v -s' ' ' 1 - ' ' - ' - . V,, ! : J . - -.v. . .-in ..:.!; -Ijilc v'-f i;f lPd south Car- Non' onhablv show, .U 9 jlina r , w ' . . late lonigrn. nu SHnesday, except fair P A G E S TODAY n fflht on the coast; code""- .FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE L. XXIV. No. 97. WILMINGTON; xNORTH 'CAROLINA. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 16, 1918. PRICE FIVE CEN1S . mm IS TAME Tremendous Pressure by Fresli Troops Forced a Slight Retirement ENEMY IS MASSWG vfQ FT TRTHRR ATTAPlf Q ...... A Determined Resistance is How Expected From Haig's Men to Prevent Fall of Im portant Positions. Tremendous pressure exerted by Vlcked fresh troops in the desperate German effort to drive the British tnm Messines ridge, hag compelled i slighi retirement of the British as on the northern side of the Lys bsrtle front The town of Bailleul tas been evacuated and the British front withdrawn to a line -running torn north of that town to the north ef Wulverghem and thence to "Wyt Ectaete. . ; TTtschaete occupies the highest p& of the easterly ridge ' system tzlthe British have been firmly es tablished here since the early days frf enemy offensive. The Germans, irough their pugh into the south- est are now apparently in a more dvantaeeous position to attack it nd their expected drive upon it was ported this morning. As it forms e pivot of the British line which ends here to the north an extreme: determined defense of -it is looked jr from Field Marshal Haig'S troops. Although the loss of Bailleul ' and ce or tne comnaratively mgn pmnd around it such as Mount De le. and Revetsbere. renresents a lsided setback for the defense, the Vi&h line as it has been withdrawn Issll on ground much . higher than y thus1- possesses numerous van- je points from which it can conr peto pour In a devastating fire np- s the attacking columnar - Chief aong these high spots is Moant iemmel, which towers up more than 30 feet from the low ground about Wulverghem, two miles . to the south east Apparently Field Marshal Haig's forces still have a firm .hold - on all Ms valuable hill region. " - . : What may be called the , frontal at- kJcks of the Germans upon the ridge Astern back of Messines, Wytsch- aete and Hollebeke furnish the spec- acular feature of the operations as effected in today's news. One brief ogressive in Field Marshal Haig'S eport, however, has an importance ttached to it that should not be over ooked. It records the repulse of :avy German attacks soutlrWest of Vieux Berquinu The German line 30i here runs along the eastern bor- of Xieppe wood and it is by a us'n to the northwest in this region ait the enemy hopes to reach Haz "ouck, some five miles distant, and e this highly important railway llfn. Well-nigh vital lail communv auons to the MesRfnes and Yores ?ions would thus be cut.- The Brit- i line is being strongly held in this f?ion. however, and the flanking cement shows no signs of makinc ogress as the report of the Vieux tfquin engagement shows. "Hie German effort at present seems entered upon the northern sida of " Lfs battlefield, no Important fight- being reported from the southern ctors. !a view of the recent rumori of 'sible naval activities by. the Ger- to accompany their land offen Te the news from London today aoing that British naval fore aT been operating- in the Catteeat, cfrait o. ttan. ar and have sunk 10 German traw- Thorn 5 J set mnrtl aif rant means the form, of bi5 P'-tish annnnnrpmont whirh rnmest in Report from Vice Admiral Sir David att". rnmandor-iti.clilaf 'of the tea e that the Grand fleet i out h J velopments, ODeratinn urao TtTidortalren VPS- -lay for the purpose -of 'sweeping La"?gat of mines, the report 5. r3 fl o mow i j 1 1 i-n nwMrraail , aat further RHtioh effort. 1f anv. 6 Perat.inna imnllao tonnnt urell he ecast. It ia InHiPoHva nf intensi- p. - (uuivwb w w v " -' jj 11 "aval ciULiVlLlco, ci b ciuj 1 ' It Hot nrollmlrnTO n far .mnro "DOran - ... -m . -" uyerauons on me pan ui Knti.sh naval forces. - " L .. eld thf! Oerman n omall e-alnfl "aentieres has reached the stage objective. , k ie maications that 1 the . u-er- aij. ..." 8iari a anve t on tne new rv" 1 n an effort, tn renh Rftthime. File T'my wtillery. fire alorig a 10- , trom Robecs to Givenchv riesrea8ing In intensity and large n Uv?f troPs have been discovert hiih v the German , lines. ;.? . The J,ne nere is about one mile 1 .- . T ...... ,- -.'