- . '. JHE WILMINGTON DISPATCH, MONDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 22. 1918: PACE JIVE: UN USUALLY BIG PER CENT OF EMPLOYES OF CITY ARE OUT Failed to Report for .Work and Were Found at the Shipyard SPECIAL SESSION OF COUNCIL HELD Necessary to Grant Increases In Wages if Labor is to be Held Not Difficult to , Secure Work PROPOSE CHANGES IN' HANDLING 0F: COTTON The value of labor and the vital necessity of paying wages in Keep ins with those paid in inditetria centers throughout the length and breadth of 'the country if ' labor is to ,. -ctained forcibly driven home this :nrun:nr when twenty-eight mem tiers ol the- cityV street cleaning de-partn-.eni. ir.cluding many trash cart rivrs 'f.'V.A. to report for duty and Tr found at the city's new jv.;.yir.i. having- already secured ein 7;rn.ti'.t at far more remunerative t':sk?i they had been recei !nE ;as" ani"I utterly indifferent a? :r, ho- much their services are ir ieunnd for keeping the streets of th city clean. There were sixty- , . A . meu on. tne payrolls 01 me week tventyt-eight . failed oday .id city officials fearful ttu. tomorrow would see th remaining number diminish ed still more. Officials, while worried, were not foposed to censure the men in any aspect. On the other hand they sere frank to say that they did not riame them for bettering themselves bet they realized fully just what the rove meant and a special session of fitv Council "was called for noon v.-ith the object of enacting legtsla tioa that would check the wholesale resisting of department men. Of ficials realized that it would be nec fssarv to pay more money if the Ja bcr they have is to be retained and in an effort to bring back that which has gone elsewhere. What has been said of the city's also applies to other industries Think Other Methods of Buy ing and Paying Would be More Satisfactory . A committee of the National Asso ciation of Cotton Manufacturers has m . contemplation important and far reaching changes in the present meth ods of buying and paying for cotton. These changes are to be discussed bev tween the committee, representatives o the Southern cotton shippers, and leading 4 bankers of New. England, iey xors.ana tne sou tn, at a con ference to be held at the Hotel Bilt 1 more, New- York, on the morning of Saturday, May 4. Mr. Daniel G. Wing, president of tae irst National Bank of Boston 13 forming a cynmittee of New; Eng land bankers to participate in the proposed conference, and Mr. Theo dore E. Burton, president of the Merchants' National Bank of ! New SAID IGNORANCE. IS RESPONSIBLE ji BUNG BURNED X FIRE IN INJURED The Conflagration Occurred in Close Proximity to Local Shipyard Evangelist Huggins Preached Special Sermon to Women Yesterday SONG SERVICE WAS LIEUTENANT WAX HAM HERE, , Fire of undetermined origin, al though believed to have been caused by the careless -flipping of a cigar ette butt, r did.: damage to the possi ble extent of $1,200 in a vacant building on which, no insurance was carried," on the corner of Surry and Queen streets, owned by Hon. John DISTINCT FEATURE P Bellamy. MrsWiUiam J Bellamy ana Mr. xv. Dcnaiuj-, late iBb night, and Luther Gore, a young fire- 'Thou Art AH Fair My Love; mar ri"U,,p a K2 t s Says Moral of Allied Treps la Won-! . , LAURINBURG derfully. Good. v . It - , s ' ' . , lieutenant Jnamh W. Wntmin. & T Wilminrtonian' who has seen Active Laurtnburg, April Mrs. -Nei ,nrf i 4..-w Bnutft -is wenaiag some time with 5, 7 , ,t f riendSL at Rowland and at Dillon, S cAvcuiuuutiiv. lufccu, watt ux Carolina. yesieroay, returmng to wasmngxon l irg-jAg. a Jones. Miss Smith and last night to report for duty. Lieu- Mr. Ernest Smith went to Rowland tenant waxman was among tne nrstj Sunday. Aiucnwus to xo acrosB, ana wuue uuti w t SwtnV nnfl Mn nA "U! Moss, 6f Concord, are guests of Mrs, V,T1- Z. " J:-r,Vl I R- C. Everett of this city. fru uT JJ.Tl Mrs. R. A. Bfbwef. of Concord, ia men because Mrs. Howard Caldwell, of Concord, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Mac JL. f MfB 1UH. . Vi." UL - YV JlUllUKLUJI. IB I i - " J A ILV . Mm I NT n I IV? AiEyeitutOK wyoiw us ui wo mm j, ,iaer aaugnier ana siswr, jis iiiSiene There Is No Spot In thee, Was TextUsed by the Minister ' , v- v I Airs. jk. a. jorower, oi joncoru, ia '-??nENwttM her mother. Mrs. H. McN. use of the recent' successes j-..170- ... w, of the Germans in forcing the Allied s"?ilr JlZZ. lines to bend backward. several daya, hfra. witi her oa, ISji XL-.?. Riviere, and Mrs. mviere.'" Mts. - T. T. Covington, Miss' Emma. Neal : Covington, Miss Allien Covins- ton, . Mist Hattle Wall Bryant and Miss Louise v Biggs. Mr. . AlJqsua Wail-' lips and Mr. Eugene Morgan motored to vamp uacKson sunaay ana -spem the day as guest of some of the Lau rinburg boys who are in trflntai there. "' :" A mfesage came Sunday from Mrf. A. .L. James. Jr., at Fort MyeriV. stating thats he ; had" Just received : cablegram from Maj.s A. L. James, Jr anonncing his safe arrival in France. This announcement is of much, inte est here. Major James- has been : lo cated at Fort Myer for sever ntontkt and recently sailed for France lot service there. - Tattra.a ComnflTiv itn-tttaiei5n- Myers. ..L, Timitr i . w Mr John A. Royall, Jr., of Rocky f Mrs. Charlie Barrenger. of Char- WV w ft O schooner that is in the course of con struction at the smpyards of Cusn-- Thou art all fair, my love; there man & McGowan. The alarm was turned in from box hmong liS , rtStTSS b7''wrttet Marvin Huggins, 46 and the Meoen responded imme- ft view t fhL? thi rtS;,,1S of Nw Bern- at the: special meeting diateiy, although unusual difficulty k?!!L 1 in subduing the China Grove Baptist church. He I flames, because of the stiff breeze mentioned a few of the more promin- that was blowing, which fanned the i nt Hins of women and was heard I flames in an exasperating manner. the movement holds out for the de velopment of a broad market for ac ceiJtances, both foreign and domestir, it world's monev market aftpr the w.r "a wwe o,ucjiuvu. ir. wra wB mucu ujr umg LMa naa kuuuuiicu uuuoi iuu utxw I live "lie nuou viuuunu vcinccu seven cy lapt JSmphasizlzng this phase of tha 1 matter, it has been suggested that.i n order to more evenly distribute1 the financial burden of carrying cot- ton, a plan similar to that in fore abroad might be agreed upon, under which each mill would arrange with ts bank to accept for it drafts drawn at 90 days against shipments of cot ton, paying , the bank a small com mission for their acceptance and re leasing, the- cotton at once to the spinnervfor his use. These accepted drafts would discount readily in te abor tion of Professor Rowe, his assistant. I two box cars standing on Surry The first-of these sins discussed I street and leaped to the ground. He was the sin of ignorance. "This," was yanked to safety by friends and said he, 'is one of the chief allies in hurried to the Tankersley-Harper San the hands of the devil. Maayof the itarium, only a short distance away, crimes that are being committed He expects to return to his home this throughout our land today are the re- afternoon. Because of the danger suit of ignorance on the part of the from wires the circuit in that part of women of our land. Numbers of poor the city was cut oft, leaving that part gixls are today in the brothel because of the city in darkness for a short of this monster sin of ignorance rei- period. allv to her own body and . tempera ment. She was not vile and vicious market, would be acceptable at Fed-I tie start but simpl7 had a soft dls eral Reserve Banks, and would bring! Potion, and when she looked . upon about a reduction of interest, both to lormaaen ituk w ivu iu the shipper and to th- -njll, thus low-!Jiof forbidden tand. It was then ering the price of cotton to that ex- tfcat awore ana mat sne naa tent during the three months' inter- crossed the lint :om purity to na val; which would furnish to the spin-IPQrtty hnc she &oam reckless and ner an opportunity oi spinning nis m -" cotton before he had paid for it. i prison bonae or im It Is believed that such would meet with favor in the South. leads unto nel, the av measures toeuoh a sir being only seven be taken up for consideration at the'jyaars. conference in New York on May 4. j M8eoon, the sin of mock modesty. I "Beloved, it Is alarming to think of An unusually large number of per sons were attracted to the scene and th flames could be seen from all sections of the city. ADDRESSED THE NEGROES. Urged That They Not Go Elsewhere In Search or employment. An earnest appeal was made to