'V WEATHER. North and South Caro Jt: probably occa fonal rains tonight and Friday; cooler 1. TODAY'S HEWS i TODAY 1 Friday zJFULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE VOL. XXIV, NO. 99 WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROUNTURSPAY AFTEJlNobN, APRIL 1 8, 191 8, i PRICE FIVE CEN1S! 4 ; s;; ii ,11 .,' - HI 'I - v ' "" " " : ITISH LIS BATTLE STAMB Haig's Report Today Says No Ground Lost in Yester day's Fighting. ATTENTION DIRECTED TO LOCON-ROBECQ Enemy Shifts His Attack Fur ther Southwestjn, Effort to Envelop Bethune May be the Larger Strategy Field Marshal Haig today reports i line on the Lys battlefront stand- ins intact last night as it existed yes terday morning following- the British retirement East of Ypres, no ground hiving been lost in the battling of rait arA ov rl nevki t a f Vi o haovv riarman attacks through the entire period. ( necked for the time at least, m front of the strong British positions ! her course and turned her over to a dominated by Kemmel Hill on the ! German raider. She says she is con Northern portion of this front, the .fideht that the ship is adrift at sea Germans are turning their attention ! with her engines disabled or she is to the Southwesterly sector of the j short of coal. A letter received from battlefield. her husband shortly before sailing A heavy bombardment of the Brit-! said his starboard engine was out of :.-h positions between Locon and Ro- j commission and she believes the port becq. was reported in progress" this i engine has broken down under the morning. i The enemy is finding himself cramp- Ed on the Southerly side of the wedge; L-ut nas pusned into the British lines sad seems on the eve of an effort to vden it out here. . Furthermore,- at Locon, the Ger-j ian3 are only soma three -milea North of Bethune, an important rail- way center, ana at KODecq are witn-i m six mues oi miners, a junction pome ; m the railway from Bethune to Ha-j zebrouck. The British have been holding this sector of the front jisstrongly as they are the Northwesterly edge of the falient, where they have held up the German attempt to advance further toward Hazebrouck, as was indicated p.nev in the repulse of fresh German attacks last night in the Merreys vector along the Bailleul-Hazebrouck r?ilvay. ft ?een;s not unlikely that the En tente high command has forecast a : POSSihiP lar?pr fiprman mirnnSft t.O! drive determinedly Southward, eiop Bethune ana push on to a point i v nere they can compel the British, ; to lall back from Givenchy and the region North of Arras, where the dominating Vimy ridge is the Ger man objective. Whether indeed this be the larger German strategy has not yet been shown. The development of the enemy demonstration on the Locon-Robecq, jio-ivever, will be followed with close fittention in view of this possibility end its bearing upon the great strug !e on the Somme front to the South, fc'here the firm hold of the British on the Arras region and the line South to Albert has held-up the eneioy's lash on Amiens. Undiminished in intensity the great battle in Flanders and South across the French border goes on. Having retired Eas of Ypres, the British are now putting up a most desperate re sistance to the Germans menacing 'pres and Hazebrouck, the, important )uppiy base to the Southwest. French roops have come to Field Marshal haig's assistance and are fighting fide by side, with the British in stem ming the enemy tide East of Haze Huck. During theast 24 hours the heaviest fighting has been along the kys on a front of 10. miles West of Wervilie to Wytschaete. The British took the offensive and regained Wyts chaete and Meteren, six miles East northeast of Hazebrouck Wednesday, ut the Germans in strong counter stacks forced them to retire again. Along the remainder of the front the enemy threw wave after wave of at tdckeis against the Franco-British teieuse, but it did not falter and the Germans gained nothing in payment or angirnaiv losses. Although the retirement East of Pres was to be expected for strateg- reasons, the fact that it has en carried out has caused sentimen tal regrets. Langemarck, Passchen- ileal e and Poelcapelle, which Berlin Sports the Germans have occupied, rer'5 scenes of desperate ecounters n i ho hard won British advance of test summer