- M ' 3.- Wilmington, north Carolina, Monday afternoon. February 12. 191 8. PAGE TWO hi 1: . 3 AM $4 i't n 4 m '? Soutk Carolina News Items iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiruiimiiiiiiE FATAL COLLISION. Automobile Ran Into Train, Killing ' Three Persons. Barnwell. S. C Feb. 12. One I woman and two men were Wiled ana. ; anotner woman was Bu., .uj1Cu building, hog raising, poultry and the ; here Sunday afternoon about , t planting of peaches and grapes, rasp lolock when an automobile in which berries etc The farm will al80 have they were riding dashed head-on nto,modern ap;liances and perhapS a a? westbound freight engine at ""tractor; in hort those things which Atlantic Coast Line depot, where the thQ chimged arid changing conditions '. nllrniirf intrfiSMS the DUbllC TOau . . , ... a... . , , i ! leadine from Barnwell to Allendale. i Tho A are: Miss Ready, rea vLee, white, and a negro named f Johnson; injured is Miss Moody. All of the occupants of the car were Ffrom Kline and were on their way home when the accident occurred The driver's view of the oncoming : r j y , , , ul i Wnmntiva wor obscured by a string i - ftiof ft-eight cars on the north side of f-;-the main line, and apparently with ... i -A - . J annnr, -jnj crossing at a iaym owu ins to the testimony of eye wit nesses. So terrific was the impact Rthat the automobile was totally de-. pxnai me amomoune w , (inollshed and the cowcatcher of the: engine was uauiv uaiuagcu. The. heads of both men were hor f ribly crushed and their bodies brok en, ineir aeam uewg luoioumucuuj .Miss Ready lived for a short time, . dying in the waiting room in the de spot a few minutes after pnysicians ? Reached the scene. ; To Operate Model Farm. :;rte'-TTnion. S. C." Feb. 12. The Union : i rfhamber of Commerce held a meet- 1 . lng Saturday nigkt and 1 Tectors to fill vacancies. elected di- J The ques- . Jf ition of organizing a stock company . . to secure and operate a small dem- l rafr-- - CRAVEN'S PATRIOTIC BOARD. S 3 Exemption Board Completes Work h . . Without Cost to Government. ' i. :- - - (Special to The Dispatch.) :3-?. New Bern, Feb. 12. The -Craven ; (County Exemption Board has pom- I ? Dieted the classification of all of the! I f registrants in the county and notice ! - ,'?o this effect was telegraphed to the 1 lj -officials at Raleigh by Mr. T. G. Hy- t yJ xnan, chairman of the local board. Vr Not only has the classification been M .completed, but this work was done by j the members of the local board with- j )-ont one cent of cost to the govern-! coming State and Congressional cam Ittnent, each one of the members de-; paigns in Minnesota. The proposal dining to take any pay for their j for a complete fusion with the Re weeks of labor. j publicans on candidates whose loyal- . ' At a meeting of the chairmen ofjty record is above reproach is one of ythe Exemption Boards held at Raleigh ! the live matters that is expected to rsbme. weeks ago, Mr. T. G. Hyman i receive the attention of the commit- made a motion to the effect that the, members do this work without pay. j vorably received by some of the Dem There were a few who were in favor orrntlc lp.ndAra it ve. Tint PTneoted tn of letting North Carolina set a prec- flp.Tit talrfnEr this action. hut i r.iia - j o : y , :.. oioers aia noi. wane iu uevuie laeir 9. i' -11 -S2.3 X . A J A 11 S - time. to tne matter unless tney re- ?