w.nbse chambers I members of the colored race to sup- i i i . . u I. - . xi m .. jk A aUm a h a planltaKe noia on owu una waos ruuuiiport me iawo jl uib tvuuvj , !! -.intrt Tn:! rriA Averaee lire or i statA ana nation ay ii. w. ouiodb. short colored, yesterdap afternoon at a ser vice that was well attended, and the speaker was heard with interest. He urged the members or nis race to re- LABOR ADVOCATE HEARD. Is ia the city. The men are leaving by the dozens and by the spectacle that us offered at Front and Castle .ftreet early this morning was of such ? nature as to make one imagine rivcus was in town. Travel on the SrnsetTPark toad resembled a move ment of armies over the fields of Flanders and all the men were head ed in the samedirection. The city lost a big per cent, of its population months ago when mush room cities sprung into k existence over the country the result of war time activities. Many were obliged to stay here and accept any wages that employers cared to pay because they were. without funds and in most instances the fr-hers of several chil dren. They were unable to go forth in quest of work, although they list ened almost tearfully to the stories that were brought back by others of the fabulous wages paid labor in r-hr communities and looked with longing eyes upon the "rolls" dis played by their mere fortunate broth ers men who hacL gone out and Fourht employment elsewhere. There ?-a? cnlv one. thing that many coi;!d 0: petition City Council for -better --3gs. citing the continual increase ft the cost of living, and while. City ronncil felt that they were entitled to beUr pay. it could not see Us iear o grant increases dome parable to wages being paid elser But a new era dawned for the Wil- tfinstcn working man the latter part of last week. He. in many instances could not go elsewhere in search ,of employment but there was -nothing to prevent him seeking more remun erative v-ork isvhen a giant shipyard as brought to Wilmington and set down on the edge of the city. And he went there. . He did not stop to arcue with Council over better wages tet sllentlv removed himself from the Jurisdiction of his former ; over cer and was promptly given em D'ovment at wagea, far more attrac tive thm he .had worked forv in the naRt. The workine man came .into his own with the coming of - the shipyard and his former pleas to Council for better pay were not heard. He quit. , Condemned the Theory That This a Rich Man's War. Mr. James F. Barrett, editor of the Labor Advocate, of Asheville, address ed at the Cdurt House yesterday, af ternoon, discussing labor questions in a manner that was thoroughly enjoy ed by all. Among his many utter ances was that the laboring man has more at stake in the present. war than any, other class. He unhesitatingly condemned the theory that this Is a rich man's war and a poor, man's fight, basing his assertions upon statements of Samuel Gompers who for pears has been labor's spokesman in America. He was applauded fre quently as he drove home the reasons why labor should stand squarely be hind the President and the govern ment in the present titanic struggle that has turned all Eurppe red.x jthe mock modesty shown by the moth jers of today toward their daughters. Thousands of girls are today wrap- pod ia the mantle of impurity and on main in Wilmington and not go else where in search of employment, dwell ing at-length upon the proposed gov ernment activities here, and he urged ,-. -whiM, load to rtAdth and that all stand together in the crusade on hfiM.uA thair mnthAra in to wipe out immorality and protect their false pride failed at the proper Members of St. Matthew's Sunday School Holo Interesting Session. The following officers were elected by the members of St. Matthew's Lutheran Sunday school yesterday, at meeting immediately following the regular Sunday school session: Mr. William Otersen, superinten dent. Mr. James Bowden, assistant super intendent. Mr. Adolph Otersen, secretary. Mr; Dellman Brothers, assistant secretary. Mr. Fred Seitter, Jr., treasurer. Mr. Archie Keels, librarian. Miss Mamie Goodwin, organist. Miss Margaret Branch, assistant ; nne OTHER SHIPBUILDERS HERE. OFFICERS ELECTED. age to instruct them in the mysteries of life. It is the duty of every moth er in the land