jkforfeef Review, Marine and Weather News i"1" COTTON 8T0CK8. 1 i ... j , V . - - LOCAL MARKETS : ...32 1-2 ! Charleston, spot vannah, spot . vm-folk, 5Pot .. . .. . 32 12 . 33 12 , .. v 32.50 NEW YORK COTTON New vane York. April 18. A further ad at a renewal of more or less cenfral selling ana was followed by a - a I 9 IV A. sharp oreaK in prices in me cut -' . iJ.. T 1 4-2 1 it ueS and bullish overnight spot ad ices accounted for the opening ad vance of 4 to 35 points which car ,d July contracts up to 29.85 and December to 28.60 or 245 to 260 point (fom the recent low level. Offerings became very heavy at these figures, however, and the break was accom panied by renewed talk of price fix ing, or regulation of some sort In ,-je goods market. Liverpool nought t4rlv but sold when the market weak ;ened, and there was aiso trade sell- fuj on tne decline wmcn rapidly ex tended to 28.93 for July and 27.50 for October or 55 to 75 points net lower, ind 92 to nu points Deiow tne high level of the opening. Higa Low 30.30 28.30 ....29.85 28,00 Clos 28.80 28.38 27.10 Mar fjctober jecember ....28.60 26.75 ..28.15 26.60 ...2SXS 26.70 (January 26.72 NEW YORK SPOT COTTON New York, .April 18. Spot cotton piet; middling au:sw. NEW ORLEANS COTTON. Xew Orleans, April 17. Irregular ity prevailed in. eotton in, the early I trading here today, war news was considered unfavorable, but sellers fearet unfavorable weekly crop re icorts from the- government. Alter a ; fall of about 10 points there was a re covery and a net advance of two points on October, but at the end of !the first hour the market was off to a net decline of 16 to 31 points. Cotton closed steady at an advance tf 8S to 91 points. Cotton, closed steady 119 t 127 ,nts down. High Low Clos Jlay Jaly . . . October . . December 28.50 ....28.77 26.99 27.24 , .. .. . .27.60 25.85 26.05 ... .. ..27:30 25.70' 25.73 ..26.72 25.7925.63 January . LIVERPOOL. COTTON. Liverpool, ApriP 18.i-Cottdn: quiet; prices higher; good middling 23.59; roiddling- -397; low - middling 22.54; good ordinary 21.55. - Sales 5.000 bales, including 4,400 American. No receipts. Futures closed . weak. JNew. con tracts? April, 22.83: May. 22.45; June" 12.20; July "21.95 ; August 21,72. Old contracts, fixed 'prices, April 21.92 ; I ipril-May ' 21.8 ; - May-June ... ,21.76 ; f June-July 3L76.. 5 do.uve STOCK; Ch IS- Hogs: Receipts Slowt , fiulk rl7,4617.75 ; light 17.30i7.4tT;, .: '. mixed . ,17.2517.85; heavy ;:16?4017.70. rough. 16.40 16.75; pigs 13.Zi17.Zd. : Cattle: Receipts 16,000. Firm. Na tive steers 11.0016.90; stockers and feeders 8.75 12.75; cows and heifers 8.SO13.50; calves 9.5014.50. Sheep: Receipts 10,000. Strong. Sheep 13.0017.85; lambs - 16.50 21.75. - ; NAVAL STORES Spirits 40 cents. i"T-T Rosin 4.80- and $4.50. ' : Tar $3.00 and 13 1-2 cents. Crude $4.00, $4.00, and $3.00. For Sale 5,000 'bushels fieavjNo. 2 "White OatS. r'' 1,000 sacks Creamo Cotton Seed Meal. 80 tons 7 per cent-Cotton- Seed Meal. 300 bushels Jumbo Peanuts, 500 barrels Floun 600 barrels Molasses. Also all kinds of canned goods, as well as other goods usually iept in wholesale stores, D. L. COMPANY BRINGING IE V - V II HOW MW, VXJZAnimiXVOfr r I frohmrv 1 ! it fr I W . M." BV- m .... .. - New York, April 18.