jmm i u .distil dlftis elia .K M 1 ' ;nr mi nsr t .tiv ns ij - i v ? f - s VI USE THESE You Will Find Them Very Bene ficial andlPleasant to Go Through. BY EDNA EG AN. ROUTE heard of crusades and more rrnsadea to trv to induce of fashion " corsets About the SwSSX J5iSrhS2 only thing which such campaigns have accomplished is the manufacture of sensible corsets, and even this move may have had more to do with fashion than with, hygiene. While there are isolated cases of women who are ap- me isuiaixu aoco vi nuiuoi v cuo euy parently comfortable and sightly with- ficnlt a11" consequently more helpful out the corset, the majority 01 woman- " kind feel that they cannot exist with- 311 sat the support Which the well-fitted f mrcot ff-frpt; It would be almost too much to rftrSKttlfta proper posteEftWhen one sees these could give up the corset, but tnere is litilA f ... ...t.j no reason why the- natural armor of Y curved Wfc In T muscles cannot be developed to the a curved back and sunken t in . betterment ot . womankind generaUy, tumd ovPe? J. curled up in the" and to make the corset not an abso- cha , th , : mtenecessity. Younger girls who haxe J?w.J?.0'.8loafll' not accumulated the fat and unshape- rornowa6 chemise frocks are kind to the unlaced figure. They should be encouraged to but develop the muscular corset so that bet they will not need the support . ngid shaping of corsets which the.r y .mothers need now. woman, as nature lnxenaea ant does not need a corset, but genera tions of abuse have made the corset necessary. These same generations ;tave played havoc with the vital or izans. esnw.ia.Hv those- of the abdomen, 'Normally the abdomen should not pro- trade, nor should it lie flat, but shoutd have a convexity which in the well cause the corset has been but an arti- ficial support to the abdominal muscles, it? removal jneans a sagging o! these muscles, a consequent accu- L atinr, nf f ,t rdin abdoiuen X?iS3to?S?riS i thus tne necessity ior more ngiu TTLZZJSZl of the rorPt XTU WW, the building UP Ot tne SO- called muscular corset not only makes 'Qe wearing of artificial support unr pessary, but it reacts on the figure 1 nunetaTinnesa that swes witn COO a . , - . ' .11. j h'jr.niTioc3 thof ortoc! TiriT n rrtrtf i -ri- .7 -- "caim ana proper Dearing. Jiiven u you have no intention of discarding be corset nermanentlv vou will nat ,mai,aniw W1 win nit 1X1 fegret the cultivation of the natural corset in your body. Instead of a rigid ;age. your outer corset, after muscles lave been strengthened, will be but a Seutle moulding agency upon which to aaag your clothes. You will be abla ! indulge in all sonts of athletics Without a corset when the day is hot, "r its vressnrR annova vou without 'eelirjz tired without it. Trv the cer- at ifas'c once a day, and if you loil't feel jwtfeei arx entirely different woman,, . place that iXwarm not hot becoming way is found. Your neigh ce who can hold herself is nature ito oU is. satisfactory for shoes bor may look very attractive and fas- ended ri,a eriv WaliYopTof humanald. Of course, the exercise, are taken. COrsctl ... -u. t. v"" ..r "tit. Aini in n rnnm TT7 n orn t norn in tay of fresh air. , " "ui" ""'' " 0r liifi Rtandinfr mrprM fpf.t wodd oe together, body well-poised, i fughtly drawn in. The first exercise iur aanas ciaspea behind tne Tkhodv i h sinwiv flPBt tn cue sid, th, In tHVrr: r l r:r:,." -6 uwog aeep and regular while this 15 being done. - sJL - .. . rXn VhZ dppniv nd - iauscies whieh means their ''ciupniout, ag the body so that the left arm Is are harmful to leather. flight in front and the rieht back, which contain sulphuric, ftrsy. the exercise, right arm front or oxalic acids, turpentine, VM" sure to hronth Wh?r - " is.PL T .i:,,; iht 'ffi attfie tU tttlrelf es Vetaa gito tt fadal iood looto. The foolish girl can use nC?s'rse toeb is claimed, clearsthe skm, feat -lu ttpaad it as hierh as tioRBihl. At and mar soon result in its rum. Is capea w' i,.rV und iiff r; w Mia i 2l - ii n li irv 1 1 v u ii n- il rrv EXERCISES raising of thcf- diaphragm- muscles as you do this.