THE WiyVHNGtON DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, WCH 13, 1918, iPAGE SIX. I v 1 . .. II, i i, l ii ,ii i, .ii i, ;, , , i i - , , L,iLL ! ALL'S WELL. JiWbere are the maids of yester-week Bridgt and Nora and Ann? Susan and Maude we vainly seek Kitchen and pantry ar? Jare and bleak, - Arid the frying pan! Nora has dropped- her broom and v mop v To "man" a mowing machine. Nimble Ann is a hotel hop, Maude is a uniformed traffic cop Mighty of port and mien. Where shall we look for Mabel and Bab In a world so strongly sexed? Garbed in a flicker" of olive drab, (Mabel is driving a taxi-cab Barbara's calling "Next!" i Gwendolen dwells in marble halls Part of the camouflage (Running a car with mirrored walls. 'Gladys, in grimy overalls, ' Toils in the town garage. ' Who is to cook and dust and darn? . Who is to brew an& bake? . Bridget's repairing the the neighbor's . . barn, ; Sufian is busily skewering yarn, i ", Each, for her country's sake, Who ? But, O man, your fears allay: f For with a smile or sob ftodver-ing on as best she may, Cheerful planning an eatless day, . Mother is on the job. Jennie Betts Hartswick. : Mrs. W. W. Millar of Rocky Point, spent yesterday in the city, shopping. - ; Miss Callie Wells and Mrs. H. D. ;?3wisher, of Willara, spent yesterday Un the city, shopping. Miss Trudie Shephard left yester- jday afternoon for Middle Sound, Vwhere. she will visit relatives. 4 Mrs. A. C. Orrnsby who has been , visiting her sister, Mrs. Nichols, has returned to her home at Riceboro. : ' Mrs.- D. A. Dodameade has returned jto her home at Greensboro, after a ' visit with her son at Fort Caswell, s 4f . Mrs. L. A. Register left yesterday afternoon for Lelaud to visit her grand-daughter, Mr;. Lillian Harvel. f " - - a a i ' Mrs. H. Goodricn who has been vis iting Mrs. M. C. Huggins at Castle Hayne, left last mht for her home at Salt Lake City, Utah. 4f f Misses Mamie Biyant, Bessie Lock amy, and Leah Thompson, all of Jack sonville, N. C, spnt yesterday in the city, shopping. 1 Mrs. C. D. Orreli and son. Harriss, returned to their home at Columbia, S. C, yesterday afternoon .after a pleasant stay with relatives here. ' - Miss Sallie Hussey returned to her home at Warsaw last night, after a pleasant stay with Miss Sallie Bow den. 4f Mrs. V." C. Fusf.eU went to" Fair Bluff yesterday afternoon to attend iuv . uuvi vj. ux auut aa x o iv. j . Yates. Mrs. L. L. Nevvcomte, who has been in the city foi a few days in in terest of the Pictorial Review, left last" night for" GoIIsboro. ' ' N Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cagle, who have sbeen in Wilfcairigton, for two months, Mr. Cagle doing some work for the Cape Fear Packing Company, return ed yesterday af teiaoon to their home at Atlanta, Ga. The Woman's Auxiliary of Winter Park Presbyterian church will hold its regular monthly meeting" .tomor row afternoon at U:30 o'clock, in the :Chadbourn building, A full attend ance of members is requested, as there is important business to be transacted. WILL ORGANIZE LEAGUE. A meeting Of all the Sunday school teachers for classes in which young women between the ages, of 11 and 20 8i e enrolled has been called for to morrow ofternoon atv5 o'clock, at tjje Y. W. C. A. The meeting is for the How to Grow Mrs. G. I. GraniUum, of Southport, spent yesterday in Wilmington. Mrs. G. W. Webb has returned to Castle Hayne, after a visit w.tu friends in the city. 4fr Miss Beatrice Scott, of Rocky Mount, who has been visiting friends in the city, returned home last night, accompanied by Miss Nell Tolvert. Mrs. Frank Thompson and Mrs. Lena Oilman, of Jacksonville, have re turned home, after a short visit to the city. Mrs. M. L. Woodrum, of Salisbury, spent yesterday in Wilmington, en route to Fort CaswH, where she will visit her son, Mr. Hunter Woodrum. Mrs. F. H. StOuffer, of Hagerstown, Md., passed through Wilmington yes terday, en route to the Northwest, where she will visit her mother, Mrs. I. C. Powell. Miss Louise Martin, who has beeji visiting Mrs. H. C. Crosby, at Hamlet, spent yesterday in Wilmington, leav ing the afternoon for her home at Athens, Ga. A patriotic rail will he held at Carolina Beach Friday night at 8 o'clock. There wi'i be addresses by able speakers on War Savings Stamps and all are ihvited to be present. Mrs. Lizzie Bowden returned last night from an extended visit with relatives at St. A igustine and Jack sonville, Fla. She was accompanied home by her grand-daughter, Mrs. Huhn. , Mrs. John T. Bennett, of Rocking ham, arrived in the city at noon to day, to be with her daughter, Miss Mary Clifford Bennett, who will nave her tonsils removed, at the James Walker Memorial Hospital Thursday morning. 