THE .WILMINGTON DISPATCH SPORTJS NATIONAL LEAGUE. Pittsburgh at St. Louis. " Boston at New York. ; cloudy. " Chicago at Cincinnati, cloudy. Brooklyn at Philadelphia, ; clear. AMERICAN- LEAGUE. Philadelphia at Washington, clear. St. Louis at Cleveland, cloudy. Detroit at Chicago, cloudy. New York at Boston, cloudy. . SOUTHERN LEAGUE. Atlanta at New Orleans, clear Mobile at Birmingham, partly cloudy- Nashville at little Rock, clear. Chattanooga at Memphis, clear. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Results Yesterday. Xt St. Louis-Pittsburgh, cold. At Cincinnati 1, Chicago 9. Standing of the Clubs. " Won. Lost. Nev York .. Philadelphia Chicago . . . Cincinnati .. St Louis.. Pittsburgh. . Boston . Brooklyn.. . 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 i l 2 1 2 3 0 Pet. 1,000 .750 .667 .500 .500 .333 .250 .000 AMERICAN LEAGUE. Results Yeaterdap. At Chicago-Detroit, rain. At Cleveland 7, St. Louis 11. Standing of the Clubs. Won. Lost. Pet Boston 0 1,000 Hevel&nd 2 1 - .667 rhcAZo 1 1 .500 Washington 2 2 .500 at TxMii . 2 2 .500 tfr York .. 2 4 .333 Detroit 0 1 .000 PMIadelohia . 0 4 .000 SOUTHERN LEAGUE. Results Yestenaay. At Chattanooga 4, Atlanta 0. At New Orleans 7, Mobile 0. At Memphis 3, Little Rock 9. At Nashville 3, Birmingham 2. H BERN HAS OFFER OF A MARKET HOU E Aldermen to Make Decision Soon Police Rounding Up Vagrants fCH, MONDAY;AlRNOON APRIL 22, -19 1 8. W'tV' , v- TAGE THREE , FOUNDER OF MODERN MILLING INDUSTRY Today is Centennial of Birth of Pioneer, in Modern Milling: Minneapolis, Minn., April 22. -In view of the prominent part that wheat Hour has long played in the world's food supply, a fast that has been par- A.M ucwany impressed upon the minds of the American people since . the commencement of the war, it is in teresting to recall, that today is the centennial y anniversary of the" birth or-tne most noted founder, and pio neer of the modern flour milling in- austry General Cadwallader C. Wash burn. While General Washburn wrvn a large measure 01 iame Dotn as a soldier and statesman, it is likely that he will be -longest remembered as the man who first introduced the pat ent process in milling. General Washburn was a native of Maine. In early life he worked on his father's farm, clerked in a vil lage store, taught in a country school, and for a time studied law. At tha age of 21 he decided to seek his for tune in the West. His first home in this section was at Davenport. Ia.. where he became county surveyor, and at the same time completed his law studies, being admitted to the bar in 1842 He later removed to Mineral Point, Wis., where he was a successful land agent and afterward engaged in the basking business. He was a Whig representative in Congress from 1856 to 1861, and was a delegate to the peace congress held at Philadelphia in 1861. At the commencement of the Civil War he was commissioned col onel of a Wisconsin cavalry regiment By the end of 1862 he had risen to the rank of major-general. He com manded a detachment if the 16th army corps f In the VIcksburg camv paign of 1863. On the surrender of VIcksburg he was given command of the 13th army corps and sent to the Department of the Gulf. In the early Clark and with a cast of well-known part or i64 ne was given commana . t, 4j j Sf the district of West Tennessee and Players wlU aPPear on Friday and held this office until the close of the Saturday at, the Grand theatre. war. Marguerite uiarK is taxing a snort Soon after his return home he was vacation at her home in Rye, while Hi - I Yin Oil 1 --t 'TUECITE f CLAR1 Blfcd Qbasttmtp&fiujs O N E? Y EAR s AGCt-TO QAU 1 N TH E . . i. s . April 22, 1917--A l.jr Balfour and British ICdmtnissIon arrived ' in-1 Wash ington; i British: forced ma4e gains be tween Arras and