regardless of her rank and social station, to teach her daugh ter first hand the great simple facts of humeji, life, ihe, purpose of. her be ing and how she came into the world. No mother has a right lo shirk this duty and leave it to the public school teacher r" The evangelist declared that one little rotten-minded girl can Inoculate nearly every girl in school. W also said that the average ten year old school girl of today knows more sin and vice than her grand mother did at eighty. The time to rstart fighting this sin is not at sweet sixteen but during the pre-natal nie of the child. "Third, the sin of a double stan dard. "For thousands of years the double stan-iard has been indorsed and no one but you women is responsible for this condition, you demand nothing of the manhood of today like purity and virtue. You accept almost any thing that is offered you regardless of char acter. While the average man de mands a high type of womanhood for his wife. "Fourth, immodest dressing. 'It is alarmitfg to notice to what j extremes our women go when it come to fdre!g. Today they are wearitig dresses all the way from to fourteen icones rrom tne the names of the women and girls. .It was a masterly appeal and it is be lieved that it will have its effect. Mouht, was a week-end guest of rel-jlotte. Misses Nelia Garrett and Mamie atives here. I McN111, of. Red Springs .were visitors Mlsa Rachel Komaeav snent thftlfo Laurinburg this week. wAAk-ATvd with W narenta. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Riviere arrived Friday Mrs. R. Kornegay. Hht from Charlotte and is spending Miss Norma Hatch spent last week end with her parents Mr. and Mra. B. H. Hatch. X Miss Virginia Ellington, of Rich mond, arrived this week to visit Tier brother, Mr. Ellington. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Edwards, of Snow Hill, visited relatives here a few hours Tuesday. Mrs. M. T. Breazeale and mother are attending the ii- a. k. conven ion in Richmond this week. .Mr. Gordon Fonvielle, of Goldsboro, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Fonvielle. Capt. F. M. Pitts has again re turned here to the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. H .Loftin. Mr. RoSt. TjnfMti went to see "her nieoe, Miss Louise Kornegay,. Mon- day. who was seriously injured in an an to accident Mrs. Bettle Wilson spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs J. R. MoPhail, who are at Rex hos pital, in Raleigh. Mrs. J. I. Massey, of Princeton, who has been spending a few davs here with hr sister, Mrs. D. G. Rhodes, returned to her home Mon day. f After spending a week or so here as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Sisler. re turned Monday to their home. In Roa noke, Va. "The Suffragettes' Convention", a Splay full of fun and humor, win be g'ven in the graded school auditorium Friday night, April 26, under the au spices of the Woman's Club. World's Salesmanship Congress. Detroit, Mich., April 42.-10"''' ship's part in winning tha Var hi been selected as the principal teai of discussion at the third nnilal world's salesmanship cbngreaB h this week. The gathering ;-t04&!tw to he one of the largest oiivear of the year. The attendance will In clude the sales managers and bu JneJSt. directors of almost every great Indus trial and ecmiieTciaenterpti lp '4f. United States. ' Slippers Sale of Infants9 and CMdretfs CONTINUES THROUGH THIS AVJEEKr- i The inclement weather of Saturday kept a lot of cu$V tomers from attending this safe on the fiwt day--AHi who came were impressed with the extremely, low prices., arranged for the sale. 1 .",- THE SAME LOW PRICES WILL "0 PREVAIL THROUGH THIS WEEK Infants Slippers, all sizes, 49c Worth Children's Pumps and Oxfords, sizes 5 12 to 6; 63c i Childrens Plain and Strap Pumps and Oxfords, sizes 8 1-2 to 1 1 1-2, at 98c $1.39, $1.75. ; .y' Children's Leather Slippers, Pumps and Oxfordsr sizes 12 to 2, at 98c, $1.48, $L98. , . , ..