THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 27, 191 8. PAGE THREE CI I Facts of That The Great if1 You Should Know PRESENTED AT THE MAMLL TO SUCCEED MARSHALL REDPATH "The C heckerboard of Europe I? By the distinguished British Knight, Sir lohn Foster Fraser, F. R. G. S. Sir John is England's most famous official newspaper correspondent and has been with the Allied armies in France, .1 .1 T 1 T1 .11 T" witn tne ornisn rieet, ana nas seen Russia un der War conditions. iusiness and the War" By Frank Mulhollanc, past president of Toledo Commerce Club and International . Association of Rotary Clubs of the World. He has just re- turned irom the Western rront. rching the Home to Victory" Bv Mrs. Christine Frederick, the well known writer and founder of the "Applecroft" experi ment station. Her talk is on winning the war in the kitchen. "Experiences on the Battle Fronts" By Sergeant Herman who was three years in the great war and lost his leg at Vimy Ridge.. Exhibit of the Famous Raemakers War Cartoons. Remarkable Display of War Posters of the Allies. 11 OTHER BIG ATTRACTIONS 1 1 The 100 Per Cent Program 'la i 1 on Potato Growers Contesting Railway Order Appeal to McAdoo - . " J5 '- I SPORTS I WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY. American League. Chicago at St. Louis. Boston at Philadelphia. Cleveland at Detroit. Washington at New York. AH cloudy. Special to The Dispatch.) New Bern, April 27 The news comes to New Bern that Mr. Allen J. Maxwell, chief clerk to the Corpora tion Commission, will in all probabil ity be named to succeed Mr. W. T. Dortch, United States marshal ana who has entered the race for Con gress in the Third district. Those who are familiar with tne situation sav that it will be neces- sarv for Marshal Dortch to give up clouay his Federal job now that he has en tered the congressional race, and Mr. Maxwell is said to be the man to laise his place. Mr. Dortch stated that ne wouia noi, run if Congressman Hood remained in the race for the office. However, it is said that Mr. Hood will not be among those present and this means that Mr. Dortch will be Mr. Aberne thy's opponent. TTr tn tho nrpspnt. time Mr. Dortch has not resigned as United States j Philadelphia marshal, but it is expected that he Chicago Pittsburg . adjoining Cincinnati . National League. st T-onis at Chicago, cloudv. Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, clear. New York at Brooklyn, cloudy. Philadelphia at Boston, cloudy. Southern League. Mobile at Atlanta, cloudy. Chattanooga at Little Rock, clean Nashville at Memphis, clear. New Orleans at Birmingham, Wilmington, N. C. In J Announce me nt In addition to our auction land sale business, we have today organized a local real estate exchange, which will be in charge of Mr. W. P. Fletcher, an ex perienced real estate man, who needs no introduction to most Wilmingtonians. We will confine our service strictly to real estate sales, and hope thereby to be able to put more intelligent effort into selling property list ed with us. W, Telephone 1045. Home Bank Building. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Results Yesterday. Boston 0; Philadelphia 3 Pittsburgh 7; Cincinnati 1. Brooklyn 5; New York, 11. Chicago 3; St. Louis 2. Standing of the Clubs. W L New York will do this shortly T?armprs in Craven and counties are anxiously awaiting a re- St. Louis n tVi -nmrminiORt inn sent tO Tinctnn Director General McAdoo in regard Brooklyn 0 to the ruling made recenuy oy uie Norfolk Southern Railway Company, and which prohibits the use of veneer barrels in shipping Irish potatoes and nlsn rpfusine to accept shipments weighing more than 100 pounds. The potato growers say that if the order is enforced that it will mean a loss of hundreds of thousands or dollars and that it will greatly cut rlnwn thp. SUDDlvof food. Mr. McAdoo has been asked to nave Cleveland the order rescinaea. ne nas ueeu Detroit 0 2. 3 3 4 5 7 9 Pc. 100' 775 625 371 500 286 222 000 AMERICAN LEAGUE. Results Yesterday. New York 4; Washington 9. Philadelphia 0; Boston 2. Detroit-Cleveland, rain. St. Louis 2; Chicago 6. Standing of the Clubs. W L Boston 9 . . 