X in i. THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH. SUNDAY, MAY 12. 1918. I? if r- 1 V 1 " i BUSINESS s MESSENGER SERVICE. t For thN i aervlco we use the Po tat 1 Telegraph Cable Company msssengers. They will call for your ' "ada," !n the same, manner and quick time as they now cover the city for telegrams, night letter grams, cables etc. Cfi, fur? her information as . to "ads," call 17,but for telegraph service can "Postal! Teiegrapn." VOU MAKE NO MISTAKE, WHEN on buv a Carolina Place lot. The -prices will be increased in a few dars. All lot 33 by 113. Water, as - jiTirt electric lights through the placs V TMrM from S300 to $600.00. Terms -1 $10.00 down and- $7.50 per month '' James Owen Reilly, Real Estate and . Insurance. 512-lt t1.650.D0 BUY A BRAND NEW Shouse, large lot in Manhattan (near 17th and Castle). This house is two C stories. 6 rooms. House and lot can be bought for less than value of 'house alone. James O-aren Reilly, .Real Estate and Insurance. 5-12-lt YOU CAN BUY A BRICK STORE, ON Market street, with lot 28 by 75, for - about $5,000.00 less than the actual mat of reDlacine the store, alone. A - bargain, but to secure it, you will - hare to act quick. See me at once -James Owen Reilly, Real Estate and Insurance. 5-12-lt SEVENTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOL ilars, buys a modern, 8 room house vwith lot 45 by 165, on Fifth Avenue, - near Orange street. James Owen Reilly, Real Estate and Insurance. - 5-12-lt DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS, ON :" South Fourth street, for sale. Lots are all high, and on Macadam street Price from $400.00 up. Better not ij"5 wait till they are all sold to select one. Auto will show you these lots . - Phone 776. James Owen Reilly, Rea Estate and Insurance. 5-12-lt A MODERN STEAM HEATED HOME - Number 220 South Third street, Comparatively new, for sale at rea -ssonnbJe price. For full information visit Wright's Real Estate i-d Tn ' furance Agency. 5-12 It 5-12 It We specialize in the man : ufacture of .Rubber Stamps and Xjpod Printing Carolina Printingand SfaT.p Works " No. 8 Grace St. Str. Wilmington Leaves Daily and Sunday At 9:30 A. M. NEOLJN SOLES. Makes Walkin a Pleasure AttachcJ by SULLIVAN, King of Sh takers N. Front Strv5t ."'hone 523. PECIALS i I: F Put your moneyin, V 2 in 1 Tires and -get more mileage FAIRinl 901 N.Fourth Phone -738 --- ' i : ... i AN INVESTMENT OR SMALL HOME 119 Dawson street, - six room' house int. eewerasre. etc. Half Mock from Front street car line. See" us about this. Wright's Realty and Insurance -Agency. bi-iv WANTED AT 1109 N. 5TH ST. SiA men boarders or lodgers, omy oe wnv frfttn nar line. Mrs. Florence Walker, 1109 N. 5th St . 5-12-lt I arrc LOT ON CASTLE SlKttl hfttween Fifth and Sixth, ror. saio. Tt is fifi feet front, and 165 feet deep. ro Kmirit for S2.400.00. and is wsrflin This property increas in valna each day. James Owen ReiUy, Fire Insuranoe & Real Es tate. 5-121t WANTED EXPERT STENIGRA- nt.r rail between 11:00 ana t:vv o'clock Monday, May 13, office of resident engineer. U. S... shipping board, 606 Murchison Bank Building. 5-12-lt ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED rr imfiH-nished 514 Dock street. Phone 1428-J. 5-12 It COTTAGES AT WRIGHTSVILLE Beach, for rent. Prices range from $200 to $400.00 all furnished. De mand for Cottages will exceed the supply therefore it is wise to de cide now. Wright's Realty and In surance Agency. 512-lt TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent at 706 South 7th St. 5-12-lt FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT 405 Walnut street. 5-12-lt ROOMS FOR RENT 2 LARGE ONES and one small. All conveniences Phone 1508-W. No. of house 317 North 4th. 5-12-lt FOR RENT FOUR ROOMS LOWER flat, 307 So. 6th St. Phone 1345 612-lt FOR . RENT FURNISHED ROOMS centrally located half .block from car line. . Apply Box 488. 512 FARM FOR SALE CAPE FEAR Township, Blue Clay Road. Grow ing crops now. Two room house. If Interested see H. F. Wilder or Wil liam Niestlie, 415 North 7th street. 