- '.W-.V Buy A Liberty Bond and Help Win the Wat. r 9 rx 615-617-619 North Fourth Street Car Fare Refunded on Purchases of $2 or Over, o-- Bid You no organist. ' I ground. The day Is not far distant A decision of Importance to mem- when the iw or tne inc, win taKe ac- bers of the various classes was tojtlon Rgainat suca. itmg certain study a missionary topic, on the lastibounds beyond whioh no woman dare ounaay m eacn monin. oj,.; -u visa yuu- j51o gaie. It appeals to the sensual Oklahoma Honors Her Soldiers. Instead of the spiritual in man. The Okklaboma City, Okla., April 22. Ihobbje sk'.rt. the transparent skirt, The laying of the cornerstone for iba;tha abbreviated skirt all make their new waterworks for Oklahoma Cityjappeal to the sensual In wan and were was made the occasion ror a wg mu- created by tna :owe type of Par- niclpal celebration today. One. of the most Interesting features of the exer cises of all to the cornerstone isiar. women for Zeis hei: ocrn pur- Wen Interested In Concrete Ships Bhown About by Chadbourn. Mism 'ISToah Lewenthall and M 8hiolmn, at Boston, and J..A. Dew- ; f BrooMyn, spent yesterday in ; etty. Inspecting the site selected j in ooncre: saipyara. locates on Kiddar Mfll property. .These gen "mn are representatives of the Lib Bhlpbnildlnc Company, which ''ill probably be awarded government fentract for the coturtrnctfon of con crete ships. They were shown about b? Mr. C. C. cjadbtmrn, chairman cf the shipping committee of the Chamber of Commerce. They return-. Pi to their homes in the evening on 'he tmin tor the North. Many per pns vis?ted the site selected for the Jftoel shipyard during the day, the of automobiles going and coming hereon Sunset Park being almost "ontinuous. . . . ) " - ' Lax-Fos With Pepsi o " Liquid Digestive Laxative pleasant J take. Just try one 50c hottle for flestiott or Constipation." . Hr ."' Many of our . good women .aro . mm r - ' was .the placing or an nonor roil thou gbtlesslv wearina- these Iminod- solfliers from Oklahoma Cltyies.' indecent gowns and poor fools they are having to pay the price in blood and heart aches, lonely night's and divorce courts for they them selves in a thoughtless moment have inflamed by the exposure of their person, the hell -born passions of man. Tes, men are going to the dev il because of the evil passions sug gested by the immodest dress of our women. It is time some suffragist to lead a' crusade against this sin. "Fifth, sin of joj riding. "Thedevil is never such -a gentle man as when he is in sporting garb . He iused to curl a mustach or part his nair in tV middle and walk down the street wish a cane puffing tobacco smoke in a girl's face, but now he swings her Into an automobile and they are off for a Joy ride until late at night. I would as soon give my sister a passport to hell direct, as to allow her to get into an auto and go off for a night joy ride with some of these young sports that operate cars around this town. "Sixth, the sin of illicit love. "The meanesfand most depraved woman in "this town today is the one who will lay aside her-marriage vow and love. No saying was ever more true thad 'a good woman is the best thing this side of heaven and a bad one the worst this -Side of the pit of eternal despair. "Seventh, hugging -set to music. w m, m m rm - l W f A VHat a pity she doesn't know that Resinol Soao vonld clear her skin She would be a pretty girl, if it wasn't for that pimply, blotchy complex ion!" But the rfgular use of Resip.l Soap, aided at first by a little Resinol Ointment, would probably make it clear, fresh and charming. If a poor skin is wur handicap, begin using Resinol Soap and see how quickly .it improves. Resinol Soap and Resinol Ointment are sold by all drug gists. : For ' free' sample of each, write to Dept. 9-R, Rv lnol, Baltimore, Md. Continued on Page Seven). THAT once upon a time the little children of Belgium were as happy and well taken care of as our own little ones who were in the par ade on Friday? Germany has destroyed their happiness and homes, maimed and murdered them do you want these deplorable conditions among us? if not DO YQURifilT AND BUY - v !)ns be."" Liberty Bonds of the Third Liberty Loan and Help Our Govern ment Make Our Army and Navy Invincible. : - These Bonds are the Safest investment in the World and all patriotic citizens should make every., effort and sacrifice to purchase them. If you can't Pay Cash Buy on the Dollar Per Week Plan Any Bank In Our City Is At Your Service. LIB ERTY L O AN COMMF fT! Space ddncUed by Banks of Wilmingtoh 7 I III: ''.r: 1 r

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