5 .. 2 2 2 2 2 5 7 6 5 Pc. .818 .714 :oo .u00 .444 .36 .333 .286 JOFFRE NO SEEKER AFTER COMPLIMENTS .uwvu-. rib. t, Jt tiHII An Tpflt nam- -ii suuvru nuciciu i - ..... .j o- v liluagU age and it Is expected that action Washington ... i xl - A 1 rf 4 foOT - . win ue lanen m iu wmoo ui i-ew xorK days. Philadelphia Fp.ripral Court, which has been in a. T ..ia ' Ul " r j 1 1 1 n nMt.Aal Have SeSplOn in 11115 City 1U1 scrciai uJui has adjourned for the term and no session will be held during tne com ing week. The session Thursday was con sumed in hearing a few motions and in straightening up the docket. Paris, April 2 . Marshal Joffre, Up to the present time no appoint- the lat generalissimo of the French i T moJ. rt fill fho VSl- T B V nf CiPrk armies, and the hero of the Maine., rffV . lis much courted in Paris and, like Mr. W. F. Aberly, president of tne eo many great men, Is not always ap- New Bern Chamber oi commerce, preciatlte or enusive compliments, and the head of the Pine Lumber, a aiy recently sailed up to him Company, has returned to the city th her album and asked for "just after a visit to Washington as a one line." Joffre hesitated, but wnen a rm rnlttoo qflnt to that .v. nla.ilsfl tVi a f avon nne lino would lUCiliUCi 'L . i- w v Ci-'O JICCHacCl ... w city bv the North Carolina Pine As- makP. her the happiest of women, he sociation, to confer with officials ofSigne(i and accepted the prof erred the United States Railway Adminis- anou nfftf All TT7 V 1 T 1 LI 111 J u . i .VXiailUmS i&L . IliO VYIIOI yt atvu, t uu.. portation facilities being affordea had timed many an offensive, whilst them by the railroads. the lady looked over his shoulder in Mr Aherlv stated today that the na.faAt trmv of nrritftd exnecta- I - k plVb 11 V i committee was granted an interview tion ne wrote I . g- T-i 1 tVia Ai- 1 y Mr. V... rt. vjray, uncuwi -" vi sion of railway transportation and that they were assured that every thing possible would be done to re lieve the situation and to decrease tne amount of trouble that they are ex 'Eleven-fifteen p. m. Grant Day Celebrated. Galena, 111., April 27. In accord ance with a custom extending over periencing in moving their manufac- many years the home town of Gen tured material. o. uiaui ucm a the nffirtais in honor of the birthday anniversary of the Baltimore & Carolina Steam- of the famous soldier and Presiarr. shiD Company, who several days ago Judge Kenesaw m. uanais, oi wii6u, .ant a reDresentative to this city to.aeiivereo tne orauuu ui look over the situation witn a view nf mittinff on a line of steamers be tween New Bern and Baltimore, have Kid Twist, strutting among his syc ophants at Coney Island was pistoU- L W CCU A i j UyUOU ID C L. VVJJVJ . maflfi no statement as to what action ch bv Louis the Lump. tney mtena to tan-o m maivoi. leiapea out again, wueu uiuuuj The represenative which was sentlig murdered Spanish Louie and to New Bern by this company seemed agam when Julie Morrell died as he to be v'ry favorably impressed with nad iived The passing of Big Jack the existing conditions and the sup-.Zelig marked such a period, and port which was assured the line if it: Herman Rosenthal, dead upon the f .a iM AnAiMifinn and Tio iravp tTlP . , ... . a n tti ik r 4- n is pub in uycicn-iwi. siflewaiK in iront ui mo xaiii men - local business men to understand thatipole wag the wretched symbol of the th boats would be put on. 