WEATHER. 1 I . I I I 1 -" W IL mm North arid South uar- PrObably show- TODAY'S IIEWS TODAY tonight and Thurs ' v except fair on i.y" coast tonight. FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE VOL. XXIV. NO. 98. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 1 7, 1 91 6 sS mil; PRICE FIVE CEN1S Coitact Let For Buildin 12 Ste Ships me The following telegram came from Congressn . that Wilmington would likely be chosen for build "It is Now an Established Fact That Wilmingtor by United States Shipping Board That Steel Ships "l H. L. Godwin this afternoon confirming the dispatches earlier in the day ; steel ships: 7 ill Get Another Shipyard. Senator Simmons and I Were Told This Morning ould Be Built There Upon A Large Scale. Contracts Have Already Been Signed For Construction of 12 Large Steel Ships 31,600 Tons Each. The Yard Will Belong to the Government and Ships Will Be Built Under Government Directions. All This Will Be Permanent. I Congratulate Wilmington and North Carolina." to CD BR WISH POSi YPRES IWBRA W TION: SECTOR Salient In M gium Southeastern Bel- i r a 1 ' enacpn dv rtavanc- i roops insr German RETIREMEN DN LARGE SCALE NOT EXPECTED Believed That British Will Be Able to Hold Their Lines 0 0 PASHA MET DEATH AT HANDS OF FIRING SQUAD Int act, Even Though Fore-! Paid Extreme Penalty For Be- ed to Give Way At Points. ing a Traitor to His With-"the pre's ' salient' "In South western Belgium menaced by the con tinned advance of the Germans online lys batflefront immediately to the Sou'h, the British have begun to withdraw from this -advanced line-. 1 ,-y's official report from Field Marshal Haigrs headquarters an ncunces what is at least a partial withdrawal from the Ypres sector. The Eritish forward positions East of j VpTf-s have been given up and a new Uno to the West occupied. The with drawal was carried out in perfect or ; ; v ; hout enemy interference. . Ap parently the retrograde movement is I -voting on the Wytschaete sector, wiierp London today reports a suc re?.ful counter attack carried out upon the Germans who yesterday cap tired the town of Wytschaete, near the highest point of the Easterly -Me.sines ridge and who . presumably pushed out somewhat beyond the town. They are unofficially reported, indeed, as having advanced to St. Eloi, a mile and a half North of Wytschaete, two miles West of Holle beke, and about six miles directly South of Ypres. St. Eloi is on the old battle line as it existed before the British began their offensive last year, taking Mes ines ridge and later pushing on and zraduaily absorbing all of the Pass "hendaele ridge, the continuation of the spur to the Northeast. This may be an indication that the British retirement is LOST HIS ATTITUDE OF INDIFFERENCE Went to His Place Without a Struggle and Fell With Sev eral Bullets In His Head. Talked Little Paris, April 171 Standing before a firing squad in the forest of Vin cennes early today, Paul Bolo Pasha, condemned traitor, lost entirely the attitude of indifference he had main tained subsequent to and during his trial. When the order to fire was given, the rifles spoke and Bolo crumpled up with several bullets In his head. Escorted fry several guards, Bolo left the Sante prison 45 minutes be fore his . execution. After leaving the automobile at Vincennes, he listened to the exhortation of a prison chap ain. Then his eyes were bandaged nd he went without a struggle to his place before the firing squad. "So much the better; I am delight ed," Bolo exclaimed when awakened this morning by Commandant Julian, of the third court martial, who told him that the hour of expiation had to the line of i arrived. These were the only words except lur imiruu- withdrawal would include the aban-l w l" k , donment of the entire Passchendaeleibody a silk lace handkerchief which rep-inn n c- -nmli oo Vi MaaidTiDfi rirl r'P he placed on his chest and give it area, from the greater part of which hey have been driven in the present battle. It would leave the town of Ypres, however, still In British hands. There seems no danger at present f a retirement on any such larger Rcale than this on the Northern end of Franco-Belgian line as the result f'f the recent German successes. The iin as a whole appears likely to hoM as long as the railway commu nications supporting it are intact. Ap parently the security of these commu nications has been provided for by ftp massing of large forces in the Northwesterly sector of the Lys bat-, tlefront. The German objective here, .as has Jeen. frequently pointed out, is Haze rouck, the important railroad junc tion about four miles . beyond the point of the farthest advance West ward, near Nieppe wood, six miles Southwest of Bailleul. A British coun ter attack