- -J" , CD using the-.upper arm to help by the body. Repeat oh oiner siae. Lying on the-back, raise the body to sitting, position and turn as far to ona side as possible, then to the-other side, It will make these exercises more dif- J au.muiae. ia&e fonilS board and place one end on "r u'c it num supping, ana uio.uyvd cAciuiscts on it wiui .-oatu . g t XoS ffSiM ?d; Vdo your SpportSg foou ' muscle?th?liso abdomen & shouldSs! cl will hold-yo erS if yo? only a enanjCe you oaiy- . " r . ECONOMY OH LEATHER AR demands leather leather soldiers , shoes, leather for har- nees, leamer lor equipment of ?in.d! .J,11 . country "X urPius inat we can . any of it; and it is IZ? e tor and preserve it properly. In the army and out' we all .wear -shoes. If w7 nS- v.. - ii . . uuul will not need so many new Snes! , u'muic ior others. iAatiPr ntirJ twpp- laWotn.. 11.. Ullit6d gtates Department of Agricul- turn ran he utnizcwi A.-JL zTt walkSi . .. . ... " Shoes should, be piled or greased wucucver xcaujjid ut?SiXlB IO ow v , . : ' " ' get nnrn nr nrv j npv Knnmn ra hinv..ii tiinT.ft1te.1iv nriH thpn all tho fr ""oT" ry warm, water, the excess water being uvx "w" uu wiui taken off with a dry cloth. While the shoes aire still wet, and warm apply the oil or grease with swab of wool or flannel.t It is best to have the oil or grease about as. warm as the hand can bear and it should be rubbed well into the leather,, 'preferably with the nai-m Tf neci8lrv. the oil can be ap- plied to dry leather but it penetrates 1fiA,"fat.t"eT is wet After treatment the sfcbear.should be left to uastor ustuij, w. . i.t--4.-m -, . n9 that are gg Zi?Zl SSfVSrSTnSJ UB suwuiureu. " : a the shoes and boots more water-prooi, hPPf tailOW .may UC auucu t,v, auj vr . T ati ir rk? tZ at te rate of a half nf ffiHnw tn a nint of oil. The ,edge of the'ifeoie and the welt should grease caritfot be applied to these nart s ... , . nf mown9 hA r.JS -,7. .7:: resistant .r to swab them occasionally J litl-l n spttins them aside to Wltb imseed o-l. setting them aside W ntit common shoe nolishca AU those hydrochloric benzine or nhT. volatile tol vents nave a ten-f it more liable to cracs, more "apxo cracs. It is poor economy, too, to wear a CARE OF -YOUR EYES ON'T read while facing the sun light, and don t allpw the sun to shine on the printed page. This dims vision, and if con tinued daily may damage your eyes considerably. Wear an eye shade if necessary, and if moderate light irritates your eyes wear amber, smoked or green tinted glasses. . The best light for reading- purposes should fall upon the printed page over the left shoulder. The light should be even in quality and intensity, and not Jerky or flick ering. Do not try to read in a dim light or in the pale,, sickly twilight. The strain on the eyes may not bd felt until vision is seriously impaired. Do not trust your own judgment as to the strength of your eyes. Nature is patient and long-suffering and tries to be accommodating under trying cir cumstances. You can deceive yourself for a long time, but you will suffer in conse quence. Bring the book up toward your -eyes not your eyes down to the book. Hold the article you are reading op- posue your eyes so mat a line trom angle. Don't get the eye-washing habit If von feel the need of an cta wash vrr eyes probably require other treatment, Do not neglect the earliest symp- torn of fatigue of the eyes. Evesieht is too valuable tn llfp tmA " r happmess to be treated with careless- aeas or mmuereuue. Every one's eyes should be exam- men annuaiiy. jreopie wno wear glasses neea uie ezanunauon quite as uc" BI Ir0436 DS.e eyes nave evep. O xT A. x : . .. ... . , , y a lcl layer get nearly cold Before put- " toSether- . . - rat. UPFS under the eyes can some- that by means of another mirror op times be helped by the f dljow- pbsite that on her dressing table shti ing massage treatment: TJse can see herself in every nosition. This both hands, place