,.v-r.' T ,.)- : ;l I ; . GREATEST PRIMA r DONNA; f'i;'-; Vfl) -V-"v ;H':7T ' s ou tli Carolina lNews ' fllliilIl!!!!lll!l!!Ill!lIIlliniB A BIG LAUNDRY. Pcvc r nt Prepares to Wash Clothes r- - at Camp Jaekaon. Columbia, S. C, Jan . 26. Camp ' Jackson , has the distinction of hav- V lug the largest government operated laundry In the country. Tho one at '(the camp now ir only equalled by the 5 laundry now rurfning at Camp Meade, but " this last in run under contract Irdm-lthe goveratnerrt and 'is not di ' 5- reotly controlled by TJncie Sam. ' j ;.- The. laundry now in operation at Cajnp Jackson s in a large airy r building Which covers a wide area. ; ,The building itself is 300 feet in : length! by 167 broad. Within this are J".;housed the various machines which V perform the work of cleaning by -wh6lesale the clothes of the soldiery. Thefe are : 132 Hoffman pressing nia chines for pressing out the washed clothes.; nine American dry. tumblers l lor drying the clothes after the wash I "'ingj -there are five 120-inch flat work fironera?for running out and pressing the sheets, towels, etc.; also 24 j American washers, these last 40 by 96 I .-'.f in, size. There are 36 American ex- i tractors, as well as markers and many pi other, up-to-date machines and appli- nces which are found in the modern -laundries., I Vfi'The laundry is at present at one third . full capacity. It is expected . thab When the tamp is filled "that 1? laundry for 60,000 .a week can easily j i be handled!' At present the laundry Js I taking care of the clothes of 10,000 ; men ner week. Four Republic trucks go through the camp daily in service i of the laundry, but it will take at least six to get up and distribute the j, large amount of clothes that are ex Cpected to be sent in when the rest of . r" ti e men cdme. it NO WHISKEY AT JACKSON. . Soldiers ' at Columbia Get Mighty Little Moonshihe. 1' ' Columbia, S. C, Jan. 26. 'it would . have been impossible for moonshine iiwhlskey, 'or any kind of whiskey, to Itave" been sold at Camp Jackson to . any extent, -without my knowing of ' : it, and 1-liaVe never heard of a case where whiskey was sold at Camp 'Jacksbn," said Colonel Edwin Bell, when shown a Washington dispatch which placed Camp Sevier and Camp Jackson as the ', leaders among the " caiiips at which moonshine whiskey Was being sold. - that there has never been an arrest of a person at f-Camp Jackson for selling whiskey, ; anil rthat -he does not believe that , .moonshine Whiskey is being sold in Columbia, "foh judging" from the na- turebf the; "drunks' registered by Jfthbs Who have-freely iihei'of the liQuidd to be bought . i ahfl around Coluna,' Jamaica .finger, aid, Blmilar :extrac.tis Jare the principal .Intbxlc&nt : . d be hkd :here; v- y??:'p i t imiii'iti t FOR V LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR. .TWdPrababfe Ehtrlea Already Being : - ' Dtieiiasd.' : " ''" fCbluinbia, S. C, an.' 26. J. F. "WIl liaihs. " ' State Senator from Aiken county, said he Would make the race ibis .summer fort lieutenant governor, lie will be a rien-factional candidate, hTBays, ' - "f- : 'j; Gk - lulgett; State Senator from Cofletbn county, is alsd considering entering, this race. His friends are urging he' says, but his mind is not defifatiely Made up On the proposition y0?- Died of Pistol Wound. Spartanburg, ?S. C, Jan. 26. WU liam.; Nichols Bonneau died early Tuesday morning in Spartanburg as the result of a' pistol wound received accidentally on Sunday morning. He was born in Beaufort, June 8, 1901, the Son of William E. Bonneau and Jennie Nichols Bonneau. Most of his life was passed in Beaufort, but for the last two years he had been living with relatives in Spartanburg. The young man was a stucent of the Coh verse Street High School and was loved by all who knew him. The fu nerar services were held at the , Church of the Advent, Tuesday after fibon, conducted by the rector, the Rev, W. H. K. Pendleton. The bbdy was taken to the old heme in Beau fort' for interment in old St. Helena Church yard. " His barn and stables were burned and with them three mules, a horse, a cow, one wagon, two buggies, an automobile, all the - farm implements, one bale of cotton, a thousand-odd bushels of corn, 14 bushels of wheat, three tons of hay, 45 bushels of peas, more than ft. ton of cotton seed and a great deal of fodder. The total insur ance' was $1,500. The cause of the fire has not been determined. - : Coal Reaches Chester. Chester, S. C, Jan. 26. The coal Situation in Chester was . greatly im proved on the arrival ot a, number of Carloads of coal Tuesday