--Gaina ing from fractions to a llUat'-at opening of today's stock market meas ured the encouragement, fait w t the more favorable ia rf overnight war advices. The war is sues, including equipment;" raeafr. the movement. Baldwin Locomotive, Can, American Smeltine and Tnrius. trial Alcohol disr-lavprT otnini strength. Steels, Shipping and Mo tors also hardened aooreelahiv. t.iw. erty bonds were steady. American Beet Susrar . . .72 1 American Can '.. ' " - 43 3-4 . 78 . 631-4 . 33 . 781-8 ..103 American Car '& Foundry . . American Locomotive . . . American Linseed .... American Smelt. & Refinine American sugar American T. & T A I - " ... .1004-2 .... 65 7-8 Anaconda Copper .. .. Atchison AU Gulf & W. Indies Baldwin Locomotive .. , Baltimore . & Ohio Bethlehem Steel "B" . . Canadian Pacific .. .. . Central Leather .. .. ... Chesapeake & Ohio . . Chi., Mil. & St. Paul ' . . . 83 78 ... .109 3-8 . .. 7818 . 515-8 T8 D"8 . ..138 5-8 6713 .... 54 3-4 . ...391-4 Chi., R. I. & Pac . Cnino Copper .. .. 193- 415-8 Colorado Fuel & Iron. S3 37 18 . .. 63 3-4 Corn Products .. .. Crucible Steel .. . Cuba Cane Sugar lle . . . . . General Electric .. General Motors ... . . . Great Nortern Ore Ctfs. Illinois Central (bid).. Inspiration Copper .. 2d X2 .... 143-4 nn i. ....120 7-8 2$ 18 .... 951-4 48 Int. Merc Marine . 25 Int. Merc Marine Pfd. .. . International Paper . . . Kennecott Copper .... . . . Louisville & Nashville (bid) Maxwell Motors (bid) . Mexican Petroleum Miami Copper ., .. . . Midvale Steel.. . .. 93 3-4 37 5 8 .. 32 ..111 .9 25 3-4 94 7-8 28 1-2 .. 46 3-8 211-4 .. 691-8 ..103 7-8 .. 841-4 jniissuuri x-acmc . -New York Cenkal Norfolk & Western Northern Pacific ., Ohio Cities Gas Pennsylvania . . 371-4 44 53 24 5-8 80 1-4 82 281-4 83 211-4 39 1-8 17 3-8 Pittsburgh Coal Ray Consolidated Copper Reading (ex. div.) ... .Rep. Iron & Steel . . Sinclair Oil. & Refining . Southern Pacific .. Southern Railway .. . Spotrstudebaker Corporation Tennessee Copper Texas Co. . . . . . ,...1451-2 Tobaceo Products Union Pacific .. 55 ,.1197-8 United Cigar Stores 89 7-8 U. S. Ind; Alcohol .. United States - Rubber United States Steel . ....1261-4 . .. 54 .... 941-4 Utah Copper . mw . 78 3-4 40 .Westmgbpuse Electric -. . Wmys-Overland American Tobacco ..1B5 .. 891-2 ..95 7 . 52 3-4 ..120 ..42 1-8 Atlantic Coast Line.. .. . Gujf .States Steel .. .. Seaboard" Air Line (bid) , Sloss, Shef. Steel & Irbn United Fruit (bid) .. Virginia Caro. Chem. . . Receipts Cotton 1 Tar . . 1 .411 .. 8 . . . 4 . Crude SAVANNAH MARKET Savannah, April 18. -Turpentine firm 381-2; sales 70; receipts 59; shipments 201; stock; 23,413. Rosin Ifirm; sales 344; recipes 216; shipments 583; stock 97,588. Quote: B. 5.15; D E F G H I 6.30; K. 5.50; M. 5.70; N. .25;-W-G 6.70; W W 7.00. MEY ORLEANS SPOT COTTON New Orleans, April 18. Spot cot- Uon nominal and unchanged. Sales on the spot 36; to arrive none. Low middling; 31,00; middling 33.00; good middling 34.25. Receipts 1,356; stock 452,328. A.B.CROOM,JR. District Manager MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Co. . of , New York The leading dividend payifi 1 Company In . America We pay dividends first year . Southern .Building .' Room 301 Phone, 431 UP FA THER : " '" : -z r ''im ' i ii"-Jr r i i 1" ' 1T' ""T"i7TTl 1 - . - . i F A LJU m . . r f fc:oME;HEe HOW MANYv TlMEb OO I HAVF to 2jjE WILMINGTON DISPATCH tht ipqhav A,-nTr, Eggs (scarce! .A ... . ' TW - " -" ..www uuLier .......... a Spring chickena . . . . . , . . 40 to 60c. owwn chickens 70 to 0 Puddle 4uck, Guineas .. .. ... ... .. .xae Beef fdresftain . S... Ifiah potatoea (bag) , $5.00 ixisa potatoes, Maine grown, Irish voonier, seed potatoes, 150 m basr . . i. . . . . .. . . . te N, C. Hams, lb .. .."zt to he C. shoulders and ribs . . 