! - . ; Q- l NOT ME erican Federation's Atti tude is Praised Jay London Newspapers v r London, April 16. The declaration of the American Federation of Labor that it will riot meet enemv renresen- tatiyes during the war which James Wilson, chairman of the visiting, Am erican, labor delegation, .expressed at a luncheon vesterdav kTwol t!he press. .The Dallv Mail avsr "The luncheon at which Mr. Barnes entertained the American labor dele gation was Intended to express, and we hope did express, the peculiar pleasure it. gives . the British people' to welcome at a time like this their kinsmen from the United ; States . Am erica's entrance into this war affect ed us as has no other event since the outbreak. "From the Americans, as Mr. Barn es said, we have nothing to hide. Let them examine and inquire into every thing, remembering only that we have been fighting all but four years and that, as Ambassador Page warn ed, it is a British just as much as an American habit to take whatever we do well for granted and say noth ing about it while we discuss our blunders with a frankness which may be misunderstood- sometimes. James Wilson "stirred the audience to enthusiasm when he declared that "the American Federation of Labor by unanimous vote had agreed not to meet any representatives from an en emy country so long as the war last ed.. 4 That is the spirit of America and LABOR ftrr ths?oasesse!i nnnWrmu van - Tbetter for ng and the Allied csmse " I TRAINLOADS WOUNDED GERMANS GOING BACK v Washington, April 16. The heavy price the Gernians are paying for their advance on the Western front was told in dispatches to the State Department today, saying that 25 trains i loaded with wounded are pass ing through Aix-La-'ChapeUe every night. The hositals at Aix, the dispatches said, have been crowded beyond their capacity and the wounded were lodged in schools, public buildjngs and even private houses. There was a great lack of medical supplies and no mor phine. " It also as reported tht the morale of the German troops is not good ex cent among the new levies of the very young. north and parallel to the La Basse canal. Givenchy, 'held by the British, has not been attackd since the re pulse of strong enemy efforts last week. ' Like the drive in Picardy, the of fensive in Artois seems to have worn itself out in the first week. The Ger mans have ceased their attacks along the entire front, and are confining their efforts to "an endeavor to out flank the Messines ridge. The cap ture of Neuve Eglise, four miles west of Bailleul, was. a strategic gain for them. ' Around Wulverghem, between Ne uve Eglise and the Messines Ridge, heavy fighting also is going on. The British have s straightened out then line fiear Neuve Eglise by retiring to the northwest. . Berlin claims, to have gained the British . Ifnes northeast of Wulver ghem which would bring them befors Messines on the eastern slope of the ridge."... '. .-j . ' On the Picardy battlefield, the 'Ger man attacks on Hangard have died down. Very violent artillery fire con tinues there and the French gunners have dispersed enemy, infantry at tempting to advance from Demuin. On the remainder of the French front there has been artillery exchanges The : Germans facing the . Americans north and east of St. Mihiel' have not renewed their attack. The rebel cause in Finland appears to be in bad straights. German troops have occupied Helsingfors, the Fin nish capital, and which v was held by the "rebels. The Russian fleet of 200 vessels stationed ; at Helsingsfors was reported to have escaped to Kron stadt last week ;', w Danger of a crisis in the' British cabinet is believed to have been avoided through a conference the la bor ministers had with Premier Lloyd-George. They urged the prem ier to grant self-government ' to .Ire land on the basis of the majority re port of f.&e Irish convention and his reply if- reported to have been sat sifactory. Meanwhile, a home v rule bill is being 'drawn up; and meetings of protest y agalnst conscription- are bein,r : throughout Ireland. - .! 1 1 1 L a- ' i AMERICAN POSITION -CAF ka ) TURED. -Amsterdam; AprU 16. North f St. Mihiel on Sunday night say- .i Wolff Bureau dispatch from Ber lin, dated Monday, the main part of the American position situated to the eastward and southeastward of Maizey, on the right bank of the Meuse river, was taken by storm. A large section of the main enemy lines of defense oruthe high road from Si. Mihiel to Rouvrols . (a dis tance of, three and a half miles), the dispatch adds was rolled 'up despite the brave resistance of the enemy who suffered the severest casualties in addition to the loss of prisoners. PROTEST AGAINST . CONSCRIPTION ACT London, April 16. Meetings to pro test against conscription were held Monday in 100 parishes in Ireland, all classes of the population participating says a dispatch from Dublin to the Times. The clergy took a leading part in all the meetings. Resolutions of pro test are pouring in from public bodies jand Sinn Fein clubs are very active. "Unquestionably,' the dispatch adds "the nresent temner of Nationalist Ireland is very deplorable1.. The coun try has lost all