WILSON LIKELY TO CARR Y FIGHT WITH SENA TE Charges Senate With Danger ous Attempts to 'Usurp" Authority; ' - , ACCEPTS CHALLENGE First Serious Clash Since He Became America's President. PATIENCE IS EXHAUSTED Upper Body of Congress Faces Two Courses, It Must De feat Chamberlain Resolution or Defy Wilson. (By FRANK P. MORSE.) Washington, D. C, May 16. Presi dent Wilson has thrown - down the gauntlet to congress and challenged the ambitions of the senate commit tee on military affairs Back of his letter transmitted ; yesterday to Sena tor Martin, in which he" declared that the passage of the Chamberlain reso lution calling for an investigation of the aircraft and other- war iaetivities would be regarded by him",s a "di rect vote of -want or confidence in the administration," there is an unyeiled threat to go before the country with, a charge of dangerous attempts' fry the legislative branch of the govern ment to usurp authority-constitutionally guaranteed to the executive branch. . . There is a remarkable similarity between the words written" by the president of the United States and the language recently employed by Lloyd-George, when he informed parr liainent that the Asquith resolution would be interpreted . as a vote of a lack of confidence in the British .gov ernment's conduct of the -war and mat,, ii acou, n vuiu x uouik xxjl tuo immediate retiral of the Uoyd George cabinet That threat 'resulted' in the defeat of the Asquith resolu tion. President Wilson's blunt letter to Senator Martin will have the same effect on the Chamberlain resolution." it may be well to emphasize the fact that this is the first serious .clash between the white house, v anfe'con , press since Wcwdfow.WilaxiiLVaaA first elected president ' of-fhe United States.v Mr. Wilson thoroughly "un derstands the importance .of .the. step he took today. It means that his pa tience is exhausted." He, has watch ed the steady efforts of the ' senate military affairs committee o, en croach uron the domain of the ad ministration and has given repeated hints that Senator Chamberlain and! his associates on the committee were going too fai By his action today he puts the issue squarely up to r con gress. '-" The senate faces just two courses of procedure. It must reject the Chamberlain - resolution or " defy the president. In the latter event, which is practically out of the question, there is no doubt that Mr. Wilson would take the matter at once to the people of the United States. He would review the events that have led up to the impasse between the constitutional rights- of the adminis tration and arraign the' resolution" as an absolute defiance of. those .rights. Reduced to simple language, the presidnpfs letter to Senator Martin calls on congress to state unmistaka bly whether or not the 'legislative branch of the government stands be hind the president of' the United States and the present conduct . of ..the ar. Inferentially, the passage of the resolution would be accepted by Mr. Wilson as an expression of congres sional belief that the . American" peo ple are not behind the president. On that issue, he would talie the ques tion before the country. Today's dramatic action will be bet? tw understood when it is known that President Wilson keenly ' resents the studied nagging of the administration by republican senators and represen tatives and the few democrats in the QPPer and lower house who have 81"ed with them. At least a certain Percentage of the attacks on eGorge Creel, chairman of the committee on Public information, is interpreted as attempts to hit at the president 'over Reel's shoulders. President Wilson also resents the petty methods that have been util ?. by senat who, obviously, have jwaed to irritate the Washington government. Government officials, Particularly the officers of the ship ping board, have been called from e.ir Wor" again and again to answer V the uyoriant questions formulated The frea-uency of these calls gj the excuses advanced 'for them to n interPreted by the admln ration as systematic persecution of bv , .mmtal departments actuated gnified motives and without losi .nt consideration for the costly 10s' valuable time. foil!?5 8 no doubt here In well in ioS J cIrcles that President Wil- action will result In the r,iate deft of the Chamberlain jesolutj, n. The senate Is not likely follow ti , course tnat will be accept ed ?le is the president oa which the -people of the -J 1 TO PEOPLE Wilson Says Resolution Would Mean "Drag Net" 4 . MAY DEFEAT MEASURE TKompson May, Offer Substi- ' tute to