the finger tips directly beneath the eyes, press gently around the outer corners and upward, following the contour of the eyes. Try tMs movemnt flfty times a ERY essential things that de serve more attention than is generally accorded them are: Good and well-made corsets, dainty shoes and boots and a supply of well-fitting gloves. No giri or o- T.F.iiim tn u vn bo neglects any of thea three to- J11" rr wiCAWT Kothe am u.. IH scenting with som of the es' IX II tii eTtmnia drops -of oil of lavendar in a tub or warm rwUl give a frag riUil,uuu' , oT lorAo. tur t , 1, i , FnuH.i uaivs wteuuiu. luviiii! m ii .1 rosemary is a pleasant combination. irat be taken not tn much at a time, or the odor is unpleas- , ' -j- r ant. A teaspoonrui is a large quan tity for a tub. HE girl with a high forehead muBtMujs ucr air aown a lit- tie: the girl with fine temples and a lovely forehead ahou lt arrange her hair so that these htn,i. ties are displayed. The thing to do to secure a becominar way of hai nrua. ing is to experiment until the most uui xiictY iudil vci Y uuractiTe nni fo. inot, wlf, ,D ' v,0f. " A r:r y like a picked chicken. W the cleTe? nm9n ia.vjror. o s " X " XT, ,T 7. vxa -00 aaa aa sw duwuau uui uuau&c . - - the style, HEN the eyes are inflamed, irri- tated and red xrom exposure to j . a . the sun one of the best reme- dioa is to frinentlv hath ft thAni r . . . ;T i,. ' with a boric louon. warm water should be used and any desire to ruo " V,"V? " " aZ Z dashing this lotion on them. The so- shonlA not he 8tr0ng. A mill Quantity will be more effective if use. three o"r four times H day. ' . . , , T IS lmpossioiB i" w iw one's best unless tne touet tauis has a brilliant light above It It is mortifying to discover small straying iar and errors wisps .By.vhif,h .tirelv es- itioh 'iathe Bemidarkiies- A clever woman ha her m is one reason why she is rarely seen with "yawning" between bodice and skirt, slimnses at netticoats throueb plackets and the back of collar badly, adjusted. NSTEAD of nibbling at choco late between meals, the girl who wants a good complexion 9 J 1 Ail ax. - 1 - 1 ' .sins and apples. Oranges are excel- lent for both the complexion and the j j .:u..i. j BQOiua suDsuuiie seeaiess rar would better be adopted' in lieu of coffee, which yellows the skin as rap idly as oranges will whiten it. OR a red nose eat only the sim- f-T piesi iooa, avoiamg sweets or 1 any great quantity of acids. i the nose are frequently caused by in uv j Tf:. i -u 'i" wi"w"w "eu.i,' gall with a mixture of half a dram of ana morning ana mgni Datne tne or- muriate ot tannic acia, an ounce or glycerin and one and a half ounces of r mv the glycerin until dissolved, and the ! acid is then added. When all has blended the rbsewater is added. The lrHvh ah mil d he allowed t.f rtrv rn ,:Tl ' T rs yvueu an nas r ASQLINE is godd for washing hair which has nst its root ia the scalp ot the wearer, as is the case with many of the puffs j c j.t . pomyuuui ot me present day. S ftS VlffloS SSJT' tT Vthf wfal ? LV.e-. " ! v DUttlupOOB ner tresses witn soap and water she waairo. hAn. nuir. vsrit-h 1- . . rraauca eaouiuie. It IS a fact that the youth and beauty of me pun is reunnea tnrough the me- dium of gasoline ii lJ'NlThe woman who ic h,-. having a beautiful complexfon ia advised to take, plenty of pure onve du. .Besides bi7i u?lw me mm woman olive oil Is sain to Je one of the btst skin beautifiers to e had a -ti" beautifiers to e had. a table- spoontul should -betaken three times a aay ai nrfc axiu uiejaqae increased gradually,- If tne taste .of the nil 64awui"ii:. JLJTm-V w u seem uiJCvyi uisi IMS a gqoa pian w tae a pmcofpi saltbe- fore and after the dose or if that does not; prove to be sufficiently effe'iuve 1 r - ITA O fcinAk ' j li A one has only to contemplate the mar- velous gain in facial good looks. The oil, it is claimed, clear; the skra, brightens the -eys and fifls out tne 1 1 1 late between meals, the girl &r J ELIMINATE iN ounce of edible meat Itan meat, fat and