-X" w, , n fclmrehes METHODIST. Fifth Avenue, Rev. J. H. McCrack en, pastor: Services at 11 a. m. Sub ject, "The Two Mighty Factors In the Home Authority and Example. Evening services at 8 o'clock. Prayer- meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. A cordial invitation to all visitors and strangers to attend these cervices. Bladen Street, Fifth and Bladen streets. Rev. E. C. Sell, pastor Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sun day school at 3:30 o'clock in the af ternoon. A cordial invitation is ex tended all. PRESBYTERIAN. The Church of the Covenant, Mar ket and Fifteenth streets, Rev. Ma ' rion S. Huske, pastor: Services Sun day morning at 11 o'clock, Sunday 'school at 3:30 p. m,. Sunday night services at 8 o'clock. Mid-week i prayer meeting,' Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Strangers and visitors .. are cordially invited to attend serv ices at this church. l Winter Park church, Rev. Andrew, t J. Howell, pastor: Services Sunday i evening at 7:45. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Christian Endeavor meet ings: Junior Society 4 p. m.. Senior ; 7 o'clock. Mid-week service Wednes day evening at 7:45. The public cor dially invited! to attend the services, i Delegado: Services Sunday after ; noon at 3:80 with preaching by Mr. !i Howell. Sunday school at 11 a. m. i The public heartily invited.' to at tend. Bethany: Services Sabbath morning I at 11 o'clock. A cordial invitation is 'extended the public to attend the ervioes. , . Immanuel, corner of Front and : Queen streets. Sabbath day services at 11 o'clock in the morning. Evening ; service at 8. Sabbath school at 3 p. !sn.; Mr. S. A, Matthews, superinten- dent. Mid-week prayer services at 8 o'clock Wednesday night. Brotherhood ; and Ladies' Auxiliary Tuesday even ,l ing at 6 o'clock. A welcome to all. First, Third and Orange streets. i Rev. John M. Wells, D. D., pastor. ' Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Dr. Wells will ! preach on "First Things First." Chris tian Endeavor at 7:15 p. m. Evening worship at 8 o clock. Dr. Wells will preach on "Everlasting Love." Seats free. All are cordially Invited to at tend these services. St. Andrew's, Fourth and Campbell etreets, Rev. A. D .McClure, D. D., pastor: Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath school at 3:30 p. m. Junior Christian Endeav or' after the Sabbath school. Inter mediate and Senior Christian Endeav or at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wed nesday at 8 p. m. Seats free. AH welcome. Pearsall Memorial, East Wilming ton: Sabbath school at 10:30 a. ni. Preaching after Sabbath school. Chris tian Endeavor at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. A ccrdial welcome to all these services. Harnett Street Mission, Eighth and Harnett streets, Rev. W. M. Bak er, evangelist, In charge: Sabbath 8 o'clock. All are cordially invited to all these services. BAPTIST, Calvary, J. A. Sullivan, pastor: Sun day worship 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sermon subjects, morning, "Without a Home." Night, "Why John Wept." Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Junior B. Y. P. U. 6:45 p. m. Sunbeams Mon day 3:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wed nesday night. Teachers' meeting and Senior B. Y. P. U. Thursday night. A cordial welcome to ail services. LUTHERAN. St. Matthew's English Evangelical, Fourth and Harnett streets, Rev. G. W. McClanahan, pastor: Services at 11 a. m. Subject, "Christ's Charge to Peter." Special services at 8 o'clock in the .evening by the mem bers of the Sunday school. Sunday school at 3:30 in the afternoon. Lu ther League Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. A cordial invitation to all to attend these services. CATHOLIC. St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral First mass at 8 a. m. High mass, 10:30 o'clock. Vesper, sermon and benedic tion at 8 p. m. MRS. CLOWE'S FUNERAL. ..Remains of Beloved Woman Interr