" I. - 4 , r EDBION : VOL. XXIV. NO 152 .WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLlNA.i.MONDAY EVENING. JUNE 10. 1918. FTVECENT3 5L0W mOGKESS IS MADE BYBOCHi .MsOttcteoAt ,tt- AN ENORMOUS COST 3f Steamer Pinar, Del ; Kp Sent- .V;. IownOffMarylai&G)a5K AY, Jr. I I. - I ir i i t- i i i i BAT Gains Have Been Made Only Over Short Section of Line FOCH STANDS READY Has Greater Bulk of His Re serves in Area Now Being Attacked WORKING PINCER GAME Germans Have Hurled 200, 000 Men Against Line in Drive For Paris, Which Measures 20 Miles Long Comparatively slow progress, at tended by losses described as enor mous, is being made by tli3 Germans in their latest effort t break the al lied front in France. The advance asainst the line from Noyon to the eastern suburbs of Monldldiar coming quickly after the force of the offensive on the Aisne had been spent, has en countered stern resistance ,and it is only over a comparatively short-flection of the line that tne enemy has made appreciable gains. The deep est penetration reported so far is ap proximately two and three-quarter niles. It has been believed since the drive towards Amiens stopped that General Foch had the greatest bulk of his re- nn-oc in nr near tho srin that ia nrw being atacked. Not only are these troops within striking distance of, the front, but there are natural obstacles vhich also militate against. the. entire success of the German assault. The high hills which now are the scene of heavy fighting are but outposts of their positions which are prepared flong the Oise river, which bisects the feld upon which the battle will be fought if the first lines of defense are T- S The present assault on the line east cf Montdidier may be considered as a complement -of the : offensive- aloffg the Aisne and when the map Is stud ied it will be seen that the "pincer" system followed by Mackensen in Russia, Serbia and Rumania Is again at work. If the thrust just west of Noyon succeeds in gaining extensive ground, it will approach the line from Soissons to Chateau Thierry and a retirement from the position taken up j the allies there would be forced. On the other hand if the drive gains fround farther west it will outflank tflP nrci f ?rn c y I hv Vi a TTS"r oVi on1 Americans a Montdidier and compel ;ieir readjustment, with the resultant sncovering of Amiens.' The wings, however, seem to be biding firmly and the only gains so Jar made made have been in almost 'he center of the line, where they are feast harmful to the security of the fronts on either side of the new battle area. According to advices from the front, 'he Germans have thrown more than rifi.OOO men against the line, which measures a little over 20- miles in fength. This does not equal the num ters hurled against the British before Cambrai, on March 21, nor is it such concentration of men to the mile as as used at the inception of the Ger man offensive in Flanders in April, hin it is a menacing force to which cay be added at any time the full Tght of the German reserves, which are believed to be massed somewhere American and French. troops oper- (Continued on Page Three.) Germ Prisoners to Rear, Are Themselves Caught f London, June 10. How the captors f three American soldiers on the sec- northwest of Chateau Thierry un fittingly led thpm VianV ir.tr. trio nlllorl 'S OWincr .v. x i.j ji.tA "a iu me uingieu cuuuiuuuo "the fip-Viti A- i i.u v. tho b""ub irom mere, is luiu uy th: "U1 1 espondent of The Times wltn corporal sii)nOT w r a vrf. R - dymond Howard and Frank P. V wv. ' VU V. V i.. w strati.. "VUI' uuniusea ana waiseu - reives were takfin nHanriiar 0e Amo.i . . . . a "",o"wub reporrea tnai uer- -ociy at; r . , lioj , wuen ana wnere tney ra!. . " ui uue. wnere mev were Fh6 a11?1 the identity of their units, l 'Americano mfoA fie i "rwvJUO- ine uermans servea .ea -rcan prisoners with a nau- b fo01COmPund of flour and water KHE AMERICANS ARE J MO FRENCH UNES El NAM Urged As Secv y-Treasurer of Victory " me Co. IS MORE THiliAPABLE His Recommendation Decided Upon at Today's Meeting Executive Commjttee TO MEET WEDNESDAY Several Names Mentioned For General Manager, But . Fi nal Decision Not Yet Been Reached Charlie C. Chadbourn. chairman of the shipping committee of the cham ber of commerce, and one who has worked tirelessly on behalf of the city in gaining government recognition of Wilmington's natural shipbuilding ad vantages resulting in the