THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH. THUESDAEVENING,-MAY 9, 19 18. COTTON MARKETS. Wilmington (spot) , ..30.00 . ..30.00 ..32 1-2 ..22 1-2 orfolK i..fnt1 - . NEW YORK COTTON. vnrt May 9. The cotton ' was ouiet in today's early ,,.th nrices showing steadi- sdin!L fHher scattered Covering OT Ponderate demand from Other l Better cables than due, the P12' j ohcpnre of soot pressure. reduction reported fas' the of- -Hne war-risks were factors opening advance 01 i w o Mouses with Liverpool and I? Street connections were among IfflU street favorablft father map evidently failed to 1 V . selling of consequence. July lWts sold up to 25.66 and Octo- Vtto "5.01. or about 18 Pmts net "T).i,'ofo mhlfis attributed the Ivlipr xi t-1-' " ' ... t ..T-rvnnl tr TirnsTippti! fnr I ;-.,nrp 111 W'r'uu' l - .;hpr restrictions on imports i .,1 ctoariv I i-i . v:i 1 High. Low. Close. .26.58 25.95 28.63 .26.30 25.40 .25.68 24776 .25.55 24.72 .25.42 24,49 26.33 25.63 25.52 25;41 w lOctober -j. bcemter jsiiuary npW YORK SPOT COTTON, vl York. May 9.-ottdfii Spot Ueady; miQUU& NEW ORLEANS COTTON. WW OrleansMay 8.The price of 4 . -x o? -. ?1 nninta nmiinrl thA ' a continued dry and warm rotter over the belt. . of unfa- 0,0 downward movement and nt -the ad of tee d"81 nan. UUUI wro uiumus yere 6 to 11 points under yesterday's dose." , . ' Cotton closed sieaay ai an aarance of 2 to 1" points. Cotton closed steady at an advance Of 84 to 88 points. High. Low. Close. May July .. .. .. ..26:28 25.98 26.64 .. ..25.54. 24.61, .. ..24.65 23.70. .. ..24.50 23.60 ....23.79 23.76 25.52f 24.62 24.50 24.46 OctoBfer.. BeceaiBer January .. NEW ORLEANS SPOT COTTON. New Orleans, May 9. Cotton: Spot cM and unchanged. Sales on the Ifot 1,081; to arrive none; low mid- m 26.60; middling Z8.5U; good middling 29.75; receipts 6,588; stock mm LIVERPOOL COTTON. Iirerpool, May 9. tlotton: Spot fpiet; prices firmerL. good middling fi.S8; middling 21.36; low middling 1.53; good orinair 19.83; orinary ML feles 3,000 hales, fneluifig 2,400 Herican. Receipts 3.400 bales, all terican. Futures closed steady. Jew contracts: May 21.601 June Jfl; July 20,65; Aag4ist 20.ll; -Sep-teber 19.71. Old contracts (fixed prices): May 121; May-June 20.13; " June-July CHICAGO GRAIN. . Ciicago, May 9. Corn displayed a pod deal of strength today on the respects of unseasonable cold. Open ing prices, which varied from an tomd figures to 7-8c higher, with May 1.27 1-2 and July 1.46 1-2 to 146 7-8. were followed bv moderate tother gains. wisip of a revival of exnert de mand gave the oats market an upward ilaiL Cafnflrmatifra of sueh tAlk. Jovever, was lacking. After opening "to 17-sc higher, with July at 67 5-8 ra w, tirices hardflfnid ft Uttlfe atA wen unaerwent some reaction. - - T ..l uus aiuc3 vyas iguureu. Grain and provision prices follow: 1 urn Open. Close May .. 1.271-2 1.46 1-2 .74 1-4 .67 5-8 1.27 1-2 1.47 38 Oats- y .. .. .75 1-2 July . .67 7-8 Pork .45.95 .46.45 .25.80 .26.15 . .24.40x Jalv 45.90 46.35 25.77 26.12 '"2O0- Lard- fey .. Ptember Ribs- July .. September .24.90 to ' ,, ra' No- 2 ye"ow, nominal; lsfi a , ' 'Ji-w; xno. 4 yeiiow, ifiSW?