THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH, SATURDAY AFTERNOON,' AFRIC 20. 1918 page Nine Market Review, Maj: wither News i-IN NEW YORKCITY-- it, I .Si iat 2.00 to 3MrfeeitPii ..,:- COTTON. ; . NEW YORK- COTTONS - :: Stir York, April 20.Tlie steadier WQich was noted in the cotton t0Drket yesterday appeared to have "Sned strength over night. Bullish Uend figures, showing a larger T crease in the world's visible supply Tt the eek than or 4116 same "wek msS J"1-- the unfavorable weatho and bullish spot advices, prob D!ly encouraged buying for a reac 'od Tne New 0?lea:os market also Uwed firmness, while nervousness STr the price fixing bill appeared to S-ve almost completely subsided, nrices were? to 28 points high er with the ne crop relatively firm the fear of low temperatures over Sunday, and" the general list sold .vmt 48 to 77 points above last night's closing before the end of the first hour. Near months showed a datively rapid advance after the call itn July selling at 28.90 or 120 noints above the low level of Friday, jnile UCioutsr sum at ai.oo rotton closed" steady. High. Low. Close., . ..29.20 28.80 29.23 29.00 28.40 .28.00 27.40 27.69 27.17 .27.54 27.10 Cr " STOCK. New Yok; April' 20Pools con trolled today's "stock market to a con siderable extent, their operations em bracing a variety of specialties, nn- tably. motors and subsidiaries, as well as equipments, sugars and tobaccos at extreme, gain of 1 to 3 points. Standard shares were sJuggish it the outset put came forward later. Unit ed States Steel rallid briskly from -its siignt reaction, making its beat quo tation 01 tne week at & gain of 1 1-4 points. Rails also hardened aft er early irregularity. The closing was strong. Sales atmrrnimatRi 275,000 shares. Liberty 3 l-2s, 98.84 to 98.94: first 4s 95.56 to 96.60: second ; 4a 9R.' to 96.66. Mty My October . December January , 28.82 27.85 27.58 27.57 NEW YORK SPOT COTTON. . New York, April -20. Spot cotton tteady. Middling 30.75. NEW ORLEANS COTTON. New Orleans, April 20 Week-end ihort covering caused a rise of 61 to 62 points m tbe price of cotton in the early trading here today. Pear of colder weather in the belt and re oorts of a larger export movement out of this port helped to strengthen the market. Buyers found little cot ton for sale. Cotton closed steady, 56 to 60 points UD. High. Low. Close May ..28.69 28.30 28.56 Jtlv .. ..28.00 27.60 27.9B October.. ..26.95 26.54 26.86 December. .... .JS6.64 26.30' 26.56 January. . . . . . ... ... American Beet Sugar-v. . American Can . . . American Car & Foundry American Locomotive ..... American Linseed .. .. . Amer. Smelt. & Ref. . American Sugar . 741-4 . . . 44 7-8 79 3"S 65 1-4 . .. 33 7-8 . .. 78T-8 . . . .106 American T. & T. ... . .,100 7-8 Anaconda Copper ... 64l-i Atchison (bid) .... 84 Atl., Gulf & W. Indies ....1101-4 Baldwin Locomotive 81 3-4 Baltimore & Ohio . .515-8 Bethlehem Steel "B" 79 7-8 Canadian Pacific 139 1-4 NEW ORLEANS SPOT CQTTON .Yew Orleans, April 20. Spot cot ton, nominal and unchanged. Sales on the spot, 103; to arrive 200. Low middling 31.00; middling 33.00; good middling 34.25. COTTON SEED OIL. Xew York, April 20. Cotton oil. no quotations; sales 1,600. seed Central Leather Chesapeake & Ohio (bid) . . Chi., Mil. & St. Paul .. .. , Chi., R. I. & Pac Chino Copper Colorado Fuel & Iron . . Corn Products .. .. .. Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar .. Erie .. .. General Electric General Motors .". Great Northern Pfd , Great Northern Ore Ctfs. . Illinois Central .. .. .. . Inspiration Copper .... Int. Mer. Marine ...... Int. Mer. Marine Pfd. . . , International Paper Kennecott Copper . 32 1-4 Louisville & Nashville .. . . ..112 Maxwell .Motors (bid) .. .. . . ,28 1-4 Mexican Petroleum . . .... . . 96 5-8 Miami Copper . 281-4 , - ' LOCAL MARKETS : Egs (scarce) - . j . s$o HUXXBT .. ".. .. .1 .i Ait. Spring chickens . . . . . o tn fio. Grown chickens .. .. 76 to 90 Fuddle ducka... ... . 0c Guineas .. ..40c IJeef (dressed) .. .. .. .. 18 to 14c. Irish potatoes (bag) .. .. .. .. S5.00 tnsn potatoes, Mains srrown, Irish Cobbler aeed potatoes, 150 lb bae 16.25 K. a Hams, & .. .. .. .. 32 to 25c i. u. snouldera and Hbs so to 32c Cabbage, 100 lbs. (scarce) .. ..14.60 H.des. green .. .. . .. 17e Wool, tree of burr P. . 5oc Corn ousnel, $2.00 See wax .. ...... .. .. SO to 32c Baited hides .. 15e. Tallow 10 to 12c Onions (2 bushels) .. .$4.2S f Peanuts, N. C. and Va. .. $2.25 2.20 Peanuts, Spanish, .. .. .. $2.15 Applet. Winesa-p. bbL, . . 575 tTranges, box ....$5.25 . 69 . 55 3-8 . 381-2 . 19 3-8 . 41 7-8 .'40 . 37 5-8 . 651-8 , 30 5-S . 14 5-8 .143 .122 7-8 . 89 . 29 3-8 . 95 3-4 . 49 3-4 . 24 3-4 . 89 3-4 . 38 CHICAGO GRA1S. Chicago, April 20 Fresh upturns in the price of corn resulted today from low temperatures and from pros pects of snow. Opening figures, which ranged from 1-8 to 2c higher, with May 1.271-8 and July . 45 to 3-4, were followed by moderate set backs, chiefly in the active option July. Oats gained strength on account at unsettled weather conditions. Advances in the prices of hogs gave firmness to provisions. MMvale Steel 46 1-4 NEW BERN ' - . New Bern, April 20. Mf: and- Mrsr W. .Fjg'Fo of Sbllocksville, have re turned .home -after spending a. short periods here with friends. Mr.Sdrs. M. F. Russell, of Hav- eriock. nave returned Home alter a short stay here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. W.r Richardson, of Dover, who have, ben visiting, friends here have returned to their home. Mrs. Lida B. Duffy has returned !rom a short business trip pto Winston-Salem. Master Arthur Brown,, of Beaufort, is here for a visit with his aunt, Mrs. Samuel Coward. Mrs. J. T. Mallard and charming daughter, Miss Jennie; have gone to Greenville, S. C, to, spend a period with Mr. and Mrs. a G; Mallard. Mr. Arthur Walker of Mississippi, is here to spend - a . period with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Walker. Mrs. L. J. Taylor is back from Washington, L. C. where . she spent a period with friend and relatives. Mrs. George ,W. -.Wallace has re turned from Kington where she spent several days with, her daughter. Mrs. G. Q. Lee .and .son. Master Os borne, of Wilmington, . are here for a stay with i Mrs, Lee's, parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bayllss. Mrs. Mary B. rSchenk, " Mrs. Eliza beth Hawkins and ,. Miss, Hazel Haw kins have gene. to Modreh'ead City to attend the Taylor Wallace-wedding. Mrs. T. W. Heath, of Kinston, pass ea throueh Kinston f yesterday en. route from Aurora., where , she vis ited her parents.'. .