location of both fabricated steel and concrete shipyards here and opening the way for other developments that are ap parent, wHl be recommended by the executive committee for the office of secretary-treasurer of the Victory Home company, the city's million dol lar house building corporation, at Wednesday afternoon's meeting of the recently elected board or directors. Decision to this effect was reached a,t today's meeting of the executive com mittee, held at 11 o'clock in the rooms of. theuchamber -of cofflmre3" Recommendation of ' names from which the directorate might select a secretary-treasurer and general mana ger w&s one of the chief duties im posed upon the executive committee, and while considerable time was spent during the morning in discussion as to a general manager the opiriion of the five members of the committee as to the secretary-treasurer was unani mous, all agreeing that Mr. Chadbourn was the one man In Wilmington who could fill this position to the satisfac tion of all concerned. His name will be recommended to the board of direc tors at a meeting called for Wednes ay afternoon at 4:30 o'clock and to be held at the chamber, and he will be elected at that time in evnt there is not objection upon his part. In selecting Mr. Chadbourn the com mittee, in the opinion of all, started off well. He has done perhaps more than any other individual, excepting perhaps J. A. Taylor and Industrial Agent James H . Cowan,- toward land ing shipyards for Wilmington and his efforts will parallel those of these two gentlemen. He is thoroughly capable of handling the duties that will be im posed upon him and in the opinion of Wilmington as a whole he is the man for the office. Whether he will be able to place his extensive business inter ests in the hands of persons capable of looking after them is problematical, but there is a feeling that Mr. Chad bourn is going to have to accept whether he wants the office or not. Mr. Chadbourn was active in the or ganization of the company and was among the first to subschibe toward its formation at the initial mass meet ing, which was held at the court house almost two months ago. He agreed -to take $5,000 worth of the stock, his subscription being one in the heaviest class made and he further took stock for two of his nephews who are in the service, saying that he believed he was doing what the ywould have done had they been here rather than "over there." J Heated Debate Expected. Washington, June 10. Further heated debate was expected today when the amendment to the senate rules by Senator Underwood limiting debate on any measure during the war was called up for consideration. It was expected that the main contest would be over an amendment by Sena tor Borah providing for discussion of treaties in open instead of executive session.. Opponents of the Borah amendment were confident it would be defeated. Power to Take Telegraph Lines. Waor.fr.O-tnn .TllTlO 10. Th OrOSl , T QrOUlUO IrUU, dent would be empowered to take pos- ession of all came, reiepnone auu ibic IItiao nnHpr an amendment to gift!"1 ""v-o . the $12,000,000,000 army appropriatiou bill introduced toaay ay oenswr oucp pard, of Texas. The purpose would be to assure secrecy of military informa tion and to prevent communication among spies. " Florida Man Wounded. Ottawa, June 10. A. A. Herrick, St Petersburg, Fla., is among the wound ed In today's casualty list. ...... 1.41 UK it ff "Ml i "2 7 if I mi 11 aw t if Prussianism and Peace Never Come , Into Harmony . BERNSTORFF IS SCORED Wanted s Tip Off Merchant Ships' of Resuming of Sub Warfare SElRnOF HYPOCRISY Causes of the War, Says Sec retary of State, Were Sim ply the German Desire For Domination Schenectady, N. Y., June 10. 'Prus sianism and the idea of enduring peace among nations can never be brought into harmony; compromise cannot even be considered," Secretary Lansing declared here today in an ad dress as honorary chancellor of Union college of 1918. Instance after in stance from his own experience were cited to prove his point because, he as serted, "Americans, even those intel lectually equipped, have but vague ideas of the attitude which made Prus. sianism possible." "It is a fact not generally known," said Secretary Lansing, "that within six weeks after the imperial German government had, in the case of the Sussex, given this government its solemn promise that it would cease ruthless slaughter upon the