and fall when they gain 7 the entire Messines-Passchendaele ridge. Correspondents report the British e retiring to prepared positions ;IOli? or close to the line from which j?e offensive was launched in 1917. Vs would place the new line prob ;0! near Boessinghe, Wiettje,, Hoege lC Hin Sixty, Southeast of Zille- I WIFE OF COMMANDER OF CYCLOPS HOPEFOL Believes the Missing Collier Will Arrive Safely m a Few Days Norfolk, Va., April 18. Denying that she has received word from any source as to the fate of the miss ing American naval collier Cyclops, Mrs. Selma W. Worley, wife of the commander of the overdue ship, de clared today that she is thoroughly convinced that the Cyclops is safe and will be heard from within a few days. Mrs. Worley characterized as ridi culous and absurd the theory that Captain Worley, who is a native-born German, had sailed the Cyclops off increased strain imnosed nnnn it.' Although born in Germany, Captain Worley yielded to no one in his loyal- , ty to the United States, his wife de , . . . glares. ttile the Germans m their bases on ' . 'the Belgian coast are only 20 miles popri R MINT? v -a .-hi the straits, . the exploit hi th StwS'a ow,itJ Cattegat was a carefully planned ov FOR SPEAKERSHIP , eration conducted n-ore than 600 (Suecial to The DisDateh.) Mount Olive, April 18. The Hon. Fred R. Mintz, former editor and publisher of the "Mount Olive Tribune" and member of the lower branch of the General Assembly in 1913 and 1915, has announced himself a candidate for the same honors again this year. He also says that, in asmuch as the speakership belongs to the East this year, if he receives the Monday They , iid not send them out tion wlth the labor distributing facili nomination and election, he contem-j e "SlSlS. UA' ties of the department. It is prob- plates entering the race for speaker.; Hp oirnrpssps himself 'as in enm-! plete accord with Governor Bickett's i- tHtt-.iunaer their very eyes ilna - o nnlifixlacc vaa-r au-xra ho en-'has no stomach for campaigning at a time like this, and . expects toiVr 6 " QV--lw" unw make none. One Small French Ship Lost. Paris, April 18. During the week ending April 13 German submarines did not succeed in sinking any French ships of more than 1,600 tons. One ship under that tonnage, how; ever. fell prey to the enemy. Ypres. Berlin's official communication i attempts to make it appear that the! Germans gained towns on the old Flanders battlefield after fighting, The British retirement was carried out Monday and British guns reaped a heavy harvest in the enemy ranks when the Germans peneiraiea tae abandoned positions. ' Wednesday the Germans gained no new ground from Eatf of Merville to Wytschaete, but were compelled to use i"& wic- xx. xv.v.v-jnave Yytschaete and Meteran. ine er" man pressure East of Hazebrouck shows the enemy stiH L desires i the cap. ture of this base in the probable hope of forcing a further retirement in tha Ypres region. How large the French forces are that have come to help the British has not been disclosed. Field Mar shal Haig said last week that heavy French reinforcements were moving toward the battlefield. On the remainder of the British front and on the Picardy battlefrontfs and French sectors there has been no infantry activity. Belgian troops North of Ypres have repulsed German atacks and captured 600 prisoners in ejecting the enemy from trenches he had occupied. On the Lorraine sector American troops have benetrated to the third German line and are in unmolested possession of No Man's Land. Viscount Milner has been appointed British Secretary for War, a Paris newspaper says, and had a long con ference Wednesday night with Pre mier Clemenceau in Paris. Lord Milner, who has been a member ri the British cabinet, succeeds the Sari of Derby, who goes to Paris to take the place of the retiring ambassador, Lord Bertie, according to the report. ' British merchant ship losses due to German f j'marine warfare show ? increase f er the past week. The to tal of ships lost rose from six to 15, while increase in vessels of more Ho i tons was from four to 11. French airi Itafl J?fiSg little, . I s fiH5yHt?, ON-FRONT INTACT BRITAIN'S FLEET Not Believed That Germany is Willing to Risk Naval Battle THE BRITISH FLEET WAS NEVER STRONGER London Newspaper Discusses Significance of Recent lers in the, Cattegat Ixmdon, April 18. The British na val success against German . mine sweepers, in the 'Cattegat recently, says the Daily Telegraph, is sufficient answer to the Germans who say that the British grand fleet is in hidrne. The Dai! TeW-vali noints nut t'-nt miles from the noartst point on lite British coast. Such a sweep." it adds, "can be imade ;-.Xlly by a pOAVer in Ial co.lt oi the sea confronte-l b an enemy wh- ill not rissc protecting his smail craft, suspectin;.