j 1 er" Pi e: !,c: v PAGE TWO South. Carolina News Ite?ms iiiiiimniHiiiiiiiiniijiiiuint LEGISLATURES WORK. ,6oW of the Leading Bills Dispersed - - . of by the Recent Session. Columbia, S. C, Feb. 13. Chief timong the measures acted upon by ' the General Assembly which adjourn ed Tuesday were: - To, create a home for the feeble : tainded.- ... - To introduce the Austrian ballot eystem in all cities and incorporated towns. Rural district precincts are .excepted. To create an industrial home for girls. r - To ratify the federal prohibition amendment. - - , .. To create the State Council of De t f ense. j To repeal the State income tax j law. . To admit women to the practice of law To further restrict the quart-a- ri month liquor lar by requiring that fudges of prohate issue personally all liquor permits, to be Issued only in the judge of probate's office. Uder r he amended law it is incumbent up- Ton the official to establish the accur- ' -'L cyL of, theaff idavits made in procur- taoie as xor maueasanue 01 uuice. ; Statewide compulsory school at- tendance law was passed in. the j sen? - . a M ami . . f ate DUt was Kiuea in ine nouse. -1 ne senate killed the "bone dry" prohi bition bill passed by the house. The senate also refused to abolish' the State tax commission, in .conformity ' i. with action bv the lower body. i : Tri-State Doctors. 1 Ton. Ata C TPK 19 Tt TJ1 V. i MSnghes, secretary of the Tri-State jy pMeaic&i Association or tne two uaro 1 h Unas and Virginia has mailde the pro- "I 1 f WvAma trw t Vi a OAtfc annual aACciit-n ff f the society, which win De neia m the Hity of Charleston February 20-21. Thefstand surety for their conduct toddress of welcome on behalf of the rifle range and intrenched area can city will be delivered by Mayor T. T. j'aot be visited at any time without Hyde and on behalf of the profession i special passes. The-order Which was by Dr. Robert S. Cathcart, president j issued Monday says In part, "The pres tf the Charleston Medical Society. Thei ence of women, girls and children m response will be by Dr. L. B. McBrayer or near company streets and corrals of Sanitarium), N. C. The president ,'Is undesirable and will not be per t)f - the Tri-State association is Dr. I mitted." ' RED CROSS BULLETIN ' If i The beautiful weather this week 'jjlnas brought out splendid crowds of 31 I -workers, and we hope for more as Hri', i time goes on. The need is great al i t-s I iways, and there is a place here for i t "I i every-one. Attendance this week has -Jbeen341, but. with our large meni rml mi-hiT nulil b -nearer six hund- pi tred. " "Smileage Books" are on sale at i if Tithe desk and Red Cross members are ' "' in asked to help with this splendid work Vfor the soldiers. Attendance Surgical Dressings. Oakum Pads . . Heel Rings T. Bandages 341 5,390 197 ii 10 11 ' Paper Backs .. The following donations are very gratefully received and acknowledg ed:; - 'Mrs. M. L. Bolles, Magazines for i?ort; Mrs. S. B. Sanders, Magazines tiur run, juuu d iiuuiui Aiuuiiai ; , ; Maga2ines for Fort; Mrs: Fred Dick, . void linen; Mrs. D. C. Haven, Maga v Raines; Mrs. Graham Alderman, Silver f . ja'nd Gold Trinkets; Mrs. Brock, 1 Iknitted square, 2 wipes and 2 wash o1ftfha flea Mow Vnn r1 A llnan Mrs. Linda Newman, Magazines; Jackson and Bell, cut cotton for pads; Mr. Geo. Haskett, magazines; Miss Mary S. Cambell, magazines; Wil mington Grocery Co., donated 2 largs boxes; One Bale of Oakum, donated Yrv Mr T V Wr nil Wilm in srfrtn VY r,a fCo.'