- Wt. K 3-479 1-2-; i-z791-2 Rye No.. 2, VmiL iJlie-v. i.6ow:$. Timotny, TCl(ver. 18.0628.66. Pork ggl- Lard, 25.40 RibS, 23.20 Market Review, Marine and Weather News 7 - STOCK MARKEJ, New York, May ' 9. Irregular price changes prevailed at the opealag of today's stock market, latest war feul letlfis Causing moderate reactions la leading Issues. Heading forfeited the greater part of a point witfi United States Steel, but these declines were more than offset 6y th further strength of Marine preferred New Haven, St. Paul comsion and pre ferred, Southern Railway fiethleBem Steel, American ugar and Pttllman, Advances in those stocks ranged from 1 to 3 1-2 points. Liberty bonds were steady. , American Beet Sugar , . . American Can ... .. . , American Car & Foitndry American Locomotive . . American Linseed . , . 74 1-4 44 3.4 V 71 1-2 i ..67 343-8 .411-4 American Smelt. A Refining American Sugar American T. & T. . ., Anaconda Copper . ".. Atchison . ,, ,4 . . . , , Atl., Gulf & W. Indies . . Baldwin Lecornotlve .. .. Baltimore & Ohio . , Bethlehem Steel "W' . . . , Canadian Pacific : Central Leather . ; . . . ; Chesapeake & Ohio Chi., Mil. & St. Paul .. ChL, It. I. & Pac Chino Copper .. .." .. Colorado Fuel A Iron .. Corn Products Crucible Steel , Cuba ,Cane Sugar . . Erie '. . , s . . . '. t ....1081-2 . 98 1-2 . 66S--S . S4a-4 .in . . 83 3-4 .. 53 3-4 86 14 .149 General Electric .. General Motors .... Great Northern Pf d. .... Great Northern Ore Ctfs. Illinois Central Inspiration Copper- . . . ' ..54 . . 25 12 . . 921-2 i. 41 . . 32 3-4 . .113 1-2 Int. Merc. Marine . . . . Int. Merc. Marine Pfd. .. International Paper . . . . Kennecott Copper . . . : Louisville & Nashville . . Maxwell Motors . . . . . . 26 Hejcican Petroleum . .. 17 Miami Copper Midvale Steel Missouri Pacific New York Central Norfolk & Western Northern Pacific .. .. .. Ohio Cities Gas ... Pennsylvania . . . . .... 28 3-4 48 1-4 . ... 22 7-8 . ?13 4 165 . . . . 17 1-4 . .. 46 3-8 , .. 44 . .. 531-2 Pittsburgh , Goal . . . . Ray Consolidated Coppers 25 1-2 Reading 871-8 Rep. Iron & Steel . 881-4 Sinclair Oil & Refining 28 Southern. Pacific 84 5-8 Southern Railway .... ... 23 Studebaker Corporation . . . . 26 7-8 Tennessee Copper .. . .. 17 3-8 ..152 1-4 . . 58 1-2 ..123 . . 911-2 .131 14 .. 57 5-8 ..107 1-4 .. 83 .. 411-2 Teas Co. . . X: Tobacco Products Union --Pacific .. (ex. dlv.) United Cigar Stores . . . . U. S. Ind. Alcohol ...4 United States Rubber United States Steel .. .. Utah Copper ; .. .. Wabash Pfd. HA" Westinghouse Electric Willys-Overland . . American Tobacco .. Atlantic Coast Line .. . Gulf States Steel . . Seaboard Air Line ... Sloss, Shef. Steel & Iron United Fruit (bid) . Virginia Caro. Chem. . . 42 17 3-8 ...169 90 3-4 . .107 . .. 7 7-8 . .. 63 ..,.123 . 481-2 . CHICAGO LIVE STOCK Chicago, May d. Hogs: Receipts, 32 666. Firm. Bulk 17.75lS.65; light 17 6618.16; mixed 17.4018.15; heavy 16.7618.05; rough 16.70(g) 17.66. Pigs 14.2517.56. Cattle: Receipts, 13,000. Steady. Native steers 10.6617.56; stockers and feeders 8.7612.66; cows and heifers 6.8614.16; calves 8.60 14.00. y Sheep: Receipts 7,000. Steady. Sheep 12.7516.60; lambs 13.50 26.86. NOTICE. , Ndfth Carolina, .New Hanoyer County In the Superior uoutt, iseire me viw. i Me mhtter of New .fliBowr County Drainage District .No. 2. in ORDER. . Tnis cause commg vu