4f 45- Mrs. S. L. Brinkman and daughter, Mrs. Joe Loughlin, of Southport, are spending the day in the city. There will be a meeting of the lit erature department of Sorosis, at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the club rooms. 4f Circle No. 1 of Fifth Avenue Meth odist church met yesterday aftej noon at 4 o'clock at the home of Mrs. W. B. Yopp, 516 Nun street Mrs. Voshall was the leader for the after noon. An interesting program had been arranged for the occasion con sisting Of solos by Miss Emily Don nelly Yopp and Mrs. Watson,, and a reading by Mrs. Hattie Farrow. There was a "game of magazines" played, and Miss Varina Yopp won first prize and the consolation prize went to Mrs. Charles Bethea. tt 4fr The regular monthly meeting at the Mothers' Boys' Work Association will be held at the Y. M. C. A. tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. 4fr Mrs. A. B. Berry, who spent the most of the fall and winter in Lum brton, nursing,, has returned to the city. Jfe WAR SAVINGS MEETING.' There will be a big rally at the East "Wilmington school tomorrow night in the interest of the war savings cam paign and the general public are cor dially invited to attend. There will be interesting addresses by Maj. Jos W. Little and others, and the ladies have prepared a feast of good things that will appeal to the appetites of all, and there will also be ice cream and cake. There will be a voting con test, which will be interesting. The proceeds will go. for the purchasa of savings stamps to the credit of the East Wilmington school. For the ben efit of those from the city who de sire to attend, two automobile trucks wiir rtSf e the court house at 7 : 30 p. m. and there will be no charge for the trip. GARDEN PEAS Early peas require a rather rich purpose of launching the organization gaudy loam vQth.gbod drainage in or- at a patriotic league, and it is nopsa der that the first plantings may be that a large number will attend. The made early in the sDrin. Fertilisr- putpose of the patriotic league will ers that are high in nitrogenous mat be to stimulate interest of young ter should not be applied to the land women in war wOk. The league will immediately before planting as they formed of members of different -u fcave a tendency to produce too Sunday schools in the city, and it ;3 Ereart growth of vines at the exnense hoped that much good will result pods. Land that has been manur- from Ii, ed the nrevious vear will be found sat- . "H' isfar.torv without additional fertilizer: ENJOYABLE EVENING. Whils ttm canilv lnum Is to h Tins. The Ladies Aid Society of South- foT.r(a(ii fAr "ftriv vriatiA a nnr rr,vn side Baptist church held a social at can be produced on almost any good the home of Mrs. J. B. Fales, No. -"20 goil - e Castle street, last evening at 8 o'clock T"hfi fipsf ar,fineti Ri,nili hA , and an enjoyable time was spent. lfth aimVa. an mo rtf There was an interesting program hs as follows: So o by Mrs. Bessie Wat- but-quIck growth and may or may not son; soio uy mue Genevieve r1C, be provided witn supports. - These two readings by Mrs i C. B Davis; pi- snould be planted about two weeks anb solos by Miss Myra Fales. One befcre the date of the last killing of the most enjoyable features of the frost or in f&ct md be planted as evJrlnLw a,f UrpTr, .6v ' s0n as the ground is in condition, which Mr Odis B. Hinnant hypnotiz The tall.growing sorts of the Te!e. ed two boys. Refreshments were nhnno vno nrA j0mV4,kia frtP ctj11 lQ served and home-made candy sold. A Lr nao nn nf tiiAfr"iftrM r. silver offering was taken at the door, duction and excellent quality. and a neat sum realized, which will p, ahn,., ho Ar.metA n rrte na be added to the building fund of the to tw0 pintg b6ing sufficIent for a ChUrCh. 