V i, r ir ' " ACM THE WILMlNNlPIS ' ' :ARSAyiNGSSTAMPS , 30 30 bll-4 31 1-2 COTTON. & 7ilmingt(9n spot Norfolk spot 4 . avannah r.pot' . :harl3ton spot NEW YORK COTTON. New York, Jan. 26. The cotton market wa3 unsettled and irregular arly today. Notwithstanding- unfav raljle press comment on the German iancellbr'8 speech, the more optimia ic vjew of peace prospects still seera i to prevail around the ring. This as supposed to account for some of he scattered Wall Street or Western elling, while there wa3 also selling n reports that the Fuel Administra-'ot-had notified Fall River manufac urcrs not to operate their plants on atufday,- afternoons or night during .he ' present emergency; The mar ret opened steady at a decline of five :oints to an advance of eight points Tith;, active .months selling about hree to eight points net lower short y after the call. "Trade interests 7ere moderate buyers-at the decline, lowever, causing rallies of a few joints before the end of the first .our;,, . . Cotton, closed firm.- ' .'.'."'. - High, Low. Close 30.31 29.83 29.47 28.14 27.90 larch ' lay.:;.. , July! . .. . ... 30.50 30.15 .. .. 30.03 29.65 ... .. 29.72 29.30 .. .. 28.36 28.04 Dec; ; NEW YORK SPOT -COTTON. -New Tork, Jan. 26. Cotton: Spot, ;uiet; ; middling uplands 31.60. 1 -NEW ORLEANS COTTON. I. Nervous and i : New Orleans. Jan. 26 irregular, fluctuations featured the trading Jiere todsfy, the market going aotJ-very far either ahove or above or oeiow he : close of yesterday. From a de cline of one to five points around the opening call it rose to a level 7 to 14 points i over yesterday's- last quota .lons. Trading was small in volume. Cotton closed steady 10 to 18 points .own. , i t ' ' ' High Low Close 29.03 28.71 28.42 27.15 27.00 Iaich. -j -lay .1 29,32 28.93 28.98 28.60 28.68 28.31 27.36 27.02 fuly. Ct. - - V NEW ORLEANS SPOT COTTON. New" Orleans, aJn. 26. Spot cotton, steady and unchanged. Sales on the ;pot'887; ,to arrive 865; low middling 19.62; middling 30.87; good middling 51.62. '. ' ; . t - " ' CHICAGO GRAIN. 1 Chicago, . Jan. 26. Unfavorable .veather. for the crop -movement put the corn market today on the upgrade. Opening prices, which ranged from the Pamelas yesterday's finish to l-8c high er twith, March 1.26 3-4 and. May 1.25 .0 1-4, were followed by a moderate Jurther advance. Oats jumped to new high price rec ords f or the season. Lack ' of - selling pressure caused an advance , in provisions. Lower quota tions on -hogs were ignored. V, CHICAGO LIVE, STOCK. Chicago, Jan. 26. Hogs: Receipts :0,000. ! Dull. Bulk 15.40 to 15.65; ight- 15.00 i to 15.55; mixed 15.15 to -75;"4 heavy 15JL0 to 15.80; rough 5.10 to 15.25; pigs 12.00 to 14.25. Cattle: Receipts 5,000, Weak. Na-. ive"steers 8.30 to 13.75; stockers and ieeders 7.25 to 10.40; cows and heif ers 610 to 11.65; calves 9.00 to 15.50. Sheep: Receipts 4,000. "Weak. Weth 3rs 9.75 to 13.40; lambs 14.50 to 17.75. WU-M1NGTON Spirits N. D. Rosin N. D. Tar $3.50 and Crude $4, $4, NAVAL STORES. 16c $3. Receipts: Cotton 103 126 rar. pcf Czrz lor Allied Purchases. Washington, Jan. 26. Assurances that adequate numbers of railroad cars .will be furnished for transporta tion to seaports of allied purchases of faMstuffa'was given, by Director Gen e'rii McAdoo today in a conference with: Sir Richard Crawford, commer cial advisor of the British embassy; Andre Tardieu, French high commis sioner,; and Count Di Cellere, ; the Ital ian -ambassador and high commis sioner, ' . ! ? t : i Militarists .Warned. Amsterdam, Jan. 26. Philip Schei demanh, president of the Social Demo cratic party In Germany, answering