lean, suet or fat trimmed from steak, chop, o? roast seems naraiy worm sav- ing. Many households take just this view of the matter do not trouble 10 pui sucn an msignincant scrap inu the ice box or soup pot do not bother o save ior cooKery a spooniui or two of drippings or a. tiny bit of suet or iat. , AmeVican families on the average wastes each day only one ounce of edible meat or fat, it means a daily waste of 1,250,000 pounds of animal food 456,000,000 pounds of valuatl3 animal food a year. - At average dressed weights, It would take the gross weight, of over 875,000 steers, or over 8,000,000 hogs bones and ail to provide this weight of meat or fat for each garbage pail . HOW TO ADVANCE HINK of all the people you know who sit around bewailing the cruelty of fate, and talk about what they d do if oniy tney nan chance. But to stand un and take one step toward the goal of whicn they converse so enthusiastically seems to lie entirely outside of their plans and specifications. A girl who was not brilliant nor beautiful, but who by the simple means of Deing tnorougniy iui- in her work and that of tne omi.e where she was employed, progressed w&ere into-fhe enviable position where ncr n,-,-ii thirtv-five dollars a week. Her first advancement was gained through a very Simple device. Her firm kept a list of customers and pur chasers, but frequently tnere was flpnitv in discovering which customers VQf1 nii2ht lot No. 203 and which lot No 70g so quietly, in her leisure iu. u. - m"" . . . OT1t rwhicb. she manufactured oy o7ti her lunch hour in two and postponing her going home from 6 to fl-301. sne lUStaiieQ a auUUlB en- r catalogue system. Not only w j , . were customers alphabeUcally filed, Ahout the time she jgot that done, she meu. made her system, triple by installing o set Jl icwiuo w - r,.fin,.1i atnmprs. This girl preceded the day of "effi- clency" and good management but hor firm recognized the quality or get-ahead-ativeness. 1 ThArft lSIl t One OX US WnO CanUut tmnsDort himself from the foot of the MdeTup Tiew Of the rungs, but it requires actual thougnt, grave esot and stubborn determination to keeD and stuDoorn aeterminauon w eep on cumoing wnen progress goes aoout j X' J t X 1.1 a sixteenth of an inch at a time. Having no point on her pencil when she is sent for to take-dictation is the type of blunder which a stupid and foolisb rfrl can nse for her own dc for her own dec. feat - Being on the job means having your pencils sharpened and . yoor : I -JBLfek., 1 ENTERTAINING THE SOLblEilj BY LUCILLE DAUDET. sired in a man. -Therefore, when T rv HERE is a lure in brass buttons, beyond the shadow of a doubt, 4fAvm 1a onK o troef mrtvATrAvnMif A-n matti. brehess of civilian clothes. But even more of an improvement is the new man himself. He is erect, bright of eyes, and tinged a delightful tan. Now the average American in the service of his country is all that can be de- THE WASTE or kitchen sink. If the bones and butcher's waste are eliminated, these figures would be increased to 1,150,000 catue ana s,vuuw,uuu nogs. But every1 household doesn't, waste an ouce of meat or fat every day. very wen make it one out of a hun- drefl families, but keep in mind that an meat allowed to spoil and all meat and fat rendered inedible by improper fioolcinc RrnrfTi Of wvv vuMO MU4UiU 111 Uw L WJt every other day or one a month. Sucn waste still would be unendurable, when meat is scarce and when fat is of such -vital food importance to many nations. Waste of meat or fat is inexcusable Every bit of lean meat can be nsed in soups, stews, or .in combination with cereals! every spoonful of fat can be employed' in cookerv: everv bit of drippings and 'gravy can be saved so easily ana used to add flavor and nourishment to other dishes. The United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, or your State agricultural college will tell you how to use bits of meat o make appetizing and nutritious dishss and how to use left-over fat in cookery. . g , . cu,;c nn M,.nWc