. magazines; bale of oakum rope, a friend; Mrs. W. S. Bunting, attractive posters; "Red Cross Mem ber" reports 2 pairs socks, 3 pair fWristlets, 1 Sweater; Dillie Hix donated 1 Scarf and sent it to a sol dier' boy; Mrs. John Bolles, 4 wash cloths and 2 knitted square?; Mrs. T, -?E.'Sprunt donated through the Red Cross 1 muffler. v, : The following donations in cash are deeply appreciated: v'Mrs. W. L. Parsley, $100.00, Mr. W. IV ToQmor, $5,0; Mesdames S. & B. Solomon (in memory of Mr. Jacobi) $5.00; A friend (in memory of Mr. Jacobi) $2.00; Junior Auxiliary St. Pauls (one-half proceeds of play) $13.50 Patriotic Card Party $4.00. St. John's Unit: 14 Bed Shirts. ji .Winter Park Unit: 1 Pairs Foot ! i Warmers, 105 Tray Cloths, 133 Nap )tkins, 16 Bed Shirts, 7 Hot Water Bag 4 f Covers. $ Carolina Place Unit: 8 Shirts and 1 1 one quilt made from scraps from work ;room. hH Masonboro Unit: Donated 7 Bed mShirts. vWrightsville School Unit: 10 Pairs ? Bed Socks and box cut up scraps. Jtiss Struthers Unit, Cerro Gordc, IfN. C.: 23 Sponges, 14 Knitted f Squares. ncporfc ot rwnuxing nairman: S" 5Mrs. Jno Rankin's Unit: Mrs ljMiss Gibson's Unit: Mrs, f James, Sweater, Mrs. Geo r? Helmet. Joshua Harris, !p.rMr8. E. Baltzer's Unit: Mrs. J. G. i VHardin, Sweater, Miss Rowe Wiggins, f2Pair Socks. .'J. -Miss Northam'e Unit: Miss Nort--j:nai, Helmet. ; f rM fMrs, Richard Meares' Unit: Mrs. VMesrs. Sweater; Mrs. Kate Maffttt i and Mrs. Sears, 1 Pair Socks each; - Miss Carris Harris and Miss Marga- ret Harriss, 1 sweater each. ; Miss Margaret Pleasant's Unit: ifrft. Zack Bell." 1 Pair Socks, Miss itAvsiA Bell. Helmet. :' "Mrs. Henrj5,:FBi0n.FjdJtanf D. T. Tayloe of Washington, D. C and his annual address will be deliv ered : immediately ..af ter,. .. th .formal opening exercises have been conclud ed. .' LUTHERAN WAR FUNp. South Carolina Calltfd Upon to RaisS Between $10,000 and $12,000. Columbia; S. C, Feb. 13. The State chairman of the Lutheran War com mission, met in Newberry Monday for the purpose of amplifying . the cam paign plans for. work in the State for the war commission. In addition to the chairmen the meeting was attend ed by the executive committee of the South -Carolina synod and presidents of the different Lutheran; conferences of the State. . Following plans adopted at flhe meeting, the tate will be divided in to five districts and ' sectional meet ings will be held in the various sec tions" within the "next two or tnree 'weeks. It is the Idea of the commis sion to raise the sum of $10,000 or $12,000 in this State for the purpose of placing pastors of their denomina tion at the various army camps. Gasoline Scarcity. Columbia, S. C, Feb. 13. The scar city of gasoline in the lower part ot the State is no due to a shortage in this State's supply, said A. C. Sum mers of the department of r. - ricul - ture, out occurs as a direct result or railway congestion. The supply which is brought to this Slate is of .no lower grade than that of other States, con ditions here being much better than pin neighboring territory, also atated the chemist. Sevier Bars , Night Visitors. Greenville, S. Ci, Feb. IS. The free dom of Camp Sevier ha3 been denied civilians at niht unless they hold Passes from headtmarters or ar ao- frnmnaniori Kir arma. nltKn whn ;n Pair Socks. Miss Struthers' Unit, Cerro Gor- dom, N. c.: 4 Pair Socks. Miss Mary Brown, Sweater; Mrs. Robt. McKoy, Sweater and donated 1 Pair Mits; Mrs. Bannerman, 1 Pair Socks; Mrs. L. Toon, Helmet; Mrs. John Bolles, 1 Pair Socks; Mrs. Mc Duffie, Sweater; Miss Applewhite, Sweater; Miss Allie Fechtig, Sweater; Miss Elise Smith, Sweater; Mrs. J. Solky, Sweater and donated one Pair Wristlets; Mrs. Geo. Parslev. Helmet r Miss Ann Nash, Helmet; Miss Duffy, a ran- . socks; Miss Maggie' Price donated I Pair