- t " . . " . . . . . ' - . ' - PAGE EIGHT. THE WItMINGTON DISPATCH,' WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 1 3, 191 8. Kf-V ANTI-BOLSHEVIK ! FORCES RETREAT i INTO MANCHURIA NEUTRALS JSEElNG F0R THEMSELVES General Semenoff Forced X Retire Before the Super ior Enemy to I SIBERIAN SITUATION IS GROWING WORSE Every Plan Proposed for Re lief Meets Opposition. German Prisoners Fight ing for Bolsheviki Harbin, Manchuria, March 13. General Semenoff, the anti-Bolshevik leader in Siberia, has retreated into .Manchuria before the advance of a superior Bolshevik force, according to advices from the bordei. The accu racy of the Bolshevik fire during the i fighting is taken to indicate the co-operation of former German prison ers, r General Semenoff brought his dfcd and wounded with him in his retire xnent. Nurses and a supporting de tachment are to leavo Harbin tonight. General Semenoff 's munitions are reported exhausted as well as tre funds at his disposal. Officials of the AlUes at Harbin agree that the situation in Siberia is growing worse. Every plan proposed for the amelioration of conditions meets with opposition or apathy, they eay, while 50 per cent, of the railway -workmen in Manchuria are now Bol Bhevik in affiliation, whereas a month ago" the percentage was insignificant. Yesterday the workmen-ref used . to move guns and trains to the aid of General Semenoff and were planning the destruction of the supply outfit. ' Loyal Cossacks, however, forced the movement of the relief trains. Re,--liable observers, according to reports received by the Associated Press, have found that thc-ic is a widespread pro-German propaganda, with speech making by Bolshe-ik orators, among the workmen, with never a word of a pro-ally nature. The American consul at Harbin has distributed 15,000 copies of President Wilson's speeches and a similar num ber have been scattered by the con sul at Vladivostok. All concerned agree that a more effective allied propaganda is essential. The growth of 'Bolshevikis is j3aid by some of the investigators to be due in a measure to fear of the Jap anese, with disbelief in the sincerity of American friendt-hip as another factor. The report that statements r have been heard among the propa gandists that any class of Germans was preferable to the Japanese and the idea appears illuscry to many that the Bolsheviki will oppose Ger- I man influences. 1. 0UI MAN CUTS r THROAT OF A NEGRO I In Altercation Fatal WouncI Was Inflicted Self De fense Claimed (Special to The Dispatch.) Mt Olive, N. C, March 13. In an altercation this morniner fnllnwlnar dispute concerning a ditch, Mr. John BelL a prominent citizen of this sec tion, cut the throat of Sam Broad jiurst, negro. The wound resulted in sthe negro bleeding to death. It is understood that Mr. Bell claims that jh'e acted "in self defense. SHIPS NOW RELEASED FOR 'SPANISH PORTS Washington, March 13. Ratification 6t new Spanish-American commer cial agreement has been followed by action of the war trade board, au jthorizing the immediate departure of .seven Spanish steamers carrying cot t ton and phosphate rock urgently de sired oy Spanish consumers. iue uulluu cargoes win count as part oi uie moniny quota guaran teed to Spam under the agreement jaxport licenses for certain railroad supplies specified in the .agreement were also authorized and steps were -taken to restore the general move- hnent of trade under - new arrange ,ment as speedily as possible. IsA general renewal of aDnlipatinns for license for most commodities will be necesasry. I COMMITTE TIED UP BY OVERMAN BILL KX . - - .,1 .i -i t- r .