- th.it -':ch intervt-u t.lnn mis-Vit he the iirislnHo to a Mnani artinn whioh ha HOBoa i The Germans had -large naval forces na,r ar.ana tic j destroyed virtnaiiv . ers t0 De aOStroyea Virtually The newspaper then discusses the IS ANXIOUS FOR SCRAP WITH HUN .thesFy tnat the Germans might be fields and coast defenses and says that all such suggestions have no foundation among those who have knowledge of naval conditions. The enemy, it says, has gained lit tle new strength for use In he North ea by the Baltic situation, while Brit ish superiority has been increased since the battle of Jutland, by the cooperation of the American forces and the entire naval strength of the United States would be available If (necessary. Moreover, if the German i naval forces were to be employed I advantageously as the right wing of !the German army they should have ;Deen thrown In before and not dur- ing 0T after the onenine of th hat tie in France. "It a naval battle," it continues "could by any possibility have been decided in Germany's favor, she would been saved the necessity ot Ipressing forward her army and would fc ed nundreds and thousands if cagualties whIchf on fl3r Qwn fession, she could not afford. "A battle on the sea fought simply to gain the right to use the seas for military or economic purposes. The Germans have wanted to attain that, end for three years and eight months and if they have not done so while the odds against them were less heavy than they are today, the reason ;on the surface. S ill we can dismiss from our minds all unsupported rumors. The watch by the sea was never maintain ed more efficiently or more effec tively than the grand fleet is main taining it at this moment" Schooner Herald Waterlogged. Washington, April 18. The four masted American schooner Herald was reported waterlogged and appar ently abandoned in a dispatch to the State Department today from Tam pico. The position of the ship was eiven as altitude 23.44; longitude 85 : ! 56. The vessel was last reported at a gulf port on March 17. Secretary Daniels at Yale. New Haven, Conn., Aprill 18. Sec retary Daniels came here today to speak for the third Liberty Loan and to inspect the Yale naval unit and took over Yale University and see what it is doing to develop-the under WUBb 1U ""0 X- U11U UCUlCUauig tvrx UV4 kvx IV WW- graduate 203r.Jtor JWtat&Jjjj irrakleirpssa. Site Selected. Construction TN T Jk TTT , ixiowy Wdrk on the citjs shipyard, where twelve farbicated teel ships are to be constructed, contract for which was signed yesterday, was begun at.l o'ctock this ' afternoon, and will b hurried to completion, and actual ship construction will begin in the early future. ThefMte selected, and already acquired, isvjwhat.is known as the old pes housesite, located just to the south and I'ad joining Sunset Park property. . , Mr. Ralph Starretf, general manager of the Carolina Steamship Company, which is to have charge of the con struction of the -vessels under govern ment direction, accompanied by" two engineers, reached te city this morn ing on the train from the -North and started operations to a businesslike Special Representative of De partment of. Labor Has Finished Work Here Mr. Luther C. Stewart, special representative-of the Department of La bor; who has been spending several days, hero investigating . local Condi-' tionsjAleft rsterdaforrNiwteTji arid will visit other "points in the State in the interest of the work planned by his -'department. The Chamber of Commerce here has es tablished a labor bureau to be operat ed In conjunction with the other work of the organization. Mr. H. B. Branch, the secretary, is serving as special agent. The object of the Chamber in taking a vital interest in this work is for the purpose of. meet- 'In the needs