Wristlets; Mrs. Wm. Peck, 1 Sweater; Jliss Julia Faison, 1 Piar of Socks; Miss Margaret Has hagen, Sweater; Mrs. Berry Cleaves, Sweater, Mrs. R. B. Wilson, Sweater. Report of Canteen Committee. Miss Jane D. Wood $2.50; Mrs. W. H. Sprunt, Sugar; A frined, Cream; Mrs. N. N. Davis, Mrs. A. L. Everett and Miss Walker, 3 Pounds Coffee; F. M. Ross, 2 Cans Cream, 2 Pounds Sugar; Mrs. , C. James, 5 Pounds Sugar; A Friend, Sugar; A Friend, 4 Pounds Sugar; Mrs. W. B. Thrope, sandwich filling, cream and preserves; Y. W. C. A., 2 Gallons Coffee, pre serves and pies; Mrs. Holmes, Sugar; A Friend, $10.00; Mrs. Stover, Ivory Soap. Miss Halle, Chairman. WALLACE HEARS Y. W. C. A. miss naerwn ana mr. pemberton &poKe mere Monday Night (Special to the Dispatch.) Wallace, Feb. 13. Monday even ing, in the Presbyterian church, be fore a large and enthusiastic audi ence, the Y. W. C A., work was pre sented to Wallace for the first time, by Miss Nannie Anderson, secretary of the Wilmington association, and Mrs. W. H. Pemberton, chairman of this district, both of Wilmington, in response to an invitation from Miss Charlie Westbrook, chairman of the committee for this work in Wallace. The speakers for the evening were Introduced by Mr. L. N. Boney, presi dent of the Christian Endeavor Society here, in a few appropriate words. Miss Anderson, first speaker, briefly reviewed the work done by the Young Women's Association dur ing the past years, and spoke of the splendid work it is now doing. In Bhort, she made plain just what this association stands for, both in normal times and during this present crisis. Beginning her talk with an exnre- sion of gratification at" finding her self again among friends whom she made during a visit to WallacR in he girlhood days, Mrs. Pemberton, as did miss Anaerson, held the closest at tention of her audience, while she toA of the owrk of the Y. W. C. A., in the training camps, for both the young men and young girls; of the hostess houseB, and other important phases sponsive chord in the listener snm . of this work. These talks struck a re- mg as iney am just at this time when all most feel the need of the work. .iZ , carit 7ere distributed, and after being filled out, were collected a nice contribution was In the plates. c" Friends of Rev. c. V. Brooks, pas tor of the Baptist church here, who has beena patient in Johnston-Willis Sanitorium, Richmond, Va for the pats two weeks, will be glad to learn that he is improving. The next .thing on the program for Wallace is a ministrel, of local talent written by, and given under the direc tion of Miss Charlie Westbrook for the benefit of the.ed Cross CJiaptar J WILMINGTON, NORTH XAKULINA,-WED5D"AV AFTERNODN, FEBRUARY T3. STATE DE Meeting to Be Held in Raleigh March" 5 Only 'One Alien iir New' Bern , Special' to the Dlsptacb.) New; Bern, Feb. 18. Hon , Thomas n. Warren, of this city, has issued a call for. a meeting of the State Demo cratic Executive .Committee, of which he is, chaitman, ta be held at Raleigh on the evening or March 5th. At that time the date fprvthe State and county Democratic conventions will . be - set as will the date of the precincV meetings, and the meetnig Is expected to be one of particular in terest to the Democrats of the State. The Democratic forces of North Carolina have planned many activi ties during the year and these will be thproughly discussed at the meeting which has been called. Mr. C. D. Bradham, chairman of the exemption board in the Eastern Die trict of North Carolina, left Monday morning returning to Goldsboro where i hoard is holding its cessions. The work of passing upon the ex emption claims of the