- -vceivea renumeration tor it. As a result of the discussion it was 'decided that those board members 5 who desired to be paid for helping jthe government out in this matter i could do so, but the Craven county FDoard let it be known that they - 'would not accept one penny for their j States a Red Cross auxiliary is the jwork and no charge whatever has , aim of a campaign for booming Ju Ptoeen made by them for the services nior Red Cross membership, to be which they have rendered. j inaugurated today and continued over ' j Washington's birthday. The move- ,X Lincoln's Home City Pays Tribute. 1 ment originated with Dr. H. B. Mac Springfield, 111., Feb. 12. Spring- j Cracken, president of Vassar College jlleld today did honor to the memory : and has received the indorsement or of Abraham Lincoln. All State of-' the National Red Cross and of Presi fflces, banks, courts and schools in dent Wilson. t MARRY CAKEY. hf TRRY CAREY, whose screen ! JT characterization of "Cheyenne" Harry in many Western pro ductions has made him popular, ap pears in one of the best comedies of . -the year, entitled "Wild Women." ' V His work in this particular picture is a surprise to screen fans, for he displays a vein of humor which de velops into a mine of comedy, v WOd Women" tells a tale that keeps an audience in an uproar from start .-to finish. ! Can you imagine an "outfit" of cow- ; mchexs shanghaied on the San Fran- V cisco waterfront and taken to sea on a tdecrepit old clipper? Well, that is Just what happens in this latest Uni ersal release. Shipwrecked, the eowpunchers find themselves on a South Sea Island in iabiUd by a race of beautiful fSwild women," and from then on things .happen with such rapidity that gen 'aaaughter is the rale rather than the exception. i With Harry Carey iu this produc 5 tion are Vester Pegg and other real .cowboys, while the "wild women" may .be judged from the delicious sample, 'Molly Halone. EDISON 6ETs"'0, HEAL VAMP." ; ' Louise Glaum, the first leading woman in motien pictures to produce the art of vampiring before the cam era, and who about two months ago -withdrew from active work in the silent drama following the expiration .'of her contract with Inee-TViangle, has been engaged by Paralta Plays, xnc uirougn inresiaent uan Ander son, it was announced last week. ALL-STAR CAST?'-" - In the cast of Artcraft's production ? off The Whispering Chorus," directed by Cecil B. DeMille, are Kathlyn Wil- liams. Raymond Hatton. Elliott Dex- i-terr Edythe Chapman, John Burton, .nances jones, ruuy xaarsnaii, uuy Oliver, W. H. Brown, James Neill, Noah Berry, Gustav von Selfferitz, "Walter Lynch, Edna Mae Copper and -ethers will be seen in important roles. onstration farm under the manage ment of the Chamber of Commerce was discussed and met with favor able consideration. The idea of this farm will be to foster the best and most helpful interests and to dem- onstrate latent possjbiuues in soil ma&e necessary. in rural me: . SIX STILLS CAPTURED. Officials in South Carolina Hot After Moonshiners. Columbia, S. C, Feb. 12. State . A xx.