-vv.. . .... . -. ... . . . w-rOvk--jJ,r-;-J,l-'-''rf Military attaches of countries no; yet engaged in the world war in the midst of the desolation of Flanders. jCopyright, Underwood & Underwood. DIRECTS WOMEN'S SER VICE FOR BRITISH NAVY I. Si-- GREATER ACTIVITY ON THE AMERICAN SECTOR Dame Katherine Forse directs" the work of women in the British Navy. She is shown in this British official photo in her uniform as Director of the Women's Royal Naval Service. CREEL ASKS THAT ADDRESSES BE GIVEN Washington, March 13. Chairman George Creel, of the Committee on Public Information, sent a written protest today to President Wilson against the War Department's new policy of withholding the addresses cents on the dollar. No 50 cents on the dollar for me, as yet, thank you, as happened to "Senator"' Coopers Y. M. C. A. Pledge. I do not care to in ject any more personalities into this, so keep offMr. Editor. At last you seem to think you have produced a bit of constructive legisla tion, on the part of Mr. Cooper, in claiming that the agitation on the part of Mr. Cooper, for election, by the people, of the members of the Board of Education. If he was bo anxious, for an election by the peopiw why the following news item from Raleigh? Copied from the Morning Star of Februray 17, 1915: "Two of Senator Coopers bills, one to substitute Cuthbert Martin for J. O. Carr on the New Han over School Board and the other to Tax debtors with Attorneys percentage on forced collections, furnished ginger and, indeed, the sensation of the day in the Sen ate." (Both bills failed of pas sage.) This Educational Bill, introduced by Mr. Cooper, bears no resemblance to the Educational bill passed by the Legislature in 1917. Simply because you claim a record for Mr. .Cooper (President of your Company) it does not necessarily fol low that he has a record. A man in public life necessarily does one of three things makes a good record, a poor record, or no record at all. If the President of your company has made a GOOD record why do I have such a hard time dragging it out of you? I ask you again', PLEAsa PUBLISH THE RECORD OF THINGb A.r.nnMPTTRH'rcn hv vonr President. Washington, March 13 Members ' M1o t,0 0nao mitt inSi of the American and Allied special , the intelligence of the voters of this ruiaaiuxis tu xvumama. uv ien jassy, community by asking them to Swallow lZdJStl U:aCei.lla.?iyour medicine without letting them Artillery Fire More Vicious Than Any Time Since Sammies Came With the American Army in France, Tuesday, March 12. (By The Asso ciated Press). There was greater ar tillery activity by the Americans on the Toul sector today than at any time since they took possession there. American shells have obliterated at least five groups of gas projectors, which had been set up by the enemy in preparation fbr an attack. Fires back of the German lines also were caused and a number of explosions wore heard. The American troops on the Toul sector again raided the German posi tion, penetrating to ,the second line. No prisoners were captured but a number of the enemy were killed by shell and rifle fire. Along the Chemin Des Dames fcne cvf.w of a German raider which fell at Clamecy Monday night was made prisoner by American soldiers. The Germans later were turned over to the French. AMERICAN MISSION HAS LEFT JASSY conduct from the King of Rumania They had been held for quarantine. CARD FROM MR. BROWN. Editor of Dispatch: I regret that you, Mr. Editor, have seen fit to inject, into this discussion of Mr. Cooper's Public Record, a bit of my personal history. I had hoped that personal and private affairs could be kept out. I cannot believe that Of soldiers in giving out casualty the Editor cares in answer rmesHrm lists. The committee has refused to of a nersnnal nature relative tn r-i handle the lists as now issued on the grounds that they aie valueless to the newspapers and the public. President Wilson is studying the question from all its angles, but is expected to come to no decision un til a full report is received from Gen eral Pershing, who has been asked for further information. records of Mr. Cooper. His private af fairs are not involved as yet, and I have asked only questions relative to his iocord as a. public servant, which record is public property. However, you have gone far afield to drag into the discussion my connec tion with the hardware business in Dillon, S. C, and I will state, for the ord know the brand. Since you have seen fit to publish the childish impudence of your boaru of directors, I would inform the pu?K lie that when. I asked your office for the names of your directors who can ed for an affidavit I was refused the information, I