PWl"1 IN CHARGE mNmjtoy i theatre i Or ALL AIYlLKIuHPId iHP ON ENGLISH SOIL Served as Acting Chief of Staff Following Bliss' Retirement AMERICAN TROOPS TRAIN IN ENGLAND General Biddle Succeeds Gen eral Bartlett ; General , Marsh is to Appoint. Five Assistants. THE "WILCTMrrON "DISPATCH, . WECINESDAYFTEfTNODN MARCH IT3. T91& . Matte tcKinTroops ti ?Siberia Stiir Under ation PAGE THREE tiondbnMarch lSJapanhas not yet-comejto a. decision regarding the dispatch. .of troops to ' Siberia, Pre mier Terauchl declared in replying' to a question in the House of Repre sentatives, according to a Reuter dis patch from Shanghai, carrying Tokio advices under date of March 9. Another, dispatch from Tokio through the same channels says that Foreign Jtfinisjter Miuolo replying to a question in the, Diet declared that no jequeat.lhat troops Jbe sent to Sibe- cia naaoeen received from Japan's allies. g&CP; exchange of views, he said, at)roceeding. The opposition leader favored the sendingtr troops hut expressed the fear that'the presence of 1 Japanese in Seberiarrmight drive Russia toward Germany, unless the greatest precau tions weire taken. Under-date of tyjarcb 9 the gyern ment said the premier would take the utmost care and caution in dealing with this momentous situation. NEW YORK LETTER. ' . Washington, March 12. Major Gen eral John Biddle, who recently was relieved by Major General Peyton C. March, as acting chief of staff, is to command all American troops in England, it is understood. Army or ders show the assignment of two of ficers as aides on his staff. General Biddle was appointed as sistant chief of staff, just before Gen eral Bliss made li s first trip to Eu rope, as a member cf the Supreme' War Council. He relinquished that (By o. o. Mclntyre, Special Corre- post as well as his place as acting rhief on the .arrival cf General March and Brigadier Genera William Graves is now acting as assistant to General March. Under new regulations General March has five assistants, all general officers. HeJs understood to be con sidering now the selection of officers to fill these posta permanently, the department having announced that the present incumbents held office, temporarily, pending the arrival and action of the new acling chief. Major General George T. Hartlett has been incommand in England", where several American units, includ ing engineers and heavy artillery, have been training at British camps. It is not known to what post General Bartlett has been assigned. The appointment of General Biddle revived speculation as to the course the War Department may take in re gard to the proposal that American troops be trained completely with the British war machine as well as with the French. The plan included front line training in the trenches in Flan ders, although after training was. completed the forces would be. sent to join General Pershing's army. REED AGAIN MAKES ATTACK ON HOOVER Washington, March 13. Charges Of gross extravagance in the manage ment of the affairs of the Food Ad ministration were made in the Sen ate Tuesday by Senator Reed of Mis souri, who demanded that Adminis trator Hoover give an accounting of the deDartment's finances. The charges were mado cfter.the Missouri Senator had asked that the appropri ation of $1,750,000 for the food and fuel departments b& eliminated fnvn the urgent deficiency bill. AMERICAN STEAMER FOUGHT U-BOAT A French Port, Sunday, March 10. An American steamship, formerly a German vessel, arrived here today with its bridge smashed and a shell hole through a smokestack "as a re sult of an encounter with a submarine. The steamship defended itself wltn its guns on being attacked by the sub marine. A storm was encountered during which the cargo shifted. . The vessel made port with the greatest difficulty MURDER RUNS RIOT IN HELSINGFORS Stockholm, Monday, March 11. The Red Guard contingents in Hels ingfors are becoming more violent in their activities, according to a dispatch 'o The Tidningen from Vasa, Finland. "They are proceeding in quite a de liberate manner," a"dds the dispatcn, 'choosing their victims from among the intellectual classes, assassinating principally the clergy and landed' pro prietors. All the agricultural com missioners, except one, have