- TTSi-j govermueai agents uuuer me umieu , T j oiaies marsntw, j. u. aims, uictue a driye Rt mici(. week and pfFortR nf th nfiwr unearthed "-T-" " -a ,0 and one in Lexington county, Two of the stills captured by the raiding parties were of the copper gtm varIety and four were cnlde but flectlTe outfits Tne alleged opera. tors were brought to the Richland county jail. Much Whiskey Orderetf. Columbia, S. C,, Feib, U2. Only 9,567 liquor permits have been issued in Columbia since January 1, and the sum of $956.70 has been paid for the little sKps which call each for a quart of whiskey at the express office. February is going fine as 2,458 per mits were issued in eight working Cays. The office did not close on heatless days and the cash returns so far for February are $24t.80, over $30 a day. the former President's home city were closed. The custom of celebrat ing the anniversary with an elabo rate banquet was abandoned, how ever, in deference to wartime condi tions. In place of the banquet the committee in charge arranged for two public meetings or a patriotic cnar acter. Minnesota Democrats. st. Paul,-Minh., Feb. 12. Members 0f the Democratic State Committee rounded up here today to discuss pre- Hminary business with regard to the tee. While the proposal has been fa receive the approval of the rank and flia -f fho. party. It is therefore j i v, ii considered likely that a State "con ference" will be held some time next month to agree upon a State ticket to be recommended to the Demo cratic votrs in the coming primaries. Every School a Red Cross Center. Washington, D. C, Feb. 12. To make every school in the Unitrl COWBOY POET JOINS UNIVERSAL Wallace David Cobum h n boy Poet," haa joined the Universal A,,as "l "Tr- "e is the author of "Rhymes of a Round-up Camti" and other Western stories in verse and prose and is most intimately ac quainted vyith the life he portrays .'2125 J01 H Pelna' Mon tana, and is of Scotch-Irish desepn being the ?on"of Robert Coburn of the earliest cattle pioneers of Mon! tana and owner of the famous Circle C. Brand, whose ranches bordered the Assinabome Sioux Indian Reservatirm This tribe, due to their ttSSSffS; name of Pete-cooa-honKa," which means "cowboy chief." He ia WrC rifle and pistol shot. 6 18 a crack If HARRY CAREY) Hoboken Girl Weds War Hero. Hoboken, N. J., Feb. 12. In the Church of Our ady of Grace the wedding took, place today of Miss Ma rlon Fagan, daughter of Lawrence Fagon, for several terms' mayor ofi Hoboken, and G. Parker Toms, a son of Mrs. Albert H. Brueggeman, of St. Louis. The bridegroom recently re turned from France wearing the Croix de Guerre, received for rescu ing wounded during a severe gas at tack last August. He went to Fance in June as an ambulance dri ver with the Formation Harges. Less than six weeks after reaching the front he was badly "gassed" while caring for wounded, and was uncon scious when rescued after saving many lives. : L ST. JOHN'S LODGE NO. 1, A. F. & A. M. stated Communica tion this, Tuesday, evening at 8 o'clock sharp, for the pur pose of considering all business properly to be presented. All members are expect ed. Visiting brothers will be cordially invited. By order of the Master. A. S. HOLDEN, ' Secretary. J v. yt v . rfj -a PRIVATE IN THE RANKS NOW COMMANDER - IN - CHIEF; OF COURSE IT'S RUSSIA. M. Moora lav, Commander-in-Chief of the Mos cow military garrison. few. weeks ago ne was a P"vaie m me ranKS.; "e nas a woman nama mrina the chief of staff. Of course, there isn't a place that this could . happen except in Russia. A sailor is the head of the navy, too. Copyright, Underwood & Underwood,. Scoffers and Doubters Why Let Prejudice Bind You