St. Quentin; Stars : and .Stripes displayed from- Eiffel Tower in celebration of America's enr try into the. war. ... pan TODAY AND T0EI0RR07.. r ElME - The Most Sensational Production of the Year. The most wonderful film, made from the greatest stage melodrama ever produced. ' With lulntdom's Most Powerful Star I VIOLA DANA As. a stage play it; ran three years at Drury Lane Thea-. tre, New York; two years at McVivker s, Chicago, and a solid year in Boston. - . ' Tess of the Storm Oonntry," Made Mary Plek. ford famous. Mary Robert Rlnehart's Famous Story, at the Grand Next Friday and Saturday. "BAB'S DIARY." Bab's Diary," starring Marguerite readiness for the opening of the spe-' continue over a period of nearly two cial session which has been called ' months. Several new courses have to meet tomorrow. The session Is to be devoted wholly to the considera tion of war measures. In accordance with a resolution, adopted by the cab inet the first matter to receive at tention will be measures for raising more men for the colony's military and naval forces. The possibility of introducing some form of selective service is under discussion. It is proposed also to further extend the sent to Congress by the Republicans Director J. Searle Dawley, who wasjfe of the present parliament, which of the sixth Wisconsin district. In responsible for the Paramount star's 1872 he was elected Governor of Wis- alarming conduct in Greenwich, Conn., cons in. At the close of his term in is now spending his so-called leisure the governorship he was unsuccessful in endeavoring to placate the inhabji?- candidate for United States Senator, ants of that still startled community. It was in 1876 that General Wash- Tjnder Mr. Dawley"s guidance, Miss burn came to Minneapolis and built dart; succeeded in smashing- up a a flour mill, where he introduced the nnrtlnn of the scenery . of patent process of milling. The busl- Greenwich Village, and several of thejtwo previous encampments has re- last year was extended for, 12 months. To Train Women War Workers. Washington, D. C, April 22. Today saw the opening of the third encamp ment of the "National Service School, for the training, of women war work- ers. rne success tnat auenaea me been added to meet the demand for trained women workers . In branches of war service, the need for which has arisen since the United States entered the war. A large assemblage of inpited guests attended the for mal opening exercises at the . camp this afternoon. A leading feature of the program was the raising of the flag by the four honorary presidents, Mrs. George Dewey, Mrs. Hugh L. Scott, Mrs. George Barnett and Mrs. Gibson Fahnestock. New Bern, April 22. Up to the present time no action has been tak en on the offer made by Mr. L. G, Daniels, owner of the market dock property, destroyed by fire severa days "ago, in regard to the erection o: a municipal market building on that site. Mr. Daniels has offered to erect and equip such a building if the board of aldermen will pass an-ordinance com pelling all dealers in meats, fish and oysters to have stalls in the building There are many citizens m favor of this plan and at the approaching meeting of the board it will be brought up for action. Hon. Charles L. Abernethy, candi date for Congress from the Third congressional district, returned to the city Saturday, after having spent a week in making a campaign tour of Wayne, Sampson, Pender and one or two otier counties in the dis met. In a communication to one of his supporters here Mr Abernethy states that on every hand he is being prom ised liberal support by the -Demo cratic voters and that he is now more than ever assured of his eletcion at '.he coming primary The local police are again out on 'he trail , of the . vagrants and the un smployed negroes in this city might iust as well make up their minds to to work or go to jail Local mill men are in need of a 'are number of men in their plants and in the log woods and are offer ing them especially good wages for 'heir labor. mere are comparatively lew va grants in New Bern, but when the preesnt "drive" is completed (there will be far fewer than' there is now o be found. . It is understood that the 6fficials of Morehead City have decided to pur chase a motor driven La France fire pngine and this will probably be de livered to tnem at an early date. The Morehead City authorities have Been the local fire trucks in operation and their jdecision to purchase was ade after looking these over. The cans which the local Chamber of Commerce has on hand and which are being placed with the canning clubs and citizens ot.XJraven county are being rapidly taken and the 16,000 which the commercial body had on sand a week ago will soon be placed. These cans are being sold at the ictual cost plus-the freight charges on them and this is far cheaper than they can be purchased for from the dealers at the present time. ness prospered and in the course of oldest inhabitants, who were away at time the firm of which General Wash- th. t,m(t ha(1 fAt difficulty in rec- burn was the head became the larg- b j in town wnen they return-!- est ul ilo xwiiu ui .v. j led. All tnis arousea a certain amount General Washburn's death occurred of resentment which Mr. Dawley- is at Eureka Springs, ArK., ra is. a w geeking to counteract. The Par- large share of his immense, tortune amoun photoplay 4n which the.catas was bequeathed to various charitlei t h occurred. "Batfs Diary." 5 will and phinanthropies in Wisconsin jma be hown at e Grand. in Minneapolis. During ms meume he founded the Washburn observa tory connected with the University of Wisconsin suited in a large increased enrollment for the present session, which will 'BLUE JEANS. SCHOOLS TO OBSERVE Some or the big scenes In "Blue Jeans," Viola Dana's Metro special production of Joseph Arthur s famous day. at the Grand today and tomor- AkFsPkARF. DAY row, occur in an oia-rasnionea saw mill. Mnese scenes weio ubu oi Washington, D. C, April 22 . Pub- tt08iy- A"ia " 1U' u 1, lie and private schools throughout sim in use py tue .b" the United States have been request-m Conk in & Tubby who watched ed tn nbsprvft tnmnrmw Shakes- " reai inieresi iue 1U6 Vi neare Dav. hv Hvtmr a nrt of the scenes with Miss Dana as star school session to fitting exercises in rowenui ngms weie mButneu i memory of the great author. The the mill for the photographing of the anrioet;nn oi. tp.nse.scenes stasea mere. iue urtu' uuaDvi,ivu w i ouix au uuociiauvu ... , , . rjimft nripinaiiv fTv. Waiter lar saw, four ana a nan ieet in aiam Hines Page, the United States Am- eter, which has done service six days bassador to Oroat RrHai Tn r- a week for over. two-score years,. was siianpA nf tho cio.roo5 t x t used m the great rescue scene, rM ii. tT.ii.j -.x.i... I t the ntnrv Miss Dana, as June. kxauuu, tne uuueu estates uommw- , , , sioner of Education hn et firm- has beenIocked in the office by the lar letter to cnl ,- Villain, . uen. uoone '"iwu and Drincioals throuehnnt th rmm. Through the glass door the , his she sees Boone' and her sweetheart, Perry Bascom (Robert Walker), fighting in the mill. Boone places Bascom on Shakespeare is the one personality the ,logarrier and leaves him.tohis w "c I t.iafr nir ha vlaaa nnnr Tuna rushes in and drags Bascom . from the carriage before it reaches the treach erous teeth. ' try urging them to celebrate Shakesperian anniversary. . In letter, Dr. Claxton says and the one great character in the world who has broken down all inter national barriers.