- ' . ; - ; -- ? - - " 7 - V W - , . V. ...... " - - ' WEATHER: rth and South Caro .Cloudy and con VOL. XXIV. No. 64 WILMINGTON, NORTH 'CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1918. PRICE FIVE CENTS - ' . rFUULEASED WIRE SERVICE , 1 lw X - ' ' ' - - - - - ' " 11 ' ' " 1 i i , i. - - - a k ai ii ii ii ii i . i i i . ; i - f ii ii ii'f i-ii ill - nrni inirfc t- m mm mm mm m m mmw mm mm. m mw m m mt mm mt mm m m m -m m m. r . .. . - - , , ARE GIYTOG FRITZ VEKY LITTLE lESt . , . : . , ; . - A Series of Raids Into Enemy Trenches Sucessfuly Quar ried Out ACTIVITY ON WEST , FRONT INGREAolNG American, British, French and Portuguese Troops Taking Care of Germans -Much Aerial Fighting In the Woevre and in Lorraine, the American troops are giving the Ger nans nuie re&t auu ioiuo ww hj. en emy positions are being carried outj successfully. The artillery, especial- in the Toul sector also has been , m T X. 11. active. Soutn or mcne uouri on xne nnl sector. General Pershing's men penetrated to the second German lino, in a raid Tuesday. Casualties were inflicted on the enemy by shell tind ifle fire. The raids in this sector be an Saturday and probably are in inswer to German activities which lad indicated the enemy was prepar ing; tor a movement agaiu&i iub Amer ican lines. The artillery activity on ibis sector has been most intense, the American gunners causing fires and explosions behind the enemy lines. The American troops east of Lune lle, in Lorraine, which places them Terr near the French-German border, rent into the GermanDQsltions Mon day and found that the enemy had lot yet returned to the trenches he evacuated the day before. Despite 5rman artillery fire against them, the raiders came back to their own Sues without a casualty. On the line between Armentieres ssd La Ba8serJte3hoi2chAngr 8d in 18 months, the Germans con tame their powerful raids. ' Their ktest effort was made against a Por tugese position, near Laventie. The Germans were checked by machine pin fire which caused heavy casualties iid left prisoners in the hands of the Portugese. British troops 'repulsed small raids in the Tpres area, where 'ie enemy artillery fire is intense. On ae French front, the bombardment ias been most violent in Champagne, specially east of Rheim's. In aerial fighting, French and tBrit- & machines have accounted for 21 aiemy airplanes, while French gun ners have destroyed three others. In Addition to attacking military targets close behind the German lines, Brit- '& airmen have bombed the city of bblenz, on the Rhine, in daylight. A 'Jia of bombs was dropped, causing fro fires and a violent explosion. fhe Bolshevik government has re- loved to Moscow, where , the all-Rus- Coneress of Soviets will meet liursday to take action on the Ger man peace treaty. 4n-Petrograd two wnmittees are preparing to take over government. One is headed by totzky, dismissed by Premier Len- ie as foreign minister, and the other 5 Zinovieff, chairman of the tielega- n wnich assented to the German jeace terms. to Eastern Siberia, General Semen the anti-BoIsheviki leader, has driven r-rn o d tA wvo t,uo UVIUC1 111 UlS ischuria bv - DnsTiAviv released German prisoners. China learned the Bolshevik! against in jections of her neutrality in Man- IJftrman airships have raided tbo J of Yorkshire in Eastern England i" nave dronnftd "hnrntwi wv.Qf Hnm. ported raiderS did iaa not been ne hundred ninnWc4rM, vfi- J79 niured as k reTult t)f-ttiB Ger- raw on Paris Monday arght. Of : cd, ftb were suffoftatedln a jpan '1 the subway. A: : ANTS 400 ENGLISH TOWNS DEStftOYED .asterdam, Feb. 23. (By Mail).--' destruction Of 400 English towns Planes is demanded by The Ber iages Zeitunff "as a renriaal" for , !i011 of the Allies in confiscat- : merman merchant ships. In ;u5 article on the suWecTTthe pa- . says: , " i posiuon ro aesiroy "ftole of T.nn1 w - v" uu 6u man 10 anow one L .. German to hii n d0ofh n 5'efield. Trt Jr. j eivpc tr. . .. . NaonaMe - P 7 SSIAN CONGRESS TO MEET THURSDAY March 11. The Congress of Soviets. v;ri?' called to rarifv "the n.iar-e . ' With Germanv ma LJejnS meeting until - Thursday. aSnsSats Recently Overpowered a Sub marine and Captured Eight of its Crew SECOND VICTIM OF BRITISH DESTROYER Aerial Attacked the U-Boat and Soori;;Destroyed it A