to a Life of Rheumatic Torture? Be fair to yourself, you sufferer from rheumatism, no matter what form. Go to R. R. Bellamy's, or any eood druggist and get a package of Rhuma, the guaranteed prescription. Use the entire bottle, and if you don't think it has given you quick and sure relief, say so, and you can have your money back. Isn't that a fair offer? Can you see any deceit or red tape about it? What chance do you take? Absolutely none. Then get a bottle of Rheuma today. It's a reputable physician's prescrip tion, altogether different from reme dies usually prescrioed, free from nar cotics, and perfectly harmless. Rheu ma acts on the kidneys and helps to force the uric acid from the swollen joints and other lodging places. It pleases you in a day; it makes you hopeful and happy in a week. It has released from bondage, rheumatic suf ferers who thought nothing would give relief.. It should do as much for you it seldom fails. Don't miss this money-back offer. A large bottle, sufficient for two week's treatment, is inexpensive. Adv. $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be pleas ed to learn that there is at least out dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all its ntnges and that is ca tarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts tiu-i the Blood on the Mncous Surfaces of f. . System thereby destroying the foundaM of the disease, giving the patient stre:u..t by building up the constitution an.! .ik slating nature in doing its work, riie proprietors haVe so much faith In t!te ur ative power of Hall's Catarrh M-jcliclne that they offer OneHundred Dor.u.t for any case that it falls to cure. Sand for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Adv. THAT ANNOYING, PERSISTENT COUGH mar lead to enronlc lung- trouble, or mean that the ehronto ataga already la reached. In, either qasa try ECKMAN'S ALTERATIVE Thl tonic and tiseu-repalrer sup plies the acknowledged benefits of Cal cium treatment without aisturbmjr tha stomach. Contain no Alcohol. j?ar cotlo or Hablt-FonninK Drue. t size, now $1.50. $1 size, now 80c Price include war tax. All druggist. gctanan Laboratory. Philadelphia The Logical Treatment Direct Quick Effective For the Most Obstinate Cases Sold by all druggists ,. . vs....v s I . -s -" -...-.-....-.-.-.v.-.-:'...'..-.v...v.0,;Av0 .v..O.v.v...v.v.v.v.w.v.v..v.v.:.:.:.:. H WHY NOT HAVE A NEW Spiral Nifty Straws MISS ALMA BROWN VrV MOTEL WASHINGTON . . OPPOSITE CAPITOL Afcerioffllr Kow Renowned for its High j iSf&JIfitZj TIDE WATER POWER COMPANY Detail of City Schedules Cut Out and Keep for Reference SUNSET PARK AND SOUTH WILMINGTON LINE Mondays to Fridays, Inclusive Sooth North Leave Leave Front and Castle :2 A.M. 6:48 A.M. 7:08 A.M. 7. -28 A.M. 7 :48 A.M. 8:08 A.M. 8:28 A.M. 8:48 A.M. 9:08 A.M. 9:3 A.M. 10 .-00 A.M. 10:24 A.M. 10 :48 A.-M. 11 :12 AM. 11 :36 A.M. 12 .-00 M. 12 :28 P.M. and every 20 mln. to 8:28 P.M. 9:00 P.M. - 9:24 P.M. 9:48 P.M. 10:12 P.M. 10 J30 P.M. 11 .-00 P.M. Leave Snnset Park 6:43 A.M. 7:03 A.M. 7:23 A.M. x 7:43 A.M. 8:03 A.M. 8:23 A.M. 8:43 A.M. 9:03 A.M. 9:23 A.M. 9:48 A.M. 10:12 A.M. 10:36 A.M. 11 :00 A.M. 11:24 A.M. 11 :4S A.M. 12:23 P.M. and every . 20 roin. to 8:23 P.M. 8:48 P.M. 9:12 P.M. 9:36 P.M. 10:00 P.M. 10:24 P.M. 10:48 P.M. 11:12 P.M. Depot 6:23 A.M. 6:43 A.M. 7:03 A.M. 7:23 A.M. 7:43 A.M.. 8 .-03 A.M. 8:23 A.M. 8:43 A.M. 9:03 A.M. 9:31 A.M. 0:53 A.M. 10:19 A.M. 10:43 A.M. 11 :07 AAf . 