ed In Oakdale Cemetery Today. Funeral services for Mrs. Hannah Frances Clowe, whose death occurred Thursday, were conducted from the late residence, 310 North Seventh street, this morning at 10 o'clock, by Rev. M. T. Plyler pastor of Grace Methodist church, of which the de ceased was a consecrated member, and interment was made in Oakdale cemetery. The services were post poned from yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock until this imorning because of the inclemency of the weather. The last sad rites were attended by many sorrowing friends and the '1 or al offerings were profuse and beau tiful. Mrs. Clowe was born near Harper's Ferry, Va., 80 years ago and was a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. George H. Butler. Dr. Butler was a personal friend of General Robert E. Lee, that peerless leader of the South, and his hospitable hjome was the scene of many notable gatherings during the War Between the States. While still a young woman, the de ceased was married to Mr Richard Clowe and moved to Fayetteviii?, where they remained for several years, finally coming to this city where Mrs. Clowe resided until her death. She was preceded to the grave by her husband by 25 years. The deceased was known to practic ally everyone in the city and held in the very highest regard by all. She was a member of the Grace Methodist church, a woman of sweet and kind ly disposition and will be missed in the circles in which she moved. Among the relics left by the deceased Is a picture of General Lee in its or iginal setting, given to her brother and later to her by a mutual friend of the families' and General Lee. ODD HI m OF SOLDIERS IN THE WAR Fighters in All the Armies Are Believers in Luck Charms Cigarette By Ad Cartel GLASSES vTHE. INVISIBLE BIFOCAL OF IV London, April 27. Never before have the soldiers of the world's arm ies amassed so large a number of su perstitions, charms, mascots and luck bringers as in the present war. Superstitions having to do with the number 3 are the most widespread. The third of anything is fatal. Sol diers of all armies don't like their third leaves. Some refuse to go home on a third leave, for fear they will be killed upon returning. The lighting of three cigarettes with the same match forms the basis for another very widespread supersti tion. One of the three soldiers is bound to be killed before many weeks are over and even those who see the three-time sharing of the same match will share in the ill luck. This being so, every watcher turns his back upon the smokers in the hope of avoiding the ill-luck. Men who know say the origin of the superstition is a religious one, and goes back to the lighting of the lamps in the churches of Greece. The Americans have caught the habit of the British gunners in expec torating on their shells before firing them in battle. Most, people think this is an amusing triviality; but, as a matter of fact, it is an act of sacri fice of very great antiquity. In the long, long ago, primitive folk consid ered that the saliva was part of . the soul of the individual, and that to part with it in the act of spitting was tantamount to making sacrifice, and this not only as an act of propitiation, but also as a thank-offering. The sur vivals of this remarkable form of sacrifice are far more numerous than is generally thought. A good many minor superstitions are also encountered among the arm ies of the front. Until this war all the odd numbers, except 13, were sup posed to be lucky, especially seven and nine. Now, however, all odd num l j .i i . i uors are cunsiueieu uuiuuKy, su uii-; D PDAnril 2Mh at hr hnms 1913 RPTChA A BiLUON TW1LU0N MILLION 'AT HE O0KT- MISTOV. PETR3 S THE. RICHEST MAN IF j AN HE MAKES 1 UOTS 'N VjdTS Of noNEY-'MoST THIRTY POUARS A WEt-KJ Afford a comfort which is an by those who want near or lar y in one pair of glasses. They keep your eyes youn? in ior-KJ as well as in usefulness. 