Chancellor yon Hertling's speech in the main1 committee of the Reichstag, j warned: the military leaders of the imperial government thai-if they did not ' bring about peace between Ger many and Russia ','they would be hurl ed from power," s V Gorky. Wounded. .Petr9grad,' Jan. 26. Maxim Gorky, widely 1 known Russian author and ed itor :oJhevSvWbdnaia Zbizn, was 5trujkln the jieck and slightly wound ed by ;a.,stray shot while driving in n cab today, according to a newspa rer report published here.. The shot ras fired from an unknown source. An. Ultimatum to Russia. Ilelsinfors, Jan. 26. The Finnish ', -3 ate-has sent an .ultimatum, to , the lus sian 4 government : demanding ' that lussia -cease ..supplying arms: to Fin ' h rioters who assisted by Russian Idlers, :are committing acts of ;vio--ce every .day or otherwise war will 3 proclaimed Immediately.5 - The Rus a. answer Just - published contains promise to demand that -the' arms 3 returned."-. ; :.. J, 5 42 STOCKS. t ty 4 ' New York, Jan. 26 Trading in stocks during t6day's brief sejsjpn re flected next -Monday's" holiday and the uncertain attitude of the' specula tive element. Prices hardened , soon after the opening but yielded moder ately on pressure against United States Steel, Coppers and Equip ments. Rails were relatively the strongest features, Pacifies, Norfolk and Western and some of the low priced Western groups scorixfg ex treme gains of one to . almost two points. These were partly sacrificed in the final dealings. The closing was firm. ; Sales 275,000, American American American American American Beet Sugar .. ., Can .... . . Car & Foundry . . Locomotive . ... Smelt. & Refining 77 1-8 36 7-8 71 1-2 56 1-2 82 5-8 105 61 1-8 American Sugar Refining (bid) Anaconda Copper' . . .. .. .. . Atchison ..... . ...... ... Baldwin Locomotive . Baltimore & Ohio Bethlehem Steel "B" ... .. .. . ... 84 ... 61 2-8 . . . 50 7-8 .. 751-4 .,.142 1-4 .. 64 5 S Canadian Pacific . . . . Central Leather . . . . Chesapeake & Ohio . . Chi., Mil. & St. Paul Chi., R. I. & Pac. Ry Chino Copper .. .. .. . . Colorado Fuel &"Irpn .. Columbia Gas and Electric Corn Products Crucible Steel .. ... ... Cuba pane Sugar , . 53 43 3-4 20 3-S 42 3-8 iz 33 32 5-8 56 3-2 315 8 15 1-4 Erie General Motors . . Great Northern Pfd. ..117 1-4 .. 88 3-4 .. 26 3-4 .. 45 3-8 .. 911-4 .. 32 7-8 ..113 3-4 .. 26 901-2 .. 321-2 . 43 7-8 .'. 221-8 . .187 3-4 .. 701-4 ..1031-2 Great Northern Ore Ctfs Inspiration Copper Int Mer Marine Pfd. Kennecott Copper .. . Louisville -ft Nashville Maxwell Motor Co. ; Mexican Petroleum Miami Copper .. Midvale Steel Missouri Pacific . Nevada Copper New York Central . . Norfolk & Western .. Northern Pacific (bid) Ohio Cities Gas ., .. 83 36 7 8 46 451-2 23 5-8 73 1-4 75 3-S 32 3-4 82 3-8 231-4 50 1-4 . - Pennsylvania .. .. . . .. Pittsburgh Coal ....... Ray Consolidated Copper Reading .. .. .. .. .. . Republic Iron & Steel Sinclair Oil .. .. . .. Southern Pacific . Southern Railway Studebaker Co Tennessee Copper 151-4 .149 ...... 54 1-8 Texas Co. . . Tobacco Products Union Pacific ..1141-4 United Cigar Stores . . 941-2 U. S. Industrial Alcohol . ...1191-8 .... 561-4 U. S. Rubber .. United States' Steel 91 1-4 82 41 40 1-4 1714 Utah Copper .. .. ..-.. . Wabash Pfd. "A" (bid) Westinghouse Electric Willys-Overland .. M'W -.... A. T. & T. .. . ..1041-4 Illinois Central ....95 Atlantic Coast Line (bid) 89 7-8 87 1-2 71-2 Gulf States Steel (bid) Seaboard Air Line (bid) . , Sloss-Shef. Steel and Iron -..,. 39 1-2 120 401-8 United Fruit Virginia Caro. Chem.. General Electric (.