high seas, Count Bernstorff, appreciating the worthlessness of tn promise, ask ed the Berlin foreign office to advise him in ample time before the cam paign of submarine murder was re newed in order that he might notify the German merchant ships in Ameri can ports to destroy their machinery (Continued on Page Three.) IMPROVEMENT IS MADE BY BRITISH With the British Army in France, June 10. A considerable local im provement of the British line just to the south of the Somme was effected last night through a slight advance carried out in the neighborhood of Bouzencourt. Otherwise the night was generally quiet and the situation unchanged. Raids and outpost actions comprised the remainder of the infan try activity. The enemy shelling, which was so heavy on the British right wing Sat urday and Sunday morning, preceding the attack against the British has again dropped to normal. JOHN E. ATKINSON IS MANGLED BY A. C. L. Special to The Dispatch.) Goldsboro, June 10.-rThis morning John B. Atkinson, of Princeton, was killed by an Atlantic Coast Line train near Belfast flag station, three miles north of Goldsboro, where Atkinson is alleged to have attempted to leap from train, which was said to have been traveling at a high rate of speed. His body was badly mangled and scattered along the track for over 200 yards. He is survived by a wife and several children. COMPROMISE NEVER CAN BE CONSIDERED miiwmiiwinii miuiwiJ lnf iwwiiiiih ii rT'!''i''6-'' 1 IlIIHlltlT f f f WiV. (k r . . i Hut, j it k ft -.v.-Kr.nar-ti. . -iiMM. SWOT 25 GET LIFE TERMS. San Antonio, Texas,. June 10. Sentences of life Imprisonment were imposed by a court martial today upon 45 "conscientious ob jectors" who had refused to wear army uniforms. The sentence was reduced to 25 years each by Brig dier General J. H. O'Neil, who re viewed the records. Brigadier General O'Neil desig nated the Leavenworth prison as the place of confinement. They will be sent immediately to prison. Official Reports BRITISH. London, June 9. German troops last night attacked a British post in . AvetawoQdV c-f. . Albert, the war office announced today. The enemy was depulsed. The statement reads: "The British carried out asuc cessful raid yesterday on the Ger man post on a sector northeast of Bethune. "A hostile attack during the evening upon one of our posts in Aveluy wood was repulsed." FRENCH. Paris, June 10. The new Ger man attack on the front between Montdidier and Noyon continued last night with undiminished vio lence, the war office reorts. On the French wing, furious German attacks, made time after time, were broken up by the French fire. In the center the enemy, bring ing up reinforcements, made fur ther progress, reaching the south ern part of Cutilly wood and Res-sons-Sur-Matz. French and American troops, continuing their attacks in the re gion of Brussiares on the Marne front, gained more ground and took prisoners. On the French right wing along the front of the new attack bitter fighting continues. The French took more than 500 prisoners in various engagements. Prisoners report unanimously that the losses of the Germans thus far in the battle which begun yesterday morning have been extremely heavy. NEW ATTACK ONLY PARI OF Vital Section Because of the Heights Across Valley and Great Railway London, June 10. The new German attack is directed immediately against Compeign as part of the campaign against Paris, according to virtually unanimous newspaper comment here. In the opinion of some commenta tors in the morning papers the section attacked is a vital one because of the various detached heights which lie across the valley of the Oise and its great railway and road to Paris. Any important gain in this direction, it is remarked, would bring the enemy out into the level country toward St. Just and Clermont and enable him to avoid a frontal attack on the forests of Compeign and Villers Cotterets, which are of great value to the allies for defensive purposes. Such a gain, it is held, would probably compel a re adjustment of the allied front between the Oise and the Marne. Another ob ject of the new move Is assumed to be an attempt to outflank the Freneh line in the Soissons sector. CAMPAIGN FOR AS GERMAN jmW , Afta mow f4 Ccaman ft : ...KIK' TRIBUTE IS PAID Splendid Fighting Gives Com fort to French, Says Observer SITUATION SUMMED UP America Capable of Becoming 'Grel&st Military Nation in the World GERMANS REACH LIMIT