A, THE .Wilmington- dispa i c-h Hjesday Afi rr'noon - apkt- , 6" V, PAGE NINE. da OF CHARLES FOLGER played Conspicuous Part in 1 Politics of New York . State i jBirf. Will, Have to Wait -For Legislative Action-- : After Travis . (Special to The Dispatch.) Raleigh, April 16. Major George u Peterson, former paymaster gen eral who recently was acquitted In the JVVake courts of a $7,600. shortage, has called upon State Treasure? Ben Lacy for a tefund -of that amount. - This shortcut nine months in ad vance of the Legislature was rather surprising, since as a member of tho General Assembly fire years ago, ,?'a jor Peterson' doubtless Jearned how much of, highly colored tape is neces sary to get anything, that 'calls for money. But the Major tells Mr. liacy that the check has been expected and the necesity for it is unhid. A "I have been expecting to receive a check for $7,600 from you, being 4.he amount which yr&s deposited with, the estate treasury in January,!," Ma jor Peterson -writes, "to cover an Al leged shortage in my accounts as pay master general, but have not received same up to' this date. ' "I sold my liome and borrowed funds to enable me to place this amount with the State treasurer un til the matter could be settled by the courts to prevent the bonding com pany from being forced to- pay over this amount on demand of the attor ney general. "I am in, stringent circumstances, having beeir put to great expense In defending myself against 'the charges brought against me and you will do me a great kindness if you will send me at once the amount mentionod above." Treasurer Lacy replied very cour teously that, tie could not return this money without "an act f the Legisla ture. -1 I . Should Major Peterson's attorneys seek to recover this money at the inext meeting of the General Assem- York politicians recalled today as the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Charles J. Folger, who play ed a conspicuous role in politics in t"ais State in the early eighties. Judge Folger is best remembered as the opponent oGrover Cleveland in the gubernatorial election in 1882. An eminent jurist,, then occupying the po sition of Secretary of the Treasury in President Arthur's cabinet, f J&ige Folger was nominated by the Repub licans as head of their State ticket. Nothing could be said against ; his character, public or private, , but the circumstances attending his nomina tion created so great-a division' in hiy own party that many , thousands of Republicans renmine4away t rom the roils, and Mr. Cleveland was elected iy the astounding majority of 193,000. Mr. Cleveland's election, it was gen ! ?rally conceded, was due less to - his personal popularity than to the' great defection of Republicans, but which had much to do with his selection two year? later as the Democratic candi date for the presidency. Judge Folger was born on the Is land of Nantucket. In this State, where his career was laid, he distin guished himself as a lawyer of excep tional ability, and a citizen of great' worth. Until 1854 he had been a Dem ocrat in politics. After repeated elec tions to the New York State Senate, he was appointed in 1869 United States assistant treasurer in New York city, and in 171 he became a lustice of the court of appeals. In 1880 he was appointed chief jus tice by Governor Cornell, and iri that year was re-elected to the full term of 14 years. After the death of Pres ident Garfield in 1881, Judge Folger was appointed Secretary of the Treas ary m the caomet ot resident Ar-1 hlv Hmihtloss anmn testimony that :hur. Governor Cornell was then In did not get into the record in Raleigh office, and his conduct had excitai would be offered. Major Peterson the resentment of former United did not go on the stand here and States Senator Roscoe Conkling, who. might not in the legislative meetings, was the personal and political friend but evidence that was "incompetent" of President Arthur. would unquestionably come into Gen- It was Conkling who had brought eral Assembly proceedings designed about in the Republican national con- j to reimburse the former Senator from vention of 1880 the nomination of Mr. the Sampson, Johnston and Ham?