f-ttis community in ! supplying labor and to have?, connec- able tnat later on a permanent bureau .... o.1.., ho.rt Hovnto u will be established here to devote its entire time to this work. People who desire to make application for work and employers of labor who need ad ditional help can secure information blanks at the Chamber of Commerce and assistance will be given in see ing that this reaches the proper sources for distribution. It is the idea of 1 the Department of Labor to distribute labor to fill all needs in every line, especially at this time when it is of such vital importance to the great industries assisting in every way possible for the successful prosecution of the war. HUNGARIAN CABINET DECIDES TO QUIT Amsterdam, April 18. The Hunga rian ministry has resigned, a dispatch from Budapest reports. The decision of the Hungarian cab inet was reached at a meeting yester day morning at which Premier Wek erle presided. All the members of the cabinet were present except Count Czyerenyi, minister of com merce, and Count Zichy, minister of court, who were absent from Buda pest. After a short conference all the members present signed the doc ument tendering their resignations. A Copenhagen dispatch said Pre mier Wekerle had decided to resign owing to, dissension in the ministry over the suffrage reform bill and that King Charles was expected to request him to form a new cabinet, exclud ing ministers who opposed a compro- mise on the suffrage measure. i POOR WILLI AM! HIS SORROW IS GREAT Amsterdam, April 18. Emperor William recently made a visit to the battlefield near Queant, west of Cam brai, a war correspondent of the Berlin Lokal Anzieger writes: "His Majesty's silence was broken only once," he said, "when he re- marked to an officer who stood be side him: 'What have I not done to preserve the world from these hor rors?"" Organizing a Tank Corps. Washington, April 18. Organiza tion of the National-Army tank corps was .ordered accelerated today by the .War Department. Announcement was made of the appointment of 157 sec ond lieutenants for , the corps, 40 be STFJARTi and Is naerway way. Mr. .Dave Struthers, formerly city engineer, has been retainedj by the company, and is on the site with Mr. Starrett and his associates. Sev eral automobiles were hired this morning and are being employed to day -for the work. The fact that actual work on the yard has been started will be learned with a deal of pleasure by all Wil mington. The contract was executed yesterday and the fact that Mr. Star rett is in the city and has already re tained local assistance in preparing the site for construction of the yard removes the last doubt' that might have existed in the minds of some and shows beyond the shadow of a Ioubt that the city has landed the fabricated steel yard. A DESTROYED Vi HUNS Place Fired and the Inhabit ants Shot Down by Ma chine Guns Moscow, Wednesday, April 10. Be cause the peasants In the village of Novoselki in the government of Mo- hilef, resisted inarmed rejuisittojnjbt money by German troops and killed an , officer in the resulting scuffle, the Germans burned the village and from machine guns placed around it, they fired upon the inhabitants, in cluding women and children, who tried to escape, killing many of them. A protest against this atrocity has been communicated to the German government by M. Tchitcherin, Rus sian minister of foreign affairs. The minister also mentions the fact that the Germans killed an entire family even the little children when they were informed that one member had participated in guerilla warfare against them. "The peoples' commissariat of foreign affairs, the protest concludes, "expresses the feeling of the deep est indignation and most resolutely protests against such acts of violence as being unworthy of a cultured peo ple and contradictory to the element ary principles oi human society. It is hoped the German government will investigate thoroughly and punish the offenders." IS SECRETARY OF SJATEJOR WAR Succeeds Earl of Derby in British Cabinet, Says Par is Newspaper London, April 18. Official an nouncement was made today that the Earl of Derby has been appointed am bassador, extraordinary and plenipo tentiary on 2, special mission to France, in succession to Lord Bertie. Viscount Milner