11:31 A.M. 11 A.M. 12:23 P.M. and every 20 mln. to 8:23 P.M. 8:55 P.M. 9:19 P.M. 9:43 P.M. 10 :07 P.M. '10:31 Pl. BATURPAYS 6:23 A.M. and every 20 rain, to 11:03 P.M. 6:43 A.M. and every 20 in in. to 11:23 P.M. SUNDAY8 7:28 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 8:24 A.M. 8:48 A.M. 9:12 A.M. 9 :30 A.M. 10:00 AM. 10:24 A.M. 10:48 A.M. 11 :12 A.M. 11 6 AM. 12 :00 M. 12:24 P.M. 12:48 P.M. 1:12 P.M. 1:36 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:0S P.M. 7 :23 A.M. 7:55 A.M. 8 39 A.M. 8:43 A.M. 9:07 A.M. 9 31 A.M. 9 :55 A.M. 10:19nA.M. 10:43 A.M. 11:07 A.M. 11 :31 A.M. 11 :55 A.M. 12:19 P.M. 12.-43 P.M. nxrr p.m. 1:31 P.M. 155 P.M. 7:48 A.M. 8:12 A.M. 8:36 A.M. 9 :00 A.M. 0 24 A.M. 9:48 A.M. 1012 A.M. 10:36 A.M. 11 :00 A.M. 11:24 A.M. 11 :48 A.M. 12:12 P.M. 12:36 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 1:24 P.M. 1:43 P.M. 2:03 P.M. And every 20 mln. Sunset to Hospital Every 20 mln. Sonset to Hospital Every 10 mln. Sd & AV right to Hqsp. After 6 P. M. same as Monday. Indicates Castle. transfer at Front and SUBURBAN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT FEBRUARY 4TH, 1918. WHITER PARK, WRIGHTSVILLE, WRI6HTSVIUE BEACH KA8T BOUND. lEaa-ra" Electric Crater" et Iaara "Kleetrta Oatre" far Lea re "Blectrle Centre" for Beach Winter P'rfc WrightsTOe I7;30 " !$:30 " t:te id see - 11:8S H:00 lllS el AS ..fso sioe SiM " 4:lt - ..4ite - otse B:30 zSilft " l40 7:1 - ilM - :15 -.iJl - 11:1 !7:80 " 8:00 " !8:30 " 9S Of, - ltlfS " 11 10 " 11:85 tliOS T. M. tl:W P. St. xiiis aliftS SiM " tioe " 4iie"i" "siti 10 - 6:4S - 7U 8:l :1S " 1S1S " 11:15 M "'.iioe'pV m". ""Vise p. m. i SPECIAL 7011 SUNDAYS Leare Front and Prlnceaa etreeta erery half hanr from ItslP u Leare Beach erery half hour from 2:45 P. II. DaUy except Sunday. !Sunday only. xBeaeh transfer car connects with this train at WrishtaTilla oSuperceded by half-hour schednle Sunday afternoon!. FREIGHT SCHEDULE: (TUESDAYS, THURSDA YS. SATURDAYS ONLY) Leare Ninth and Orange Street 3:00 P. M. ZOOM01 open Tucsdays Thursdays, Saturdays, from 2:00 . BVIAL NOTICE Thla Uble shows res'r." fto tbfi w euavMHM Silk Hose D.C. and UNION STATION and StrtctlT 1dr Service and Low Rates EUROPEAN PLAN Roon p 4ty $ 1 .50 - without bth u4 p Roca &y $2,00 with bath ' ai p AH Rooms Outside Booklet (or the aikng W. T; KNIGHT. Manager CAROLINA LINE Mondays to Fridays, Inclusive. Leave Depot for Carolina Place 7:00 A. M 7 :20 A. M. 7 :30 A. M. 7:50 A. M. 8 :00 A. M. 8 :10 A. M. 8 :20 A. M. 8 :30 A. M. 8 :40 A. M. 8 :50 A. M. Leave Front anl Princess for Carolina Place 8 :56 A. M. 9 :08 A. M. 9:20 A. M. 9:32 A. M. 9 :44 A. M. 9 :56 A. M. and evory 12 min. to 12:20 P. M. Leave Depot 12:30 P. M. and every 10 mln. to 8:30 P. M. Leave Front and Princess 8:32 P. M. 8 :44 P. M. 8 :56 P. M. 9 :08 P. M. 9 :20 P. M. 9 :32 P. M. and every 12 min. ro 10:56 P. M. 11:20 P.M. 11 :44 P. M. Leave Carolina Place for Depot 6:45 A. M. 7 :05 A. M. 7:15 A. M. 7:35 A. M. 7:45 A.M. 7 :55 A. M. 8 :05 A. M. 8:15 A. M. 8:25 A. M. 8:35 A. M. Leave Carolina Place for Front and Princess 8 :45 A. M. 8:56 A. M. 9 :08 A. M. 9:20 A. M. 9 :32 A. M. 9 :44 A. M. 9:56 A. M. and every 12 rain, to 12 :32 P. M. Leave for Depot 12:45 P. M. and every 10 min. to 8:15 P. M. Leave for Front and Princess 8 :25 P. M. 8 :32 P. M. 8:44 P. M. 8 :B6 P. M. 9:08 P. M. 9:20 P. M. 