-.t Arthur as vice president to represent purlieus. the stalwart wing of the party, as op-i Make Travis Stay at Home, posed to these forces led by Jamea woman suffragists, somewhat peev G. Blaine which had secured the!ed at Chairman Ed L. Travis, of the nomination of James A. Garfield as Corporation Commission, move that president. before he drops casually in from Governor Cornell in the legislative Washington where he lives presently session of 1882 had vetoed two bills 'and votes not to lambast suffrage in favoring the elevated and surfaca Raleizh. where he doesn't live, .but In roads of New York city, which cor- ;the Halifax vicinity of which he does, pyations Roscoe Conkling reprf-39.it- I vote, he read his brother Commission ed as attorney, me defeat of Coi- ; er George Pell's Re visal. -nell for renomination was therefore ! a perusal thereof will quickly show 1 de termined upon by Conkling, and to therein that -the chairman- of the . Tor pid in this plan the influence of thejporatlon Commission must spend at administration at Washingto as in- ;least 15 ays in nis office. Now, volved. President Arthur committed WOmen watch men a great deal and he first and last political imprudence tnere are irreverent suffragists, equal Df his administration by yielding to suffragists to be sure, who say ihey the advice of Conkling, and Charles nave not seen Chairman Travis in J. Folger was put forward as the his office 15 days since tne 1917 GeD. President's candidate for Governor. eral Assembly 'adjourned. That .is Cornel made a bitter fight to ob- doubtless a little overstated, but in tain renomination, but by nieans thai newspaperdom there is nothing .nore were considered questionable, at gossipy than the coming of Travis to lea; t, Folger was named as the Re- f VOWn. It creates "excitement barel publican candidate. The Democrats lass' than a visit from Teddy, made the most of this situation. F61-1 -seotion 1061 of the Revisal says: gcr. who hd been appointed -hief xhe court (meaning, the Corporation justice of the court of appeals by 1o- j Commission) shall be open at all tiire reli. was knifed unmercifully by lao;for tne transaction of business and Republican friends of . Governor Cor- j eacn member shall devote his ,'h jle nell. while an immense body of inde-.; time to e discharge of the duties of pendent Republicans remained awayjllls 0ffice and it shall be his duty to from the polls. f- . (remain in the office of "the" cornmis- Judge Fotge.r retained his place in ; sion at ieast 15 days in each month the cabin 0"g f President Arthur, but unieSs detained therefrom on omcial he neve-g ge..'red from the shock business." aiiu 11. a -rsy r Mia tcxnwc 'w 1 rifl nil this was nil? lin nv vnm- Woitica for the 5:15. By Ad Carter j 1 tl8);- '' . v-XZ-o':; - j l t ' I . POKT TAkK TO rootti "Tn . , - A 1 V I I SOOtn AND WAt oHTlt A , lit All Jill :i --f : 1 TJS Jm vjinSSi . Ed Travis can find some law that WANTED A COMPETENT STENOG- will let him out, but for the moment the women have him in the run. They have sought lawyers who -could give them no statutes that save Travis. Thy won't say whether they have consulted that most eminent of all North Carolinians, Chief Justice Wai ter Clark, also of Halifax, but there is a suspicion that they have their' law in straight. It is Mr. Travis' move toward Raleigh. Masonic Temple, April 16, 1918. WILMINGTON LODGE, No. 319, A. F. ind A. M. Regular communication this Tuesday evening at 7:45 o'clock for ther transaction of business proper to be presented. Members requestel.to attend. Visiting brothers welcome. By order of the W. M. V C. P. GORMAN, Secretary. rapher. Address, "competent" care patch office. stating salary, Wilmington Dls-4-16-ltj FOR SALE NICE LARGE TOMATO plants, 50c per hundred. Capt. Ed gar D. Williams. " 4-16-3tfl PANEL MILL WANTS A GLUE room foreman, deprick hoist opera tor and foreman for finishing room, which includes drying, sawing, grad ing and crating of panels. In your first letter state full particulars as to experience, age, habits, wages ex pected and when you can report for work. Address "Panel," care Dis patch. 