1((.fnn mtir TTia in1iirir1ii1 naaa sTirm"M lift nlarAH oTiAiit 1 lTirVi " anat ACKNOWLEDGES U. D. C. GIFT. . L.fhA rnw(t rphQ 4lit.n.A hofn,, The Central War Work Committee rows will depend upon the kind of of the Cape Fear Chapter U D. C., cultivation to be employed, and upon ?rl0i . . t ' the varieties used. The dwarf vari the State treasurer, Mrs. J. W. Pless,LHoa nt Ho 9nM.f than necessary to insure cultivation, while the tall-growing sorts, should Neuilly, near Paris, France. Mrs. Pless has just returned from a sana "Tv0 in ? .s l,,; -v.. .,i not be planted closer than 3 to 3 l-t iuuuui, uuo sua ijji su giaiciui iui i fa-i. . i ttl h I'mmattofaln on. nuvnicugcu iQLCiyt game, xxx a it i- m ........ V t! o iM ,1. ter which was received this morning tV eavfa Lace oAl Schfs by Mrs. W. L. Bee.y, chairman of the 1' , e ZJiltl Central War Work Committee, and , - ' ..V ar Mna c fm in m f fhjof seed close together. Fewer strings n nv,of ATe Tioaa ct.,i or less brush will be required to sup- that this was the 'argest gift from f"ULCU ol"54, any of the chapters in the State and '"Vs ttt luc z utBLiui. f0u vorv irratAfui tnr ih manifl. " Pas are zo D6 grown ior imme nan HnnntiftTi TKa rarVitAra nf Via U"L" uuiy, a quitri. wiu ue enouga local chapter feel very grateful to XLU v1?1- UU9 ua- nuwever' " " Mrs. Pless for her kind letter and are J3 desired to grow peas for canning, more than glad that they were able larSe Plantings should be made. It tn TnflkA the. lareest m'ft of anv other sPace is available, it is an excellent chanter in the State. Plan to considerable planting 4f. . at. one ume 01 some one variety, so The Pp. Cross unit of St. John's that the peas for canning will be Mission will meet tomorrow afternoon available in considerable quantities at 3 o'clock at the Mission House. euaDies me nousewne to get tne All interested are urged to come and canning out of the way m a compar help with the work that is to be done, atively short time. Successive plant-45- 4f jf ings of the various varieties of peas 44.J.4.4i4.4.Ii.44.ii4iuf. should be made at intervals of about 4. if two weeks, until the weather begins PERSONAL MENTION. to grow warm, when the plantings 4. 1 should be discontinued. It is possible 4.4ri4444i44i4t444'i4 m some sections to grow a fall crop of peas. When this is done, early va- Mr. R. S. Williams, of Bolton, was rieties should be used. U. S. Depart in the city early Sunday morning on m ant of Agriculture his way home after spending Sunday with his father, Capt. J. A. Williams, HELD PATRIOTIC RALLY. at Southport. Mr. W. H. Lancaster returned from Organization of War Savings Stamps Raleigh last evening, where he was Sooietie Was the Object. canea baturaay, on acount or tne in- There was a patriotic rally held at ?ess 8l'JlT- R' E- Lancas- the Oak Hill schoolhouse last night at ter, who is lmyruveu. - Lieut. Frederick C. Shephard, who 8 o'clock for the purpose of organiz has been on a visit to his parents, re- ing war savings societies among the turned to tamp jacKson yesteraay men and women. There was a larg3 afternoon. number present and talks were made mi. oum. a. ouii cut tu umi- b th following: chairman J. O burg yesterday afternoon to attend B'rownj Mr, W. a. McGirt, Mr. J. P tT mv j v . . Herring, county agent; Mr. S. T. Mat- Mr. Theodore Marburg, who has thewg 5and M Annie P. Pretlow, T ft! home demonstration agent. Miss Kan! 5, ' S eIla Brady wa made President of the. !m-S Here! Thftse are red Sramy Suits, made tf Regulation Khaki, patterned after the suits the real "Sammies,, are wearing. Your boy should have one of them- He'll want one the moment he sees them. Ages 4 to 8 they cost . . Ages 8 to J 4' -they cost . . . . $7.50 $7.95 Boys' Waah Suits Made to stand the boy and to withstand the tub -There's an irresistable combination fpr the careful buyer for healthy boys. In sizes 2 1-2 years to 8, i Charnbtays, Poplins, Percales, Madras and Galateas, at from . , ... ...... .75c to $3.50 Tom Sawyer Suits Visions of Mark Twain and Huckleberry Finn float before you when you hear 'Tom Sawyer." You ought to see the suits! They come in a military design, with Emblem Buttons and Stock Collar, just like the full dress white officers uniform. For Boys of A to 8 years, at ..... ...; . . .