registrants in this section, is progressing as rapidly as possible, in fact Chairman Bradham stated before leaving that this was going ahead at a most satisfactory rate Just when the work of looking over the claims of the. men in the first draft s will be completed is not defi nitely known, probably several weeks. The local exemption board will be kept very busy this week in examin ing the' colored registrants in the first who are to be sent to training camps at an early date. By the arrival of the day on which they are to depart, the ilast one of these will be in read! - IleSS tO gO not been exempted alL seem ready and anxious to get into camp and the board is of the opinion that they are going to make excellent fighting material. Howard, the six-year-old son of Mr and Mrs. F. A. Whorten, of Ashwood, Pamilco county, died in a local hos pital Sunday morning following an operation for intestinal trouble The child's condition when brought to this city was critical and the opera tion was performed, regardless of this in an effort to give the little sufferer relief. The body was taken to Ashwood for Interment. Chief of Police C. Lupton stated to day that thus far only one German alien enemy had registered in New Bern and that it looked as though t man would be the onlv one to appear before him for that purpose. Just .who the lone alien enemy can be was not made public but is is said that he is a well known citizen and a mn in whom the people have con fidence. When he called on the chief he told him that he was ashamed to acknow ledge that he was a German but thai felt it was his duty to obey the law. He had been in this countrv number of years and has taken out his first naturalization papers but just neglected to take out the other documents. Coal Mine Burned. Terre Haute, Ind., Feb. 13. Mine fTo. 5, on Jackson Hill Coke and Coal Company, practically was destroyed by fire yesterday. The fire is declared by J. C. Kolsem, general manager of the company, to have been of incen- ! diary origin. This was the third mine tipple in this coal district destroved I by fire this wnter, each blaze having oeen or incendiary origin, mine offl- cials say i The. road to success is slippery and he who travets thereon needs a lot of sand. Red Blood and Courage I (BY DR. W. O. LUCAS. ) What drives the men right np to the trenches in this war is courage, and it's red blood that "puts the heart" in the men. Did any one ever see a puny, thin blooded man ever rush into the fight with any chance of winning out ? With rich, pure blood you can face any hardship, reach any goal. But you are handi capped in the race of life without it. Every tissue, bone, musole, should take from the blood certain materials and return to it certain others. When the poisons accumulate in the blood, perhaps the face breaks out in pimples, or boils appear on the neck, and we feel languid, tired, our vitality is at a low ebb, and we easily catch cold. 1 It's time to take an alterative extract and blood-purifier, taken from Nature'B forests. Bach a one is made up of Golden Seal, Blood and Stone root, Oregon Grape and Queen's root ex tracted with glycerine and made into sugar-coated tablets or liquid, and this has been sold by druggists for the past fifty years as Doctor PiercVa Golden Medical Discovery. Lkkoir. N. 0. "Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a great medicine for me In building me up when I feel run-down in health. It gives me strength and flesh. I have been using it at different times for thirty years or more. I began its use for catarrh, and It greatly relieved me. I can heartily recommend the ' Discovery ' as a blood medicine." Mas. LtrCY Beach. Lodisvtllb, Kr. "This Is to certify that I have been (n bad health for a long time, suffering from stomach trouble. Had terrible spells of indigestion and Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery. I had little faith at first but she persuaded me 5 tT it . I hare taken a little over four bottle of It and my stomach trouble has i vanished. I can now eat everything and sleep like a lamb. I want to give ail the credit to this great medicine, which I consider the best on earth for stomach HI COMMITTEE CALLED Particular FoiaThe LiLM izssm n&2 shoe JLi Keeps shoes neat and clean Easily and qtxickly applied Nothing to spatter or spill Will not come off on clothing fasaA Home Set (Bristle Bauber and Ltnba Wool Polisher) makes ; the tise of SssssA easy Any Store (flf ty shines for a dime) WHY NOT HAVE A NEW Spring Hat Nifty Straws MISS ALMA BROWN TIDE WATER POWER COMPANY Detail of City Schedules Cut Out and Keep for Reference SUNSET PARK AND SOUTH WILMINGTON LINE Mondays to Fridays, Inclusive Soath North Leave Depot 6:28 A.M. 6:48 A.M. 7 :03 A.M. 7:23 A.M. 7:43 A.M. 8 :03 A.M. 8:23 A.M. 8:43 A.M. 0:03 A.M. 9:31 A.M. 9:55 A.M. 10:19 A.M. 10:43 A.M. 11 K)7 A.M. 11:81 A.M. 11:55 A.M. 12:23 P.M. and fevery 20 min. to 8:23 P.M. 8:55 P.M. 9:19 P.M. 9:43 P.M. Leave front and Castle rt:2i AM. 6:48 A.M. 7 :08 A.M. 7:28 A.M. 7: A.M. 8:08 A.M. 8:28 A.M. 8:48 A.M. 0:OS A.M. 9 :M A.M. 10:00 A.M. 10:24 A.M. 10:48 A.M. 11:12 A.M. 11 :3G A.M. 12 :00 M. 12:28 P.M. and every 20 mln. to 8:28 P.M. 9:00 PJkl. ' 0:24 P.M. 9:48 P.M. 1Q:1S P.-M. 10:30 PJd. 11 :00 P.TW. Leave Sunset Park 6:43 A.M. 7:03 A.M. 7:23 A.M. 7:43 A.M. 8:03 A.M. 8:23 A.M. 8:43 A.M. 9:03 A.M. 9:23 A.M. 9:48 A.M. 10:12 A.M. 10:36 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 11 :24 A.M. 11:48 A.M. 12 :23 P.M. and every 20 mln. to 8:23 P.M. S:48 P.M. 9:12 P.M. 9:SC P.M. 10:00 P.M. 10:24 P.M. 10J48 P.M. 11:12 P.M 10 :07 P.Vt. 8ATUBDAT8 6:23 A.M. and every 20 mln. to 11:03 P.M. 6:43 A.M. and every 20 mln. to 11:23 P.M. SUNDAYS 7:23 A.M. 7:23 A.M. 7:48 A.M. 7:55 A.M. SK A.M. '8:12 A.M. 8:19 A.M. 8:24 A.M. 8:36 A.M. 8:43 A.M. 8:48 A.M. 9 :00 A.M. 9 :07 A.M. 9 :12 A.M. 9 :24 A.M. 9:31 A.M. 9:36 A.M. 9:4S A.M. 9:C5 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 10:12 A.M. 10:19 A.M. 10:24 A.M. 10:36 A.M. 10 :48 A.M. 10 :48 A.M. 11 .00 A.M. 11 :07 A.M. 11 :12 A.M. 11 :24 A.M. 11 :31 A.M. 11 :3d A.M. 11 :48 A.M. 11:550 A.M. 12 K M. 12:12 P.M. 12:19 P.M. 12:24 P.M. "12:38 P.M. 12:43 P.M. 12:48 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 1:07 P.M. 1:12 P.M. 1:24 P.M. 1 :31 P.M. 1 :3fi P.. 1 :43 P.M. 1:53 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:03 P.M. 2:08 J'..i And every 20 mln. Sunset to Hospital Every 20 mln. Sunset to Hospital Every 10 mln. 3d & Wright to Hosp. fter 6 P. M. aatte as Monday. j Indicates transfer- at Front and Castle. I SUBURBAN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT FEBRUARY 4TH, 1918. WHITER PARK, WRIGHTSVILLE, WRI6HTSVILLE BEACH KAST BOTJKO. XrfMV "Uleetrle CtBt" to 'Leave -Kietrie Centre" fr Bcaob t "ElMtrle Catre" WHchtavO f KM IS 17:30 ! 10:0 iV tniit 16 ..tto l:t SiSt 4jM ..4i0 S:t sstie tt 7tlS tiJM , :1S lt:S0 M !8 :S0 " Si Oft " ItJS " litis " "!S:30" "'" is'o" '"" 11.S0 !!; P. M. 11 :M P. M. ltl - it as S:M M "".tii'F.'M'. 4:8 xsus " t4i itii - sits tts - 4t r. juJ a !