last night indicated the length of the British line in his vi tal sector. It resulted, in the driving f tlip Germans from the town of Iptpren, a mile and a half West of Baiiieui, which they had entered. Tbe Germans are still hammering fte British lino North of Bailleul, h'le i the Northwest they are re Ported to be close to Mount Kemmel, he towering height which dominates the situation in this sector. , The British now seem able to deal with Jhem along the Bailleul-Wytschaete llnp, however, and the srepulse of re- Continued on Page Seven). to his brother, Monsignor. Bolo. The condemned man went, to his execution in a new suit of clothes brought to the prison by his brother, and wearing whtte gloves. Before stepping forth from the pri son, Bolo asked to be permitted to partake of communion. Before the execution the form an intermit at Vincennes was gone through and then the- body was turn ed ver to Bolo's family. When Bolo was taken to the office to 'go through the formalities of his removal from prison for the execu tion he refused to sign the register. The officer insisted, upon which Bolo cried in an authoritative tone: "It is I who command here; no one has any thing to impose upon me, I think." The chaplain, after the execution, found lying over Bolo's heart, two embroidered handkerchiefs, which had been pierced by the bullets. One was given to Bolo's brother and the other to his widow. Sentenced for Speechmaking. Christiania, April 17. M. TranmeS, leader of the Socialists of the Left, was sentenced to 60 days' imprison ment at Trondhjem today for makin. provocative speeches. He was also charged inciting the workers to follow xample of the Bolskimi In Russia and form workmen's and soldiers' councils. The imprisonment of the Socialist leader probably may lead : fc? NorwMt. I v r,)r troubles thrqugfcct BURiAN NMD AS THE SUCCESSOR OF COUNT CZERNIN The Austrian Minister of Fi nance Is Appointed For- WAS MORE FRIENDLY TOWARD AMERICA However, His Views May Have Since Undergone a Change He Handled Ancona Affair Amsterdam, April 17. Baron Buriita has been appointed Austro-Hungarian foreign minister in succession to Count Czernin, according to a Vienna dispatch. Baron Burian, in taking the foreign ministry, retains his portfolio as min ister of finance. WILMINGTON LOOKS TO BE A WINNER Washington, April 17 Recommendation against the establishment of a new steel ship yard at Charleston, S. C, has been made to the Shipping Beard by its investigating experts and legal department after an investigation which was said to have disclosed almost insuperable difficulties which would have to be overcome in the location of a yard there. Several other sites for the proposed yard are under con sideration, the most suitable one apparently being at Wil mington, N. C. The ground available for building the yard at Charles ton was across the river from the city proper, without rail way or power connection with the city. It would hava been necessary to build 35 miles of railway, expensive dock terminals, and to have extended power lines a long distance at great expense. There also was a doubt as to whether sufficient power could have been obtained for the use of the yard. Prices asked for the ground sought for the yard were exorbitant in the opinion of the experts who investigated the site. Baron Stephen Burian von Rajecz was minister of foreign affairs from September 15, 1914, to December 23, 1916, when he was succeeded by Count Czernin, whose place he now takes. Baron Burian has been Austro-Hungarian finance minister since Count Czernin has been in the for eign office. Baron Burian took the Dlace of Count Berchtold as fnroism minister in 1914 and he was the au-j OF VIRGINIA IS 'DEAD thor of the notes to the United States! on the case of the Italian steamship Ancona, sunk in the Mediterranean with the loss of American lives in the fall of 1915. CAROLINA SHIPBUILDING COMPANY (By George H. Manning) Washington, April 17. The United States Shipping Board signed a contract today with the Carolina Shipbuild ing Company for the construction of 12 fabricated steel ships of 9,600 tons each to be built at Wilmington, N. C "The work of constructing the yard is to be commenced as soon as possible," Congressman Godwin said. The yard is to be built by the company and to be owned by the Gov ernment. The Carolina Shipbuilding Company will act as the direct agent of the Government in building the ships. It is understood that this company had undertaken the building of ships at Charleston The work there is to be abandoned and the construction done at Wilmington, N. C. Senator Simmons and Congressman Godwin went to the Shipping Board today with agents of the Carolina Ship building Company and the contract