9 :32 P. M. and every 12 rain to 11 P. M. 11 :S2 P. M. 11 :56 P. M. SATURDAYS Same as above, except 10 minute sched nle through to Depot all day to 8:30 P. M. SUNDAYS Leave Leave Carolina Plac-5 for Depot 6 :45 A. M. 7:15 A. M. Leave Carolina Place" for Front an I Pfincess 7:44 A.M. and every 12 min to 1:56 P. M. Leave for Depot 2:0u P. M. Depot for Caf6lina Place 7:00 A. M. 7 :30 A. M. Leave Front and Princess for Carolina Place 7 :56 A. M. and every 12 min. to 1 :44 P. M. Leave Depot for Carolina Place 1:50 P. M. And thereafter same as week days WXSTBOVHD. Leeve Beaehi for WUmlagten Lea re Wrifhtar'le far Wilmlagton Lea re Winter ITtt -Wilmina-ten 8 US A. M. 028 A If. 7tS ' Sae !9 :2S !10 50 " 10:55 X7:S1 - !8:11 " 8 :41 " " 9:41 " !10;41 " - 11 K)6 H ISiM P. K. S"tSt - ls0 SSS6 44 aS:ll ot69 4M 4tSS fftlS - SiSfl - 6:11 " BC " 7itl 7:56 " 8:Sti BM 10:53 !11:30 " 11 :5C " ":i"5"A."M. 10:45 18tl5 H is its f. m. xnse !li -tr99 - oStee ""sIi5"'f", " :""" atts tae 7i4S " .8j4 - ti4S 18i4S " ii":45" " v TIM " "siii""'" "itii"-"" ....... ........ to the time at hv.h ... v statiout thrxlral. and 5 t Make Your OwnCough Syrup and Save Money Better than the ready-mad S2ad. Easily prepared at home. The finest cough syrup that money ean buy, costing only about one-fifth as much as ready-made preparations, can easily be made up at home. The way it takes hold and. conquers distressing coughs, throat and' chest, colds will really make .rou enthusiastic about it. Any druggnst can supply you with 2 ounces of Pines (60 cents worth). Pour this into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup. Shake thoroughly and it is ready for use. The total cost is about 65 cents and gives you a full pint a family supply of a most effectual, leasant tasting remedy. It keeps per ectly. It s truly astonishing how quickly it acts, penetrating through every air passage of' the throat and lungs loosens and raises the phlegm, soothes and heals the inflamed or swollen throat mem pranes, and gradually but surely the annoying throat tickle and dreaded cough will, disappear entirely. Nothing better for bronchitis, spasmodic croup, whooping cough or bronchial asthma. . Pinex is a special and highly concen trated compound "of genuine Norway pine extract, and is known the world over for its prompt healing effect on the throat membranes. thingfelse. A guarantee of absolute sat isfaetion or money promptly refunded, goes with this preparation. The pinex Co.. FL Wayne. Ind- Academy of Music One Night Only Wednesday, Feb.13 J. A. COBURN'S GREATER MINSTRELS Always Above Par Everything Brand New Sparkling Array of Mins trelsy's Selected Talent. n BIG VAUDEVILLE D 0- ACTS "0 Lester Lucas, George and George, Eddie Clifford The Jass Jugglers and Jiggers, Tom Post, Kent Gage, Ham McBee, Cecil North, 1 Pearce Dilcher, Jas. Bishop, Cabaret Four. CHARLEY GANO In His Latest Comedy Scream DARKTOWN SUB MARINE CHASERS" Prices 50c, 75c, and $1.00. War Tax Extra. Tickets go on Sale Tomorrow at Elvington's JUS Cor. Ilthl MarJtat,Street rBttr Taa Evar Ml - ftexaedelad ana Euipe4 NEW MANAGEMENT 1 CAFE and ROOF GARDEN Rill Xa eoaaeetloa Special VJraaMssit Hites Wlthoat Bath, $1.89 With Bath, $3.00 aftd vb ' FRANK KIMBLE, 9tfC Makes Walkin a Pleasure Attached by SULLIVAN, King of Shoemakers N. Front Street Phone 623. Avoid disappointment by asking your druggist for "2 ounces of Pinex? with full direct ions . and don't accent anv- li ABSOLCTEt!