been killed." . - '."MY SOLDIER G1RLL" " What has proven the real big suc cess . of - the present season, standing out above all' the new musical comes dies that have been produced inhe past few months, "My Soldier Girl," a big musical comedy, with a military atmosphere; 4s to be presented at the Academy, of Music, Thursday, matinee and night," March 14th. Many names of prominent artia's well known to lovers of rausical plays' are to be found in the cast of this remarkable success, which includes Leona Stater, Gudrun Walberg, Charles George, Les lie Jones; janes Baber, William Moore, Fred Daye and others of abil ity. The chorus is composed of the most . attractive lot ot girls ever gathered together in one company. The production Qff ers van artistic piece of work whether in the gorgeous first act-or in the, third act b,y the aid of electricity and scenic beauty remark able scenic effect s produced of a battlefield .."Somewhere in France." Many- new dance' ensembles are in troduced .for the first 4ime ' offering spicy moments of amusement and good wholesome entertainment. Some of the song hits sue "My Soldier Girl," "Naughty," "Come On and Baby Me," "Dixie Doodle," "A Wonderful Thing," "When I Dream ot : You," "Sailing Away on the Henry Clay," "I Can't Believe .Your Eyes," "Some Night," and a scoiv of others. Prices matinee, 50cHo'$l; night, 50c to $1.50. Seats now selling at Elvington's Drug Store. ACADEMY OF MUSIC- TOMORROW, M ATI NEE - AN c NIGHT, MARCH 14 spondent of The Dispatch.) New Yjork, March 13. As Samuel Pepys would record in his diary: TJd and my wife, poor wretch, churlish at my unkempt appearance, for which can find no blame at all and she did say that at times I wore such brave clothes she feared : she might lose me and at other times I looked so unkempt she feared she could not. All ofwhich is true, Heaven help me, albeit I would rather : be garbed as a rogue than a Beau Brummell. To breakfast with Richard Hatteras, the English play actor, who is recov ering from a fit of sickness, and came several others, and the talk turned ot the plaV that most impressed us, and three agreed instanter upon Fav- ersham in "The Squaw Man" in the same breath, which seemed strange. For a walk and learned that Sir James K. Hackett was living only a few doors away in a noble house The has just nought. To the gasoline wagon shops and the most engaging wagon monger did almost sell me one of his small chariots before I could tell him I could ill afford one this year. Home, where a etter from jny old roommate, Larry Morley, of Buffalo, and then to see some fine pictures pf Mr. Van Veen, drawn in France, and is exhibUifijin America in especial the gnarled trees iji the forests of Fountaiblejau, a-spot that has a -fas cination for- me. On a street corner a cracked brain fellow was talking for peace and chid ing the English ana a little man with side wheel "whiskers walked un and basted the rascal soundly and the crowd cheered migntily. In the evening to the Chu Chin Chow ball at the Hotel des Artistes, where came Howard Chandler Chris ty, -Morris. Cest, Prince and Princess Tfoubetzkoy and I danced with the Princess, very neat, and Mme. JSsi mos and Penryhn Stanlaws, Paul Thompson Arnold Genthe and after wards a group too' a' ride in the park in an old cab pulled by a skinny nag and sang,; all very merry, and so home early in the morning and to bed. Broadway has again become the ra diant lands, the G. W. W. of history, romance -and vaudeville jokes and so it will continue except on Thursday and Sunday evenings. Why Thursday is chosen for, darkr oss is not explain ed. .As -for' Sunday, it hasnt' many friends, and ? everybody picks on Sun day. Otherwise,- however, the Broadway prospectvhas-again brightened and the permission to blaza forth, radiate, scintillate and efftlge includes the shop, windows, the interiors, the Htisi ness .signs and the hot drink boilers, as well "as the moving electric signs, the roof J topt.1 fireworks and all the magnificently bri)3iant advertiig that made the well known thorough fare the envy of the world. THE GRAND'S BIG OFFERING. Norma Talmadge, in Cynthia Stockley's sensational story, "Poppy," is the big super -attraction, at regu lar prices, for the. Grand Friday and Saturday. N " The variety of scenes to which the action of "Poppy" shifts, the sharply defined qualities of its principal char acters and withal the intensely hu man story that it tells of love and sacrifice combine to make it ideal for photoplay purposes. In the process '- ? I? J A & & d p mm ,-.'