w fh flnal reoort of the. Board of View ar hairing thia da been filed Wltn thli 1 Court, ana navmg wen uuuiuw, .fit ''to be in due form and in accordancce with the law, ana is nereoy aecepieu. The Court appoints the 23rd day of May, 1918, as the time when it will further con sider and pass upon the said report. . It is hereby ordered, that, a copy of this order be posted at the Court House door, and at five conspicuous places within said nrairmiro District. -and Be published in the Wilmington Dispatch, a newspaper M general circulation rrithin the couftty, two conserutjre Weeks, this the 29tn of April. 1911 liain ine couniy, ior day W. .N. HARRIS. Clefk Super;dr Coutt. 5-a-i7ti BRINGING UP FATHER - 7' ' ' ' li.' ..... I ' j'! l TT I I .. iM -mrmrrm n i CT V m Him MACCtE oo "foo know 1 J ATiD KeoO COOKING I . tH LE-WTO " ) P ' ' . B UC M FNE ' C - l n 7 J tJL ! ' y isqw- 1 I if THiei3A 1 4 - voice::; rr ' i ii J Y , r that'&.-YHE M 1 V-a i r: ir aCAJT I think. Ij :tH-i 4 i i BEtTNEWblVe CS 'Ml rS 1 2 ' JfcV y THE WORK l4 TOO fpP - " " HgAcvx for Hg:p 1 ; !l . . m . : ;- ' " --i-;7- -7- 1 :. . ' " .--Ml Q (Wholesale PrieM.) S5f.(scarce) - rx.-" fw&B chickens . . 4 tc m. Sf te . ft to 90 fuddle duckt. 4. . 0c Uuinas ,4 . 4, 4t ... ..oc JJeef (dreased) u IS tc 14C vibu potatoe (bag) .. . . . . $5.00 jpoiaioes, Maine grown, Irish pooler 6el potatoes. 150 tt C. Hams V S2 to lf5c . c. shduldere and ribs 30 to 32c woage, loo lbs. (scarce) .. ..$4.5u .. .. i?e v OOl. free oT hnrr . . KSa pCorn. busneL fea wax SQ to 124. Salted hides i,Tw . 10 to 12e aiona etlhs) . . .... .... $4.5 ranuts, w.; C $1.25 to $2.35 x-eanuts, Spanish, dull $2.30 peanuts, Virginia $2.25 w.ea, wmesap. bbi, $16 wanges, tox $g.2S h fAIR PRICES, (Prices suggested " ice interpreting ooara, 1S- i SUQ yesterday for the guidance of on8t,ner in the city.) 'taIes' Price to Consumers . $8i-4i);neat noT Pef 24 lD' bag .. ..$1.73 saillCorff meal, per lb... Ofi " LI i Wheat bread (16 02. loaf) .. .10 9niJi l0at n1 tSi lb. . . .. . . .'. . . griRic, er lb. . ,t ,4io 1-2 to li " iii j Potatoes (white),-per peeck .. ' if ! Butter tnb), ber lb. . . , . , " JH'I Butter (print), per lb 2 i Oleoniargarifie (print), peer lb. z J" tEJgge, per dia. ........ .... ? Cheese. per lb. J7 J ;Lard, GCmpounfl; per lb; . . .... 120 i Lard, pure, per lb. .. .4 911-2rBacon (piece), per lb. .. .. .. .. 30 1-2: Bacon, sliced in package, per ib. . . 96 3-8 : Ham, North Carolina, pen lb. . . 1-2 .40. .5 .60 .40 45 6- ;Ham, sugar cured, per lb. .. ..37 1-2 j Sugar, per lb . 9 1-2 Beans, dried flavy, pet lb. .. .20 j Coffee, per lb. .. .'. 20 to .40 j Tea, per lb . , .. . .50 to $1 I Prunes, per lb. . i.. .. .20 Round steak, per lb ...33 I'orit caops per id. or 1 Homini per lb. 61-2 i Molasses, per gal. 75 to $1.10 . .. .10 starch, per lb Common salt. (bulk), per lb. .02 R6CEIPTS. Cotton Spirits Tar .. Crude .118 .130 9 ti 4 NAVAL STORES. Spirits 47 cents. ' Rosin t. . Tar$S.25 and 141'2 cents. Crude. .