- .129 An Ultimatum ta Russia. London, Jan. 26. Kishinev isreport ed to be surrounded by Rumanian troops, according to a Petrograd . dis patch to the Exchange Telegram Com pany and hot fighting is said .to be in progesr between the Bolshevik! Savannah, Jan. 25. Turpentine dull, 45 1-2 sales none; receipts 9; ship ments 'T; stock 25,931. iRosin steady; sales 448; receipts 259; shipments none; -stock 90,410. Quote: B D E F G H 6.15; I 6.20; K 6.50; M 6.80; N 7.20; WG 7.40; WW 7.50. SPECIAL SALE AT KERR, N. C, ON the A. & Y. R. R. Monday, January 28th, we will offer for sale any part . or all the following unusually low prices. Locomotive, rail, log cars, track tools, switches and frqgp; log tools, log carts, buggies, wagons, mules horses, belting, shafting, pul leys, three boilers, two engines,' one hoisting engine, one edger, .pnfe saw milL conveyors, log hauls, small " cars, . dry kiln, planer, cable, chain, sprockets, dust Conveyor, ; fan, emery stand, axes,, shovels, tube expanders,, stocks and dies, .ham mers, tongues and all machinery, tools and appurtenances used by the Babcock ; Lumber Company. Prices will be very attractive '-and all offered subject to prior . sale. Lingo Oity Metal Works, Wilming ton, N. C 1 ; l,36-2ti IR. SALARIED MEN TAKE PART earnings, invest in shares Carolina Building & Loan Association .and see how easy it is to save tor: the rainy day. Ask about, how it. works at Moore's Agency, 123 Princess. E. T. Taylor, President X. W. Moore, Secretary, l-?Mtl ROWDEN COTTON SEED. THESE seed saved; from cotton that a Dulled full 1 1-16 in..to 1 1-8 in. and brought a premium or One Cent per Pound over other short cotton. This rot- ton Is a good producer and ' turns ?LweU at thG S111- pr bushel 52.00, 10 bushel lots, $1.90, 50 bushel lots, $1.80, t, o. b. here, J: C. Miller, , ' : "lr27-2ti' ' ..;' or - TO THE RAHROAO TR GLTF WAS A mK') Tf TRACKS 30 SHE'D GET THAT Guy piTcWu 4v BUSINESS SPECIALS MESSENGER SERVICE. For this service we use the 'Pos tal Telegraph Cable Company's messengers. They will call for your "ads," In the,, tame manner and quick tlm4 ai .they . How 'fcover the city for telegrams, night letter grams, cables, etc. For further information as to "ads," call 176, but for telegraph service call fPoetal Telegraph." WANTED -TRAVELING MAN TO travel this territory. Salary and ex penses to right man. Must be a hustler. Permanent position, if can make good. Address, "Traveling Man," care Dispatch. l-25-3tj FOR SALE VALUABLE PIECE OF Nixon street property. Heart of business district of Nixon street Lot admirably located for confectionery j store. See James Owen Reilly, agent. . 1-253 tj FOR SALE A GOOD GENTLE horse for draft and buggy, for sale on account of having an auto. Phone 1711-J or 606 Chestnut street 1-25-3U PINE WOOD DELIVERED ANY where in the city. $6.00 a cord. Phjone; 750&J. l-25-7tj. ONION SETS AND IRISH COBBLER Maine grown seed potatoes, Just received several cars; send us your orders; do not delay, Bear Produce and Mdse. Co.,- (wholesale) phones 452-453, Wilmington, N. C. ja 22-tf... WE HAVE IT HALIBUT STEAK. smelts, Finnen haddock, salt mack- erel, smoked bloaters, pickled her ring, smoked white fish, Kippered herring, tomato herring, mustard sardines, and full line of domestic . and . imported sardines and salmon and full line of groceries at the lowest prices. May's Delicatessen, 'Phone 1322. 124 4t. AUTO TIRES WHEN THEY NEED repairing take them to The Pair, 2 in 1. We will lixthem so that they are as good as new. 1-24-lmo. ORDER EARLY FARRIS' HOT SUP- " per Rolls. "They save hours In the kitchen." Phone 626-627. ... 