4-16-3t FOR SALE ARTICHOKE PLANTS . 10&.per dozen. Call at home, Winter Park or phone 669-6. Mrs. Alex Holden . 4-16-lti LOST, DIAMOND MOUNTED STUD on odd bar pin, .-either at Swift plant or between docks and Post Office. Finder please return to 115 North Fourth St., and receive $25 reward. 4-16-4UJ SEPA GROTTO, No. 79, M. O. V. P. E. R. CEREMONIAL SES SION this Tuesday; evening at 8 o'clock! WE HAVE STARTED OU1R SPRING sharp. Time of Kandy-i Drive against that leaky roof. Have Dates registration from your repairs done now and Save 20 3 to 4:30 o'clock when- er cent on advance material and Business Session 'begins, labor. We have six months supplies jtt Masnnio TemDle.. All ProDhets are: ai ia prices, i-none xoung 6c requested to wear their Fez and Red'i Tie from 3 o'clock, and report at Sec- Gorman. 4-16-3ti ?! and rAW .li. id& two years, In the ! en. One of these unreasoning, cijea- i -t W I ' T7-i f '1 rvvr-. Tnvt W'r- tirliil. . ' miut ui- uiv)Ki vie.ciauuD -touui : tnrp.s . was readme law a few iavs dacyCpr President of the United ago and saw that the Governor is ie States. j quired to live in Raleign. "How Suffragits Want Senate to Vote. Washington, April 16. Woman suf- come the chairman of the Corpora tion Commission ain't also made to stay at home?" she .asked, smarting frage advocates said today that an ef-junder the stab given to suffrag-3 by Chairman Travis a few nights ago. She took down Pell's Reyisal and bless Paddys there it was sticking out bigger than Cam Morrison's quid of tobacco the night he destroyed the effort of wjoman suffragist to "destroy the basic foundation of society with out a fight." It may be that this uncannily smart fort would be made to. have the Sen Hte vote next week on the woman suffrage constitutional amendment. Recent deaths in the Senate, they sajd, give them enough strength to obtain the necessary two-thirds ma ;ority. ' -"V ' ' , - - Great Britain now, has, 123,500 war widows on her "pension list. An Illustration of the Best Life Insurance Policy Issued Arooant $10JM0 Double Indemnity If death occur by accident th policy pays $20,000 instead of $10, 000. Diflsbtltty Protection. If permanently disabled before agr 65 from any cause accident, blin-i-ness. paralyi, tubercuulosI. in sanity, or anything else-all further y premiums are waived and you re ceive an income of $1,000 a year for' life. At death the full $10,000 is paid, regardless of the premium waived and the Income already paid to you . Annual Cash Dividends Hrn - policy yara umucuyj ouuu- his policy been takea , out in 1907 the dividends for 1917 alone would have been $100.00.' The longer It is carried the cheaper It becomes and the more It is worth. Xoans After the second year you can al ways borrow trSm one-third to two- ' thirds of the amount yoq have paid in without jeopardizing the policy, and you -can insure the loan mate ing the policy free of debt In case, of death. At at Issue, 81 ' Fsld-Up Extensions After yoq have carried Ihis policy for three years you can stop paying nd the Company will carry your in surance free, for six years and 193 UayB. After 10 years the company ; will carry you fof 21 years ana 311 days, and so on. x Amount Obtainable This policy may be obtained In any amount from $1,000 to $555,000, the latter sum being the Company's limit for this particular policy .