5-12 It j THREE (3) ROOMS FOR RENT AT No. 810 Orange street Also two (2) rooms for rent at No. 812 Orange street. FOR $475 IMPROVED 85 ACRES, close in soring. Arkansas Invest ment Co., Leslie, Ark. 5-12-lt j FOR RENT HOUSE WITH 7 ROOMS 218 So. 11th street. Apply 21 So. 2nd or to Geo. B. Applewhite. 5-12 LOST FOUR YEAR MEDAL OF First Presbyterian Sunday School. Please return to Dispatch office or J. E. Willson and receive reward. 5-12-lt-J , LOST PURSE BETWEEN UNION Station and 6th and Princess, con taining silver card case with ten tiollars in bills, fountain- pen, Tide water Street Car pass book and pair gray kid gloves. Return to 515 Princess street and receive reward. 5-12 It AMERICA AND THE GREAT WAR greatest seller in years. Every American wants it. Lavishly iUus- trated. Low price. We will pay you $225.00 to distribute it. Sample Free. International Trust, Phila delphia. 5-11-ltJ FOR RENT THREE ROOMS UP stairs with modern conveniences at 407 Brunswick street. 5-12 It FOR SALE MIXED FIELD OR COW peas suitable for planting; $3.50 per busnel. .Field peas at fd.Zb per bushel. Samuel Bear & Sons, 311 N. Front street. 5-12-lt WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH LOT FOR sale between Seashore Hotel and Carolina Yacht Club. Only a few lots in this choice location. If you want a Summer home see us quick. Wright's Realty and Insurance Agency. 5-12-lt FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS BUYS a new and comfortable ' home on Chestnut street, Carolina Heights. Can arrange terms. Will cost now nearly this much to build house alone. Wrierht's Realtv and Insurance -Agency. 5-12-lt Tmta R ; : A COTTAGE HOME MODERN AND comfortable, in a choice location number 209 South Sixth street. Best see this, then see Wright's Realty and Insurance Agency, if you want a home, at before-the-war-prlce. 5-12-lt A VERY BEAUTIFUL AND DE- lightful Home for sale at Winoca Terrace. Heat, Garage, large lot, very reasonable price and attractive terms is number 308 North Fifteenth street. Wright's Realty and Insur ance Agency. . 5-12-lt FOR 8ALE 155 ACRES LAND, Dl' - rectly opposite Ahrens Chicken Farm on the Federal Point road, al most opposite the Steel Shlnvard site. 1,500 feet road front, all high ana ary iana, just the place for de velopment, one to flvft nnrfl tracts will sell readily, our crice for the coming week is only $100 per acre, If you are interested, come to see me. xi. r. wixaer, Agent. 5-12-lt u WWUW5I5 EVERYWHERE Front, Street Buildinn b Seeofld floor. SO x ao. ..Uahi. any Kind of business. Pas..inn r Wilder reasonable. H FOR. J" JS V&Jl CbliaAVs, tuauv5MU -f- 1 upholstered barber chairs, no-vrbeing used la the Orton bafrberBhop. J. H. Hintoni . 5-10-3t-J FOR RENT 4 ROOM HOUSE 1405 South' 3rd street and nice store $tn avenue : and Wright street. ; Apply 316 N. 2nd street. Phone 648sT. FOR RENT, SMALL FURNISHED housekeeping apartment, , southern exposure. Phone 1430. 5-10-3t-J WANTED SEVERAL QENTLEMEN room and board in private home. References desired. Box 375. v 5'--0-3t-J - FOR BENT FOUR FIVE ROOM houses in good condition on North Eighth, betweeo Nixon and Taylor streets. Five four-room houses on 'MacRae alley, between Nixon and Taylor, also five houses on Taylor, between Fifth and Sixth streets. 3t-J MEN MAKE MONEY BY ANTICI- pation; don't wait until the crowds come, and buy at the top; get a lot at ground floor prices Monday at the auction sale, 17th and Cas tle. ' Easy terms, excellent property. 6-10-3t TWO LARGE ROOMS FOR RENT Colored applicants apply 812 South 12th St. 5-10-3tJ FOR RENT OFFICES ON 8ECONO floor, in Peterson & Rulfs Building. $5.00 up. Possession given at once Apply at Peterson & Ruirs. 3-11 Sunday, tf. MARRY IF LONELY; FOR RESULTS try me: best and most successful "Home Maker": hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confidential; most reliable; years of experience; descriptions free. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Purdie, uox 556, Oak land, Calif. 