1-23-tf FURNITURE WE BlY SECOND hand furniture. Best prices, given. Castle Street Furniture Co, 705 Castle Street Phone 102 6-J. 1-21-7U1 OLD FALSE TEETH WANTED Don't matter if broken. I pay $2 to - $15 per set. Also cash for old gold, silver, and broken jewelry. Send . by parcel; post and receive check: by return mail.' Will hold goods , 10 days for sender's approval of nly -offer. L. Mazer, 2007 So. 5th St, ; PhUa:. Pa. 1-15-30 ti. ALBERT BAKER WANTS BOYS . and girls to play violin." Begin now and take part in , recitals. Call for Information?- Studio 106 North Front, over Munson'Compamy. 1-24-3U. PECAN TREES- FOR SALE $10.00 per hundred. 15c each for less than ; fifty. . . D. 'O. Westbrook, R: F. D. , - l-2ft.it ii look 1 am ""Selling best na- tive beef round steak 25c lb. Lom steak 25c, chuck steak 20p, roast 20c, stew 15c, native pork 30 to 35c per lb Ham, bacon, sausage at cut prices. Hoyt Kennedy, phono 670. l-9-30tj VANTED BY EXPERIENCED MAN under thirty exempt from Draft po sition. Asst Cashier good bank. Now cashier small bank but desire change for excellent . reasons. Ref erences. Address "M. Z.", care Ris patch, 1-21-7 ij. FOR RENT COTTAGE NO. 719 - Orange with garage and wood house. Phone 1874-J or 26. 12-8-tf WANTED TO EXCHANGE 5 ACRE farm in Florida, suitable for Or ange growing or trucking, for new Hanover County real estate or, Au tomobile. If interested call or write 1218 So. Third St l-22-7tj. WANTED FIFTY CABORERS, white or colored, to clean land. Guaranteed three years work. Ap ply M. Lance, Carolina Beach. 8-31 tf WHEN YOUR BOY GOES INTO THE Trenches see that he takes with him your portrait He above 'all the gold and Kendrlx. will treasure it on earth. Foltz 12-13-tf CAR ORANGES, CAR APPLES, CAR Irish potatoes, lima beans and black-eye peas Just received. Send us your orders. Bear Produce and Mdse. Co. (wholesale) Phones 452 453, Wilmington, N. C ja 22-tf UNREDEEMED WATCH, SOLID gold, 14 carot, Hunting case, Long ines movement worth $45.00, unre deemed price $27.50, at Chas. Fink elstein. Phone 642. 1-23-tf FOR SALE PINE WOOD DELIVER- ed any where in the city $6.45 a cord Phone 4702. 124-7tij. WE HAVE A BATTERY FOR YOU to use while yours is being charg ed. Free inspection at any time Wilmington Storage Battery Co., 21 No. Second street 1-24-3U. An Illustration of the Best Life Insurance Policy Issued Amount f 10,000 M Double IndemiUtr ' If death, occur by accident while on a train, trolley, steamship or oth er common " carrier, tha policy payi 120,000 instead of $10,000. Disability Protection. ' If permanently cllated before age '65 from any cause accident, blind ness, paralysis, tuberculosis, in . Banity. or anything else all further premiums are waived and you receive an income of $1,000 a year for life. At death the full $10,000 is paid, le gardless of the premiums waived and the income already paid to yon. Annual Cash Dividends This policy pays dividends an nually after the second year. Had this policy been taken but . in 19o-i . the cllvlden ds - for 1817 alone would , have been $100.00. The longer it is carried the cheaper it becomes and the more it Is worth. 1MB! .- After the second year you can al ways borrow from one-third to two thirds of the amount you have paid In without jeopardizing the policy, and you can insure the loan mak ing the policy-free of debt In case of death. - , C. L. DICKINSON. Agt. T'Pwne 859.. ; Office 101 Princess. , WE DELIVER ALL. MAGAZINES ON date of issue when so requested Phone your wder to 745. Gordon's News Stand. 10-T-li TOLEDO SCALES NO SPRINGS. Honeet weight E. A. Shands, Jr., now representing Toledo Scale Co. In this territory. Phone 630.. 