$4.00, $4.06, $3.00. COTTON 8EED OIL, New York, May 9. Cotton see oil market, no quotations. Irlsh Nationalists Hands Off. London, May 9 Thi Irish national ists, according to The Daily lews, AaMAaA iffiriaiiv Wednesday Tiot to participate in the proceeings in narUament today. If this information is accurate, a substantial majority for the government would seem to oe assured. WEATHER. For Wilmington and Vicinity. Unsettled tonight with probably showers. Friday partly cloudy. Light variable winds. Stage of Water. Stage of water in Cape Fear river at Fayetteville, N. C. at 8 a. m. yester day, 7.0 feet. Friday, May 10, Sun rises . . -6:14 Sun sets 8:02 Weather Bureau Reports Temperature. a o WEATITER S 5 Jf S . PCs t Si N as . B 3 tr t - - Ashevllle . ..fOggy' 78 54 .68 . Atlanta i .cloudy 80 86 78 66 78 86 88 78 68 74 82 81 81 62 68 60 62 72- 66 70 50 50 58 56 61 .40 .32 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 .94 Charleston cldy Charlotte . . - cloudy CMicago cloudy Galveston ..... clear Jacksonville . . . clear N. Orleans . . . .clear N. York .. ....clear Pittsburg cloudy Raleigh ....cloudy St. Louis Washington ...clear! Wilmington ....clearl .. CAOADCONTRABAND WHISKEY CAPTURED '.Savannah, . Ga.j May 9.' Savan nah's greftteat catch Of ...liqdor since the, prohibition law went into effect in Georgia, was pulled, off last night at a point eight miles frojn the city en " the Seanoara Air wne - railway. A solid carload Of: bottled wbiakev: valued at $85,000, aCcoring to Savan nah prices, was caught and four ar rests made. The men arrested wer$ J. H., Bailey and CTC. tuten and two negroes. :m addition "to the capture Of the car, sis automobiles, two wag ens and three mules were captured, it contained 906 cases of liduor, bill fed as "empty barrels," each ease con taining 12 quarts. The men were caught while in the act of unloading the car. aiGuesr id piled. Tidewater Company Seeks Relief Through Corporation Commission. The Tidewater Power company was the only big corporation seeking re Hef Wednesday through the corpora tion commission. Its request Was for a charge of $1.75 per thousand . feet for gas and to increase its trolley car Charges to and from Wrightsville Beach, although the desired price was riot disclosed in the request filed, merely asking permission to raise the rate to a living wage. In advices from Raleigh it was stated that, the Tidewater people have an advantage over the -Carolina Power 'and Light .company, of Raleigh, and the Public JXiUtilitios, of Charlotte, each having njaroreiecxric- yxrwwr :m aounaance. The commission on Wednesday per mitted these two Companies to raise their gas rates, Raleigh from $1,56 to $1.65, and Charlotte from $1.25 to $1,45. The Raleigh rate will range all the way from $1.65 for the first 28'' I 5,000 feet to $105 for all Over 20,000 .35 j feet. .E5 It should be noted that the Tide . 60 i water, while asking permission to 40 l raiser the rate to $1,75, gives 10 cents off for payment of bills by the tenth of the month, which gives a rate of $1.65, The statement as printed yes terday to the effect that the raise was not controlled by the commission was erroneous. . An Attempted Suicide. South Boston, Va.,MaMy 9. J. W Moseiey, a prominent real estate 'agent, shot himself twice through the j breast at his home here today. His ' condition is critical. i .. . . l ' N AtORTtiAGK Sale. By rlrtu 6f the power of sale contain ed in a certain mortgage deed made by Rachel Freeman and husband, John T. Freeman, to