becomes Secretary for War, and J. Austen Chamberlain a member of the war cabinet. Confers With Clemenceau. Paris, April 18. Viscount Milner has been ' appointed Secretary of State for War in the British cabinet, according to Le Matin. The Earl of Derby, who has been war minister,, the paper says, will come to Paris as ambassador in place of Lord Bertie, who retires. Premier. Clemenceau had a long conference last night with Lord Mil ner. Alfred Milner, First Viscount Mil ner, has been a member of the British war cabinet without portfolio since December 10, 1916. The Earl of Derby has been at the head of the war office since the Lloyd-George cab inet took office in December, 1916. Announcement was made some time ago that Lord Bertie was about to leave his post in Paris, where he has been ambassador since 1905. Viscount Milner has had a promi nent career in British politics, and was British high commisisoner for South Africa previous to 1905 and from 1902 to 1905 he was Governor of I . . . l 'tff Transvaal and the Orange piyer mm V(l I AGES MINER AMERICAN TROOPS , TAKE CONTROL OF NO MAN'S L ANS) PARADE SECTIONED AND MUSICAL UNIT IS SUPPUEDEACH LINE OF MARCH. The parade will form at the City Hall, Third and Princess streets, at 4 o'clock in- the afternoon, and will move promptly at 4:30, whether everything -is in readiness or not. The line of. march will be Northward on-Third, street to Wal nut and thence down Walnut to Front, and down. Front to. Market, up Market to Third and back to the starting point. All details for tomorrow afternoon's Liberty Loan parade were .worked out at to-day's meeting of the com mittees in charge, and Capt. Edwin A. Metts, chief marshall and gener alissimo, stated that the parade would, move promptly at 4:30 o'clock from the City Hall if there was but one man ready at that time. He will be in absolute charge as chief marshall and will be assisted by the following, all mounted, who have been desig nated assistant marshalls: Messrs George Honnett, James M. Hall, Dave N.. Foster. Swift M. Boatwright, Fred :Wr rttckdTesriR6t!!fe The" parade will be divided Into four sections and Avill be headed by a platcon of police and tailed with the members oi the various sciicol organizations. The first sectfon will be made up as follows: Platoon of po lice leading and followed by the post band. Five hundred United States artillerymen from Fort Caswell will follow in the wake of the band and they in turn will be followed by a detachment of United States infan trymen, under command of Lieutenant Hayes, now doing patrol duty on the river front. Next will come 200 mem bers of the Red Cross chapter in reg ulation uniform, on foot, followed by the Liberty Loan float, with the Lib erty Loan workers following in auto mobiles, j Hie second section will be led by the Sudan Drum Corps and followed by Shriners from Sudan Temple in regulation uniform. Next will be the members of the Rotary Club and members uf the National Special Aid Society. The third section will be headed by the Wilmington Drum and Bugle Corps, followed by the Sepa Grotto Drill team, and members of the Grotto. A detachment of Boy Scouts will follow and will in turn be fol lowed by . members of various frater nal organizations. The fourth section will be led by the Hemenway Drum and Bugle Corps, then members of the Junior Red Cross auxiliary. TheyvwJtl be followed by members of Cape Fear Camp, U. C. V., in machines, and then will come members of the va rious fraternal organizations of the city. Every section of the parade will be headed by a musical organization which alone should insure the suc cess of the parade. Those in charge have every reason to believe that it will be one of the most successful ever attempted in Wilmington and that it will do much to stimulate in terest in the sale of thrift samps and war savings cerificates. HEALTH OF TROOPS CONTINUES GOOD Washington, April 18. Health of all troops in the United States con tinues good the War Department an nounced today in a report covering the week ending April 12. Both hos pital admission and death rates were lower than in the preceding week. The highest rates were at' Nation al Army cantonments, probably be cause of the mobilization of large numbers of drafted men. The total numbers of deaths at all camps was 285 as against 290 the week before. Pneumonia continues In all larger northern camps with some increase In the number of new cases reported No other disease is classed as generally prevalent Small Italian Ship Losses. Rome, April 18. One Italian steam ship of more than 1,500 tons and two sailing vessels, one of more than 100 tons, were sunk by German mines and ' l submarines in the week ending April I Patrols in the Lorraine Sector Inspect Enemy Trenches , Unmolested ; EVERY AMERICAN ACTS THE HERO Having a Difficult Task ot Se lect Those Who Distinguish ed Themselves in Fighting . -Cases Cited ; - .