(. .a... ..a...... ... . . . . .... .............. " .iSilS 11 .IS 11 :18 - .............. BFftCTAX, FOH SCNDATS Leave Front and Princess streets every batf Bour from t te i P M. Leave Betel, every half hour from 2:43 P. li. r' Daily except Sunday. ISunday only. x Beach transfer cai connect with thU train at VfriaBtaville. Snpexceded by half-hour eebednie Sunday afternooaa. FREIGHT SCHEDULE: (TUESDAYS, THURSDA Y8, SATURDAYS ONLY) Leave Ninth and Orange street 3: 00 P. Jtf. ' Freight Depot open Tuesdays, Thursday, Saturdays, from 2:00 to 8:60 P. M. ' . JVlAN0TiCBr?H"Jlt!?1 bWi th V10. 4t hloB tram may be sx peete4 to arrive at and depart from the cetera! atation, but t&e arrivals and te partqree are mot ataaraaeeed. woman -S A f ' sa polish BLACK TAN WHITE BED BROWN Silk Hose CAROLINA LINE Mondays to Fridays, Inclusive. Leave Depot for Carolina Places 7:00 A. M 7 :20 A. M. 7:30 A. M. 7 :50 A. M. 8:00 A. M. 8 :10 A. M. 8:20 A. M. 8 :30 A. M. 8:40 A. M. 8 :50 A. M. Leave Front anil Princess for Carolina Place 8:56 A. M. 9 :08 A. M. 9 :20 A. M. 9 :32 A. M. 9:44 A. M. 9 :5G A. M. and evory 12 mln. to 12 :20 P. M. Leave Depot 12 :S0 P. M. and every 10 min. to 8:30 P. M. Leave Front and Princess 8:32 P.M. 8:44 P. M. 8:56 P. M. 9 :08 P. M. 9 :20 P. M. 9 :32 P. M. and every 12 min. to 10:50 P. M. 11:20 P.M. 11 :44 P. M. Leave Carolina Placo for Depot 6 :45 A. M. 7:05 A. M. 7 :16 A. M. 7:35 A. M. 7:45 A. M. 7 :65 A. M. 8 :05 A. M. S :15 A. M. 8 :20 A. M. 8 :35 A. M. Leave Carolina Place for Front and Princess 8:45 A. M. 8 :56 A. M. 9 :08 A. M. 0:20 A. M. 9 :32 A. M. 9 :44 A. M. 9 :o6 A. M. and every 12 min. to 12 32 P. M. Leave for Depot 12:45 P. M. and every 10 min. ta 8 :15 P. M. Leave for Front and Princess 8:25 P. M. 8:32 P. M. 8:44 P. M. 8:56 P. M. 9 :08 P. M. 9 :20 P. M. 9 :32 P. M. and every 12 mln to 11 :08 P. M. 11 :32 P. M. 11 :5 P. M. SATURDAYS Same as above, except 10 minute sched ule through to Depot all day to 8 :30 P. M. SUNDAYS Leave Leave Carolina Placs for Depot :45 A. M. 7:15 A M. Leave Carolina Place for Front an l Princess 7 :44 A. M. and everv 12 min to 1 :5fl P. M. Leave . for Depot 2:05 P. M. Depot for Carolina Placo 7:00 A. M. 7 :30 A. M. Leave Front and Princess for Carolina Placo 7 :5G A. M. and every 12 min,. to 1 :44 P. M. Leave Depot for Carolina Place 1 :50 P. M. And thereafter same as week days WMTBOCHD. Leave Beaca for Wilml&ttea Lears Wrifbtsv'le Wilmlnftttn Leave Wiflter Vtt tvt wiiminttea 6:1 A. M. aMtte " !8:00 ' SiSS : " H39 A. 1L xtiSl - !8:11 " 8:4l " fS - 9:41 " 110:41 " 11:06 M It: Si r. H. J01 UlOS " t:S Sill " es.se 4jW " o4tSS S:l " StSS 6:11 " rtiM " 2' " 7:58 - Ss5 RiM - 10 :W " !11 :S0 " 11 :WJ '"i'X'lit !10 :30 lt:5S 44 ib'iih''''' 12jI5 P. M. ltlt5S i!$S stss M i IS 118 11:45 ..... ttss " S:48 - ""ifii""" S.SI SsOO 3(St4S 7 tie 7:4 ti4S i4S ii":45 I. - .1 f KJ I 1918 Miller Antiseptic Oil Known as a Accomplishing Most Wonderful Results "I want to thank you ior your won- Iderfnl voil, states MV,J C. oibson, oi Joneshoro, atk,.. ajgyafwvtie gm wa low with diphtherias ad given ner two doses of med8&S$ i hich cost me $20 with no revolts.' bought a 25c bottle of your oil e application relieved her. No well: It is the greatest reme er saw." Mr, Gibson made this. ment before hundreds of pe rs. Florence Meager, 234 Whi itret, Hartrora, Conn., writes! I T;:uaed your An tiseptic Oil for neuralgia with gooa effects. Only thing I have ever tried that stopped the - pain Immediately." Mrs Williams, Gadsden Ala., wntes. I hare used your great pain on for rheumatism, stiff joints, also for sore throat, and want to say that it is tne greatest remedy I ever tried recommend it to all sufferers." Many cures reported daily from thousands of grateful users of this wonderful oil. Every bottle guaranteed. 