Limit Probe of War. FIGHT WAXES WARM President Feels Revised Act is Too Broadly Drawn and ' i Will Authorize General Inquiry Into Conduct Washington, May 16. President Wilson today renewed His fight against adoption by the senate of Senator Chamberlain's resolution for a, war inquiry by the. senate military committee. He advised Senator Thompson, Qf Kansas, that the reso lution ' as amended yesterday' . by - the senate "expenditures' committee still is objectionable. Considering all the circumstances; President V Wilson ; told ; Senator Thompson, "chairman of the expendi tures committee, the Chamberlain resolution, even as. modified, would, In effect, authorize a "drag net" in vestigation by the military commit tee. . .. ' . The president informed Senator Martin, of Virginia, democratic lead er, yesterday, that the Chamberlain resolution, calling for. an investiga tion of aircraft production and other war activities, constituted a vote of lack of confidence in the administra tion? and? the -ex amended it to deteat-Jthe r resSiiftniev en aa re vised., said Senator Thompson, after a conference at theiwhite-house. ."The president "authorized 'toe tosaythat he ' is 'just as muh - opposed to the amended' resolution as he was to the original." ' r. i Senator Thompson said he might offer a substitute, proposing to limit the military committee's nquiry.to the aircraft situation alone. The; presi dent, he said, feels that the revised resolution- is too broadly drawn and still is subject to the construction that will authorize the general In quiry by the military committee into the conduct of the war. . - Senator Thompson also said it was believed the military committee now has sufficient authority to proceed within its proper boundaries of in quiry, possibly with the exception of providing additional funds for ex penses. .The original Chamberlain resolu tion authorized an inquiry into air craft, ordnance and quartermaster af fairs and into the "conduct of the war -by or- through the war depart ment." This phrase was deleted and an express-proviso was added prohib iting the military committee from in terfering with the president's directon of the war. PREACHED BY WELLS Main Interest in Presbyterian Assembly Centers in r New Moderator. Durant, Okla., May 16.-The 58th session of the general assembly of the Presbyte'rian church, . south, the first ever held in Oklahoma, convened here this" morning with delegates from approximately 1 25 southern and central states attending. The Rev. John M . Wellsr the re tiring moderator, preached the open ing sermon of the session. Principal interest in today's ( session Reenters about the election of a new modera tor, which takes place this afternoon. Deny Change In Command. v London, May 16. Reports that were in circulation that a change was imminent In the higher' command of the Britis harmy ' In France were de nied in the house of commons - by Chancellor BonarLaw( spokesman for the war cabinet -v- . ;j Replying to a question, . Mr. Bonar? Law said no change in the higher command had taken place, nor was any in contemplation. , ' . United States would be asked, per sonally, by Mr. Wilson to express an pinion. , Senate leaders v practically admitted last night that the resolu AGAINST INQUIRY peiifiUttnittea I Mil I A T HAM ft OPENING WAS tion is doomed; . zsmm$!&m. .... hoptimism. ' ; ' I J i i JJv r , : . I in. rsag : ANO All . Troops. Put Under U. S. Command Where the Sam- ! ' ; - mies Predominate. . .. - f Washington, May 16.-r-Divisions on the western front where American units are brigaded with the British and French, it. became, known today, will "fight- under --American comman ders whenever 'American troops pre dominate. " The plan, which pieans that Gen eral Pershing 1 soon . may be placed in command of British and French units, as well. as his own Americans, is re garded here" as especially desirable, and is expected. - to-rapidly' increase the size df the American ofrces on the fighting line and contribute ef fectiyely to the spirit" of unity. In addition to this, as illustrative of the unity of command under which General Foch directs the American and allied armies, it was stated offi cially that Foch commands .Italian troops in Italy as' fully as he does American, French and British troops in France and Belgium. TRUST THE PRESIDENT Stands by Wilson to Secure Democratic Peace for World. London, May.. 16, British labor will trust President Wilson to secure a democratic peace and will aid American labor in backing him, up,, declared Arthur