therefore, refused to fur nish you with any legal document, or an affidavit to any man or set oi men who are apparently either asham ed or afraid to reveal their identity. Personally, I do not believe that there was a meeting, of the, Board or Directors (I know two who were not called for a meeting) and I further be lieve that the call came from nono other than Mr. Cooper, hiding himself behind a board of directors, just as he appears now, tucked away in the Ed itorial room of The Dispatch- crying 'MY RECORD" when there is no rec- benefit or those Interested, that the ! For the information of the public .business failed to make money (whicn I would further state that the articles is a crime in the eyes of some) and. I submitted to The Dispatch for pub quit. I will say, further, that the creai- lication, relative to the candidacy of Hearing Continued. Portsmouth, Va., March 13. Hear ing of Stephen C. Pace, charged with being short more than $13,000 in- his (tors of that business were paid 100 Mr. Cooper, were written by me and this , city, which was to have been to day has been continued by United States Commissioner Stephenson to March 15. Washington, March 13. Another at tempt to get the Senate Judiciary Committee together on the Overman , vV XXA trJ LUC J. A JAVt.' 11 H 1 1 J i-olidate and co-ordinate executive de partments failed today and the mem bers broke up in a dead lock. Chair aan Overman announced he would at empt to force a vote Friday. i Chairman Chamberlain, sponsor of he war cabinet and munition war ills, probably will not oppose it and 'as said today to favor giving the V'sirlrv oven greater powers than 4 4 i i '-i S f i 4 "f ( ( i S ADDITIONAL SOCIAL. ? ' - Mrs. R. C. Orrell and Miss Lillie Sears left last night for New York, where they, will visit Mrs. Orrell's sister-in-law, Mrs. McClelan. -! 4r - Miss Margaret Bremer, who recent ly graduated with honors in art science from one of the large - trade schools ot New York, has returned to her home, No. 8 Church street. ?' es. CONCERT FOR AMERICANS BY AMERICANS UNDER STARS AND STRIPES IN FRANCE Char.e- Page Bryan Dead. i Washington, March 13. Charles ?age Bryan, former ambassador to apan and former minister to severa ther countries, died here last night t heart-failure. -He was 61 years old. li- WOMEN WORrC ON RAILROADS Savannah, Ga., March 13. Be cause of the inability to secure men for section gang work, the Central of Georg'a railway yes terday nut on a gang of 18 negro women to serve in that capacity They began their labors this morn ng putting cross ties in position to Zie used in repairing the roadbed The women are proving excellent laborers and the first day's "work has been satisfactory to the man- practically agement. They draw i r me same pay as uie men. There s a white man foreman over them. ; vk w iktm - . In their leisure moments Uhere , is no surer, methods of arousing the o. aons iu nun toan in '.Tagging- .popular songs on gui- .tars and mandolins... ... vCojyrig"rUiidOTb6.&-'ynlerwL Three Generations to the Efficacy of DR. CALDWELL'S Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Iaxative in maintaining the family health. A combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, free from opiates and narcotic drugs, and pleasant to the taste, it acts easily and naturally, restoring normal reg ularity. First prescribed by Dr. Caldwell more than twenty-five years ago, it is today the indispensable family remedy in count less homes throughout the United States. Sold in Drtig Stores -50 cts. and $1.00 A trial bottle can be obtained, free of charge, by writing to Dr. KW. B. Caldwell, 457 Washington St., Monticello, Illinois Testify 33i STRENGTHEN AERIAL DEFENSES ON COAST Washington, March 13. Active prep aration for strengthening the aeriai defenses of the Atlantic seaboar-i were begun today by the War Depart ment with the appointment of an army board to select sites for aero squad roDs and balloon companies. Major Norman W. Peek of the Sig nal Corps was named to head a board to meet at Charleston, S. C, Fort Totten, N. Y., and Boston, Mass. Commanders of the South Atlantic, "Middle Atlantic and North Atlantic Coast