senses of proportion and has forgotten not merely home rule, but the war. It is a country of rule, but the war. It is a country of and some other' towns voluntary re bruiting has been remarkably good in the past few days." COLONEL BOLLING AMONG THE MISSING ' 1?VT.K' ATlt ib- Z1 nal C Boiling, former solicitor of the United States Steel .Corporation, yes terday reported captured or missing in General Pershing's list of casualties, was last seen on the 'morning of March 25, driving his automobile in a Northeasterly direction from Amiens according to private .dispatches re ceived by former business associates here today. Colonel Boiling was art companied by his chauffer. Their des tination was not stated in the mes sage, but it is believed they were on their way to the Franco-British front to "join American troops sent there as reinforcements The new information leads the Colonel's friends to, believe that on the morning he left Amiens he lost his way, ran into the German lines and was captured. No Copyrights to Eenemies. Washington, April- 16. President Wilson today stopped the issuance of patents and copyrights to enemies and revoked the authority given Ameri cans to apply for patents in enemy countries. N THE Ten New Major Generals and 27 New Brigadier v Generals Washington, April 16. Ten briga dier generals of the National Army were nominated today by President Wilson to be major generals, and 27 colonels were nominated to be briga dier generals. The major generals nominated follow: - William P. Burnham, James H. Mc Rae, 5 Ernest Hinds, Charles S. Farns worth, Edward F. McGlachlin, Jr., Willard A. Holbrook, George B. Dun can, Charles , H. Martin, James' W. McAndrew, Leroy S. Lyon. Those nominated to be brigadier generals were: Colonels Robert H. Noble, Arthur Johnson, Charles Gerhardt, William KJ Dashell, Guy H. Preston, Frank M. Caldwell, Lutz Wahl, Joseph L. Hines, Joseph C. Castner, Julian R. Lindsey, George H. Jamerson, Lincoln C. An drews, Dwight E. Aultman, Ora E. Hunt, Adrian S. Flejmingj Thomas W. Darrah, Johnson' Hagood, Lyttle Brown, Alfred A. Starbird, Edward T. Donnelly,. Fred T. Austin, William I. Westervelt, Augustine Mclntyre, Rich ard . W. Young George A. Wlngate, Hugh S. Johnson, Lieutenant Colonel Robert E. Wood. Will Go to Palestine. Washington,- April 10. A commis sion of about 60 members, headed by John H. Finley, commissioner of ed ucation of New York, has been sent to' Palestine, it was announced today at Red Cross headquarters, to "st-udy the needs of the ,! people of the Holy Land and assist , in their .relief. MANY PROMOTIONS AM ANNOUNCED Disabled Soldiers Not Dis charged and jCripples are Called to Arms HARD PRESSED TO KEEP UP MAN POWER Disclosures Made in a Recent Reichstag Debate Propo- gandists are, Also Forced . Into Military Service New York, April! 16. Germany is so hard pressed fore man power , that permanently disabled soldiers are re tained in the army and cripples are called to the colors;; This statement was made in the Reichstag by Dep uty Ryssel, an Independent Socialist; on February 23, according to the Ber-. lin Vorwaerts, a copy of which has been recfeived here. Other deputies also laid bare sen sational conditions prevailing in the German army. The disclosures were made in a de bate which was precipitated b'y a mo tion introduced by Deputies , Mueller- Meiningen, Peoples' party; Fehren'- bach, Centrist party; Dr. Stresemann, National Liberal and Stuecklen So cialist, requesting the Chancellor to see to It that the classes of 1869 and 1870 be discharged from the army as soon as possible and that the- men of the Landsturm who have been in a slave service since the beginning of the war, and who have one year in the front line trenches, be perma nently transferred to the home re serves. - Deputy Ryssel said it was explained that the men in question could not be withdrawn because they could not be replaced. He added: "The resolution adqpted by the Reichstag two years' ago, providing for the discharge of persons perma nently sick and unfit rf or seryice, is not being acted upon. . Oa the first reserve battalion Qfjnfantry regiment been drafted and the same Is the case regarding infantry regiment number 175 at Graudenz. A man who had been stricken three times with apo; plexy was accepted without examina tion as fit for service in the Husar regiment at Grossenhanl "Strkers and such persons as had caused offense politically areput. into the army as a punishment. In Rue stringen 20 men who joined the So cialist party on January 30 were draft ed into the army on February 14. "The soldiers in geperal complain of insufficient and bad food. What becomes of the food articles which are supplied the army? The non commissioned onicers employed in the canteens continually take food