5-5-122t FOR, SALE SADDLE HORSE OF Col. J. VanB. Metts Used two years in Army Absolutely sound, gentle, also drives to buggy. An excellent animal. No further use. for him Will sell for cost. E. A. Metts, City. Phone 950. - 5-8-4t-j FOR SALE ONE 20-l-r. P., I r C Engine. One 70 saw Continental gin with all equipment furnished. Been used only two seasons. Well taken care of under shed. Anyone looking for bargain apply W. H. Malpass, Rocky Point. N. C. 4-3-tl WINESAP APPLES EVAPORATED peaches, oranges, lemons, green cabbage, eating Irish potatoes, on ions, lima and navy beans, black eye peas, Marichino cherries, coco, Welches grape juice fruit jars and a complete line cf candies, chewing gum and paper bags. Bear Pro duce & Mdse. CcOTpantrtolBale Phones 452-463. Bta?keSt w A N T E D AN EXPERIENCED housekeeper. Address Housekeeper, care Dispatch. 5-12-lt FOR RENTONE NICE LARGE WELL ventilated room on 2nd floor,' fur nished. Also 2 nice well ventilated rooms on 1st floor, unfurnished Electric lights, Gas and Phone. Cal Phone 371-J. 5-12-1 J NEW TRUNKS, BAGS AND SUI Cases in all grades, call and see them. The C. W. Polvogt Co. 512 WINDOW SHADES. STOCK SIZES and shades made to order. The C. W Polvogt Co. 5-12 AWNINGS MADE TO ORDER FOR Homes or business houses. The C, W. Polvogt Co. 5-12 U. S. FLAGS AND SERVICE FLAGS in stock, all sizes to select from The C. W. Polvogt Co. 5-12 WALL PAPER SUITABLE FOR ANY room in stock. Paper that house of yours and it will be rented. We have the men to do the work. The C. W. Polvogt Co. 5-12 FEATHER PILLOWS $1.00 AND UP ward. Well filled and good quality ticking. The C. W. Polvogt Co. 5-12 WANTED STENOGRAPHER LADY experienced, immediate employment. 1009 Murchison Bank Bldg. 5-12-lt WANTED TO PURCHASE A CAS iteglster, small jName Best cas isn price. Must be cheap for quick buyer. William Stack, Wilmington, General Delivery. 512-lt-j WANTED SIX MEN BOARDERS OR lodgers at 520 Bladen street. Only two blocks from car line. Mrs. Emma Cooper,' 520 Bladen St. 5-12-lt For Sale 300 Bushels Field Peas, 500 Bags Meal, 200 Bags Corn, 30 Tons Velvet Bean Meal, 2000 Sacks Salt, 500 Boxes Tobacco, t5O0 Cases Fat Herring, 500 Cases Tomatoes, 400 Cases Star Lye. Also all other goods in our line. Come one, come all and if you can't come, write. D. L. GORE CO. Wilmington, N. C. JUST KIDS y S TOOiX)W J LE DoWt WnoW) 1 1 TTtn T 1 1 11 1 1 IfjS&fr' .STGvi Ho5T hr smith: TT t N TTTTT r fff 1 . '-j . f" J T WUZ THE NICE5TV ; b T 13 FOR RENT THE 7 ROOM HOUSE 205 North 7th street with modern conveniences, will be put in good repair. In good locality, one block from car line. For information call up Phone 650-J. 6-10-3t- ONE OF THE MOST DESIRABLE residences in the city, large, airy, comfortable porches, ample grounds, garage and other out blldings. Cal at 418 So. 3rd street and see the place. 5-10-3t-j FOR RENT HOUSE NO 15 SOUTH , 8th street All conveniences. Apply J. B. Williamson. Phone 446. 5-10-3t-J HELP WIN THE WAR BY EATING Old Irish potatoes. We have a car good eating stock to arrive this week. Bear Produce and Mdse Co. 14-16 Market street. 5-10-3t WA8COTT GJNGERALE CAR WILL arrive May 13th. Send us your orders. Bear Produce and Mdse Co. 14-16 Market street. 5-10-3t FOR RENT 4 ROOM FLAT 217 S. 2nd street, $8.00 per month. Modern conveniences. Aoply S. Abromowitz, 811 N. 4th street. 5-10-3t-j HOUSE 1402 DOCK ST. SEVEN rooms, modern in every particular; will rent to nice family, or two f am. illes can easily occupy. Write Rev. J. S. Crowley ,or phone 806. 8-10-3tj FOR RENT ONE ROOM SUITA- ble for two gentlemen or couple, connected with bath room. 505 S. 4th St. Phone 591-J. 5-10-3t-J "AM I GOING TO THAT AUCTION sale Monday of the Gun Club Grounds? Sure: I may not buy anything unles it goes at a bargain, but I want to be there and see how Wilmington dirt is going to sell under the new order of things. I think they are saving it a little early, don't you? I believe their lots would bring 100 per cent more this fall, after the crowds come." 5-10-3t-j FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH, One mattress and- spring, one 20 ich centre table, one Acorn gas nfange7,'?