and Wed nesday. The farmers of Chester county responded liberally to the call for fuel by bringing in large quanti ties of wood, which was -Quickly pur chased by those short of coal. Seiate Coal In Sumter. Sumter, Jan. 2JB. The local fuel board is seizing cars of coal as they arrive and seeing that they are only distributed where actually needed. Only a half ton is allotted e&ch 'per son. Nine dollars a' ton is the sell ing price. Big Herd of Cattle. Wisacky, S. C, Jafl. 26. The larg est herds of , Guernsey dairy cattle ever brought to the South arrived here this Week, in charge of David Bell and J. Archie Bell, of Kentucky. The herd is consigned to the Lee County Guernsey breeders' Associa tion and Will be sold at auction Janu ary SO at the farm of Robert M. Coo per, Jr., Wisacky. What is More embletorJothers s-&miys&z r7RANK XANNING is a character fi actor of decided . ability.; ; He was born in- Marion Iowa, and Jien plunged forth into the world tc make his fortune." r f ; It was with Blanche Bates in "The Girl of the Golden West" that he first began . to attract attention, and soon j the everyday accidents cuts, bruises, scratches, etithat hap pen to their children ' - Noah's Liniment stops the Wood, deadens the pain, takes away the Chester Company Mustered In. Chester,. S. C, Jan. 26. Adjt. Gen. W. . W. Moore mustered the ' Chester company Of Vt& Third Regiment into Service Wednesday evening. The company numbers 63 men and the of ficers are: J. B. Westbrook, captain; William A. Latimer, first lieutenant; and J. A. Riley, second lieutenant Captain Westbrook will appoint the non-commissioned officers within the next week. Artillery Park at Columbia. Columbia, B. C, Jan.-26. About a thousand more artillerymen will be gathered together within the next few days at Camp Jackson to form an artillery- park, these ' inenj .will be brought in from other places and equipped and outfitted 'Ht the camp. Some of the officers waoill be la this artillery park have "already ar rived, coming from Leon springs, Texas. Kershaw Teaches. Camden, S. C, Jan, 26.-At a recent meeting .. pt toe., Kershaw: County teachers , Association ttie . following officers were elected vx- tfie year. J. G; Ibichards, ry Supetintenident of Camden city Schools president; J, H. Allen, principal of the Bethuhe school, vice president; Mies . Aibefta team, Camden Graded . School , secretary, and Miss zelma tarish, of Camden. ' ' Loss for Negro. frSumter..S, C, .Jan. 26. J. A. Fire son, a .prosperous negro of the Con i 2brd section of the county, suffered : ;a; heavy loss from fire Friday night. Cold Ruins sweet Potatoes. Chester, b. C, Jan. 26. From all reports coming in today and the past few days it seems that the recent cold we&tner nas ruined the sweet potatoes in Btorage in Chester county, causing considerable loss. . . Amelia Golli-Curci of the Chicago Opera Company, who is to sing in the New York season of the company. She has beea hailed in Chicago as the greatest of present day prima donnas. Now the East is to judge for it self. A season at Boston follows that at New York. THEATRE GOLD MINING IN ALASKA. .The old romantic ways Of seeking one's fortune in the Yukon have de parted, oday the whole thing is done by . prosaic . machinery. The romance is gone but the result la infinitely more profitable. All this is shown in Lyman H. Howe's latest I Travel Fes tival, which comes to ther Academy of Music tonight. the Howe cameraman caught the two modern methods of fortune hunt ing in Alaska, the gold dredge, elec trically, operated and costing half a million to build, quickly scoops away a whole hill, automatically moving the dirt in buckets for gold washing. The Other method, by hydraulic Water, pres BUfe, . pohnds a mountain into mud, the, mud being drained into sluice boxes for Wholesale sifting. the tour of the Yukon Wilds js a very interesting part of the new Ly man H. Howe protra3fti, Which .also features Ja.jasCintirfpv- through China. Interesting glimpses are giv en of the exploits Of gigantic caterpil-' la, tractors in .TJncle Sam?s Army. A bright link In? the entertainment is a Jlvely and amusing excursion to Coney,' Island. "A thrilling interlude is a mountain lion hunt, conducted by an intrepid cowboy and his equally alive etashrdl cmfwy BFGK Wblb& dauntless wife, who make their living capturing these animals alive with only a lariat as a weapon. The prices are 28 Cents, 39 cents and 65 cents. The new program has a large as sortment of the funniest animated car toons yet created by the Howe statf of artists. FOR WOMEN LAWYERS. Judiciary Committee Gives Bill Fav orable Report. Columbia,. 