-Payments may be made anually, semi annually or quarterly. ' i Policy Becomes JFulJ-Pald At age, 55 all payments cease and $10,000 goes to your heirs when you' die, or you xan have $6,000 in cash, for yourself. , ' . . -The Centpany The. Issuing comjjany-is the strong est in the world assets $860,988,841. 57 and it does "business at a lower cost than any other, which accounts , for the large dividends returned to policyholders. . If you need life . Insurance you want this -contract. Exact details for your own age gladly furnish ed on -reqaet. . 7 C. L. DICKrlNSON, Agt. Telephone 869 Office 101 Princes retary's office for Regalia. Parade at 6 o'clock from Masonic Temple. By order of the Monarch, A. S. HOLDEN, Secretary. WILt YOU invest your money with Uncle Sam Now? Or let Germany take it away from you later? Be practical. Look sauarelv at the facts. We will either invest our money with Uncle Sam now, t at good interest rates, to help him win this war, or we will give it up later to pay Germany's war Cost and as much more as Ger many chooses to collect. Buy Liberty Bonds and make the world safe for democracy. This space contributed to win ning of the war by BEAR PRODUCE AND MERCHANDISE CO. BUSINESS SPECIALS ' MESSENGER SERVICE. For this service we use the Pos tal Telegraph Cable Company's messengers. They will cal for your "ads," In the same manner and quick time as they now cover the .city for telegrams, night letter 'grams, cables, etc. 'For further information as to ads'' aall V?' but for telegraph service cali "Postal Telegraph." DESIRABLE PENDER AVENUE LOT Worth $800- can bethought this month for $600; if $100 is paid in cash. Address) "Pender," care of Dispatch. , - 4-16-3U RANTED, POSITION AS GROCERY v. Clerk; 20 years experiences Good references. Address J. D. Padgett, Kocky .Point -IC G. 4-16-ltj WANTEDAN EXPERIENCED COL- ored servant to do cooking and gen eral housework. Good wages to rigit party. 'Phone 840. 4-15 2t LOST DOCTOR'S GRIP SOME- where on Red Cross St., between Hospital and Red Cross. Reward if returned to 115. So. '3rd St. 4-15-2U CABBAGE, CABBAGE JUST RE- ceived car of Florida Cabbage, eat ing potatoes, apples, lima beans, navy beans, black eye peas. Ma son's fruit jars. A full line candies. Send us your orders. Bear Produce and Mdse. Co. Phones 452-453, - Wilmington, N. C. 4-13itf WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON1) date of issue when so requested. Phone your order to 745. Gordon's News Stand. v 10-7-tf. FOR -SALE ONE 20-H. P., I H C, Engine. One 70 saw Continental gin with all equipment furnished Been used only two seasons. Well taken care of under shed. Anyone looking for bargain apply W. H. Malpass, . Rocky Point, N ' 4-S-tf WHEN YOUR B OE& INTO" THE Trenches see H. .at he takes with him your, portrait. He will treasure it above all the gold on earth. Foltz and Kendrix. 12-13-tf. FOR SALE NICE JERSEY COW and calf. 913 So. Third St. 4-ll-7tj PLANTS FOR SALE CABBAGE, Collards, Tomato and Lettuce plants; also Cosmo Flower plants at C. H. Bornemann's Store, Sev enth and Orange streets. 4:9:7t WANTED THIRTY YOUNG LADIES over sixteen years old to work in our up-to-date Hosiery Mill. Al modern conveniences, good houses and low rents for families; good boarding houses for single girls. Wages good. Apply at once, 'Orion Knitting Mills, Kinston, N. O. 3-11-30 WANTED A SHORT ORDER COOK at Gem Cafe. 313 No. Front St. 4-10-7t WANTED A GOOD MAN TO WORK at Soda1 Fountain. Address P. O Box 644, Wilmington, N. C, stating salary. 4-3-tf WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Will thank you to phone us your or ders for Fancy and Staple Groceries Phone 922. W. V. Herring & Co. 8th and Dock. 4-2-30U BEY T H Wm If You Have Not Subscribed to' panels of the ' ? 