home. In such manner some individ uals enrich themselves by taking what belongs to the soldiers. Many officers eat as much as they like while the soldiers received bad meat There are now troops who have been named 'hunger companies.' "In many instances a furlough may be bought. It is granted to persons who have subscribed to the war loan Those undesirable politically receive no furlough. Soldiers belonging to Socialist party are treated like dogs." Deputy Stuecklen said there were general and severe criticism of the fact that soldiers 48 years of age are still in the trenches. He said the furlough situation was chaotic 1 and that much favoritism was being shown. Soldiers at home were often m ployed to perform "the most radicu lous duties," declared Deputy Schoepf lin, Socialist. One infantry man and four artillery men, he said, were em ployed in Swinemuende to guard the cabbages' of the major in 'command. General Scheuch, representing the war department, said no one was be ing drafted because of political affil iations. JThis caused laughter among the Socialists and. the general added. "But we draft persons proven to be propagandists or instigators." . The motion under discussion adopted by the Reichstag. was VLADIVOSTOK CALM SAY THE JAPANESE Tokio, Wednesday, "April 10. Offi cial advices from Vladivostok say the city is calm. Japanese blue jackets are not replying to occasional shots from snipers at night. Protection of the French consulate has been taken over by the Japanese. The Japanese foreign office an nounces; there is no confirmation 6i a Petrograd dispatch, from the Bol shevik government has proclaimed a state or war m aiDena a,na oraeijea the Red Guard to oppose the Japa nese marines. - Toronto Fire Extinguished. Toronto, April 16. Firemen had virtually, extinguished this morning fire which did $750,000 damage at the plant of the Harris Abbatdir Com pany at the' Union stock yards, after burning throughput the night. The police today are, investigating, a report of mysterious H explosions preceding the fire; "r whlclr "started tn the plant's laundry, r , . 'ETUMB MOM-HE 1 EUROPEAN JO ZEP UN WORKS AD A FIRE Two Zennelins and 40 Aern- A A " planes Burned in Germany, Saturday Geneva, April 16. Enormous loss was caused by the fire which broke out Saturday in the Zeppelin works at Manzel, near Friedrichshafen and destroyed the plant, which had been transformed for the manufacture of airplanes of the Gotha type, accord ing to reliable reports from Ror schach on Lake Constance. Vast quantities of raw materials were burned and it is reported at Con stance that two large Zeppelins and 40 airplanes also were destroyed, comprising the whole fleet then at the plant. Many warehouses were reduced , to ashes, as also were the "'offices of the plant, situated close to the workshops. The number of victims was consider able, but as the military authorities are preventing , any one from ap proaching the scene of the fire, the number of killed and injured can not be learned at present. Tne fire broke out between 10 .and 11 o'clock on Saturday and burned all day Sunday, according" to two travel ers who were in Friedrichshafen on Sunday. The fire began with-an ex plosion .'and there were frequent ex plosions throughout Saturday night and the following day, apparently dijie to the bursting of gasoline tanks and hydrogen cylinders. There was . something like a panic - W-V wuei "u"fJ Masses of debris were hurled into the air by the explosions. GERMAN PRISONERS . MUST EARN BOARD Washington, April 16 The War Department has decided' to make the German prisoners of war now held in this country earn their keep. Orders were sent to the army officerss com manding the enemy prison camps at Forts McPherson and Oglethorpe, Ga... authorizing them, to utilize the labor of the 1,370 inmates in completing a new system of roads about the post. The proposal that interned aliens, Including crews of interned merchant ships also be put to work has been taken under consideration. Under in ternational law, they cannot be forced to work except at such labor as is necessary to keep their place of in terment in a sanitary condition. It is expected that these prisoners will be given an opportunity to volunteer for other work at a fair rate of com pensation. ARGUMENT RESUMED N CHILD LAD Solicitor General Davis Argues for Law, Morgan O'Brien Against It Washington, April 16 Resuming argument today before the Supreme Court in the government's attempt to sustain the constitutionality of he Federal" Child Act, of '1916, Solicitor General Davis drew a runnig fire of questions and comrrient from 7 the jus tices when he stated that underlying this statute is the con-iction that child labor is always and everywhere an inherently evil . thing, and all statutes are