for Wilmington was signed in their presence. The enormous undertaking is entirely in addition to concrete ships to be built at Wilmington and contemplates about three times as much work as the concrete shipbuild ing, job. SECRETARY BAKER CALLS ON PEOPLE TO SUPPORT ARMY BRITISH PREMIER STRONGLY URGES MAN POWER BILL Declares Conscription Is the Only Fair Method Fo Rais- EFEKENCE TO UNITED Declares That the American Soldier Has Made Good In France . BODY MUST SUSTAIN ' THE GOOD RIGHT ARM. Secretary Says He Found thet Boys Well In Every Re-i spect Secured Informa-?; tion He Wants. Declares Sentiment In Amer ica Favors Conscription Provided There Is Self-Government REPRESENTATIVE JONES BATTLE RAGING IN FLANDERS TODAY LIBERTY SUBSCRIPTIONS E NEARLY BILLON Reports Received This Morn ing Show a Total of $93 1 1 560,050 Subscribed London, April 17. The British at dusk Tuesday, says a Reuter dispatch from the British headquarters in France, were advancing in the neigh borhood of Wytschaete south of Ypres Representative Jones was not only and were reported again to be hold- the dean of the Virginia delegation ; ing the ground which they had lost in Congress, but the dean of the Dem- j there. The battle in Flanders is raging to- Washington, April 17. Represents- j tive Jones, of Virginia, died here to- , I day from the effects of a stroke of I paralysis suffered more than a week ago. ocratic side of tne .ouse. or i continuous terms of practically 28 years, he had represented the First District of Virginia in the House, out ranking every other member for con tinuous service and ranking next to former Speaker Cannon, whose 21 terms in Congress has broken all rec ords. He was 69 years old. Washington, April 17. Subscrip tions to the Liberty Loan as shown in reports to the Treasury today now total $931,156,050. The first day's business brought in approximately $25,000,000. Reports to headquarters today told of a great ood of subscriptions from of a great flood of subscriptions from Atlanta which started its campaign Monday noon had rolled up subscrip tions of $2,500,000 before work start ed today. The Mississippi Womau's Committee has harvested $2,402,000, and encouraging reports are received also from the Georgia Woman's Com mittee. From the platform of one of the war exhibit trains touring the South, $150,000 bonds were sold yes terday. , Negroes in Southern Georgia were reported today to be buying bonds generously, many of them securing 500 each- Hearing Postponed. Birmingham, Ala., April 17. The preliminary hearing of William A. Denson, prominent Birmingham attor ney, arrested April 11 on charges of disloyalty which had been set for to day, has been postponed until April 26. Cadet Killed. Hamilton, Ont., April 17 Cadet B. Bonynge, of New Jersey, was instant ly killed and his pilot was seriously hurt in an airplane accident a mile from Beamsville aviation camp today. WYTSCHAETE RECAPTURED. London, April 17. The greater part of Wytschaete and probably all of it is in the hands of the British, Major General Maurice, cTilef director of military opera tions at the War Office announced today. day with incredible intensity, tele graphed the correspondent of Reuters limited, at the British army headquar ters, in France. As far as the latest reports enable the correspondent to judge, the battle is going in favor of the British. Notwithstanding the des perate attacks of the Germans they have gained no further ground since Tuesday morning and apparently they have lost some. Big Cargo of Sugar. An Atlantic Port, April 17. Nearly 4,000,000 pounds of sugar, said to be a record cargo from Cuba, arrived here today on an American steam ship. The vessel's captain said great quantities of sugar are at Cuban ports awaiting cargo, space. It is under stood here that some of the Dutch vessels recently requisitioned by the government will be used for its trans portation. Fire at Greenville, ,S. C. Greenville, S. C, April 17 Fire of unknown origin destroyed Armstrong's pharmacy, Wharton's dry goods store and DeMulder' art studio early to day, entailing an estimated damage of $50,000, practically covered by In London, Tuesday, April 16. In dis cussing the man power bill in the House of Commons, Premier Lloyd George asked whether conscription in Ireland was to be the government's only answer tq the report of the most remarkable convention ever held in Ireland. Such an answer would be regarded as unsatisfactory not only in Ireland, but in England, he said. If there was trouble in Ireland aris ing from, refusal to legislate after the only conscription was offered, any re sistance in Ireland would meet with sympathy here, which would paralyze the effort to enforce conscription in Ireland. The Premier