(lwb rockers and two chairs. Can be seen at 218 S. Third St. Quick sale necessary. 5-10-3tj FURNISHED COTTAGE FOR RENT 13 N. Sixth St. Phone 598-J. 3ti-j FOR RENT SIX FURNISHEED rooms, 704 South FFront St. Phone 207. 5-10-3t-j 1 When You Give A Box of Candy You Should Give HER Wu hitman's Because She is Worthy of the Best & FUTRELLE Phone 211-? 12 1 07 Princess Street j JiAN When Mr. Smi& Volunteered LOST COLLECTION BOOK LOOSE Leaf on downtown streets. L. Schwartz Furniture Company, 810 N 4th street. Reward. Phone 194, 5-10-3t-J FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED OR unfurnished rooms, with southern exposure, and use of phone and bath, 418 So. 6th street. 5-9-3t-J FOR RENT TWO NEATLY FU fi nished, cool, screened bed rooms one permanently and" one from June 10th to October 1st. Furnace heated in winter. Apply 103 N. 13th streey ui ivicyuuua iioi-i), u-ivot j WANTED EXPERIENCED SH IP ping Clerk. Must furnish good refer ence. Box 966, Wilmington, N. C. 5-10-tf FOR RENT LOWER FLAT, THREE rooms No. 721 N. 5th street. Modern conveniences, $12.00 per month. Ap ply above address. 5-10-3t FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM AT No. 104 Red Cross street. Call after 6:15 P. M 5-10-3t COTTAGE FOR1 RENT COMFORTA- ble 6 room cottage, good location. Wrightsville Beach. All conven iences. Will rent for June, July and August J. W Batson, Phone No. 72. 5-10-3t-J FURNISHED ROOM SUITABLE FOR one or two gentlemen, central loca tion and strictly refined Phone 1327-J 5-10-tf FOR RENT NO. 916 WRIGHT St. $6.00; No. 920 Wright street $6.00; No. 1106 So. 10th street $6.00, water and sewerage free. Walter Taft, 120 Church street. 5-10-3t-J FOR RENT 107 NORTH 9TH ST. Seven room house, lights and water, third door from car line. Apply next door. 5-10-3t-j FOR RENT LOWER FLOOR 412 Brunswick street to party without children. 5-10-3t-j WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of issue when so requested. Phone ycur order to 745.. Gordon's News Stand. 10-7-tf. WANTED CLEAN COTTON RAGS. Dispatch Office. . 6-7-tf . WANTED A MEDIUM SIZE FIRE proof safe with combination lock. J. H. Hinton. 5-9-3t WE HAVE A BUYER FOR YOUR cottage. You would do well to get it on our lisL Wilder, 207 Princess St. 5-57t PLANTS FOR SALE, CABBAGE, CoUards, Tomato and Lettuce plants; also Cosmo Flower plants, at C. H. Bornemann's Store, 7th and Orange Sts. t4-30-tf WANTED TO BUY SOME CHEAP Second-handed Bicycles. AtjdIv Queen City Cycle Co., 209 Market St. Phone 862. 4-29-tf WANTED OLD FALSE TEETH , Don't, matter if broken. I pay $2.00 to $15.00 per set. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mail. L. Mazer, 2007 S. Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 5- .4-21-30nj TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS OF all descriptions. You will find it Chas. Finkelstein'a Place. Guaran tee you to save money. 6 So. Front St Phone 642. 4-19-tf WHEN YOUR BOY GOES INTO THE Trenches see that he takes with him your portrait. He will treasure it above all the gold on earth. Folta and Kendrix. A . 12-13-t GAS RANGE FOR SALE CALL AT S. B. Prease's Tinning and Plumbing shop, 210 South Front street. Phone 908-W. 5-8 By A4 Carter FOR RENT ONE ROOM WITH ALL conveniences. Prone 1471W. 5-103t-j VISIT OUR MARKET QUALITY and Prices guaranteed. Full line of Fresh Meats, Native and Western All kinds of fresh Vegetables. Nice snap beans, New Irish potatoes, 10c per quart; N. C-Hams, very best'in city. Phone No. 72. Batson's Meat Market. 5ql0-2t FLOUR 24-lb $1.65, SELLS WITHOUT cereals. White meat 20 cents up to 30 cents for best pig; nutter blocks best 50 cents; coffee, green 11 cents; caraja 25 cents; sugar 9 cents; soap all kindss 5 cents; molasses, best 75 cents gallon, quart bottle 20 cents; lard 25 and 30 cents; peas black eye 10 cents, meal peck 60 cents; smoked meats 24 cents; salt ribs 16 cents; cans cream tall 14 cents; salmons. 