tw WJVVu Stains on blankets and other woolen materials may be removed by using a mixture of equal parts of glycerin and th tsin Ut it stay for half an hour" or more, then wash it out, n-a mr);ni trn net. lACft. take a strong thread and needle auJ buttonhole stitch loosely length- wise in every mesh. Having finished one row, turn the lace around and buttonhole in every buttonhole which was just finished, doing this until the tear is mended. OMMON yellow soap can be used even more effectually than rub ber mendine tissue to repair a torn place in a garment. Wet the cake of soap, rub it over a piece of the goods and after placing it smoothly over the rent press with a moderately hot iron. Soap will also temporarily stop a leak in a gaspiy or in a wooden washtub. RfSHE nervous woman should cultl- Mil vate a fondness for celery, as it UN has a soothing effect on the nerves. Eat it once everv day. oftener if possible This can easily be managed by having the celery hearts for breakfast and dinner as a relish and the tougher parts converted into a vegetable for luncheon nd, a soup iur mimer. trm LACK lawns, percales, dimities I 4 and all mourning prints will n?c IE Jl run or fade if spirits of turpen- tine in the porportion of one tablespoon to, each pailful of water 4s used in rinsing after the dress is wasueu. iu bame wilu pjittUB. underskirts. Gum arable water, geia- tin or thin glue-water is recommended instead of starch for black dresses. OT olive oil will relieve the lame ness in the feet which is caused by long standing. It is also ex cellent for a skin which has been made hard and dry by exposure to the weather. A little oil rubbed in to the skin at night makes it soft and or-- sm6oth. The ancient Egyptian beau- ties knew its value and used it almost altogether as an unguent S a medicine, salt has a wide ranee of possibilities. A weak solution of hot salt water used frequently as a gargle is one jf the best remedies known for sore mutual, m iio luuiuicui otofec. xuc , ; win act as an irritant and thus defeat the end in view. fTWIT Is a , , , . . tn bad thing for an adult to K M I Ine olr, ia njnrea f1T- A t UUl ohiid Tn mt hnrt th time rest and repair is to stunt the growth iranava irreparably. Therefore, says Sir James eriehton Brown, the Enelisa " nhyslcian Barents should set their faes flrmif agamst home studying, mind as well. . It reduces itself to tne simple terms ofthe old parable of the wise virgins' whoe la filled and ready to light, 5tF! i , oooy-ytm J beware the lure of brass buttons, I-' do sot mean to Imply anything at ail deroeatorv to the ttijiti of thft hour. T ? V:i-t I &m Milt lltMin fiiTlTI? fiATTIA hftlnflll arti5J vice to the impressionable "nappe, "with her propensity for mere surface juagmen - Let ua take, for a typical instance, Mrs. Blank's dance given in honor of the "boys." The girls, with precious few exceptions, are unanimous in their judgment of the guests of honor. "Adorable," "fascinating," "charm ing" no adjective is too extravagant to describe the uniformed beaux Needless to say, the interest does not halt at extravagant description. Thee follow the embryos of - friendship, in- 5I, fatuation even, sometimes with ulti- l mate satisfaction, to the parties mc&t .i; concerned; sometimes not, -. You see, the point is this. Mrs. 1 Blank is doing the patriotic thing and Lj a very commendable thing when she -j entertains Uncle Sam s first line. As hostess under any other circum stances, she is more or less responsi ble for the introductions and the ac quaintanceships that come of her ef- forts. But when she extends her hos- pitality first to me unnorm ana nex. ij;. to the men, she need feel no qualms J ,U of conscience should unfortunate "A friendships ensue. The entire respond sibility rests with the guests alone and their ability or inability to cxer cise good judgment XU ICWlllUlCUU 1 CttUlUg llO vUB. "j the person would be anything but j feasible. For readings of that sort .J.fy? are not within the capabilities of any