1 In coom riT -Tn t . vision. EYES TESTED FREE lucky that 13 has no longer any dis tinction. Friday is no longer an unlucky day. I v4P"Sllr- f RPTCHA A BiLUON ! in "mF 1 1 Mi a Yunt 1 inrA I n m m "tfU-UON- QOUARS 'AT y y Lcharue CHAPUN makes . triOUE MONEY TV EH MISTER 1 ' - 1 ri it 11 w r ' 1 w - r x & k l biMtMara CHAPUN mpi 7- r g - m 1 el WANTED OLD FALSE TEETH- -IIAlfc h hr Dr. Vinebe TO Orange street, Isabella Smith, in the seventeenth year of her age. Fu- roral Siinflnv aftprnnrm frrm S but Sunday is considered a very lucky Thomas. Catholic church at 2 o'clock, day on which to go into battle hite;, t in pSne Foregt Cemet.3ry. heather tucked away m the band ofi the cap saves the wearer from a fa tal wound. There is a strong feeling of fatal- Among the many Philadelphia ad mirers of Grover Cleveland Alexander 'none will regret the absence of Alex school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching each j from the Philly lineup more than ths second and fourth Sabbaths at 8 p. m. EPISCOPAL. St. John's, Third and Red Cross streets, Rev. J. Hanckel Taylor, rec-tor-in-charge: Fourth Sunday after Easter, April 28. Holy communion, 7:30 a. m. Morning prayer and ser mon 11 o'clock. Sunday school at . 4 p. m. Evening prayer and address at 8:15; Wednesday, Feast of Sts.. f Philip and James, Holy Communion ! 10 a. m. Friday, evening prayer, R o'clock. The public is cordially invit ' d to all services. Philly pitchers. The Phil pitchers will lead a terrible life this season. I CHRISTIAN. Advent. Smith Pnnrth a-nA nyinr-y. j " w WUUlU streets. Rev. J. T. Johnson, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning f service at 11 o'clock. SiihWt "Tiia 1- . . " V Elements of a f?nesafnl r.hiiph 'Night service, at 7:45: subject. "What Must I Do To Be Saved?" Baptismal . service Will follow immediate.! v nftor ! the evening worship. Prayer meeting 1 .Wednesday night at . 8 o'clock, with : the voune neonl m chares PnKn Is cordially Invited to attend all First, Dock street, Rev. J. E. Rey nolds, pastor: Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., by the pastor. Subject or evening sermon, "Eternal Punish jnenL" Sunday school at 9:45 a, m. Christian Endeavor at 7:15 o. m . Prayer meeting Wednesday night at "SANS-SOUGI" SAUSAGE Pure Pork Sausage Fresh Sausage Smoked Sausage Frankforts Bologna Head Cheese Liver Sausage New England Ham Made without cereals Sanitary, clean delicious Take no substitutes For sale at all first-class grocers and markets. CAROLINA PACKING COMPANY ism among the soldiers of all armies. There is a feeling that if the bullet is not made for you, you will come through all right. A French soldier was heard to tell that he knew he would come through all LINOTYPE OPERATOR WANTED at once. Address, Foreman Dis patch office, Wilmington, N. C. 4-25-tf WANTED COMPETENT LADY Stenographer. .State experience and salary expected. "G." Care Dispatch. The . Cardinals are stealing Brook-1 lyn's stuff. Last year the Dodgers i WP arf offering STEADY EM- had Meyers and Myers in the lineup and this year the Cards, have Smith and Smyth . BUSINESS SPECIALS MESSENGER 'SERVICE. For it'. service we use the Fos tal Telegraph Cable Company's msssengere. Thsy will call for your "ad3," !n the same manner and quick time as they now cover the city for telegrams, night letter, gram?, cabies, etc. For turner information as to "ads," iali 176, but for telegraph service caf" "'Postal Telegraph." Few ball teams have as good neigh- i bors as have the New York Giant3 T"l crl t fnr rr T .1 x-. 1 f 1 . . 1 nft HrnoK vn uoneers npver ran io 1 when he first went in a shrapnel shell make the Giants' opening a happy ; Durst in nont or mm at tne niarne. nT1fi nrnflt.nhlR affair for the Giants. 1 t 1 f u 1 .