'unrest that is followed by gang ac- i r nan uecu uuudu 4.;,,h- steamers in operation before the open-l Alwavg new Hfe comes with strik ing of the potato snipping situation, f ,,f f anpman or gam- . ij. J X AVlf ho (his irrill 3 . anu Jt IB ycl yuooiuio imo nriii be done. bier who knew too much, yet not enough to lock his tongue behind his thin lips. Between the timorous and loquacious Rosenthal and the vicious i thief Harry Cohen, just killed, six i of Tawti f van U I NEW YORK LETTER ryara have elapsed six yearsJree "J -fr-nrvi tra-ntr wnr.5 and balanced assasi- I l Ulll buuD " ' ' . iTnations And now it has -come fQrvamol n Thr nianntph Lfrtnnfl foala ho thrill of iTYiTVPndine: UUVlUt vw.u.w-uuy. OJ-lfelCXlVA " New York. April 27 The drums of I battle. The nolice grip their clubs . m j ' v. i. : mi- . t-no n n n o ttxt-tvt" i n a.rH iihh.i.i ii k . i iik t Try rna Trov gangster Believes he is coming back Horse Hair Braid by Yard Hnrsp Hair Hats New White Flowers Crepe de Chene Handherchiefs Middy Ties HOSfc HOSE HOSE MISS ALMA BROWN into power. The dregs of the under world, breasting up to the dirty bars of the dark little ginmills of Chatham Sauare. the marketplace for hired murder, are stirred by thrills of ex ultation. The Anti-Hat League has been form ed on Broadway. Members will not wear hats this summer. Earl Car roll, the song writer, started the fad three years ago to make his coy and rAinrtnnt locks erow again. ine Thev whisner the eosslr. of their '.hair Klnsaonifid afresh- and several clans as their rat eyes slant glance3 1 followed his lead. It will be also a from their drinks to the bar mirror war savings and an aid to skimpy which betravs strangers coming in. nates. Hat nirates are already wear- With a. new swaeeer thev turn fromlinir prpne hands on their arms. It ... v ; - - jr- . . . i I . T l . l t 1 . , . . . A iUnl- 1.. ? n n . m n nil. Tn TnA n J ( u i i w i iu r u i ri lu r a ay n i a n I nxv ill i 1 1 mi i i iin irin 1,1.1 C uai LU uuc w.-k. ' t,.... ('xo CI LCl llUlu t-r.v .. ww - . ix-m-non thfiir srwes. TJia-vtmnsrs ann.Manv mnv rfl rorcea to struKeie aioiiK breadwinners, sit hopeful. Old de- on one touring car and a simple town tectives sense it and so do the news- roadster paper reporters. Since the Rosenthal murder it has been rough picking for men who mur der for as low as $25 a victim or who will "gip" a man for $2. To "gip" is to-beat up. The lone wolves and Protasis have disappeared from all New York bars. It will be several seasons before the tangled food will again find favor with snappy cater ers. The high cost or varnisn, tne the bands that bulwark the black necessity for conserving breadstuff husinesa of gambling with their au tomatics and their vain cunning be lieve that the latest gambling murdei has given them a new power. They have thrown a new fear into the heart of the "squealer the What are You Going to do to Help Boys at the Front? T... r.: 0 K Anrt hv OU. YOU Who Will Btav at hoi2 an. enjoy being with your family should look at the gtool pigeon" who. betrays them to croposltlott if helping ti Boys and the United States Government j the poHce. Dulness in gangland is wholly as a business deal, think thi over, put ioric vbijt . Stamps and Libert? Bond PAYNE DRUG CO. Everything in Drugs and Drug Store Goods, one 520 Fifth and Red Cross Street? Th alwava followed by a flare of violence risdnff lik an upleaping flame. Such was the case years ago wnen the Bowery giant; with the smile of a boy and the eyes of a devil, Eat 'Km Up Jack McManusi went strolling in the shadow of the elevated and was nftori at thp. end of his walk with the Uack of his head crhshed like an egg shell. There was such a nare wnen and thfi inability to find expert preU el builders, are given as tne reasons. Most of the pretzel makers are now working in barbed "wire plants. Soon after America entered the war patri ots began shunning the pretzel. To many the pretzel symbolized; Ger many's twisted reasoning and the whole crooked course of the Hun. oome bakers tried to fool the pub lic by making a straight pretzel but it wa8n t any ubb. .mc uuuuio iuc pretzel was left alone It curled up. The pretzel was invented one hun dred years ago. The first one was practirally a failure, slipping Into the face with ease. It improved witn age." i . 