Henderson, leader of the labor party, at a meeting of the Manchester-Salford trade . counsil last ' night. Three members of the American labor - delegation accompa nied Mr. Henderson to tho me sting.: "If there is anybody," Mr. Hender son said, "in whose hands we would trust our destinies when a proper peace is to be secured it is in those of the president of the United States; When the time comes, X believe there will be no stronger force behind Pre s-i ident Wilson than American labor, seconded- by ; British - labor,- determin ed to keep representatives at the ta ble until we have secureed a clear, honorable and democratic peace based on the will of the people." Ernest G. Baldwin Elected. Wichita Falls, Texas, May 16. Ernest G . Baldwin, Roanoke, Va.; was elected honorary . commanderTin chief . for life oft" he Sons 'of Confed erate Veterans at ; a , session o the executive council today: Baldwin has been called or foreign service; and th a ft . was created - for him. . - -,. amo n cnrMOii iimitp nncT ami BRITISH un - II I I I I I HI " I " I III 1 ' I i ii... I I I I . THE STANDING PAT 'IT LOOKS 'AlRGRftFT TO ME ! " THER INVESTIGA TJON IN SIGHT. U. S. Aviators Brought Down Three Hun Machines in - Lorraine. With the Americans in France, Wednesday, May If?. Tlhe ; first American official communique issued since the American troops entered the fighting line on a permanent, ba sis was Issued tonight, 'zlt reports in creased artillery activity northwest of Toul and in Lorraine, as well as the destruction of three German ma chines by two American aviators. The statement reads: "6 p. m.: Headquarters American Expeditionary Forces: Northwest of Toul and in Lorraine there was a marked increase In artillery activity on both sides. "Today our aviators brought down three German machines. There is nothing else of importance to report." An earlier dispatch Wednesday from the American front In . France said that Captain Kenneth Marr, of California, had brought down an en emy biplane and that Captain David Peterson, of Honesdale, Pa., " had brought down two German mQ3: planes in the Toul sector. PLANNING TO CARE FOR FIVE MILLION TROOPS Work of Sammies on Western Front Is Amazing, Sas Brittain. London, May 16. American prepa rations on the western front are amaz ing in their intensity and plans are b-ing made to care for five million American troops, Harry E. V. B de tain, secretary f the English branch of the Pilgrims' club, told the Royal Colonial Institute last night. If the Germans do not give in, he added, the number of American troops will be increased to any amount necessary. Sir Charles P. Lucas, former head of the dominions department at the colonial office, said he wondered if the Germans realized what the entry of " America Into the war meant.' It ir cant, he said, not only the accession to the allied powers of many in. 1 lions of fighting men and the . addi tion of, vast , resources, but also the coming in of the only one amongst the great peoples of the world who have seen and carried through to an unmistakable issue a four-year war... , Tbe United States, asserted M'.ss ttigSins, of the A nserican labor - dele gation, had answered the call of blood England had been a wonderful inspi ration, and the heart of America .was full of gratitude for what England's sonshadr achieved: - LKE WELL. WHICHEVER IT 15. IT LOOKS TaMp ASTOUCH IT OUtTToOE AIR CD THE v.V - m I .-..- S7! ' 91 Names are Reported by American Army in Dead and Wounded. Washington,' May 16. The casualty list today contained 91 names, divid ed as follows: Killed in action . . Died of wounds . . Died of accident ... Died of disease .. .. Died of other causes Wounded severely if i. . Wounded slightly 55 Missing in action . . 1 . 14 Officers named include: Lieuten ant Carl O. Rosequist, Evanston, 111., died of wounds; Captain Earl V. Mor row, Portland, Ore.; Lieutenants Les ter S. MacGregor, Findlay, Ohio; Win frey G. Nathan, Kansas City, Mo., wounded slightly, and Lieutenants Charles W. Chapman, Waterloo, la., and Robert Baker McDowell, Jersey City, N. J., missing in action Killed in action : Corporal John A. Johnston, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 63, Br-yant, Ark. " Died of wounds:, Private Clyde W, Boiling, Winston-Salem, N. C. Wounded severely: Privates Baxter Hayes, 36 Harris street, Anderson, S. C; Earl Matthews, Tulsa, Okla. Wounded slightly: Sergeants Leon ard Eddings, 201 Grand Central ave nue, Tampa, Fla.; Claude N. Logan, Moorersville, N. C. ; Privates Manning G. McCraw, R. F. D. No. 1, Flat