( anu a. large piece 01 11 came aown au his feet. He picked it up and found his initial on it. It was my piece of shrapnel, all I right," he said, "and if it didn't get me, none other can." And. in fact, he has, been through the thick of a number of battles since then, but he has never been wounded. A certain British battalion regards the Military Cross as an omen of ill- luck, and view with alarm any rec ommendation to bestow the Military Cross on any member. Whether offi cers or men, all winners of the Mili tary- Cross in the battalion have been 1 killed in action. The black cat is an omen of the greatest good luck in all armies. To hear the cuckoo calling before break fast is, in the armies of the Allies, a sign of bad luck. The submarine warfare has renew ed the demand for cauls as a charm against loss of life at sea. A caul is the membrane which sometimes en closes the head of a new-born infant, ployment to men between the ages of 18 and 45 for Government work and regular commercial lines. Our factory operates six days per week, on three eight-hour shifts. While learning operations we pay you 35c per hour, plus 10 per cent on all wages for steady attendance, com puted in weekly periods. After learning the work, which takes from one to six weeks, "you are able to earn from $3 to $6 per day, and better. We have a Housing Depart ment, which will assist- our appli cants in securing houses and rooms at the lowest rat3S. We also need a large number of -girls, ages 21 to 35, for steady, profitable factory employment. Physical examination required. Apply in person, or com municate with Factory Employment Office, The Goodyear Tire and Rub ber Company, Akron, Ohio. 4-22-14ti WANTED OLD FALSE TEETH Don't matter if broken. I pay $2.00 to $15.00 per set. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mail. h. Mazer, 2007 S. Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa! 4-21-30tij SALESMAN WANTED WE ARE looking for a high grad producing salesman capable of handling our famous line of art ad ertising, clendars, and mailing ser vice for business houses in Wil mington, and Eastern North Caro lina. A permanent exclusive com mission contract awaits the man who oan qualify. The Thos. D. Mur phy Co., Red Oak, Iowa. 4-24-7ti and from quite remote times it has FOR RENT UPPER APARTMENT been regarded as a luck-bringer and Modern and attractive. Good local an infallible amulet against death by ity. Southern exposure. For particu drowninS. lars tplenhOno fi93-W. 4-26-2t At many places around the docks In the great European portsone can YOU CAN BUY A DESIRABLF. .INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY WE will sell a limited amount of our capital stock for the purpose of se curing additional equipment to take care of our increased business. Our products are staple and in urgent demand at profitable prices on a cash basis. The stock will quickly increase in value and the dividends are large. Address P. O. Box 87, Wilmington, N. C. 4-26-3t see the little signs, "A Child's Caul for Sale," and fancy figures are de manded for them. Peonies The Flower Beautiful hnmfi nn Southeast corner of nth and Ann for $5,000 which is a low price. Apply to James Owen Reil ly, Fire Insurance and Real Estate. 4-27-lt III An Illustration of the Best Life Insurance Policy Issued Amount 810,000 Doable Indemnity If desth occur by accident th policy 978 ?20,000 instead of $10, 000. DlsabUUy Protection. If permanently disabled before age 65 from any cause accident, blind ness, paralysis, tubercuulosis, in sanity, or anything else all further premiums are waived and you re ceive an income of $1,000 a year for .life. At death the full $10,000 Is paid, regardless of the premiums waived and the Income already paid to you, - Annual Cash Dividends , This policy pays dividends anmi ally after the second year. Had his policy been taken out in 1907 the dividends for 1917 alone would have been $100.00. The longer it is carried the cheaper it becomes and the more it I worth. Loans After the second year you can-al. trays borrow from one-third to two thirds of the amount you have paid in without Jeopardizing the policy, and you can insure the loan mak ing the policy free of debt in case of death. Aire at Issue, 88 Paid-Up Extensions