Patrol Steamer Ac countsr:or Another London, Feb, f 23 (.By Mail). The British destroyer Ariel recently over powered atnd .destrjyed a German sub marine anL captured eight' of the crew, The Ariel was on patrol duty when she got a report of a subma rine in Northern waters. Sighting the periscope of the submarine at a distance of nearly a mile the Ariel made for . the enemy craft, firing as she approached. The gunners made good practice and' the , periscope of the submarine was. struck fairly Go ing: at full speed the' Ariel attempted to ram the German ajid passed right. over ; her. The submarine was dam aged : ajad - came fcort thesurfaceT : : Jfacea with destruction tne crew or the submarine' attempted to use their gun on the destroyer. After two or three shots from the bow gun of the warship, however, the crew of the TJ boat began to appear on deck with their hands above their heads in tok en of surrender. Several boats were lowered and eight of the submarine crew were rescued. Near Black Sod Bay, on the western coast of Ireland, an armored patrol steamer was victorious in a fightwlth a German submarine m British coast al waters. While the armed steam er was in Black Sod Bay word waf brought that a German submarine was firing on a merchant ship jus outside AchilL Head. The patrol steamer went right out and an hour later sighted ft ., .submarine painted black, about two miles off. When the patrol steamer was about 800 yards off she began to use her guns. AH the shots were effec tive and the submarine attempted to get away, but the patrol steamer maintained its firer . Suddenly a lot of smoke, was seen coming from the aft side of the conning tower of the U-boat and it stopped. Its T3tern then began to sink. Soon the conning tower disappeared ar d only the fore part of the U-boat v as above wate After a moment, the submarine disap peared entirely, leaving a large cloud of smoke. The patrol steamer waited about the vicinity; Cor two hours, but saw no trace of the t-boat. N The British destroyer Ariel early in March, 1915, rammed and sank the German submarine U 12. Two mem bers of th6 erew of 28 on the U-boat were rescued by the crew of the Ariel. The U-12 had taken active part in German, operations" against British shipping.' ALLEGED EVADERS SENT TO CAMP Pittsburgh, MarchS. One hundred men arrested . seVeralays ago by the PIttsba.-gi policeln '"round up of al leged draft evaders were today taken to Camp Lee-yirglrila, where they will be inducscfc!nto military service. The greater -hjimber of the more than 600 merfraiMsted' in -the roundup have been released today, having fill ed out draft Questionnaires or having! furnished satisfactory proof that they had returned Ithelr questionnaires. The men gent 'to Camp Lee. were those who in -filling out their ques tionnaires . yesterday, waived' all . right to exempfToflgafS deferred classifica tion: " INLAND WATERWAYS COMMjFTEEE ENLARGED Washington,' "March 13. The mem bership of the Railroad Administra tion's Inland Waterways Advisory Committee' was increased from three to fife today with the appointment of Calvin Tompkins, former dock commis sioner of New York, and a student of port facilities ; and M.- J. Snaders, of sXew Origins, manager ;of the ieylea StoajMT'C.JineK'--':" SHIPS AND MORE SHIPS IS CRYING NEED OF AMERICA This Year Will See Develop ment of Greatest Program in History THERE IS NO CHANCE OF TOO MANY SHIPS Business Judgment' and Pa triotism Both Point Out the Way Story by One Who Knows The great need for merchant ships is emphasized by the very significant statement recently is; sued .at London by Sir ric Geiides, FirstS Lord of the . Admi- j ralty. The dispatch from London, which was sent out March 5th, is as follows: "London, March 5. 