the North . Carolina . Home Building Association, Bearing date Septem ber 18th, 1915, and duly registered on the records of hew .HanoYer County, in Book 88, page 125, the undersigned will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder,, for cash, at the Court fionse door in the City cf Wilnilnjrtofl, on Haturday the 1st day of June, 1918, at twelve o'clock M., the fal lowing described property in the City of Wilmington: Beginning at a point in Block 212 in said City, of Wilmington 240 ': feet South from thgf Southern line of Gwyn Street nd 90 Jeet . East - from ithe i Eastern line f Aodewiott tre, nndn-ifR- - : ning thence fcastardiSt and parallel with Gwyn Street 50 feet and 6 inches; thence gouthWatdl? and parallel with Anderson Street 90 feet to the Northern line of an Alley leading Eastwardly from where Mul berry Street intersects "the Eastern line of Anderson Street u thence Westwardly with said Alley 50 feet 0 inches; tbence North wardly and parallel with 'Anderson Street 90 feet to the tiegtmrifisr. and being a part or Lots 4 and 5, in biock 2iz. This 1st day of May. 191$. NORTH CAROLINA HOME BUILDING ASSOCIATION. By John t. Bellamy A Son, Attorneys. 5-1-30U When You Give A Box of Candy You Should Give HER hitman's Because She is Worthy of the Best J & FUTRELLE Phone 211-212 1 07 Princess Street M7 ARMAN NOTICE The Undesigned Retail Grocers will close their places . of business tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at One , O'clock because of MemoHal Day. Plea3e let your orders come early : . '- v ' i. T ' t Peoples' Supply Co. Hall & Durham. Wilmington Grocery Co. Frank M. Ross. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., of New York The Oldest American Life Insurance Company issues policies embracing every modern feature including: Waiver of Premiums and; an Income ef one-tenth the face of the policy in the event of total arid permanent disability, with payment of policy in full at death, without deduction for premiums waived or income paid. Double Indemnity For Accidental Death Dividends Every Year Including the First Loans After The First Year. By insuring in the Mutual Life, you will receive all the advan tages accruing from Insuring in a standard company insuring only standard lives. Before placing your IJfe Insurance It will pay you to consult me or one of the Company's 'Agents. A. B. CROOM, JR., MANAGER WILMINGTON DISTRICT, Southern Building, Wilmington, ti. C. Can't sleep! Can't eat! Can't H une or two aoses iMAtn, ARMY & NAVY will make known remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach and Dyspepsia. r 25 cents a package at all Druggists, or sent to any address postpaid, by the U. S. ARMY & NAVY TABLET CO. 260 West Broadway. N.Y SUBURBAN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MAY 11, WINTER PARK, WRIGHTSVILLE, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH ; KAST BQOKD. LeaTe "Electric Center" for tvmter Park. 6:30 A. M. 6 :50 7 :23 " 8 :00 " 8:30 " Leave "Electric ! Center" I for ' WTlghtsyllle. ' 0:30 A. M. 6 :50 7:25 44 S :00 44 ! 