After you have carried this policy for three years you can stop paying and the Company will carry your in surance free for six years and 193 days. After 10 years the company will carry you for 21 years and 311 days, and so on. Amount Obtainable This policy may be obtained In any amount from $1,000 to $25,000, the latter sam being the Company'g limit for this particular policy. Pay ments may be made anually, semi annually or quarterly. Policy Becomes Full-Pall At age B5 all payments cease and $10,000 goes to your heirs when you die, or you can have $6,000 in cash for yourself. The Company The issuing company is the strong est in the world assete $866,988,841. 57 and it does business at a lower cost than any other, which accounts for the large dividends returned to poUcyholders. If you need life insurance you want this contract. Exact details for your own age gladly furniis. ed on request. C . L. DICKINSON , Agt. Telephone 859 Office 101 Princess 1 2 1 -2c Each. $1 .25 Dozen. One Given complimentary with each cash purchase of one dollar on Saturday April 27th. 6 Peonies with each cash purchase of $5.00. 1 i, Wilmington Grocery Company Office Phone 1 2 127 Market St. Phones 1 3 and 1 4 . LOST A TWO MONTHS' OLD Wack puppy. Picked up or stray ed from No. 516 Castle St., April 25. Any one knowing of such a puppy will please report it to J. E. Marshburn, No. 3, So. 2nd St. 4-27-ltj AUCTION REAL ESTATE SALES : When you sell privately, how do you know what price to put on your property, or that some one would not have given more money? If you price it too high, it won't sell; If you put it too low, you lose the profit the other fellow to whom you sell it, makes. Is there a remedy?- Yes. Sell it at auc tion. We ' are entering our 10th J year In the business, have sold j property of every description in 22 States, and have, we think, . the best organization in the business; have the exclusive services of Col. W. H. Matthews, the highest-paid and by far the best real estate auc tioneer in the country. We are first, last and all the time a Wil mington company; members of the Chamber of Commerce, and back of all local enterprises for the up building and future of the city. Our home is here, we expect to remain here and are thoroughly equipped to take care . of the auction busk ness. We have sold 4 property . for the following local people: Hugh MacRae & Company; Tidewater Power Company; American Bank & Trust Company; D. R. Foster .& Company; James & James; W. N. Royall estate; D. N. Chadwick, Jr.; W. A. Dick, trustee. If you have suburban property you wish devel oped and gold, business property, or any x kind of property, you wish to turn quickly, see us. The United Realty Company, O. T. Wallace, gen eral- manager, Home Bank Building; Telephone 1045. 4-23t FOR RENT A NEAT FIVE-ROOM cottage with electricity, gas and por celain plumbing and with deep lot, No. Ill South Fifteenth street, only one and a half blocks from Market street. Price $15 per month; also a two-story 6-room residence, No. 617 South Second street, price $15. W, M. Cumming, owner, or J. D. Mo Carley, agent, 208 Princess street. Phone 806. 4-26-2t FOR SALE MIXED FIEJ-D OR COW Peas suitable for planting, $3.50 per bushel. Velvet Beans $2.50 per bushel. Samuel Bear Sr., & Sons, 311 North Front St. 4-20-tf U. S. Government Be hind Each Certificate W. B. Cooper & Co. Wilmington, N. C. FOR THE SOLDIERS IF YOU HAVE Graphophone Records that you would care to give for the use of the soldiers, leave them at the Wil mington Talking Machine Co., and they will be forwarded through the Red Cross to the men in camp. 4-18-tf WANTED YOUR ROOF REPAIRS and painting. Labor and material is advancing daily. Do it now and we can save you money. Discount for cash. Phone 431. Estimates free. Young & Gorman. 4-26-3t WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of issue wfcen so requested. Phone your order to 745. Gordon's News Stand. 