Artillery districts will name an additional officer to sit with the the board while it is considering the needs of each district. SEVEN PHILLIES STILL UNSIGNED Put your money in 2 in 1 Tires and get more mileage FAIR 2 in 1 901 N. Fourth Phonp 738 were not inspired or suggested by Mr. Allan Taylor, or any other person. My word is as good as my affidavit. Now, Mr. Editor, either publish his record or stand on something else. J. 8. BROWN. (Advertisement. ) THAT Y. M. C. A. MATTER. Referring to my Y. M. C. A. sub scription of $2,000 several years ago. said amount was paid 100 cents on the dollar, as have been all subscrip tions I have ever majie to benevolent institutions. If Mr. Brown has any regard for the truth an apology would seem in order. W. B. COOPER. (Advertisement.) ' STICK TO FACTS. (The inference of Mr. Brown that the reason he did not furnish the af fidavit called for by our board of direc tors was because he was not given the names of the directors, is mislead ing. Mr. Brown knows this is not true. This writer called his atten tion to the matter this morning and gave him an opportunity to make cor rection and, although he admitted that that was not the reason, he did not make the affidavit he finally de cided to let the communication stana as written. Mr. Brown made the pos tive statement over the telephone, the day the letter was sent to him asking for the affidavit, that he would not sign an affidavit. Later on in the conversation, he did ask the names oi the board of directors, which infor mation was not given to him for the reason, as explained, that it was not material to the matter under consider ation. He was told that if he answet ed the communication and raised a point in that communication which made it necessary to furnish him the names of the directors these would be given, otherwise they would not. Editor.) Philadelphia, March 13 --Although the Philadelphia National League baseball team is scheduled to leave for its training camp it St. Peters burg, Fla., on Friday, .seven players have refused to sign '.heir contracts. They are: Outfielders : Whitted, Wil liams and Fitzgerald; Infielders Nie hoff and Stock; Catcher Dillhoefer and Chief Bender, the Indian pitcher. Nothing has been heard from Gab by Cravath, but he usualy is late with his contract and seldom, signs until he reaches the training camp. ATLANTA'S TICKET OFFICES UNITED Washington, March" 13. Consolida tion of eight railway tciket offices in to one union office in Atlanta was or dered today by Director General Mc Adoo. The Union office will be at Numbers 74 and 80 Peachtree street. MmMILLAN'S platform. Editor Dispatch: I notice Mr. MacMillan's political ad vertisement in a local paper asking: tne voters to support him for the office of State Senator on a platform of "Good Roads." This is a very commendable platform bnt I was wondering if Mr. MacMIllan had not inadvertently gotten the wrous platform and I felt that he would Hfce to have the voters call his attention to the matter and upon reflection, ' no doubt, he will change his platform. I mention this on account of Mr. Mac Millan's attitude towards Federal Point township and feel that the voters of this township, as well as thousands of others, will question Mr. MacMillan's undivided allegiance to the platform of "good roads." His persistent opposition to repair and lmprvoe the Federal Point township and improve the Federal Point towaship ana Carolina Beach road, while a member of the Board of County Commissioners, rs h matter of fact and record. "Why? va it because the fisher folk and farmers In the Federal Point section, who make their living by the sweat of their brow, bad no standing in court and did not count? Mr. MacMillan's opposition to the Caro lina Beach road in the face of the cries of the school children is astonishing to say the least. Personally, Mr. MacMIllan seems to t a very fine gentleman but we need a man in the senate who can represent all of the people and who is not beholding to a small crowd of special Interest who brought him into the race at tk last moment at a secret meeting and I take It that those at the secret meeting have a special axe to grind and I was wondering after they got through grinding the axe If there would be much left of the people's grlnu- stone. J. M.. BRUNER, J. .Q. liUDWIG. (Advertisement) . imi-"- i iminmiB mwii i . i ; ; r wgmmmt 4c X-.ii.