but the most experienced. Theretore. IvV little flapper, if LieuienauL John Jone J ' strikes vonr fancv. nroves to be Terr Mi xKAntiv. t - netera. et cetera, well.! jive him permission to call; and then leave the reading to your parents. Bat wf ahnx all thinee. aet the Imnres- Sion that just because he is in the ser ; vice of the dearest country in tne world to you, he is also a man of ir reproachable character and reputai tion. In nine cases out of ten he may i be every bit -of that; but have you any assurance that his won't be the tenth case? And now, in lighter vein, there are endless little "puzzlers" that crop up under this new regime. One of them is this: Let us take for example agate Mrg Blank.s dance where possible fc- troductions are made. But there at instances of where an unpresented seaman will ask the favor of a dance. Ana in a I may ue a rcauj bcwh-i "puzzler" to some. Well, the English rule holds good here; and that is tnat'J where all are guests under the samel roof; introductions are not absolutelFlj necessary. However, should the ac ouaintance not prove agreeable, it is quite proper to forget it at any time. A simple application of the ordinary rules of etiquette will in the majority of cases obviate social difficulties under the new order of things. But before the sflbject of brass but tons and young ladies is brought t9 close, listen to a wee bit of advice -neciailv necessary under the circum stances. Everywhere we are hearing When books are taken home thc,h studying is, as a rule, done at nighty and brain work at night is almost nw,.- to poison tne cniia s sleep, ropomg jJ of the repairing power sleep ought tcH have. "The present increase in nerv ous and mental diseases noted by ixl, cent observers is largely due," say1 Sir James; "to insufficient sleep. ' i; It would be wiser to let the childreru learn less u tnereoy a Deiter oraiKj power is insured for the future." ; Jj HE lover of onions who cannov refrain from her favorite disF even when she is going lnt4 company should at least u to remove the unpleasant odor, it v little parsley is chewed or a glass' of? milk is drunk the disagreeable od5?, will generally not be noticeable. Kin" ing the mouth with myrrh and wate'i or allowing a charcoal tablet to dis'j solve on the tonsue is also helpfuL ii T took a woman to think of j! clothes line cleaner, which is new addition to household coh i 1 veniences. Nobody but a womaft realizes the amount of dirt which' i clothes line may catch without regari to the amount of care bestowed upo- it ..v7j. The device is a little double semt- ting brush with surf fibre bristles m such a manner that they close tc ' gether and reach every part oKtfc: clothes line as it slips between themi tc-m, hmsh hrV--h a fi.nM.i,7. ends to the full depth of the 'fad tip and ia rn.mdAd n th AtM ties and is rounded on the outsiq edge so that the two brushes, whlc ! . are hinged ogether, open and sb easily. Two spring strands keep A lf 1 l . j., 1 1 irurn suppmg uui oi me nana. rr i trT t j ' . I iwijj icci ivro causea usually I i poor blood circulation, , po4 f wuiwpar or excessive perspiT! tion, caused more by nerrou ness than warmth. Woolen stockin k " " CXI'tr" afA 'IIIO'H tA tanHflF foof onrl -i . 7,' " "Tr r.rD: c"'ur ZI Lrr" u5P. fLffllf.01?1 Avaaxj. ui Jivvi wviu UiaiaUlj r ( the time. It is necessary to f requer ly change the stockings. If one' c - . stand this treatment there is litt danger of cold feet: First putV feet in water as hot as can convei ; ently be used, then rinse in : cc s water, put on warm stockings and cl ' -hB nTrarannaa f ,T foot powder in the shoes, as it assfc ! in taking up any moisture. Cayen pepper sprinkled in the shoes give an artificial warmth, which b'? can adopt while going a long,- cc I distance. a 5i 0 w Keep cakes in the cellar in a tin . be ( with two or three apples in to ke " them moist When you want to t eZT, nu.. i .w the"boar4'and roll, oyer. ' 'id m M t 1! ii. 1

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