-".TV With the American Army in France Wednesday, April 17. American troops operating on the Lorraine , sec-" tor have taken over control Na" Man's Land. Patrolling partres areP making -almost nightly visits up toj the German wire entanglements wita -out encountering any resistance." -' ' A lieutenant and a party of 12 have made a five hour exploring trip, pen -fHrating to the German third lin and making maps of machine gun snipers posts and strong points withf; out being seen by the enemy. 7.. An artillery lieutenant in an ob servation post sighted a German field kitchen coming up to the enemy.. He gave his battery its position and' the kitchen was destroyed with three' shots. Commanders of units who particl'- pated in the several days of fighj;.5 1 .last . wejekin company witli-tt French itttheAtremont wood . secto are finding It sdifficult to pick but men who especially distinguished them selves in the operations. One com mander said that every man acted.' like a hero and it was hard to choose the most deserving cases. One of.. the most popular men with the sol diers on this sector Is the Rev. Des Valles, a Roman Catholic priest, of New Bedford, Mass,, who is living with the men in an unofficial capacity he having come to France as a rep-'-- resentative of the Knights of Colum- When the attack began Father Des Valles, braving the dangers of shell-. and machine gunfire, went to the cas- - ualty clearing station near the front line to administer to the wounded. He assisted In dressing the injuri-:' es of the soldiers tand gave each man a word of cheer. vHe -handed out ci- garettes to men who smoked. "He's, as gam as they make them, . and every inch a soldier " said dough-J boy, while other soldiers spoke of theC inspiration furnished by the priest.- Another nopular man is a young . baker of Springfield, Mass., who was pressed Into service as a stretcher"; bearer. He was the smallest maa inf" the outfit and after several trips.be- ' came so exhaust he was unable, to hold the stretcher. He refused to give up and had his companions tie ' the stretcher to his wrists with ropo so as to enable him to hold the stretcher on the journey from the front line to the dressing station. Twice in 24 hours an American' company has assisted French troops' in a neighboring sector to regain trenches temporarily taken by the Germans The company was led .by a captain who took his troops overj the top in the face of the most vio lent machine gun and artillery Are. . Each time he succeeded in driving out the enemy and inflicting heavy casualties, and them strengthening the positions A most pathetic story from the American lines is that' of ft young corporal who was wounded fa- ' ' tally after fighting for four hours. AVr-. piece of shrapnel struck him in th;s head. He had a grenade in each , hand. Giving them to his companion he said : "I guess I'm done. Please write to . my mother and tell her how It hap- , pened. "But here take these grenA; ades and for God's sake don't wastd them." J The corporal fell in a faint and died; in a hospital the next day without re- gaining consciousness. :. At one point on this sector there; was a space of only 15 yards between r the opposing trenchest A day be." fore an attack, the Germans threw X a note into the Amercian trench. It .. read: "What are you? Canadians or Australians." . "Come over and find out" was the. ' reply thrown back by an American! soldier. ' The infantryman who related ths. incident added: "I guess they knowT( who we are now, and they will not - - - - . be likely to forgett for. some ttmV " -1 J r "if f u t!i;- if it? 9 1 , r II '1 s - ? 1 IV and. about two. milfis.-E&aPi oil ch&os- rwr,, Jst .