-i. v t .... f .-h tte' ' ; : ; i-. f ' S iTSVkW it ry is Jfy' of StauniOTisi tlhieWBiea SuOM Send. Meat - Fats Sugar the fuel for FiQMem UNITED STATES FOOD ADMINISTRATION What Tennessee Folks Say ABOUT A NEW DISCOVERY Many local people ai" glad tn to the good results obtaineffromAnS ' the discovery of Doctor Pierce, nf Invalids Hotel. BufTaio, N. Y ! forwl and bladder disorders,' backache ey patism and all uric acid troublS T is what Mr. E. W. Bagshaw sai?- Thls Mitchellville, Tenn. "This U u tiiy that I have used all, or nc ar nCer; D.r- Scree's m cincs. CommenSd nsing ihom ffiy8S and in hit famii. tET-p years a W f crlptlon saved thu mo oi my wife and daughter 25 yeari ago, and I without Dr. Pierce Sin1!. CCy,X had occasion nse An-u-ric, that God -seat remedv i Kiancv ana Diadder troubles, and f n. truthfully say that it has done i nS good than any remedy I ever used am? they aro legion. No one Trill make a mistake in using any preparation sent out by Dr. Pierce. I have had many Years' experience with his Institution andknow whereof I speak." now When the kidneys aro weak or diseased these natural niters do not cleanse ihe blood sufficiently, and the poisons are carried to all parts of the body. There follow depression, aches and pains, heavi ness, drowsiness, irritability, headaches, chilliness and rheumatism. In some peo ple there are sharp pains in the back and loins, distressing bladder disorders and sometimes obstinate dropsy. The uric acid sometimes forms into gravel or kidney stones. When the uric acid affects the tissues, muscles and joints, it causes Inabago, rheumatism, gout or sciatica. Tils is the time to try Anuric, double strength, the discovery of Doctor Pierce, for kidney trouble and pains in back and all over body! Write Doctor Pierce, Invalids' Hotel. Buffalo, N. Y., and send 10c. for a large trial package -this will prove to you that Anuric is many times more potent than lithia and elim inates the uric acid from the system as hot water melts sugar or ask your drug gist now for a bottle of Au-u-rjc. Take no chances s -. X miie.coid in the'"j 1 JM-' JUSJ' iir IS for Coughs e Golds Biay prevent a long serious IIIness-Taks it with the first sign of fever, when your eyea water and when you begin to sneeze. There's a double advantage in thij famous SO year old remedy it breaks up a coid and leaves no obiectionable after effects. Just as easy on the stomach as it Is pleasing to the palate. Use it for the severest case of grippe as well as for baby's croup. Your druggist sells it. You're Bilious and Costive! Sick headache, Bad breath, Sour stomach, Furred tongue and Indiges tion, Mean Liver and , Bowels clogged. Get a .bottle of 'Dr. King's New Life Pills' to-day and eliminate fer mentlng, gassy foods and waste. Miller's Antiseptic Oil Known as Snake Oil Accomplishing Most Wonderful Results "I want to thank you for your won derful oil, states Mr. J. C. Gibson, or Jonesboro. Ark. My little girl j low with diphtheria: I had given . wr two doses of medicine which cost m $20 with no results. I bough t a bottle of your oil and one app ica -oj relieved her. Now she is well. Ji the greatest remedy I ever saw. -. Gibson made this Btatemen : before hundreds of people. Mrs. Fiorenc. Meager, 234 Whitney street, "Wtroro, Conn., writes: "I have used jour a tiseptic Oil for neuralgia with go effects. Only thing I have eve tr; : . that stopped the pain medeiy. Mrs. Williams, Gadsden Ala., w "I have used your great Pamfnrugore rheumatism, stiff joints, also for " throat, and want to say that it u greatest remedy I ever tn ea . recommend it to all sufferers cures reported daily from ttou". of grateful users of this won oil. .Every bottle guaranteed. and $1.00 a bottle or money retu On sale at Robert R. Bellamy Company. adv. CJCHESTERMI 5fUl Mate th BIBe R.bb V buVoNB BRAND rlLLVt 'M, n .V- ' r i.""--- ' '-'y' r

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