referred especially to the attitude of the Labor party, add ing: "It is useless to put this bill on the statute book unless we intend to enforce it, and it is useless to try to enforce it unless behind the covera ment there is a feeling that Treland has been justly treated. Moreover, Ireland is not the only country to be considered. "As to America, the opinion reach ing the government is that sentiment .'Washington, April 17. Secretary f Bafcer back from a Beven weeks trip roj -isnrope, today called on the Amer icatr1 p'etfpje f or. renewed support oi the war. The Secretary expected to see President Wilson some time dur ing the day to report on his obserra tions abroad. j "The American soldier has mad' good In France," Secretary Baker to-j day assured newspaper men, whaf' met him at the War Department! "The French and British authorities; are uniform in their praise of thx courage, endurance and soldierlj qualities of our men. ( "The big thing for America to d. Is -to support the war, support it fin ancially and with firm belief. The right arm of America is In France ' It is bared and ready to strike. The , . rest of the body is here In the United States and it must support the arm. r This support should include subscrip tion to the Liberty loans as well" as ' moral support of high confidence " , : V The condition of the American troops, the Secretary said, is excel- lent. They all are .well physically;' . and "well in every other way." Their ' spirits are high, their behavior ad mirable and their relations with th ' - French and British cordial and sym.' pathetic, he said., "One rarely meets an American sol- , dier in France who does not smile and wave his hat," Mr. Baker said., 1-3 "The only sad Americans there are those who fear they may have to i : come home before the joo is done.' "The information I went to get, t : Sol, Mr. Baker said. His trip, h ; in America supports the bill, provic, , said, would bring a closer and morr self government is ottered Ireland, it understanding co-operation between V is vital to us at the moment that America is coming to our aid through the most remarkable decision ever taken by any executive. President Wilson's decision was not without difficulty, but it was the only way America could render practical assist ance in this battle. "In these circumstances America is entitled to expect from the British government though they could not ask any government to carry out do mestic legislation that they would smooth these difficulties and at any rate, not increase them. I amxeertain! nothing would help more at the the Was- Department and the Army.' As for the Secretary himself, he feels that he is now equipped with thr means of Judging and appreciating the kind of co-operation needed. "The American, British, French and Italian armies are filled with this tre mendous spirit and the civilian pop-? ulations show the same feeling," - hi) said. "Every one is quite confident of the outcome I would say that the general sentiment is one of inspired" determination. . bo rar a? tne worR or our owl forces is concerned, it gives one thftX ent juncture to secure the full meas- . z ure of American assistance than the!nes u spefdy accomplishment No determination of the British parlia- ifcrB of being observed and - ment to tender to Ireland her own ,er are no limitations on labor A parliament" ' glimpse of the tremendous extent of Parliament's use of the terms -of- the American supply facilities, coni fer" and "tender" evoked Irritated munications, warehouses and numer cries from the Irish benches. jous schools for men and officers Te- Premier Lloyd-George said he was:minds one of a gigantic bee hive fill- afraid it was impossible to argue jed with energetic men." with those who refused to believe it ai Secretary Baker said he had been - matter for congratulation that though i interested to note the extraordinary: an army of 5,000,000 had retired from the alliance the two or three nations that remained had been able to put up such a fight as they had until the great American republic came in. Replying to Sir Edward Carson's criticisms, the Premier said that if it had been merely a matter of a year or two possibly no grave conse quences would have arisen for Ire- (Continued on !Page Seven). extent to which American newspa-i pers carry the war news. European newspapers, he said, were immeasur ably behind those of this country In It that respect. t Mr. baker declined to discuss th ' situation on the West front. He said the situation had been aptly covere'J by Premier Lloyd George when h , . stated that alternate periods of cheer-; fulnss and anxiety must be endured for some time to come. ... , -. fir: Is

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