12-2&-tf. THE MOTTE BUSINESS COLLEGE, Inc.. offers superior . advantages to those seeking a business education. Positions secured for all graduates. Write or phone 706 for catalogue. 1-21-tf. TO THE INSURING PUBLIC AS all Insurance Offices are closed on Mondays in compliance with request of the Government the Saturday Half Holiday will be temporarily susDended and offices will be open all day Saturday. Local Board of Fir Underwriters. 1-23-5U jnii!i!HiiHiiHiiiiiiuiHninnnininiHiiHiiinimiHHiinHii- Builders Supplies I W. B. THORPE & CO. j li Water and Ann streets M s, I Phone 789. Hiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiranininnmiiiiiinniiifiiimiiuiniiiimlii Are at Issue, 85 Paid-TJp Kxtensloos After you have carried this policy for three years you can stop paying and the Company will carry your in surance tree for six years and 193 days. - After 10 years, the company will carry you for 31 years and 311 dayB, and so on. Amount Obtainable y This policy may b, wDtained in any amount from. $1,000 to $25,000, the latter sum being the Company's limit for this particular poKy. Payments may be- made annually, semi-annually or Quarterly. Policy Becomes Full-Paid At age 05 all payments cease-and $10,000 goes to your heirs when your, die, or you can have $3,090 Jn caab for yourself - ' The Company , . -v The Issuing compAnj- is the strong- est In the werld assets $866,988,841. 67 and it-does business at, a lower , cost than any -other,, which accounts ' for the large dividends returned to policyholders. If you need life insurance yon want thls-contract. Exact details for your ' own age gladly furnished on reauest. ij 5-Issued by tke XJ. COTmit: to assist in finances our war agamst tW Central PoVers. , These' Stamps rhafiire in 1923 and net the owner 4 per cent ComjpQund lnterwtlf Tphpugh you may not te able to do but aj small Ht rfemember your country is caj. , ing you to,do. your part Will you do it? 5 stAmpsfor sale here the fmmm SAVINGS CORNER FRONT iANp PRINCESS STREETS 11 r ' " ' in,,-, ! JoMx fPiiMe Sam's 1 - War Saidiigs Glub Buy War Savings Stamps. A profitable, simple, secure, investment paying 4 per cent compounded, re deemable at any time upon ten days' notice, issued in 'two denominations, 25 cents and $5.00. 25 cents and $5 seem small amounts but remember that a single strand in a cable has no strength but thous ands of these srj ands bound together uphold the Brook lyn Bridge. Do your bit. A country worth fighting for is worth saving for. - W. B. Cooper & Co. Wilraington, N. C. Lick A Thrift Stamp and help lick the Kaiser. Thrift Stamps 25c. War C. W. YATES COMP'i W. S. S. Buy War Savings Stamps Everywhere. BIG BUSINESS Stands squarely behind, the Thrift Movement Get in line and help your government. Thrift Stamp and War Savings Certificate Stamps for nale here Murchison National Bank W. S, S. Buy. War Savings Stamps Everywhere VULCAN m One horse . . . . . . .:!.,$ 8.50 One and one-half horse . , 1 2.00 Two horse .......... m U, . 1 5.00 NEW GROUND PLOW . .1 3.50 Gape FHardware Company 4 . &vff !",- i - ' -" 5W X 4 " is si. . I ' Pastopi 0. Magnuson, t BANf MftWsfilB. Savings Certificate Stamp $4.12 PLOWS Wken Jetovak's Glonj Fills All Tke Earth. A-very Interesting and Timely Free Bible Lecture to be Given by Pastor O. Magnuson, of Brooklyn I' At the Grand Theatre SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, at 8:00 Uhdep Auspices of the Internation , a! Bible Students Association. : No CoUection! All Qof. FrAft dTM4, WWW to - r . " . v T"' -t - - i V v ...,w--: - -