- He Is the only person for whom there is an abso lutely world-wide admiration . No language and no degree of culture or the lack of It rules him out". j mm. wm ; mm wm- 0 Newfoundland to. Raise More Men. St "John's, Newfoundland, April 22. --Members of the Newfoundland colo nial legislature are gathering here in TODAY Matinee and Twice at Night ROY V. TROY AND HIS ALL GIRL JAZ SHOW A Military Malange of Music, Melody and Mirth, Featuring Miss Beb. Barbeau AND Ray V. Troy Elaborate Special Scenery; Original and New Plays CANADIAN LOSSES FOR WEEK WERE 655 Ottawa, Ont., April 22. The Cana dian casualty list for the week end ing today contains 655. Of these 100 were killed in action, 30 died of wounds and 341 were wounded. The remainder were made up, gassed, missing and ill. THE SUPREME HEIGHT OF CHARM THRILLS SUNSHINE m 7-7-!n -..-. .VMM "Greatest : Melo dramatic film ever produced." ' .. Trade Review. "It's memory wil Live forever with those who aee It. M. P. World. "Blue Jeans" haj( brought Viola Dana to the very pinnacle of suc cess.- j THE LOWEST, DEPTHS of;; PATHOS TEARS HEART THROBSv 1 Dana most power ful figure in Screendom." M. News. WW "For heart mter est surpasses any motion picture I have ever seen. Lesley Mason. The Grand Theatre Asks Everyone Not Satisfied With This Picture to Get Their Money Back. Seven ReelsShows : 1 1 , 1, 2.45, 4..30, 6.15, 8, 9.40. Matinees 15c Nights 25c It "If National Shakespeare Federation, f Washington, D. C, April 22. Many eminent educators, authors,- scholars and other admirers of the works of the bard of Avon are to be in Wash 'nRton this week In attendance on the annual convention of the National Shakespeare Federation. The conven tion sessions will continue several ays and will be presided over by John Temple Graves, who Is presi dent Of tha WtArHnn A wnhlfft tteetine tnmnrmw 1n lntlnn nf ' VIOLA DANA toe ShakesTia.HTi uTiniv.rKarv wfll In Her Greatest Film Production, be a lfcdinr feature of th? conven- "Blve Jcana," at the Grand Tosray TODAY A ND TOMORROW BLUE JEANS' ( 4fk I r 'A, Ji-V'S'S tft,'s TiS 1 The Most Powerful Produc tion of ihe Year The Most Wonderful - Film Made from the Greatest Stage Melodrama Ever Produced Wih Fildom's Most Powerful Star VIOLA DANA y- Aa a stage play It Van three years In New ' York, two years In Chi cago'. ' THE SUPREME HEIGHT OF-CHARM THRILLS, SUNSHINE THE LOWEST DEPTHS'" OF3 PATHOS, TEARS, HEART THROBS Seven Reels Shows: 1 1-1-2 :4&4: 30-6: 15-8-9:40 MATINEES 15c '. V J; NIGHTS 25c ' -- Successful and Efficient Public Utilities Essential in the Conduct of the War : " i v ( Increased Rates Necessary to Maintain Efficiency of Public Utilities Some of the problems confronting Public Utilities are Shortage of Capital and Labor. Shortage of Raw Materials. Shortage of Transportation Facilities. -! Increased Cost of All Materials. ; Study these cost figures and you will realize what the Public Utilities ar having to contend with. Per Cent of Increase Over 1915 and 1916 Prices Coal at mine ..... 1 88 And poorer grades on account of best grades being reserved for government use makes fuel cost twice as much as formerly. Lumber Steel Rails Copper Wire Cast Iron Pipe . . Axles Brass . . . . Car Forgings Castings .... Copper Bar and Sheet Lead Pig and Sheet . ... . ..100 ..100 ..180 ..100 ..272 . 300 ..216 .198 ..147 .127 Nails 4 . Tool Steel Tie Plates'. . ....... v. Track Tie Rods . . . . Linseed Oil per gal . Manila Rope, per lb. . . Air Brake Parts . . . . . Waste .......... Journal Box Packing . . Window Glass . . Motor Coils . .. White Lead . Track Spikes Track Bolts.; Gas Pinions . . . . . . ..110 ..400 ..276 ..166 ..13$ ..114 . 25 57 53 43 38 36 95 58 64 ; n t- i i , anld Tomorrow.

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