Rock, N. C: Walter D. Trussell, Hones Path, S. C; Robert Weakley, 1784 Jackson avenue, Memphis, Tenn.; Porter A. Stevens, Cook Place, Tenn, FUNERAL OF BENNETT IN AMERICAN CHURCH Nice, France, May 15. The1 body of James Gxcion Bennett, proprietor of The New York Herald, will be tak en from Beaulieu to Paris next Sun day or Monday. Funeral services will be held in the American Church of the Trinity, in the Avenue Alma, and interment will be in Passy ceme tery. Mrs. Bennett has received a tele gram ' from Foreign Minister Pichon conveying condolences from the French government on the death of her - husband. , ' Russia Gave Notice. Washington, May 16. A copy of the protest madex by the soviet gov ernment to the German ministry of foreign affairs on April 28, against German oppressions, made public to day by the state department, shows that the Russians gave notice of their intention to mobilize "all necessary forces in order to secure the freedom and 'independence of the Russian re public which is now menaced beyond' the limits established by the Brest treaty.1 J I HEELS N OFFICIAL REPORTS , BRITISH.1 - r London, May 16. Xtfe artillery was active last night to: the val- -' leys of the Somme and ' Ancre'i livers, east of Arras atid'on the , Flanders battlefields, the war "of- flee reports. ' . f.- The statement follows : - V "Our, troops raided the enemy's -j-trenches last ; night in the Heigh borhood of Gavrelle (northeast , of 'Arras), and captured r a few prisoners. .- rBeyond artillery . activity on ; both sides at iiff erent points, par- tlcularly in the- Valleysof the Somme and Ancre ' rivers, east o Arras, and : on the northern bafc tlefront. There Is nothing fur ther to report" ' FRENCH. Paris, May- IS. Artillery ac tions occurred last night on the French front southeast of Amiens, in the'Hailles-Castal sector, says today's war office announcement West of Montdidier a Cerman raid-- ing detachment was driven off. The French took prisoners in pa trol operations north pf the All ette. ' ' The statemept reads: "An artillery duel took place in the Hailles-Castel sector. A German raid west of Montdidier was repused by the French fire. "French patrols operating north of. the Ailette brought back pris oners. . "The night was quiet on the . remainder of the. front." Action First in History of Southern Baptist Convention 1,7005DELEGATES THERE Many States at Once Placed Women Among Its Regular Representatives. - WORK AMONG CAMPS Committee Named to Investi gate Matter of "Giving Pen- . ions tolidowshtilSr ans inisjs..i Hot Springs, Ark.,' May 16. For tie first time in the history of , the church women of the denomination are par ticipating in the deliberations of the Southern Baptist convention. Action! of the convention yesterday In giving the women all church rights that are accorded men, was considered to be a "forthwith" action, and some states immediately accredited their women representatives. According to the of ficial records of the convention Mrs. A. H. BedOe, of Dallas, Texas, was the first woman to receive her cre dentials and appointment : More than 1,700 delegates are at tending tlie convention, which opened yesterday, and almost equal number of women are attending the sessions of the womn's missionary union. Informal conferences were held this morning, at which the degree of insistence, the wording of a proposed resolution describing the rule against denominational . work in military camps should con tan, was discussed. Resolutions in connection with the work of the church among the sol diers were expected to be presented during the day. Other important matters before the convention today included a discus sion of the home mlssiqn board's work during the last year, together with the Initial report of the -: com missio non ministerial pensions A committee was appointed to investi gate the advisability of establishing permanent pensions for widows and orphans of ministers and to secure annuities to aged and dependent min isters. HAVE MILLION AND HALF TROOPS THERE IN YEAR Paris, . May 16. The United States has promised to have 1,500,000 v fight ing men In France by the end of 1918, says L'Homme Libre, Premier Clemenceau's newspaper. These troops, it adds, must have7 their own organization and services, which will Mean at least 2,000,000 ' specialists, werkers, men In the quartermaster's department and, others. Dishes New And Delicious irs an in wma tnat blows nobody good, war economy u uiuusw. us some new things to eat that taste mighty fine, besides -saving money and helping the cause. :: :" ;. The Dispatch will send you free one copy of the new "War Cook; Book," that tells you how to. make some of these new dishes. The War Cook Book" has just been compiled, especially for this .purpose. You can depend on it. It is issued by the United States Food Admin istration. ' . r 1 Do you know how to make baked honey custard?, peanut soup, Ivory jelly, date pudding, "fifty-fifty" biscuits? , " These are a few of the things "The War Cook Book tells. Get your free copy today.,. Send your name and address witn a two-cent stamp for return 'postage to The Wilmintfon Dispatch inrormatlon RuroftiT VrmAmrin J- TT-Lxkln -TMree tnr. Washtnetort. D. C. ' .'