30 to 32c aobage, 100 lbs. (scarce) .. ..$4.60 H;les, green .. .. .. .. .. 17e VrOOL'fraa of hnn .. .. BSa. Com, ousheL , .. $2.00 Wax .. .... W IO Salted hide ISc. Tallow 10 to lto Onions (2'buehels) .$4.25 Peanuts, N. O. and Va. .. $2.2502.20 Peanuts, Spanish .. .. .. . $245 Apples. Winesap. bbL, $6.75 Oranges, box $ 5.25 CHICAGO GRAIN. Chicago. April 1 Welcome rains beneficial to newly seeded corn arid tc soil in Tirenaratlon for nlantino?. brought about sharp breaks today In tne -price or - corn,-, upemng pnee3 which ranered from 1-8 to 3-4e lower with May 126 7-8 and July 1.46 1-2 7-8, were roiiowed oy decided aidi tional losses. Oats headed down erade with corn. Higher quotations on hogs provisions. Grain and provision prices Corn Open. May .. .. .. .. .. 1.27 July 1.46 1-2 Oats May .. .. .. w . .84 J uly ' lifted follow : Close. 1.27 1.43 3-4 .82 3-8 .73 47.40 25.20 25.47 23.27 23.75 Pork May . .. j,- .. ..47.45 Lard May ..- ..25.40 July .. .. ..25.70 Ribs May .. .. .. ..23.70 July ..24.15 . Cash Corn. No. 2 yellow. 1.68 1.73; No. 3 yellow, 1.60 1.65; No. 4 yellow, l.45il.56. Oats, No. 3 white, 88 l-289 5-8; standard, 88 3-490 1-4. Rye, No. 2, 2.4O2.50. Barley, .40 1.78 Timothy, 5.00 8.00. Clover, 18.00at28.00. Pork, . .Lard, .25.15. Ribs, 23.00 23.50. WANTED All members of George Washington Council No. 67 Junior Order United American Mechanics to attend meet ing Friday night, April 19th in our hall No. 19, North Second street. Busi ness of great importance Visiting brothers are invited o attend. By order of the. Council. R. T. WATKINS, .Recording Secretary, 4 WEATHER REPORT 4. 4 For Wilmington and Vicinity Increasing cloudines tonight: Thursday, probably showers; moder ate south winds. STAGE OF WATER. . Stage of water in Cape Fear river at Fayetteville, N. . C, at 8 a. m., yes terday, 12.4 feet. SUNRISE AND SUNSET, Thursday: Sun rises .... . 6: 37 Sun sets . ....7:45 ' Temperature a o Ilka. 3j Ashevllle, cloudy 70 I 50 .18 Atlanta, cloudy ...... 74 I 60 .0 Charleston, clear m 71 62 .0 Charlotte, cloudy . 4 m' 72 58 .0 Chicago, raining. 76 48 .0 Galveston, raining .. .. 74 70 .70 Jacksonville, clear, ... 78 62 .0 New Orleans, cloudy . . 82 70 .02 New York, partly cldy. 72 58 .0 Pittsburg, partly cldy. 64 54 .20 Raleigh, cloudy 68 56 .10 St. Louis, cloudy .... 80 54 1.76 Washington, partly cldy 76 52 I .0 Wilmington ptly cldy. 73 j 63 .0 GRAMD' TODAY ONLY Bluebird Photoplays Present Monroe Salisbury and Rath CHHord In Samuel Merwin's Story, "An- if thony The Absolute,' under the title of "THE DOOR 1 BETWEEN" An Occidental Story with an Oriental setting. Regular Prices: Matinees 10c; Nights 15c. TOMORROW M-r In a MagnHlfleent Seven-Reel ' Version of "The Secret of The Storm Country" SequeKo "Tess," By Grace Mil ler White. A Story Founded on the Great est of All Themes Mother Love. Regular Prices: Matinees 10c; Nights 25c. PI y Allen & Kenna's In Up-to-Date COMEDY Four Big Vaudeville Specialties Ruth Roland in "Th Neglected Wife'.. S E ED S COWPEAS SOY BEANS f and CARDEN SEEL John S. McEachern Son 2 11 Market Street Normalalmadge Aviation Girls MUSICAL I YANT YOU TO f Jack. Dp.tnnuv'iui TJUl Cm.... i the true nam nf nitfiAf af. tk wan known boxers using the" name. DO SOMETHING FOR THAT COUGH Dr. BelPs Pfne-Tar-Heney trill f nrvi ideal treatment A