! .-7- i v its l-t imam F Shvi m m mm ".'......-.fc if - it w gf:-: - - ----- ..v . LECOMTE & FLESH ER Present :- '1 The Gorgeous Musical Spectacle: With a Military Atmosphere Smart, Swift and Saucy. Brlgad, of Girls J Matinee 3:30 P. M. 50c, 75e Prices Night 50c, 75c, $1 J t.5jjf Seats Now Selling at Elvtngton - Drug Store Six Clever Dancers from the Batlet In the Big Musical Spectacle, "My Soldier Gfrl," Coming to the Acadernj of Music, Thursday, Matinee and Night, March 14th. much inf orma,tion from him concern ing his early history Mr. Dalton is a Woodrow Wilson booster and says in his travels around the country he finds that 95 per cent of the peopla are behind the Presi dent in this war. Mr. Dalton has written the true story of the "Dalton boySy" the title being "Beyond the Law," and it wil be published in "Wide World." a Tondon magazine. He has been noti fied that it will appear in the Febru ary edition. Emmett Dalton I lecturing to capa city crowds at the Bijou today, and will appear for the last times tomorrow. ponents' court. On of these was lost 0 Trinity, which the Techs offset by taking the -next two 'from the Meth odists. The other defeat was when State split a two-game series .with V. M. I. Immediately, after the last game of the year Mr. F. D. Cline, of the class of 1919, was elected captain of the next year's team. Monograms have been awarded the following men: E. F. Lewis, F. D. Clind. F. E. Ducey, S. L. Hpmewood, J. H. Ripple, W. E. Leeper and sj. G. Ricks, manager. NO DECISION ON AID TO NEW HAVEN Washington, March Reports that the railroad administration had offered to provide for obligations of $45,000,000 of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, were denied by John Skelton Williams, director of the divis'.on of finance and purchases of the riilroad administra tion. No decision has been reported as to the extent of government aid to the road, he said, although the subject Is under consideration. BASKETBALL CHAMPS. Margarita Fischer FVard-bTf At The Grand Thursday In Her Most Happy Attraction "Jilted Janet." RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT 10 MOVE FROM MOSCOW German Army Getting Too Close Francis to Stay at Vologda Washington, "March 13. Tbe Rus sian revolutionary government is pre pared to move from. Moscow to sonie Point farther east-if the German arm ies continue to (advance into Russia. A message to the State Department from American . Consul ' Summers at Moscow dated : March - 8 said the government was expected there next day and that arrangements would be jade to go to some other city, if it "ecame necessary. .A catlegram from Ambassador Fran ks, at Vologda, which said nothing of dny intention to move the American embassy staff farther , east, apparent y disposed of reports that the ambas sador Yas preparing to leave-there A New Yorker brings a clipping from a paper announcing the arrival of Harry Dauder, at Saskatoon, Can ada. The clipping reads: "Harry Lauder, the comed'an, will spend Sun day here, and that is all Harry will spend." There is one commuter in New York who at last has rebelled. He has been Commuting for 16 years and he figured, out the other day that he has spent a year on the trains. He has moved in - as hotel next door to his office and he has much time on his hands so,, much that Jn two weeks he has 'doubled his salary. It is figured that there are -200 per sons in New, York who live in Phila cLelphfarJr.jpVK V have tneir business of fices dmcGotham. The commute dai ly, which shows to what length peo ple will,' go to live in Philadelphia or to work' in New York. Another rebelling commuter is ,put with the' Statement that he had never been to a New York theatre in all the 20 jrej.rjj he7 lived here. The com mutihlife' is, a strange one, but there is no Accounting for tastes. . nx! t.