$1.98 Little Boy's Milan Hats 4eauties just unpacked rV .50c to $3.5p W. S. S. for Boys Belk-Williams Co. W. S. S. for Boys women's society, Mrs. J. B. Craig, vice president, and Miss Lottie Burnett, secretary. The men's society elected the following officers: President, Mr. T. J. Burnett, and secretary, Mr. S. T. Keys. A program was given by the chil dren under the direction of the teach er, Miss Kanella Brady. "America" was the initial number sung by all. Mr. Matthews spoke the invocation. "The Farmers' Chorus" was given by the school. Rolan Keys recited "Little Herbert Hoover," and several children gave "At the Close of a School Day." Five little children gave six reasons for saving; the school sang the campaign song, "A Carolina Farm For Me," and four boys rendered "Your Country Needs You." A very pretty tableau was rendered by four boys, entitled, "Betsy Ross the First Flag." Miss Lillian Biddle gave "Thrift" and boys and girls ren dered "W. S. S." The final number was "The Goddess of Liberty." Miss Biddle being the goddess, while the Red Cross was represented by a nurse, the farmers by a fanner boy, and the army and navy by a soldier and sailor. Mrs. Pretlow spent all of yesterGay visiting the ladies of the( Oak Hill section in interest of War Savings Stamps. SMALL FIRE TODAY. SPECIAL OFFER 1 r We have with us a special representative of The Butterick Publishing Co. For a few days we offer to the women of Wil mington The Delineator at about Half Price r v, 11 A. D. BROWN CO. April Patterns are here. Defective Flue Assigned by Firemen as the Causs. There was a small fire at 11:10 j this morning, the call coming from vox rne nTe department re sponded quickly. The building was a one-story frame structure, owned and occupied by Mary Emma Belln colored. A defective flue caused the nre. The fire department quicRly extinguished the blaze and the damage was slight. VILE TASTE BLISTERED MOUTH Oklahoma Lady Had Dreadful Time Before Finding The Right Remedy Black-Draught. Seward, Okla. Mrs. Annie Bowlby.l of this place, says in a letter written for publication: "I have used Black- Draught for two years, or more, ana will never cease to be grateful for what it did for me and mine. Some time ago, my mouth broke out with blisters. I had a vile taste in ray mouth, all slick and disagreeable. I seemed to have a great, deal of in ward fever. I suffered with my bacic and kidneys. . . ' ' I was so nervous, it was dreadful. I would almost cry- I suffered so. had gas on the stomach and pains but, as I said, the pam and ... trouble was most severe. I had the doctor and used several medicines without re sult. Still hurting and suffering, I began! to use Thedford's Blacl'.-Draught, mak ing it into a tea, and using a teatpoon- fuil dose at a time in not water. I gradually got better, my lver began to act, the fever went down and, I have never had any more trouble of this kind. There is no other medicine so good as Black-Draught." You will say that, too, when ypu have given Thedford's Black-Draught a trial. It is a good medicine. Buy a package today. WEAR "American Boy" Scout Shoes in nil The LIGHTEST, SOFTEST and TOUGHEST Shoe made for a boy. Let uc convince you of the wearing qualities of this Shoe. PETERSON & RULPS Wilmington Largest and Best Shoe Store. Opposite Murchison Bank For 20c you can polish the floors in six rooms and all the furniture in the rooms. No-Dust Floor Oil Will not crack or stain Phone your grocer or PAYNE DRUG CO. Phone 520 Fifth and Red Cross Streets Dame Nature's Own Cleanser and Beautifier OUT of the great Desert of Death Valley, California, comes 20 MULE TEAM BORAX Nature's own cleanser the simplest, cheapest and best of all. USE 20 MULE TEAM BORAX IN YOUR BATH ROOM it keeps the bathtub and fixtures bright and shining, and more important still, it keeps thefn sanitary. Use .20 Mule Team1 Borax for your own bathing, too. It is antiseptic, purifying and healing. It softens the water. It is a wonderful skin cleanser, mouth wash and eye wash in short, an indispensable adjunct for every bathroom every day. Borax is recommended by the leading authorities in sanitation and hygiene in their published works. See the picture of the 20 Mutes on every package of Borax you buy. For sale by all dealers Now Is The Time for New Eas ter Bonnets New Hats New Feathers New Flowers Veils MISS ALMA BROWN J bajs I tS 'A' Jio fas YOUR DOLLARS ARE YOUR FIRST LINE DEFENSE Save Thetn START AN ACCOUNT WITH US TODAY All druggists sell Black-Draught Adv, '- f 1

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