Boches Can Never Hope of Getting Into Paris by One Battle Near Enough For Gun Fire London, Sunday, June 9 (British Ad miralty per Wireless Press). The military situation on western frort is summed up as follows by the London Observer of today: "Nothing gave more comfort to the French than the splendid fighting side-by-si3 with them on the Ourcq of the American battalions. They proved that the American people, reckoning their numbers and fibre together, are capable of becoming the greatest mili tary nation in "the world. "By Tuesday the Germans had reached their limit and had even been driven back here and there. They had failed to reach Villers-Cotterets or the lower course of the Ourcq and they have sine been securely held. Villages have changed hands again and again, but final advantages in the last few days have been nearly always with the allies, and in these reconquering little actions British troops, as at Bligny, near Rheims, have signalized them selves with the best. "The Germans can never have had the least hope or getting to Paris as a result of one battle. Their chief pur- (Continued on Page Three.) AMERICANS REPULSE AN ENEMY ATTACK Washington, June 10. General Per shing's communique today reports the repulse of a heavy enemy attack in the vicinity of Bouresches, with se vere enemy losses. There was lively artillery fighting in the Chateau Thier ry and Picardy regions. The communique, dated June 9, fol lows : "Section A Northwest of Chateau Thierry the enemy made a fresh at tack during the night on our posi tions in the vicinity of Bouresches. The attack, which was preceded by artillery preparations and accompa nied by heavy machine gun fire, broke down with severe losses to the assail ants. In this region and in Picardy there was lively artillery fighting. "On the Marne sector the day was marked by decreased artillery activ ity." Captain and Crew Landed. New York, June 10. Captain J. Mc Kenzie and 16 members of the crew of the American steamship Pinal Del Rio, who have been missing since the ves sel was sunk by a German submarine off the coast of Maryland on June 8, reached here today on a Norwegian steamship, which rescued them from a small life boat about 70 miles off the oast of Now Jersey. AMERICAN TROOPS GAINED BY GERMANS 1 Mm Ml v'!. LITTLE ADVANCE IS Great. Forces Hurled Into Line Between Montdidier and Oise NO EFFECT IS PRODUCED Allies Retired From Advanced Posts Which Formed Front Line From Noyon GROUND Germans Deluged Allies to Depth of Six Miles With Poison Gas and High Explosive Shells With the French Army in France, Sunday, June 9. Notwithstanding the great forces the Germans threw Into the line today when they opened their offensive between Montdidier and the Oise, they did not achieve any consid erable advance. The enemy apparently hoped by weight of numbers to break the line on this sector which he failed to do during the first half of April when so many severely engagements resulted In the Germans being stopped short. Time after time increasingly dense waves of infantry attempted to pierce the allied defenses. Southwest of Noyon, however, they could not pro duce any effect on the determined troops holding the front lines. The defenders were as firm as rocks and held the enemy tightly in check. The Germans were able to make some immediate progress because the allies retired from the advanced posts which constitute the first line west ward from Noyon. When the real line of resistance was reached, ''how ever, the enemy's advance was check ed and small counterattacks delivered immediately by the allies were suc cessful in regaining ground. Before the infantry attack the Ger mans deluged the allied lines to a depth of at least six miles with poi son gas and high explosive shells. The allied troops replied immediately with a fire of terrific intensity in order to hinder the movements of the enemy troops getting ready to advance. When the infantry attack finally came it did not effect such a wide front as the artillery preparation. In the cen ter of the attackfng front, where the allied line was weakest, owing to ter rain conditions, the Germans were able to reach Ressons-Sur Matz and Mareuil. Throuhout the day, however, every foot of territory was contested bitterly and the line maintained per fect cohesion despite all the efforts of the Germans to pierce it. The slight progress the Germans made cost them dearly. ine amea len nank neia just as solidly as the right and the German advance was limited to the occupa tion of a few trenches without affect ing the strength of the positions. Evidently the Germans hurled all the forces available in the front line Into the attack with the hope of ob taining immediate success before the allies could take proper defensive measures, but they found before them a much more vigorous defense than they expected . Continue Bombardment, Paris, June 10. The long range bombardment of the Paris district continued today. 