19 jcents; powders, spices, cleansers 6 ror 25 cents. No credit, no delivery but steady lowest prices. We close at 7:30 p. m. A. Renik, 5th and Nixon. Phone 827. 5-8-7L 1XOBTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the power of sale contain ed in a certain mortgage deed made by Rachel Freeman and ' husband, John T. Freeman, to the North Carolina Home Building Association, bearing date Septem ber 18th, 1915, and duly registered on the records of New Hanover County, in Book 88, page 125, the undersigned will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder,, .for cash, at the Court House. door in the City of Wilmington, on Saturday the 1st day of June, 1918, at twelve o'clock M.j" the fol lowing described property in the City of Wilmington : Beginning . at a point In Block 212 in said City of Wilmington 240 feet South from the Southern line of Gwyn Street and 90 feet East from the Eastern line of Anderson Street, and run ning thence Eastardly and parallel with Gwyn Street 50 feet and 6 inches; thence Southwardly and parallel wltn Anderson Street 90 feet to the Northern line of an Alley leading Eastwardly from where Mul berry Street intersects the Eastern line of Anderson Street ; thence -Weatwardly with said Alley 50 feet 6 Inches; thence North wardly and parallel with Anderson Street 90 feet to the beginning, and being a part or iiots 4 ana o. in Blocs 2JZ. This 1st day. of May, 1918. NORTH CAROLINA HOME BUILDING ASSOCIATION. By John D. Bellamy & Son, Attorneys. 5-1-3011 NOTICE. North Carolina, .New Hanover County In the SuDerior Court. Before the Clerk. In the matter of New Hanover County jjramage jmstnet o. z. ORDER. . This cavise coming on to be heard and tne nnai report or the Board of View ers ha vine this dav heen filed with M uourt, and having been examined, ia found to be in due form and in aecordancce with the law, and is hereby accepted. . The Court appoints the 23rd day of May, 1918, as the time when it will further con sider ana pass upon tne said report. . It Is hereby ordered, that a copy of this order be posted nt the Court House door, and at five conspicuous places within, said Drainage District, ana be publblshed in the Wilmington Dispatch, a newspaper of general circulation within the county, for two conserntlve weeks, this the 29th day of April. 1918. v . W. .N. HARRIS. 5 6 u Clerk Super;or Court. livesrors "Would you- be interested in purchasing a security that will pay you not less than 10 per cent and where your principal is well secured and will increase in ralue? Write for further par ticulars. .P. O. 87, Wilmington, N. C , : - . .. 10 ffRYPTOl L A vTHE. INVISIBLE BIFOCAlS Afford a comfort which is appreclatej oy..uiose wno warn near or far visj03l in one pair of glasses. They keep your eyes young in looks as yell as in usefulness. No line, seam or lump to blur th. vision. EYES TESTED FREE Dr. Vineberg Masonic Temple iiimiHiiiminiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim, 1 J. p. McCABE and CO. 1 Certified Public Accoun- 1 H tants. 5 Room 906 Murchison Bank Blda. I fnon sB, w i um i i UN, N. C -lIIllIIIIIIlIlllIlinillllllHIIIllllllllIlIIIIIIIilliliiilllllil!!!,,'! Cotton W eare prepared to sign contracts with responsible parties for October de livery Cotton at good prices. . W. B. Cooper & Co. Wilmington, N. C. njniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiimniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Builder j Supplies We Carry High Grade j Material and offer our best 1 services. I W. B. THORPE & CO. I Phone 789. Just Received Stock Potato Bug Paste and Dry Powder. John - S. - HcEacbern Son No. 211 Market St. "SANS-SOUCI" SAUSAGE Pure Pork Sausage Fresh Sausage Smoked Sausage - Frankforts Bologna Head Cheese Liver Sausage " New England Ham Made without cereals Sanitary, clean delicious Take no substitutes For sale at all first-class grocers and markets. CAROLINA PACKING COMPANY J (COA! -- s it i r 4 ib -

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