1 TThird Liberty - Lban, Dor So Today, The subscription list will close May 4th, and you owe it to your country to buy One Bpnd or More if you pos sibly can. . $ 1 i00 Per Week will buy a $50.0Q Bond through our War Bond Club. ; "OLD AND STRONG" THE PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK CORNER FRONT AND PRINCESS STREETS. Condensed Report of Condition of the , American Bank andTrast(x).,ofWihnmgton,N.C - At Close of Business March 4th, 1918. RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts $2,294,101 .94 Overdrafts 10524.92 Real Estate . ; 46,281 .40 Furniture and Fixtures 25 J 07.46 oonas ana securities i,j.t Domestic Acceptances ...... 1 27,400.00 CASH and Due from Banks 955,Q2877 Total $3,749,8223; LIABILITIES: Capital Stock 1 $ 200,000.00 ! Undivided Profits 35,410.05 Acceptances 50,000.00 Dividends Unpaid ...... V 41 t.QO Bills Payable 235,000.00 Re-discounts 83,3 1 6.T 8 DEPOSITS Banks $1,670,893.38 L Individual 1,474,791.62 $3,145,685.00 Total $3,74922.23 ' OFFICERS: THOS. E. COOPER ; President MILTON CALDER Vice-President CHAS. E. BETHEA .' .Cashier E. FRED BANCK Assistant Cashier ROBT. L. HENLEY Assistant Cashier FANS, FANS, FANS, FANS WE sell 'em. Clean 'em and repair 'em. Call 995. Cit Electric Co., Every thing Electrical, 206 Princess St. 4-3-lm APRIL SIXTH IS THE DATE THAT the Hanover Building and Loan Af soclation will open its 27th Series. Stock may be secured now. 25c per week per share, yon pay In $82.50 and get $100 at maturity in abotrtf 330 weeks. There Is no bet ter way to save money, or buy a home, we are always willing to as sit you. Your money is available at all times. J. W. Yatesi President. H. Fi Wilder, secretary and Treas urer. - 3-10-tf Lone stenotype, ? practically new, worth $47.50, selling price $35.50, at Chas. Finkelstein's, . 6 So. Front Phone 642. 4-lMf UNREDEEMED SINGER SEWING machine, drop head, In first class condition. Unredeemed price $17.50. Call at Chas. Finkelstein. 6 Souta Front street. Phone. 642. -- NOTICE WE MAKE GRAHAM rolls hot for supper, every day. We mak no more white rolls. . 'Phone ordersearly. We close at 7 sharp. Farris Bakery. 'Phone 626. 4-9 7t. , WANTED P5.SIT1 ON AS CITY salesmafi, f collector. Address ai-. r..re ol this oince or lt66-W. 4-14 ;3tj pil!l!l!III!llllll!lll!IIIIIIIIII!IIll!l!llli!ll!!IIIIIIIIIilllllll 1 Let us have your orders I --ror - xz 0 A L WANTED PRESSMEN, FEED ERS AND RULERS; HIGHEST WAGES. THE BAUGHMAN STA TIONERY CO., RICHMOND, VA. A.B.CROOMR. District Manager MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Co. Of New York The leading dividend paying Company in America . v We pay dividends first ear . Southern Building . v - Room 301 . Phone 489 . , and BUILDERS SUPPLIES buy , , Your I Liberty Bonds I through the Woman's 1 liberty LarrCommittee Iv.B. THORPE & CO.! linWHIIMMlWHl 0 T 1 NOTICE We Offer S5.00 Savings Certificates, for $.415 U. S. Government Behind Each Certificate W. B. Cooper & Co. WOraington, iN. C United States 4 14 Liberty, Bonds This Bank will receive subscriptions up to May 4th for these bonds. , 9 which will be issued May-9th. This issue will be free of all taxes except inheritance tax and surtax on incomes ovei $5,000.00. ' - . Payment can be AaeSe in cash or by installment .-11 You are urged to do your duty by subscribing quickly to the largest possible amount. A subsbcription now is worth double one at the end of the campaign. This Bank will, without charge, arrange; all details..- for you. , THE MURCHISON NATIONAL BANK What are You Going to do to Help) Boys at the Front? There are so many hings that can be ,done by you, You "who will stay at home and enjoy being with your family should look at the proposition of helping the Boys and the United States Government7 wholly as a business deal, think this over, put forth every effort, buy Thrift Stamps and Liberty Bonds. - : PAYNE DRUG CO. Everything in Drugs and Drug Stcro Goods. Phone 520 Fifth and Red Cross Streets SEE IEpipGHORNS White Milaris - ' : . Wire Frames Just Received Ribbons - Veils MISS AOvIA BROWN . V. . . VI t-'-fx m i mm If ur.r m Hi ';!!!f: it 11 Ui, I n u u m. IX n l 11 31 m Hi" t I1 1 1 l s lit i. 4. f il. ! u I! e it - 4. V,