-. Mr. Wallace Mace has returned to lis home in Baltimore after a pleas nt stay here in "the -home, of Mrs. B. . Guion. . . . : Mo. Pacific .. New York Central N. & W Northern Pacific Ohio Cities Gas Pennsylvania . . . . . . . Pittsburg Coal Ray Consolidated Copper .. Reading Rep. Iron Steel u .-. . . . e:.l.t nil A T? afi t In y I 21 1-2 69 104 14 84 37 3-4 44 54 24 7-8 81 1-8 84 14 29 Southern Pacific 83 3-8 Southern Railway .. .... .. .. 20 7-8 Studebaker Corporation .. .. ., 38 7-8 Tenn. Copper 17 3-8 Texas Co. .. . ...47 1-2 TobaMPJOducis-., ----54 7-8 Union Pacific, .... . . 120 United Cigar - Stores 901-4 U. S. Ind..- Alcohol .... Vs..xl251-2 U. S. Rubber .... -. 57 3-4 U. S. Steel 96 Utah Copper .... ...... 801-4 Wabash Pfd. "A" (bid .. 40 Westinghouse Electric .. .... 41 Wills-Overland ...i 171-2 American Tobacco 167 AC. L 891-4 Gulf States Steel .... .. 941-4 S. A. L. (bid) , r . . T Sloss. Shef. Steel & Iron 591-2 United Fruit (bid)- 122 Va. Car. Chem. . . . a. 43 SAVANNA MARKET Savannah. April 20. Turpentine steady 38 1-2; sails none; receipts 18; shipments 423; sf)Cks 8,948. Rosin, flrim; s;es 48; receipts 125; shipments 823; sftck 94,827. Quote: B 5.15; DJ5 F G H I 5.30; K 5.50; M 5.70; N 6.25; W G 6.70;' W: W 7. if - f l : Ii itzardtofjaad.,7' But"4 EiofPa w21 . teUyciVou can- gei; ':.-ftea t the-;v ff flote! Gregorian ' 35th Street. Bet. 5tk Ave. and Broadway. Homellk. Afcxferr, Flrproof. Cen ,tral, Mar 7hna.trs acd Shops. Bat of 1f4 t Fair Prices. ' . VTrlt tmr -2fcVlt to Wfl HAIARIA CUT 0? THE SISIEI FAYETTEVILLE Fayetteville, April 20. Miss Annie G. Williams was, hostess on wednes day afternoon to the members of the Tuesday Bridge Club at her home on Gillesyie street. Eight, club member were in attendance. An ice course was, served. Mrs. yn Williams and little daugh ter, Eleanor, of Burlington, and Mrs. James Rolt and charming daughter. Miss Margerat, of Graham, reached here. Friday and are week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Banks Williamson, at their home on Haymount. Miss Helen Slocumb has returned from New York where she has bee a as the guest of her eister, Mrs. N. D. Emerson. Mrs. Emerson and daugh ter, Miss Lillian expect to be in at tendance upon the wedding of Miss Slocumb to Mr. F. A. Perley, which will be celebrated Saturday next. Mrs. N. J. Martin, of Davidson, is spending a period here with her eister Mrs. E. H. Williamson, at her home on Haymount. ' Mr. Haskell Bowen, vhot has been in Hlghsmith's hospital for treatment has recived sufficiently to. return to tne nome oi ms parents, sur. &uu Mrs.' W. - T. Bowen on Dick 'Street. II is a slacker and " - mrrrri' "-"mtmm m ' SF ONT fly ' your flfcw from an upstairs win dow win4 you let slacker hide in your 'cellar! It your fur nace Is choked and clogged with soot, it is a alacKer and Is wastlncr coal that should be making guns and shells to arm American soldiers. fi.000.000 -tons of coal will b wast ed la this country between , now and June unles our furnaces are cleaned of soot now and kept clean the rest of the smlncr. You wouldn't pack yourijumacc In ice hefore you Startel the flr. an4 their fonder why yourhouse '' ' j8f ' was cold. So. why keep your ; pipes and furnace passages cover- ; ed with soot, which cats oft more heat from the house than if you covered your fire with an asbestos blanket? It is not too late to cut your coal bill and save coal for the war during the coming, spring months. Now la the time to give your furnace a spring house-cleaning. Roll up your sleeves, get your wire flue brush, and clean out the winter's accumulation of soot. Then keep your furnace spick and span in side, cleaning the passages every week. After having rid yourself of the slacker iA the eel- , lar, you will be surprised to find how much less coal , it will take to heat your house, and you can fly. your i flag with a much clearer .conscience. . i -j. 4- WEATHER REPORT 4. 