'Qur allies are making every effort to in crease their production of ships Sir Eric Geddes, First Lord of the Admiralty, said today, 'but despjte glowing reports in the American press and great as the effort of that country doubtless Is, there is no doubt a considerable time must ilapse before ,-the-.desired .output is i Rofetalned.' :SIr Eric, whose address was de ivered in the House of Commons, said the naval forces of the Allies in European waters would be aug mented shortly by a force of Bra zilian warships." - (By Leon M. Green.) The Allied statesman who said "Every shipyard is a fort for free dom," used a striding metaphor but he 4.id not go far enough in calling attention to the more than pressing need for ships as -the paramount means of winning the war. Most folks recognize, in a vague sort of way, that bottoms must be had, yet comparatively few fully understand the titanic task undertaken by our government in supplying the needs of our allies and in transporting troops to the other side. Indeed, the great dreamer who said at the outset of America's entrance into the great struggle, "We must have a" bridge of ships across the Atlantic, was not far wrong. With Edward N. Hurley .as chair man of the Shipping Boardf the re moval of all dissension and the set tling of the threatened strike of ship yard workers, our shipbuilding pro gram is moving foiward with rapid strides. Nineteen eighteen will be such a year in vesse1 construction as the world has nevor known. Much has been accomplished, still much mote remains to be done. Marine Eri gineering says editorially in its cur rent issue: "To shipbuilders the en tire nation will look during the cdm ing months for unprecedented activ ity. Former records of production will no longer be acceptable. The seemingly- impossil le must be achieved, and that quickly. The di minished rate of shipping losses, en couraging as it is, in no way lessens the demand for more ships. Every ton of shipping that tan be produced mustxbe launched in the shortest pos sible time. "Less than a million tons of mer chant shinDing was produced in the United States last year, but In tfi meantime the foundations have been laid for a vastly increased output. No less than 700 shipways are nOw -avail able, as against 148 last April, and more are rapidly nearlng completion. According to official figures published In December the wooden ship pro gram is 9 per cent, complete; the re quisitioned steel sn'p program, 29 per cent complete; the composite ship program, 20 per cent complete, and the contract steel ship program, 4 per cent complete. This much has been accomplished before the new shln- vards have really begun -to build ships, and during a period when the -Jer yards were largely engaged in naval work, and, furthermore, wer aeftonslv handicappe.1 by labor and housing troubled. "Most of these preliminary difficul ties are now being tafcen in nana. means are apparently in sight for re lieving the most serious pnases or w situation, and -the new yards are sduariher away for , uninterrupted in tensive oroduction. It now remains for the shipbuilders ic redouble their ntt&l ci Faze Two, REDUCES SIZE OF BUILDING SHIPS Action Taken by Shipping jBpard to Secure South- ern Lumber CHANGES WILL SPEED CONSTRUCTION WORK Heretofore the Size of Flitches Was Such That it Was Dif- flcult to'Secure in South ' v ?t ern Forests Washington, March 13. Reduction ihNship' timber sizes used in wooden construction in the South was author ized today by the Shipping Board to expedite construction. John, H. KIrby, vice-president of the Sojithern Pine Association of Houston, Texas, has consented to un dertake a survey of pine forests to determine the amount of material available for wooden ships, as a fur ther step to increase the output. Dimensions of the large flitches which form the curve of the ship's frame have been reduced from 32x13 inches, to 24x12 inches, so that smal ler Umber obtainable in the South can be used. Under the old specifications, few trees .could be found in Southern for ests sufficiently large to cut the flitch es which some times had had to be shipped from the Pacific coast. - Officials are hoping that the changes will speed up construction so that ad-(iitlonal-contracts may ne placed. Mil it is not their intention to undertake further building until the present de layed program has been put forward. It was Jiaid authoritatively that it was considered better to keep busy contractors who had proved compe tent as hullders, rather than to let contracts indiscriminately to men whoseivqualificatiofisivtor:J Shipbuilding MjvKirby has assured General Piez and other officials that Southern lum ber men desire to co-operate in every way with the board in its program. Estimates of the amount of pine timber suitable for Fjilps have not been borne