-!' Hotel ClieL NEW YORK crrv-" 500 ROOMS 400 BATH , ana 51 r,l) n,t, parlor, bedroom antl . and upu-arrt bat Special Luncheon 'L Up Table d'Hote Dinnertn?' -To Kach Hotel f ' , From Pennsylvania st-i-' -ea- car south to 23 nl ;tr' A ot.h t ilU -"ecu.. f-.r 23rd street; r valley R. R. stntious -x:t "i? rnucipai fcteamsbin l'i(.ri - Reia fiH-wil , 1 '-5. h ifr Tt. oiiei, taKe L':jr,i 1 est town car. ---i ;rr,Cc TVBITE FOR COLORKD H4p nJ NEW VfiRt- lAe OF R5 lrt.iro r, . " E. In two certain mortgagn CnDnM uj a. Bimon and hi .Aiiti Simon recorded in Book v. Tc Anai? s etseq and C. F. Howell Pr,,i - ,. J,''"- oil N. Howell recorded in ii; lv U1 etseq in the oiiice t -h Deeda of New Hanover v r,rsS dersigned attorney for C the u-Mec-hanies' Home Associati.-- Friday the 15th dav of w.t.J Mil 12 nVlrflr m of v, ' uary 3015 the County of New Hanover ,n V Qoor auction, for cash, to the h'h't hm following described land aut l-5'1 wit: Onuses, t, Mrst Tract. Beginning jn tv. ern line of Wrieht strppt . e. one (41) feet and three (3". inchT M Fifth street and from tbenl Westwardly along the said liae of wl -' , ivrct alio nfn Inches thencP rinr,th ",.-nIne with said line of Fifth street ntoPW (95) feet, thence Eastward!. : and n JJ with said line of Wright Klrept ffrt (59) feet and nine (9""i iuches.and t),"1 Fifth street ninety five feet in t? pomt of beginnin? the same belne I? of lotg 1 and 2 in Block X0 l plan of the City of Wilmington "v r Second Tract. A lot contiguous to w. above. Beginning in the baia block point sixty six (6C t,.et South of V Southern line of Wright street and 1"! uuuu.cu uuu ii' i) ivei est nf tv. "c BLit-ei ana runnm- i vim oaiu j viii nrsiMuiuif anil DaMli.1 with said line of Wrlgct street sixty Z (64) feet thence Sonthwardlv anj n,r.-v with Fifth street sixty six (CGi fii thZ Eastwardly and parallel with said' line 3 Wright street eighty two (2) feet sua with Fifoo street thirty seven (37') to liue ui lue ursL ioi, mence nest alonsr six (6") inches and thence Northwards u. ong another line of said lot twenty 'mM (29) feet to the place of beginning tie same being part of lot No. in said block in iuc ciiy aioresaia. The eald parties aforsaid havlnc Art. cd in the payments according to the terai iuu yrwTisioiis oi taic mortgage deeds W. B. MC KOT.. Attorney for the Mechanics' Home AssoeU. 1.15.30 tl It effectlre in tnttty unnatnral dlKharjn; painless, non-potsonon and will not stneton Believes la Ucidin sou by xmreeiSTS. ntrcel Post if desired-Price tl, or o bottles PreDred b7 THS'CVAMS CHEMICAL CO., CINCINNATI I FOR SALE 200 Barrels Gore's Fancy Syrup, 50 Barrels Gore's Fancy Molasses, 500 Bags Gore's Fine Ground Meal, Different varieties Seed Oats, Wbeit and Rye. Please write us for sample and prices. D. L. GORE COMPANY Strictly Wholesale. CANDY FOR WIFE MOTHER SWEETHEART Before going home tonight to mother or wife, or the visit you contemrjlate for tomorrow- "drop" in and slip a "surprise nv" in vnnr nnrket. There Wul be smiles for the giver and a treat for tha recipient. Freeh Shinment of Delicious ..Whitman's Candies Just in. JARMAN & FUTILE Phones: 211-212 ... .107 Prncess Street. II ji Wanted cattle and hop small ship AAA Vl O ments. Highest prices paii Write us what you have W offer. CAROLINA PAC KING COMPANY Wilmington, N. C 'The Souths Highest Market" B2