8:30 " ! Leave Electric Center" for Beach 6:30 A. MJ R:50 44 7 :25 44 S :()0 " 8:30 " ib":6o" "" 11 :30 44 11 :00 P. M xl .m 44 2:00 44 2 :30 44 3:00 44 3 :30 44 4:00 " 4 :30 44 5:00 " 5 :30 44 6 :10 44 6:40 44 7:15 44 "9:15" 10:00 11 :30 4 11:00 P. 1:10 ' 2:00 ' 2 :30 ' 3:00 3:30 ' 4:00 4 ,4:30 4 5 :00 4 5:30 ' 6:10 0:40 7 :15 8:15 9:15 10 :15 11:15 10 :00 44 , 11:30 44 ' !1:00 P. M. 1 :10 " 2 -M) " j 2 :30 44 I 3 :00 " 3 :M 44 4jO 44 ! :30 44 5:00 44 5 :30 " C :10 44 6 :40 44 7 :15 44 8:15 " 9 :15 44 10:15 " 11 :15 ; M, Daily except Sunday. ! Sundays Only. . z FREIGHT SCHEDULE: ' ' Daily Except Sunday. ( Leave Ninth and Orange Streets 3: 00 P. M. Freight Depot open Daily Except Sunday from 2:00 to 3:00 P. M. SPECIAL NOTICE -This table shows the time at which trains may be expected to arrive t and depart from the several stations, but the arrivals and departures are not guarnteed. N. Humphrey. Shand's Grocery. Mann-Atkinson-Watters R. A. Montgomery. even digest what little you do eat! you feel ten years younger. Best WKSTBOCND. Leave Beach for Wilmington. Leave I Leave Wrlgrfcts villa Winter Park for .1 for Wilmington. Wilmington. 6:15 A. M. 6-28 A. M. 7:10 A. MJ 7:20 44 ; T:31 " 7:40 44 t:50 44 1 'Sl 44 8:15 44 S:25 44 8:36 44 8:45 44 S:55 44 1 9:06 " 9:15 44 9:25 44 9:5 44 !10:20 44 : !10:31 44 10:45 ' I 10:55 44 I tl :06 44 12:15 P. M. 32:25 P. M. J2:3 P. M. !1:45 44 !1:55 44 !2:06 44 xl :50 44 2 :00 44 2 :11 44 2:45 44 2:55 44 3:01 44 S:15 " 3:25 44 3:36 3:45 14 .3:55 44 4:01 44 4:15 " 4:25 14 4:36 44 4:45 44 4:55 44 5:01 44 5:15 44 5:25 44 f :36 44 5:45 44 5:55 44 6:01 44 6:20 44 6:30 44 6:41 44 6:50 44 7:00 44 7:11 44 7 :20 44 7 :30 44 7 :41 44 7:50 44 8:00 44 :ll 44 845 ' 44 856 44 "i6':06"'44' " 10:10 44 10:21 44 10:45 44 10:56 44 11:45 44 11:56 44 - Does not Run Beyond Station 3. BY iffi NEW YORK CITY- KGoodi Room irfih . Batn . ": to 3.0Q Fer.Day " Isjiarj tFmd, BJi&tofhirPaper will tell you "You can get them atxthe V HoteliGregorian '35di Street, ( : Bet 5di Are. and Broadway. HotneUk. Mopru, Fireproof. Cen tU, Asr Thnatres and Shops. Bert of Wfc4e t Fair Prleea. . Tfrltjr f m .IHwklst to DANIEL V. JCTTCaSTT, Prop. tlWE EAURIA GUT OF THE SYSTS , A COP D TO 10 AND Ayj8TWSj We specialize in the man- i ufacture of s Rubber Stamps and Good Printing Carolina Priijtingand I Stamp Works No. 8 Grace St. UNION PASSENGER ST A Arrival and Departure of Trains February 1st. 1918. j. - :- - SEABOARD AIR LINE i DEPART DAILY - ARHini 3:55 P.M Charlotte ......120 P.I& , - Parlor Car. v 5 Sm A.M. .... Charlotte .... 12:30 A.j Sleeper opened 10 :00 P. M, For Information Fhone 178, ATLANTIC COAST LINE Depart daily , , arrive 5 :45 A.M.. . .South and West. . .12 :45 A.H Sleeper to Columbia, (Open 10:00 P. M; 7:43 A.M... North- ........... 6:05 P.2Jg Parlor Cat to Norfolk S 8:45 A.M... Fayetteville ........ 8:00 P.M. 3:05 P.M.. .New Bern ... 12:30 P.M. 3:30 JT.M..Sputlj ana West. . . .1 :00 P.ii; Sleepers to Augusta. Atlanta C:4C P.7H...Nortk t i0:15 AJj; Sleepers to Washington, Norfolle For lnfomi4!on Phone 160. S' X? - - igton leaves Daily and Sunday At 9:34 A. M. NEOLIN SOLES. Makes Walkln a Pleasure . Attached by SULLIVAN, King of Shfrtmakere N. Front Strict, ?hone 523. , McMANUS tm m -mm m mm .... v St Wilitiin -A. ' i' i; i 1 !' ' t 1' If I h ! I,- K! ti i J 11 V ? In i.r,u7 W i tr i: ; f 4 i ! ft: : j. 5 S-:. 7

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