out by actual experience, it was said, inasmuch as the biggest trees often were found rotten at th? heart and unfit for use. In cutting the timbers, much smaller wood also had to be cleared, which has served to de'ay progress and to handicap mill operations because of the lessening demand in all private wonc. Members of the Southern Pine As sociation were to have appeared be foie a Senate committee yesterday and, according to a prepared statemer.. issued by the association, were ready to iay the blame for delay in wooden ship building on changes in specifica tions ordered by the shipping board. At the last minute the hearing was cancelled. Mr. Kirby's conference with Mr. Piez is understood to have smootnert out differences of opinion and to have resulted in a working understanding. Mrs. Garfield Dead. Los Angeles, Cal., March 13. Mrs. Lucretia Rudolph Garfield, widow of James A. Garfield, twentieth president of the United States, died at her win ter home in South Pasadena early today. ARCHIE ROOSEVELT A SLIGHTLY INJURED One of Ex-Ptesident Theodore Roosevelt's Sons Wound ed in Action ANOTHER CASUALTY 3 - ' LIST ANNOUNCED Sixteen Dead and Eleven In jured Reported by General Pershing Colonel Roose velt Proud of His -Sons. New York, March 13. Archibald B. Roosevelt, a son of Theodore Roose velt, has been wounded in action with the American forces in France. A ca blegram was received today ait the Colonel's office here. Young Roose velt is a captain: ; ; " The message came from Theddore Roosevelt, Jr., a major with the American expeditionary troops. It "Archie wound, i by shrapnel slightly in leg. Arm broken but not badly. No danger. Ted." "I anv as prOud of my four bojs as I can: be," Colonel. Roosevelt said, when informed by his secretary, Miss Josephine Stryker, over the telephone a.t his home at Oyster, Bay, where the f ojmfiir President. is .ri&mejatjns.fjxm A DECLARES J APAN Daily Telegraph Defends Ja pan's Motive in the Siber " ian Matter ALLIED INTERESTS , DEMAND ACTION German; Influence in the Chao tic Conditions in Russia Must Be Met, Declar es the' Newspaper i London, March 13. Concerning doubts expressea in. seme quarters on the subject of Japanese interven tion in Siberia, the Daily Telegraph says that Japan is a British ally of 12 years standing and during all that time she has, apart from the service rendered to the allied cause in the course of the war shown herself an honorable and trustworthy associate. The paper continues : "The overwhelmingly strong inter est of Japanese in tLis part of the world is, of course, apparent from a glance at the map. Japan is a highly organized trading nation and is direct ly interested in the maintenance of general peace and order In the lands where her relations are close and which are supremely important to her welfare. That was fully recognized by Great Britain in the treaty of 1905. "Whatever the Siberian republic may turn out, to be when we know anything of it, wo may at least be sure that Germany reckons upon dom inating it as she reckons upon domi nating all other fragments of the shattered Russian empire. Germany is at this moment pursuing a plan of world Hfcohquest to which particular and unmistakable character; has been given bjfth,e developmental! th$ war nuance is to ne guarded against m the region where Japanese and other Allied interests are especially strong, the sooner business is 'undertaken the better. There is no sense of justice in permitting chaos and helpfulness iu Russia to be turned to the advan tage of the enemy if it can be pre vented. If such action as was taken in Manchuria should ultimately he the means of re-establishing a national authority of constitutional character in Russia, and if it should supply a rallying point for the forces of sanity and order then a priceless benefit would be conferred on the Russian peoplel "The question at present is one of legal and necessary protection, of threatened national interests, "in a situation without parallel and in which the ordinary formula' of inter national action are meaningless, the principal care of Allied. statesmanship as a whole will be, while allowing it self to be guided by the logic of events as they arise, to divest what ever is done of any color of aggres sion or annexationist intentions." Promjnent Horseman Dead. Warrenton, Va., March 13. Blair Johnson, prominent horseman, died at. his home near here last night after a brief illness of pneumonia. He was manager of the Warrenton Horse Show Association. 