a reflection of the priv ilege open in the public mind. Ho asserted that 'Congress had pow,r nndcr the Interstate Commerce clause to forbid transportation of com modities which were not undesirable in. themselves. - "Congress can look to the. welfare of citizens in the places products are to be delivered as well as in the places of production," he added, cit ing the repeal of State laws against child labor, forced., he said, because other States allqwed it. Morgan G. O'Brien, of New. York, opened the attack upon the' law, fol lowing the Solicitor General. The statute was held unconstitu tional by the Federal Court in the Western Strict of North Carolina, frcm which an injunction restraining its enforcement was secured, and is noir appealed directly to the Supreme Court by the government. It forbids the interstate shipment of products of Industrial ; establishments where children under li years are employed or children over 14, but under .16, are employed for more than ; eight hours per day. Dinus CASE UBERTY mm ns 1DTAU65,250 This Morning's , Report In creased Last Night's by L $114,853,450 Washington, April 16. Liberty sub scriptions amounting to $806,465250, 7ere reported today to the treasury from 11 of the 12 Federal Reserve districts. This is ,$114,853,450 more than was reported last night and in cludes most of Monday's subscrip tions. No report has come from the Minneapolis district, where the selK ing campaign started yesterday. Reports from Ideal ymmittse con tinue to tell of the receipt of a lar jq number of subscriptions from persons of small means and of the withhold ing of the bigger subscriptions by banks until later in the campaign. The number of small towns which have exceede.d their quotas Is so great that the treasury has given up efforts to keep a complete roll. The Kansas City district reports that honor flags have been won by 33 counties and 147 towns, and that many ' communities are new asking for honor flag stars indicating the doubling their allotment. Iowa reports It quota 38 per cent, over-subscribed. In Chicago a holiday has been- de clared in most industries and com mercial houses for Saturday, when a big Liberty Loan parade will be held. ....... FURTHER DECLINES IN COTTON FUTURES 4-.-.t New York, April 16. -Upon the opening of the New York cotton mar ket today another severe decline in prices, the failure of Gay L. Schiffer, one of the best known floor brokers on the Exchange, was announced. It was . said his liabilities were not large. ' Schiffer became a member of the Exchange in 1893.N .Initial prices today showed breaks of from 45 to 110 points. May open ed at 28.50, July at 27.75, and Octo ber at 26.30. TEN HUN TRAWLERS SUNK BY BRITISH Lqndon, April. 16. Ten German trawlers have been sunk by gunfire in the Cattegat (between Sweden and Denmark), th.e admiralty announces. Their crews were saved by British ships. There were no British casual ties. The operations Jn the Cattegat. the statement says, were undertaken by the comander -in -chief of the Grand fleet. Although the market continued ex tremely nervous,' a quick recovery fol lowed, October selling up to 26.90. Liverpool cabled, heavy selling or ders here, the market there record ing the maximum decline permitted j in one day. The initial break- was equivalent, to $5 a bale, or about $30 a bale IJMBw the highest of the season. . . Mines Tied Up Cumberland, Md April 16. The mines of the Georges Creek and Up per Potomac coal fields are tied up today as the result of a strike of 6,000 meri who declare "they will re main out until grievances are satis fied. The question of wages is not in volved, it is understood but the men say they want better , working condi tions. Recognition of the. miners un ion is said jto .be one of the principal demand's. ., Government Psye 1o RaHrcad. New York, April lS.-The first large payment raade by the United States government to a railroad since tt tnr nnntml nf tq ? Irno A 3 txriie art- lounced today with tne reCeipt by th Bankers Trust. Company4from Washington of $43,964,000 to take up outstanding notes of the New York, New Haven and Hartford .Railroad Company. The money was taken from the $500,000,000 war finance fund.. Clemenceau Returns From, Front, Paris, April .16. Premier. Clemen ceau returned to Paris last night from the ibattlefront where he had been getting into close touch, with condi tions. The impression of the situa tion which he brought back to the capital with him, was a favorable 99 Year Lease on Oil Wells. Amsterdam, , April 16. In connecv tion with the provision of the Rouma nian -peace' treaty giving Germany .a lease ;of 99 years on the. Rumanian oil wells, the ; Berlin Tages Zeitung re ports, XJermanyhas reserved the right of military, occupation of the-oil pro- uucing