25c, 50c and $1.00 a bottle, or money refunded On sale at Robert . R. Bellamy Drug Company. adv jniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiniiBiinniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiii' Builders Supplies 5 W. B. THORPE & GO. 1 .Water and Ann streets I Phone 789. iHtuiuuu!Riiii!u:n:nnininni!U!intiiiiiuiii!unin? Academy of Music TONIGHT J. A. COBURN'S GREATER MINSTRELS Always Above Par Everything Brand New Sparkling Array of Mins trelsy s Selected Talent. 6 BI6 VAUDEVILLE ACTS 6 Lester Lucas, George and George, Eddie Clifford The Jass Jugglers and Jiggers, Tom Post, Kent Gage, Ham McBee, Cecil North, Pearce Dilcher, Jas. Bishop, Cabaret Four. CHARLEY GANO In His Latest Comedy Scream DARKTOWN SUB MARINE CHASERS" Prices 50c, 75c, and $1.00. War Tax Extra. Tickets on Sale at Elvington's MEOLM SOL? Makes Walkin a Pleasure Attached by SULLIVAN, King of Shoemakers N. Front Street. Phone 523. Snake sistsie by those who want tip ' one nair of p-iQCo ar fc x n'wcLir. They keeD - :-uuns in u., as WPll 9S in iici '"Ot . 'u uciuiiiesS. No line, seam or lump to blur vision. EYES TESTED FREE Masonic Temp( . FORECLOSURE SALT j . i jjwfcs or salea , tn two certain mortgage de! MBt8iK by W. A. Simon and Ms wji . Simon recordtd in Root v Jo Annle i etseq and C. P. Howell and h'fa JlSA N. Howell recorded in Book x IH tii cuscii iu i.ue omce of thp R. . Deeds of New Hanover Count?8?! dersigned attorney for thp T ' thfta "Mechanies' Home Assort JLonSM otioca. iu., at tne Court Hon 7 i the County of New HanovPr ;n e..(loot3 auction, for cash, to the highest Vr'i following described land and i fij wit; - First Tract. Eeginninr tn . ern line of Wright street at a noinfVI its intersection witb the Wpe,!,.J Fifth street and from tbenT r 1 Westwardly along the said line 0f wSl street fifty nine r& ft 'i inches thence 'innth in In with said line of WHo-ht ef 7 (59) feet and nine (9") inches.and tu nuiiunaiuij ami m a une caralloii Fifth 'street ninety five (93, reet , LT; point of beginning the same beinr 2 of lots 1 and 2 in Block No h plan of the City of Wilmintton n r a Second Tract. A lot contlguon'g in J ctuv i vi A&Biuuiug m auiu DlOCl 1 puiut esiai Bii voo; xc souta of - ' ' - w BUCCl US kl hundred and one (101) feet West of 3 Western line of Fifth street and mJl from said point Westwardlv and wni (64) feet thence Southwardlv and jra with Fifth street sixty six (66) feeta! Wright street eighty two (82) feet i- -1 Ott Jv V iv ... '"1 bli V" luvuco, ciieuuc -ortu ana wit with Fif street thirty seven ai) t tJ line of the first lot, thence West alont'J line of the first lot eighteen (181 f t ,J six (6") inches and thence Northward ong another line of said lot twenty same being part of lot o. 2 in Bald bid in tno city aioresaia. The .aaid barties af orsaid havine defifJ ed in the payments according to tit tta ana proTisions 01 saia mortgage deeds, W. B. MC KOT.. Attorney for the Mechanics Home Aswa tlon. 1-15-30 FOR SALE 200 Barrels Gore's Fancy Syrup, "50 Barrels Gore's Fancy Molasses, 500 Bags Gore's Fine Ground Meil, Different varieties Seed Oati, WSai and Rye. Please write ns for samples u! prices. D. L GORE COMPANY Strictly Wholesale. CANDY FOR WIFE MOTHER SWEETHEART Before going home tonight to mother or wife, or the visit you contemplate for tomorro "drop" in and slip a "surprise joy" in your pocket. There wui be smiles for the giver and a treat for th? recipient. Fresh Shipment of Delicious ..Whitman's Candies Just in- & F ... Phones: 211-212 .107 Prncess Street Wanted cattle and hop in large and small -sty ments. Highest prices Write us what you have M offer. CAROLINA PACKlM COMPANY Wilmington, N. & 'The Souths His5 Market" JAIN DIRE 11 - Cattle Hoj BeHMaaaaaaaMaatMa mm 1 I III! ...i