10-7-tf. FOR SALE ONE 20-rr. P., I H C, 'Engine. One 70 saw Continental gia with all equipment furnished. Been used only two seasons. Well taken care of under shed. Anyone looking for bargain apply W. H. Malpass, Rocky Point, N. C. 4-3-tf WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Will thank you to phone us your or ders for Fancy and Sttplo Groceries. Phone 922. W. V. Herring & Co., 8th and Dock. 4-2-30t WANTED TO BUY A YOUNG'S Analytical Concordance. Second hand will do if in good condition. W. M. Cumming. Phone 953-J 4-26-2t WANTED EXPERIENCED BOOK- keeper, either lady or man. Good salary to right party. State in own handwriting what experience you have had ' and what salary is expected. P. O. Box 303, City. 4-27-2t A REAL BARGAIN YOU CAN BUY a modern bungalow with eight rooms on South Fourth street for less than cost of building. Lot of 98 feet on Fourth street (macad am) and 150 feet deep, 30 foot alley in rear. Has beautiful hedge and lawn and private garage. When you see it you will wonder at the low price, I assure you. 'Phone Jas. Owen Reilley. 776 and auto will call for you and show you this bar gain. . 4-27-lt NUMBER TWENTY MARKET ST. Occupied by G. Dannenbaum, is probably the only store that can be bought at pre-war price. Buildin is brick, three stories, and is 28 by 75 with 10-foot alley in rear. Price of lot and building is less than present cost of building alone Can be bought for less than $16,- 000. See me today. James Owen Reflly, Fire Insurance and Real Es tate. 4-27-lt fiinniiuiiiiiunnniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiimus I J. B. McCABE and CO. I Certified Public Accoun- I 1 tants. S Room 906 Murchtson Bank Bldg. SPhone 996. WILMINGTON, N. C I HiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiEiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiin FANS, FANS, FANS, FANS WE sell em. Clean 'em and repair 'em. Call 995. City Electric Co., Every thing Electrical, 206 Princess St. 4-3-lm APRIL SIXTH IS THE DATE THAT the Hanover Building and Loan As sociation will open its 27th Series. btocK may be secured now. 26c per week per share, you nay in $82.50 and get $100 at maturity, in about 330 weeks. There is .no bet ter way to save money, or buy a Dome, we are always willing to as sit you. Your money is available at all times. J. W. Yates. ' President. H. F. Wilder, secretary and Treas urer. 3-10-tf WHEN YOUR BOY QOEd fNTO twjt Trenches see that he takes with him your portrait. He will treasure it above all the gold on earth. Folta and Kendrix. 12-13-tt TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS OF all descriptions. You will find it Chas. Finkelstein's place. Guaran tee you to save money. 6 So. Front St Phone 642. 4-19-tf For Sale ( 500 Bags Coffee 600 Barrels Flour 800 Bags Rice 200 Baggs Economy Scratch Feed 400 Bags Diamond Hog Meal 100 Bags Burt Oats 500 Bags Arab Horse Feed 500 Bags King Corn 100 Bags Aunt Patsey's Chick Feed 300 Bags June Pasture Feed 100 Bags Cotton Seed Hulls 70 Bags Rye and all other goods in our line. D. L. GORE COMPANY SEE COWPEAS SOY BEANS and GARDEN SEEDS John S. McEachero Son 211 Market Street - . A j!!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllll!!IIIII!llll!in:'llill!!,ii'l,ij s Let us have vour orders s for ICO AL LEMONS LEMONS, APPLES, Fresh Cabbage, eating Irish potatoes onions, navy and lima beans, black eye peas, Welsh's grape juice, al sizes, Mason's fruit jars and rub bers. See our full line of candies chewing gum and crushed fruits. Bear Produce and Mdse. Co., ' No. 14-16 Market St. Phones 452-453. 4-21-tf REAL ESTATE, IF YOU WANT TO Rent, Buy, or Sell a house, it will pay you to see me, our facilities are ample to five you good service. H. F. Wilder, 207 Princess St. 4-21-7ti and BUILDERS SUPPLIES BUY Your WANTEDCOOK AND WAITER AT Atlantic Cafe, opposite Union De pot. . 4-23 tf: Liberty Bonos through the Woman s 1 Liberty Loan Committee I W. B. THORPE rtltliiiiicrnitriiitreiflT9?tmnifHEiniI In aitniiimimiiiftiuiMiiiiHfiimmuM"" 2. 4 I ... V f 1 f 4f N-