neglected cough maV lead to such dangerous bronchal or inn? aiimpnta that proper attention with Dr. BelVs i"ine far-Honey cannot be begun, too promptly. .You can actually depend on this remedy as it has proved effective in thousands of cases where a hacking cough, difficult breathing, inflamma tion or haorsenesa tvm-p involved i balsam and healing ingredients soothe me tnroat, loosen the phlegm, the an itseptic properties check the cold germs and feverish or grippy feel ings are promptly allayed. Take Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey at once, not only for quick and grati fying relief for all distressing symp toms, but to prevent serious after effects. Still sold at 5c by all druggists. "SANS-SOUCI" SAUSAGE Pure Pork Sausage Fresh Satfsage Smoked Sausage Frankforts Bologna . Head Cheese Liver Sausage New England Ham Made without cereals Sanitary, clean delicious Take no substitutes For sale at all first-class grocers and markets. CAROLINA PACKING COMPANY SUBURBAN IN EFFECT WHITER PARK, WRI6HTSVILLE, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH EAST BOUND. Xev Electric Center ?or IeTe "Eleetrio Centre" for WrlirhtBT'I Leave "Electric Centre" for- Beacb Winter Prk x6:f0 !7:30 8H 18:30 " 9:0fy UitA 11:80 " 17:30 .8:00 !8:S0 9:0O 10:00 11 AO 11:00 K'l:lt pl:53 ..S'80 8:00 $:80 4:10 ..4:80 4t50. 8:80 xf:10 fl:40 7:11 8:15 8:15 .10:15 11:15 lotoo" "" 11 :80 - 11:00 P. M. !lr P. M. xl:10 " 1:55 8:80 - 8:00 " .8:00 P. M. " 4:80"" '"8:8 '" " xtt:10 M :40 7:15 8:15 t:15 " 10:15 11:15 5:80 P. jtl. - 0 itlifilliii v SPECIAL FOR SOTTOAYS Leare Proat and Princeas streets erery natt hoar tfm 2 to P. H Leave Beacb ererj half hour from 3:46 P. 31. ft Dally except Sunday. ISunday only. -rTRoooh tranofar nr vtnnwta with this train at WrichtaTll. Superceded by -half-hour eehedule FREIGHT SCHEDULE: t (TUESDAYS, THURSDA YS, SATURDAYS ONLY) Leave Ninth and Orange Street 3:00 P. M. Freight Depot open TuedayB, Thursdays, Saturdays, from 2:00 to 3:00 P. M. SPECIAL NOTICE This table shows too time at whfcjh trains may bo ex. pected te arrive at and depart from the several stations, but tlie arrlvala and de partures aro not cuarante4. UNDERSTAND - YtA THE C,Wr MAVTER OF THIb HOU5E r S M m ''.- 1 n i Eddie McGoorty, having celebrated his "return te ; the ring by taking Fran kle Breunau's measures, will now go after some-of the top-notchers of the boxing game. . Begins to look as if taking ..a, beat: ing has become a hahit with .' Tom ; Cowler. The" English heawwelsAt ' has Unished 'on the short end of-nxp mercus "houts of late. ' ; f LADIES! DARKEN Look years younger! Use Grandmoth er's recipe of Sage Tea and Sul- phur and nobody will know. The use of Sage and Sulphur fo restoring faded, gray hair to its nat-. oral eolor dates back to grandmoth er's time. She used it to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy and at tractive. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appear ance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. But brewing at home is mussy anu ut-of-date,. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store .for a bottle of "Wy eth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," you will get this famous old preparar iton, improved -by, the addition of other ingredients, which can be de pended upon to restore natural color' and beauty to the hair. A well known downtown druggist says it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly . that nobody can tell it has been applied. You simply damp en a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, tak ing , one strand at a time, .By morn- -Ing the gray hair disappears, and att er another application ; or two, it be comes beautifully dark and glossy. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire a more youtbfuL appearance. ' It is ' not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. Adv. iiinimiiniinjfnjirauitniHinnimuiiUinmiiiiiuiiiniiu J.B.McCABE andCO. I Certified Public Accoun- 1 tants. I Room 906 Murchison Bank Bldg. M H Phone 996. WILMINGTON, N. C. SiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiHHiiminniHinBiinininitiimiiniHs MMltMU Bate mar part or te b7 mam. HHiUAWiiw. IiSixe fcottle, St. booklet f r. a wveva m-i. u i u SOU BX SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 4TH, 1918. WESTBOUND. Leare r Beaeb for Wilmington ; Leave WrlghtsVle toe Wilmington Leave Winter Prt fer Wilmington 6:15 A. M.I A. VL x7:M 18:00 44 8:80 :3K 110:30 u 10:55 M X7:81 8:11 8:41 !:tf 0:41 110:41 11 :08 13:36 8:01 'i9M 'il'il 'i6:46"", 18 Ol "m" '"'itii'"-" 12:35 P. MJ P. M. x1i0 " 1:85 8:M 8:M " axis" i 12:05 :8 8:11' M:30 4:00 4:90 5:10 5:M 6:11 6:55 7:S1 7:68 8:58 0:86 10:58 111:80 11:56 5:85 8:00 x8:45 7:lt " 7:45 8:U M 8:45 " 10:45 - iiUs"" Soaday atterndvna. snliitn B Y VHAT's TH i MATTER -OLD OOY ? YOUR GRAY HI 1 - s - r , . .. ...... ..-. PAGE SEVEH -IN NEW YORK CITT A Good Room witk BatK f at 2.&9 to 3,00 Per Day But las Editor of hk Paper will tell you Yo can -get them" at the ' " Hotel Gregorian 35 A Street, Bet: 5 th Ave. and Broadway. Hiomllkei Mofrp. Fireproof, Cen. tral, nr THitrea aefl Shops. Best of mt Fair Prices. " V.'rir fr Hokl2t to 3EfTC3ZT, Prop. tOTEHALARIA OUT OF THE SYSIEI! A. oes Toatto Ann Apprizsd. We specialize in the. man ufacture of Rubber Stamps and Good Printing CarblihpPrintingarid Stamp Works No. 8 Grace St. UNION PASSENGER ST A. TION Arrirml hd, Departure . of Trnlas February 1st, 1018. SEABOARD AIR UNE DEPART - IAIL.Y ARS1VS 3:53 P.M....... Charlotte ......12:30 P.M. Parlor Car. 5X) A.M. .... Charlotte 12:30 AJC Sleeper opened. "10 :00 P. M. Por Infermatien Pboae 178. ATLANTIC COAST LINE DEPART DAILY . ARRIVE 5:45 A.M South and West... 12:45 A.M. Sleeper to Columbia, (Open 10:00 P. M. 7:43 A.M. ..North 6:05 P.M, Parlor Car to Norfolk 8 :45 A.M. . . Fayetteville , , 8 :00 P.M 3:05 P.M... New Bern 12:30 P.M. 3:30 P.M... South and West 1:00 P.M. Sleepers to Augusta. Atlanta 0:45 P.M... North 10:15 A.M. Sleepers to Washington, Norfolk For Information Phone 160. STEAMER WILMINGTON. Sehednl Effective March 16th, 1918. Leave Wilmington Mondays, - Tuesdayt, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 9:30 A. M. Leave AVilmington Saturdays 6:45 A. M. and 120 P. M. Leave Wilmington Sundays 9 A. M'. Leave Southport and Fort Caswell Mon days, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursday and Fridays 2:30 P. M. Leave Southport. and Fort Caswell Satui days 9:30 A. M. and 3:30 P. M. Leave Fort Caswell 3:15 P. M. and Souti port 3:30 P. M. on Sundays. Leave Wilmington 0:00 P. M. Sundays. No stops between Wilmington and Fort Cas well. NEOLIN SOLES. Makes Walkln a Pleaouro Attached .by SULLIVAN, King of Shoemakers N. Front Street ?hene 623. 8 McMAN US TOO LOUD'.: ' - j . 5 - i. .-1 1 ! II- i i 7 1 I i; i-: h ''M M m 1 sir i it it

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