1 Increased Revenue Necessary For Telephone Company This company has fjled a petition with the North Carolina State Corporation Commission requesting authority to advance its rates for telephone service in twelve exchanges; for permis sion to enforce certain provisions of its subscribers contracts which will prevent a waste of service and. remove an unneces sary burden from the company throughout the State of North Carolina. The unprecedented increase in the cost of material, labor and all other expenses necessary for the construction, mainten ance and operation of our properties, and the imperative need that telephone service be adequate and efficient, has created a critical situation for us. . i f ) We have not earned in the past and are not now earning a reasonable prpnt over and above the cost of furnishing service throughout the State of North Carolina. The returns from our . operations in this state were 3.81 per cent in 1916 and 3.58 per . cent in 1917, upon our investment. 7 A iv The twelve cities in which we ask for a slight increase in d oiir rates for local exchange service are: Charlotte Davidson Greensboro Hamlet Laurinburg Mt. Olive Raleigh Reidsville Salisbury Wilmington Winston-Salem t f Wrightsville Beach We are confronted with conditions entirely beyond our control, the gravity of which cannot be estimated. The tele ohone business is an essential industry, the proper operation and . r i 1 . . t a 4 f maintenance oi wnicn is an important iacior m inc iiauuu plans and .activities for winning the war. We have recognized ) our obligations to the Government by furnishing all the service it requires upon terms agreed upon with the Government, and upon a basis which contemplates no profit to the company,- the. ' payment of new and greatly increased taxes, and subscribing lib- 11 4.U.. T ilaftT T Anne rA -f Vi or v7or m Hc have recognized our obligations to the general publicrby furnish- 'i We have recognized our ? VK UJg Bl V lV 1V1 Ull AXWWUkJM J- f-r ww. C f obligations to our employes by large increases in the wages .paid, . to enable them to meet the increased cost of living; and we -shall continue to furnish the Government andhe general public d the service needed, and the best service possible under the. .pres-j ent abnormal conditions. k&s ? f ' f y But to do this it is necessary for us to receive sufficient reve nue to maintain and operate our telephone property and system with a high degree of efficiency with such permanent net profit as will maintain our credit and enable us to exchange our securi ties, without discount, for the additional, new capital required to supply the necessary additions to our plant and service, r Out of every dollar of revenue received from our operations in North Carolina in 1917 we paid out 50.4 cents in salaries , and wages. During the year 1917 our employes in North Carolina were granted a total increase of $63,738.95 in salaries and wages, which was at the rate of $119,836.44 per year. During the year 1918, up to May.l, the increases in salaries and wages in North Carolina already amount to $45,311.23 J which is at the rate of $55,919.40 for the year. These increases were made in an effort to aid our employes in meeting the increased cost of living as well as to retain their services in order to maintain a competent force. All of these facts and many others of a pertinent nature will be presented to the State Corporation Commission and will be spread before our subscribers and the public in newspaper adver tisements which are to follow. We have been frank and open in the administration of our affairs in this state as elsewhere, and reluctant as we are to in crease the price of our service, the situation is so critical that we carfhot do otherwise and remain true to our obligation to the public and to ourselves. Your needs and your interests and the needs and the inter ests of this company are one and the same. Solvency of the company spells adequate and efficient service, insolvency spells inadequate and memcient service. i SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE ArD TELEGRAPH COMPANY t i t r..r i, -. s m ill ii' mm mm mm mm. Mm mm 11 1 1' :;1t - .- ;i-Mrte( I"' ! ' . 7 t ' 2 - m 1 . ! if - Vi 4i ti r ft ' j , - n i:-' 'I I :. WW ? V ' 1 'i WW i i .- I It ''VJ-i rim (

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