! FIGHTING IN WEST : ; ..... . -- ., fire of ArtillryjStill Strong.in iy:- Flanders and 'Picardy. ' HUN ATTEMPT FAILED French Drive Them . Frora High Ground and Penetrate : Front Positions ATTACKS NOT RENEWED Pershing Has Issued His First . Official Statement on Ope f rations Since His Troops " Took Over Sector, Fighting has died down, again iz Flanders and Picardy and only th, guns are busy. The artillery fire continues strong -ail along thge fronts, as well as on the Arras and is most violent north of KemmeKahd north ' and south of. the Somme from Albert to the Avre. -w " .. : . .- These sectors have been Jthe scene of all. the eeent fighting" and - they -probably- will jrae : the 'strongest ene 'jl. L Z -Z.-- i n . . V my euoria whenever xne uennans Be lieve the time is opportune to st anew. . . In Flanders the Germans have been disappointed in their attempts!' to -gain Hill 44, as the French not only drove them from the high ground ! but also penetrated the enemy posit! uons. . . 4 In' Picardy the ' Germans have not ' renewed their counter stacks to drive the French, from the wooded terrain; captured near Hailles. German ;and' French artillery fire continues vhea'vy north of the Avre, The endnjyJwMn-' bardment of the French lines.; here' has been most intense for. the past;, two weeks, but the Germans have at-j tempted no attacks except ,t6 . react ' against successful French gainst General Pershing has issued his first official statement on, Americaa operations since his troops took over ' sectors permanently simultaneously f with announcement i f romt : Washing ton that where . Americatt British and French troops are fightmg.togethef and the Americans are fin iJia jairf t .;ei- y tne coniroi- wums ; hftw b&rra&re -n tne. American: :xine . firtWTrwflxt. nf rTui ; veanesnav. dux jio iniantryv auacK rqs. reu- " . rA-r," In aenai ngnting m uus secror iwi American aviators have accountea " - for three German machines, increas- ea artiuery acu viiy is uwmju vu. w T 1 A A. ... . ' . As on the western .front, the, lull in with expectation that, as in Ftance. floTi1nflp will hrofl lr ffllf ftiOTl i aided Austrian blow will be against UW j o i " . ' , pass to Monte Grappa, just east of ' '., fiie Brenta-in the hope of breaking, through--the Italian - defense- and reaching .Brescia and Milan. Rome re-' nA-rf s htit- BTtfflftTV and rtaxrol en gagements along' the mountain front and the dispersal of enemy troops at i w f i in ii ii Ln xj v l uuiau uaireucsi An attempt by enemy aircraft to raid Paris Wednesday night "was ." however,- dropped a number of bombs a .... . . m A. j v.- ' -'i tho mnw rtisTn.nr snniirDS or ins -- - French capital. .Aerial . activity on the battle lines' continued at high,-, v nith with French and British airy men dropping many bombs onrail- -.1 4.n linn m nrA rtT1OTlft'AtlnT( fPTI- .. . TT Of J Dt.Vvw " ters behind the German lines'- ; v fiormnTiva amDitmns as - resarus ,. . Antnn-HiiTi ?arv r mace ill ute iv -. v. -r teleurpe plan, German newspapers ' s indicate, were realized in we con- - vention agreea upon Dy me iwo win- . . XI ... v" ..." oerors at meir meeung. . - - lilt) ngiccuicui., nu"u uwv ; signed, calls for an alliance for Z5 . - years witu uiuoci ctuuvw; v5mw and more severe military oDiigauons. s prehension on the ' probability that V i . a x Tf ... km w . . null H1V 1 ine AUSiro-nuuBdi jbu aiiuj " Prussianized and believes such a step irinr imnortant than any otner iea- ture of tne new amance. r Concentrate oorman riseu i .-5- London, May 16. The entire Ger- - ttisiti ry ii if nri. r:A.k.cui. w .m - 3 X s.w-v' m TAW 1 1 "HT - cruisers, was recalled last week to f n. i a nevel ria rx i w iici n jl-L-u w. . - nqw are being conceniraien, says - a " ; Hambnrz. received ia i kl''- ..-. - ' - . 4 spondentbf the Daily Express. . 1 .:. V

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