lemiory, tor "several years. URNEY Arrived in America this Morn ing After Absence of Six Weeks GREATLY PLEASED WITH HIS VISIT Exxpressed Satisfaction Wtih Achievements of American and Allied Fo'rces Hurries to Washington. (An Atlantic Port, April 16. Secre- , tary Baker returned to America to day, after a journey to Europe impell- ' ed by his desire to confer with Brit ish, French and Italian military and political leaders regarding his own country's co-operation in the war against Germany and by his wish also tp become intimately acquainted with the American troops under arms in , France. On this unprecedented mis sion the Secretary was out of the i country about six weeks. "I return with a sense of pride and conflfidence -; in the achievements of the United States and Allied troops abroad that would Justify many trips across the water," the Secretary said, as he stepped aboard of a train which will v take him to Washington. This was the only statement the Secretary said he cared to make until ; his return to Washington, where he promised a broad review of bis voy age and its results. Those "who re turned with the Secretary said they did not doubt but that they reflected Mr. Baker's feeling when they said there was complete optimism and con fidence among the' peoplea , of the Entente nations that the war would be won. Apparently in perfect physical trim,.; with color in Jiis chellanUager" to plunge into his duties at Washing- , ton, the Secretary stepped Ashore, at 8:30 o'clock this, morning, from the . deck of a ship, which once sailed the seas asa German merchantman. - Accompanying the Secretary were Major General W. M. Black, chief of engineers; Colonel M. L. Brett, ord nance department, and Ralph Hayes, Mr. Baker's private secretary. Questions asked of the Secretary by , newspaper men remained unanswered. "Not a word," he said, in reply 'to, queries as to his opinion regarding -the Irish situation, aircraft production and the appeal of Arthur J. Balfour,v the British foreign secretary, for the United States ' to hurry troops to :' France. "All I can say is what 1 have given you," the Secretary added. Mr. Baker first learned today of the death of Senator Stone, of Missouri. "I must express my deep regret said. - " Mr. Baker said : he would be pre pared to discuss' later the historical " voyage which took, him td England r and France, -where he conferred with the Entente war leaders, military and political, and General Pershing and assembled military facts which he will present to President Wilson. The Secretary left American shored about six weeks ago, arriving at a . " French port on March 10. At Paris-j he conferred with Arthur J. Balfour,, British foreign secretary, and General Foch, of the French army. ; The great engineering feats rttich ' Americans have accomplished to ac-"', : i;: !;( commodate the accumulating arrival .? T, r'i i Inspected by the Secretary. t - . . He tpured the American lines oi communication, at one point narrow- : . ly escaping injury from a German ' ehell. He visited the Belgian front and met King Albert, went to Lon don and was received by Kin George, and visited Premier 'Lloyd''.: George and American Ambassador; Page. ' Returning to France, Mr. Baket conferred with General Pershing, ap- V ', proving the American commander i. action in placing his troops at the un- qualified disposal f General Foch. Early this month Mr. . Baker wenJ . to Venice, inspecting the ruins caused i . i r i j i 1 1 i v . . r . uy Aeuuunic air rams; vis ilea Italian .; . j Q army -neauquH.ri.ers ana was weicomea ; at Rome by the American ambassador y ' and the Italian officials. He conferred ? . -with Premier Orlando and the foreign i'-'-and war ministers. - Returning to j Paris on-April 4 he attended the cer-. . . emony held in celebration of the an- . Tiro T XJa TI' o o roAfit m rA 13wa,mw ;. " . . - r " -" ' Clemenceau. ' . The Secretary's departure for", America was shrouded In the same V secrecy as that which attended his; embarkation when he left for Europe t and until his arrival here today noth-, ' ing had been published regarding his, voyage. ' . More Drastic Shipping Laws. - Washington, t; April 16. Proposed legislation giving the President ow- AT or 4-j-k lMnaAtrtA f Anno ita MnkvA vatoa was urged before the House-Merchant ; .jV ; : iioi mo . vuiuui bice vuua , iaj uuiyiua . f- - Boardv .officials. A bill seeking fur ;f thr to., curb the . disposal, .to foreign ; ' nations -ships built in this country a " . so wasC advocated.', .'.' .'. ...' Sii -Sill!' mi '-'.'4: Am! mm ; rt -3 .. . S -1 tl - -mm I i r:.f a-. - I I 2 1 1-1 '(Mi mill . ; I !! I MM am .Ml I ' 4 t. ... . if i .1'- f1 ' '. - ; :.; i .: r- ..i i'. 1 ,V;i '-.',Vr l f 4 - - , 1 ' 1

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