16 SURVIVORS LANDED Members of Crew Saw -'UhVffS; known Schooner Sunk-gif by German Sill), ;&uS SIDES ARE RIPPED OPEN f T TJ x. I I J XT -T 1 i'f . '? M-ooai naa io laenuncauon Marks and Seemed in Hurry to Get Rid of Captured Shiji Washington, June 1&. German stt&r1 ) marines, whose operations off. the tAtr:i lantic p.naat hnpnina VntAm a moat J -rxw TT VQft - .-ljf tooay, nave added anotbftftsmall crafts to their list or victims. Navy depart' -i ment dispatches published today an- nounce the sinking Saturday of the " -1 American steamer Pinar Del Rio, of, 2,504 tons, engaged in West Indian trade, about 70 miles off the cotst of Maryland. One of the vessel's boat containing the captain and 17 members of the crew had not been heard from early' today. Another with 16 men landed late yesterday on the North Carolina coast 1 Dispatches to the navy department I failed to reveal whether the steamer was torpedoed or sunk by shell fixe,' but press - dispatches from Norfolk quote the survivors who ;nded south of that point as saying she was tcr! pedoed. j The loss of the Pinar Del Rio brings the total known list of Vessels sunk by German raiders to 18, eight steam ers and 10 ships of other types. i Saw Another 8unk. An Atlantic Port, June 10. Sixteen survivors of the crew of the American freighter Pinal Del Rio, which was! sunk by an enemy submarine raider; off the Maryland coast Saturday, an- i nounced on their arrival at Elizabeth City, N. C, today en route to Norfolk, i that shortly after the ; TJVboat end ' their hrp to the bottom of the Atlan-' tic,rtheyc witnessed the sinking of a unknown schooner a few miles away.! The survivors say the Pinar Del Rio was sunk by gunfire, four shots shat-' tering the hull of the vessel amidships and two ripping open her sides for-, ward. They declare the U-boat bore no identfication marks and say the Germans seemed in a hurry to get rid of their vessel" after capturing her. The crew were picked up a few hours after the submarine disappear', ed and landed at Kill Devil. Hill savins station on the Carolina coast and sent here by steamer. ' VICE CRUSADE IN PANAMA AND COLON Panama, June 10. A military order forbidding United States soldiers to enter the cities of Panama and Colon until the government of Panama places restrictions on vice conditions in those cities has received support from the trades unions representing the major ity of the canal zone employes. The men have agreed not to enter or make purchases In either of the cities until the mandate of the military authorities is carried out. Secretary Lansing at Union Schenectady, N. Y., June 10. Sec retary of State Lansing, as honorary chancellor, delivered the address to day at the 122nd commencement of Union college. Following the addsess the degrees were conferred upon thejr graduates by President Richmond. F ON RAILROADS TODAY Besides Paying 3 Cents a Mile, Half Cent Added For Pullman Washington, June 10 Travelers, upon American railroads today paid increased fares, the new rates of three cents a mile, ordered by Direc tor General McAdoo, having become operative last midnight. Passengers en route to destinations on trips starting before last midnight completed their journeys at the old rate, but with stop-over privileges abolished. In addition to increasing all fares' to three cents a mile the order, effec tive today, added one-half cent a mile to the fare of Pullman accommoda tions. The charge for a berth or chair In Pullman cars will remain " the same. - To Arrest Draft Evaders. Meridan, Miss., June 10. ISveryv' thing was quiet at Philadelphia and ' Union this morning, where a squad of soldiers and federal, officers went late -Sunday to. effect the arrest of Frank Crhishom, a prominent farmer and his 7 san and several other alleged draft evaders. , " ""V MM PAD - ' ' .. 1 n v e, " 7 "J ; - , , f r , .

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