8. C, Jan. 26. A favor able report was made by the Judic iary committee on the bill by Mr. Hammond, of Richland county, for women to practice law within the State under the same rules, regula tions and conditions prescribed for the men. , A majority favorable report was made on the Toole bill to compel all street car lines between cities and army camps to carry passengers for 5 cents, where the distance is not greater than seven miles. Woolen Mill Burned. Baltimore, Md., Jan. 26. Fire of mysterious origin destroyed the Oella Woolen .Mills at Eliicott City early last night, the mills were turning out cloth for the government. Dam age Is estimated at $100,000. . - There have been 1,3?3 Russian med als and crosses awarded to warrant officers, non-commissioned officers and men of the British forces during the present war. DIES AT CAMP JACKSON. In Fourth Man from Duplin to Die Training Camp. Warsaw, Jan. 26.-News Was re ceived thurSday of the death of Mr. Richard Leroy Thomas, who died of pneumonia at Camp Jackson Wednes day, night. This is the fourth young man from the county to pay the death toll in the service of his country. Mr. Thomas was about 22 years old, and was the son of Mr. Joe Thomas, of near Hallsville. He was a young man of sterling qualities and fine business ability, having been engaged successfully in farming until he an swered his country's call in Decem ber. The body will be brought to the county and interred near his - home. The Red Cross chapters of the county will furnish a handsome design Of flowers to be ; sent as a mark of ap preciation of the services rendered by the young soldier. DOUBLE SEAL SALE. Dr. McBrayer Thinks Rftd Cross Seal Sals Will Amount to $25,000. (Special to The Dispatch.) Raleigh, Jan. 26. North Carolina will double her Sale of Red Cross seals, selling two millions and a half goals, which amounts to $25,ooo, thinks -Dr. L..B McBrayerr executive secretary of the State Red Cross Seal Commission, who bases his .opinion on the reports that have already come in from the local committees. He says that while a number-of large towns have not yet reported, several, including Greensboro and Charlotte, have increased their sales about 100 per cent, this year, while many towns like KinstOn sold seals for the first time. Kifistpn sold 42.CH30 seals in December, as her first effort. Through the office of the State Sanatorium over 30,000 seals Were Bold. Greens boro, Who led the State last year, Sold & total of 214,609 seals this year. Dr. McBrayer is urging the chair men Of all local committees to make their reports as , soon as possible so that, a full report may be had, and .that pans may be- Made not only by the State ckmfftee but-? ill io cal" committees -Cor puttings to work the 'money raise'd by this method. Several features of anti-tuberculosis' work that have been suggested by the Tuberculosis Bureau of- the State Board of Health as suitable for local communities to undertake or help -to support are a town or community nursing service, a county tuberculosis hospital or. sanatorium, sending wor thy patients t6 the State Sanatorium for treatment, providing open air schools for sub-normal . school Chil dren, and supporting educational health campaigns, emphasizing the tu berculosis feature through lectures, exhibits and special literature. Local committees are urged to make their plans for home anti-tuberculosis work at once. ... medium through which , his 1 peculiar wuents could test be turned into tnpney. ' ' : . - In Laskys "The Victoria Cross" he made considerable impression; f ollew- i ed later by Fox's "A'T&le of- Two Cities," numerous Bluebirds;, IKo "John Needham's Doublei" -and many others. s :' " ' a -L fci.J .iiA ;. Afcraww-ne is-a memoer oi me uimgci uir uiuuLi puiouiiiug xivi uw universal cast in "Th$ Bull's. Eye, a the wound. It -is antiseptic. - serial of unusual merit. His interpret . , . . tation of the part of Fjrtmk Lanning, TSoVi'o T 3ntm41irf' ad6r of the sheepmeh'who are war xNO.aH S llIlllMt;jlt im on the cattle owners, is attract tQ iiA htxt Rino-Tft TrtAritIrmaiiv Q considerable attention both from is the Dest Bnigie preparation any the standpoint of make-up" and lamuy. can .nave j m j;n.eir nome. Knowledge oi tne "range. It is a pain remedy tor internal use as well as a liniment for external application ; Noah's linimenir is excellent for coldii coughs, sore . throat and toothache. Made in Richmond, Va. by Noah Products Corp. , and sold by deal ers 25c, 50c, 1.00 SH -: - i'. fotoTuA Illlik' How's Thii? We offer