4 his recent illness. "As long as Archie was not killed eyerything is all right." The Casual List. Washington, March 13. Today's casualty list issued by the War De partment carries the names of six men killed in action, three dead of wounds, seven jjdead of disease, two wounded severely 1 and 11 slightly I wounded,, imudmg Archie Roosevelt. 11 C W D V. ". - VV.WLMUUA "WO vvu MAUV in private cable dispatches. The casualties' follow: Killed inr action: Corporal William . Gehrmg. Privates IJanx L. Anderson, Homer Dawson, Homer W. Klein, John Le Gall and Sergeant Paul H. Ludivlg. Died of, wounds: Private Guiseppe Fanucchi and- Cor poral Rudolph O. Huff, traumatism (by cutting Instruments). Died of disease: Corporal Clyde B. Jones and Pri vates Fern W. Bristol, John Bailey Gill, Loren H. Mitchell, Jesse E. Moor dy, GeOrre Washington Rutledge ind Maurice L. Schwartz. Wounded severely: Sergeant Virgil H. Brady and Pri vate Jerrell E. Jennings. Wounded slightly. Captain Archibald B. Roosevelt. Corporals William Seihert and Charles ,R. Simmons. ;; Privates Nicholas Christbw,' Willie N. Cornelius, Edward BC" Darland, Ja cob Keller, Robert H. Mantex, Edward S. Parry, Howard L. SpideL THREE ZEPPELINS IN LAST RAID ONE OF BUSIEST ' ON WEST FRONT Thousands of Shells Hurled Daily Against the Ger man Positions ENEMY FORCED TO ABANDON TRENCHES American Artillery Making it Hot for Germans Enemy Forestalled in Planned Raid on Sammies With the American Army in France, Monday, March 11. The sector occu pied by American troops east of Lune- ville, which was designated formerly merely as being in Lorraine, has de veloped suddenly into one of the most active on the front, from the stand- point oi aruuery ngnung. American 2J. I'll 0 X t A artillerymen are hurling thousands of shells daily against the German posi - tlons. makine it virtuallv imDossible ror tne enemy to occupy them. 1 vestlgatlon shows that they have h virtually abandoned. This is es ly true in the neighborhood o. places northwest and north donviller where, it is now to say, the two raids mrj having been caried out si took place. Certain info tainad in th ' ' west of Toul leads to the conclusion that . the American , raid... there v this tnornlne 'came at snAh Hm am - irt of their wn fojr a; rMNarial s tihery fightlrig-continues, in this: sec tor, shells falling on towns on both sides "of the line. At one place the Germans used mustard shells. A small number of Americans walked through the gas later. Last night an American patrol brought in ' an en emy sniper's -camouflage suit, made of woven brownish colored grass, the same shade as the landscape. There was the usual work" by patrols in No Man's Land during the night, but no A. m -m encounters nave Deen reported. Conditions were excellent today for flying, and many hostile and friendly planes were in the air. In virtually every Allied plane there was an Am erican obesrver. Once or twice the Americans went close enough to he Germans to try their machine guns, but without results. One plane in which there was an American went far back of the enemy lines, t It was the target for hundreds of Gennan snells which seemed to burst all around It. On returning the Ameri can admitted that they seemed pretty fthick, but he was unharmed. WOULD GUT SUPPLY OF GRAIN FOR BREWERII 1 British Government &efen!s its Course in Making Beer London, March 13. Criticism of the continued use of grain for brew ing and malting was made in the House of Commons today by the Right Hon. Leif child Jones and others. ( John R.Clynes, parliamentary sec retary of the .Food Control Board, in AMERICAN SECTOR p- mm- m f nr m other considferatlons, for the food;. rA tr. situation and opinion in America, the government, while maintaining a sup ply of beer for heavy manual work ers, intended to reduce immediately the tonnage to be used for brewing material. One hundred and fifty thousand. tons of barley were taken from the brewers and matters on March 1 and a further 200,000 tons would be saved yearly by restricting the standard of barrelage and using, substitutes