or freeze, shovel or starve." Railroad transportation Is paralyz ed In an area. extending from Buffalo nearly to the Rockies and from Can ada south into Kentucky and Ten nessee, but the more serious and im- local - deliveries. The majority of the marooned cities had adequate supplies of fuel and food, Snow filled streets, however, prevented them reaching the consumer. It was to combat this cri sis that citizens- yielded, shovels . to night ud3 wjlp tur ttj SUnday Jato a day of labor. The distribution or rood . in Chiqasa jrilt .bjakleft to jSie-discretion- of local dealers. Bapies amT' aospi tals 111 ? hate ;fhpjrfiaQ:;i; thrt matter or milk. cool, will he handled only on authority of the Fuel Admin istration, the utmost economy- was urged by State . Fuel Administrator Williams. Who declared that nooline of neighborhood supplies 1 may be nec essary. . In Chicago big department stores and other places of business were closed earj yin the afternoon to con serve fuel. Several minUtftys an nounced they would, not open their churches tomorrow, but would polu their parishioners wielding? shovels. Many deaths from cpld and hundreds of cases of frost bites were reported. Ten deaths occurred here- were di rectly attributable, to the storm, a.d more than 100 persons were treat ld for frozen hands fcncU feet. Possible fires presented anotVer danger. Fire apparatus could not ven erate the snow drifts, and -many fire plugs were frozen. Fears were expressed for the safe ty of passengers and crews of pas senger trains stalled in the open country. Many crack trains, including the Twentieth Century Limited, were so situated. Tonight railroads enter ing Chicago had annulled all trains. Suburban and interurban traffic throughout the West was blocked. Street cars in many cities could not onerate. Only the elevated lines in Chicago were attempting to maintain service. This was inadequate, and hundreds of persons, unable to reach their homes, spent the night in down town hotels. The storm, which gathered over Arizona three days ago will center to morrow along the Atlantic oCast from the St. Lawrence to Florida. Accord ing to the weather bureau the temper ature will reach zero. Miami, Fla., it was said, and would be several de crees lower along the Northern At lantic, coast. This region will also he visited by snow and high winds, though not so severe as prevailed in the Middle West today. No return to normal temperatures is now in sight. BRITISH LOSSES LESS THAN TEUTONS Washington, Jan. 12. British forces took 33,50 Turkish and Teu ton prisoners in Palestine and Meso potamia and captured 232 enemy guns in these theatres in, 1917, according to official British War. reports receiv ed today. Of this . number, 17,656 weer captured by. General AUenby's Palestine army and 15,044 by General Marshall around Bagdad and in Meso potamia. Haig's losses on the West front were 27,200 'men: nd 166 guns, less than one-third, the Teuton' loss. More than 530 German guns were taken by Haig's mep."' " V LIQUID FIRE ATTACK FAILED TO ADVANCE Paris, Jan. 12.Twb '.German attacks with liquid fire around Chaume wooa were thrown bak hy ' French .f drees with "Appreciable? riosses to the ene my' according . tt:. i tonight's official RTAtpmpnt. - I ; 1 1 . PRICE FIVE CENTS 5 Calls Attention of Contractor's f ! it tox Advantages Offered Here . - aMiiiH' 1 J - ' . " - VS.! BE BUILT IN VICINITY Chamber of Commerce -Bend? ing Every Effort to Bring ij Shipbuilding Plants to: f ! This Port -' : ' 'I,' Secretary H. B. Branch, of ith3 iv -1 Chamber of Commerce, yesterday -re p j i ceived a communication stating thilt y : ; Mr. Edward M. Hurley, chairman vjE j the United States Shipping . Board ,v! ; had advised Senator Simmons that jtijH the shipping board was calling , the f ; I S attention of builders to the advafi i : i tages and facilities of Wilmington l , a location for plants for" the build- i Ing of concrete snips. .,.;..; t: From "this official recognition; com I ing from the head of the Shipping ; Board, ereat things may be expected The concrete ship is something new, , comparatively, out enougn . nas oeen, $ j done in the way of building to' dem f; f onstrate the fact that they aW thp& jtiM oughly practical, and the government I ; j through the shipping board is prepax p; i ;j ing to build a great . number, alonjf r ! with the wood and steel ships Aprs vided for in the plans of the Emer s i gency Fleet Commission. ;s';-'" Aside from its location as aporf iU and the availability of sif6sVand;l 5 : bor, this City offers the. very; great advantage . which, arises Ir6nir it8.i tli V i matic conditions. Concrete . tan ; .be i poured here throughout the yearl and rtbe work would' not- be" handicapped by the long . cbntlnued freezes ;Aor Northern yards. . . :;V'&$p By reason of his knowledge , of ce ment work Mr. J. F. Harris hastre cently been appointed on the Com?' mittee on Shipping of the Chamfeelt ' Mr. C. C. Chadbourn being the chilr- I, j man. A t i j In view of the statement wttfcj-re , gard to housing facilities at Newport j( j News recently made before the Shlp if j son, presiaent oi ,uie ewpoii-er Shipbuilding and Drydock Co., i ln in which he pointed out the difficulty of rushing work on government, con i tracts because or tne maDUity to ( take, care of the number of men nee 'j; I essary for the work, a special .com : mittee of the Chamber of Commerce, cooperating with the War. Shipping Board of the United States Chombet! of Commerce, yesterday advised 'Hon. D. L. Ewing, chief of the Division of J Operationes of the United. States Shipping Board, of ample accommo dations in this city for the housing of workmen in shipbuilding operations; together with other facilities offered by Wilmington for the location ' of shipbuilding 'plants. Similar advices were transmitted to Mr. N. Sumneif Myrick, vice-chairman of the United ' States Chamber of Commerce. . The local organization is missing, nd-bp portunity to impress upon theA re sponsible authorities the fact . that Wilmington is prepared to handle; number of shipbuilding plants. : PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS. Petrograd, Jan. 12 Nicola Lenine of the Russian Bolsheviki governmenjt', formally praised President Wilson's speech today on receiving a full-copy of that address. He found faunt, how ever with the president's failure to criticise England as well as Germany; Lenine ordered that the president's" speech be sent at once to Trotsky ,.by. telegraph to Brest-Litovsk. . TO BE PAID SO MUCH -' PER O! cONNAIR Washington, Jn;i. i2. Profit -thd Great American War pastfme-r-has, . j broken out in local draft boards or. tried to at least. Because of this Pf o vost Marshal General Crowder today ruled that the compensation for the: boards should be 30 cents for each: , , questionnaire handled, this is to be : divided among the members as the'yf ; desire, provided noone member Shall J receive more than 15 x. cents and no ' ' two members more than 25 cents. Eills from local board, members; ask t ing $150 a month for their servicei' ; kept pouring into the Provost Mar- ' shall General's office with such . ra i pidity that the fund to pay tbe ex- ! P penses of the draft was soon , ex- hausted. Spring-Rice Startt Home. Washington Jan. 12. Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, recalled British Ambas. f sador, leaves Washington fbr JLeudba tomorrow, it was - announced today. ',; j Before sailing he probably? will 1 spend a few days ln7New yort-aui the Dominion. ..Eari Reading, -his sue- " cessor, is ..due .1 to arrive - ia Washlni ; ton January IS. Vtj i I y Y

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