4. 4 For Wilminflton and - Vicinity Unsettled tonight and Sunday with probably rain. N6t- much change in temperature. Moderate east to south east winds. i Stage of Water Stage of water in Cape Fear river at Fayetteville N. C, at 8 a; m. yes terday, 8.4 feet . Sunday Sun rises . . .. .. .. .. 6:34 Sun sets . .7.48 Weather Bureau Reports. Mrs. John M. Hodges, Jr., and lit tie daughter, are spending a period, here with Mrs. Hodges parents, Mr! and ' Mrs. J. M. Hodges, Sr., at theif home in Linden. COOL WEATHER FOR FIRST OF WEEK '.Washington,' April ,20. Fair and cool weather the first of the week, seasonable temperatures by Wednes- day ana fair and warmer thereafter, is forecast -for theSouth Atlantic and East Gulf States luring tbe week be-, ginning ; tomorrow. '.' " ' -'i r , A.B.CROOM,JR. District Manager MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Co. of New York The leading dividend paying Company In America We pay dividends-first year Southern Building Room 301 Phone 489 Temperature. WEATHER 8 s, m. a gs 4) O s J " m 53 4ew AsheviUe, raining... Atlanta, raining.... . jCharlsston, cloudy.. . Charlotte, raining.. . Chicago, cloudy Galveston, pt cloudy . Jacksonville, clear. . New Orleans, foggy. New York, cloudy. . Ptytsburg, cloudy.. . Raleigh, raining.... , St. Louis, cloudy. . . Washington, cloudy. , Wilmington, cloudy. . 64 72 72 70 40 .72 70 76 54 36 68 44 66 75 SA Is sffeetit in treattaf f l 1 naaaranl dlieharsMs I I m painless, non-polsoioei V I Tf and will sot strlctara, BtiteTMlaltoSdsySi SOU) BT 9BHMISTS. raretl Test if dttlred-Price $1, ori bottles Q.7& tf&S 8VA89 QWWCALcd.. CINCINNATI U Mi CHICHESTER S PILLS 1: ' TM DIAMOND BSAK0.f T . nils In He a ana tId BetalUcVV 4 Bad UIA metell boxes, sealed with- Blua Ribbon. Tsk otker. Bar of your vniMUt. Ask for C1IIK)IIES.XB7S1 BIAMOMD BBASS PILLS, for SSI yem known u Best, Safest, Always Reliable SOLD 6Y0RUQG1SIS EVERYWHERE ft in iii ajnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiirjiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii I J. B. McCABE and CO. Certified Public Accoun- 1 tants. S Room 906 Wurchison Bank Bldg. Phone 996. WILMINGTON, N. C 52 56 66 54 34 53 64 62 38 48 48 S8 44 63 .26 .00 .00 L57 .00 ..00 1.60 .00 . .01 .00 .94 .80 .14 .03 H "SANS-SOUCI" SAUSAGE v Pure Pork Sausage FresK Sausage Smoked Sausage Frankforts - Bologna Head Cheese Liver Sausage New England Ham Made without cereals Sanitary, clean delicious Take no substitutes For sale at all first-class grocers and markets. CAROLINA .PACKING COMPANY SUBURBAN SCHEDULE v . , . ... W EFFECT FEBRUARYTH, 1918. WINTER PARK, WRIGHTS VILLE, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH EAST BOUKD. WESTBOUND. Yse "Electric Center" S6M .S:0 StttS 10 too lt:S0 fl:00 cl:l ol-JSS ..t'e t:00 8:30 4: SO ..4:SO :60 8:80 xS:l J:4 7:U 9l'X :15 .i0:15 11:15 Mleetri CtrV Wright LeTe v "Electric Centre" for Beach !7:3 :30 9M 18:80 IO:fO 11:40 11:04 T. M. xn:10 1:S8 X:M " t:f " 4:30 x:10 0:40 7:15 8:15 9 as 10:15 11:15 10:00 11:80 tl:Of P. M.I .8:00 P. M. 4:80 P. JUL. Leare . Beack for Wilmington .............. '"viM'H'ii. 10:45 " Mill - 8:46 LeaTe Wrishtsvle for Wilmington 6:15 A. M. z7:8 " !8:00 " 8:80 " :M " !10:3O - 10 :55 M 13:35 P. M. X'ltSO U:M " tiH9 M 8:90 - "i:55 "-' 5:85 " 0:00 " x:45 - 7:10 " 7:45 8:45 " :45 10:45 " ii":45""""" Lye Winter P'rlc foz Wilmington 836 A. M. x7:81 !S :11 ' 8:41 9:41 M 110 :a 11 :08 - It.S r "8:01 18:08 S:8S 08 :U u:50 ' 4:00 o4:80 8:10 5:80 Oill ' 656 7ttl 7:J 8:50 9:56 10:56 !11:30 11:58 M SPECIAIi FOB SSNDATS IOTe Front and Princess streets eyery half Hour ftom 2 to 5 P. Leaye Beach every half hour from 2:15 P. M.v Daily except Sunday. ISunflay only. xBeach transfer car connect! with this train at Wrlghtaville. Tr l oSuperceded by nalf-hoor schedule Sunday afternoono. ' FREIGHT SCHEDULE: X1 &i (TUESDAYS, THURSDA YS, SATURDAYS ONLY) Leave Ninth and Orange Street 3:00 P. M. - Freight Depot open Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, from 2:00 to 3:00 P. M. SPECIAL NOTICE This table shows tbe time at which trains may be ex pected to arrive at and depart from the several stations, but the arrivals and de- I partures are not guaranteed.. ik GOQD TOMXO 5BD APfgTgtJ We specialize in the man ufacture of . 1 S tamps and ; Good Printing GaroIinaPfintingand Stamp Works No. 8 Grace St. UNION PASSENGER STA TION Arrival and Departure . of . Trains February 1st, ' 1918. J SEABOARD AIR LINE DEPABT 3:55 P.M.. AREira. . , .12 :30 P.iX- DAILY ,. Charlotte Parlor Car. - . - 5:00 A.M. .... Charlotte .... 12:30 A-M, Sleeper opened 10 X) P. M. For Information Phone 178. . ATLANTIC COAST LINE DEPAUT DAILY " ARBIV13 5:45 A.M.... South and West. . .12:45 A.M. Sleeper to Columbia, (Open 10:00 P. 7 :45 A.M. . . North 6 :05 P.M Parlor Car to Norfolk 8:45 A.M... Fayetteville 8:00 P.M. 3 :05 P.M.. . New Bern . . . . . ...... .12 :30 P.XL 3:30 PL. .South and West 1:00 P.M. Sleepers to Augusta. Atlanta 6 :45 KM... North ... .... . .', I0':f5 AM- Sleepers to Washington, Norfolk For Information Phone 160. STEAMER WILMINGTON. Rchedul Effective 8Irch 18th. 1918. Leave Wilmineton Mondays, Tuesdaya, Wednesdays, Thursdays .and iiday; 80 A. M. Leave Wilmington Saturdays 6:45 A.' M. and 12i30 P. M. , ' Leave Wilmineton Sundays 9 .A. M. Leave Southport and Fort Caswell" Mon days; Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 2:30. P. M. - ; Leave Southport and Fort Caswell Satui days 930 A. M. and 3:30 P. M. Leave Fort Casweip-s:i5 P. M. ahd'SoutSw port 8-0 E. M. on Sundays. - Leave Wilmington 6:00.1P..M Sundays. N stops between Wilmington' and Fort Cas well. - - ' -- NEQUN SOLES. Makes Wal kin :a -Pleasura Attached by SUUJVAN, King of Shoomakers v N. Front Street ?Aon-523 BRINGING UP FATHER WHY OCNT TO Hit rVE CALLED' Hlfi "SEVERAL TIMES AN5VR f B McMANUS SOU HE OlDH'T COM HOME AT ALL-LAST HV5MT IT5 THE FjfbT TIME HE EVER OlD TH1 O-HO- J'LL WTE Hiv NOTE TELLING Hrn ILL NEVCR ftEE HH AW - I'LL f-J POT JT ATHI5 I DOOfe JA ll .. .. -z-" I if-'" - i-r '" ii t ' - .' .Lf-rr ' el I II I I 'CLUNG UM ri i Kirrvi c-c .cc I I F t?A, i ni jniinbWi?l-- I '- ! ' . is:- . j this is the j i M i-vf r ' ..r ?. . u mmmmmmm,A 1 VHERE DID YOO COME FROM? IVE BEEH " LOCKED UP 1M THAT FOLDING DtU AUL NKHT! -r'- -