which are vastly more economical. The brewing materials for 1918-19, Mr. Clynes added, would be equiva lent to 512,000 tons of shipping, com pared to 1,500,000 tons early in the war, The brewing, material would amount to something less than 300 per .cent of the splid food ration and from one-third to one-fourth of these materials could be recovered in the fornf'of animal food. ..' Died from a. . Fall. Washington, March 13 Machin- IstaMate Charles John Fazio, Rome, N, Y died March 10, from a fractured skull sustained when he fell from a seaplane at Pensacola, Fla., it was an nounced today. v NIGHTS ON LONDON First Time Big Airships HaV$ Been Used in Several :"tr Months 'H: NO GREAT DAMAGE W DONE BY RAIDERS One House Was Demolished and a Woman Died . of .; vji Shock Trie Airships ''Wandered About Ijondon, March 13. Three vZeopeV lins ' took part in last night's air raid on England One of them drappM four bombs in Hull. A The other airships flew about aim lessly over country districts, dropping bombs, and then proceeded back:' to sea. One woman died of shock td consequence of the irid. ',. The following official announce ment was given out: : , .' "Latest reports indicate that thripa enemy airships crossed the Yorkshire coast between 8:30 and 10 p. mi last night. Only one ventured to approach, a defended locality, namely, Hull' where four bombs wore drormed- A house was demolished. One womaa. died of shock. . "The two remaining airships wan dered for some hours over remote country districts at great altitudes, m -mm ..a - a . unloading tneir DOmDs in open COUQ j try before proceeding out to sea , again. ! "V. The Germans have sustained suctr hpavv Iokspb in ZennplinR ttint hv ave employed them only at infrj ent intervals in the last year ;f of V on England, substituting" air Vs.-V' The . last nrevious Zennelin England was on October 19, en a persons were Kiiiea ana ;OareXufhmg the Zep-? i. .Mfp; --roytoby the being brought down TO PUT ON'SPES Washington, March 1$. Appearing before the Senate Military Committee to explain proposed amendments id the National Defense Act, Provost Marshal General Crowder urged Con gress to hasten action on scores, of pending army bills, especially - thjtt amending the selective draft law. v Passage' by the Senate this weelj of the draft till, changing the asi4 of selection from State populations to the number of men Jn class onq. and requiring registration of men at taining 21 .years of age since June 5, last, Is expected, Senator HltchcbcK told General Crowden Other army bills, he said, would follow it in the) Senate. Legislation to abolish the extra' al lowance of 50 pej- cent, in pay to men) in the aviation service was approved by General Crowder. 10 Ell Claxton Suggests Sus Rules. Against Employing Married Teachers Washington March 13. -Snspenstoa of laws or ordinances prohibiting, mar ried women from teaching, school l advocated by Federal Commissioner et Education ; Claxton , today as ;the test means flf-Te-plaemg1 the largeinumbes of teachers who have quit toentfr war work.: In a letter to city county and State school authorities V&msoni s'.oner Claxton, pointed out ths many sections are facing a snortare, e tions are attrafitlt,nianjryoin& men from the schools--''' y-Mit v "Unless something cai bedbne.. ttt relieve the situation,' saya Dn Clax tno. "the places ' of many trained and experienced . teachers will-be takea by young teachers without experience 'c? professional preparation. There--are. howver, in th country scors or tboti" sands of persons, motsly women.? of good scholarship and professional training, who have had successful ex perience as teachers ut-who have re tired from active service. Many "en th( se might render valuable tervlce again in the school. V A a means relief in the "prgsnt crisis; I -recoiri-mend that they 'be called again into active service and 5 that laws, ' ordi nances, and regulations of ' schoof boards prohibiting married womeu from teaching in the public schooxs be suspended or repealed." . '; Member Parliament KJIIed. . ;- .. London,: March 13.-hiiip kirkland Glazebrook, Unionits member, ofPar liament for South Manchester and a major; in, the .Cheshire yeomanry has been v kiled V in action-; ia - PjUe.Ttine, t RECRUIT TEACHERS FROM MARRIED t V T ,1