-., ,:- i "$HfTered Broken Arm. Little - Freddie Greenberg had his right arm broken at the wrist yes terday afternoon while playing near his . home, " Wo. 6X5 South , Second street. He is the grandson of Capt. George W. Smith, day desk sergeant at the police-station- Dr. Houefan Moore was . called to setthe broken l)qnes. Freddie , is veryNmuch dis tressed because ho, will, be , kept out of - scht Jorame, tim. , . ' , of screening the romance of the wild, fresh individuality of Poppy Destin, the inspiration that the petite star, Norma Talmadge, felt for the charac ter was communicated to the direc tor, Edward Jose, and to all concern ed in the filming of the narrative, with the result that "Poppy" became a labor of love. As the scenes pro gressed, the fascination of the direc tor and players was intensified, until "Poppy" became no longer a figure of fiction, but a living, breathing, hu man being, fragile as the flower bear ing that name but just as responsiye when properly nourished. A FROLICSOME COMEDY. Miss Margarita Fischer has a good medium for display of her frolicsome comedy, in a new -American-Mutual drama, "Jilted Janet," at the Grand tomorrow, wherein the young star is cast as an embarrassed young beauty jilted by her fiance because of finan cial reverses that have overtaken her, Janet and her brother have taken up orange growing: in California but their farm is small and their house unpretentious. When Janet hears that Ernest Morgan is to marry an other and a wealthier girl she sends him a picture of rich Jules Gra ham's house across the way, just to spite him. Then Morgan and his bride decide to visit Janet on their honeymoon and in this crisis she borrows" the house of Graham, during his absence. When Graham returns he is amused ,at thesituation and agrees to act as butler for Janet, who is unaware of his identity. The plot is a good one and full fast action. Included in the cast are such capable people as Jack Mower, Edward Peil and Golda Madden. State' College Closes a Great Season for the Game. (Special to The Dispatch.) .West Raleigh, March 13. Perhaps the best basketball team ever put out by the State College captured the State championship under the leader ship of Captain Lewis. Out of 14 games played by the local team only twice were their opponents able to claim victory, each time on the op P TODAY AND TOMORROW Dreano and White Present THE COLLEGE BELLES In a New Musical Comedy Play "THE JOLLY WIDOW" New Specialties, New Wardrobe, New Ecenery Ruth Roland in "The Neglected Wife" 00 TODAY AND THURSDAY Extra Vaudeville Attraction! EMMETT DALTON ...The Last of the ARE GH0KBMH ID 1 CATARRH? No Joyous Spring-Time For Those Who Can Hardly Breathe CROWDS HEAR DALTON. The Dalton brothers were ' deputy United States maishals in Kansas and one was killed in the discharge of his duty. Emmott says the "Dal tons broke loose" when the United States marshals faiied to make good their obligations for. service render ed. "We took matters in our hands then," said Emmeti, "but now I "see our mistake." The straight and nar row pathv for me all the time now," said the ex-Kansas bandit. For the past several years lie has been making his living as a movie actor and lecturer. He is said to be an excellent' speaker. Mr. Dalton id only 46 years , old and tall, dignified and a ' man . of spTendid appearance. He avoids talking of the "early life of the-Daltons" and it ia hard tft sstj throw your -.sprays atomizers and If you are in the grasp of Catarrh, your experience should convince you that the disease is beyond the reach of sprays, douches, jellies, , balms, salves and other locally applied reme dies. When the air passages become so stopped up that every breath you take is difficult, when the throat arid nosfr are so clogged .up with offensive mu cous that you are constantly -hawking and spitting in an effort, to; clear your nostrils, eyery effort you-make, to get relief by the use of sprays and douch es is promptly followed by new ac cumulations, so that no headwaywhat ever is made toward getting rid of "the disease. V . - If you wantTto getrid of - Catarra, Dalton I Boys I -21 TOMORROW iU Personification and Spontanea and Cleverness A Margarita Fischei In a Story of What Hajspenij to Her In a Neighbor's Hou - "IS fJHted Janet?! The Tomboy of the Screen Her Happiest Rola THE WORLD'S MOST NOTED OUTLAWS Will tecture