ofie hundred sonars reward tot any case of Catarrh that canfi&t be cufed by Hali'ti Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty fire years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hail's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poison from the Blood and healing the diseased portions. After you bate taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great improvement in your general health. Staff taking Hall's Catarrh Medi cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY and CO.; f aiedo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, tSc. Adv. VITAGRAPE GETS EMPEY :; The Vitagranh Company makes the startling announcement through the trade press that it has sighed Ser geant Guy Empey, hero and author oi "Over the Top, for a screen ver , sion of his colorful book. , Sergeant Empey is an American, ho served in the trenches with one of the first British expeditionary forces In Francs, and was badly wounded by a fragrnent of a shell, wmcn tore away 'a portion of his iaw. Plastic surgery, however has given him a new jaw, which allows him to do almost anything which a natural aw can do, and he is now very active m lecturing throughout the : country on the need of speed in getting our troops to the front. - That Vitagraph has scooped the en tire motion picture industry in secur ing Empey and his book, is admitted by all producers, and the screen ver sion Of "Over the Top" is awaited with interest. It e 1 FRANK LANNiHi Winston Sawm 1V!orehe6d Clty-B&u-fort Pullman Sleeping Car Line Bi tomes Wlnstdn-Salem-Goldsfcoro Sleeping Car Line Southern Railway system announ ces effective with last Cars into and out of Beaufort Sunday Aug. 12th, the Winston-Salem&Soreneaa City-Beaia-fort Sleeping Oar Line will be shorten ed to Winston-Saiem-Ooldsboro Line. Car will continue to be handled Oh trains Nos. 232-112. and 111.237. For further details ask Southern Railway System Agents, or address 5. 0. Jones, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh. N. C. , An umbrella opened on the stage is supposed to bring ill luck to the actors, and probably there is no play In existence in which an open um brella figures. Caesar had his Brutus; Charles the iHrst, his Cromwell, and George the Third, his American Colonies, all of them matters of history. ; It now re mains to be Been whom the Hon. Wil helm HOhenzOllern will have. Puck. We Specialize iii the" Manufacture of Rubber Stamps LcGwin Printing Go. Srace St Wilmington, N. C. FOR WIFE MOTHER SWEETHEART Before going home tonight .to. . mother or ; wife, Of the visit you contemplate for tomorrow, "drop" in and slip a "surprise -Joy in your pocket There Will be smiles for the giver and a treat for the recipient. Fresh Shipment of Delicious ..Whitman's Candies Just JIM j WAN I FUTRELLE .. Phones: 211-212 ... ... .107 Process Street. .... UNIVERSAL 'DISTRIBUTES SHORT REELS Universal has started the distri tion of one-reel subjects that are I clared to mark a new departw? i but they are Said to carry an iW interest to all classes of showJ ii imam i iiiicy, superintendent nf wregon. state isn and Game mission, wno nas maae an ntii study Of the wild creatures which habit the sea and air and roam forests Of our land, has created series of intimate metures that a. the haunts and habits of every & cies of "fish, fowl and beast kno the great Northwest. JIIIII!I!III!!I!!!n3!IIII!!!!li;il!t1imii!!!II!l;iIIllItIlIIIIl!III i J.3.McCABE and CO. I I Certified Public Accoun- I CZ - UUlMt SS ! Room 810 Murchison Bank Bldg. PHoe 996, WIUMINGTON, N. C.S SiiniininiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiniiiinnitiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiinii KHICHESTERgPRtf vr. THE llIAMOVT T?0vV" Radical AskyearDruffiJ(,Al i eled with Blue Vil 3UUJ INT UKUUGI5R EVER! f F You Wish to Get Your DRUG JL rtlinPC; mitpH Prnmntlv 520 , ::.... S; V CO. HARRY E PAYNE SHIPMENT OF NEW HATS IN Georgette aii&Striw- Oifepe Winter K Milahs Ribbon Faced at and Below Cost MISS lAjMIA BROWN Kill Tlie-Kaiser Club". uy purchasing Thrift Stamps Buy War Sayings Stamps Everywhere on Printing Company Wilmingt r . i 4 s i i i t 0 YOU KNOW WHY--- A Real Estate Man Isn't Born To Be Happy ? an i nil in i. iiiimiH mm-1 woveo ro 4000 TT r m rr m. 1 . l. . i HX 'S" 115. BJT- II r 17 hmp mm Mm JoMMs-tapsr FTsfier WR. Ji-16S,THS lie k.rv CuiTU UM-WELUU. 1 urx.,ET i i - 1 . . - 1 TO PO( . CH H&Oftm'S . i i i r . i REAL, : 1 fori 46ot)iMSi svce. rv ' . uk e ice 1 T oa tec 1 M6 J(H&& TKtS &r&C l ootcf V . . .;::..:. I. t. w REAL. " -IT ... .-7 THE owuM&e-fM LI (riME TO r