Three Reels of Picturesshowing their WOULD FAMOUS DOUBLE BANK ROB BERY AT COFFEYVILLE, KAN SAS ON OCTOBER 5, 1892, AS IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. The only historical picture ever produced with any of the original characters in it. Everyone should hear Emmeti Dalton reveal their lives in h short talk before the pictures are shown. Nothing to mislead the young or repel the old. Regular Program In Addition Hour and a Half Show. For Sale No. 1 North Carolina Peanuts: No. 1 Virginia Peanuts. ! Small and Improved Spaan Peanuts. Pod SnnrHRh Poa.TintJI. Irish Cobbler Seed Potatoes BurtiSeed Oats . Velvet Roan Meal. 150 Tons 7 per cent Cotton S Meal. 50 Tons 16 per cen Acid. , '; Please write for prices.;-'. D. L. GORE COMPANY? Strictly Wholesale. WILMINGTON, N. C. Matinees 5c Nights 10c i other local treatment to the wintfs, and pay heed to the voice of science. Realize that Catarrh comes fronr a germ which infests the blood, and that the disease cannot exist when these germs are routed from the blood. Tne rational and successful treatment, therefore, is one that- reaches the bloqd, and cleanses it of every trace of impurity and, rids it of these tiny catarrh germs. Of course no locai remedies can reach the blood supply, and that is why Catarrh is not cured by sprays and lotions. The one great blood remedy that has made a wonderful record is S. S. S., which has been on sale by drug stores everywhere for nearly half a century. If you would be rid of your Catarrh, get a bottle of this great ohi remedy today, which will give you satisfactory results, as it has in so many cases You will findthat you are on the right treatment at last, as S. S, S. will do for you what it has for thousands of others. Start taking S. S. S. to-day, and write a complete description of your case, to our heaa physician, who will give you all neces sary instructions by return mail, with out charge. Address Medical Direct tor,' 403 : Swift Laboratory. Atlanta, Ga. Adv. THIS IS THE DAY THE Mi DOLE-At FRIDAY AND SATURDAY COMES NORMA TALMADGE Gorgeous and Sylph-Like, bringing to the scr,eejj0what the screen has ever TacRed rhymth of expression and charm ot movement in "POPPY" Cynthia Stockley's Sensational Novel WOMAN WHO LOOKS . Y Her experience, her ripened ,!. the wonderful opportunities fdr f Ji ! which the war has created. 7l'5 succeed she must appear young.;: streaked with gray, or faded haii the look of age and keeps mat- men from the success they descf If gray hair is your handicaj can easily overcome it with Q-ba. Color Restorer just as havethot; of other women.. It will gra bring back all the natural ; colt gloss and take years from your f Q-ban is ntit a dye, but a del toilet preparation a necessity every woman who understand? value of keeping young. It!Wr'JJ Btaln the scalp, wash or rub off j terfere with washing or warirj hair. Also removes dandruff, r the hair healthy and is easily l!' by simply combing or brushing t', the hair. -rr rj Sold by all good druggists i where on money-back adv. The Romance of a Moonlit Gar guarat ,i,.-1 OPEN N0STRILSI END A COLD OR CATARRH How To Get Relief When Head' and Nose are Stuffed Up I Count fifty! Your cold in head of catarrh disappears. Your clogged nos trils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more snuffling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or headache; no struggle for breaia at night Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist and apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic cream In your nostrils. It penetrates through very air passage of the head, sooth ing" and healing the swollen or in flamed mucous membrane, giving you instant relief. Head colds and c tarrh yield like magic. Don't . stay stuff edup and miserable. Relief is sure. Adr. . 0 iTTHAIGHTi ! HAIR Colored people . can keep their hair soft and straight by using Noah's Hair Drecc It u Superb ' i It will preserve, beautirjr'anc f store the hair. Keep your hafc smooth and glossy condition. - gantly perfumed arid kn-j throughout the world. ; ! Price 25c If your dealer c j substitute Noah' s is thefavo' Noah Products Corpcri Richmond, Virginia rv r Mil si.w I r .i i li nt Ji I

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